Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1918. liinrnnu . . ' - PAVING TAX SUITS 1 RECEIVE KNOCKOUT Soldiers to Be Told Who Has Not Given to United War Fund Drive .1 M. V ! I I'll I HOME SERVICE GETS INTO WORK HARNESS YIUUKYBUYSTOfin 1 I ' American Boys Rewarded for Bravery OVER TOP WITH WILL us l I Stale Supreme I ouri lii-llur. Itl..v Id Unrin-, Vln II, ivo I. mil I p lllg Iti-vcnur Nniiri i ! DISTRICT COURT HEVLRSED i 'mrtinlsMoncr Hail lii-initti IUuur li ii.n. I . Mi.ill lie I tur 4 olio 1 tun. Tim I ..I ! ! . .f 1 m 1 j ,M I .1 nl i" I r.i--1 if .Mii K run" 1 I !. .t. ' '.,1 'I,, k f.i'-l , I !.: r . ,,' .1. I Hi I'.l . 11 1 1 '"1 1 1 ; . s(. 1 1 i-i 1 in have ....I 1 11,1 1 ii- i. ..1 1 '.ln 1.1. 1 !lii , tsi .', 1 1,., 1 I ... (.1 1 I I'.' .M... . IS ..l-l.-.l ' ' 1 . i' '. .:ii In :.i .1 , if..., 11 1- '. 1 1 'i ' 1 M ' ' "' ' ' . ,r I 1 , . . -1. I 1 , ' , , ; . ,'.,, r 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 :;;:..;:."! ' . 1 , : 1 t 'tin 4 ; 1 1 1 1 , handid 11 I'" ' 1 .j 1 i.r Hint M'nr' .i ri I - 1.1 I l.i' y ill! "II 1 ri-i i iv. llij 1 fn.lil ! II. ae, III, ll Il I III I ' be II, I III' I.' Tin' U. 1 Mill V I Ullll"' I ..III I .1 I;. Tl. v I ii.rnr ri- si'iiri-!. , ,'U 1 r.UKn'il .,,111 . 1 -I 'i: 1,1 I I. ,1 1 1 .1. I'. I- M. II'. r T.n- I 1.1 11,1, I, 'H I,, nnli'i 1 .1 hi, II 1 in i.rtlt'l i-il In ill. 11, , ' li' i. : 1 'in rl t it-. I ulbi'iur-. U. I '11! 11, . U I'l'.in.ii! II, . I III pll 1 ,i'KI' . . 'II 1. 1 I I , 'K ' bill W lli' 11 H I I i- I ". (if 'I 11 Kl .l.i 1 I f..r f.1 1 1 i l ( s ii.r i'l HI) 1. WD". I II Ml I .1 I.T 'I l. "'I .' !' tl'll I'l'lil IIIHt .1 I i il, I .. VVl'll lliti'li"t ai tlii' nil i' of 1' j.'1 . ' 11' I " 1 in 11 .-i llllllll. Ill I III' IllHl.illll l'lll .lUl- I' l III II "BLOOD TONIC I SAY NUMBER 40" I'Tunk I'. Hkiiggn, prominent drug gist, I liirrlnluirg, III.. write 'Niiih- lll'r 4H II Mflll gollltf g"i"l. If ! ctlH tnmer says 'Itlniitl Toole,' I i 'Num ber 4 ft,' H It give tlm III! N.ltlHfllt Mull of any blood tontr I li.ivii hit .old."'il In lil'lml poison, rhriinli I heumullxiti, and fuliirrli, acroful.i, mercurial and lead poisoning, con stipation, liver unit Nlumarli linnlil. t'ndnr Its mm. iioili'M, minors nnil glandular swellings that have with stood ull other . treatment illsuppiar mi If hy muglc. Made by J. t Mendenliall. 41 years a druggist, Kvanvlllo. In, I TTIrn tl 2!l per hoi tin, hi hotllo.i 17.00. Hold liy Rtlonhnrg Hros. Cured His RUPUTRE I was badly ruptured while lift InK a trunk avral ymira an. Iiul tnia aid my only hope of curs wan an prratlon. Trunaoa did tn no gnnd. finally I Rut hold of nomnthliiK Hint ulckly and cnmplrtnly rurud mo. Yeam hav pajiaed and Ihn rupliira haa navnr raturtird, nlthutmti I nm Aolnc ' hard work n a rnrprntrr, Thcra wan no operation, mi liuit tlmn, no trouUla. I hava nuthlnv to anil, but will tv full lnfoitnHnn about how you nmy find a complotn cura without nprraUnn. If you will writ to inn. KUKPni M. I'ullen. Curpontor, 697-K Marrallua avciuin, Miiii.tmiuiin, N. J. Batter rut out lhl notlrr and how It to any othira who iirw rup turid you may aava a llfo or at 1 tt ait atop lhi mlnnry of rtipturn and tha worry and dnnwr of an opera tion. Adv. t h .1 Ii in. i L. il.'.i, iik in i i .-. il.- ' , In. ,. I rii .ii i uHiif i a. 1 1 In. li i 1 l" I ! I , ., I.'l ,1.1. I I ' .Ml' u l..i'. I nil I l.i .ill, . ..uf..' Ii.' I In. .'. I'l 111.' 1. I li -l 11 1 II V I IH 'h fl II. .Ill In 1., ll'.l ".KM It' si i r "f lui'i m nt 1.1. h .1 I.r i nul lum l'i Ml ii i.iH III .UliI I'l- jnni'i'il , i inn i.f llln 'I 1 1 I i. iii.'ii.i'i.i. Ii ia i . 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 ' 1 1 . n mi. I n i I IK liullfli'il i,l IniH I'li-i tf.l Jn m il ii4 mnl l i v ... Ill tnriH'V, 'k fi ll .'. il,.- in .."T'y i. i l .iWi'i! Ill a I iii I nun y I lum ' ill-, ,li. I:, i In ri iim mi i. f. 'ii, I in .hi ft-.psw sir ; J fx rtin nt of Ili-rt nw Intniiti-d lo Alii Solilli r-.' In M-iiili'jjt Mai Out riuns fin r'uiVj1. - inrrli ul mililli r Iiitimw wt-iirliiK HM-dnln. Knur i.f tti" ttiiiiiMMrnlH nf Aiiinrlriiii Iiuvh who ur per forniliiK hermlr iii tn In ohiiHlnn lli Hun bark along tho wfatiTri frmit iirr HtioAn alinvi'. Thy 11II weiir 11111I.1W -the reniKiilllim nf lln-lr liriisw deedM. Ift In rlehi urn nf i.'hli ukii, l i iiwli k nf Went Irinlii im.l 'ienree Shlvi'lly. Iliirlwrll iiii'iIhIIIh 111 1 1 1 1 11 i r i' and the illMliiiKUlsln l lajvne 1 .,i-m. all uw.inl.'d him .Ink Swain nf Tl .!. Albert 1 1 . t r I w -1 1 IN hliliwil we,uilK Hie i rnlx Uf Ulll'llr fur hi.-i w.rl, MONEY BACK ithon qnwUnn f llunl'f Hmlw Ei to ihm trtmimiii ut WiMm, r, Klnrwortn, Ilch, rbv Ihu bm dlamnnutMl nvranii ftlhi-r trMi)Miu fwltMl. llaot's Kla hu niiaiwl butMlmlsuttiiuJ -, To rttn'l lot no our Jtfoif Hw 0ri. Try It l our link TUHAY. Wio 71a. &I drm titi.rrt. ran I lull nl nil lfi.n 111... ..itmnlntelv COREGA Holds Falae Teeth Firmly in Mouth 14 rimala Ouu (iurni ihrlnk or wtsll anil illn bMwmn lootn. whi.'h li no fu of tli iliitiKl. An I ppticatinn of tort'i; nift vnly .mi 1 be J ijttitftl plat rflirmH thi'si ronditioiiK H holds tb p1t firmly n4 romfor'.aMy tli 1 lHr,iliun. AIm) prom,. dsn inoulll hylt'im. J n.'.c at lirnfr ilurn, wnl dentiil Kup'l nruftriMt mn itih In l..ii'1'.nKi' the lien and Iiiivp Ins ri..i'-iv ""III In pay the JidlK iin ni An. I If lie Ih mh fflrlenl ly fur linniie In Mve Inn prlpertv lie Ih In-v-uiiitilv mull led in the rnntH nf an 1 s'li'imive Mini liari lieliiK liMKiitinn a he 11 I liu imly ri'imiiii fur belnn vl 1 H11I Willi Hui'h pennlty In ttlllt be le fn ,ei In pay an intiirtlnnitle iiftnr i.i'V'm fi-e ilenninileil 1114 11 cnndlllnn pi'i'i I'.leiil In iifrntn finiii 11 fiirerli.H, lire nf tin Men." .1 .1 lleiuHii'Hon, wlni repretwiili'd Mm Isi leiier ami tJrler, mhIiI yeater day thai mmen nf xlinlUr raxin will lie .1 1 mi 1 1 now that the Nuprefne nit him nii ef fei tlvely put n i'H.1 In the iwivIiik tit.x ell mnl 1 hmianndN nf (InllarM luivi' been niveil to perKnim hn woiilil ntherw lne he rompelleil to pay tliein out In Hltiirney' feH. AdbT HUn of .Miplriy. I'.AKHI,, Hwltxerlund. Tuesday, Nov. i Tlie death nf Vietor Aillur, th foreign pel retury of (iermnn A imt rii ami the Aimtrlan hnrlallat lender, plerday In SJennu won 1I110 to npoplrny. gooduv, WOMEN'S TROUBLES Tho tnrturea and dlaromfnrta of Wmk. lanie itinl tu'htng baek, awollen ami bbiiiled fuel ami lliiiba. weak neitx, UnnllUile. dliixliieiu, nauaea, that tired wornoul fnrlliiK. nervoumiefa, aleepleKni'M, an a rule have their oi'lKln In ki.lnrv trouble, not "fa niiilu cnm.laliit "' Thee general ymptoina of the kidney and bladder dleeaan nre well known o la tha remedy. Nent tlnie you feel a twlnga of piu iiu'he lark nr lira troubled wltfi lieinl .p.e, IndlKenllmi, lneomnla, li ntntliTii In the bladder or pain In tha InliiH and lower nl. .lumen, jou will find quirk and mire relief In tlOl.l) MKHAI. Iliinrleni oil fapmilea. ThU old and tried remedy for kidney dmeitHe and allied derangement na mood itte wnrk. I'Aina and Iroublea vunliili and new life mid health will riiino in you i-oiilliine their una. rentnred to your UHiiiil vtKnr, rontlnue taking a rap- mi.e or two enrh !..; ttley will kep ymi feeling fine and privent a ro. turn nf vour troublo iin.l MKHAI. Haarlem 1 1 4fap aulea are luipore,aVl Irei't from tha iMlinrittiirli'H nt lliuirlem, Holland, (let them from yourdruKglat. Ho lint tuise a Miitistliutn. In aealed boxea. three Mlxea. DOG JURISPRUDENCE IS HOWLING SUCCESS City Briefs I INCOME TAX MAN IN ! TULSA TO CHECK UP I'at. A line Hun, Suhlm or Suit .liiKtlK' I'oiirt IW'nl Iji'kuI Talent rnwureil. In ijili'lhum plan hnuM Ytmr hli wholfxtlfr. l'lrrliuiil. III, ki 4 Wir.iga r).nil(Al -Adirrrluement. f nun PERFECT WOMANHOOD I'irfei't wiiiiKtiihond ili'"'iidn on perfect health. Hooiilv and u K'nl nlHpoaltlon both vniilnh licforo pain and Buffering. A threat nieniu e 10 11 wninan ii' happlneHt In life la the Buf fering thut riimi from aunie fune tlonal derangement whlrh huoii ile velnpH heailarhcH, baekai'lie. ner- vononefiM and "the blues." Kor nurh anfferlnK. women find help In that faniniiH nl.t runt ami herb remedy. I.yilla !: I 'I ri k tin tn e 'eiret:iblr 4"n 1 1 1 -pound, whl.'d f..r three KeneratiotiH ha bei'n rrtuniir health to women of Amerlni. ,, 161 the GenuinivaCS'Tr .fQ E c onomy XUit&iT Every Cake EP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy-If You Know Dr Kdwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel f'oiuip to do this you must watch your ivcruntl bowels - thcre'siioneedol hav 111K a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look In your (ace dull eyes with no uparklo. Yourdix'torwill tell you ninety pur cent of nil sickness comes from in lictivc bowels and liver. Dr. lidwards, a well-known physician In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are senile in their action yet always ctlective. They bring about that iutx-rance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive 1 Tablets by their olive color. 10c and 23c per box. All drujfjjista. Ile'n no ordinary turtle hound. Ilia mime In Pat, nllaN P in, and he la di'.scrlhed In the papera filed in the nffleo of John J. .Shirk, Juatior of tho peaee, ai "one while nnd llveri, rolnred pointer mule d"g " To determine hla fnt, to aava the honea, ao to apeak, the legal de partment nf the Mngnoll i Petroleum eornpiiny la undergoing the real teat of legal ability. In olher worda, Jurlaprudencn In 'now wltneaalng a 1 I e Kill game of hare and hound with the bound one Jump behind. If the dog, or rather Put, allan l)n, were 11 mere aoup kitchen wnlf, tha prol nhlllty la Juki Ice Hluck would never ba called upon to umpire the con tent. An It la, Put. nlhia lan, la probably tha moat Important mem ber of the canine family In Tulmi It rame aliout this wny. Several montha ago 11 well driller gave n fine dog to John ft. Mclaughlin, an Independent oil operator, whoae brother, M. .1 Mclaughlin la auper Intendent of tha Magnolia Petroleum company. He wan mimed Pat nnd beenmo 11 gribit pet about the hi. inc. A Pat approached hla diiya of ma turlty, however, the wandorluxt eel led upon him. lie atartad out to anw hla wild outa, and in no doing he wandered awny from the beaten path. It developed, according to Mr. Mclaughlin, that I'nt'a path of wuv wardnoHa landed him In the north aide, where he eventually found a haven of rent In the home of Prank If. Alupauuh, 1124 Norlh Ponton. The natural thing to do, the Mr I.aughlln'a argued, was to take I'at back and give him another Vh.ince. He wiim, therefore, taken back. Ttut In the Interim It aeems that he hud found ,i wnrni we'eoe-e in e AI apnugh home, an after being kept In communicado at the Mcl.anghlln'a for aeveriil montha, ha straightway ; head I i.r the AlKpaughM upmi the 1 occiikIiui of hla releuno from cmi- f Inement. 1 1 v thia time I'at had won a home a' tho Alapuughx under the paeu Innym Kan, which U tho name hy which he hua hern gnlng there, the legal papers any. Thin deception wna ilixcnveied In eimrt yealrrduv when ltenlamin It. Irlakenry, coun hi'I fur the Magnolia Petroleum com pany, made hla debut in .lirathe Slack's court In a ninth -hour effort to net I'at back on the straight and narrow path. Hy filing a redelivery bond in an netion of replevin, It became man datory upon the Alxpaugh to turn Pat back to the McUiughlliia. So there the matter rents, temporarily at lennt. Whether further efforta will be made by tho Alnpaugh to prove that Put is not Dun, or by tho Mc- IaughllnM to nhow In the patlaf.ic tlnn of the court that Pat 1.1 Pan, was not Indicate.! yentorday. The legal iiucatlims Involved, Mr. Itlake ney admitted, might Involve Issue as momentous 11a those of the fa mous Tommy Atkins case, as he like, wise admitted tha hla first venture In dog Jurisprudence had been u howling sun-ens. RABBI lb"eRWILL TALK s III. III. ;. lliil.MKS. loo! business went tn V IrhitaV yeatnrdny to' branch furnishing busi- 111s hack 111: .ii More 1111 n have kidney trouble I the bureau of public Information at than an- aware i.f 1: .'us' how aeri- the special Instigation nf the French mis a luu'Kni'hf. mmi' hiuscloN, Hi'K- hli:h I'omman.l, and h.u ftrat-hand im; Inlni.s. 'heuunit ism. awnlien . Unnwli'dge of what the seven vvel". Hint I !u t':tii; i-"...ii nui- he is fare agencies do for tl e soldiers. He M.iiti'liincs rial. .nd only when .1 mall ! was at I'hatenu-Thteri at the time iii'.i in pis I.. 1 live n ut :.f.. iris iranco the fight started an. I stayed, with the ami ..s refused on ;i '. uiiii; nl kidney hovs nil through stage of the t-n'ih:.' .i,'s,,h i; Wolf, South conflict. iCKM.n . tl'ien IS.iy. Wis. vniles- Kahbi Silver spoke nt Okliihnmn Kulni'.v Pi"s relieve ! me of a I CU- yesterday and has heon sent to he that had hot hcred I Tulsa bv the state council of defense Ills tolk, It is believed, will enliven bink after neas there Mil.". ,1. M IIAVNKIt ha.i Invited In a lew friends this afternoon to meet her mother, Mra. I'uhi'tiinur, IMtahurg III I . A. H. HI MlirUilKK of Oklahomu t'lty. iiewapiiper writer, politician and business man. waa lu Tulmi yea terday un husinesn THU VDl'Mi 1 1.MAN Mjiaionary ot'iety of the Flrat M. 10. church will mee.t thla aftctti.inn at 2.30 o'clock with Mra. Charles Karren. COUP. 1J-.-WIS A. MO.NKOK hae sent word 10 his parent, Mr. tuid Mrs. Jajrien A. Monroe, of hut aafe arrival overa.aiH. Corporal Monroe 1a In the baloon eervice fur wha-h he trained in Omaha. Neb. I -- KM.VKlt PU MK UHiC.IS, Knight of Pythias, and the order of I'yiliian Slatera, will meet for theft- regular husinoMB iinBlona thm evi-ning, fol lowing which there will bo a Juinl program and a supper. . A rtPI''IAI. MKKTINU of Tulsa lodgo 71. A. J'. A A. M. will be. held at 2 o'clock thla afternoon for the purpose of giving the entored ap prentice degree. I minor Hill be served at (l:an, followed by the regu lar review of tho order. THK KAlIt irlce comioltteo did not meet aa announced Tuesday, on ac count of the united fund drive. I n til C. J. Illndman, food adminis trator, call a meeting of the com mittee the priced ael lost week, will prevail. t A I.'JK'Al. 1U11M wna the talk-h est bidder on the Ited I'roea tirea, which for the p.wt several weeka hnve been piling up at Second ami Huetiin ami Fifth and Hoaton. Tho inaing brought 7 renin per pound and the tubing 9 cents It is estimated that the entire lot will bring ItiStl. which : exceeds the prlve realized on the .rl bit by more than J150. . , . ItFV. .1 J. H. ItKKHY has re : 1 elved word of the death of hia 1 grandson, FrancU Heedy, son of 'Mr. i and Mrs. L. VV. Heedy of lnver. I Col., which occurred November 2. i 1' won due to an attack of pneu monia followed by htmrt trouble. 1 he young man had enhated In var ious branches of the service but had been dlaiiuahfied physically and wan making every effort to get Into con dition which might w.irmnt his ac ceptance by the army. A MKKTIMJ of the district offic ers of the woman's auxtlary of the Kpiacopal church will he held In this eltv Friday, with two communion service Incident, during the day Corporate communion and the united offering In Trinity church communion will be held at 1.4ft1 o'clock, conducted by lllshop Thurs ton, who now Is acting aa bishop Tor the mole i.f liklahomo. Following tho services named, the official board of the auxiliary will meet in the home of Mrs William 11. Sill. t TIIK'HV FCH K A cf.PB will meet this afternoon with Mrs. C, F.. Strou velle. The program for the afternoon will be the combined program of October 2fi and November 9 and wtil be in charge of Mra. 11. I.. Frot. Mrs Fred Clinton, Mra C. K P.unh and Miss Orehaugh. All members of the club who have cera nre nuked to meet AT UirU CPUtiiil TUtlirUT ' 'he 2 .10 South Main car In order to Ml MIUM OL-nUUL I UlMlun I I meet the members who have no way j of getting to the home of the hostess. t'n the program tonight at the i KVKUfTTT P. IUIKa, 41. an nt-' high school auditorium with Mrs. j torney, dld yesterday afternoon at .losephus Daniels will be ltabhl Abba hla home. 135 Kajt I-audon Htreet Hlllil Silver of New York He will Pneumonia, which developed from; tell nf conditions as he haa seen them I Influenitu, ca.used hla death.' He Is j in France along the fighting line. survived by hi wife, one sun und blsj Kiiltil Silver was sent to France by i mother, who made her home with: Honiliian rH Open In Federal Ilull.l. Ing Where IMilillo tan llo In fiTimil u,s i luil Muiiors. Have you played four square on your Income tax and are yon poalt- e that you have "turned In" every thing that Is subject to the tax '.' If tmt, get right. The collector of Internal revenue is In Tulsa prepared lo check up In, 'nines and If any have tint paid what they ahould have puld the investigation which is In bo put under way toiUiy will show It. Hubert I. Holen, rollector of In ternal revenue for iklahoma. ar ciimpumed by a enrpa nf deputies, reached Tulsa lust night from Miami, where an investigation has been tin der wuy for some ume. Headiuar tim will be opened In the federal building today and the local investi gation will proceed there. Similar investigat ionv are now un der way In every stale in the union. "A majority of the mistakes that have been made." Mr. Holen a.iid night at Hotel Tuln,i. "are due more lo tho fact that the public wasn't given time to study the law and become thoroughly acquainted with It. There are comnorativelv few instances on record in ' U lahoma i the where any deliberate attempt has been made to evadu the law or to pay a smaller tax than Incomes re- Itiire. t Is largely to correct these mistakes and act tha Incomo tax paying public on tho right path that these investigations are helug made." Accompanying Mr. P.olen are the following deputies who will remain here until the check is completed: It. I,. Ilaugh, A. I), llumbarger, Ttay Hatchett. John F, Itogers and II. II. McMillan. Hen Kiley and Wiley Jones, who came in lust night fronj MUml, left thla morning for Okla homa City. The ruse and executive cominit- teen of ten borne aervlce department I of the Ued cms, meeting in Joint I sessinn yisterday afternoon at in j home serviie office, mapped out the: ' nrk of tha organization for thu future, and asu conferred tngelher j nn the d.spoaal of the unusual casen that come up from time to time vti Km I Sinclair and Mra. (Millie Cialen were appointed a committee to investigate and care for one par ticular cane. Mrs. W. N. Sill was Kiveii personal supervision of an other, and Iwn lmvlMBon a third. Philip Catea and lain Daviaaon were appointed to look after the pw! llclty of the home service depart ment and will probably appoint a, publicity manngrr Immediately. Forma of various kinds have been received by the home ervic, that may lie filled out, aliU finam lal mai lers between the man in the service, his dependents and the gov criinient may be su-aigiitened out wlihaul loss of tune in future Soldiiis who have fulled to make allotmeni.i for he'r faihera and mother may fill lu one kind of form and the allotment and allowances go forward immediately. Another kind is n-aerved for wiveu not named in their husbanrV allotment, i.ii'l still another for children not ed such as children horn after the father enters the service Still another form is applicable only to dici.ised alloteie, tin s, if the wife of a soldier and lelauvis or friends pay her in.ard, mom. hos pital, physicians fees and funeral hills, they wtil he reimbursed from her own allotment from Loth her a..ldier-tiudiiind and the government. In case a soldier Is d i harged or dua before there Is enough accumulated tminpv to cover these expenses, his ! government Inaurance goea on. and I in paid to those who hav paid the impensea accrued during the wife's, , illnesM anil death. In case a aoldter dlea while home on furlough, or en route while still in the service, the expetiaea will be pail by the government. MtH. Colay. chairman of the home service, urges all people whose allot ments have continued for a lime, and then stopped unaccountably, to firm write the bureau of war work Inaur ance. or whatever department the allotment cornea through, and If they do not communicate within two weeks, make application to tha home service department and the matter will be attended to. In retard to the delivery of letters to boya in tho American expedition ary toiciM, families are discouraged writing to Washington, for there la no department In that city having charge of soldiers' mall. Patience is counseled in all c;iws. and all families are urged to continue writ ing to the soldier at frequent Inter vala, making aure that the address is correct and given In full. Ad dressoH ohould be typewritten or printed in ink: All rumors of aoldlers being wounded or killed should bo dlarred itcl unlets the report Is officially g.yen out from Washington. Hu mors of this sort have been found to be the work of the enemy In an ef fort to break down the morale of citizens at home. In caee the news cornea direct from the war de partment, the fiunily can get advice from the homo service department In regard to obtaining full particu lars aa to the manner and xtent of his wounds, or aa to his death. OKLAHOMA CITY. Nov. 13 One man haa already been re ported to the atale council of de fense for falling to respond to the en II of the united war work cam paign. The following telegram was sent nun Wednesday by the state council nf defense: "Reported here you refuse to do your duty aa a patriotic citizen In the united war work drive. This work la absolutely essential. We are sure you do not take tho atti tude that you will desert our boys In France almply beimuse thay have already made your country and your home safe. Please wire us at once.' County counclla of defenae all over the state are reporting that they are watching for slackers and will report them promptly. The names may be bulletined. It Is certMln they will be kept and turned over to soldiers from each community when they eome home. Heporta received up to o'clock tonight from 18 of the 21 districts in the alate show subscription of $ 49!..')fin Kvery county In district three haa gone over Its nunti. Tillman having trebled It and still going, other counties In the dis trict are Harmon, tiregg. Jackson and Klowa. other counties in the honor class are Alfalfa. Heaver, tirant and Ive. victorygirT "moYement IN SCHOOLS is gaining If "I. f'll.-. ' i'. : 'r..v I l"M nl l'l, 1 1..., I ' fnvi "' ,5 i.f iv. ' "h- -r. "'li m. "1 Ih. Tnt'i ...Is., 'I -llfl "I t - Tl,,' tVinvcnca "I'lu" Docket. Wrth SI 4 cases facing him, mu nicipal Juilan i. Kd Warren opened court at 1:30 yesterddy afternoon to go lis far as poae.lble through Vhat he termed hla "special flu docket." Two hundred and alxty of the cases were dlapoaed of and judge Warren, as well as the rest of the police of ficials, feel more comfortable than they have felt for a month. There are only 54 of the "flu docket" canes left. SPAVINAW CREEK HIGH NOW AND FISHING MAY BE GOOD "Spnvlnnw creek la higher now than It has been for years." aaid Walter Downing, of the Tulaii- Jzark club yewterday. "and when the waters recede. I predict the beat fitthlng In years." Mr IXiwinng suggested that h might have a personally conducted excursion to the club house with newspaper men his giun'.s. Of course the rabbit has other troubles, but be isn't subject to ar rest for traveling without a tall light. Things couldn't look any better for the victory girl drive for today. Kvery student In the high and grade schools Is pulling to make the school system ino per cent for the war campaign fund. In f'let. the fUestlnn Is no longer, "Will the schools measure up?" but. "Who will be the first to report their status lo headquarters after the 8:30 bell rings?" Yesterday the city was covered thoroughly by the committee on or ganization and in many places they found the subscriptions already taken. The Ilunt-Murry Dry tioods company and the Kresa store were the first reporting every employe under 20 a victory girl yesterday. Today will tell the Hory what the youth of Tulsa think awwlt boys "oyer there." the : heiwtons at Snn, swi,, .. . Tula Show l.rganii.i, ' . ' " "Hu rt- With the I.,. Organization nf tl,,. club goes ineriiiv v' Springs .vest.r.l.iv minute sprakt. all the fact,,!!,, plants. It is ri pm haa more than il,,i,i,; nieiiihershlp in the clllh. The it,,i., nnd 00 hnjs .,),,, At a mei'tlng v.-.', nt the central s, t,,, Tulsa, Miss Horn, r , V. W. C. A . ,-,r, i . are In charge nf girls cluhs, exi.l.nni tion lo the pij,,, KchOof Willi Ji,l ,,, Some nf the j,ii;,i1s for as high as I of the pupils is ,, N , charge of the pi-.. thougn they ari In good shape i . . i Minn KI....... '. ''"fit school are 1 ., . I ; . - , , , J ', .' ! ' "" , . . II I II" ,,v, and girls organivi.., s ,, Mann shows signs .,f nr,,,, ,, nervine which v.,:; t i rd- However, there w.ll I , ,, .,,.., announced until Snur.i,, In the hnW to. .I,, :,t y , A. last nlcht the p.i,.,i..'s. i was (old of the . .,. , '.' purposes by I. . .1,,..", ''.,.'4 one of the :ii; t, ,.,;.., s,;;r pleds-a for as huh. ,., . ,. ,. ,, ' as f IS. This clut. hi. . :, .. (.., ganlzed eight we. I,-.. .,. u M;lr,, out like It inc. m: .-.r,.,.s fj.) newshovs of Tul-a. so f.i tu,' scribed till) to the m,r, w.,rw,ir, campaign. Kvery town In T'i!m riy Is r. ported to be going i!. t,,p .. raising Its iiot.i In the Vi.iorv ll,,v. and girls' clulis. Sp-rrv :,n. im,,,, are running u r ie., to s-e , rv get the moht mciiilii rn of eithrr ganiiatlnn. Spvrry I.- a!, out half i... alze of Owasho. Tho boys employed at the tr.. Fnlon Telegraph co!ii;i.ii,v ,h. fly Jrap faetorv will be nr-ii,.7.d t. day by Mr. Justus II,- cxpei-u least a hundred pledges fr,,m et b of these groups. A recuperative diet In Influenr.a. Horllok'B Malted Milk, very dlfest Ible. Adv. Mrs. Peavish mys th.T iilthmji1 Mr. Peavish can i.i,,. a ,; when little Pansv his the carart.. he waken up lnst intiy ivh. n h: b:r! don whines at tho back i..,u Acid Stomach Causes Indigestion! Instant. Relief So Why Woiiy Gas, souring food, dyspepsia. When your meals lay like lumps of lead and you belch acid, gases and feel sick and upset. Instant relief! The moment Tape's Diapepsin reaches the stomach, distress goes. No waiting ! Misery ends ! Costs: so little at-drug stores. Makes stomachs feel fine! upset? Papers Diapepsin WILL PUT YOU ON YOUR FEET Pon t call It boys." tilve to campaign. charity." It's due "the the united war work Constipation Why Catarrh Always Comes With Windy Winter Nature Gives a Cry for Help, That Will Make This Win ter a Season of Good Health for You. THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation. When the proper dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it is the effect of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper tics that aid in establishing a natural and regular action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured many cases of chronic constipation. back. I. r wv I'i'.il in mi t Iim." Any Kvmp- f kiiittt'V tt'OllHn lll'l't'VP wt- ..d t'V crv, vv I'.ci c Adv. intiTost In tho I'litopiiiifti to mic-n nn cxti-nt Hint Tulna will ko over the top cviti further than i contemplated. I I ADIES $1Q00 REWARD! LTJ'PS TZJmat tha krt-. aioalntuiil. bMrmnf iun la ItTtlaT. rtob plnyr lnurf wllh r. ' l-i MOe: lOI oinminn w. llltl It , I I. p'.M U.SJk IHIUUUS.. UlUttlTLKk I tipwuAl pnMriUa lor ifWcMMa "'. Ct Ihf urintrT MMI. tAMna "OA-anoonout Pckaf wwum ai 1 1. aiN nat tauai atricajra tl 00 al CiMCfltU mli miiimi a. w ramru tiw u ri V y inn u ar to. 1 Itinoclit tiarriNim H'vilt l'.IUTISH llKAMyrAltTI'ltS IV ri.AN'l'KKS, N. v is. ( l;iva -The Ocriiian cirrisnn In ltruw'.s hn trvi.'.ti'd ana.t'.st the niini'iitoniN . tHlnnei1 offu era ari'urd ,nc to neutral I t en c!i :n i; the Itri' iltii's from !'.nin. ' Severn 1 of Uie officers were kll'.ed. him. I'linerivl wtvicoh will be hold ut i Mowbniy'!! clmpel at 4 o'clock thin afternoon nnd interment will be in I Hone Hill cemetery. Mr. Ilhca pruc ticeit liw In WniroiMT for wvimhI ears, later move.! to Muskogee nnd 1 recently came to Tulxi. where he van eiiKiiKerf In the practice of law. ... , MISS AHA STARKWEATHER, secretary of the Y. W. C. A , left yes terday for Oklahoma City to Join Mish Mudow. who In representing the V.'nKlIdh Kovernnient In the united war work campaign, und make a Kpoakinir tour of several of the larger citleM of Oklahoma In the in terests of the Y. W. C. A. In tho ampaik'n. .MisH Staraweather i.i niakiim tho tour at the direct re- quwi of the war work ocuncll of Oklahoma, and will visit S.ipulpn. ' "U tn uIk.h!, MiiHlvoiji'e. Holdenvllle and i.'handler on the trip, and ex- ' in rctuin home Sunday eve- ins. i Drs. Mccarty & NEWLON SPECIALISTS Chronic and Private Diseases of MEN and WOMEN 'To contract a disease is a misfortune but to neglect it is a crime against one's self." 12 Yearn in Tulsa 212Vt South Main Street Winter nnd Catarrh are compan ions In evil. Catarrh la sweeping civ ilisation from one continent to an other, bet'atlse civilization does not follow Nature's laws. Naturo tells us what to do and wc pay no heed. lHiwn deep in the body of man He streams of blood, going: everywhere and mnklnK a complete circuit of the body every few seconds. In thee rivers, brpok and streamlets of blood flow millions of little soldiers called corpuscles, whose duty It Is to heal hurts, eti-pel the enemies of man-germs from tho body amffwe fl the effect of a carry away impurities. Nature, with the blood, builds bone and hair and teeth nnd flesh. She. does thla so quickly and with uch absolute perfection that If we put Into our mouths and stomachs the things the body needs, nature will distill her own chemicals and build up any torn-down portions. Catarrh la a tearing down of mu cous membranes. A mucous mem brane Is one of the wonders of science. It does the Important work of the body In some lines. When It becomes dlneaaod, you quickly have tho alarm from nature. Catarrh, In most cases, first warns us from a condiUon of the nose and throat. These membranes cannot do their work. They become clogged. Impuri ties form and choke them. Decay Btartfl, unpleasant odors arise, grad ually It spreads until tha membrane la almost worthless. Then we learn the fault Is with the blood. There is too much work for the corpuscles to do. Not enough to do H. Theyjsician will Rive you full " '' need help. out charge. . Address '; ' ' Placln salves and lotions In the. ' Company, drawer U, Alia"'-'. "I nose, and taking pills, povv l.'-'i an! purgatives will not give i;.i:-ire w .i: she needs She changes t,.e chfit leal nature of many dr': thai take, according to our blv' ! tlon. fthe will not change t:ise tliiw she lacks and needs. ' r'.r.u table matter taken into t fn- sviti'" gives nature her tools. Anne I ' the power to protect Iter' :f at;.! h' herself, nature gladly hurr.i s the nr. vegetable reinforcement t jured parts, and we at or though a great t:rani had from us. Nature, during winter. blood of man and we, l a habits, continue to do t Ii which are against !. afire down amid tho vital crt.i: creep weaknesses and la. k functioning. Here is win" enters nnd quickly inkis i tlie f. el u 1 k',s l:i i.f oar ,h;r.-- mi". ,,rop: ',i '.."S r.,1 ,liS id or throat, and snmetmi and sloiiiacli. S. S. S. I nature, a companion to l nb. " the body responds to ll.i Inf. fttce il way that will nurpri.--' ; quickly and quietly i inado toward health, tha'- " because we feel It. that tains the vegetable lne''"- 1 ' nature herself rn'iM ! were able to make her ow. - S. S. S. gi'es Into the food. It mixes with the b.. everywhere for disease n r tho body Is maile g -"' " h own remedy. $ S. S. S. Is sold wh-revr'r .1 sold ,, , j: tirn e kno S CCD" nati.r" ITS in. . .1, Co to your druggist, buy a S. S. S. and learn for ""' ' . . . . . .....l.l i ii,..' 1.1 of WJIUL lilt! l't"('- , . h s. s. s Is tl- '-r ILr J UUI v a ' - - slstance Huy a bottle to-ley .,nrl I" ' .u'ttnf- v ruo vile ... ' ' w., . . u ii ev Oi" relative to your t aiai ; , t.i..n.i Hla, .n ter nnd n con.l"'!" ' i!;