OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, November 15, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-11-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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fciiter.il in ik. T ii ollir. iS.'smi'I-
l : Matl.r.
f ui.i.n lrini, I'lranlrnl null I' l l"r
V . (t l.arsmi . . . .
W.VHrlt OK rill'
KVIUT li 1 It K A 0 'K
run i i,a i iu.nh
Official County Taper
, i;s
. . H "'
. 8"
! . . a 7 ''
... I ''0
On ymr . . . .
f- i Month
Tlircr Month
(tif Month . .
'fiAtt.Y OM-Y.
fr. Yir
fcn Month
1 hra Monlbl ' '
.fl'KIMT OM-Y.
Pn Yaar
fn iloiitln '
i.itiv ivi, m'M'AY.
Is. P.rl.r l Till.. . . I J 'nl1 I"'
l I'. Mill' ll or THE AHS.M-IATKII fUKX
TI.. Aa.ni-i.i.d I'r-.a i. "'"'":'' ",",'.
In Hi. uii for rpulili'tu"i ul ail """V,,.,,
In in,, ...p-i and sl tha lo.al " l"1"
iru'il a. rata..
f.lllflrUI ri'pl
k (lit A I lirl'l . . .
Wnt Ail lr,l .
Ilr An l"Mt.
'imiirl Off r , .
st',rr,ilti,,n iil ,
Pofl"tr K'lilor .
)t'ialn"'n Mi"R("
,i ICti Nirton . . .
.IK I'l .
. Ti 10
Daily Food.
t i
. i .A
NoviiMnr.u. ion.
TJi rrrl ,,f ll,,. I.r, I. with llin
Cl,t fi'Ar lilnl lilnl li" will aliOW llioni ir.n
fort-ntwilil. 1'0H '.' ', I I
TIm U,nl KlmM m,"li,. Iiim krwiw
'I'll,. mt-i of h,n larl,
Tl. Monilrri of III. 'viiftnt afHtw,
A ml all Ins Lot iinpurl
Ih.nf.forlh I fM.ll timi it loTTinU, fir
0i.i Msrvant hKowclh not what lua Utd
d.Mslh l.ul I hav rallfrl V'"tl frlAo.l: for
til t)ilT,r thai I liav iH'anl of inv I'alli.r
1 liars, mad known nolo yun. Juhn I ' l'
It In lifllcvril tlmt 111" nifiHt pnloril
form whlrh iiprr(l Into the ilffoni
cif lli'nry l"'nr'l fur nfnntor In Mirhl-;
Han wim tho pulilirallnn nml wlilr
rlmilutlon kIvcii liln "provi'tlm."
Jiern urn roiii of Ihr-ni:
Thn wnnl "niiinloriT" hhnnlil !(
nilirollrn1 on thn hrfiiHt of rvrry
nhllor tind ivrry nnvnt millnr.
- What fllffori'ni'fl woiil.l ll mnkn If
II IlnlRluty f.'ll Into thn una Iniiinr
row: who POiihl notlm It In liuNlnraN?
1 havn no miliniarlnn, nnviT mild I
hnil ono, nflil urn not worklim on
one, Tinve nnt plnirlarlrn.l nnyiitii'K
Ideim, and do not Intend to have
nythlnv to do with the innklnir nf
war nKlnen.
Hut do1 nnt mlstnltn thin Ainrr
Ira will not he Involved In thli war
Thin nation In too mnrh of a nu'll
lns pot, a melting pot In which tho
InmenU are etlll unfunnd. It In !
only thrnuiih mlaapprehennlon that
Men will fight earn other and there
ran be no mlnapprnhenalon In men
railed upon to fluht men they tin
derntand, men of their own nation,
ailly, aJmont their own Idood. I tell
foil, war for America ll Impnnilhle.
I haven't any charltlen. Charily
la a "In It takee more than it give.
It itlvei a moment'! relief yid It
takra away a llfetlmn of aelf-rnnpert.
I prartlre no rharlty. I give nolhlnit
for which I do not rpcnlve rom
pnnnalion. The mnn who offera
Charity of fere Imult.a
Hepuhllra are no better thnn mon
archie In renpect to the peopln tak
ing advantage of thnlr divine right lo
aay for themielvea what they ahull
do and think. Kvan In thn I'nltml
Ptalea wo let those we havn elected
to office be awerved from their duty.
Wo do not aneert oureelven. I'er
nonnlly I have been a voter 31 yearo,
and In all that time I have voted only
alx time, and then becauxe my wife
mado me.
I don't believe In bounilarloa. 1
think nation ore allly, nnd flnM ore
allly, too. If the country I rotten,
then the flag Im rotten, nnd nobody
ouKht to reaped It. King are nil ly
ing point, that' all. Thn tnunlllnna
mnker and thn mllitarlMt and the
crooked politician u fine to M
peoplo excited when they want to
fool them.
I don't believe in preparedtii';
it' like a man carrying a gun. Mm
and nation who carry gun alway
got Into trouble.
I am going to keep the American
flag flying on my plant until the war
la over and then I am going to pull
It down for good; I am going to
holBt In Ita place the flag of nil na
tion, which I being designed in my
Office right now.
Tlio followiiig conlribullon If from
. . . , . , , . ....... i ......... ,
inn pen OI IVOI'cri r.lllllien f.f-iinest, .
a Tulsa citizen:
Tho tumult and disorder of
"peace" having subsided for a sec
ond time, the riot having literally
worn Itself out, and many of the
valiant votaries of a victory that
cost them less than nothing having
fallen Into a drunken stupor, may
hap a word in behalf of a very small
silent minority will find sumo
aympathetlo ears
There are In Tulsa a few families
whoso 'contribution to the cause of
liberty haw been Indeed "a costly
gift laid upon thn altar of Ih-ir
country." There nie a few Just a
few Tulsnns whose devotion to do
rnocracy bus been sealed with their
' blood on the battlefields of France.
The record of th"lr devotion Is not
wrrltten In a cunningly executed
ouestionnaire, studied, sworn, signed
and aealod with deliberate Intention
Of keepinB the registrant out of war.
Their badge of patriotic distinction
la not meroly a bond button, a red
oroai. or a war-fund tug. To them
th tlnael panoply of tho "husineas-
M-uaual" wauclor In the anug home
trerreh Je no pp""- i presume
to apeak: for tha few desolate hornet
where, love's gulden rhftln has heeri
Severed . (lie ,h f llH l.rlclltesl
in, I 1
iiihI for Ihcrn, I ny. Hi.- wir Is
"iivi i ' - it , .v i present,
ns really i,H thy v.,, vint ' liar.
.i nl f.,
in ili-
r ll.il Murmurs of tin- .i,Is.ii
them Hill lie till t.";ic,. Illllll
Uimv r.- 1 In t,, ir .,( ,lw ii,,
l"M Tln-y ,v earned ih a r;i:M
lii V,,
tlii'lr M tiiiru' him. uml In nay
t-""iit tin, 1 1 r 1 1 ; i k 1 1 orcles f
pool hull
i.'llMiiM .in, i-iiii lulling
poltroon, ,.vit I'.rlv
frmii ' f,,rly fives'' i,n
i fire
M l in
I, nt
I,, i
V H.ill
III" "1
I'l I,),. I
mm, I i;
i; .-ill
tin y
r in 1 1 ,
ii' 1,1".
: i,r i
. Mi..
tl.i i,l
i-rr,,i im
'I Ii."
il,: i,f
I'l 1.1't
lll,ftl,l "Ii,.h,.
ii, lli.
("in Ii m
Si l e t
i, f I'lri-ii.-i. t
ii, .- "ii.,iit:ni
til" Mli'il
nir s i t mi;
till 1,1,1
ties ill
1 1 ''Il V
a vt ., I , u
I t I ,,f 1 1,,, net h i ui.
".'i,l"' Ul.,1
l,, Ii, t In; ,ii,,lr
'I'll,,' I' Willi ,! I,
filllll ' fl ,1111 tilt, V l-l
"I.iii.I inr I r.'iy
,1 "(,,,. ,rini,l In
'. fill ,l.t y i,f II,"'
.ii.' ll, '!""
i. l, i ,l t,
ll . i
i Ii., 1 1 infill
i iil,jili."ili"
ari ni,t a
I ri
.. , 1,1 til.'
, I. Ill , 'lirr
lit I, t,.rv
nipl"'l.- an, I
' f,.-N an. I
..ill" il!..ilay
lire ill Ml" Ii
i-.'iii we tint
:i, ln
II, it
fin,, I
I .
'I. I
i.f ill-if.i, II,,,,
;i f'll'll.HIH 4 Ml I
llir; l.ill
Will, i, lit
inii.M i,iir j..v
I., th.' i. m i i,r i
Al" Ml' Ml I, I'll
il "li.-vlk
r Hi. in
I. n l.arllV '
a tiii.h i,f
.lirlv KiiM.MlaiiM? 11 iih ri'call n V"'fM
nf 'I In- Iti'i -HI..H il :
"If, drunk with Hlifhl of puwr. we
Wild liini:iif that hve not Thee
in nwr
Purl biiimlliit; ni thn flrntilne nun,
Or I"iit hri'i'ilH wIHiiiiiI I Tin law--
l,(ir'l Uml i.f li'iMtN liti Willi im yrt
I,i'Hl wi f . i n-f li'Mt wn fnrirt'l!"
"(nir l.r.iv." yiiutii; nn,llT havn
poured nnt their hlnnil III a linhln
r.iij.in, hut It r.'iniiliiM for tin to prove
that' their p..tfe.. RniTlfli-e lirui not I K. II. mm.; l:pli Wllny. who
. , , rt"itii I in"iiiiti', i',niparlM.inn,
lieen inn, I." in aln. May wn .'V.t ;h.im ,1m,,,,'., i,,,,,..,-- ,,i.tk. M Hi.. ...
tain ii miiI.it hi'Iihk of ho Ireiiirnilmin i nill" "l l.y Merk; m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - the iip
reHpnnnil. Milieu thill ri'Hl upon iih ii.m i l"' tr'"" "f "'H'ln h.iMel.all Ah e
A ini'l n il iim, lent w hile 1,'rovi'lllnK In
r i in t it In I proNperity nml purHiiliii;
fiirlhy i.h'.iMtir.'M we limn hit; lit of thn
path that h'li.H "ml nnlra per
"My noldier fell In I'lrnrdy -
( lte, I, Im. m. nl a ronn In I'lrardy)
He Knvn Ii Im life for llherty;
Ah. may we not Unworthy Im
I if I1h'ni the lii'avn, Ihelr ronntry'n
Who Kallanlly nt thin nnmn hour
I)le Ihorn for on. In I'lrnrdy!"
What a npertaeln for Kudu nnd
men, en lalnm thn New York Tlninn.
T,,n mlBhtlent monarrh
of earlh.
p r o ii d an I.uelfer,
tnouii iwimirtf r,
liln way and trod
n moat fa
he who went
under foot
all who opponed-hlm. lake to hl
heel like a aciired i hoolhoy and
take Hhelter In Holland from thn
wrath of bin an lately
Of 111 Ml lately loyal And
Mitrvlli people. And (hat eon of
thunder, the crown prince, nrcotn
panle hi parent In thl.M flight to a
place of nafely.
Thin thing and Ihat I being aug
geiiled a a filling piinieliinen t for
the iiionlain kalMer; but now that
he Im down, nnd mil wn are not In
favor of giving him too raw a deal,
any W. I.. T. In t'hlcago Tribune.
We believe that publlo Indignation
would be natlxficcl. nnd sufficient
juntlcn done. If the genllenian wern
hanged from the l'.lffnl tower, and
permitted lo drop all the way.
Thn iilmencn of thn Hon. Jumna
Hamilton I.ewln' whlMker from Hie
next donate may detract from Hie
Hpeclacular UMpect of the senatorial '
contlng.'tit remarkH the Dalla '
comma 'i
News, but It may enable the ol her j
senators to concentrate more fully
on their work.
The only Jolt wn have hud sijco i
thn signing of lb" iirmlllco come
from Mr. Hoover. He ay wo not j
oon expect any reduction In the.
of food nrllcles, bnt, oil thnjenrned you away. wan Senator
other band, mnv rxpiir
t some of '
them to go still higher.
IteporM of Hie shooting of thn
. i, rim e lire somewhat In.lefl-
j nite, but e are uuite uie lie w.i.m
not shot on ttm spot wc we would
j have aimed at bud wn I n behind
i the gun.
I - -
Abe Marl in.
i i
Th' hardest thing Is wrappm'
quarter's worth o' door knobs
up a
her ;Ui eels
w hatev rr
rise kin be
said o'
I ' ' WrU ll t.'
Oklahoma Outbursts
I--.. .;). i,,.,
"in ' l ,,i
1 '-I't "i, it.,- i .
,,l hi
uis,i, lr for tin;
.11,', lilTI' ex
, "
The r. ,
"HI .IK. till
licadiinu '
'ft I ll:,l I h.. f, I,.
ir. l.l y Mlaited
''I'll Kaiser llus
i,I lirok' n
fr"iu lln
I 'tew "
VN'li'.tu'Vpr a
"" ii, in arrtti'
"i" lliai it,,.
,.i'Ii,i,-M Is
I'Uiii'li 'if ri'vonun rnl
iii Tu I -ui ynii f.tri fiK-
;i,t-ii..il n-vi'iiu
I'lliK hinl lli.
: Til.
Iiit ii,
I I(i,,,wh IIii
it '
"li'Wn ni.iirH finlM thin in
l,i", h ; "T Im I-mh it inn ri
Hi". ! !,,!' i ,'ly Im Itliowii
, .IIH." lf,-, ;i,l ippfsjlrfil
Illy l,:i(,T lll"l CltlllT
l,i li.lly !",l'll. I'lK"
' li-iiiiil"'." Tin uwnor ,
i ;t 'il 1 1 .its'l'it.
In il
ilii v :
,f till!
' "l.l, Ml
lll'l I
' ,;,,.i i.m
l:.il l".iii:v, aft-r a ..ni l.fn nf
"l.i.. 1 1 a ' i,,n u i't 1 1 j - opinion tliai
,f 1 1, , w.,i . ",J,,i, i' I'lini.l Ixs fhn.i-
I. IK'I lllilll ii, AlliI'Mi.lll V.ll'lll.il-
i-iry 'Ihii, w,u, tint I,, i iniicli Un-
II. .MHI,.' Inli'"'y.
: ' -: I . I tl IT nf Hut H'lillV" IIHTlls
I Ilii' A-s""" iai. , I'r.'HM ;tn,l Ill
i i,.:i', I'i.'jsh. Ilii, i'ii I ,,ii Smith Main
" iv . Hi.it Ii. .in hi r i , ifn ni l! I.,, ih
iiilil,.'sliiii,.iiiM in,- ii.tlnly n.ilm
' .'l,ii if Ih"' .iiMHiiiK im iluim with
'Im. i i'ii. ,ii.
1 1 il i.f f l.i i ' I'nr.l v, :i voihiK
itlll.MM in. in ,,f IIiImIuw Wllell he
,,. ihat Miiini. iiriNi.'w ,,,VM were
li, em I i m of lh "Cuijj an.liiilani
'I .m, I,.. n"arl. ,l mil ami in a few
limiiM nillei tcl 71l r.u fium Hie pa
ll. i. Ii.' I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .'I i,f KllHIuW I'l KA'-II
Hi"' i 'In ,Ml ii, 1-1 fund liiimr i.iw, In
Hum i lly for I lie ln,'llil,er of Hie
.11 "H
Thn I . , l Mil ,li wired Inlo . TiiIh.i
S 'eiliii-nd a that Ih,- kuixi'i' had heeti
I.I...I 1 I (linen may have oiiitliiule.l
Willi III." I 'nite. I Tina, III IIm effoilM
l.i I. eat I., i. Is inlti piil.lu l olifiileni-t'.
and iiu uii Hi, j may have l,imu huMe.l
mi uii i,i.!ern parairnipli wlm li na.1,1
IIm .re.Mi.leii h p, ii . pi ,,p,wal.M ha, I
hit Iho kaini'l anal, my III 14
pear. Hi" " of IfiNl.le l..iMel.all
M.e it, however, llu, mural
oi All.
Wliton-H "ukuir' play iIui-m not ll In
i he fail that Hi" '(ii I lit'.i iih fun-
ril i iinyi'i'Mi That loiKht have uii
pened ill any event. Tho moral han
ll Ki'tWHlM in Hie fact that Mr Wll
'"ii exponi'd IiIm perMuil to the pnh
ll.'. We Have With Uh Today
Mirtnta Inlarvtawa With tba (lrrat end
Naar Uraat, liotua and Abroad.
iI.mi mti'.t I '
"Sipiilpa I ,ii ll k h nh
depoitil InctfiiHo now. In npile of the
war Iviii.l piirih.o.,'M anil palmitic
cuhlrihutioiiM to winning the war."
wild lliiher l. IIiikIii'H, preniilent of
Iho Hank of I 'iiinei c,. of Sapulpa.
Mr. IIiikIii'H wan In 'Ju ).- yeMti'i.lay.
'Sopulpa Iiim met every war cull
In thn way of iiien ami mutiny," he
M.tiil. "The ruUi'oatl tin n are glvlm,"
"' 'M? rXl-
iim quota of It 1.000. Already we
"re wifely In night of that total and
"".iproi Moiv I'""" "
.Mr. 1 1 UK hi" riivm IiIh brother.
Jutlgo K. II. ll"tth"'H, of the illHtrlcl
court, will Vu Inlo private practice
iim Noon an Inn iuvinMi.r take office
and will remain in Sapulpa.
Hubert I ltolen, rnllecloi' of In
ternal revenue, in In Tula Willi sev
eral of bio ilepntiiH, to lake up the
Work of invenl mat lug th" Ini utii"
lax reluriiM from Hum county. I if
all the federal nppnintiuc iiI.m thai
were uiit.li' aftiT the democrat wenl
nl,, power in I'.H J, Hi. leu , i . . I . I 1 v
In, ,1m the fatl.'Mt. Looking hack
upon that campaign, bring a re
tninder of what happened to trume
win foiixht thn fight In In-half of
tho national ilejiiocratlc ticket and of
rtenuior Knlnri 1.. tiweti In particu
lar. Ilolett. nli.w repiilatlou an all at
torney ha. I not extended wry fur
from th" lliulU of Oklahoma I'll)'.
an chosen ii.m Senator nwen'a cam
palirn nianagor for wrniern Mkla-
I noma, a great many or ine nennior
'rlendN thoughl he line. I very p. war
J";""" s.-leciion of ltolen.
who appeared i.i he an easy going.
uin x.ital.lo hoi t of pera.m. very
much out of line with itin ordinary
poliliciiin. Hut Senator 1'wen In-
HiMted thai Union knew Iiim IniHtncM.
until mil' day about three week lie
fore the memorahle primary In
Aiikum:, IIH.'. when llolen told the
M"naior that lie would win thn nomi
nal!, .n over r'ormer ilovcrnor 11. i
ki'll hv 3 T. . 00 0. "Your opiimUuii him
' ' i"l" ion wtui ami p.t,
, lii.ien repiif
I;,. lens fi: i"e vvns approximately
correct. Si nitor I iweii w on the
in, nun. ill. n l"r I'liiled Stales senator
In a lame malonly and llolen w is
K.vin a lug" sharj- of the credit for
it II" im ,,ne of Ihi.M,. who remained
cotiMtanilv at democratic lieit.i'iuiirt -crs
ilni.ng the 1HIJ campaign. The
..tin-., who helped M steer the ship
In vu't.uv f.niinl fat hittliM also.
I'r.'ston M.'i to.-il win. nianuglng c.ll
Ini a.'f th"' lviily i IK lah.nu in. wn
gli.oi im iippointmcit! as minister lo
cni.;ucla It ,1 W
Newell, u ho ha, I
ih, nt;.' of the p.a
ing bureau, is
now liill.'.l States
West. 'I'll dlMtrl.'t of
Stl.lltl. chief i.f 111"'
mulsh. i! for the
I Us la hunlli. .1 oe
publicity ilepart-
mi nt is a-'M'si nit si,, riu'i-tub-ut for
tin' live civil i.'il trlloss. Have Craw
e, . cret.it v of Ih,' Ml. lie colli mlUee,
i, in Washington an no-pci'tor III thi
il. 'tent no it i' internal it vetnie
llolen his ins ah out as little to
.m.is :i he ever did Ills office hovv
,.s,., im .i,'.l i"l with oping one of
,'l'f ..'
f all
' of-
I !'
TI." I"i'..i,
rv Ice will,
h. i,:li is the first
th l'.''e Illewer. Si'
r , vsaio
UTS' of
,.,it ,,l.,",t 1,1 ,
the hi. I.,' health
men!, a'i
I'.iev. er was in Tu
I. iv lo lake up son,"' health mat
ters in nmi'.'ii with "tie of the
s.naJlei' Ik. lei" of the city There
h oi been i'iiiiiI'' , mts Ihat everything
was not as U should he an he came
over to i ,u reel I he f .m It. 1 1
i now
con ecteii
Mr Hie
as api
'.oner .,
M ilir. ho vv
health coii,iiii-.m'.
the office lltl.l
lions, is to be li
hv iinu'iniir It.
in now a tn.iloi'
r !v t
tutnci to the
,het ison I ir
in the I "nit oil
office ;
S'.l tes :
artny. The
is nothing t
war being over.
. '.here;
prevent hi.-
:l,e iippo.nimeni, Mr. Iliewer j.e
llevi'S. and so. shortly uf'er the f.rsl
of the o ar lo. Mahr will ug ill, he
inmi. Miper.n ten. b ut of lliu public
J !
Ib-luriiM. Ilriitu M IH HT At
III!' SUlllllll.
Chapi.r I. XXIV
Until wait I,, I"' uway Htnl
tin.r.' .lays. Hrlun hail Mi'-nl
It,.. flf.Ml
i w ry
I'V IIIHK, . s, . .
with M
had la
KliiK -"V-n in . ,
,-,,i,li n i',l. ii'".""""
M" .11,"' I II, I'M When h
lal" h., woiil'l feel
Hi lem Kll Icken,
ri.mlll'.l hom"
JilMt 11 I'll ""
Tli'n 'O' wiuLI
' She ti having a good time l iv
ing at expensive hotelH, why should
I Min k around this ntuffy flat aloim
'11, ,.l II... ri..l u.u unvthlllLf hnl
ulxlfv I... L.,..sx nl.fl I ll 11 1 hotk tlUlt
HohirtM' and IM lurlls' woiihl h,.
dellghied to see him, or to have, him
com' In and play card.
The idea of burning to do hi own
tvplhg under Mollies tutelage, (ip
p.'iil"d I, i him. So, fur Hie next
thre.i evenings, he appeared at the
little sin. Ilo with several parcel tin
der hi arm.
"fll bring In 111" grub tin. I we'll
'.ink It togelhiT." he had said when
M.,!lle fiHko.l what be bud "Weil
have more time than if we go out "
So In Ih" intimacy t a kll' hennet!"
ami ii two burner gus tove, Moll'"'
cooked, while Hrlnn fixed the "alad
anil old Idiehel vvonder"d where
"Mars'"' Hrlan don' eat his dinners
when 1ianv Uuth wss iiwuv."
Mollln w-tia, a she had iild. n
I'onrl tvplsl She InslHled thai I Irian
I. inn the latest method, although
with his usual Indolence he said that
"niiv old wav would do. so long as
be "mill write his letter "
"Indeed it won't! what kind of a
leai lo r would I bn to letyoil have
your .own way llkn Ihnt
So, their beads .close together,
they spent the evening over the fun
bine That I". Ihev worked until
leu o'clock Then llrlan would in-si-l
upon atopplng. nnd they would
talk i.r go to 'iiio neighboring cafe
for a lite of supper, nnd gossip with
the villaiMTH for an hour or two
" won't bn down tomorrow
night." Ilnan ntild on thn night be
fore ItuHl wn expected.
"I'mIiuII mlna you." Mollln answer
ed Knowing Iluth waa coming, she
said no 'Viortv
"lil come the next night for my
"I unil'THlnnd.'' Mollln aaid to her.
self after the door had closed. "He
can come for bis lesson, then must
get h ick r shnil find fault " Had
she known Ihnt ltuth war. civ ever
uhec..,l to nnythlng Hrlnn did. Mol
li" would havn been surprised. She
Kiippused he ll'e.l In fin atmosphere
of almost constant nagging And
that was H"' reason he sought her
That night be prepared fur
bed. 1 '.rin n said:
"N'o on. .-an find fault if I am
with Mollln hecanae It I neeeasnry."
and "X hope Harriet won't tell Until
I waa out evnrv night, t guests I bet-
er tell her myself. I'll tell her I am
,.i,i , ii was ton
iriinnnK isirw,i,ipi. ......
far to conn- way up here when she
was nwnv. Klin tin no huslness 10
leiivn men nlone, anyway." ending
l,v throwing the onus of his defec
tion upon ltuth. ns usual.
And she, in the cheerless hotel
room, was counting the, hours, nl
moat the minute, when she wont, I
be with Hrhm. She had determined
to nk Mr M.indel not to re.piire er
lo stav aw.iv no long aimln. This
'tltnn It had linen unavoidable. Ilul
she was an lonely for Tlrlun. and so
afraid tin would be unhappy.
"I d" hope Hnehel has coo'se.l
nice thing for him." shn had Moid to
herself every dnv she had been
away. She bud written dally a short
account of her work, and how lone
ly she wa without him 11'" had
nlso written often, but his notes t.
her nothing He hnfl not mentioned
MoIIIp King, neither had he old of
bow bis evening were spent Until
conseunently took It for grunted that
part of them nt least bad been spent
at home.
II. r work hud gone Aerv satisf'.ir
torllv It hud been an expensive lob
nnd she couldn't fail to be pleased at
the result She had wired Hrian
Hnl she would reach New Ynrl nt i
flve-thlrtv He had told Kach,. ,
Ihev would bn nt home to dinner.,
th'n bud ordered s"inn flowers
"She Ilk,- them," he had m'Tt-I
lered. knowing he was salving his
own c.insci. me rather than entering
I,, h..r" love for the flowers
He had gone to meet her. The
train wns a little lute, bnt ltuth. al
ums! 'hi. first one off. had soied him I
at once, nnd with a glad Utile cry,
h id run to him 1
"Oh. llrlan'" she hnd aald. siiuirg-i
ling to his side, "how g)'od It is to .
be home again. To be with vim." 1
"It's time von came hniil. he said
a be kissed her ng-iin. "I had uh '
most foigot'en I bad a wife" j
Iiuth hok"d sharply at him ;
Could he he spisiklng the truth" i
Hut no! be was gating at her with j
pride Could she have seen herself. I
she would not have wondered. She I
hnd taken es.eii.il pain with In I
toilet tual looked v. TV chic and '
voiinr "ler eyes worn bright with
! love-light. Her face f ill of uninia-!
Hon. Any man would be proud of
her. f
I "F shan't lei you forget niriin
I'm going to ask th" firm to keep
! me in New York after this -as much
as poKslble. I can t hear to he away
from you so Ion aguln."
Tomorrow Hrian ' tells Hnth II"
' Is tjiilnir lo l.earn Tvpewrltlnir
illoprnirlul 1 v I s liennt". lstihs Ailama )
Talcs of the
! Friendly Forest
Well, the next morning, when the
Hunny family woke up. for the little
lllack- Cricket had sung them to
sleep the nii-iit before, v on remem
ber, as I mention", 1 In the slow he
fore thl. t'nele I.uctsv looked at 'hi
gold watch and chain. Hut good
ness me' It bad sropped, for the
minute hand was pointing at 11
a'clock and that's tVe Inst hour In
Kahhitville. so I'm told.
"I won.lcr if I forgot to win. I my
watch." excljlnied the old' gentle
man rabbit Ttut h" hadn't, for the
u'em wouldn't turn the least little
"I gnevs Hie mainspring' broken."
sighed liuie l.urky 'Tomethlng I
h'.wuvs happening. If it Isn't one's
watch it's one digestion. Now I'll
The Wife.
Tly JANK t'lIEU'8
t' I't .1 C Ih'ive to go down to the watch
in'c.l slate ; maker "
I wh held I So as soon s breakfast was over
.i.lniinistra-I nnd Hillv Hunny bitched' un the
Slnlghmoblle and went down tq 'he
fllhicp. nnd pretty soon they rSime
to the old vvatchtnuker. who was n
Hig Hlack Spider the same old
Spider I told you nhout many stories
ago wh,, otice fixed the clock on the
big tall steeple.
"What's the matter with it?" asked
tho ol, gentleman rnbhit In an
anxious V ne of voice, for ho was
' very f,in,l f hi old g',1,1 watch,
: me (ell you - almost as fond a.1
wn of his old wedding a'oveplpe hat,
hut not 'lulte
"I think I:, hi a touch of rheu-
, m.'ttisiii in log hand." said thn
'i. I lllack S.l l.-r, and hn .pilnted
.Hiiough his little magnifying glns
In u.l wiggled Hi" gold chain with the
1 locket, on the other em) In which wa
Hie picrum of dear, kind l.ncln
I.uckv'a mother.
"nil, dear, oh dear'" cried rhn old
aentlenian rabbit. "That dreadful.
Will It ever go again?"
"Leave It to me " said thn f lid
Hhtck spider Watchmaker, and then
be poured a little kerosene on three
of the wheel an. I wiKgh-d thn gold
chain, and then, all of a sudden, that
old gold watch began to strike the
hour, ding doi.g. ding, don;
'Uoodness, gracious, tneihns'" al
most shouted I'tnie f.uokv, "it never
did that before "
"Is that .i?" wild thn Oh! Illicit
Spider. " t'lH'fs the watchmaker
you took It t,i before didn't know hH
business." no, I Ho n he. handed Hie
wa'ch to I'm le lao kv
"That's a fin,, watch." hn said,
"five dollars. pitaMe!"
Now. wasn't that an awful price tn
charge dear, k ml I'ncle 1,'icky. hut
he knew the old gentleman rahhlt
wa very rich, you si", and beside
that HI, I'.lark Spider Watchmaker
had n children and one wife
And then I'ncle Lucky handed him
1 five-carrot gold piece, and thanked
him besides, nnd nfliT Ihat he and
Hilly Hunnv got Into the Slelghtno
bile and slid away over the annw
as f.it ns a cornet or bullet might
go, and In the next story. If I'ncle
I.uckv's watch doesn't get thn
measles aga in, I'll tell you some more
about these two little rabbit
IVblny. NovcnitKT 1018.
Puring the btiKv hour of thl dnv
the Infill". tu i s of the alar are good,
nccnrilitig lo .'wiirologv. Mercury and
N'i.f'itie ar,. l:i Iwnefic nepect.
Thn sway is most propltlou for
puhlhity of every sort nnd newspa
per writers should benefit.
Contracts signed today (should be
profitable. This Include leas,s, pnrt
linrshliw uml all similar agrenmeritis.
Oreat profit Uirnurrh a food pmpa
rtitlon or a campaign that concsirna
tho problem of proper nutrition I
There Is a sign today that I favor
able to whatever I connected with
the u. or tho fsaJ') of nil, paints
and unguent
According to ancient lorn till treat
ments In which liniment or greasy
applications were appll".,! benefited
greatly under the friendly sway of
Ncp! line.
All th" Indlivitlona are that whip
ping vi ill prowr during the next
few m, mills. This Is a good day
for beginning cretin Journeya or for
I' renin t
That (Ures
Joy the
' Horoscope ' ' ' " j
The Htsst l'liiyor l'inno in ilu World.
It luis dlsllnot, iMilcnK'i) csmtrol which ran not he found Id any
other I'luycr liano.
Its wonderful, rich, warm musical capacity, its human
like responsiveness, its individuality are all supreme.
With the Pianola in the home everyone can play.
It is ideal for home dancing and as an accompaniment
to home singing, too.
Our prh'O the- lowcsst In lln I". S. on Sii'lnway. WcImt. Sni'k,
Stroud, llurvviM.d, I ituini anil Aoilliin liomilas. full or write.
' '1"l.-ft' lilll"
This Much
is Certain
that CO N () M V does not spell CHEAP.
The PRICE is not the COST.
The real cost is w hat you
paid vided hy the service
you pet out of what you
paid for.
Charter Oak Stove Sc Range Co.,
ibb r
let I any conniriierii.il venture In Import
he I lmr or exuortltu;. .
Thn stars today promise many re
elaiion concerning U occult world.
Again a new tiiwher im heralded.
Churches come under a fortunate
direction today and their field "'
uss fuln' HK I likely to be broadened
greatly In the ooming yuar.
In the annular eclip of the moon
next month aalrolugeni reiul sign of
epidemic among ctittln that chew
the- cud. Till prognoMlicatlon ap
plrs's to camel as well as other ani
nutlM. and therefore hwn alicuil-,
iar slgtiificKiice at till time. '
.Sorious oarthquakcM am threat-,
otii'd in Italy and siaithern I'.uropn.
HuetuMS Aires also will suffer from,
selismio dmturLiaiiceji, the seer be.
lleve. 1
Mexico will nsTaln demand the nt-1
t'Titlun of tho president and proba-l
bly of congreHe before the uew yeir.
It Is foretold.
I'er.M'.tiH whom blrthdato It la should
safi .guard the health and bo careful
in money aflalts. They are likely to
havn a year of much netlvlty that
may not be altogither profitable. 1
children born on thl day may tie
extravagant and lacking In finan
cial judgment. Thesn mibjeot of!
Scorpio often are udvaneed In their:
views and many succeed In physical j
ex perlmerit.s. I
ti'ssj'jrrixht by thi. Mj luri. Newapajwr Syn ;
ilirala ) J
HAWS. Wednesday, Nov. 13.
linllp Hoheiilemann, Herman major-'
Hy aoclalist leu.ler, wlil probably j
head the ilermau delegates to tho j
peace conference, according to a .u-1
rich iliapatch to 1, information. In I
diplomatic circles In Zurich it Is not
believed that tho lierniun dulegate
can be nominated before lb" end of
the week.
It Is pointed out there that It will
he difficult to make up a common
delegation now that Hermany has
two scorn of republic apparently
without relation between themselves.
bavaria7s disclaimTng
responsibility for war
HASKU Tuesday, Nov. 12 De
claring that the new democratic
atate of Havarla Is not reaponalble
for the faulu of the old regime In
Germany, a manifesto ha been "nt
from Munich to ttm new federal gov
ernment of Hermany asking that
complaint over the conditions of the
armistice bn sent to the entente
powers. It I said that thn terms j
agreed to by Onrmany in stopping i
humilities are of audi a nature us
to prevent rapfd re-caiablithniont of
order In Havarla.
The war worka both on Third and
Main Wednesday for a time si.mil
lated thn appearance of Third and
r.tujdway. Muskogee.
317 Main St.
Phones 3133-3124
war Jias tautrnt
people to prac
economy, Also
Right Now
At th CnsrratUn DlvlsUn
BOARD hu rMtrictW th
riattln cfilms in4
ranf, w arm rtlli4 t
knw that THOSE WHO
can "tarry on camf art ably
until tha tfovarnmant daaa
nat naad aa much matarial
and aa mur aian.
We are prepared for
winter and we want
you to be prepared also
We are ready
with all the
you will be apt
to need
We are celling acores of coatis.
but unean you havo bought
yours, you are sure to find the
one you want here; come In
anil Hoe it today and buy it at
our winter ale prlcea.
Women' handsome Salt'e aeal
plush roata with large fur col
lars nnd cuffa, full gathered
nklrts or plain backs.
$60 Conts at ....$S8.00
60 Coata at $45.00
Women's cloth coata, fur
trimmed, with large fur col
lars, colors blue, green, brown
nnd taupe. Regular 150 values,
winter sale $30
price .
All children's coats In the
house, reduced ON-l'Ol IITII.
115 Coat, b-sH $11.25
$12 Coats, leas 00
$10 Coals, less V. 7.50
Another assortment of chil
dren's coats in this winter sale
nt the special prico QfJ
Women's out size fleece lined
hose, in black only, KHz
the pair . .' OUC
Winter pale of baby's wool
casimere hose. siEes 4, 4H. B,
, 4, Bpeclally Rfl.
priced, tho pair ssyxv.
Women's black wool casimere
hose, soft and fine for the
elderly women, the 25
Children's heavy black winter
hose, all Hizes, the "JO
pair OUC
Heavy cotton blankets In gray,
tan and white, spe- stO Cf
dully priced at PO.OU
Lovely Austrian wool blankets,
in larue- plaids; sir.es C QQ
72x90 nt VO.VV
Heavy, w'arm outlna; flannels,
pod dark colors and 30c
aolid ftray, per yard. . ww.
Htihy flannels, pure white
wool flannelH, per yard, 30c,
T.V and $1.25.
Wool sertres In nil colors nnT
"hlack ; specially priced for the
winter sale at, per "JQ
3-lnrh storm serire, heavy. In
all colors and black, spe- QQ.
c.iiil per yard
Children's wool knit toboRiran
caps to keep their heads and
ears warm, priced each, 50c,
IM- and $1.00.
Winter sale of boy'a and Cirl's
union suits, KQf
each . , Os7V
$10 Coats iit $5.00
$ 7 Coabi at $3.50
b actory
Eut 7th and Kenosha
.lust two blocks eaiMt of the
new Illpli School hulldliiK.
Oklahoma Hospital
Sorrlce Consists of
-."m.'sig Ol
1st Fireproof building arran-. .
a purpose. "rrJrli;il for
I Znd. Modern and coniu',.t
; ment under one roof """
I $rd. Character, experience ..i ,
of attendant. ttnd klU
Iir. End 8. Clinton. iTr,. . .
Mia . c. C. r.l-.Kcler.TL
Jr. I,, He Mhi rton
I v., RH"lent Physician
Mnth and Jackson sin,.,.
Phone Oaune ajjo
i'hone 20fiu 1.17 u,.., A
Wholesale Jolilicr,
Creamery Hutter ami :m
Good V.ggn Alwavs
EYE Dr. Arthur
E.re Camphell
Thr0.t rZe
Headquarters for ftryptok Unw,
New Location 1 0 st Third
Phone 8471
1' MATP.RTvTTTV TIi-ic-rirT, s i
Efficient trained nurses. !a,
adopted if desired.
1103 W. MaIn oT.
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Exchange New for oi
14 and 18 West Secuni
Guy W. McCulloch II. II. chafflu
CpDr.I. Angstreich
Second and Main I'hone 1!7
v t t t- n nif
I IN U Kot,li i
PHONE 1000
Children Cared for Durlmr Working
or Shopping; Hours
Exchango National p.ank LuiMInf
Tulsa. Okla,
Room 5.30 Mayo Building
Phone 7985.
COUNSELLOR- AT-612-13-14
W'ritjlll Llu.
Law of Oil and Gas
Law of Corporation
Strictly modern, steam licit, hot
and cold runnitiB water In every
room, private bath, rooms s.ncla
or ensuite. Hates per "
and up. Corner Third ani. Le
trolt A Girl's Chance
ON Till'
Business Payroll
More women are seekltiK em
ployment In commercial fl"
today than nt any other period
In the history of our counir).
llurroiiirhs Cnlculailnc ami
HookkivpiiiK rx'iiooi
are instructing nlons th'
lowing lines:
Burroughs Rookkccpln
Hurrough.1 Hank Po-mr
llurrouglix ('nlciilntor
StuUinnit Miu hltH'
Minlght Listers
Course requires from "'.'"
eight weeks. DM' and I'.vn.ng
519-20-2I First Nnllonnl Io''S
l'hono 651.
Notice to Water
The eimtom of pluwiii l,,','.r1;'
liat will b" diseoiMiso'sl. '
tUlinnient ba aubje-'t .si f'-i
alter Ui Ulb o( the b""1"1-
City of Tulsa
Water Dept.

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