Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. c hi IS Si -I 3j . rOur Christmas Readiness Meets flic Requirements of (iift Seekers V'.vfrrnrt from tho "liriM-Mt on"' U M.nil, 1 f n : f i t rr j n! f i M- r, rn ii wt It rrnwriitMT'1 wiih unfit iMni; n ppi cot 1.1 1 ntnl pci'tir,. nn 'hrinl ma. mnrniriK, hut (hut iluMU't nu iii a r-M'at t" "'M '"" of incifif y rif-rr warily. Th Nhopprr who ItrtnKH fn-r list to t h i "tore f Mi inM im 1 1 vly th-tl Ihtc hh' r m flnij worthy 'h riM ma RtflM fiftn f i f h".i lm tni'y kpprr-i Ut l and yrl whl h will nftt too i:mti a 'i iln ft li r imrtft, Thrift ;.nl np tnMuM an vM'nt In iktv i n ' n ' 1 n i' l-1'Liy. wlir'i h r Km article In mtvP e l.i a fftrlULJn fclft for Mm. in', nt Ii Toy'art'l, MprrlHlly. Invltw nnd f;i" It" iinniii i .ii l'riru: t'.ii K lhnM ilaK w ln-rt inothw t"l il-i-l pii-'l an1 frrw, with Moll hMmih rri:lii' aht Mi.ippy .-ni-ln i t r i. . u r h I it pry an 'I ii m ( t ion i.f j:' f nn u " u r m I ti v 1 . 1 ; . I It In ftlwuyn wih In rn f'lkM, fiii'1 t'vt'U fnr tli..-pr-tty artii If of w r i f k Kvry nerlion t il ; ( i m 1 1 v vmir with our lurh ! i mi hi t !. nf ! .1 n 1; it, t, With our'in- ..r . .,r .-f. l. taifil through Mmm ttifriiuit tiror Iihva all 1 tihihin'! t" nt.ik' njr 1 hrlMti f..r th lour of plrnjmr Hfn 1 rr pn ruM v r 1 I f 1 h that we limy nwdrr ou liavu l-nt (ft iri"i.ti tnrv i.ti w hn :( ri f 1 rn I i:ir I ! I ll' t Ii' it I'' I '(l'.l. 'til t v l( m h w hi,. ill 'ipci.ji.; .llnl' IH n hiptnK Kpc.lniMfi a in ,1 11 v tu t ' l Vlr 11 il m Ii-11 you vifil l ho New Seasonable Garments at Very Interesting Prices For Tomorrow's Selling V'i rv fmi Suits, Coats and I)rc.HHc: st.vp from our regular stock, and jiriccd much lower than they havo hcen soiling for. So please do not judge the garments hy Ihi; pricf ; rather fxprct garments of a vfry much higher quality than rould he purchased at thi.s price. Coats Suits SQQJ Rc-duced to J Reduced to JJ rr - l!oth stylo and durability aru rx pnssed in these attractive Fall and Winter ( 'oatrt of Wool Velour, I'lush Hti'l f ili' V In.TfrllftlH in KiX '.hJl'W'M 'tf l.iuc', ii.'ivv, hruwn, I'lir'iitily afi'l til.tik; 1 1 1 'I wiUi f . 1 1 1 y i.llk.M, lin:' nnv'rliMi :ol J;if f 1 j r fir M.irrn- rn :i I ri 1.1 N , l;iff,'f iM.i kt'l.t, Hi in-w IiWIm ar,il cnlfs, i lr , all k'i In m.ii'i' iIwtii viry I"''OIiiIhk an'l aMr;ullVB ri.ii;i I I lit ,'iU -4 - Nut miitu that you would tiflinanly fr"t Mt thin prii'-, but mdli in (If Hir udin ulylon, .Ifvelnped In mtr wwil .iii'l vHciur, Kti In Til I mi ami htlYrrHM In wuiitaliln cnlnrM, in navy, lila-K nrown, iaun iinu nurKiinijy. Ni-ally tiiHiiri-iI molpit with lir.iiil uihI liutton trlinmliiK. o I Ii f r with lovly fur -oolUm ami ruffx, Iwltfil nr with KaNhta, etc; l.)'u 14 to & '1 'ti . Cotton Wash Materials Attractively Priced for for Monday 23c :AVm!V I'f iA N N ICIi --A hay twlllrrl maliTlal. fliwi nn on ld; blraf-hi-d or unhlfiiu'hf rt. 25c KUA N M ill KpnrUl A Hood h'ry napped flajinwl; nhown In IIkIiI and dark piutnmit; trvlrrAlilfi (iiallty. 29c comfort rni-TroNMKs Pnft finish quality; ahnwo In larjrn aaaortmf nt fit pretty ool-orr-d floral pattrma. TTIOJAI rEllCAIiFl KiHvlal 31c A Rood, fln count pfrraln; fast rolnra In liKht and dark haua, IS Inchra wide. Qt:KKX PKRrAI.FJi O0 SimiJal OiJC --Ona of tha balv prrmlrw; a loly wovrn and arvlPoah1a uuallly; In fiutt rolnred pattern, 36 (nrhra wldn. WIIITK WOOL FIjAN. 35c A. half wool quality; woven; soft flnlah; 2 7 wide, Korond Floor finely Inchea Tomorrow's Offerings from our Linen Section riMiOW 'M.K QQ (-twlDH nceilli-wurk plllnw a.i':a; m.'ulK i.f k I iiialiiy h ind turn .mini;, i ii 1 1 ir . I ji-irif, m .tllitii d nil') lii'iii.tlili lii'ii I'liilx; 4'J :ii I n i lien nr.i;Afni:i kiikitino p i)i)C - l;lra rrnod n'lillly. Hliinrtiril nliPPImi;. Kii.iranlci il tn ;ii' wrv li ". Ti iik In n K 4 wide. 23c TOW I'MMi Slx cliU, yd. - IncttnlliiK li I a r h p d huelc. Klrlpcd liiuirlintc and nat ural linen i-rauli. In inchia wUln. 63c i;MHitoiii:iti:i hick IDHILS SMilul A hp.'ivy Ii in k luwi I phi- hrolileri'd In rolnred iesii:tiH; heriiHtltrhPd rnda; 18x11 liuhia. 98c Tt ltKISII TOVi;ii M7TS SM1 till Inrlildlnr; hulh, (nwpl, Inilivldu al tnwel arul waul! rlntli: hlinwn wltrh fast rnlnrpil pink und Idiin puttiTtia; in t up In neat gift ilOXOM. 29c I'A.IAMA CIIFCKK . SlUN-lul , finely woven quality; InrrTPa wide; auft finuli, Kiiwrm and iinderKarnienla. S-mil llMr na f..r We quota no Former or Comparative Prices in our ad vertising. We let you be the judge of value. i V i ZD v 1 Attractive Modes In Hats of Fur or Fur Combinations The display is unusual, just what is expected by So many women who are familiar with the pxelusiveness or originality of our millinery creations. Kvery type of faro han been given Keneroua rimniilerat Inn. tretnely chic nntlliieH rind rich trimming's iitoiimihihI ilnin fnr the mnarlly arid porreclly clad wuman'H apprnval. Thera furx rnnibined with rui'talllc laie, furs arid miImt brnividc. fnr vehef, and fur and auUn romlimiilmiiK; iVuiiiin il with flowers, maline ami oxtrii'ti. rruu'd ., $15.00 CONTINUING OUR SALE OF PATTERN HAtS not including Fur Trimmed AT 4 OFF Other Tables of Hats priced $1.98, $2.48, $3.98, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Third I'loop jji'T-ri'iwt Is There Any Reason Why! With Silk Prices So Low That You Should Not Have That New Silk Frock? Just Look Over These Silk Offerings for Tomorrow . aml then come in and make your selection of the enormous stock wo have to show. Fashionable kind.-?, rich in fabric and color, at notables savings. New Silk Petticoats Many new pet ticoats have been a d d e d tu our slock ; pMticoats that are unusual ly pretty in their colorings and styles. Made of Taffeta, I'iihuv Willnw, Satin and Jersey top with h a t I n and taffeta f Inuiicen. Shown In riiKi'. n a V y , blai k. taupe, piiiion, light blue, whito. k r a y unit tnaiif.e. rrtri'il - $3.95 to $14.50 Third Floor Serge Dresses Reduced to $20 An rxepllent array of attractive it y lea In thrxo very popular dresses of wool serge. In navy und black. There are 'neut coat effects, tunics, plain straight line effects, nmo combined with satin and others with pirated oversklrts; close filling sleeves, hlRh and low necks; some with overcnllani of KeorRPtte, trimmed with braids, buttons or u touch of hand embroidery. TlUrd Floor. Just Arrived Another Shipment of tho "Town Blouse" They introduce many blouse fash ions; make use of only the best and ofttimcs the less usual fabrics; are in teresting in their color combinations and are made with an attention to de tail usually found only in the made-to-order blouse. There are both Georgette and Crepe do Chines with many dainty new collar and sleeve effects; anme trimmed with aeal and fox; eopiA with lovely hand embroidery; others with ?por gette frills, etc. Colors: Navy, henna, white, r;.i"ycpda".$8.95 to $24.59 Third Moor ' Fancy Silk Poplins Special at $m , very serviceable quality, nhown in at tractive cnlorlnes, in stripes and f u-jres; suitable for linings, fan cy bai,-s, etc. Fancy Taffetas Special at 1.1 OH yards of verv good quality i!k In pretty new color combinntloiiH in plaids and stripes; 36 Inches wide. FancySatins and Taffetas $1'59 l.HOn yards of fine quality satins and t if fi tas In rich cm, r combinations, in il ir;; colored plaids ai I stripes, S6 1 tn: lies w Fancy Satins and Taffetas, Special af$0.69 uaiay; Minwn in ikuh d.s, striiies and checks; hlirh urade silk, good weight, serviceable q variety of bountiful lisht anl dark colored plaids 36 inches wld Cinderella Silks Special at $2.89 . ' Genuine Cheney silks of very fint quality, in attractive colorings and de signs, conventional patterns for after noon frocks; 40 Inches wide. Satin Stripe Silks (IQ 1 Q Special at PtJaXc A very heavy, firmly woven, jam dyed silk; shown in rich, dark color combinations, !n woven stripes and plaids; 40 inches wide. Srifiiid I'liHir. One-Fourth Off on All Misses Dresses TOMORROW Yes! Tomorrow you may take your choice of any dress in stock, in sizes from 11 to 18, at one-fourth off of their regular marked price. There srn handsome, nnd practical dresses of Velvet, Serge., Jersey, Silks and Satins In ninny style; pb-iited ekirlH, Unites, panels, overskltt effects; nifty collar effects, braid and button trimmings and some hand embroidered. Junior Sffilnn Fourth Floor Very Suggestive for Christmas Are These New Knit Snuggle rs, Spencers and Breakfast Jackets Made of wool Vntt In various styles and color combinations. There are white one trimmed In dainty blues, pinks and lavender, others In darker color combinations, as gray and red. gray and lavender, etc Some are fin ished with wool beading or satin to match. All t!l f f tPO fiP" meed jz.5Utob.y5 As a Gift Handkerchiefs Are Pre-eminent I imrth IToor. i And here vqu will find a most complete selection of all kinds for men,, women and children at moderate prices. Men's Inrn Mncn Handkerchief plain white; hemstitched or col ored border SRr, 85c, 50c and Ileal AppcniPlI Hand Emhrnldorofl Handkerchiefs for women; a hand embroidered linen hand- (TE nn kerchief, $1.75 to JpD.UU Hojs' tnllliil llanilkeTchlefs a good quality cotton hemstitched handkerchief with colored - f embroidered Inillals; each J.0C Men's I'nrp IJnon InHlal llamlkcr chlifs with hlte rmhrolderpd Ini tials, hemstllched border; 3 '"i" ....It. 00 75c Madeira Haml FjobrolikTcd Iland kerehli'fs; shown In many new and beautiful designs Women's Pure l.lnen Initial Hand kerchiefs initials embroidered In while and colors;' rr Why Wear SORQSIS SHOES BECAUSE they represont the greatest excellence in art of shoe making,' combining style, fit and,wear. New and Authentic Sorosis Arrivals 25c rr (fG'wc Him a Pair Gloves for Christmas If he drives a car he'll appreciate a pair of these gloves, "for they are for wear as well as for looks and warmth. Hansen's Auto ; I lives men's fabric automobile gloves in kbakl (Jk) f A color. Priced . . . Jp.OU Men's I'lceee lined Auto t.lovcn In black only Priced $2.50 to $7.50 $5.00 Men's lliickskln Amu i,I"ok in khaki color. Priced Men's l-Nir Mnisl Mm ha lii-ss t;iiTPs in gray and brown. 1 $6.00 to $9.00 lalll I Ii Nu ll' Suggestions In lings, I'urscs, Etc. 'hiii--is, the now anil in lea titer, silk and c!et, fmi and ; . 1 1 ti silk lined: Khouu m creen, brown, i:i.i, purple an. I. !-n-i $5.75 to 10.75 Vclie Itiurs, lined i:h p'. i.n cn,.reit Mlk. fitted with a srn.'il! pur-e ind inrior, pl.nn and tati.-y tiomr. ; i n v. . shown in blue, i;roiii. brown purple. ,:r,v (IF rr r , J'')') and I,. l. I'm, rd lO ftAi.f'i) Men's l-jillicr l'a I ;i.m and Hill l olils, in a,,lc:,,,e;;fs,!. L0() toS(.QQ WiBnen'f f.nbl l':u In r a.rd Ciisiff ami Clutngo Fursiw, silk C'1 f t a- t?'! V l l ied i riicl l)l.i)U tO JSi.OO Main Fluor. Wallpapers of Quality i At Reduced Prices You can make your home more attractive and set off your furniture to better advantage with the right Wall Paper. Visit our Wall Paper department and sec over 200 pa pered panels; see the artistic designs, harmonious color ings and tasteful combinations. And we wish to impress upon you, we will save you money. Below we mention just a few of the big money saving values to be found here. ' 0SEB, rial, the roll Beautiful Siriieri and smnll pal-temtj-d Papers In rich tones of tans, browns and grays for halls and living rooms. Spe- rtf) cial. the roll iLQ, Painty Strlprx anil Alloer I'.f-fei-l.H In all the wanted shades; with cut out borders to match; for bedrooms, etc. Spe- " J n JL'iV , Paperhangers Furnished Fifth Floor A big selif-tlon of high-grade Tapcfftrlcs In all the new nnd wanted colorings for living di ing rooms and halls. Spe. cial. the roll 49c $13.50 Fieldmouse gray kid lace Shoes, with imitation tip, perforations, welt soles and high trench heels. Price. White kid high lace Shoes with white ivory sole and white ivory (PIO p A military heels. Priced... tV-LallU Dull kid. extra high lace Shoes, with wave too, long vamp, welt soles and full I'rench heels. Price t . . . ' Medium gray kid military lace Shoes, with plain toe. welt soles and oieili- u:i high leather heels. Price $12.50 African brown lace Shoe made of the finest kid wave top, flexible welt soles and high French heels Price $13.50 leather; high $16.00 Jewelry Novelties for Christmas Many new and attractive pieces are shown in these new holiday displays. STORE nOl'RS 8:30 R.30 to 6. to 5:30; Saturdays, MAlIi ORPf'.IlS sent to us for merchandise wirihe fillad promptly nnd accurately; ship ping charges prepaid, except on basement articles. HIMSTITCHINO and Marking of linens cTpertly done here Second Kloor. OXCT-VA-nAY DKIJ; F.RY floods pur chased one day will be delivered some time during the day following, tio specified time ' given. KMTTIXt; CIiASSJ If you wish to learn knitting or fancy work you may attend our FRF.K classes of instruction, held every day from I to II and 2 to h Second Floor. Neck Chains, 50c to $l. l,avallieres ".e to $6..0 .Mesh Hacs at S5 to $25 Wrist Watches $J2.:0 to $35 Porines . ltar l'lns Karri ngs Itrarelcts . r.0c to $1.50 to $12 to $7.50 $1 to $13.50 . . fiOe . 50c rr- Daintu (lifts of sterling Silver - offir riKiny !.. .itv i. rii ,in l u-- fu. nrt ic !';. l'U t up in l-ov s f,r t hri-, at . miIis'.ui!, ini: I'rif YARNS of All Kinds ay, white nnd ... $1.25 $1.00 llelsher's Knitting Wnrsrrvls. In gray, white nnd yream; for Knitting socks; the hank - rr Trimmings Popular This Season Frit r.mi;s In Siberian squirrel, Hud son seal, racoon, nutria, h o a v e r, oppossuin, mole, skunk, coney; from 1 to ; Inches wide. The yard 50c to $20 SII.K Pltl-V. FICIM.FS In navy. black, taupe, brown, gray, white, purpk. copen and red; '.'toll Inchon wide. 1'iic.d, the ard - $1.00 to $8.00 SII.K FKIM.IS AMI I.IIT ItltAlHS Krlngea in rose, gold, Mu and jnulbi rrv: - t Inches wide, the jard Njihaki Knitting Yarn skein . , .' ,:':i.;;.-'v $1.25 to S4.50 Fifth and Main Streets Phone 6060 J Shetland Flosa, for fancy sweaters. In peacock, robin's egg, daffodil, oxford, reseda, orchid, American beauty, wisteria and all tho ' Qr other popular colors ODC Arumm Wool, In all the wanted shades for trim ming sweaters and for baby .r7P IJC caps 50c to $1.50 fiilt brald. ope ha'f M 1 Inrh wide, the yard - 15c to 45c Art Oept., Second Moor. van n.x.M.Ti: M-rrs In bliii'k, whitu, In-'ht blue, rose, yellow, gmy. shell pink, 36 to';: In. wide; the yard - $1.25 to $2.50 Sfitouu. J loor. :t !t t? R a 6