Newspaper Page Text
XITArt work Is becoming mors (ha engrossing activity In Tulsa. Thera Is a place for all women to perform soma useful servlco to holy win. I are reviewed and chronicled for readers i f T'io World. I,citcrs from over Oklahoma lull uf activities. ovit oklahm KLAHOftU'a SXATEST NXWIrATCB IOTA UAIBD W1UC ASSOCIATED TKTt TULSA, OKLAHOMA, SUNDAY, NOVUM HKU 17, llLS. CD W w am ft (Found In the pocket of Capt T. P. C. Wilson, killed in action ) Heaven. Suddenly one day t The last I'M shall full away. The lust little beastliness that In in our I. In. , Shall drop from tm as the shr ath drops from tho hud, And the great spirit of man MiftH slruggla through Anil spread huge branches underneath ihu blue. In any mirror, be It bright or dim. .Man will Bee God, staring back at him. Westminster finxefte. The Heck's n,lh Calendar. Sunday. wlcs Wcavsr's lnllial or- ii auditorium of Henry rgc. Monday, for Ituskin Art club. John K" fin Kendall i" LHnchccn tf.,4.imes I . C. Col". Sam I M Write and. i-nrwT. W'll.aniso,, are tio:esws hi country club, honoring Mr. Carl f Magcc. iTnwn seii meeting n'' li'uary. firen'it- meeting of Tulsa Ulfl. . rj,,!,. Mrs. -. 11- Cruver Ib nos tra ill hi'"' 1'"'" Tuesday. lllcsuaT. Tuembiv l!o"k 'lub meeting with Vrf Hoi !..M t I'. Mason. (iilumbm i hautauqua ;irrary. meet In J MUSIC That's II! That's what puts the "Jul" In rejoicing. You ihoulil have no rea-son for not owning a piano. There are pianos suited to the purse of overyon, and there are plans of payment that make the Initial cost easy for you. When you have heard the eiquisite tone and havo ranned the pure workman ihip of the Instruments in our display you will realize the truth of our words. The Lyon & Ileal Piano takes away your one valid excuse lor non-ownership. TV have two slightly used T.J.White Music Co. IM S. MAIN. rHOXK 4M. I m ' Jvs ilj Wednesday. Mrs J 1 Hutchison Is hoertss to llihtory ami I.itoratur.) club. Ilnlmrt liulcn Cirson presents John McCurmack in rrrnal. iTiday. Jane AddaniM itiautanT'a circle iiH'i'Si In library. Saturday. I'.in - Hellenic: society 'mecta with Mi.-.s Frances Jfroaoh us hiistosti. Announcements. The l'.iri-IIcllcnle society will meet on Saturday jificrnonn In tho homo of Mi- Frances lirnach, 1440 South l'.o.fton avenue, with Misses Cartne lita Wumn and Mildred as lis mstiiii; hostesses. All members are urged t,, he In attendance and to take their knelling with them. Dinners. The Country Inh. which has seen little or mi social gayet for 11. ore than a year, was on Saturday evening the M-ciio of a victory dinner dance at which lnu clu IJinciu I crs and Oit-of-to,vn guests were In attendance. l'latiricl to celebrate the expected coming of pc.icn, th ciuh W'as fiila in its array of the allied flas wnTch everywhere were In evidence, und tho tables decorated In cornucopia, filled with fruit, viiKe.iled Hie tv;i- un of ThanksKlvinu. Iiancinir fol lowed the dinner as Pro. Krain bcinir on the "jitney" plan, with a charge for each number on the program. There was an auction and leer features for the purpose of raising money tor the united war fund drive. Among the tncmliote and guests In iitiendance were ! Messrs. and Mcadnmeo Horace '. Anderson. (!. V. llaiu. ('. K. Hwfln Kon. Whitney. A. M. Meeks. V. W. Bryant, W. 1 HP key. v. I. Noel Mercur. Howard N Cole. .1. M. Hay I tier, William Miller I toss, tieoign S. ; Mule, Kranklln S. ray. l,ynn K. Wal i lace. Charles U -Waite, Frank I. I Ixmls. James It. Itol.inson, Well 1 '. I Montgomery, J. C. Fowler, Harry C , Afhl'v, Frink II. lireer, Arthur I.lp I pa, 1.. .1. Martin. I'. M. Mlskell, Harl ! W. Sim lair, Frank l Moore, v.. Kog ers Kemp, C. W. Wangerein, It. 1 tj McCllntock, W. It. IJndsay, Hohert I M. Muodv. Hert H. rllna. Mrink, 1 Kay M. Collins, C. D. Coggeshall, I ir. and Mrs. Charles P. l' o'ilern, Mr. and Mr Carl Ireiier of Ilradford, I'a., Mrs. Knnls of New Orleans, Mis. Adams of Kansas City, Mra. W. At $10.00 on choxwe) from $1 1..-1O and $I2.:0. srllcrs. In brown, jrray ml black; 9 IncJi tops; Louis ooTCrrd hrxds. II. Anderson, Mis ;. McCoy, Mrs. I'tillie Cos, I, 11, Mihsi .s Cariiien Coyle, t'roebie. Mil.. I M.ipmIi, IJIibetll Madison Km ;n Mock, MesM l;oh. it .Malum, 1 ( Kcmlrnk, t:d ward J. II. .11 on. titevc King, ' apt H V. Ariio,.l, Mr lieort;.; li. tVok o( l.n;:leHoo.l. N. .1. Mrs'. It 1 M 1 I . 1 . I'o'e wis tlCWtOSH of a luto iieon party I' ri.l.iy af'ernoon in the I'oiniiiy clu'i to hoimr Mrs. Chan.. I.. lUill, who is leaving for her n -ii lence In I'm t Worth, Texas. Members) of the .lane Ad'Uni ; chriiitniiijua circle, with whom Mrs. 11.111 na heen rn pleasantly asso ' i.ited during the time he ha.s Jived Inn, were irui-sin hihI the M-rvlug was followed l.y 1 1 1 r club's regular program of work. There wore covers for MesdamcM Ceorce S llerry, John .. Anderson, It. M Itlackmore. I" A. I!ui turns, l W. Crouch. Charles F. Farreii, W illiam Milhr Itoss. Charles ?,. Waitc liov H. Monk, .1. 1'. Sinytlw, II ( 1! Mr Cluri, H. 1'. l'orter ami I.. II. Hug- Kl.S. Mrs Mlton Mverett was hoste of r lun,-lniin Friday afternoon when hhe had a smail compan of matrons and young women who are old time friends of her Mister. Mrs. Harold Helm of Moravia, N. V., In. A yellow and white table had covers In addi tion to those of the honor Kuest and ho.stos, f,,r Mrs. Iluith King. jr. Mrs. Wall ice Carney, Mrs. Arch I, Smith, Mrs. ;. llalpli l.ockwooil, Mrs I'. K. M.igee. Mrs. Schuyler ' French, Mis II. A. Smith and Mis Mae Ijvans. Clubs. Shakerpeare club opening for the s'e.-uiitn 1!tH-1! wis held on Friday In the home of Mrs. Frank II tlreer. lit tended bv u group of several mem bers. Tho meeting was marked bv the beginning of the study of "King 1enr which Is to ho puniueil for tn next several weeks. Mrs. '". ( lie hail a paper on the play and the parts were taken as follows: - Mrs .lames H. Dlggs, King l.ear: M rt. Wiliiam Miller Itoss. illoiiccster; Mrs Joseih T. I-intry. ('..ueril: Hugh King. Jr.. Kegan; Mrs. Herbert 1. Maeon. Cordelia; Mrs Deo Clinton, a knlchti Mrs. Charles I. F O'Hern, Cornwall Mix John 1) Hail. the king of France; Mrs. l'reston ('. West. Kdgar; Mrs. James It. l'.obinson, Oswald; Mrs. John Hoy. F.dninnd; Mrs. c. c. Cole, Jester. Mrs Albert W. Until was granted a year s leave of absence to do war and Y. M c. A. work. The next mooting in two weeks will be with Mm. John I. Hail. The. Tulsa Woman's eluh openlns, will be in the form of a tea Monday afternoon In the new home of Mrs. A. H. Cravcr In Sunset Park. In ac cordance with the time, every wom an is a-sked to take her own portion of sugar. Those who havo ears are asked to meet the mxmners with no way of conveyance, at tho fcnd of the Main street car lino. Matrons of the trtopln eluh nseem. bled for the first time since the qnar. Shoes of the Better Grade Reasonably Priced The knowledge that you are buying from a reliable house that has years of reputation for efficient and honest business methods, should give you a feeling of con fidence and assurance that your purchases from us will stand the test Originality, Quality and Value. Our collection for fall comprises all the newest ideas in footwear in different materials and most desir able colors. Special Monday Only' At $8.95 Ono lot of black and tan boots. Built with militury Imx'Is. A super fine sl.vh' for Hrecl wear. Ili gular $1 1. 50 values. Tulsa Mothers and IS.' . . 1 5 . J "vi 1 1 ; u. " 7 f-tlAH mm? " 4 - Yf-f-' ."-V ' J' Mrs I'rank Hotirron Caseheer and Iter hnhy son, Dan Hourron, are the subjects of the ihiirming l-t 11 rn hhnwn. The baby, now seven months of age, w:is three months old when the picture was made. lie in the only giamlihibl of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hunt. antine on Wednesday, with Mrs. O. 1.. Chancellor as hostess in her home. I Knitting was the order of tint after noon and refreshments were aoived.L The club will meet again this week on Wednesday with Mrs. If. I,. Sells, at whlcli-Ulue plana will be made for tlm seanon's uctivitles In Hod Cro:- work. j Members of the Tuesday Itook club ' hold a business meeting Tuesday afternoon In the homo of Mra Her bert L. Mason Tho club, which for several months has devoted ItsoJf to the making of surglml dressings, willt that lime make plana for Its work In the event that a declaration of peace comes. Tho wo 111 on are asked to Lake Uieir knitting. The Needlecraft eluh will meet fr i's opening session of the new year Monday nfteinnoon with Mrs. Karl Thomas, HMD Kasl Third street, Kendall. The women are asked to take their knitting. . The reguhir meeting of the board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. will be hld nt 10 o'clock Tuenday morn ing at headquarters in the Unity building. The hrima Icage wtil hold Its' f'rst meeting of the year at high school auditorium at 2:3 o'clock, Novem ber 21i. All rnembersi both old and new srn urged to he present as the program will bo ono ol special in terest. Introduction to the ntudy of French lirama Mra. R. A. Woods Songs A Ui Super rtenherg Au Verevsbleinix Massenet Mis. S'orey-White Farce d" 1 Avocit l'athelin f ast of Clutrui lera, I'atelln (a solicitor) ...Mrs. Woods Ciiiluinieru (a draper) Mi Carl I'leawint Agni let (CiuiKamere s shepherd I - . Mrs. Iiuis i.'ohen llartli'din la jiid-'i-i. Mrs A. (1 Heggen Ma da 11 1( I'a'. hin 1 solicitor's Wife 1 Mrs. J. II. llrawn Collett-f!.er maid 1 Mies (race Macfjregor Apprentices ml A rchera . . M rs. I'. W. lluumiiii. Miss llamona KusHell The farce l.elongs to the fifteenth century and stands out preeminently the lust nf all early French farces. It is 11 comedy of manners and char. uctcr. - Informal. . Mis 1 1. C. Turner entertained an afternoon party during the wcok ta honor the visit of Mrs. ;. ..iik nr okUhoma t uy. wno is guein of her sister, Mra Itobn t rr ..... ... . Mon Mrs. CI, i-le.s I, Waitn will enter ti n a small lumpanv informally. ; Tuesday afternoon for MisJ Katheryn Mae Fanner of St. I'UUI. Mr and Mrs C. K. Crawley had a ' few fra uds in for an lnfiirmul ! evenii g Friday, in their home. Women of the lsth divUslon of the)! First l'reabyterian church were ; hosteweK to the young women's guild 1 Friday nii:ht, entertaining with a1 "victory" dinner which was served; in the buh-story of the church. There wts an interesting; program 1 with t'tble leseon led by Miea Char- I lotto WashinKtnn. and mission atudy bv M.s- lloweii, who reviewed "Wo men workeis nf the Orient. ' Itev '. W. Ket r was pre.sent and ou :t e ,1 1 l 111 by which the giuld might 1 1 .operate in the wrk of the 1 oriai egation, especially ill connec-1 t.on wr.lj "victory meetings," soon Their Children Y. n to be held in all the churches. The service committee reported that many of the guild members hid STOCK REDUCING fc NO OSAGE 7825 I o ro 1 at the 1 nu'ii'i nry 111 1 ' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; for sick dm ing lb" lo riit I lil 1' f l 1 1 ,oi, had I n a ti' tn llie. v, 11 wok ilrni'. Mj.s I. Ho' Kiilins lid the sllifciim; of patrlo'lc sii'.:. Tlo- I'l.oi.ioi 1.1s in 1 ' Fi . 1 1 1 ' of MlSh I! Nv,.!':i pleslilint of the cili.l M . ...1 , hi 1 I; I ; 1 1 1 1 m ' s .11 I . lit. i.' I ,1 1,1 id.-. I 1 1 o I . 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I . e i 1 K iv 1 ... 1 1 o ! i 1 II 1 1 K o loi . w I'll" ! t h 1. 11. 1 ' i i- on .111 nu;i mi nis .nut M r.K , i Juvenile. M.IIV 1 .110:11, e Cine Mil. ill illlllh tei 1. 1 M 1 ami Mis I I ( c. le hr.itcd tiersintli Itnthdav on Wedneii l.i v when hc bad the children of he fi i 1 1 bof liin'it in fur ii n .1 ftt niimn 01 gallics Hud pi.iv Ann, In In d iuchier of Mr and Mrs John K 001I ii ) c. i. 1. 1. ue, I her fourth l ir'hdav with 11 parly on TIiuimI i . whin .1 little plaMiiates and iiic'hIm weie her quests The arteiiM.oii of games wom followed h I i I I rill IlielllS Helled tloill il tilde s.n:ge.Ht 1 1 e of the ThaiikiKlv Ink Personal. Mr. iiiol Mrs Cill.crL- I. It enter tamed Thursday evening III comp liment to Miss l;ii Ion i nf Kldoi ado Spiings, Mil Mimic and dancing were the evening s pastitueu and re ffesllliil Ills Wi le Ki lled. I'leselll tcrc: Misuses l:ti hai d. Kinily Shcphard Ixillic Siiiiinoiis, l'Win l'isne Mm Harris, lla.ol Minteer. I, e. 1 C.lllllcll, Caroline I'elernoll, 1,11 1 ille I'ropsl Anna Hitch. Mail; net llrowti. Anna tigllvic. Il.i.el .ollets. May Hhitefeld. l-'.i rl n 1.. I mneselk, Marsn lit N.ppei, .losephlne Smne, f i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Minteer. Mi msi m licwev lis. ley. Noll-IH Hallev. .loscph Million. II. 11 Minteer. Kdw.inl Mm tin, titiorge WiSft, Messrs and Mesdames An drew I'lipoe, A. O Isill, I hai lcH Minor- Mra Cliff Allen bus returned to Tulsa after spending the past six months with Ciiip,u,i Allen, who has been slat li.iie.l 111 Knit It I lev. Camp FiMistnii, Kan. After a Visit with home folk heie. Mrs. Allen will go Id Camp I landoool. , tia.. where Corporal Allen has beiii transferred to the officers' training camp for heavy artillery. Miss Nell Corbln has returned from Joplln, Mo., where eho wal called 011 account of the death froml pneumonia feir of her brother, Mr, F.rtwiird Cm Mn. Mism Cnrbln'n'Hlsler, Mis. V.. . Mat bias of Tulsa, la ipilte III of pneumonia at the liuino of her parents In Jojilln. Mr. and Mrs Conine Olffcrt are entertaining Mr (ilffertH mother, Mrs. William (ilffcrt, of (?hlcHigo. Exclusive Apparel and Millinery for If 'omen and Misses Beginning Monday, November 18, 8 a. m. V COATS SUITS DRESSES SKIRTS WAISTS SWEATERS and TRIMMED HATS Less Than Wholesale Prices $50,000 ivorth of new, to be sold to raise Now, while there are yet weeks in whifh these goods are "seasonable," and, as each article is an exclusive one no two alike) and the prices on many articles less than the (ost to manufactnrc affords the great est saving evi tit cf the season, at the same time giving the latest styles direct from New York City DURING THIS SALE APPROI' ALSNO RETURNS NO CHARGES "LADIES' SHOP" The oil IlKii M 1 M li.ffi'lt W.l .1 B'lrnl fol I feA das ilill'IIIK the i,lf. Week of Ml and .Mills C N. Kotilnsou of I liib'ioliilc in e, Kan. Mr 1111, 1 M11 T c llimhes will I1.1 v e as I hell cue -Is il in I'm I lie w ' ek. ; I .lent and M in John I in id S-inail of , l.lllle Lock. il. I.ieiiti liant Sllllld h.l'i I'l ''II III llie naval m'Olce f'lt i'imi.iI iiiontbs us 1 I In ciiin- i 111 in, I o( llie dest 1 o) er Haley. i Mi au, Mis Ceiil Canary of i '.iiii'V, Kan. enpect to become rest I dellts ,.f I'llU.l .lining the iet few months Mis Canary was Mies Jo sephine e liefnro her uiarrlane und ! ninny fi li tiila will welcome her re I tin 11 ! The Matron s I'liilathea cl.s of IFIr.l I'.iipliHt chuicli will meet with I Mis An. hew ll.ns, toil South Clo y I eiiun avenue, Monday afternoon. Mis. I'ettv has been 11, lined as i slating hostess. Miss Mildred Stanfoid enler I. lined a K p of youtiK fi ts-n.l n with 1 mask and costume patty I'lldav ' evening. CoiihwU and music fur The Vojfuc Marinello Shop ;n mi mi; on it Aldus Every Branch Marinello System Hair llobblng Hair Dressing Marcelling Facial Treatmenti Manicuring Soft Water 'Shampoo Chiropody x" Complete Line Hair Goods Phone 6226-6397. Seventeen East Fourth Street. high grade merchandise $29,000 at once. i nished entertainment and refresh ment were served to Misses Ver.i Krtny, l.lllle Kelsey, Ckidys Mason, Mernlco Thomiis, I'aiiline Kchutte, Hedolii Helms; Messrs. Hal Clark, llirl Triip, Charles Krmey and Utlo Tripp. Mrs Ned t Klgsbee will leuva dur ing Ihe wetlk for a visit to her sis ter. Mrs N S Monger, ami mother, Mis W. T. liavutNon, In Austin. Texas. Mr. Illgsbee slso will visit In Ualveainn In her absence. The J'nrenla Teachers association of Osngn school will hold Its first ineellng of the season at 2 30 o'clock Thursday afternoon In th school iiiiilltoilum. officers will bn elected ill tho time named. Mr. mid Mra II J Connolly have received word of the arrival In France of their son, Herfeant Iter- hard Connolly. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tiffany hav re moved to their new homo at MJ5 Main street. fONTIMlKD ON T.KC.K KOIIH, "PHOFM 1 KN CX" out Mtrcco of the SALE 506 S. MAIN