Newspaper Page Text
ll TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1018. f In r I.i ,.:),. .i i ih m ,,r . '' 'tic ! .. 1 !. led Mi M" Itn in hint """'' i i.rtnai k wij I'' ii."-imI ill hy in'ui . .. i!lii ii, Ci,iir;i'-i. -mil h lm A ii.fri'.i 1 i U .1 M I - Mm Mi.ler. Mm. I'.irun Virmn i.i ' l"t iii'i " Itiith lli.-kl.-y . . Kiihv A nli ..I. i ' J 0 Intercut to Women C'.VI I S i I. h I I,"' I , ..' " . I 'I I .s . CI Personal. I I jf . : v. .. l.r.i I . I,. ii'I'i, itii.i' in the f"l ow.fii,' ' 'iii -li-i mi ; Wri A o I ' I ol'l ., 1,1 The iwi I' I I'" Pi-fl-ir .1' Am. i ii.1 l'nii..ii Marioni lies Hilly Kirn THE VOGUE Suits and Dresses SUmpcd With Individuality and Exclusiveness At Decided Price Reductions I Madm Man-h if the I ('iti.i rH I'l;. In. 11. nob i 'lii i iiii'ik ' . Mm u i if. i ' ...p. r i. it e' i ' .1 I . i . -1 1 i i 'I'.i' S'll'tii i s . . Ilfini.iii ltr.ilsh.iw A.i.ii,. I. W' The l;,t h Sin: ...Pauline Vandever In.- fl.iiv, I . . f I Sin. Tli .ill !: NilUKllty Plxli- M 00 k InK Hi Mother ,i ,t .,,. 1 1 '1,iih-.i ... 'ln'ipvliH Ilutchin.-'.n ,T.II-. I, J Kin I Til VN ill luri,:ln 1)'ir. ''.in, M,., i . ii i i I li. iii. iii i i ii'inlnni '"' I'n nil Ii m .M.nn.i- Kennedy M M , i 'nrin.i l ' '" 'he I' l' !' Km el In 1.(1 .... V i . I. :,i.':. .Aur lit'tyi i 'iif hirini. A mum' riu.K .'.,ii,l n,i i l,:n.. . . K'l-tHli-r ..'! in III.' r.iMM Ml V I I i l.i.nn i l '.It IutTIIH ' I T Mil; '-.'limit I:, iii i: .. i i - rm (: in).'" f': "t tlf Water I lar v 1 I i.f.iii v I' ". . i h. Tin l,i M ,..,!, M.'.s-hum '''"' I'iiHii li.ily licit.,, e lin--. ' I , 1 1 I,,., 'I la mukihk ' J IH' .-'T il l.lll I; S. m . All.'ll. 'r. -It. in I.I I ..I:. Dressen With f 'nusual and .eie Char ma llii. Iiln.l ii . f , J in- I ,011,1 In' l I I IAll, Ti-H .1 ,iii t. r n 'I.i mn n I V ii itii.i.i III ;. ; S.i'-t. . . I l 1 1 .i M, M , ' V I li, ;i ' K I iilcrmlsfdoii. '.I. Sl!IC, ii iiice ,.f Sun, in. ' It i, 1 1 .' I ; i i' i.l I'. i ' r II I '. x i. V lu ; ..i li.'i, i hi' I ,i.. I I,.' 1 1 , .Ii I' 'I'n i ,. II,, I.. . II . . ; Si, i . i,i 'I, i'l- I 'I l, ..,1 UK I i.n I . . Air 1 1 ii he i i. c .. s . a to '! If if j ill : Tin I., ii '.ii" An ii I. St inf. if, I I'll. I, N.-u,.. U in i'. i'l I .ir. I. I'll II il.IV ..i. I ' '" .mi sa'i.M.n ,i' '" n 'l I :..i n i ,1 i ,f- I. r. i.i;.',' Si ri ,. i ' i Ml- M 1 . . ii in i Mr Juli'i I. U it 'I k.i;. n 'i' , ..I.i ' 'I Ii.i -. .- I,-, i I I,, i ,1 ,i ,, i;,,liu: t., In . ii i i . . .,i 1 1 I t .' Musical. ;n' M. 'I'll' i (l.ili .'. uf llf ill 1 1 , i t ' l I . ,1 , I, ,, l,. .1, .- v. ill ll'-l I , 'it it-, ( ff, . t (,l II.IITII' Till' Willi- i.'Iu'iiihh I,, twi . Kin ),, 1 1 ii, i'li, w v I I ,1 - li.'li,' t - il i'lil.-. 1 1 K ,in inn. I''- i'l. vtl Ml , ' i ' I It I I ' ' 1 1 .'.'. , -,l I I I,, r : .-' 1 1, f 1 1 ,, ti.l .m l V i i nun I , I ; i I'iim: ,n- will Ii.ivi- ,i twi,.Tii- I" i im 1 1,.!,,., lli.-i-iil..irKi'i 1 u.'iwni i. H Hull It.- Itil.T.-f. Ill llillllt i Mill II. Ill 1,1 I'll' s. .1 Ill 111 Ml ll"W K" i,f M.llil- ll. li.'M-" I'liil.iv VITIUIK ,. .m, mi i- nf linn- i In llliu in I'll'' :tln- tun f M, iin.l Mi, ll.irry V J..I111 M-i in in. n k In III.' rt , All tin. i liililn-n i'ii. In .-iif-(. ll'i..- f in k.ii it' rni '.vlll t 1 1 1 1 1' uhlili . i i,ri",ltlvi i.f ! ( ,f ' I , . ,- i , ,h i . tin 1 1 , -. I . 1 1 -1 t i tin' ' i .i.-..,ii .'.In.-H.l.iv. .NnViMit - ' tlii t it i ii h mm in l.i-m i,ri I hi iriii:riiiii ..... . . IV -, ,. ... , ' ...111,.. t... I i i t..... I M . .. II . I ..... I. .... .. i .m in- T i . ;t i it iii i ii: iii i 1 't - 'i '.. .. ."ii ,. ... ii Mi .in. I li" I ri il S I '., ..I,. .- ii. Ii ii I' ll li'-i inn nf inii.' -Imlntf I f.,, II ll. 1,1,1 tl MI'I'M In tin' Mrf. X. II Nl .v : . i . It ciiiifiiif.l lo,nv am. i- i lt- I 'mini Ululn itiIitoiI . ....ixiiii' I '. i mis . Untei ,Hiiin . 1 "III rintt ),lll.,ll Tli i 'ir.'im ... A ,l.-n rri'Kiun I A n.i.ri ; he I ',,, . j IT ., M lli-o Mr, m,i ,.r I M.i I ll i,f I i.i I'-t . I .1 . ( ';.K-n i m ,j i ;! nil- u ,i 1,,-h' it.-v , . M...:.'. A, .,,.,r , I'ixiim Hi'irni.ti., . ImI m.i .Inn.', !"'"TI'-' Mil, I., I 'li' , 1 i.i-.- S. 4 I St, ...l V . , T. i-il i' l, ,,, T ..., i- I'n, i . . . .Ann i I i . .i & i n Tlii. I'.xi.-t in .i.l I V . i .i r II.iii'Ii .-'.n Till- I lull f , .' I i )-.,;, 1,, . I-..,.. I . . ..... M.'II..K!i,,Wi".' 111., mm,,, ' i. in,, 'iv'ir:. ' In I li.- i ;, ,-y I ., t , , .... I I '.' I . -I;.- Ill III '.('.I ' S,,r. .. f , I 1, ., I, . , H. .. t i . I . ... . iii .i .r., fr..m I no I ,-i n.. , , ,M, I II, ,. n M.i :.,n 1 1 1 1 ik 1 1 i.i n I : ii,, -..,,1 i i , .. , - - M I M I '.II ! 'll ' M:n.-n, I;, .I Mi M I, I SI.T ll ', ll N.-l I'll.T , I' I . 'Ii i riitnii,! ! ;.'. ,n -h I mi,, ,- ... I' f M : W i.i, l ll tiiii In .it ' i!, I ,i I ,,t M ilii' l w i'ti-n ,tl ' li. 1 1 ,-n' l; i I .l.'.it lilt llii'.' ."In I:.-'. -I liv Mi.' I'.r. .ki-ii I'.r.'.in I 'nliTlil.' Til V l.'r l-'T.vxii IIt.ii . ,. 1-1 , 1 will H. Iiiii'I'Iit i'i'I l i i:,,il Mi I'niinliv .n,t St. . I , u- 9) 1 1 x Mi Mi l in iiiiu li i.f M '.-, i ',;it iti.t THE SUITS nrv designed to meet requirements of Women and Misses who desire a certain indi viduality that charms. Mi Y Mm Mil!-! h.'i- ;i Urvi' ami vrv hti rffui rlaMi if (MijiiN who fir n''il in Him of th1 Imjmt, lfi hs(i in. The rKr.uu folluA.H; The Superior Style and Quality of Will Add to Your Costume That Touch of Distinction Which the Most Dis criminating and Fashionable Women Pronounce Correct. INTRODUCING MORE NEW ARRIVALS OF WOMEN'S FINE BOOTS No. 5000 Castor color, genuine buck lace HtHttn; High covered heils; light ueight notes. A real dress Shoe one of the season'n neir ones. $16.00 Y. 5132 Itrown hid Lace Press Hoot; high cov ered heel; light u eight sole; imitation tip. $15.00 Iflack hid Lace W alking Hoot; new walk 'tig heel ; long vamp last. An extra spe cial value $8.50 I'rown hiil I. ncc Walking Html; niilitarg nr ('u')iiri lulls; mrthunt weight soles. $12.50 ll ( An :r Shou-ing a Complete Line of MtCallum Hose Walk -Over Boot Shop III South Main St. Phone 1520. ms n: HL in nrox, ciuniHiht In Dailg A t tendance. .loiiii Km. h I'.mi i in-. -tin- "f I'ihi i.l (ii K.i n I i I l"n , IxiTl I 1 11 llli-K'. lll KVl' 111." (ilr-l II.SMII IT'- Tt.ll . . in. m:ii.ii,, ,it I ,' Inn; Sin il.i .i : T-i i i.i-nl in t Ii" i " - ; I, i p- , Tin. I . i i. tii- i in, i I.,; 'In,. ,i i ., ii, f'lllllMH ' H.iniit.1 in ll Minnr , Uiiktn j (HI AIL 'Kit fin linn, llil AdlK'o. (ri Scherzu; I'll I iilfrliidi'i; lf) F'nua IvtiHon PhnnoKrnph ItccrpHlliinn . Willi I irirm AiTTiiiipunltni'nl. j la) Th rnluin Khuto ; TIk'iiiiiii I ' httlm i-rn. I I In Ave .Marie from 'Vav.'ilir ri.i ILi.tftimnna' M,i,.i.-n, Krlrrlu Mivmpi'l. if i luet. "Hoini'wliTfl a Viiiri. l railing" Tn'i' Kllmtxith 8ienccr-Vernon Archil. , ! . , in I liberty Murrh HThiiu:i-t : (In "Old lllH-k Joe and Inxi'-'. I'UT Kdmon rtiiinoKnifih Iterri-Hi tutm : Willi I TKtin A-coinnnmf nls: I l) "I'll Corn Hnr lot Von i Whrn !t' All Ovfr". .Kerry Milli (til "Hoiiifwhern In fYani-i' Is .1 Lily' Il.iwurj , Arthur MldillMon. (ivrrturo, "WlllUm TIIM . . . Itotwmi A 1 11 I m m -Jta ill (J,' i ' iii ' M V Va $85 Suits for $95 Sutia for $65 $10Q Suits for... $69 JO $135 Suits for... $85. 00 $165 Suits for $100 r.raiil or fur trimmed some with fur collars. Developed in t!- season's finest fabrics. THE DRESSER are unusual in silhouette with refinement the dominant characteristics. Severe ly tailored dresses of wool fabrics or elaborated with braiding and embroidery. Afternoon gowns of sat'in. 25 Off 1 25 Off Mb On All Our Wool Dresses Suits that arc apart from the ordinarij On All Our Satin Afternoon Gowns Wmni(eini asad War Wflk WIIMIK YOr MAY SKRVK Monday. lit C'roas headquarters open every Uuy. I'reiitiyterlan women, Firat church, every duy. Itimton Avenue Methodlat church, every day. Women dob, Ked Croaa headquarter Jane Addama Chautauqua. Red Crona. Vandever unit, Monday and Thura. day. 1'wentleth Century club, Hed I'rnii headiiuarters. Junior Ked Croiw, high school liuildlnf every day. rroabla Heights unit, Jrvinu chool. Hum new women'a sursical dre8- jiriK rluaMPM. .Monday. Thursday and itioela at neadqunrlera. Crown Seal Chautauqua, Hrnt I'realiytiTlan' church. TesiiM. Wolverine unit, M"nday and Thiirsduy, Tiiewlay. Women of Christian Scirtyt-t! churx-h meet with Mm. rharU'a K. IXot'le, Mrs. W. 11. Miller. Mrs. Frank 1'Yantz. Mrs. C. It. Adaina. Mrs sum. tiel .1. Campbell and Mrs. W. W. . K Ml tin. lied Crtww unit of Hed Fork meets Tui-Hday. Thursday and Friday CltrlHllnn Women, Ited Cross heal. quarters. Cherokee Helnhts unit. 1'revhXenan church. West Tulwuntt, Tuesday, Thurs .1,1 y and Saturday. Kendall unit. Colleire Hill ehurch, Tuejfclay, Wednedday, Thursday and Friday. Columbia rhatitauqua, meets nt workroom of First Presbyterian church. Kchne National bank unit, meets at bank. Cliurch f liod unit, Ited Cross. Kennedy hulldlnK unit, Ked I'ross. Crown Seal cliaulaiiqua, Jlrst Presl. terian church. Seventh 1'ay Advetutstg meets with Mrs. T. M. Hawks. Ked Crivm unit. Halliburton-Abbott Htcre, meets Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday. Ked Cro of First M. K. rhurch. meets at headiiuarters. THE VOGUE New Wright lildg. Adjoining Postoffice. MormnRMdo No. 1. Ited Cross. Catholic unit mcei.s ut hcadquar tela. I duy. worklna- conditions In war Indus tries and determine thn standards I which KhnuM urevsll in factories. s"M,r,lu' I Miss 'lTiorne was graduated from Led truss heail.iuai ters open ail I tho fni emit t fhi..nn i.,.i I studied f"r two ars at Uberltn, She ... . , , . "7T . i WH " blsli acrool teacher In llannl Washlniflon ti child labor problem , hal. iIo-t npr , cltyi t,e(ore Hhe is rather unusual It is not u prob- ' l.ccame nhnoctnted with the labor lern of underpaid and poorly fed movement children toiling in factories, but of . . w.u-fed and over-paid boys and girls The Ked Cross made a bis shin- ment of surgical dressings garments and knitted goods the nast week. which comprised the following; 400 doing light work. They havo plenty of money, and the problem Is there fore, to prevent (hem from spending it foolishly or in wa)g that will In jure them. To some rutent the problem is not peculiar to Washington, for ulmost everywhere boys "ml glrs are able to make more money than they have ever made before. Hut In Washing ......... ... I ( lunu nnve. Itic sale was held in I with women In this cn,,i,m Su tt... 1..I.1... tiA..i n..i.... , .... , ' -" Kuh,k (in hi ,i liiiriy rap:. i r.t e .hots .......i.f.-u i.y a taiga iiumoer or om- oanks t cgun in snl stunt, K,r; , d"' . , men ear.y in the war. ami tnnv U The automobile casings contri- ij ,r,......i.-. ..r r ... billed to the team by Mr. Harrelson. , The Kirls have been foun.i ' harhl. . flcient and satisfactory w nki-ri oi me vvesiern Auto company, brought $150. A pen knife and cane also were disposed of at a good figure. The Ked Cross unit of the Presby terian' church will meet Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday in the fu ture, the women concentrating their most of these position T'ley ha greater patience tluin men :i. rul' Jobs, and some, women n re fUT equal to men in Inttialh ton the Jol are fur messenger serv- t ' ' he or light cUrlcal work fo the Who ever heard of two pies sell -government, and the young coplc ' '"g 'or 1400" No one else ever did. do not realize how much ihuy arc lp" herivbut that is the. price which getting for the work they do. 1 l delicious pastries, disposed of At the recommendation f a sub- bV M"- Washabaugh's team, brought committee for the children's yeiir onc day lust week for the unlled war flmpaign. It is pi'S.if(e that a juve-1 nlle polico force Uia.v be established to aid In the supei vision of thesoip 'o)s anu gins w no at e receiving pay that ordinarily men ate gfcd to get. Ardsley Towers. Die I.phijU country estate nf Mrs S 1' liavit. oakum pads. 372 S-yard rolls. lj,,ln on sewing. Now that the de-("i hMirrieid. i onn., h.i- l:"Hti boys' blouse 'suits. 3u c hildren', un-1 partment of surgical dressings has ! recreation center for ti e trmuKal, derskirts. 150 girls" dresses fiu ! been dispensed with, all women oflof women employes of the 1'nl trench font slippers. 14(1 hov un- church are expected to turn States Gas Intense plant at l4 dershirts, 170 underdrawers 10 their attention to sewing and knit-'island city. N. V. pairs socks, 50 helmets. :M'i sweut- tlug. I The entile, whli.h is ' rrs. : Ardsley-nn-the-lludx.ini- ,.is l) ttne line of wok for which women bv Mrs. I'avis for the wHr ntrefr have clearly demonstrated their fit- period into the keeping ' f the I' ness Is banking. In F.ngland it Is re. is nnd citv branch of the y v. C. ported that more than 64.000 bank-land girls from the gas deferine pU ing positions are now being filled by j are able t0 spend t.'u .r eek r women. there. Including fares 1,1 .ind fr The process of filling bank Jobs , Ardsley, for about $3 "I am unable to go to France to fight, lut I am anxious In work In your plant and help make shells and bullets to win the war." i Majiy women wrote sirrh letters as this to W. K. Keplinger, president of a large cartridge company of On- ' cltinati, at the time a great muni-' linns plant was opened. Mr Kep- linger, in pliinning the new inent. Installed machinery of a type Second that women could learn to operate iradily and made it his policy to cm. ; ploy as many women and girs a-s pos sible to pievent t'.o many changes in his labor supply, due to enlistments and the draft. ' if the ."..OHO workers' there admit 11.000 arc women. The erit busiiism shown by many of the eiiiploN cs i-i characteristic of a number of s.niiUr have been reported to the department "t , IsJbor. A di.-tfinctive wartime development In Knglish ludUHtrv has been tJie establishment uf wom. ii police forces In factories where women are em ployed. Thev have multifarious do tes nod pel form I In-in very effec. lively, according to reliable informa tion to the depart men t oi l.ib.u'. The women polite bciMn ihrir c.i- rcer In the summer of liiiti, when it Art Circle meets at Ked Cross i became evident that fun her inea.-- headqusrters. Women of First M. F. church, Ke I "ro. Immanuel Hsptist women, church orkroorn laidy Maccabees Ited Cross Women of letter luiy Saints church meets for work at church. I'aptlst women of First church, meels at headquarters. Ttiiirsdav. Clement A Fvans chapter P I. C , P,e,1 Cross headquarters. (ireutt Memorial unit, Ked Ctohn l.ulherati women, Ked Cross head. urcs were needed for the s ipen ismn of women in munitions work than had been adopted up to that time. The women police examine pass ports, checks I lie woikers is they enter the factories, search f"i such contraband articles as uoit. dies, inf arcts and alcohol, patrol' the factory neighborhood and assist ihe poip-e magtstrii'e.x. Tho, pj'tol is a hsgh'v important feature i f tn.-ir ss-r i-c. for many of thes- pl.ints ui'e l ie, i ted in lonely ,-)otM. in, I pr.ictn ,iliv all nt them ate going fo'-l blast "ight an. I day,., quarters ll-lieu wi'hin 'h" furt.':v inclosiir.'.s. Tigert Memorial church, work, the policewomen are needed, f-f room Thursdiiv and Frida.v (these arc it; '. in mces t-ix nil- Trinity women, lcl ; ;,uu. an, I w m, , 'H i king rxplnsiv es Cross j muM oficn oi in tsolatci huts at Culf ii) y unit. Ked i Toss heil- ,,K distunes f-,,iii ot her structure-. quarters. I So Milil.ll'lo Ills 'he work ,,f tl'e Itoxuna Ked Cross nun meets in policewomen prove I that their re lied Cross Mention in imlu-'rv -o long as co,-l.. Initi'd Prcsb teria ;i wotoen meetltiots necessiate.s the I'mjitmiiT tit "f :n church. . women under p-esent coti'lii ."tis no li K . Ke,1 Coys tproxima'ely simll.u, Is tully i- Pan Hellenic soeie:; Ked. Cr -ss : ) ted. IYId.i. - Tulsa chapter K S. lie I (':. m I'lcen e c. Th-'rue, who wa.s OFFERING SAMPLE MODES IN SUITS $29.75 THE SUITS arc in styles that will suit any woman no matter how particular her tastes may run. Just 50 in the purchase. Mater ials of velvet, chiffon broadcloth, men's wear serge,, gaberdine and oth ers. Wonderful well made suits that sell ordinarily up to . $50.00 COATS & $29.75 tisk NEW COATS, YV ' '2 SMART COATS f Fashioned with a v ixet'it rtt;rti , tor sij iv, fabric, excellence, for tailoring and finish that will stand the test of service. Just 50 coats in this lot each" one in a different mode. Tou ran clioose from boll vlas. burella. chiffon broad cloth, wool velours and Pom Pom. Collars and cuffs of fur. plush and velvet. Full and half lined. Coats that sold up 4o $50.00 Millinery Special This Week at $8.75 , Not a hat in the lot worth less than $15. Models for street, dress or after noon wear. Many new ideas in tailortcd effects. Velvets, hatters JQ I7C plush and fur effects. Choice in one lot for this week at I)0 tl headiiuarters. Prania league. P,e,1 Cm,. Shakc?p''are clul'. Ked C'osi. Aalri court.' Sh-,n. , M sonic hall. Knichts snd Mdieo of Swuri;; for itiiitiv eats T" a-.s.srant t,, jsmi i.c! liompers. p-esi. ,,f the Amer. ;, an f e.ler.lticn , f liol'. b is been ill'-l-nir-te I a.sislac' director "if the wo.hini: i iT-llIliTl, service i,f ine tic. partment of labn" the wortr TuUc 1 lie n tor to the Tlilnl l'lisir 315-817 30UTM MAIN ugFOR cash UP STAIRS TAKEtlEVATOR Take l lcMitor to the Third I'lnor - " -III Knichts Slid Mdieo of tjevurity. I partment of labo- the worlr of which I i lied Crows headquarters. ortanial.uu i Lo lo cxJii. - V ACn r x