Newspaper Page Text
ja tx V"-" yqfrffl wrrorrnre Abnormal Conditions Make Olmrrra tlon of lrfillilo U'alrr Supply Soimt-s luinu-tl'Jln. Second Floor 1 thk row or yjAJ-rrv During Sale, A C. i i I. C ,5. t 0. V T. a 7 r-flf 5 i ' I ; ! s ... Now llublu Will Have Horn l-oniird Anionic lln W lin Maw Offrn-d IJii'i fur litlxrl). "Y" WILL HAVE PROBLEM lroMmliiiin of iiiillii; Willi :iiutu Moil .kmiiii''h lirui Itiiinic lltm mill W ill Mi-mi W irfc. U h end I:. i, ii r k. i. V. M r Willi', y I t itll.r l.i, til t 1 ll IHlIt ll .1 I i III, III It I'll A Jfi I ii '! ) . .Hi it,.it v. , . ; . .1 ' in r. , uf M.' lim In,- in ! I it II.. An. h ' I, ilt 'I 1 1 In, ,:. ii. 1 1 .1. : In Ii tint it., 1 ' f i l.:t I ;.l I', Kit 'u' III' 111,,, i 1 1 I l It VI. lull lirni il.ii I-, v thrtii aii ,i t it, y liii l iik I i ,r lit Willi lllr.r ine.ll-i ill' d,i III. i! Ilir, K"IM' It, rod' M,ii i 111'- II.', nil h '"I III' llli I II in A IIM'I If. I i,, I I ' . I . III i J' I .1 try .i ri i- i:i .i jiii- l.i in ; hi Id'', I, nut Tin's i.i I ' I" till II I'I'll I' I'll .HI, I I lu k ii Willi' .ii I .ii i "I-' ,i l loumed t,i ilu ii r :iiii iln i : , ,i inline, h'it i:h mi nli'1 .i t , uii . Will lb- Oiurili Ointrv ' Hut J,f I I li.ll il'li I ,11 Ji II, It Vt I i I prnv iiii'ihii.iI in iii tit .illy .i ; , i aii ', Ik 1 1 1 1 1 w In- ii tin i liu i l 1 1 1 1 1 1 we mi ('iiini; ti. h.ivi- an .nm, nl itlltlvll g. H l.i ,! h ,in I Fii i,.,:, "I, Iihh ti'.'i IhI'iii. .'-I'll 'i iln- i,ii, ,r 111 mil lilltli'l llli' nI.iih I'll II:' I. ill i fleltl,' h.iv llli' militlllH, vtllli'itil t ' I ' 1X1 1 . K III' "I 1 1 " I ' UII' litlli'l IIIIM'ii fii'iri' !niiirl!t'it in iln- it Ih-iih m thliiRH Hi. in mirnt'li i-t,, ,n,i ,i,.hi tl,,ii iheri- ant "Hit i i,'ii. ilt i ...(iiiti i nl lift1 t It m ii lliin in ii nil , i in- niii'' 'Tlm V. M l' A .'I ti ..lilii'il It, play it wuiitliTf il i,ii I in (lit liw'ii uf tlii ri in wln-n Itii-y ' ttiiif Hnil I inpin-l to Hft' llif iiitii.ii,ii inniiitxTfttup Iln reii M il by It'.ii'M .tint liniimlH In ul I'-uMt ti'li Inni'H Ilin iiiiiiiIiit we Imve vt r hud In'l.t lint inombi'lHltip will nUtn Ik mni' democratic uintiliiT direct iihiiIi uf i hi witr unit condititinH in tii ttiiny ThrniiKli thn Y'h iii'W cxti-nelmi work. fiitiliyttrn it ml employes will lie hruiiKht rluwr tojci tt'r nn h commou ground of iiiiitnui under Ullldllltf "In fm't, there will be four pluis" nf Iln' work Unit ik ii-nUncif tn I'f nf parninuunt I f 1 1 for I ni. in unlii of -1 1 n i it They urn iduiiilliiniil, physical. Industrial anil reunions; ml when a litiK" iiii'iiiltcmhiii Ik tied loKethcr with bonds nf frnnil hlp nn A basis nf Hut kltnl, (lure will not l"t iniirb iliuiKcr In future of iniatinderslandlriK between fin- I rTl Vi-v Id - Thr ,UIV (.f iiir- 1 1 1 it' -in , ,it,, I ;i,li'., f' i r i itriiin'i' II, . II.,,.. . in illlril llt;ili.llf'l A I, II" l.'i, ,i , Iift.l . Ill . " 'I'll.. i i'i , i f ;l."l i ii. nn I lif l' ii' '' I hi: I. , i !,. ,tiiiKl. I.i.y i ' I ' fll..l I I, IK t 1 1 I 'l i' I V I 1 1 ' fit 111 till wnl I'i I'V A 'ht'ru:i ii fitrlitrrM. It w.i.i in .'l.lll Will If III H!l - limltl'il I,, Iln. kilit! nf I T 'l in .in'l tltf iitttii,tf nf Ijnrr.tini. vt.ii i-H'.tl,- I I ii i - I ihiiI i', i. t-il ntiilfr I'ru ,1 inn in. 1 1 in'l :iin f tltitf Mn- pttt nl. Hi- i,r - i l in Ii ih llvi', ninlii lii-i -mini iii.f l,,.itiiiii( i'Mry t In inf iii- ' iii.iii nn, I , Hit; f"l fi I " in M"iiif il.r.' 'I'll'' tin t It tint ltrtitii;ln ll In Iln In 'if. I i'i llri i niili'H linllln nf Itl.f in. i ,in, I in I il l tit ,iii tii'M'i,i fc'tt.ii in.ii' n.ini'H mni l.trKf 'itii.iniiii' j ..r tii 1 1 1 i' in ll Hit ' v mii mil !i'.t t'n' I) i'n:M yi 1 1 uji'i t his fall it I if r fil'iy-i .tiiil 'riiilnyii. nr lirlwern rnp ami I i In if W III I "n I W ltd IWiyi. "In Tniii. I ftiipinli.r Hint thn lux Willi! fur Ihn II H I lilll'l i'ihm will t" Willi IiiiNh ; t r i I at tin I'tiil nf that tlini", 1 fully mn'i". Hint wn will lni'. 11 liny m in i.inly.ut Inn Hlif'ilnl In Imrif In A nn rlr n "I fully ' x i I Hint tlin V. M. ' - A . llli' liny ki-iiiiIm, flm Ujlilli' Hrllti'ilH tlm Miiii'lay whiinlN, tlin ImyH' linini' mni t in t'lnyi'il tmys' oi Kutiluillnnn I l'w if S-iliin. limn itrinv ,ih fiylitlNK. at S'-tltn It 1 w:im thin . tnrit.ii-t aiiiiv, vintiitii; Hit- Mi'. i .v mi i tin, I'Yi'ii. h nn l"r Nlljiii.rttll I I I, wli'fll t" in 'I ' ll'' I'r.'t iifii I 'i ii :n!.m .1 r lulu .1 :' nit n ti Him I'll, t ,i i' I t h.. ilnu, "f ' hi- I'l'ln I, i ami I f-ni H fil in Iln- ('riii.-i ' , .ii i,f ilin .'ri.n Ii i t'i u I -1 lr. 'rim if rtnitn iirmy at h',.m I'fl iv, itiii'.nlv iniKii.,1 friim tii" wfr'i-rn i"i tlnl, ,,f tlm i M,. In a l.i ;il'"i liriliv I. nit ,,f ,i i 1 1 i 1 1 y tllMnliKtiinnir furti ft.fltii;'- ,iva. tiiu.-r tin triini-ii'liiiiH n t'-.mi nf tlm ri'in li,, :o. V In it a ti'l An.'l ii'itn a ft. It i It w,m i. ii ..i hft I. I s 70. tin; Hit. I Jfi l:.:in-i Mini ll.f I'tlMm nf .-if II. HI, VS I H'll IlilM I'ltl' " llNHiti'lllli'il III" nai i tin I'i'y with tin. inn ik. us- u nf i im I- i fin-ii i-iii pi i ii ml I In- I lit" - nf tlm ilfiriuiM ii i ' nl ir ti military invifi 'I' y tr, lniw- i-r, w.ii tint tlir firm in whii h Hvliin tiHtl flrur1 in rinlalil" t-vi-iii-i in lilHtmy. 1 1 v,n tht- l,lrllii.i''ii m 1111 '' Hi" Viiiiriito It- T u i ii ti . tii" Iiiiii'"I" t'it-iiffi, ainl with tin- 1'iiii ' tt;iljl .- nf .s-.iari wa IrniK In H". pi. ,-ini Hiinii iif (hn h"iiMf ttf 'ruri-nti" In lIJ Kiiik H'Miry IV i iiitiiril ! Hi" illy In a niii'H-'lay IihmI" tli : n , tut in-,' fnrrfN nf I In" h"ii . ami .rli l.iit li" .in," a part "f Hi" i"tl I 'If in. iln Tlm t it v itlH'i viiUifiiHiMl iflKhiihK In I In- Numl' "iilf war. Tlm limn In--- jirliifip illy upnti Ihf iiiM hank "f "i" M'-n-f. II liiul a ,itnll.lj"li lii'f'tli' tlm war nf kmiii" ! what in'.rt- Hiitii IH.H'i'i linliiHtiiiilly II w.iHilinfU initi'fl fur t It" inilti'lfai -iiui" nf uii" Murk rloth, whn'h 'nr tlinal Mnz iMn i hIuIiIihIiimI thi-rn in tin- Hi.yi nl"i'ii'M i"titury, whil many iiiilifr wmiUn falirtiji mo prod-icntl hy ' i I.h Invin-I. will In- -l,i i liti'i-ly affllialrsl tual liKt'-f ni'-nl nf -iii H" Iiuiih mi-ntlnni-il, tlial r-vtr--iln- rltv', rli'h nr -n-iir.t'.w nrai-tlfally lh Hiiiii" i liain" itiiiii'1 ilfvi-l'ipmi-nt nml imt liy inii-in.-litu -Imy in II hav fur all l KltlKl" liny will In) iillitwil In cm-upi'. "At tlm nri'-nMU tinii". tln rii ill" i In tin- inly nf '1'iiIm.i. nmil i'i.'iimi liny.i ill I'f wll'llll Ml" "IlKllilo In til" klll'l ..f ,ri'Krani thai th" alnn" Innlitu tlmiH urn nffi-rinif S'nt tnnrn Hinn Ti i'T fiMit nf IhH nuinlii r Ih K"l- Cot7s" DIRECTORY ForJZtrx Edna Potter Boone Rnprano SnlolHl. Avftllnbla for wdilln-m, rnnrrrU nd fcnral n-irtnlnmrnt. Rololiit Klrt Churrh of I'hrliit Hclfntlt. 1501 Mouth lloulilr-r. I'honii ZSS SB46. TULSA INSTITUTE of MUSIC and FINE ARTS I'I WO, VOKi; KltlONC'll AMI AUT HAUKV .lACdil KI'INIM.klt, I UrmUnr. ANT1INY KTANKOVITt'M. Miidtpr flanlfit . JOSl'IIINK HTOllKV WMITK. Ilrad nf Vnntl ript. 1 MIJ.K. HKNHYKTTA CI.ol'ATK. FTfrit-h nn.l Art. Thn ntn mlanln of thin ihnnl t'liinpiirn fHVornhly with the con" frviitnrlrH of Nfw York, llnntnn ami Chli-aun. Kl nil In, 7na Sonlli llN-ii-rpr ritono AN26 IDA GARDNER PIANO Inruii-iK Kystnn fur hlnnor IkHIi i-lilldrrn and mlulln ron fitting or Vr TnUnlii,. Nlnlii Itnullni and Ciionl nutldlitg. Tnui. poMtlloii. f:njwmihlo I'tnno rUyln(. poMtlloii. IIKSIPKNCF. rilONK 757 MIIS. IKMI(.(I t-AllfiOS At OSTA TVnc-lHT of Piano. RefUlar Pianist Flmt Church of ChrlHt Studh) 1 100 South Mala riiono 1238. MARY COVER Tnwltrr rtano, ri Onrun, Tlxv-ry Mmilml Ill-dory. Ainu AcronipfUil-t. Rldnir Ktudlo, IA V. II Hi riHino 4HS6. Robert Boice Carson Voml Studliia. 601 South CiiM-lnnntl riiom- 4A7I-J joskphink sniiii-rv WHITE ContriUtn. flnad of Voire Pi-ptirtmrnt. TulA Inntltiitn of Klne Arti. ConcarU. Itorli-tlj, Orttortoi, Ton Placaniuit, Voir. Oulturit n1 aJl fun 4-tm-mt-Ji Uub to ituilinu. PupUi of Otc-tr BtMifur nt rvoti x t PowMI, Kw York; will BUnor RutaU nd Bit phan TowTuancl. Hufton. iO'i BuuUi Elwiwd. Pbone Stl EUGENE C. GILL Arrroilltoil t".irhrr of violin nnJ orrhoHtra. KlKht yenr-i in Tiilnii. Loinl agrnLi fur Jlnlilwln l lano. Oll'-inn (lultnr nml Mandolin. Ainu Krank lloltotl Hand liiHtru-mnnt.-i. 1420 S. Clnt'lnnati. Phono HlflO School of Violin and Orcheitral Training Ini'lutlitiir Stinlnnt SMnphnny drihi-sti i nf Tnli-a. en s. r. i.Mi.inuv Fotimli'i' ami I 'irri'tnr Phono 1.'. CIS W. Ninth St M'WIVli St M(ii, til' IM PIM l l Ml Slf M l I)V VmiuiIi OIni'lu M M II I ll.l .N IUIIIlll.1.1) Ten ynarrt "xpi-ri'-nrt' ;n tt-arhrr nf "nit'i ami I'lann. Tim iun mrK Sy-i-tni rmlfrif.l l - Hn li-inl inn flil'Mlif -i nf tin AvorM. Phono TJtttl, Augrusta Fournier Omohundro Totv-hrr of Volon. Stnillo 12'JO North Oi-n-cr Phono Mil. Mrs. Walter L. Cain Toai-hor of Piano. Pupil of Alhlno tlorno, Cincin nati Cill"t-i of Mu-ilr. Studio .10.1 Mary Hi-im kiimn AitK Phono 3Nit:l. I.YNMTl'li KIMMONS iKH:srY TWM-lier of ll PUtno. Mus. n. pupil of Julio Rlvn-Klnc. Studio It. 3 rjntVln Court, 7th anil t'lM-ytiino. Phono 7004 Mr. F. M. Aldridge Tonclirr of Vole and V.x pi-run Ion. Stndlo. 1104 South Pon-irr Phono RI0I. Miss Elizabeth T. Marshall TV'Iht of Piano. Klftncn ypars u ( intent of fnr plun niastrrn. HoKlnnnrs a h i,-i-ialty. Alton Unti l, Thlnl nnd llaln. Phono 77 H. D. LEGRON 'I'i-i'Imt of Violin 00 J South lnrill Plnnio :t." Mist Alma Waldrep TVmk-Ikt of Piano and Harmony. Oraduat of the Honnr InirUtnte of Kannaa C.Hy, Ma. 101 S. Vlitor. Phon 5208-J John Knowles Weaver ArtUtlo Pluno Playing Pl- Oran, Thoory. City Studio, Klmt Ilaptlat Church I'hnnn 01O9-H- .IRENE ROOP Tf-aclifr of llano. STI PIO FIRST IiAITIST Cin'RCH Phnn 2480 EULALIE PARKS INiiohor of Plnno. Rnirular PlunlHt First Christian Church. Studio flm ItuptUt Ouifvli. Phono 5810. Prof. Adolph Kramer ToiH'lirr of Violin and On-lKtitra lntrtiturntM. Studio ProshytrTlnn Onin-h. Phono 5S7N-J. MRS. T.c R) EBRIGHT IMnno Injrt motion Phono AO 10 l.'iltl Miirm-tt 12 Yours of TiNirliltiK In Tulsn with Suiii'iw Hint tlm lifiioflt of thme oricnnlza tloriii Tho ntijii't now In irwoKH nf fiirmiiliiin will nnl Im rnntt'iit with ivi ii "iiinrty anil iiiti"" of tlm Imih In all nf tln-H" in-ti v it n-s. Imt Km n will It" inn IntiTfHt of tli"lr wi'lf.irn that tlioi'" will tin a HtrnhK artn Hil'iad nut afit.-r tin- iilliir nin-. ' NATURAL GAS IS WASTED BY KAN. AND MO. TOWNS Nuturnl km, valuod ronwrvutiviily ut $9.0110,0110 wan wat"d In a yon r in a K"'iii nf Kati.Hn nnd M w-nurl rltloa nnd Uiwim, lu cordlng tn flKiin-M J nut Kiitln-ri-tl l,y tin- IVilti-d Slutis fii" niliiiiiiNti ulinn. Tims" fluuri s hIihw wnnli-H vnryliiK from 'it xln 'i3 pi-r cent of tho khm ilcliyi-iid tn th" Kalrs of tho iltli-H and town. To pri-vi-nt fiirthor want nnd tn dnlermlnn wholher tho fault IIpk with the wholnaale or tho dlatrihutliiK lonipKnloft, urranifinontii havo hri'ii inii'l" in liavr nil wlmlt-Kalo in "t mis In tho affoi-toil dlHtrlotM rhei-kt-d Jiy the dlviMlnn of w"lKht- nod moaMuf"H of thn Inui'iiii nf ntanditrdx. In the nntlr" diatrlrt affectnd In tho i'i innnth frnm Si'iitombrr. 1 ! 1 7 , to AliKildt. 19 IS, a Kranrl tntiil of O.f.ST.l 43.000 nihil? f"-t of r im wan di llverod and naif of'iti.Oim worn reported. Mhowlnn a lnn nf 3. 1177.887.000 cuhlc foot, or 40. (IS pur cent. Thn onuso nf thin Kr'"U want.ijrn la laid tn poor rnnitrurliiin nf llnoa hi) that KaH lit.iki'il nut nf th" plpoa. I The flguroa of the furl adminis tration worn obtained from tlm M4 tlntlra of thn wholnKil" i-ntnpanloH us to the nnrnbtT of .cubto feot of raa dnllviTeit to bhIimi of thn.oltlra anil from thn flunrnB hown by the nmtara of the dmneHtlo ronwiniora, thn difference belnir the wnale. For yeara (ra In theae oitlea baa been purrhnaod on a percentage Ntaia - twii-thlrda of the retail price by tho dlxtributlnjr companlca from the wholesale companion, m the prea ent ninea, each lay the blumo for the waataxe on the other. One reault of the waataern l shown by the fact that Kajiaua City, Kan., la planning to maume the uan of manufactured (ran at 12, a thou sand cnhtii feet, which la eqirKalont to natural Raa at $2.60. i ifficlala of tho fuel fulmlnlstrntlon any that with the otinaeratinn which Hlmuld have been practiced thoae cities onuld have had natural fraa at 50 cento a thoiiKiind for 'in yearn, hut that they apparently considered Kim at that price ao cheap that It was not worth saving. The fuel administration Intends tn enforce eonnervatlon, aa the needless iiso of manufactured rs or elec tricity Involves the consumption of coal, which must he Intelligently used and Intelligently saved. Mrnry A Iresnv. I.yilraullc en gini i r. n hrf is working nn th" el'y wn it'i wm Km pniiHirtltinn, wils In the el'y fnr M-ernl h'mrs yesterday liuirning fnllnwlng a iiiuhl s'lonuoiui week Hp'-ni In ikaminliig the coun try In Hi" viilr.ty nf Urand river,1 ensl of Hi" city; Sh"l t ri'i'k, four- i l"i n mllt.'i tn the "st; Mining creek, lilfd i r'i 'i. 'aimy rler and Hie Ver digris "Ail iIuth in this sfcti'iri nf Hi" statu ' mill) Mr Tri'i-sy, "limn been high'r reiently than for aeyrral, vi-iih p:iM nlng tn the unusually he-'iyy rninfall. ami for that leilunn nnr annlMs nf Hie waters has shnwn Very luriielv r-H'i water i-'intlltlona. H is nnl' b s-if t or th tn norm il and freer fi'ini sa Lf lii Uuli-r PerliMl Cr! Ileal "Th" tiitnal Ilin", as fur as thn Onalltv nf th" water Is cnnierned Ih In tie iiw water perln'l, when tlioi Arkaris.M, CimarTuri anil Caney rivers' nn.l r.iitl i-riji'li uhow It te'-,etl wiHl-ni-Hs ,,,,iti nt I ntli In analyzing nnd In Hie t Mt e. "'Iii il i ri-i'k has had sufficient wa'er ri-i-i-ri'iv tn fill anv -ni"seil , reservnlr, while the S,'t;n.iw river; Ins h.i'i t-'iflicient iiiantlty to sup-; plv a ,"nilatinii of four nr five mil lion people. "These innditlnns are not normal.' anil theieftu-e, must nut be used as n i rlterinn In the hivi ctmn of a Kinin e nf water supply fnr the city ; nf Tul'-i hut ra'her we must con wlder Hie low water periods when i ninlltii'tis ire at their worst onllgrls Supply Short. I "Trfist visit- the city of CUremnrn, which takes Its supply from the Verdigris river nbnvn thn mouth of the I'Hney, renched a point where they wre etremelv nrlxlous ahoilt th" d uly wiitiplv on account of the unusually nw flow nf the Verdigris. "The city of clareniore mny find It , nncesettry In hulld adilltlonnl stnrnge , fiillitles nn the Verdigris In order In be sure of a sufficient supply dur ing th" petlti'l nf minimum flow. ' Certainly the city nf Tuls-i will be i ntii.el'erl tn build storage hiiplns nf sufficient rapacity to carry the city through the dry months. If the I "I'V coritemplHtea using thla source nf supply. "The 'iniilltv of both Caner river nnd Wnl creek waters Is such that ihe rltv wniil.t probably fyel that It Is nnt nf sufficiently good iuallty for drinking purposes." TWO WEEKS0F REvTvAL SCHEDULED FOR TULSA ENGLAND WILL PROVIDE SOLDIERS EMPLOYMENT WINDOW Friday, Nov. 15. (via Montrwil. )-Kach llritish soldier will he provided with employment after thn preat armies In tho field have been demoblllred. according to comprehensive- plans whl-h are no being wvrked out by the gnvern ni"tit. Tho machinery of war will he turned Into machinery of peace ns expivlitlouely as powlhle so that there will be no period of stagna tion during which there might he much stress. Money grants to civilians ami j former soldiers who nre iinomplnvc.l , owing to ieace aro to ho provided. There will be extra allowances for j dependents The-a grati'ti w ill run for 13 weeks fnr civilians and id , wook.s f,r diecharged soldieis I Men employed In ' pivotal Indns ' tries" apd mines will be the first to j bo discharge,! f'ntn T bo armv and ' workers in other trades will he re. l.-.i.sed hoc irtl, ni; tn national needs. 1 Married men will receive preference. F'T a year after the war permanent I menta to '.he civil service iii Is' roKCrveJ to officers and i soldiers. Free lecture on i 'h i-t ;:i ti S,':rt! 'o. , Vnve ntifii iiili. Monday, . 1 ;, p. m., Novemlior lsth. Adv. TIevival mentlni? am to he held In the churches of Tulsri fnr two weeks beginning Sunday. November 24 Thanksgiving day will come that week and the churches of Tulsa feel that there could be no hotter time fnr revival services thnn this time. The weeks of praver. which fs ob served over the entire Vnlted Sfgtea from .lanunry R tn 12. will he ob served by theThtirchss or Tulsa dur ing the first week of revival serv ices K.ich nnstor will hold revival serv ices In his own way In his own church for these two weeks and they mnv he extended a longer time. The strain of war hna gone and with It hs rnme a challenge as ex pressed by Ilev. Abel of the First Methodist (rhuroh at Convention hal Monday nlVht the challenge that we "make democracy safe for the world, now that the world wide war. has made the world safe for democracy." CAN NOW GET PLENTY OF SUGAR FOR CRANBERRIES The food administration has both added to our reason for bring thank ful thla Thanksgiving, and helped us secure the means of showing our thanks. We can have plenty of rran. berry sauce. Certainly a Thanksgiv ing dinner without cranberry sauce would never seem like the real thing Home have been afraid that the old sugar allowance of two pounds per Continuing Incomparable Sale Prices On wojmu s wear T IFMI rl r& i r Om'f Pn Tioc CMi v4- st-M D1ai.a 1 t ii jyu uwuu aouu, juai, uivoo, oiii t ui uiuufeU niDOQyin04 ih iuanuw ui ui igiiiamj' anu cAquiouc oijric lines, every carmf-i-if i iVn'oonl,.,,'!! TU ,1 ,,4- i..- i to ""-ill 111 uuonaie win aiJcai. xne ueep cuts uic CAeepilonai. Stunning Suits Choice of all $29.75 Suits at 123.45 Choice of all at Cholec of all at Choice of all at Choice of all at Choice of all t Choice of all at Choice of all at 137 50 $45 00 $49 SO $55.00 $58.50 $65.00 $e oo Hulls . .$27.75 Suits . .$33.95 Suits . .3.5 Suits . .142.45 Sulta . .144.05 Sulta . .$47.15 Suits . .149.05 Choice of all at Choice of all at Choice of all at ,.. Choice of all at $75.00 Suits $79.50 $85.00 $95.00 3.45 Sulta . . $57.45 Sulla . .$63.45 Sulta ..$09.95 Choice at. . . Choice at. . . Choice at. . Choice at. . Choice at. . . Choice at. . . Choice at. . . Choice at. . , Choice at.. , Choice at. . . Choice at.. . Choice at . . Choice at.. , Choice at. . , Choice at. . , Modish Coats of all $22.50 Coats $11.95 of all $25.00 Coata $17.45 of all $27.50 Couls $19.95 of all $35.00 Coata 1 $20.95 Of all $39.50 Coata $29.95 of all $46.00 Coata $33.95 of all $49.50 Coats $39.93 of all 455.00 Coata $43.43 of all $58.50 Coata $44.95 of all $05.00 Couts $47.95 of all $69.00 Coata $49.95 of all $75.00 Coats $33.45 of all $79.50 Coata $57.45 of all $85.00 Coata $H3.45 of all $98.50 Coata $72.45 Plain tailored, belted modes and others with dis tinctive, unusual refined stylo "Ulf ferencea." Ma terials nf Serges, Toiret Twills, Velours, iJe Lnine nnd Sllvertones. Trimmings nnd collars of fur, others with trims of buttons and braid. Distinctive Dresses Choice of all $29.50 Dresses at $22.45 Choice of all $35.00 Dreanei at SS9.93 Choice of all $39.60 Dresses at $29.93 Choice of all $45.00 Dresses at $33.95 Choice of all $49.00 Dresses at $39 95 Choice of all $55.00 Dresses at $12.45 Choice of all $58.60 Dresses ut $44.95 Cholre of nil $65.00 Dresses at $47.95 Choice of all $69.50 Dresses at $49.95 Straight line, tunic or panel models ninny braided, embroidered or fringed. Serges, Jerseys, Satins and combinations. ALL WAISTS DURING Fashioned from novelty wen res. lustrous ritn)-. Velours. 1'om Pom. Sllvertones and Vow min. i nun ana belted De modes, fin.. three-way collars of fur and self-materials vv ia nllu lineri Ti Separate Skirts Ilandsome models for strjeL noon and dinner wear, featuring numerous original and eii-iusly, style features. Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all Choice of all $ 8.50 $ (.60 $12.50 $14.00 $17.50 $19.50 $22.60 $24.60 $28.50 $29.50 $31.50 $35.00 Slclrts Skirts Sktrta Skirts Slclrts Skirts Sklrta Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts t 4.4i at $ ' at $ 9 at $I0.J at $ 13.11 at $14.95 at $16.15 at $18.15 at $21.45 at $22.45 at $24.45 at $26.95 40 In modes designed for stnvt cr dress wear. At regular prices th above skirts represented unusual values, and at the Halo price tht; are inure uiiui ezcrpuonai ones. THIS SALE AT REDUCTIONS OF 25 TO I FROM REGULAR PRICES month was not enough to prepare cranberries. Now, however, the gov ernment haa Increased the sugar al lowance to three pounds per person per month, and furthermore, allows one month's supply to be bought at one time, so everyone will have plenty of sugar to niako such de lights aa cranberry sauce, Jel!tarts, pies. etc. Tho new crop of cranberries is now on the market, and selling at reason able price. Those who really appre ciate this delicious fmit will not wait for Thanksgiving, but begin right away and put cranberries on the table before their own particular feast da arrives. SENATE CONSIDERS BIU FOR PEACE CONSTRUCTION V. S H I NOTON, Nov. 15. The first formal step toward a peace re construction program in cosnrreas was taken today when a senate Judi ciary subcommittee, headedby Sen ator Overman of North Carolina, began consideration of the Overman bill for a reconatructlon commlealon to bo appointed by the president In lieu of the executive commission. Senator Weeks of Mansiichusetta. re publican, has proposed a Joiru con gressional committee and Senator Cummins of Iowa, republican, i presented a different pl;ui fori joint congressional conimitteti stead of one, to study yirj branches of reconstruction work A caucus of republican senna win meet soon to receive a tc from a caucus committee whir understood to be prepared to r( mend the Cummins plan. . Tnmnlty's Father in. JERSEY CITY, N. J., Nov. H Joseph P. Tumulty, prtvats in tary to President Wilson, arrlvn! i day to visit his father who is turin ly 11L 0 ml- ,lt THE HUNT CO. Main Street Between Third and Fourth Beautiful New Boots Women purchasing their footwear at this store know they are getting the latest styles in fine footwear That their taste cannot be questioned. They may live a thousand miles from New York, but their shoes will be identical with the styl ishly gowned woman of Fifth Avenue. Women's Light Gray Kid Lace Boot; 9-inch top, turn Bole, French heels; all widths and sizes. Price $15 Women's Walking Boots; dark Russia calf vamp; dark gray broad cloth top; lace effect; Cuban heels. Price $12 Laird & Schober Co. Gray Kid Walking Boots; 8V-inch top; flex ible soles; hand-lasted; VU covered Cuban heels. Price $16.50 Hanan & Son's Gray Kid Walking Boots; flexible soles; 8I2 top; leather military heels. Price $16.50 We are sole agents in Tulsa for Hanan & Son's and Laird & Schobers fine foot wear for women. TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. ,wJ?EBlI5l.PAGF..nFFFR.S 11 Pm ut ;nii c the itiwr muI'Iiu'UmI. , t iwiir tX ffifttc in wjl vJ V,!.v r'0'1 Knnul pwi'p Vfi nfiAf Crti4r