Newspaper Page Text
t 1 , It TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. Wri A O The nu lurre open, rmor ave 1 n ar cross i nr alnlt nnsid liort lermi lint . Ncv ortnP isk h . i t v skcd an. elary re 000 'ka tie li nr lit hjat t lnes ir In- pi .Am 111 in i t r ft tr NU mi ittlre n-nt ftll t lh n. r Hut he li r ci t ar irect ork. (Kir entln ptln Inn its, 1 1 0 pf ely u ilbllN f th. hat t iurdo iho Th It to ge n in oo Idern Jhart UTu I. o I. i a at. 7. n 8 t. 8' 1. K 3. I- 5. C . N 7. K C !0. F li. v !. C !. S !. a ; v 10. c 12. 11. r 4. I Ik C . r 17. .2. C ,S. C 0. I iT. o tUta' I. hat ! i i : ! i I TuCEJaOD fvr.RT DAT IN TUB T-UR "JT."." ..'i i- ..' . niiiu o WMm mil I " - V...V Isirkm I'..l. muukr or tiik Ai i'iT Bi;ar.AU ori Ctiw i,w rinNH ! oTffclar County I' a peri HI H --lil -r" I nu r. I) MIA HSU v . IXntxIl" . . 17 !" ... ' ' 2 DO '. . '' ! T'lf Hit Month 1 Ur,ifei on Month IMll.V ONLY. Or Yr ... K.l Vhr Mfnitb . . rt. N liA Y ONl.Y. ii.. r Hit IHi: V AM) tfl M'AY. P f.rn.r n I on. I - I"' " UK (I'll Ill K AHh-MMATKIt l'Kr."IJ II. IT.I. i. i.l....'r o lh 1,1c. b.r .iriin "' " 1 .P-n-i i-r.,1,1-1 lo I" f "."'" ""'''V li, lb,. (...r .M l ilH Ih !'' "' .tn! hila. IS t n i to I 2i Phones fit toi ,.i rni W-anl jt I . . . .1 Al lipl I'np r Ail I l!illr.M Iff lr . . ' irrnlai.An lft. . ' t r.d Ml . . H itlrir.i M.nllr t ti.r Inrton . . . I (I10J . r.iifio .fidOl . bihh liuOt . tiltU'i ,7I0 Daily Food. ....... u n if till rhr ;. r ! li'l lirnuw hii "n ymr l.rl nlKirtlr. IUH. 1 ' - ViW ).t "if ."' .M. In. I lr.l Ui lJiivt rtow; T iM.iHr mil i rown . fMM ..nit i.ll "in Hi" T tt ' Mb r i . hid ' - . - . nl. m.MiS awhif. wl.xii h m '""'J. wlm rfriit i"Ml7l m ll' ''! ' " ft H. K!AHMA IS Till: WAIl. "rtliK iv without mint and with out ri-liirn." ThU mint limvilnMy be th vrll t if tlx hlntrlaa who wrlti-n f ikU homa'ii part In th tr,-nt wurld con fllct which i Jiint t'"" hrmight t a'clnn. Jut aa war rlom-J the niinitlm nf io who wri prune tit rrlllclx" and brought to the mippurt of Mm prrtd-nt a union of atati-a whli h bfookfld no IntTforenie with pinna for wlnnlnt tna war. rmuui. ... wayi and ninina, an the end of thr war haa iinlfaahod tha forcr of rrlt. k'lam and review whlrh havn bf-n Irnld In rfatralnt throuirh all thin try In month. Automatically, a U wera, th prlvlr-na of looklnn Ufk upon avanta and of drawing ronrlua long, ravarta one more to tha Indi vidual aftar bln In the keapln of tha Mate urine thin war parlod. There can be no'coinpln-lnt that thla hlatorlun'a yardlct la diwtructiva crltlclam of Our management. H I" a etatement of facta fully borne out by Oklahoma's record In tha war. Comparlaoaa In loyalty ara poaalble nly In the degree In which loyalty In manlfealefl. Oklahoma's record rank a, the top. Bha haa tlven unitpurlng. ly of her men, hundred of whom are rewtlnr In peace upon rtrurdy'a hoiom and In the valley of the Meuae! Oklahoma' dollar have been plaxed uiiftlntadly at the dlpwi of th rovernment. There hna been a eteady outflow of men and money. Mtlllana of Oklahoma' money and hundred of Oklahoma' men have been tranaferred from Oklahoma to ether atate where the tovernment aaw fit to eatabltHh the great war In dustrie whlih furnlKhed the ammu nition and aiipplh for our men over there ' Oklahoma' aplendld resource, In eplt of all tha efforta of her loyal . Itliena to ,holr """ tion for war purpowe and to create nn Inflow of money whloh might njiiallxe In a degree the elate' war burder.i, have been cHt imlde a htraw. The annwer that we hud noth. Ii.r to offer I vain. We have the word of experienced nrmv officer that llkl.ihimia nfrered nil tne hu- . mm xltc. munition iVmt and P.or.-H of oiher Industrie i,i... I, ., ., emu Nowhere. n Kf-emed fr.uii the etiirt that Okla doomed to Ke and forget She him done her giving but aha t an not forgotten. a lu ii.niNt; iow. Thi ilfciainn 'f the council of nn tional defense at WiiHhlngton to lift the him on hullillni! opi-ratlona lm ..ledlatelv. which Ik wild to have been reached, will be v.-wponded to In Tulxa ami other grit building com munities, with Munie lorwe Invent ment. The fcilorul r"trlctlon hnve found thld city tmabi to meet the rlenmnd f"r houliig fucilitlcs. and pcr.plr mnvitiK into the city have I ren compelled to make shift In .any iox The tcculati'inn now naiil to have hp -n decid-d upon and .ou to be ar m iinri',1 .i.vime, priictloHl'.y, a re irn t" t. 01 mi; ci.mlltton. Heaidence ., is: n-.t p. than 110.000 can be wi' . .ii a federal permit, and TmMni.- 'h. ! .-. .. cat not more te.nv (j: ".in ii'''. 'ii eiiiul freedom, fur I : . h 1,1; i f resl.lencen or ' uslne.s'' i . i' ' i r.'v t,, more than the d'K'' 1 !'. ierml(lon mum el'll li. ': i'.ih' 1 nf local iouiii-IIs of rutl' ! r. l.ut thi la to wife, cm i '. iri.' i t permit running to or nl- ve 'pu (in 0, In the contracting "'f v.'..' !i too s-e.l a .Inln would be -nrni'dlae':, t i.. ",e on eiipplie and ir.aterhils !i eh rniint Hil'l, for u few month, tie oonnerved Thin action will release rniwl.ler B'lle capital in Tnlti nnd will afford employment to Inbor, min?h of whloh, 'tuel the war period, ban found ac iautior Jlnea. It I calculated. too, to bip loalei lally in Uie avlutivu of aoine labor problema which would, ere Iouk, come to tin preliig. A pail of the policy of every great ln1 iiatrln I community mut be the holding of the ImliiKt tin I eli-ni'TiU round In It im the v nr cIoh. h. One f Tul.Hii'a prnbleina along th: line I tn provide i oinfm table an I i hfiipor liriiii.n fur worltlrig pei,le, I 'I Ml; il.l.low KiitDMi. At the in. I. wli.ll It w;i isvldelit that the K.lne Win up, If Hie kal-'T hail uhe i, it in li'.i.l a idiuini' and lio hi III" In id i.f In i IrmipH, I'" Would hale won ill least the II. pert the world pay the brave man who In AlllliiK In dm fur hlu faith, any th.i Kantuia I'lty Star Inetead he chiihe to rillnk away to hiH iiti iii ioiih hkni. lie eent ihIIIIuiih of im n tu th. lr death fur I. hi own K."iy he had tlf.ilr.-d til. Ill he WMlid M'iii II in nliije linn ilaiigein, but th.. heavy I HplillMlhlllt e thill weir III nil hell,) of thii atute, prevented. Then ciimn the da when hlu ie. eiMiinlhlllllei wre a. an rod II" ha. I Mignt-d the Hbilic.llinn. Il wild no longer rjeimaii empeior If he really believed lu pi , aiiH,. ,m he pi of i.-wed, It ai I. Im opporliiiiity and IiIh pnvi lege tn die fighting for I', rather than to neck "uifely for the few troubled yeniH remalmcg to Inn,. Ihlt i i.4 rniilagii failed lie who had brought il'-nlh t.i iiiillimi. could not hlniHelf limit death In dm fair. Bo be atole out nf til country by night and fled froln the crowd of lielglan who greeted bliu with the cry, "AkhiiiwIii''' What a upectaolf' In coppiiilerliig the appeal ,,f the nerman' women to the women nf America for a jiinl)fl-utlon of the term of the iirmlHtJce In order that the fniMl fiimlne In that country rimy be rvlleved, would It not he well to allow our buyn, and the alMml onl illera who ure prlnonera In Uermanv, to liitvii aomethlnx to my In regard to the f.Kid regulation. They have hiu to auffer for lack of food, and worMe than that thn humiliation heaped up on them by the women of Germany. When food wim brought to thei primmer It wim thrown nn the ground at their feet, nnd they have had to Riiffer the humiliation of cut. Ing Houp after thee wnanen of Ger many bud plt In It before tlinlr eyi Of oourw we do not want the women end children of Germany to etaxve, but before we yield to any acntlmen. tal appeal let u hear from the prl onera. Their atory would he both Interesting and enlightening. 1 The New York Tlmea, while de ploring the election nf u republican congrea on account of the feeling of the president, yet eea In republican ucrewa aome relief for thoan who have been bearing the tax burden. It find cauae fur congratulation over th defeat of Mr. Kltchln' program by th republican majority. The Time any there I nn extenuation or excime for taxation for au'plna In peuce a would have resulted from thn Kltchln program. If the result expected by the Time are loallxed. the country can afford tn withhold It sympathy because of the lacerated feeling of the preMdent, 1 Thl country haa lived under augur regulations without complaint, hut now we would like to see Germany put on sugar ration because their aubmarlna warfare made ration neceeary In thl country. ,et them go without "sweetening" for awhile and aee bow they enjoy It. Thl I one kind of reprlaai we can fully en. dorwe. . Just hecauee the work or fight rule haa been nspend,d is no reason why aome big lummox of a niHn ahould be permitted to lean up agnlnat the warm side of a building the win ter days. 1 !r Oklahoma Oulburttts. J Now That the War in Over- ' . i lu.'i y nn a H'OIII-., MOW, H.IH 1 Tn ti'iii, in. n H I I'l Ill I., thl Tu Inw .li w .'i long Pi gin j. ,i Una vm i ja by appe I w-a llig a nk n l li Hie tops of l,i r , n n p.- n h ' .i;;ii Tt Punie. off oii.-fi rvn -PI ;i -illlig on '.liii J'Oiit i-liiiugll nil' '-.I. Th.. dd l rlli e, i , . I . sii Mi i ncr, .aid b i i ii, whp'.h ., c:i.i I' I . a.M'l re r iP fu ll lieii ( 'li.iinlii j ild not do 'o badly in Iim boo .'Mil y iih hoiii" ot oar ilcmoi-ralpi rili.lrla vvould li.ive ynil l.i'lltve II" oi.l', bail Ihn c.iilily ly vi.ti a Ipiiiei iMon, (nr K''ver. not , i .il I led it I 1 I. The I ik .i hoii.a a m.1 vn t p ertior i',l. i. Holii'ri....n 'ai:i I". a, begin to i.:..ik' li-i pi.iu 1 1 . 'II,,, ru.Ml fruit to i pin P. ol. , like I:, ii I .il'iiyetm r i p. . t iii hi. itc Po I I d i l u- i h.i 1 1 man f a It. i, i I tin. W.ll fKillK'llod V rn In: . iv I ' li old jail .t.-i raio Piiiii 1 1 mt In r.l I ... and now irnnM an iu High ' I'll ' lln 1H o'ii an v i.h ilio i: ai do. -ii not .'mow uny"ii or maluiig un nip tionu, hiii n nder. iiidl- Jii'H to in ike i. app.-ar I hut he h:ia been a ii Im.-v man, Itill AlWui White i,r b.M lull on I lit mar ket hie latcI book --"Jn the Heart r a Kool", viii Ihn aiiiiiiiiriceiiiniit that It timk him M ven jeam t() vvTt. It. The m'sit rpoi laeiilar fi-attire of Mi'A Icitor'H peiu'.i cip'bra'lnn wri. the KppeurKiiee iif I'erry freeman and W. II. Fuller In 'heir "wlivt not' lit 3 o. in. Th.y beat ttio fire department on the Ktre. tH by fi I fec und. Tim young man on .North Mini, who Is mule or Icmh oliMervlng nf the haimony of dnin, wiyn Unit wlilte ho with bu-li 1'iemh heela ih wunewhat out of tune with Die mall's klaUil i tinlforui woi n by li e guard ut thn Fi Ihcii crowing. When The Win I I h!;ii t. to gel nut it h fv i b s of anil-' I.tiiiiiii extras lasl M lay, nnd before the rcgulai pCllltlTH III rived, I he writer Of I III ! column "mil" a few line of type for the flint lime in 1.1 yius II" found that thn 1 1'h nnd em s were a! II I k'il In the atune old Ikiii-x Dial they went w hii he quit the "rune. Just becauee the paper ooillinin to print thn cajfiialty I i Mt Homo few people have feared thai Iiomi intiex did not ceaxc iwcordlfig to Hi'hclulc. The 'aualtloH ikiw being puliliahed occurred In-fine the Kigning of the ill nilMtlce and r.-preaeiil an ai'cumu lullon lu the war department. It may be wveial weeks before th. lae. lUt In given out. Hecretarv line has cleared .1 George Wright tit u 1 1 the chiirges filed ngaliiHt him by the (isnges. Mr. Wright has been connected Willi Um Indian em v Ice for more than HO years, ami about every so often soma ulio concludes I lint he ciin do a bet tor job of managing the affairs uf the Indians nnd gncetn Washington with a pocket full of charge. 11111 liliigley says I Here Is Jut one neuswtiun he hus u conaumlng dculre to fxperli'iico hefure ho shiifflen of bl earthy hahllilneiit-i. and that I' tn ride In tho of il 'l'ulsa street car. For year he haa bei'n tentlnn the stietchinese of the han I sn aps, made nun tal enemies by atcpplug on tender Vnrns. and brutaed hi body by Jostling against ehai p nlbuvvs, but nut oner ban be been 111' kv enough to find out whether tho avabt am couifoi tabic iw they look. Yesterday wa Oklahoma' elev enth birthday. At high nunn No vember Hi. 1H07. (ikiilhiima territory and Indian territory stripped off their gunneiUM and put on the wuddllng clolltes of slntehood. The change here In Tula was not marked with a bru.-i band iiirudo, but came near Involving the chattel mortgage takers and the new county offlcliiU In na much trouble as did the heejtiiuey of the German connnls loneri In signing the armlsticn. In spector leiody was cnt here by the department i f Justice to itfflolate, at the transfer of .the territorial record. W. W. Stu.key. recently dieted county treimurei'. was thn new clerk of the diitilct court and the olflcl.ll dcMlgn.Ued I ' receive the records. SliK'key v im soinew lial of a cnutlou cuss and more or lc sus ptcbui.i of everything coming from the old territorial gov el nmeiii. nnd refused to hKll the receipt. IvWnody was In a huny tn get tn fiiiilni to If the kiilscr I to he tried for his make tin. f-unfer there, and gave crime, the case will probably have , XrJ,ZwZ t,n,.".l .vr to ik. ii.Kiinasier who w.w i apt ,l"hn t iyfg-wur'r'ni'L'itj if mtcMtMTji.i HOHENZOLLLRN & C2. -BLACKSMITHS" OLD SWORDS tTC. MflDL OVta INTO PRUMNfi HOOKS AND PLOW-SHARES -OUR SPEClALTy. 6 1 1 : si lug of war haa lost Its chief po ftency. BQt there renialn'tne hard Ishlpa tliat wax haa Imposed, arjrt to leasen them with our food, and fuel, and money 1 the grateful burden. J-t none who ha a sister, or wife, or mother, or child Indulge in uselesa extravagance while there are ulsters, wives, mothers, and children auffer- ing the havoc of war abroad. Vu not forget that a huge task la yet ahead of the army, and the army must have the beat we can provide. The army munt remain vigilant in the land It haa taken and over the armlmlce It has enforced. Wa must not compute In hours, days, or weeks the time ot their return. It I our business to see It through to the end. to keep saving, keep producing, keep uplift ing, keep taking bonds, keep paying off the debt we have Incurred, and keep Inviolate our faith with the would of freedom. It I not the time to atop. It I the time to rejoice and keep a;olng. Lire Issues of the Pay. I Ghw-lH III I lsl loo. St. I.ouis Globv-Iii'inocrat. "Glory to God in tho highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Nineteen centuries ago, St. I.ukn tells us, n choir of angels sing to a group of nhephei'ds on the hiili with out llcthlehern. For might we know angels may have sung at o'her time and other places to earthly auditor, but thin Is the only Instance of record that ha, received g.-ucral acceptance as n historical verity, and whether we believe the sacred glory or not we cannot doubt that the message of the celestial anthem Is one that exprcHses the feeling of heaven toward man kind. And we may be sure that, al though our ears nre not attuned to It seraphic harmonic, the great supernal choir Is voicing today the same Joyous theme that w.ia heard by the Jinlean shepherd. For there Is pence today, peace on e.nlh. nrter the greatest and bloodiest war In the world's history. In every city In I'hi'lsteiidnm the bell .re ringing in glad acclHim. and even In pug in lands the note of Jov nre s triking the ear with a new sound and a nw meanlim . The heart of men and women in every cmintr" save Ger many, and of manv even there nn doubt, are filled with such an ecstasy that words utterly fall to give it ex pression. Never slnca the creation h.u the task of It fulfillment. W are proud that we have art ion to the heights of tremendous accomplish ment. We are, proud of thn spirit that brought u together as one. We are proud of the heroism of our son who havo fought so va'.iantly. We are proud of tho devotion of our men and women who have labored so gal lantly for the causo. We are prond. Immensely proud, of the fact that the establishment of American Ideal ha been made the primary purpose of the wr and that they are to1 he the essential principles of poce. We are proud that It was given to us tn become the deciding factor In tho glorious conclusion. Hut we must re member that we have hut shared In the work. We munt not detract one whit from the splendor of other achievement. We munt not forget that rnch and every nation ha played Its part nobly In the struggle We must not forget the Invincible spirit that maintained an unbroken front through yenr of nwful anguish. We must give to nil of them, even to hroken Itiisain, the itl credit and honor and glorv for the work thev hnve done In preventing the triumph of barbarism. It is enough that we have shared, splendidly shared. In the vnst achievement. Tt I enough that wo have helped with all our might In the attainment of the vic tory of righteousness over wrong. .. . - . . !... a.... nil hn rsor mil"! we ioii -i inm ..- .n been a Tower that would not permit evil to triumph, a V'ower tnnt ns ra sed one obstacle after another to oppose It advarcement. a Power that ha been pres.Tt nnd ever guarding Joy been en nearly universal among nas mere oeen i ' ,. ' ,,, A . i for universal glad- ' Z ' " U a" L,a llloilKIl we in.-, o.i.- 'ii - .ii It durim; the long hours or agony, to be heard by the court. No com petent Jury of hi peers, the mem bers of which have not expressed an opinion, could be empaneled The first cry that went tip from Get-many after the signing of the J armistice wus for bread. And manv I of those who heard It wanted to send stones Instead. Wait a minute. lo not bp ton hasty In setting up any particular figure on a high pedestal that may later on be shuttered. When the his tory of this war Is written every one responsible for the victory will be glv en his due credit. ,, ,1 We are not disposed to discredit the story that It was Oklahoma bo who captured the last town .just be fore hostilities ceased, for the lea son that the report adds that it was a "dry" town. The State Journal claims this dis tinction for Tnpck.i. It is the only cit In the country that has two I'nlted States senators living on the same street. One loyal party paper snvs the reason Missouri went republican was be 'ansa the democrats did not have enough Folks The Dutch w ho took Holland denv that they are in any way related tn the family of the kaiser. Sisiiiian sun i-. y sun noxnau-n. ;i".i it wus neci-esary to cull in Judge l ,M l'oe. the new district Judge, who ordered Mr Sln''k''v to sign up, at the Mime tune i sprooMtng the ratlmr risky confidence ttiut the nut-going 1'ITii ia' who happened t.i be the vviit.r of tlo-se nnuum ml lines -would not hold out anything on him Thn 'I'liK-i piwv.l Into s'ateli I, nnd olfn'iai huim-K w.i c Mow i d to prod ed Hul had I ' cam. d out bis threat and turned the records oyer In the post master as ciistoili.m It might have tnkeii n special act ,,f ningre.vs to un mix the mixup. and I.. 1 Marr, who now lives in peace across the way from The oi Id offl.-e. might h:0 had a lot of trouble In collecting some cf his i.ha.lel mot '.gages. mankind, nnd never has there be greater occasion ness hatever mav he the conditions of the final treaties nf settlement, the acceptance nf Germany of the terms of armistice dictated by he allied governments and the I'Tilted Slates ends the war. There Is no possibility of a resumption of hostilities. The world war Is over. After four yens nnd threo months of Titanic s'ruggle. aner tne ueorucuon "i uino-nis "i lives and of treasure of n nmeiL-nrable I . VHItie. Uie Klipreo,.- ,-...,,. , oi , ... ... ., . ,w .PI,I aces has ceased. The b ack pa 1 tins "" .... I lifted and once more the earth c , war nnd made It nt the .atne time. . a s. nl." once more m-n .-an co on with war of cvnlcnl treachery and of be, tl ' affairs of life in the broad sun-jtiulity nnd of inhuman wrongdoing. ; 'V. . .. .. A moat from the beginning our gov- IVaco on earth, coml will toward authorities were we 11 In men " sing the angels on that morn- formed of the organised rut llty t g b,g ago and assuredly the two S .th which it was waged ,nd of he i.i., .k,,',i , i, tier Thai s'f ''' that the kaiser and the leading ,,?,r,7.,;oT,;:,,ofV,:.:u";,:and .Tho.;. vrxrT ii I a i: ii.ii i-H oi 'o-ioi.i.i, we can sav toduv with profound con : v!lon. ns the tiiorning d iwrw with : the glory of peace flung across th ! pl-iies. that I "God' In Ml heaven; "All right with the world." I l'cuce. ' ThervdiiTe RrOSrVrlt. Knur years nnd a quarter have i missed since Germany, hv the In- Itary and capltalhxHo authority has boen beaten to lta knees and forced to accept all the terms the alllea have Imposed upoJi It. The able and wicked men who thought to wado through a sea of blood to world dom ination munt now bow their head before the outside people whom they have so cruelly wronged and face the sullen distrust and hostility of their own people, whom they misled by promising them n share in the profits of successful guilt. Their doom has come upon them. A little over a month axo the ad mlnietratlon embarked upon a career of note writing with Germany, which, If unchecked, might have meant a pesice of practical profit to Germany. Irut the feeling of the American peo ple, especially In the wwt, showed itself In uch direct and straightfor ward fashion that this effort wo soon abandoned. Moreover, at the recent election, tha American people, with the Issue squarely before them, declared thnt they were the masters nf their public servant and not rub ber stamps, nnd thnt this wo the people's war and not tho war of any one man or any one party, and that loyalty to ourselves nnd our allies stood head of adherence to any man. Germany h-is been beaten down abroad and at home. The pro German and the pacifists and the defoatlst and the Germanised so cialists and all the crew who stand for any form of either bolshevism or kalserlsm hnve been warned that they shall not betr.iv this Nation. f'opyrlght. 1918. The Kansas City Star. our destlni.vs through the dark night Keep Going, rDile0Vi Tribune. As a nation we promised onrselves that we would "see thl thing through to the end." Now Is the time for tho sober application of thnt nromlse We entered upon the war with the fullest of Our abilities. We brought forth our tremendous resources of wealth. We raised undrenmed of cities to be populated hv our new made army. Our men went forth In millions, each man to his separate tnsk. without confusion, but fired with the Incompnrnble zeal to do the will of the nation. Hilars of smoke rolled out nf our factories In tesrtl monv of the unified struggle for preparation. Our farmers bent to their plows with energy greater than ever. Great crops were nniasaed Ships rose up out of the turmoil of mountainous raw material. e mas tered opr nppetltes in the emergency that the ipsa fortunate might sur vive. The clininx of the world's vastest drama ho arrived. The duty that now lies before us should he one of pleas-int perform- thr o'lrh i'l the h'lt'ed of tills great "" . . . ....... .- nnrp jneconiuci oi arms is pnueu. ciTiff 'be 1 pjlit or love tin in. oi r.u. . . , , . iei lis ssv w-un rrance: i,t-i un i bin -ung ho iimn: vod will toward ' " " - ' " 'Y ' V' , I give free course io our jnv nnn en- itid the pi tcciides tha; have de- " em ...o.."o. - tflimlasm nnd noiit oaci our tenrs. aim in i i i ii ., h , . . k rat we learned that ..... n, oped from f..- s'..u.:.e. . I" o. -'- ,,...,,.. .. r or no ,e maa v, o, ..oi . , . o . i.i. -ii h. rin nn i in'- "i""' n '" " inurn is inp snrine or mnnn v wi'l f'na'lv be bawd sp, fr, p ie ; Then, all hough noi unt. 1 much later. ( F()r ,how that pnmft hnmp the I um! not from lute. It w is .-.-..mila lly . w e f.iun.l out that there was omp.e , ,nnks of tl,e republic. From them; go,..! will t..w ."I in"'., good will to-! proof that Gcrriary had brought nn i wp (lraw ,hp nsra,on of cur. ; ,:,) the blee.l.r.g and ravished peo- , the war to gratify her greed for gold , f saorlflco to the utmost. And I pl.s of IMrope. thai brought us as a , ami uer Ki.osaoi ...... . ....--o ... . into this great w,r It i..nj' f-r xvora .I'.n.inat Ion. Mniu.v t ' ...I will toward men. cod will to- ! we were pcrmi'tcl to learn that (.er r . .i. i nr,.i I manv ntindej to strike us down a.s ' Pi II 1 T11II1. I II. tl HI- MM'H oin . . tu .itv! ihn wiso ;intl war and love, they are by tne v.-rv nn' n-e , 'elv plunged th . .. . . ' .'. . 1.....1 ,! , cause thev evper ".' M,.M'.. . . .V .'. V '..'..,, ,,i,i,vst. while the socialist party aided litii-'iislied nrd animated xvir. l'.ut , sharing some of the prof.t. world Into war he- i'iiiiii thev expected to profit by con Of A Place In the Shade. C!rKlnnll F.aqulr.r. The Germnn leaders gambled for "a place In the aim;" they have won a place In the shade! A place In the shade! What a contrast is the present desolation, darkneaa and do. sp.ilr of Germanvwlth that bril liant light, that glorious aplemlor. that Illimitable power and glory of which she dreamed! "And, In order that ho one shall be left In doubt, we proclaim from henceforth that our continental nation has a right not only to tha North ena but to the Mediterranean nnd tha Atlantic. Hence, we intend to absorb, one af ter another, all the provinces which neighbor on ITussla. We will sue cnaHivtrly Suinex Denmark, Holland, Belgium, northern Swtzerland; then Trleate and Venice; finally northern France from the Bambre to the Xolre. This program we fenrlesaly announce. It la not the work of a madman. The empire we intend to found will be no Utopia, We have ready to band the mean of founding It. and no coalition in the world can top us!" exclaimed Baron llrousart von Schlllendorf. "It was. indeed, the work" the dream "of madmen," and grew presently into the extravaganza of tho Mktnl Wuropean empire; that castle in the air, more dazzling and more inypracUcahle than thoae ot Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon. "A place In the sun!" Intoxi cated wtth the lust of land, of power, of wealth; maudlin with un pardonable egotism, they thought of themselves, these madmen, as god upon Olympu. bathed in eternal light, the modern children of tha sun. He.hold that unhappy land at pres ent, overhung with clouds and threatened with a permanent nlgh or mlsTnrtiine ana rumination a land of darkness and the shadow of deoCh. On the western front the allied arrrMes are driving those haughty legion liack, like leaven before an nutumn wind. In the east their con quered provinces are In revolt and their allies have deserted and left them alone with their rear exposed to the rapid, the triumphant artj the terrible approach of the enemy. Within dlniptlve forces of Im measurable power are at work, threatening revolution and dissolu tion, even. Ixitid cries for the abdi cation of the kaiser resound In the streets "of cities where ha had al most been adored. Poverty, hunger, starvation even, stare the citizens In Uia fane. Financial ruin hangs over the nation like the sword of Damo cle. DecadP of tail and depriva tion to procure the money to pay enormous indemnities for the ruin they have wrought loom before them. A midden consciousness, swift and bright and terrible as a lightning flaah. of the contempt and hatred of the human race haa trlcken them down and dumb. A sense of error and of guilt; the guilt of pride, of ambition, of folly, of crime. Is be ginning to lacerate their awkened ronecienee. I'nhapplness. regret, misery, shame these are the conse nnence of that craving for "a place In the sun." which was not tha normal desire of liberty, of room for self-development, or room for na tional nnd Individual prosperity; but of avarice and greed. Mob Member Indicted. RHWFFIKI-n. Ala., Nov. is The special arand Jury Investigating the recent killing of John Graham, a po liceman and the subsequent lynching of two negroes, today returned true hills ngalnat Frank nlllard and Jeft Jenkins, both of Sheffield, who wrere arrested last night on warrants charging them with being accessories to the death of one of the negroes lvnched. It was slated that the In vestigation has not been completed. Dlllard and Jenkins were placed tn Jail at Birmingham. May Suspend Iemurrage. WASHINGTON, Nov. lg. De murrage may be suspended only on recognized national and state holi days, thn railroad administration ex plained todav in answer to applica tion from shippers for the waiving of demurrage on muncipal holidays fur celebration. WellaveWithrsTodf "elm ioumi with o, n. New Ore.t., A' :'K L "h'n, o'f When statehood t. . voter of Oklahoma.. , t. the game, weren't i,n the men they e.i . b i - great many mlstak. - ... Tha public, genera..-.- and how these mi.--.,, . The first quired a strong i,,,:. : energiea. There w.t. Jack Love, A. iv U ., McAlester. At' th.i; Hemthaw of Mad.;, w J attorney genpial. i- , evident that the f. connnligiion inui i. omeone wbo had an a, ceptlun of its rt,!..s a- ney General West i A. Hi'lishaw as a to look af.i-r tho ci p (.. aion. remap Mi cauke of his cloM. a Coionel Uive and Con son will not a-l. in; ,i known In capital of: practically oieiv ... promu K'i'e.l by written by Mr. noinlng was dor.,. wt suiting him. i-aier ,vi r. I li-i.r 'i.i ,v ,n(. uioiiiurr oi illfl . ot iiii.riSiOD presence on the t...( . p.j . almvmt a treat to n.i-i.,j an lie utilltiea attorneys w!, knfi. their cases would rv-.i,. lntf hun.lllnir Tiirru rui.u ..., r' t i,iif among all th'.su p. en ,,, ii4t 1 nes ueiore mo. .-.-,i.n , isio Mr. rt.iimiiii.v :n, , ln,.,. he would retire to .! -. -. i, ; me privaui u.ii-U'-e . : n dentally to look nf r ,. ; ... which hla office h i.l lurn-: from devoting his t. ... , s, he lives in Oklahoma a.i vate citizen, engaged m the oi ness una in tn pru-:, , j, twu sous are In tl.r. a :.,; m. now ie is a.ia.t.njj return, xnr. nensnaw w.n t yesterday on u Liimi:iis n .p a nig n eompuniei.i in tne pi commLssion whicli, he .b-cU: "moat admirably co:,',.t.,i.-d.' -I i - :-n i-i, I ' t.Mi- i:..,n it i: ; 1 1 '' r, !' t:ic '.iv -'' h. Iiemoernt Haa Slim Lrad. JFNKAF, Alaska, Nov. 16. Ad ditional returns today from the elec tion on November 5 have put Charles A. Ptilzer, democrat and Incumbent, In the lead over James Wlckershsm, republican, by seven votes In the race for" territorial delegate to congress. -- Gubernatorial spmt lUr.nxl days of ijoe Oruc w-.w :-; prlefightit, playing tnlf ;u.j in; buUertmlk. Hie latter ti I governor rwtorx eil for las o I leotation. Tho fiint l,n ilvieri Frajik t'airton, then tul jiit.oit-s of tho ulate. Now t!::it Cc I nice is out or u a.v I oral Canton, there. Isn't airy .V-l telling a few mn-rets abuut prizefights. Of course O.-hpri I ton wantest to, and lil l i!o r, I Hut like a great many ethr: blooded Americans lie rvlijihej . Ing match. So when iK.if Cmce. niter deleratiur. of r . citizn had railed upon H r test, ordered the stopping of l tiled tKiuts, there was imtl:: him to do but tell Genera! On go and stop them. So ins f would set out on his miwinn. yesterday be iilmoKt adnuu;l once or twlco nc lost a time purposely. The bu n hi been wanned up and th H couldn't lose hm red bloo.1 Then, about the time a kr wa due, he would apiear in in and the tuff was off. "(;. t hard to do your duty Uniterm. cumMancea, especially when t tie fiillow seems to be Kct'ji best of It," Genenl ''anion aa. terday at Hotel Tulsa. Ho u un busiaeaa connected with his tercHls in Texas. General fJ 1 alao the Oklahoma agsnt I Texua Cattlemen's association big Idea with the ohsishu's)! go out after cattle thievm i them One hour with Gen-nil Cr more nmfttahlv spent toon host work of fiction that hai been pulrlished. The genr had quite some expettenem . can get him to tell about then A beard would put t'tiwln nelly of Kansas City right matt tho prototype class with ha) I trlous cousin, Charles Kvaiti Bsi one time republican o.ui'in". president of the Unite I 'l pravloua to that time noi.ifjs might have been a Uf" ' Justice of the I nited States W,1 ...mrf- iloiinpllv. who Ui on' of th known tire ulesmi-ii in the : trv. "nuikps" Tulsa every D'l than. .He hns a Hughes mu4 hm la fntnns the beard. ' I mil taWon for mv cousin if 1 wor' on1 t tli.n't n-sa-it to be .niti:irrul he save. Anvwav. the two kf much nilke ils two I" a In Pi r tv,r the hrnsh. Tli- i'res i enndidatp 'tstODIipd over" Will nelly on his im-muriblu trip U I fornlu, two years ago. Panama Jtct riot Ion Contlt" PANAMA. Nov. i ,',.--lb-Jtr' placed on Cnlted Stat-s wld:' he canal zone forbcblitis; tt' enter tno cities oi ran .m . i ... . . . , inf . will De conunueu. ...,.rnr, v... Oetiera', Hirnra iiiotr.hforH. command. "' tn'' i!lu eorc. s here I r I ittiatl 1 been caused hv Getl "t u I tlatc:-! charges and rcsolut.oi,S of i have been pnoiscd bv t r sanemhlv of Panama ' '''f sent to the United Sta. .ivorl re tie Ml Front Is Singe. American soldiers i-V t'sc.l delight nmateiir t he il t bal i when " Tu stage '.h-:.t l'.v s ami miti Ji ti e V M C. A. has twett- ,tv Mace director under the su- ,oi ,,f .l.vo'iih I,:u.i ll Smith i constantly on lb" Job ind p I kin. 1- of 'nr. P-I n s.x department of the i.i'liir.i ! 1 M.-asli-nl ii-i-'i -ii iii fi t.s. 1 lu w:gs, 7iJ plav s. and had K'V en ot-.-b.-' nitl. ii s :' . tll'ke-l!P sets ait'-r i f i.i i'im- c-'St ' workimr on 'J. He" tn National Advertieina nf Urandcd Products tl - - " - 'if Help Dealers. I'laits .-iviiumci taaiini uls :i'. I t ' an ides a il ,-ks thiii lolt"., to : :1 tin s. '1 ' ,.ii out 1 li I ecu i T.. s-'ig a 'id I.IM 1 women i-mistiiir !v it . - Th. v are !-s" ..'. and S'i'.t i 'br stiuas ei't.-r- Ici.'S cf our great iiresbb-nt. It is upon th fundament il principles of good will tovv.-v-'l men that the p.-ice treaty will be formulated. And In ll pence that has now come the gr.-a? peace that undervtajullng. .ooil will toward in. n should be. un I we profound'v believe, will be. the dominating Influence In the world's .-.,l,.ti.o. The "pro the: hood of I ta in" Is no InnriT a phra "f fit"--soiiml-ng rh ri. Vit t.v this col. v.. I sat war this ei-. at l-i'b'.-th of 1-1- tll.-i I .1 V . .t 11 11 " I reali' V in t he i hi- laden.-,! mil ln'ici'l' are tin' 1 s---m-e-s t-l us I u-r itlL-iTl to the ovi ds To WI; hnc'ii t opi reels i ' A lU'llill III J.. m.4 -.::: 'll- Inward the ll'1" litionai y fori e of a'er - t'.t KH'ls. I b-i -11 1 1 feel . t he American vi- .iios tu.i'iy .... k,.rt The V M. . ii f.-i t of f:lm :o ,.),.; h.,s I'"1 Pr" and cmpiovs I -" us i nl:s'.:tm the aid a crank, an a i'l age ol :"" "i"- " ' soldiers pet reel enjoyment, tla said. s-r inn ' s(r m:. rs know m vv it ot f" -lieu n.-ii Iii'1 eraior.-. as w e, tappers w'bo i lowti ;n'. : s'-. idow vv r.h -hi-i i ii- ll-Iied tl- :' wc : a-id one f!es!i. sons ' flo' I Vt .1 wlio h.-w done this thins? ' who '-as bt-.iiigbt tins victory of c'.v- i' '"'. to l's sp.enilill iru:,nio -.-. wo We are proud of our grea share In thin work We are proud thn' we perceived our duty and phmg detcrtntnation soon a she nail me uep r.ntiotie her victims. Sow our troops have pliivcl a manfuK jsirt. a tntrt nm oii'v heroie ami efficient, but lUsu , of ib'C.siv nsequence in the final : terr'ib',.. .triigg!. ' It Is rot ple.,.sr.t to think thnt the I two first irushaig blows In bringing about Hie end. the overthrow or ltul ; garia ami the overthrow of Turkey. were due In no wxy to us. but solely I to oar allies. Fug '.and and France .We never made war on either of ! fending nalio'i: we remained ncitanl. and this exhibition of feeble diplo macy on our part made us onlookers instead of partakers of tlo" triumph. Hut with Aii'.riil after hesita tion ami wabbling. did Bin'.ly'go e 'vp j to war. an 1. ultiiougu our part was We i verv small, wo have a mode! righ' hi .'into i-hare the (.en.-ral s itL-.f-H'tion over n ,--,., of fie the victory In '.In. I'lis-M'tinTtnany. an we have I however, wc (.layed a really great cf one bio ..I i part, and altl'.oiigh urti! the very end -t daughters of! we were to put on the fight i Irg line any Janks or field guns or batt'e planes, nnd relatively only a small number of machine guns and ,io"..inir nnd observation plams, our soldiers themselves were probably on tl.e Hvi-raice the finest t-oops who fought In Kiirope. And now the German imperial mil- ii na-i- i thin hearts of mankind. I of other io long of id ' No , ir, .! are w e : ns thp millions are still In the fipld. each man Intent upon his task. j each certain to hold fast until hi i tnsk Is done, so In that measure of j discipline we mnt continue toward t the gradual restoration. We are not released from nhllr-s-tlors we took In April. 1917. We hound ourselves to the end. This is not the time to clamor for the dis mantling of the grpit machine we have built It must he done with patience nnd forethought. Pecauae the world's tonnage was turned to the movement of troons. It does not follow that It can likewise be de voted to their return That emer gency lias piMsed and another ha taken i's place. What was needed for destruction is required fur re- onstr-iciuui. rne snips inni carrieq i (1'n-r.rrigtit, Mallory, k Fault.) Dealer nre coming, more and more, to appreciate tho value to theniHelvo of advertising done by manufacturers of branded products. Tn fact the more foresighted of them are virtually concentrating their sales on advertised product. They recognize the manufacturers' from factory to con- , dealers. The retail store n as tha vital point i through which trade factory to consumer. A 'passes through ire 1 pass through this I n I the channel. No nm''- through the cli.n-n' ' a tnroug'i advertising is ueing useu 10 euucaio Pan puss their own customers. point. Manufacturers' advertising is a Any action of the real help to the dealer. It stimulates Jurloua to the deal trade, by maintaining a healthy del narrow th chunm-i mand for the goods without the ne. I hence to restrict H cesslty of price cutting, a pernicious from the factory. oeuet.nA r-nroroOn In 11 n a d VPT t lsP.i i move Vl'llil'll s I lines to keep sales up.' The dealer has ranch . . . ... . ..... l . r-c sla ncp I CI e so . ' soldiers must now carry both soldier manuiacturor-actverusing. in inci, ne , ' "" , flow a rs. We -d and enthusiasm h Into and food l-'rance crtnnot Insfhntlv recover from the loss of millions of citizens, enormous waste nnd vast destruc tion. N'or llelgium. We find our selves: with more than 1 :V 000. 000 of men. women and children to help feed. They have suffered the butch ery war ttut we must give them of our plenty. Kven the enomy peo ples must be aided now. Ix't no man. woman, or child In the rnlted States susjyend the will to serve In this extremity, and let the service be of glad generosity. The to gain by he partner in j dealer tends to bro-i I ' lat this point--ten-: may consider himstvi I the advertising j This partnership Is worth much to the dealer who Is shrawd enough to i see this relationship and utilize it by keeping the advertised goods on als. play and otherwise backing the ad vertising. Manufacturer realize thnt they mnnni force distribution to the con sumer against dealers' will. Thfy need (he hearty co-operation or aeal ers in getting products into the hands ot the consumer for the normal way tory. Manufacturer re..:." Hence the wrc'le p-i"1 facturer-adyi r'i-iing -' .stance to the breaden the channel to help dealers! Advertising lu'tu'l-'" turpr by benefiting '!l same time, nnd only I'V dealer. :: uM ...rrl ,-c-v nil'" iii:- '.ii-tlT '.'I 1 - P' a ' il :n t" : he I nl ' 4 . :,! Just how nat iho Healer Will I" rinfl series ol succccdim, a -.tilt-' -, -:il a