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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1018. NOMADISH AGAIN IS 1 COMING INTO BEING ,umit''l- llionKht to It Itrwproi. 1 fr TrmleiioKn to Wonder ynr (rr I'Jirt " hurfacc AH ,h , unll-tDAlo worM hn he- V-' . ... .V.- .Via i U V... i ninrhfos tfiis of thou-'"'uken to tho open road H " nun wnrk at 4 or ..p,e S" uftprnoon, and then "'"" V... . .r i.d nre off on the i'",ui 1 r. r.K)tInir here arid r '.,' never know exactly tth. m iliey "t out. There are "KT,l ,t l-'Plo now who know """ y,,'.nr.t.le road In New KnB ' . v..- i lisni of the moBt pro- w'1 ? .n "' w"1"'1 rH" 11 Bt "" , hiUsM I'erhnpH the nutnmnnll en.-wr.iu-" the wandorln npirit. ' ..... vumy of Mmwarhusetui mr iM,,r,.U or California, and r" ln , .,... . I'lorlda or a. Call- MnsMarhunetta. That AUTO MEN YOU AUTO KNOW "JJq FOr'girL ;,r"' '' "f rambJIn about I'Vn A new and elegant ,'"'it0me:i't'iw,hili 'the old formi ef Jn.leWX! ire iionBinn. Tho auto h i, h the road of Its ikJW V.-'i l" n tnem " Wu I" 'l'n" byways and old dirt ,i ti' tl " ""' now n" ,h,,y n,ver r"' i.f linmely fiirm ways with Tb'" h'..'- "i font of which the '" . . .i......o..iv In the mad. "' I ih b.rr. -lei!ed children nit tin . oiie -:!. their tret In the ruUi-L ' ' moro at""lutely deserted than 'l,i pvor The appearance of m,rt i.i.l f iluoneil pedestrian ' lure-leviT n one of these roads ,... , r-,rr a thin that the bare ;,lX..,l rh:l .r-n xealter In terror at ii;Sit ef him approachinR. I, alk,M'. then, a lost art? Not f i.m ami there in the woods Von the the Nomad meets a '.., walluT--a man or hoy who Is . . ... 1.. th. Ik fr Iho en the roan "r "i ; of li'i"'- lher and because he j ran t help " '"llldn't heln " "! v-. could The spirit-has, to be kept ' ,v, jom"ri"W. If the world Is- tn hne toc"h' r Machines of all kinds. ,ome ami i.'r- v not ! a machine of nny kind iiiiiteni-c in all tho world, except t mim''U'. a hundred yeurs from now-t'Ut nun. if he Is atlll to be a man mut walk abroad; his thlnk H nmchin'-ry and the perpetuity of ha nentlniei.i and emotions depend ,pnn It -Wlial do you suppose will iusfy the Kinil except to walk free ji'l own m Kiiperior?" So there must lie foiiH body to continue the tradlticn. The .-Nomaa is Kiaa i nmo j hat most of tnem wno ua coiuinuo Itire yountr." Hoys in the woods al yaysbnvs not ashamed to pick (lowers, boy interested keenly Itv fry bird r worm. The ioys will ;-fi the thine alive. Tho world bo ionpi to thorn. Such R t'"' the Nomad met the other day. clear out ln the woods, lie wm about l'i years old, and he was l.ickins a Rroat armful of blossoms and branches i if the clethra. or sweet ptppor bush, and smelling them rap turously an h,e (,-athered them. When he spied th Nomad eomlnjr, with a lot of cardinal flowers In his hand, lie milled all over and said, "I know here, you cnt those along that (Itch down in the swamp over 8 . i ft -. -.,'. .. . .v mv?Tp ... ,h' I ?' .f L, ?' " V' . V . J liar' M Itewdy to Uck Kolwr IWvs V. W. A.'S--retar- to it-t "Huffy ' ThlniTs" fur "Only One." Frrd M. nnnslaorh. Maxwell's former northwest sales manager and truck representative who haa recently been employed by Syauldlng & Hwlnney. there." Tea; there was where they came from. The two fell In together and walked alitnir a wood path, talk ing blithely of wild flowers and things, all of which the boy knew about without knowing their names. Ity and by the boy turned off at an Intersecting path. "Where are you going now?" he Nomad asked. "Oh. fny father and neither are over there In the woods." the boy said. "Well, good-bye ae you again." His father and mother were over there In the woods. That explained , 'it. If your father ami mother are In the habit of being over thero in the woods, a"hd you are a kid. you will rawer get the woods out of your blood as long as you live. This boy of 10 wandered free In the wcTods as far as they reached but he gravitated back to his father and mother with unerring feet. KnoOnh of our tribe are left to keep up the race! HUN PRISONERS BEAUTIFY THEIR CAMP SURROUNDINGS IJato "Valor ITag.' AMSTERDAM. Nov. 16. The bol shevik government of Knssia has In stituted military order "feV valor." It Is a tiny red flag and the person on it Is conferred Is also given a certificate entitling him to wear it. (Pv flKOKtlK T. NYE ) AMKISHWN l-KKKS IIKA 1 "JI'A It TKKS, HltlTISH KIH i.NT, Nov. !.- When the (iermans counter-attacked near CAmbral using Ilritish tanks, which the Hrltixh put out of action with German anil-rink guns. It made a sort nf sterniv humorous situation which reminds mo of the two follow ing Incidents: We were p.i.islng an Knglish pris oner cage when our attention was caught In- dozens of tiermans on lad ders. Wo got out of our car to In vestigate. We found that the pris oners, with no superintendence, were carefully repairing the several high wire fences that enclosed their little huts. They seejiied unite interested In their work. Some of them were singing. A Tommy commented: "No worry about those birds want ing to get out. They're all contented and their splicing their wire Just to make It look neat and nice." The boche, with his stolid resig nation, had shovelled neat terraces around his coop, and was making himself pleasantly at honie PAKIS. Nov. I - The kaUer's moustache, the "clown quinceS npurs and the Herman helmt3 Anier lean ho hive promised to sen. I to I be "oitlv Kit I" are yet to be gotten but while he Is ill 1'ari the average soldier Is planning to send per some' thing pretty, something "chic" from the famous shops of the olty thev have found buying feminine ' finery :n l aris a Job for which their : military training sadly failed to pre pare them "flush." rli liiiiued a persplrlnir and pcrplexe.l as he enierge.l fiom the emhHrras !mk iinfaniiliantlea of girlish adornment nn.l fluent Krcm li "Tills Is -no man's Job! Me for a m.oii an"' and ren.eniberiTig bis fellow country womn at Hotel I'etrograd. the Young Women's t'hrwllaii af-so-ciatP'tt's hi-o-ttH house in 1'ar'.", in tell his troubles to a smiling secre tary. The hnteRn laughed and promised , to get him 'Hume of theee-er- flnff -it tilings a girl likes, you know " When the boy received an enthusl antic letler from home praising hi Wonderf ill lust.., he knew he had chosen wisely, mid congratulated h.mse'.f that in the exigency of wilt tng - he had failed to snv how he enme to make the selection, lie did not tell "her" about it, but ho did let his rli urn In on the secret. , I Numberless men now come to the H!u Trl.ifii?;e women and say "get the right tbing for sWgirl," and ijls. tnKs the matter from their minds When thev ret bark home they have planned to cxpiain that their mete was inspired by the absent one "over here." but thev will breathe a sigh of relief when they remember how the lllue Triangle "never telli" the e crets It receives In confidence. A Istng Smoke. If the 1 SO.OilO (too rlrarets or dered for distribution at V M. ". A canteens In Prance ln Aiiguxt alone wen- place, I end tu end thev would I reach something like fi.392 miles, or j from America to Franco snd back with a few miles to spare. Through la recent nrrangement with the gov ernment nil prices charged at Y. M. !i A. canteens or post exchanges for i tobaccos are the same as at nrtnv I cnmmls-ary stores. There were 9S0 of these post exchanges In active op eration at the commencement of au tumn. One million two-minee cans nf smoking tobacco were ordered for the same month. Sweets of Vlilnry. "The chocolate soldier" was n term of derision, hut the soldier's chocolate Is a military necessity. It satisfies the soldier's sweet tooth and nt the same time gives him something to fight on when meals cannot be considered In the heat of battle. Kor one month the Y. M. C. A. with the American expeditionary forces or dered 1 H.tinn.OiK) bars of chocolate. 2.r00.nn packages of gum and 8.000,. 000 packages of blsc.urts,' For the chocolate and the biscuits were need ed 1.360 tons of sifgar anil 4T.0 tons of flour, enough to fill 181 French freight cara Winter with its extreme cold weather will soon he here. Motoring will cease to be a pleasure Unless you are prepared for it. We Can Supply You With Many Articles of Equipment To make winter driving enjoyable To make yourself comfortable , Equip Your Car Now Before Cold Weather Arrives WINTER FLUID (ANTI FREEZE) RADIATOR AND ENGINE COVERS EXHAUST CAR HEATERS CHARCOAL HEATERS STEER WARMERS GLOVES ROBES PONCHES FLASHLIGHTS WEED CHAINS Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tire are the only tires that will , not kid on a wet or greasy pavement the cheapest tire per mile in its class. We also handle the ton tested tube, te'nsil strength of 2400 lbs.1 Carnation Auto Sales Company . L.C. SAMM6NS, Manager Phones 37(3-2533 Second and Detroit WITH i THE SIGNING OF THE PEACE ARMISTICE THE DEMAND FOR WILL INCREASE We are now prepared to deliver immedi ately 1 ton, 2 ton and 3 1-2 ton ORDER NOW WHILE YOU CAN SECURE THEM AND INSURE YOURSELF FOR THE GREATEST PROSPERITY THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER WITNESSED i Our Policy Regarding Our Parts Department To supply any owner of any make of truck with parts : will remain' the same, and is at your disposal. We can supply your needs. V o 214-216 East Second Street Phone 6806 ruck OF OKLAHOMA Go mo a DICK SAYE President and General Manager