Newspaper Page Text
fULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. 10 The Automobile Simplified iiy i i!i:ii:ni k c. .i Milium, m. i:. Ar, ln'liii.ite l;il' on 111' Wi.rHiir; units of 'he .-11110101. Ml i1!hpuhoi1 In io.i I. ii .iy lli'i Iimuii it mully ti mlm i-Lind tli.-.-n. If In r' nil in: I .i"i ii 1 1 1 1 Ion us I Iny appear In Tin' or Id r-.irli Sun- " d.iy II ire ii in.yilniiK i li'ur In you unk Mr. (imi rln I, .iliout It. An iiimui will Ii- p'lli.'!' lied nn Hi" '"in (i If ' mil ot I liu urlliie Ml) til m i'i. ii if tlir :iti.ii,ol,il.i under iliii'-iii nloi), iur mis n it ai "KiMoiur.F: rnitiirvrovnrsf t: s ihh. Ail. Imii .ill m.ii.ri'i t" A'i'o I'Jilil.'i, Tulitu ft'niM, Tula. k!. JMton Nil. 1 1 1 - lin II iiihI I lull" r ' "ii" i 1 1 i' '.I i , ii i i '." i .. . -i. . i"ii : I li.irl iis, j "ii r ,-Ij.i f i.. , i, ' ' a i, ! .i ' i ' . i i i i n 'I'll In .-nil.,;, ,:, I ), lid ruil.i' ll'i r " n..'li"l An i Hie ., n .. . iii n i i ..! ..r I he I. ..! I ' " In Hi"- ' '". - I"' " 11 ' ! or I ,. nr Hi.. I'..ll ..r nil., l "" ' 'i ' ' r ' ' . l-ii'ingl lie.u mi- I'.irir I i.m-i'i " ' i- Ti. '"' " 1 Hoi, I" !l ... , . In ,! ..Ii lift.' '"il !' '.'.. .-If", i,. I j II,,- I . , .! ., . . i, .1 I.m.l.1.. I,. .1'. j ' '.O 'I - I tS- ill,. I III) ' !', i' . 'I j K,. S I .1I..1 - I 'W II !'' I I"' II - I I ' H 1 1 .-i ... I of III" 1 I i " .i I'll i" I , I I 1 1 " i I titf iiji IH l. I ! r I. .' I f 'I : ' '. i-'i, .11 ! I t i I I vs ;. I. in i i i . . , , I ( f . ' . I. ' ,,i I. v.!,.-.", . . i I . . s r'n.i ! i i , i f-.l nr.. a ! . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! ' In- n u t . r i -i' . I : t " I ' i i i ' A t, I. - .1 t '. i . ii.. I'i'.i i ,i i i w ., . i " ' i... i ,'.i I,., i in, 1 1 I'n- : ',, j t itri. iiif -.' ii.'. . . . i . I.. 1 : , . I. -... .. , i . i :i , i,. r, i ,- i . v i. ,i i - .. , i- i - u , nmli'i 'ii. h II:. I ii ! . I l.iIih or I !i:k j.ii- wnii or lnk.n. i:,ui ilii'l roll, is "i ii..r la W',i,.. I', j'.i.-v 11, or tin' - i'. 1 i. 1.-1 i-. i i lliil I" I.. i ... I, I'll ".I 1 II I ' 'f .1 i I ,'' I" an i. "i.' l.i I 1 1 i Itlg IH I I," I .1 I t 'i.l hi. I ii 7 f . i ii ti'l tin 1 1 i 1 1 11 I IMtf v !' in v- I 1 1 1 f ' II f Ih I 'it 'lib-Ill I I joints, HJ.I.hi; HI'liili-H .in I .l" Hpring M no l "H i I ,l , If l III I'.', I ' ' li'M-N I," .1.1 ,,,.'. ,,r I i... I l , I ; I 1 . ,- II i ..:! I Ai . 'ii ( oni- . ., i .. I ii... I. en rliiKH i 'h i- h Nov b e, wheu pulling th i ii ri nil . I i it-. :. r..." .u. , 1 1 - r , . i.ihk ..ft it k'i'umhk ""' u' r i "i W. ... ... i ii '' It l'i. ' . ... "I ro,''iiii., IiiilIii lin- in Isl :i It " of .1 ,-.,'. to'.. t . '..ii K i' in. I', ,'.ilni tin, Iii lit, .mil ilH'lr I'-tillifl i..v . ,i I'-. ill Ii, 'to- iitiilitf 1. 1 111" I'. i !, r. vvl ii-il. L'l-lt.iiK III" l.onj'Mi A til i.n.n iv I' ml. I IiiiIi ulii'lii I! Ktmnlil T.r 'I'lic fm- til it A if . I I.-. .1 -" Ih'i l.ii.L- mi. it "f m,!-,.. ,1.4 inri'rr iliiin I!, nntnriillv Ifinl, to A , Ht Iii li.'f ! i'. .,iri . i.i i ii m vi- w lo n 1 1 i I in ii n 1 1 v t Ii.- lii-H.-r I liil II Hlimil'l ':oini. to r ni' nn iini. iMi'tuT in linn' loo- tiiirni i It.- ii.- ' li"s whit t-i l-.iiowfi iim in .,t oiif.-r r:i"'wiiv Wlnn lili Ih ly, 1 1 in 1 1 v oi in .1 Inn-, no fur i' i i 1. 1. I...;; ;...un:ir TIiIm f , Iim In-.ir1nic will hkoy b itrnpJ'', ttii' I'lMl.Hri, I.'h-v .in I "' oi - j li.-.i nii. ii ii'iili1. f'oiii'l In tin- fri'ht"! die Brothers COMMERCIAL CAR Dodtfc I?rothcis Recommend This Business Car to Business Men Without Qualification Business Car With Panel Body. 1,000 Pounds Capacity, Delivered Tulsa 1,210 -yTj -i -T Business Car With Screen Body, 1 ,000 Pounds Capacity, Delivered Tulsa $1,210 ' H I U uYi W'syn ri 1 .'Jva,---Vi' WJ4.s.;l.-5-;.-j-'l 1 gf'-l; "ii Am -i Two-Ton Ti'uck, Delivered Tulsa ?l,7!r BSME iilliS CGRPGRhTIO H rimiH (;i.u;o C l io Ih.. tun al T'.v. Ifth St root Tulsa. Dkhi. FIk.iih 4 kIiowh mi -x lii'iit typ of roll.-i i.c.iriiii! "i" Ilv.ilt fixii.t. If III'; rnll.-t of a loll'-r I'liirini; with to l.ik" a poHitlon wlii' li i., not almo in!"!)' paiiiVfl In il nli. ill. It wiinl.l I. tt ri',ij.-rii..l to ii I'l-iiillnn Ml i ii I n . for Ahull ii'iuion a ii.ilil Hullil roller In not ii -lie: I. i In ii l.fiiilnk' An lh lliilt l.o.iriiii; i, ili'SiKii'-'l. lli" rnlliT run In-ml without l.ri'ukinK Tim llyait iH'urltiK ulll lin fouinl In a vi" rv lurKo ifn.fnt.iKfl of tlm turn liulll. Aim! tier rxrplli-nt iinil tiinrh iiwil roller I'.irllK l tin' 'I'llnken, wlileli II. 'ltl stout l.l,"iel rollirx. As It 1.1 il'inn"l. It will ii!nn inn a ii llirn.1t lil'llllllt to ,'itiie exlellt. llerllllHe of I lu- t;iiii. wiviY an In" taken out ly m 1 1 1 1 1 . y i iKhtenltiK lh until wlilih liolil Mil l.e-niiiK In plaee. When tiKlileiiin l .-.iiiiii;, of the ri'lJiiMtalile iyie. the l Is iiiiihI bn Jaeknl up, nhil tl.e leiirinK tlf litelled um mili'h ,m ponH.lili" witlKiut milking It imp'is sllile in Hpln Mio w lire I I y lian.l. The whe.-l iniiHl wit "bind." l'lKUie 0 Ktimm u bill -thriiHt bear ing Here A ii rid I; m e the ru ewiiyi an. I i' tin i.-t.iiniT wllli itn bitln. A lariri" iiiiioimt of the "hum" or ' Ki"Wl" whl. h ilevelopn In tho lrai-1 tiilwlon ami the differential Im line lo the worn tuin Inrn. an whn tho hear HiHH hi-oiiie worn, not only will they penult the K'-iirH to beeoinn a little tun far apart, hut they will nllow x lertiiin amount uf Hide play of the Hllllft. The wtiv to tell If a bearing nf th type Khown In l-'lgn. 1 anil 2 In wirn, ik In hih" how iniieh the Inner lare way I', run In- moved Kldewaya with lenpeit In the outer rarcway. VU ran t JmlKe thin well by trying to inoNe the rai-owiiyu toward one. an- Ot'-T. ii, lepalr n worn ball bearing the rai-ewiiy tiiiiMt be regrii'iinl nml larirer ballii Inserted. Whether or ii"t. 'herefore. It 1'iiyi" to hve a Ix-nring tepiiiied Is iue.,tlonnb'.e. It will b weakened, and the repair Im rxpen sl e. lMh the ra.-ew.-iyn nnd the ball are burden'"'! nnd ih.Tefore brittle to hoiiiii evient This mean that "'-ire mil, I I e rx'TciNed III Installing them. They Hhoiilil never be driven Iniii po. itlon by haul blown of a hummer. If they ran not be preened In, a gen ;. tapping on A soft lool or ple-e f inelal will generally move them, (hough the movement .will often be ,'ow and th" work require patlenre. M in v a bearing has beTT ruined I'ti-mme one of the rieeways wan eraiked when th beurlng was In stalled When ordering, roller ben ring. Jt Is only neretwnry to (t!vo their tiiinl her. whl' h will be found In one "f Hi rui,"waM If voti find a number of niiinl-ers. and i do not feel cer tain of the right one. gl e the dl- ineiniotis. but the numbers nl"". as i artlrlei to which they pledged them the nnnil,T will help Hie ueuer m OPENING The Times Square Auto Supply Company World's Largest Dealer in Auto Supplies Announce the Opening of the TULSA STORE ' . v " Located at 213 E. SECOND STREET With a Complete Line of AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Times Square Auto Supply Company 213 EAST SECOND STREET SLOVENIAN PRIESTS SIGN PATRIOTIC RESOLUTIONS The Slovenian Trlejtii Iagno of America, which met last month In convention at Jollrt, 111 , drew up n set of resolution expressing their faitli and allegiance, which are now i published in transition. Among the cive you the rnrrei-t neannir. e en though von ninv have failed to give nil of the dinienBloiis required I timl Is a great enemy of ball henr miss, and so If yon put your ear up foi- some time, tie sure that all roller and ball bearings are wMI grraied. ITALIAN EXPOSITION PROJECTED IN NEW YORK Itnllsn-Ann riran business men In thin country are planning to chtah lish a permanent Italian exposition In New York city and eventually erect a beautiful and artlMIc pavilion to house their enterprise. In this build ing every Important Italian product of agriculture and Industry Is to bn shown, together with representative works of art. line of the main ad- Helved re tho following: "We express our deep respect crntltude and loyalty to the (iovern- i ment of the I'nlted States of Amerl- ' ca. and lo II great president, Wood, row Wilson, In tbis terrible struggle for liberty, democracy, and self-de- , termination of the nations of the world. , "We pledge lo our government and to our preeident all our moral i and tnaletial support and urge all Mi" Slovene! of the t'nlted State to be ready ana to bring any and all the, i.' fiiis required from them by the' government. 1 "We are convinced that a permn- nent universal pence Is possible only i on a basis of perfect free self-deter- initiation of all tho nations and that I especially the Jugoslav question can 1 be Justly solved, only upon the founa- prolect Is the consumer nnd producer, offering them every facility for co oper itlon. vantages exnected to flow from this atlon of these principle ' bringing together of 1 The document Turtner empruLiixes i the Appreciation felt hv the Slovene ; people of America of the true dem- erratic liberty enjoyed In the land of j otloc- tu High Si-Iuh-I t'n.lets. i " u adoption. As the basis fo.- the lleport at our.' to U-e Leveling , government to be set up In .lugo- , tailors iin.l f urn ..-bet s. Tulsi Hotel . ilavia. the constitution of the I'mted i I, ml. lug IIS lOa-t Third Mtreet. fo-I States Is recommojiided by them as a ! me.isiii'ement fo military uniforms I mode',. ! Means Service More widely standardized for eommerchil use than any ear of its class. An essential ear a car that has attained popularity through con sistent performance. I I't? can make immediate deliv eries on seven-passenger touring ears and -ton speed wagons. Spakling-Swinncy Co. Phone 1136 111 South Denver. 122 Soiilli Main Stnvt. Sapulpa I 'hone 4!M 3H At the N-ew y Filling Station Corner Second and Cheyenne For Economy Gasoline Oils and Grease Large and Roomy Two cars . can pass on driveway. Four Free Air and Water Places Station No. 1 Is Located at 321 East Second St. Mere we can also fit you out with Double Fabric Tires, Tubes and Accessories at nioderate prices R. M. Purdy Phone 1135 Company- M otor Phone 1135 I