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TULSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 191 15 A Practical BUSINESS DIRECTORY 260.00 GIVEN AWAY A Practical BUSINESS DIRECTORY Phone 0 15-17 W. Anther Hatcher Produce Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS Creamary' Butter and Eggs GOOD EGGS ALWAYS" $10 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK First Prize $5 Cash Second Prize $2 Cash Three Prizes of $1 Each BUTTER MILK , BAR Tlie Installation of our new fountain Insures nut only ef. flclent service, but a product of highest quality, (ompiele line of Havana, Do rmxtlc and Imported Cigar and Tonaeen. hMOKKWKM, CIGAR STORK IIIIsm IMUg. Third aud Main. - . a Have your Portraits painted in oil by our urMsts. THE JAMES STUDIO Opposite Hotel Tulsa For Commercial Dept. Phone 71114 Anything. Any Tin a, Anywhere United States Tires are good Tlres that's why ws sell them. They atand the teat of service and durability to the utmost satisfaction. Let your next retiring be dons by th . I, POLIN TIRE SERVICE Phona 70S Comer Seventh and Main Acre Gardens Mont beantlful subdivision ad jacent to Tulsa; all In alfalfa; one-half mile from city limit, on North Cincinnati; $100 down puts you In possession. I Tire 100 to l00 per acre. Krices will . advance as 1m nrovementa are made. E. G. Cl'NNINCMIAM Room 210 I'aliice Uldg. Phones 4670, 552, 2206-R A Good Bank to Bank With American National Bank Our patrons are extended (very courtesy und accommo dation consistent with good banking system. Akin's Booterie 221 S. Main All Kinds of Repairing Motorcycled, Bicycles. Go-Cart Retiring. Wanning Machines, (la Lights, Locks, Guns. Keys, Shears, Graphophonea, Carpet tjwecpers. Welding. Bicycle Tires Accessories. phona 27J4 TCLSA ACTO CYCLE CO 114 W. First St. Distributors for Miami Bicycles Bicycles sold on easy payments American Cafe (Opposite, Hotel Tulsa) New Management SPECIAL DINNER TODAY Booths for iAdlca Short Orders We Specialize in Chinese Dishes ... N. II. THOM. Prop. Angstreich Let us examine your eyea for Classes you will be able to see things as you have not seen them for years. Nerd Glasses? Ask ANGSTREICH with Hellbron'a Second and Main. I'hone 127. ATTEND A NATIONAL SCHOOL with a NATIONAL REPUTATION DRAUGIION'S Business College Day and Nlcht School 510 S. Main St. Telephone 2081 Beauty Work. Toupees to Order. New York Hair Shop Natural Hair Oooflr of every description. 223 "Robinson Arcade Phone 4312 B. F. Pettus Real Estate, Loans Insurance, Rentals Room S Old Alexander Btdg. 202 H S. Main St. Phone 296. CADILLAC Cart CADILLAC Part. CADILLAC Repair CADILLAC Service CADILLAC Inspection CADILLAC-GASTON Co. South Main and 12th St. Phone 368 'TRAVELING BAGS A TIU NKS and KCITCASES We Save You Money EVERYTHING In JEWELRY RlumnndM WalchcM IiOANS ON EVERYTHING OF VALVE Commercial Loan Co. Cor. I l und Muiu Phone 7913 COMPLETE Sn. Mgh grad. Niinary itnck, In iperted by Malt ntomologtH. Tra. i, 4 tod 5 ImV appl. mi peach, 20c, Fur, cbtrry and plam, JOc. Pecan, J to i fact, ti. ChryBanth.mania, 6 In pota, $1, Blackbamaa, dnrbarrlM, rairpbar rl... $ par 100. Orapa Tlnta, 2 fear. 25e. Hadga planu, 60c. Sbrnba and Tln, hoc. Rom, 60c. Shad iraaa, 8 aod 10 fact, 1. S. A. D. LANN1NG 824 E. 3rd Su, Tulsa, OLIa. DRS. McCARTY i3c NEWLON SPECIALISTS Chronic and Acute Dlscnsca of. MEN AND WOMEN "To contrnet a disease Is a misfortune but to neglect tt Is a erlme ajrainst one's self." 12 Years In Tulsa. 212 b South Main Street Eclipse Auto Storage & Repair Company Car Stored, Washed and Polished 217 West Second St. Phone 5892 Econom ical Health ful Worm Investigating VPTO.N SHEET METAL WORKS Phone 3208 114 S. Boulder E. E. PECK General Auto Repairing and Rebuilding of all Makes of Cars Expert Workmen 317 S. Cincinnati Phones 777 and 985 Efficient Service Can be obtained only In n well-eulpped office. Are you satisfied with your service? Let us assist you to the lOflcfr efficiency mark. Phone today for our representative. Tulsa Office Equipment Company 2 1 6 S. Boulder. I'hone 1121 E. H.Consolvo Mantels, Tiling; Grates, Gas Logs and Fireplace Fixtures 210 E. Second St. Phone 4930. Fine Printing Can be done in Tulsa Just as well as In Kansas City or Kal amazoo, and this shop invites the business men of the city to send their printing here. In equipment and printing ability this shop stands second to nons in Oklahoma. Phone fcr our representative. Banknote Printing Co. Phone 939-2:68 Rules of In the 71 ads published below are certain misspelled words; find these words. At the loii of a sheet of paper write the number of misspelled words found, then write each word cor rectly and Jhe firm name of advertisement In which word mis spelled appears. Write your nam and street address to the. IH RKCTORT EDITOR, care THE WOULD. Answers may either be mailed or brought to The World office. All answers must be In The World office by (1 p. ni. next Wednesday. Winners will be decided by the neatest correct, or the most nearly correct answer. In case of a tie prizes will be divided. Next Sunday winners will ba announced and the awards mailed. Change of copy must French & Hunter Insurance, Bonds Phones 7173-4727 217 S. Cincinnati, Tulsa. Okla. PROTECTION and SERVICE FOR DVRATION of the WAR Pantry Special Every Saturday I lb. Opcko Coffee 42c. 1 for 43c; ll. tprk Tea &.c, 2 for fc: I Simon's Inn Cocoa 80c. 3 for 31c; I Simon's Pud ding ISc, 2 for 16c. THE REXALL STORE . ROY R. OETMAN, Prop. Phones 18-16. 118 S. Main St. ARE YOU HELPING THE HOYS OVER THERE? Like they are fighting for you. "Buy It in Tulsa." F. S. MILLER LUMBER COMPANY. GASOLINE FILING STATIONS IDEAL BRAND LINDNER OIL CO. 606 E. Second Sixth and Boston HARDWARE covers only one branch of our business. Tools for me chanics In all lines, stoeea and cooking utensils, wire for fenc ing, screen wire, builders hard ware, door and window fit tings, hose, lawn mowers and hundreds of other useful ar ticles We would appreciate a vIkii from you. NICHOLS HARDWARE CO. Phones 1900-1917 1 1-1 2 1 E. First St. Help Win the War! Uflclcney will help win. We manufacture all kinds of household, office and com mercial furniture. We also do all kinds of mill work. Hutchinson Cabinet & Mill Company Phone 18fl. 519 W. First St. Tulsa. 1 S. A. I. s. liny Ou More Bond. Home Decorating Co. On Third between Cincinnati and Detroit. Wall Paper, Paint, Draperies and Decorating. Phone 4593 HOME COOKING POPULAR PRICES NewEnglandCafcteria New, Clean, Up-to-Date Six Cafeterias TWO IN TULSA 122 W. Third 307 S. Cincinnati Contest NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS be in The World business office not later than Wednesday 6 p.m. each week $17 Hyland Tailoring Co. HAND TAILORED CUmiING II 4.00 to $32.00 Wholesale C TT OOLEN " J. V. Hylund 16 W. 3rd St. Why Not Prepare for contingencies by guying one of our combination Heat ers. We also have Combina tion Ranges, both steel and cast. Let us eep your old stoves In order. TULSA STOVE CO. 110 W. 2nd St. Phone 2374. Just Located Dr. Cora E. Snethen Osteopathic Physician Room 702 Mayo Wdg. PHONES Office 7 OHO; lit. 4613 LUMBER And all other building mater lula are handled by us in great er quantities and in greater variety than by any other yard In Tulsa. Our handsome new yards and our inonern build in ir (five us much Improved l cllities. We can fill your wants In roofinK and other material. "We want your business." Minnetonka Lumber Co. Third and Kenosha MARINELLO REALTY PARLOR Expert Marlnello Operators HENNA PACKS Har.d and Arm Massages Toilet Requisite Fine Line Hair floods 13 W. Fourth St. Thone 25. Ida Gardner Piano. Course based on Leschetlxsky System of Touch and Tech nique. Dunning System for be ginners. Studio First Baptist Baptist Church: Phone 7S4; Res. phona, 7079. Mr. Frank D. Andrews Teacher of Expression 412 West Third St. Phone 5051-R MULTAGRAPIIING with the tlme-aavlng PKiNATI'RE DEVICE Stenographic Work Notary Public MISS LEE O. PLEMMONS Legal and Oil Wanks for Sals Typed for You Phones Office 3046 Residence 6398 The directory editor wishes to call attention to late answers of some of the contestants. Get them to The World office as soon as possible. The following are the prize winners for the week of November 10: Lillian King, 101 S. Olympia. . . . 1st prize, $5.00 Chas. S. Larkey, 212 E. 7th St.,. 2d prize, $2.00 Elizabeth-Miller, 1180 Cheyenne. 3d prize, $1.00 W. H. Bierly, Sapulpa, Okla. . 4th prize, $1.00 Marguerite WeekleyTtl 14 S. Elwood, 5th, $1.00 NO SLOGAN Hut a plain statement of facts, Im our nun to: "The Goods Must Ho Good Goods or I lie Sale In No ;mhI." Any article that does not prove to he as we represent II en II be exeharurctl or ll" money re fuiideil, at the pleasure of lite parvluwer. A Innrn slock lo schvt from. A better system for your nKvtlon. TRADERS NO. 4 105 E. First Kl. I'hone 6970. FOOTE'S CAFETERIA THREE MEALS 7 00 to 9.30 a. m. 1 1 :00 a. ni. lo 1:30 p. m. t:00 to 7:30 p. m. All Home Cooking ' Optician You can find the mis spelled words more easi ly if you wear a pair of properly fitted glasses. GOULDEN 111 East Second St. PAINTS In the lariKU.'iKe of the small boy's composition, "there are many kinds of paint Nose, Face and House." We handle the test In Taints, Varnishes and Stains. A larRe and artistic line of Wallpaper. Reliable Paint & Paper Co. Phone RI2. 119 S. Boulder. Perfection Baking Products Rig Cut On Blue Chambray Shirts All this week. Regular $1.25 values for $1.00. POWELL'S HABERDASHERY 30.'l South Boston. Repairing Vulcanizing Alton Motor Corporation Chevrolet Distributor Hatteries 310 Third St. Batteries Used Cars LET US DYE FOR YOU Buhl's Parisian Cleaners & Dyers Sudden Service Phone 275. 211 S. Boston. "Dey's made to make good, "Dem Kelly Springfield Tires." 605 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY SPECIALTIES IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES SILVER, CUT GLASS, JEWELRY Expert Watch Repairing Jewelry Manufactured MORRIH H. MAN Your Jeweler Third and Main, where the ears turn. I'hone 789. Storage Batteries We sell the OOWLD Battery with the DRKADNAlUlHT plates, and carry In stock bat teries to fit all standard makes f automobiles. Rebuilding, repnlimi; and reeharging any make of storage battery. Service butteries for rent at all times. Kharpe Sales Service Co. 301 and not Is l Kcoond St Phono ICS Starters Generators Magnetos Official Service Station Westlnnhouse, Connecticut, litiHCIl Oray A Iiavls, Dynelo Walsh & Johnson Elec tric Co. Auto Electrical Service and Accessories 919 S. Main. I'hone Osage 6664 GRAND STOCK COMPANY SHOW AND PHTI REH Think of It lour hours of hImiw for 15c, and 35o TIRE HOSPITAL Tire and Tubes repaired. Tubes, ('fisings, Vulcanizing Barrows Tire & Rubber Company iJistribiitnrs f"r l ulls Tires ami Tubes H'2 1 E. Second SI. Phone 4066. Mr-uilicr of !rtrniMnal Atiorialion CMrfl .f i'lilirK Member of IririiMii.r'a' Auorlation of Sh-nff. TIIK I'fisTKK N. lirHN'3 ni-:TK"n i: aokncy i'l'iiriMirnlwl tui'lr. i" IW .if Ok lahmia for th. ai'prnhr-rimm .if erlrns. ( ii!tl l.'ilJil.UlM' of'i. n- :n iu.-.i-r mm. ( '.rrai'irv np.. Wii'rhmm furmolirl qni'lilj, nrxrifli.. : !':i r.". (ik'i . pmora, 'Ik1. . V -i, I ikla K'iSTTH .s in ll w .eii-rl Vrr. v.t.ui- mil-' nt I'.ss The Karchmer Company ( Incorporated) Iron and Slccl fur Foundries and Itulllnic Mills. M'-uUh and Dll Well Supplies. WE HI V hags, ItublM'r, Rope and Ralls. Main Office, 107 North Ifc'trolt Phone .'7:t The Home of the REZNOR HEATER lllll"'1'""-Til.. i 116-110-133-134 1- Heonnd Cash or Credit Tbt Old Wftoitva wti Uwmd In ft 8ho wouhl, .f h IUr In Una ftnd (, find U to h-r H 4WiMfa to plrnnu thit thop. ).tbr l arftrM anil RpNi t and trwMi mntt h PMd e VMF I II t M pOMtbl. Mrtrg "sir worn hft to ttt (or r- aWpftirlAft- taoy The Stanford Furniture and Hardware Co. Can't be teat on prices. 123 East Second SU Tulsa, Okla, Third Street Market CHAS. NACHTMAJf, Prop. 116 East Third Btree. SeWvt line of Canned Goods, Poultry, Vegetables, Prqlta, nutter and Kggs, Ptekkes, Pre serves and Jellies. Wo dallver. PHONIOS: 14I.46U THE TULSA MACHINE & TOOL CO. OX V ACETYLENE WELDING General Marhlne, Repair and Blacksmith Work. (jas. (Gasoline and FUnaun Kn gino Orartiaallngi Cylinder Ite-borlnc- W. specialise straightening auto ailes, spindles and frames. Auto and truck re pairing and making parts. Wa re-bora automobile cyl inders and fit with oversiie pistons and rings. Competent mechanics for field work. Phone 3167066. 415-417 East First St TOOTH CARE Ninety-five per rent of all trtrth trouble la caused by un rleanllness and neglect to give '.he teeth the proper car. Everybody, young and old, should hsve their teeth eiarn .'ned twice a year. It will pay you to consult us regularly in this matter DR. MILLER'S DENTAL PARIORM II6!& South Main Street TULSA CARPET CLEANING WORKS Jefferson and Rockford. Phones 791-R. Res. 4824-J. For Sale One new 7x9 Tent. TULSA ENGINEERING & SUfTLY COMPANY Oil Field Maps Electric Blue-Printing. Engineering and Archi teck Supplies Civil Engineering Special Drafting 218 South Boulder Phone 8417 J !ii E. Third Tulsa Plate Glass Co. We are n. ikitiK a specialty in grlrxllnir and poliMhltiK; tah'e tofts, ilre.sMer tops, work done, by machinery ty eiperteneed workmen. We will cut and fit any piece of furniture ymi :nay want covered I'hone us und we will cull and fiv you prices. Victrolaa and Victor Records Eastman Kodak and Printing ALLEN & THEDE 116 South Main. Phone It wATcnr For Date of Reopening of Lyric Theater Temporarily Cloned on Account of Epidemic. Visit Johnson's BIG AUTO SALE at 911 East Eighth St Genuine Rargwlna in Guaran teed Peed Cars SO Pays Free flertioa. WB ARK ON TUB "CLEAN" LIST OF THB FAIR I'RICB. COMMITTER! Our prices have always baea fair and ws hava b4n success ful In our efforts to glvs awry customer full ralua (or his dollar If it's in the market ' HENDRICKS' has It! If Hendricks has It It's food! Of P. Hotel Tulsa, Pboos 7440. PURINA COW CHOW ' "the ford withotit finer' A 34 per cent protein balanced feed far oows. Always) In Checkerboard Backs. Mora milk and richer milk. Tuls Feed Store Co. Plumes I40-1SIS 411 East First NC Wcs-Plug "rise Msstrrp4eee ef S park Plugs. All sties carried In stock by bs. Tulsa Motor Supply Co Second and Cincinnati Sts. Where Third Street Crosses Main Lee Kunsman The Clothier "Nuff Sed" The Main Corner in Tulsa. WATER I CRTtfTAL HI'RJNOS WATER 8TANP8 TBflT. Cv-'w Haptrlatnimnt ef HselUi Tr. C. 1. rtrnlw has taknn a wipl. f wat.r txlng aold from Cr;ital Rprlnfi, which h. ant lo th Di rector of th. MUM Hoard of lloalik M Oklahoma CHr for oudImwii. Mtr rarofnl analy.ii k. makos lit. loiiowing- .talrnirnt: WaUr Sat. for Drinking." fBir'H:) W. A. Walkw. B'aU ChMtiiaL EI.rX.TRIC Fl XTI'KEM Our show rooms offi-r you an assortment of heautlfui elec tric fliturrs tlutt la not euiualed by any -iiicerii In Oklahoma. Colors and dcHltrn to harmon :re with tlie f urnJxIilngs of your iHinie. Wo no our own finish ing. You oordlally Invlu-d to call and the display. DODGE ELECTRIC CO. Wiling, 1 Inures. Motors and Sii)ilii"s. PlMines . 7446 Foreign and Domestic Wall Hangings Llaens, Cmtonnes. Chlnts, Velours, etc. Wonderful Colorlnirs, possew aiiig Meritorious Individuality. Period Furniture Hues. EDWARD E. SHORT, Expert Decorator. Frank f. Harclav, Assnclata MAYO FURNITURE CO. Main Street at Fifth a,,: ; 1- 1 mil