Newspaper Page Text
li : 1 ft ? .y (JLSA DAILY WORLD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. SALE STARTS Monday, Nov. a WMk iStmOO CHINA i "v..'..- I 1 " J I . i.. I l. i-..m i i.iilli rn III ullik, I It fa , tl i pi jam i 'loans. Jretary T,rrm J, Odd ),Tne v lithe l for m JIfWU t a.cojm'' 4f'Wr In he ii ?' Am 'hill in M r fr r. P tHls 'etlre r'nirnt i"nrtlst ?to lh 'the b t,itr ci ,ft ar krl'recl fcrwsrk. fciPOor kitentln Joceptlo litis bm i'lax, li 0O pe rely ii inhibits lof ihi bsjhat i 4vhn t tf . The ' fit to age n ill CO Nsldere wi in"--" faChart l U no In lhAtTu th A l.riiiillfnl ! renin piilicrn in puis, Hull! brown and lirv I'liinplctc " ' now. 6 - I'lf l'.hi"'i H.-t li JOH 40. Till- Set C'llHISIS Of Sl I'Hl ll H 7, fi-lmh plans, wnips. Individual butters, fuillM. cups a'"1 saucers, mil' einh li nu ll dish, baker. UKiir, ..n.mi.r uml covered lniiiiT The Kiiiithi-rn irl--. the nut $68.40 $10,000 CHINA SALE IN WHICH THE PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES The greatest variety of patterns the widest range of prices in imported and domestic china. The patterns here illustrated give hut an inkling of the great variety of unusual designs in chinavvare from which you can select. 18th 2 COLONIAL Norltjike China full coin gold hand and hair line, mnt gold handles. Thin In one of our boat (iulil China pattern. 56-Piece Dinner Set, $52 The not consists of six ench II 4, 7 4. 6 4, 5 4 plates, fruits, cups and sau cers, one each 12-Inch dinh, cas serole, howl, pickle, sugar and cream. The Southern price, the H't Tokio. Pattern NOUITARi: CHINA Rorder of light green, brown and pink (iarlands of pink, (rtwn and yrllow. In com plete Klork. (. I'lece llnW Hot. IX. 7b. The set consists of all earh 14 soup, cups and saucers; (inn each howl, baker, pickle, cake augur. Tbe boutherna price, the set , 74. plate, 4 . 4 plates cream mid fruit. $33.75 th a th wt e I' ;. I. o :"r " i V ' a II 1 7. It e s ! ft. Si '.1. V S. u s. c t . N ! 7. E C . !0. B ito tpr ' 14. C X It. 8 ;" 4. a i : to- J l. c 12. f IJ. N F5 HOP EARLY 42-Piece Dinner Sets at $8.50 Domestic S?ml-Porcelain. Several different (Jt'corutions to select from. All new and exclusive patterns; good shapes. The seta consist of six each dinner plates, tea plates, JJ. B. plates, fruits, cups and Baucera; one each nappie, creamer, sugar, baker and plates. The Southern's price, the set $8.50 COULDEN PATTERN English Semi-Porcelain A rlnan-i ut i huhilnn border design; pink flowers In light gren panels. 42-Piece Dinner Set, $13.85 The set rnnnists of six earh 7-lnrh plates. Individual nutters, fruits, runs and suurers. One earh 7-ln. h baker, H-lrvh nappie. 10-Inc h dish, bowl, pickle and iug. The H.iul hern's prliv. set 56-Piece Dinner Set Priced $26.25 The set consists of six euch X, 4-lnrh plates, fruits, soups, cups and saucers: one each cussenile, covered butter H-ltich baker, 7-Inch nappie, sauce boat, 10-Inch dish, pickle, creum and sufrar. The Houthern'a price, the set H-lni-h t i, 4C pie : $13.85 $26.25 gt)lilHEI English Bone China Paneled flower deslim Jn a myrlarf of well blended colors, with green, pink and blue. A limited quantity of seta. Bold only In com position shown. B-plere set for 141.50. The set consists of six each . . 5-Inch plates, fruits, oatmeals. eK(? cups, cups and aaufers; one each 12-Inch dish, casserole, tea pot. sugar AMI and cream. The Southern's price, the m-t tPI-X.tJU CUP AND SAUCER SPECIAL Medium weight, plain white, good shape. The Southern price, cup and saucer (. , .15c Table Tumblers at 5c Thin lead-blown, smooth edge. The Southern's price, each 5c Complete Stock of Genuine Satsuma Ware of Tea Sets, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Tea Pots, Vases, Salads, Pin Trays, etc. , - AT THE SOt'THKRX SKUONU FLOOR w m fcsSMMMHsiSMiaTv hjTiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH I lllllllllHlllllillllllllllllllillllllllltlM minimi miimi i miimmiiiimiiiiimm iiiiimiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinilllllllllllllll'; Jtefe M ! jim r fzm $52.00 if ? S-SH0P fe EARLY! f AMERICAN ACTIVITIES RECEIVE RECOGNITION ITotHli Offlrtals ApproT Reiki Work In Ministerial iHMfrc- 4om oiittri" Continues Work. NJCW TOHK. Nov. !. Official rectucnltlon and approval of , the work of the American commute for OevKalated France, ha been Riven by special ministerial decree of the Tench government, the committee announced here today. Continuation EASE THE PAINFUL RHEUMATIC TWINGE Sloan's Liniment will relieve it on one application. It's the world's most popular counter-irritant for the shooting, darting pains and aches of thee numer ous external attacka which every man. woman and child suffer, from at one time or another. lty penetrating without rubbing. It -tielim to matter the congestion, re sulting in a warm, tingling glow of comfort and ease. Takes little to turn the trick quick. Won't stain the kin. I let a big bottle today for economy's sake. All druggists every where sell It. .inc. 60c. 11.20. of lf activities was promised by the committee, which stated: ' "The committee will carry on In definitely Ita manufacture In Amer ica and shipment to France of civ ilian garments and bedding, and will continue, at least fur some montha to come, maintenance of Ita traveling food distributors, dispensaries and civilian himpttals, motor service and the feeding and clothing of ref ugees." The work of the committee com prises food production, community service, Involving the rehabilitation of agricultural families In their old homes or In temporary ahelters pro vided by the French government and child welfare work and eduratlon In manual training and domestic science. In connection with food pro. ductlon It wa slated the committee co-operates with the French govern ment In the distribution or agricul tural Implements, seeds and other necessities, and In "the furnishing of farm laborers, heretofore chiefly re crulted from women and the non- milltax males of the devastated re glona but hereafter to be itupplled In part by the land army or America, Dandruff Soon Ruins The Hair HOME SERVICE HELP FOR DISABLED MEN tJovprnmrnt Plsnn to He-c1nrtc Unmet Who Have IV-on Woend r1 In Service tn New Work. DOES NOT BELIEVE STAVE WILL FEEL COAL SHORAGE U. T 15k C . r 17. I' 2. C ,5. t o. i: 7. a hate' i I. hat" CARRYING A COLD AROUND WITH YOU? Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney will help to relieve you The ftrnt dose will produce grati fying result. The second will con vince you r. Hell's l'lne-Tar-lloney Is unequaled. Soon you forget you ever were a cold -sufferer. The soothltiK, comforting effects of the medicine ami Its effective relieving qualities promote cold-and-cough-freedom hs no other remedy can. CoUKhs. bronchitis, UMthiua. treat them with )ir. Hell's 'ine-Tar-Honey and help Nature to gel ynu back to normal. Kronnmlcal a lit tle wore a lone wav :10c, fine, $U0. . a Si MM Wi - an I j 1 .. Girls If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it If you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to bninh or wash it out. The only sure way to gel rid of dandruff Is to dis solve It, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get abou-tour ounces of ordlnarv liquid arvon; apply it st night when retiring: use euough to moisten the. scalp and rub it In gently with the finger tips. Hy morning, most If not nil. of vour dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every single sign and trace of ""You will find, too, that all Itching and dlgclng of the scalp wlU stop, and your hair will look and feel- a hundred times better You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is Inexpensive and four ounces Is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This sltnpl rem edy never falls. Ioca offices of the home service department of the lied ("rose have been advised by headquarters that assistance to discharged soldiers and sallom will also be regarded as one of the regular-duties of the home service. In connection with the care of families of theee men as long us Is ncoeswary. Influence of the families of these fighting men who have beeen injured In the service of their country, should akin he brought to bear so that theee men will take full advantage of the government's plans, and thus be In duced to help themselves. Informa tion, encouragement and asslHtarn during the time of training iJ !n the earlv days of the new work Is the part the home service Is ex pected to play In the reconstruction period. An outline of the plans of the fed eral government for the treatment, training and placement as well as after care of croppled and disabled soldiers and sallom has been ar ranged, and the home service has been given due notice of'the manner In which they may appropriately supplement the work of the official agendo He habllltatlon of the disabled; both physically and economically. Is the responsibility of the national government, and Is to hertlseharged like the payment of allotments, al lowances. comtensatlons and In surance under the federal laws. The vocational rehabilitation law was pasted by congress and approved bv the president In June. 191. and under Its provision the government la assuming the whole vewponaiblllty of re-educating disabled soldiers and sailors when necessary for entirely new occupation, and finding them suitable positions. It Is the patriotic duty of every or ganlTAtlon. every employer of labor and all citiens of the nation to loy ally support thene laws, and help make the government's program a ADA. Okla.. Nov. H Coal pro ductlon figures, compiled at tne of fice of state fuel administrator, I' A. Norrls. show that the September coal output In Oklahoma exceeded the output of September, HI., uy 4 4.JDH tone. The total production for this month last year was 325. S-H ions, against .170. Sii tons ihla year. lUllroHde did not require as much coal In September this year as they did Isst. according to the fuel ad ministrator's figure. Railroad con sumption and storage this year was only IK 4.404 tons, against 197.331 tons for the same little last year. showing a decrease of 12.K27 tons. ninieriMll coal from Oklahoma mines In September of this year amounted to 110 41 tons, as com pared with 94.47 tons In 117- Mr. Norrls believes there will be no suffering this year in Oklahoma due to shortage of coal, If the'prrs ent rules concerning conservation are strictly followed by dealers and consumer Stocks, Mr. siorris says, should not be permitted to run low. for shipping facilities may ngatt) be tied up this winter, during the cold spells. l!H $1000 tH(MD!li"-: fill ' M iwf K I 1 I e.s.i- I Of U4I !HffaM. raMMTt otstUittt, rwmniul Pk4M Irt "! nau-m Mmar -niensrrnes with work. IWTUMTHtiUBI(U UIUCUT,li Drs. McCARTY & NEWLON SPECIALISTS Chronic and Private Diseases of MEN and WOMEN "To contract a disease is a misfortune but to neglect it is a crime ajrainst one's self. 12 Years in Tulsa 212' South Main Street PILSUDSKI IS ENTRUSTED WITH GOVERNMENT TASK AMSTKRPAM. Friday. Nov. IS , ; Ilrigadier ileneral Joseph rilsildskl ' ! of the I'ollsh legion has announced that the I'ollsh regency council hits j entrusted him with the formation of i a national government and control ; of all troope. according to a Waniaw ' dispatch received here. ' General liisudskl was arreeted j during the summer of 1917 while at-1 tempting to flee from Poland on i false paiiNport. Ills Imprisonment caused grnal Indignation In roland RASKU Nov. 1 J The Oalloian socialist leader Laaxynsky, has been j appointed premier of 1'oland and , charged with the formation of a cab-1 Inet by General Hlsudskl. according ; to a dlwpateh from Warsaw. i GERMAN ARMY FACES RUIN i ' WHEN WAR CAME TO END rARIS. Nov. t (5:35 a. m r Field Marshal von Hlndtmhurg In his I message to the Herman army said 23 that the threat of famine caused the j 3 acceptance of the armistice. sa.y Marcel Hutln of the Kcho de I'arls. Although food difficulties played a part In the defeat of dcrmany, the dntArnilnlnr C41lltn of the tjertlian collapse was the fact that the enemy's i g3 armv wa.i on tne lirniK oi aisa-sier. "The first words the Herman J plenipotentiaries said to Marshal Koch were In substance: c " tJermany's army is at your mercy, marshal. Our reserves of men and munitions are completely exhausted making It Impossible fori us to continue tne war, Rwnlen tn Artopt Reforms. STOCKlK'Ud. Thursday, Nov. 16. The Swedish government has de cided to carry out without delay n program of reforms giving the franchise to both sexes on equal terms and placing control of the fereign policy as well as declara tions of war and peace witb the riksdag. A Chance to Earn Your Christmas Money ! Solve This Problem A hunter sees a squirrel on a tree. He tries to shoot it, but as he moves around the tree the squir rel moves. The hunter walks entirely around the tree. Does he go around the squirrel? For a correct solution of the above problem and the best article, not to ex ceed 250 words, on the subject, "State Law on Did the Hunter go around the Sauirrel? Guaranty of Deposit in State Banks" we will pay $25 first prize, $15 second prize and $10 third prize. v- Vour solution of problem and article on" DEPOSIT GUARANTY will be judged by Miss Minnette Hedges, County Superintendent; E. E. Oberholtzer, Superintendent of Schools, and Ray S. Fellows, Attorney, secretary Tulsa Board of Education, your paper to be in by December 15. We will be glad to furnish pamphlet explaining the Oklahoma Guaranty Law. Address All Letters to Adverts, uy Department PRODUCERS STATE BANK TULSA, OKLAHOMA m v