(Alive lleflln of AlBlxun
J'pube I In k in riira-N,
Methods of Feeding Men in Arctic
sink u
iiri i pi
r Nev
Jliisk n
u. y,
I nave
,Tke v
llt In
frjr til
I IHnt f
I rdncn
tbe pi
!l ;Am
'hill in
1 '' r
'tHr c
feat l
th1s "
t( th
v". r
Pr n
,dlre t
'4m hut
tut, li
SO ip
rely ii
nf thi
ht I
who i
t The
fit to
-e ii
WAlfJNOTC)N'. Nov. 18 In
prepare, stiiifinent lasuod today,
reprnee rilutli Heflln r AWbans
urged InvoxtlxAtlaa tit ths New
York n.l.l New Orleans cotton ex
ehanires. Tl -uiouneed that hs
ould rnnfer Monday with Penator
mlth of Honth f'jirolln, when the
.itter returns from hid home "
Kardlns; ir .verrr.meiitiil rnvesllKni Ion
i.f the ref H nt brswik H rritlnn price
Th r cent decline In cotton
i.rioes wis. In my Jn.lKmrtii ..'t'l.e.i
Iiv n eotl svlrwcy i.r co op. r itn .
cherrie bvt ween splnnc. iiinl l" '
iilntorM," I ed Mr llcfhii . H.iic -,
menl. "Tlmrn 1 im crue lor
brenk In thi prior. cp.-. i.i i ly ut til
tlme. "I favor nn ln . -,i i" I'm of (li"l
Ww York t n'l New "' "'"' ' i
i voh.mKC i "
Will NliiiW Cl'l r ( I .1 t,"ft 'I I ' ill illl'l
nectlni. wlnl'ier i' prli.i'e '. f.n .
riti.i-ri' or wilh :'' tm ini'M i ffi I w.ii
, lalM . ; Hi I I'lli i tli. it i ( i ! il
I.IW '- llil'! ' ("ll 'I" "i. '! not" m.d
...1..U...I '.. mi Till'' Si'h.iJ'ir M'u II ll ' lulu;
t H.-.rli 'i'Iih.i. villi r-i'liilii l'i
V;llin!'f1 Mi 'H'l'l '" Which tllln-
hi- .i.,i .l.w.'ti.'i tdi' rnci'iil t'lmlil
I, 4 ruC'l'l'l "f ll"' 'nllflll I'Kfllil nifl'M
it till tin- ii'u In iil ii'h 1 1 tut ("l'i
rriiHi-i'iilIni' 'h-1 II." il-'piirliniTit
i.f I'Mliii- will '
'l i nn I. .nil. i nf 1 in' '
f.irt is nr.' I A I
i-'.Uiitl f . i ri 1 1 r i nn
,f I r.'in li"li It. I
lie ex. h.i nii'
orne kTiHU-iii- nfi'l a
UiU In Ui I'.jiKi.rni'i.i
mur Hffiin-H.in i iii I
IT IIMCH III i ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I
ll, A
I i' w r 1 1 it
Hi.. I lllijul
rn hum n i 1 1 . r h
Id.' I'iiLiX
l if Ii'. -
Wl . . .
er-mkj, fM&tu ' 'K-r.o.-f..- W'l.i "ii .-f thr nii.M
.! t: - '"I""1""' '""' ""'i'",1
1 JCt'i- 'v-. ,Nr : 1 '("i'"i wi. .."ii."i ft i.ii!"
I JiF(lfc' .I'.'i.'il.'y f"l Ili'.'llll.K ami .. KiriK
KJ-3I '"":'"""'M I" f I ' WW'li K'tiiK
'in n 1 1 1 . . It I. i' irii w i w'iiji.i tail a
Kix ni.mthii "'ll'J'.y
"in . iviil.' .Hl.irnl howi-vor, cur
fui'l i.'. iv.' ...I' Wi' h.nl tu fin' a
; y.T Jfi i .'in'i' i) v. " ' n i ..-
VHji''u "''1 ,l'"1 " "l'H'Tvi',1 float
nn; in Hi.' .i."'kt "N'l I" tin! wlnti-r
1 l. ii. 1 1 hl.llM'ii: iT.ii.lnl W lillil In u
.(M I. ..f ; .in. I w.ntiii-i'ij iiii-r!
wastfui. p i .in
n n. i'.iii "t .i i ''I .' '
liln nu'ti I'l'iiuoii
III. Ill III.' I..IKI' i.
Inry wh.i Ii Ijp fij
Sliif f.i n .in lulu
Inn nt.iiifi .irti-r Hp. ii -1 1 1, v, fivp vp.'ii'h
tnii'i'liiii r M jiii'l f'.i'li .h i. .in tl.i
rnof of tin' wTliI A ' r.p linn' In
w in ..id. . . 1 1 1 v i....ii.'.i i.i Imci' n-f
llK. i.v h . '1 il ll''
a III rum i.i tl.ii I . in
: , di., i iil'i. I.I.'
. .! i.f i.i w tin I
in.) ,ir.. i'.l..ril
j.jii i i-liii i.i-il ii
I.. ,
.1 l Ml'
I I -
ji r.
l l.ii l ' tl.i t
. -.li . it .
1. ... "ii.., il..' K.irhik,
I .' . .'. 1 1 1 . ' I I ' 'H
.! II. W .1 l.'ll'l i r. if .h Ip
...II ..-fill fl.. (.I'll'
I.I H . Ii Nil .. 1. 1. i.i t
i ii i lii'rn ;ii. I . art ii I
..f f-.'i'l, .Slifiiiii-.-i.
I n I In- Iiih'oi y "f
ll l ("I
I flu I
.1 ..1 1 1 1 1 ' I .
I.. I.f .1 1 1 III.'
I H . I-I 4I4
..'Hi 1 1 y
Ht I IlilM
' J'H. I I.PV Nil. ' In'
li.. 11 llli,ll."l l.y III.'
In. el A Hlllp V,H
I I III' ' ' '.T I. Ill ll'.t
fill' lil.f'il
.ll.lllly I..
I.IHI'I. ill
III. ii il.cri
ii tl.iih fur
kIp.Im Ii..i.I
II..- f.lll.l
riniiK li
II,.' .,,.'. (in- ,v. Ih
I , 1 1 1 I'i'inliiii .in
'flrll fll.l. I I" HUll
' I
. IniM'T.'. TIip
i f with n
In if. I inli'li.l
Ihp i-niilli nn
il .( Ii W.ti I ti li
mini'. I ..(' Mllil',1 Ift HK'T iI.''Ip till'
li...- MT..I hull. th r infimrv nt H.p
.1 injury nf 'I"' inn.m irn-
iiim.npal Ihllt
p l ,',,11(111 IMKI
I he Hjilnnrr"
.1 ' tr r fi : -I M.1
ii win ..I i a r'.
I. .i.i oli.ii .in. I il."
i ..hp .'il .-..I I .ill mini" lo Ui innnil
'iitiir.: fr.iin linn N 'if ib'imIui'Ik
ii ,i I. in i.f pin.i'i- 1" i" t
ii pi"""1 '' ii:tml-l
:i,'i' .
. .
on I
r.-i.i'.i i.
i. iinn c-'k
lit r'llili'll
i irifis fr.'
k'.in.l lurf. l"iill
il.prn Id periiKP ttiP
hi .J(!' k I 3 mirl 1 .1
At Tu
i. i
t. Si
1 1. r
J. L.
15. C
. N
,7. E
. C
!0. B
li. V
Mother Falls Unconscious
"My moihi r. who In 19 wm ol(J.
b.i I.ppm Irnulilpil with hpr llvrfV for
5. j.'ur-i. I )ii tmii Mild hIio hn.l xi'H
Hf.ni' fipyprril tlriifn hf fpl nn-
I OIINI ll.HH 1IT.PI. of thPMi iltl u kH
r:iKhl iiinnihn Hgo I notl'l n ml
vrrllhPincnt of Miiyr'n Woiulrrful
lltiiiPily In thn Tolcilo III 1i nnd
piiri liiinpil H Imttln. whlrh ifllil lir n
irrnit iimmint of irnoil. Hh imntlnupil
thr irpHtnirnt unit hit flt rntlrrly
nrll ln.-rt " It In a irinipli", hnrmlPM
prppnrnllon that romovPH Hip. ra
l.irrhiil tiiurun from th lnlMlnl
t-m-t hpiI nllnya tha Inflnnvmatlon
which iHiixPH prartlrally all atnm
arh. Ilvpr and IntPKtlnal allntrnta, In
rliKlltiK iippi'nillrltlM. Onr doan will
innvlnr" or innnry r"fund1.
Kor vain by Ilia Quaker anil Puri
tan ilriiff atoira anil druKKlit" vry.
ihrr Adv.
Get Rid of V
Rheumatic Pains
! Gains 12 lbs.
Mr. C , prfaihcr and Maatr
Mason,, tuffcrad from rhmimatlam In
a vrry Jignravnlnd form. II took
PrennrlpKon A-28&I and aoya: "It
haa donu wtaidprful hit uf Rood.
It haa alopd All palna and rhou
' matlr trouble and I a4n up and o
: ln evrrywhT. and hava mtkird It
Iba. of fleah. I am hlhly ploaaed
with tha raautts." '
Prescription A-!l.'t l a promi
nent phyiiclaji'a formula originally
. prescribed In Since Civil War
Days A-2X61 haa been rcHrirlng rase
i ' of s;ou(y and rhiumatle afifectlons.
: Today lis annual sale Is nearly 10,000
bottle. What It h'lia done flor thou
sands of other sufferers It t-iui do for
", you. A-2XSI Is harmless for hlld or
! adult H nil lraanD tantlrtK' Htnrt
I taking It rek-ularly then witch re
' suits. All druggists have It.
M At, 18Ui to W. Arw York.
1'iirjiiK ilii' in. in. r p. .it...') .f li
travi'lM Hlpf.u.'iiii.ii li.i-i .;ii.... tin
..I, I .l in. Ipl.'H . 1..' Ini' ..l,..w., U.h
..wli inrtliiMl-i nn.) It.ii .i.iv."l IIiitii
l .'.!(' I lilt; In llIM ..M I '.'f,''IH .1 it
Ii p'.w.lt.li' lii ll.iv.-l I ii-1 W'l'.-ii .'mi
itinl illMI nilU'i it ).'(, li- 1114 ii 1 1 1 .-1
nf f t Iip . .Illllll v
inilil Hulk Over l'il-.
Tltin llll'.II.M lil.ll .1 rTTT .. II. .
l.in.lp.l i. n I h" I ii 1 1." ! ii
Hl.li' i.f St. rill AioPiim cn.il.l a tli.
rli'iii- iirr.iPM I Iip p'.lp iiiiiI .l.iw n
Hip Alkuili''. ."-it 'fiiii.xii Kiyn hi'
ruill.l ,1" II
This In Ins own M. ry "I Hi'' Km
Ipiii of it i i ii- lr.ivi-1 lliui In1 h.i.i
iiiHiiK'irnli .1
burin, Hip limt five yi-am
lia.' hpi'in in. "t .f i.'ii lliui' In pii
IIipIv iiiiliihiil.iliil t - r t i i i r . iiHu-i
i'.p.lili..im I, ii fp ili.pi ii.U 'I innnil)
on iitiiiiiIi .in. Tli'W . hi i li'il .ill 'Iip
fno.l Hie wi n- koiiik I" n"p 'I'IiIm
IIiiiIIp.I Hip (lll-.i., ill," Ui. ) rn.il.l
I ,lir on Country.
"We inveri'il h'ii1!! Imik distance
Hint It wum iiiiiiwiIiIh tn ciiriy
piiimikIi mippllr We lived no the
country. We lite iniwli ocn. pol.tr
I Kit r i-itrlhn.i iiml hpiiIh
"Mv wi nn.l in cHiiiiioind Ktorker
HliiikerHi.il, ih now iloliiK Hie iiii.hI
NciiHiitliilinl thlliii Hi " hue l-ver liei ll
nlleinpli',1 in ip..ritilnii i.f the
north no explltion I liu.l pliinne.l
tu nn. I. m lake iny Hi'lf whi n 1 w.ih
t.iki'ii III
MmrkiThon h ml 1...-I piirly lire
criHlnir the nri'llr on nn 1' e fine
Hlnl expect to rem'h Slliel in Them
men are IivIhk on whut the coiinuy
IiIiiiIiimI hy Kcaaon.
"II h.i been our syntem of travel
to I. mi, I our Kleila with eiiilpnii'iil
Insieiiil of food. The enth uf our
Journey wita lluilleil by the uranium
nevtir by food.
'Tun v sawed off the barrel of his
Winchester rifle to 12 Inches In
order to save weight. I carried my
Will You Invest $15P
($50 Starts You in Hogs)
bar onm or mor tirMl sowi TlMsan
mm sr yonr For hl( 1 h pig
wk wit! brMHt, ftitd rr fir ur
ftttw tmd pig. Wi iifll tli pfri Iwir-i
m yr n4 ind you ihrr fur yotir
4W lnur your nom mI fpUm In
tfcjM of Wlh Otitt nw hoi Ut hAVt
ltlf or imr pirn eaoh )nr Wa
do )) thi wnnk pa H fMnt.'
Yon furniah iht m - w furnth U
rin h, tikbor nd fnfd. tm r?i hl( ol
11 pork ivtld Hit; nruf iu for yn
No tkortt r lml rliutie. ou gri
til lit t jronr own llvnMki
Writ toUy fr tlluntrtd booklvl
and full !rteculr
Associated Swine Breeders
310 YixkT Nutbiiuil Itniik IIIiIk..
Han f'mmiaiw, nl.
14. C
. 8 !
. a ,
. c 1
4. T
fi C
. c
T. C
i. c
5. C
T. a
Have You Pruccd Your Order for
Engraved Holiday Cards?
Only a short time to the holiday season time for the
ordering of those engraved carda. There is one place
that knows how and does the highest grade of engrav
ing, and that is the Palace Office Supply Co.
No Engraving Request Too
Difficult. Too Large or Too
Small for Us
Take a few momenta time on your next trip downtown
and drop into Our store.
We are also showing a very large and varied assort
ment in beautiful Christmas and New Years Cards that
will express your wishes in a most acceptable manner.
Palace Office Supply Co.
:.U5 South Boulder.
I : ,
il I Ilia plitlpletl UN
.-ii.ik.iiK we iH'-U He.tl
V llJijiilinur Sli'fiinsfuin. ' ,
tW'UM.'l' on MH 'Hi of (he tllpM we
ll I 'I I I Vc 'U'T S' pjl.r.lt'll l.t I.''
I. lit I,.'. .1 ,.!, -,tlp Vl ' ll! ll.l.VI,
'I'll " W i.-l "fi i, I lily ''III '"I 111 I I,.'
' 'it ii.kI l.t n J, t r i i tin I.' I .. it pit
lllollilil WI' t, ll. -I ,-.'ir.' I.e. ,t llile t.ill
fl.l'll I'll Ve (Mil
' We lii. I inppli.-i (, fiutv ilil".
in. I we weir k'.iu' fi,i ;i y.'.'ir i 'f
hi w li.t.l . .tiii...'i.' i''iii.iin i.i
f,.i it. 'iini: I. .it. I Ii w ih jiimi- hki
Mt.irF.iii,' it ,.iiini'v with iii..ii'y In
ei i l i.r i i ii ii. I. t..i.'tK !
Itlfle lOHli il i.f I iuhI.
" I 'I I'l" p.. ' i . I.i In Al.tMki Ilill, I. I in
w.' iluK 1. 1'
Willi (ll.'l. I
i.lulll.cl I
w in". I iii :-,riuw huuHi ii which i
iv. I. ii, ( ii'iu'-iim '1'liiy were H'llt
.ii.tiil t il.it i'.liiii' .ih Ih.iHi; buill1
l,v ll r.t.u."i I It.iv' itlw;tH
iiiiti.-r, n. .li'tiv wi'o it f.iijfit.t.n
ji.'ii. Th.f i . u . 1. 1 r .i I ii re ..f is.e Iioum'-i
w.m i hii.I Hum .tU tu liu decrees
f.llil I'lill' ,1
I I.i (lull Millillnc I
In '111- .-pIlliK 'it I'll We Bl.tllP
inn nt, .'i I, ,p, lian-lil.K lit the
II"! II, w"L .I'T' Hi nil' iill.'Xilore.l (
.ui ft - li l..P.ed In I'.tpe Kellet
In A.ik'i.i , I'JIT. I rum Ki'bruaiy,
I'll . . w . depended
iiIiii -y nn Hie (ii..nlr, h.ive tt.r
,, I; pi i.v .hi.ii.h lhat we
.., .. ,1 : . :.i..r- I
me ..il,. i i pp. I ii Imia have cm-pl..-,.,
i I-,iii,,.h i.. .in Uii'.i hint-i
i .i v 'li'l ."I nir own huiiiinK i
I'll p-.li.e p.. ill. II Hi ll We vlHlled i
' , I li .1 I I' , 1 1 tit ii.ll.,1' AIIH 4.1 HI'IU ft
tli.il had to -kill I'l'w'i curibou we'
, , ., ' ' 1 , , . I, II.', Ill' .l I"!. .'i I. .i. I ui
n.i niu.- iii.-t.mi'i fi.iit- rjiil.iiii .i
, if 'l'iii il.it ,i i,..l mean, huvieler,
h it iu tu tl ,.l" l..ur t'itriliu.i
ui k.j."l pi'iiu 1,1'jrs and,
(1,11'H ...ii ,l!-li.
"i '.i ili.iti l.t ..r-t, iiiutU oeri, Herns'
Hi") ore i.i K I food They
in. ike M n I ,H Ik'uihI f..n. HM ally thill t
.-.in l.e in i In" l.'.K i iiii-h, (iml we J
l..iie i-.lli-n theill I.IW lllld l linked. i
" In iiei .r tin ie ii open wilier!
in . i nun in i.iirv f I u ih iheiii .fill ." In 1." foui..t 1 here ure
If I weie pmnpi'i'liiii.' in lh.,t t",n, f I n i .' I. ' of on n wiilpr !h fur iiyrih
try I w..iiM i in iv ,t t .f.. In i.'il of ' .i I lie pole, so th.it ll Would he,
fit.nl I llll ..li.'..t p. . I ll.'l r I. .nil ' I'lllle l.'iiMl.:.' In W.ilk .U II S.I. the
f"i.. mm one nl l'i innniliH In ih,';...l'' mil .lnu nn Hie other aide
hiiiiik nf I'jlii ii.- Lit ..ui I. is.. :i ' w It lion t i .11 1 .UK wny pitnlHiuiu all
I 'up.. K .'ll.'l I nil Sl.llHlw.Ht li.llll'.H illl I
ml. in. I. liiiiiul" 7: .l.'iri e.-.s ninili, , "We Jul nnl iiii.-iupl tn reach tlie
in, I in.nl.' ii trip to l.t 1 1 1 utl nil tit- pol". inir Hip iiitH .ui.l.'t l,ikpn fur i
uri'.H in. i Hi .lefiiiiln ..n)pii.s iiiul we wert; under
Knvei nllient nr.l.'IH
"i in tin' W'lV HI' .!SC..Vi'ri-t Mnnie
it.l.iii.t-1 In Hi.' f.tll ue iiliiru.-d tu
II iiiiich uf the
c.tiiiiVy w li.ii.le.l HiroiiKh there
Mih ill" h I .-1 1 1 1 1 'lhli l.niini'i' I ihI". , win pleot .f i .I i' ilt. ni ninlt inusx
I IKlH innlltllH We (ill In. hiise unit, Mil I. Ill .llll.lli WW f.lllllll enoURh
M.'lllil" ll.l.lli.l ,1 HilH llieie.y ill I.i hie on"
New Jap Premier Rose on His
Merits Alone; Visited America
I- fi s v a
Furs of Distinction
Personally (onduttcd by
Messrs. Oberlaudcr and Linsky
of New York
iv ho uu:r with us last winter
' Coats, Coatees, ( Sets, . Separate Pieces
rPHIS LINE consists of the most wanted
Furs, including Silver Fox, Mole,
Ermine, Sable, Mink, Squirrel, Kolinsky, J
Lynx, Beaver, Skunk, Fgx, Alaskan Seal,
Hudson Seal, etc. '
LL garments in this display are of exclusive design and finest quality Pofvtlar prices
and as high as Furs go.
Osage 7825
' ladies' Shop'
506 S. Main
. .. P-' V asVA-M
L x -
NKW Y 1 1 : K . Nov. Hi. - The
of Kei Hani tn t.i'euiliiHhlii tn
JapuneHii iiiitluu Ii.ih l.t
Hon for merit .ilmn;
In Mtulnkii proiiine.
ptii't itf .litp.in. nf a f
polltl.-.il or iins'in't-1 1 1,
He stinll.',! liin nt Hi"
law colli'Ke nf JuHtltt
hut left lli.'i.' l.eture
i n l.y piiiino.
He UiiH horn
Inn Hie isli rn
. I 1 1 1 1 1 lllttlOUt
I'.lllllt'.'l I..II.1
iitiw ilelunct
til .t'l'l.ttlnn tn
Mr lliiru. new .Tapum-so prime lilt tv
lt r unil Ills wlfo.
wrvi',1 an consul at Tientsin, whence
lie u.im t rinii-fi'i i t-.l to I'urlH an
I'tuirite d'affaires In I SMI. Mr. Ilarn
l.ei'iiine personal Hei retary lo Mar
iiuls lni.ue when Hie latter Wun
niliilHler of hki i. lillut .' and com
merce, hiiI, s,"ii, nt K- perforinlnir lni.
il.tr den Ice for the late Count Minimi,
who Hiiccee. leil to the Hiinio port
folio In Ikiio, where .Mr. llura re
mained until Isiij. lie then accom
p.ini.'.l i hlef to the forelitn of
fice. In l.e in.iil,' litre, 'tor of Itn com
mercial l.uri'iiii. rrniiiiition to vice
mlnlHier fo'lowed In l'.if. after
u Inch he Hcri'e.l for two yearn a
inlniter to Korea. lEettttnlnir to
.latuin. Mr. llura assumed the chief
eillt.irshii of the OHaka Malnlchl.
W hen Prince Itn organized the Seyu
kal. the editor of the Malnlchl he
caine one lis leaders and win minis
ter of comiiiiincatlotiH in the fourth
Itn cahinet. Next Mr. Ilnr.i was
editor nf the iisnkii Shlinpo. an. I In
the fimt S.ilnn,li fill. met Merle, its
miuistfr of h"ine iiff.iirs until the
III! of Hint ct.inet ( 111 (Hi ISlll.) 11
then ilHltcd K ii rope iin.l the I'nited
States, I. ut re entered the Yama
iiioto I'ithinet us mlnisier nf home af-
Joln the hi. iff nf the Tokln Hoi hi t fairs In 1911 and retained office
and. as its special correspondent, ac- during the Yai'iamnto regime. In
com pitmi'tl Mai'iniH Iruuiiu. to Korea 1 addition to the premiership. Mr.
in ISSi! lie Slll.se.pietitlv hecaiiie H.ir.i will hold the portfolio of mill
attiichi'd to the foreign office. ' Inter of jusiice in his own calunet.
I.ONlx IN. Nov p; i lirliish W ire
less Service I 'I'll.' Wceer eitiini; of
Pit'iiien. which resp.'nMrhle for
"the Inform, iiioii" th:it the Uritlxh
fleet flyimt red f 1 i K s had appeared
off W'l! Ill'lllisll.'ll ill mid wis "c-
ch.'ii'KUii; lootherlv Ki-eeliims with
the shore," initiouined on I'tnliiv In
lartje type taut .Marshal Koch had;
l.teii iniirdei ed, thai Kitits Heorv-e
hud al'itUalcd and that tliploinatio
relations hctwcii Japan and the
I'nited Stales me (.trained.
iooil IThV lo" lloira. j
ltUISTi'W', i iktn . N"i IC tr. C.I
(1. Martin sold three him'o today fori
a prelfv i:no,l 'price. conM.leiiiii; the
fact that two of them were pits that j
Would ll.ive ue'sllt'd less than 1 I 0
pounds each 11'' a-i asked w !,at he
iioul.l take for them and said J'.'io
and I'cforc he cuu'..l chantc his mind j
the patty had iitlUcn him a check
for that amour
STIMAVATKIl. t'kla, Nov. U -1'orced
to flv'lit hard to hold a lead
in the early stages of the name, Ok
lahoma A. M. collece itained mi -pcrloriiv
In fya.-il ipiarters anil won
bv a score of .1 to 7 over Fairmont
colli'Ke of Wichita on f.eivjs field
here this afternoon. Repeated
fumbles .1aal fulls at critical times
oiiusijd the Annies to lose three like
ly tilWhilnwns.
Kalrmoiit's score enme In the
thir l iinarter when a Kansan recov
ered n fmnbled punt on the 10-yard
line iiml crossed the goal on the
next play
I'll a friend n boo, I turn. I'nM
them up and ask them to peruse the
relum irift contest on pases 1? and 1.1.
$i00 in BfiftM free! .
l'or ouick selilne. IrtO hats
Mann Hut Shoo. Ad.
Thanksgiving Christmas New Years
How These Home Days Emphasize the Home
Writing Desks
Fancy Mirrors
Hook Ends
Residing Tables
Fine Silk Comforts
Odd Chairs
Fancu Lamp Shades
Hall Clocks
Grandfather Clocks
Dropleaf Tables
Hook and Tea
Manazine Stands
Phone Stands
Auto Robes
Table Rugs
Table Scarfs
Smol ina Stnnds
Writing Desks
Wicker and llrass
Bird Cages
Fish Aquariums
iAunaing Robes
Seirinn Stands
t Tapestries
Umbrella Stands
heart thrills at the thought and every home already bustles
eagerly with preparation for the "gathering of the clan"
again around the table of reunion!
It is a wonderful thing to have a beautiful, comfortable,
livable, lovable HOME on such occasions as these holidays!
It is worth while to make others happy with your hospitality
and generous sharing of the home you have made attractive.
And it is easy, pleasurable and often very inexpensive to
GIVE your home the attributes they lack of hospitality and
charm and cheer! With a friend to help you a friend like
Mayos where a modest sum may go a long, long way.
THE DINING ROOM comes first, of
coursp, just now because Thanksgiving
Day will be here so soon and we have
supreme showings of .correct, beautiful
dining room suites at all prices.
The Hduse of Furniture Gifts.
, i i
. 3'
. "
, NOVEMBER 17, 1918.