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T-S"""1!1. """.WJa TulsOver Top ' United War Fund Is Oversubscribed Elks and Shriners This is your day at the W. S. S. Bank OKLAHOMA! OEEATISI JTEWSrAPEa, UA8KD WIU ASS00L4TBO PUSS. VOL. XIII, NO. 57. TULSA, OKLAHOMA, TUESDAY, NOVKMHKR 19, 1918. 14 PACKS PRICE 5 CENTS WILSON TO ATTEND PEACE CONFERENCE "TJug TULSA EXCEEDS WAR FUND GOAL ftith I'.lowing of Whistles gnti Winking of Street Lights Cify Goes Over WILL REACH TO $300,000 Funds Expected From Miss ing Quota Cards Will Swell Grand Total $40,000. WOMEN HAVE BIG'. SHARE Working in Interest of Sons, Brothers and Husbands, Raided Over One-lourth. Cnmlt c to a close at 8:30 lost nlirht. the united war work catn psjirn In Tulsa county him, aH far as fiirures are avullahlo, pone over the lop a Ht'lo better than $10,000. Promptly at 8:45 certain of the ureet lurhU started dancing a Jig and the whistles at the public serv ice company plant played a, noisy arcompatdment.. The total amount of monev raised for the campaign vim a little moro than 1:160,000. Tulsa 'I'mta wm $200,000. Incidental to raising money for Jin war work campaign, the com mittee Is also endeavoring to raise 1:5.000 to aid In the finances of the council of defense. During the. tntl-vice drive, the council of de fence whs "set back" by reason of the expense of the home guard at the detention Cmp, and later on. they were compelled to spend great amounts of money in helping care for the influenza situation. It U believed nothing more than, right that this body should be financed, so they can pay this indebtedness, and this the war work campaign committee hag undertaken to do. Two Win PrUc. Trlzes given at the Hotel Tulsa !vt nipht went to Mrs. Winifred WahaliKiiKh and H. Hendricks, for having obtained the greatest amount of mixer, ptlons during the "clean up" campaign In the business dls Mct beginning Saturday afternoon. The rrle won by Mrs. Washabaugh U handsome stealing silver vase valued at J."0, while Mr. Hendricks l the possessor of a pair of gold link r'iff buttons. In this connection It might te stAtcd that the committees In charge of the united war work drive In Tulsa wish to extend to those who in any wav aided the drive their thanks. Especially do they extend thanks to those who got lr the work right at the start and stayed clear through, for It has bean a long, bard drive. While active solicitation Is offi cially over, there are Btill a great number of quota cards out, which (rives the campaign committee reason to believe the grand final total will reach more than $300,000. They confidently helleve that thev will be able to hand the eonndl of defense 15,000 and still he $25,000 past the qnnta of $2r.0,000. A great many of those residents of Tulsa who are Mpeeted yet to "come across" have heen out of town the last few days and have had no opportunity to place their subscriptions. Quota cards from some business firms have not yet been returned, so the committees feci as though there la still enough mors money coming In to make their objective of $3O0.OOO Women to Io Their Sham. Complimenting the committees of women, those In charge of the drive ray they have been most faithful and active In their work. Of the money that has been raised, the ladles are responsible for $75,000. Of this amount. $13,000 was taken In at the booths maintained along the streets. The Victory hoys' and girls' citih, have subscribed a total of approximately $9,000. This Is be lieved to lie one of the best Indica tions, from more than one point of view, cf the entire drive. Tho young folks. In subscribing, have to mnke an Iron-bound promise not to aj rept any money from their parents, h'it to c.irrs their subscription by their own efforts. It is stated that lists of those who have made noteworthy subscriptions to the umied war campaign will be r.'iMislied. The other list of those who have failed of their obligation " do what they should in the mat ter, It is said, will also be published. At any rate, it is the object of the committees in charge to inform the returning soldlot-boys ns to who has atood by them and who has not. Would Require Dealers to Post German Signs WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Poal- frs In c, 'ods manufactured In Oer-' many or Austria-Hungary would be required under a bill Introduce to- , 'my by Senator Lodge of Massachu- r '. to displav over all entrances to ilieir establishments the words dealer iM German goods" and to P'lt these words prominently in all published advertisements. British and Russians Iieoccupy Bnku Port LONIiN. NoT. i,.(t, p. m.) ""h and Itusslan forces on Sunday re. eerii . 1 .l . A p , 'i'"'1 "is Jiussian seaport or I n'i n WMt coa!,t of the Cs- , ' "ays an official statement Jued 'his evening by the war office. 'O all.ed forces were given an ex "'nt reception, especially by th. poorer a'ses. The Turks, before "cuat;nB the port, looted it. WEATHER REPORT TfbSA, N0 h . Minimum, .1(1; mi,.in,in, .IS. ,, ,,,, lhi, rWmr (lM.Mlil.UA: T.ics.U, r, wanner. Wi'dnekdijr probably fair slik-tillj warmer ARK.JN8A.-f: Tn.-.Jev f.,r, warmei in n..rlliiht poriigii, Wednesday fair, warmer ' ' VI.ST TKXAS: Tuesday ,d Wed arailav uir. !,rhllf wanner .h- .ei . K"'r '''"''lav and prob at,v n erineauay ; not murti rhena-e in truiprralure. HIS PARENTS' CONSOLATION. Airaunl Ih. lstii;t ,,, W1 ,lrolli .Vain.t 1 he word llmt he lie, ,l,,l If 11 sl.ould come we h.t, thB pnd if k.,.,wn, that h , ,J All .,'!lih ileunre9 and w (!ad T Itlve the Kia tht. b-r.l he had AKainst ihe abaence. long and rrim, e keei, ihe manl soul of him H. i,ai,,e acainsi thr hurl and anha hat luticms for our lior mut r ake, Jim cii,Mi,otion ir ma)- anow: I liat he wat uaT.alraid to fn. fjreat thoneh our grief shall be if he Miall never more rn, home from aea More aeenlr we'd have Mi ,h, rln ir he Ma i nhoera to remain woe-"'Jen """ugllt "lln" our In auch a need he wished to go. I. f it mini be that h, shall fall Ilia token words we ran reeIt When lyaa har dried our buter tears Ilia oio shall ip,f Ibroiifhoui the years T And w, .hall hear him whiaperint; low: rar worae than death were not to ro ' iCopyniilii 19l Kdar A. tiue.i.;' YANKS IN ENGLAND WILL RETURN FIRST I'irst Shipload of Is, 000 Americans Stationed llicre Will Start for Home Williln Wivk. LONDON, Nov. IS. The first American troops to depart home ward as a result of the signing of the armistice will be 18,000 men sta tioned in Kngland. The American army expects to start the first ship load of these soldiers homeward within a week and to have all the men on their way back to the Unit ed States 10 days later. The plans fot clearing England of American troops are complete but It is desired to remove these men Immediately ns some shipping Is available for this purpose. Most of the 18,000 men are helping the Brit ish air forco. The American hospital unlU will be left in England until a policy (or caring for future cases of Illness among the Americans has been de cided upon. The belief Is expressed at army headquarters that very few Ameri cans will be left long InTngland, as It is thought that the hoxpitala in France can care for future needs. DRY BILL IS FINALLY PASSED BY CONGRESS Measure fJoen to Troiidrnt Thursday anil Approval Is Toiled for by Prohibition AdvnraU-e). WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Final legislative action was taken today by the senate on the national "war time" prohibition bill, effective July 1, next, and continuing during de mobilization. The measure will go Thursday to President Wilson for his approval, confidently expected by prohibition advocates. The senate struck ont the Wash ington rent profiteering rider which had held up the bill and without a roll call adopted the conference re port on the remainder of the pro visions, which the fiouse already had approved. As transmitted to President Wil son the prohibitive reature would stop sales of distilled, malt or vin ous beverages June 30. 1919, and thereafter and during the wur and demobilization. Manufacture of dis tilled spirits now Is prohibited under the food eontr'd law which will ex pire with the world peace treaty. Regarding malt and vinous bev erages the Tiew measure provides that their manufacture nhall cease May 1, 1919, and their sale for bev erage purposes July 1. Manufactur er eAport Is not prohibited but Im ports of all Intoxicating l.evsv.cs during the war and demobilization are barred. King yarned to Succeed Solicitor General 'Davis WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. John W.' Davis was formally nominated today by President Wilson to he American ambassador to r.reat Brit ain ami Alexander C. King of At lanta, fia., was nominated to suc ceed Mr. Davis as solicitor general. Magor II y lan Invites Foch to Visit New York NEW YOP.K, Nov. 18. An Invi tation to Marshal Foch to visit New Vorlt city as the guest of the mu nicipality was extended today by Mayor Ilylan in a cable mesage. Irelilcnt at Mineral. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Presi dent Wilson, members of the diplo matic corps and tunny government officials attended the funeral serv ices at Sa. Patrick s Catholic churoh oday for fiolon Menoe. minis" ' from Haiti, who died here .several weeks at-'Q- The sorvlcee were with full military orders. PRIDE OF FLEET fwCoundlHean T-mr-ai n.i ... .r-rJ rotwer Kaiser Mail TAKEN BY ALLIES' Return to Germany Berlin Announces Names of j Vessels to Leave Port Monday Morning., DESTINATION UNANNOUNCED! British, American and French Representatives Conduct Vessels on Way. DISPOSITION IS UNKNOWN Question Ix-ft for Peare Con ference Washington Has No Information. LONDON. Nov. 17. (Pritirh wireless service ) This week will see the greatest naval surrender which he world has ever witnessed. A great fleet of Herman battle ships, battle cruisers and light cruis ers and destroyers will leave port Monday morning at 5 o'clock for an unknown destination. They will be met by the P.ritlsh fleet, accompan ied by American and French repre sentatives and conducted to their destination. A lft-rlln telegram received In Am sterdam gives this list of the ves sels to be handed over: Battleships: Kaiser, Kalserln, Knnig Albert. Kronprlnz Wilhelm, Prlnz Kegent Luitpold, Markgraf. (iroshcr Kurfuerst, llayern, Konlg and V'rledrirh der Gro se. Itattle cruisers: Hindenburg, Dcr fllnger, Seydlilz. Moltke and von der Tan 11. , Light cruisers- Premen, Prum mer. Frankfurt, Kocln, Dresden and Emden. The German cruiser Dresden was1 sunk off Falkland Islands by the1 Hrltlsh, under -Admiral Ptnrdee, j while the Knolen was sunk In the Indian ocean after had raided ship- ; ping In the far east. It Is probable that old ships had been given the I names nf the ships sunk or that new ! ships have been built to replace thorn. - NO ANNOrN'CF.MF.NT . MA.PK AT WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. There was no announcement here today re garding the delivery of the fleet of battleships, battle cruisers and light' cruisers which Germany was re-, cpiired under the terms of the arm istice to surrender today to the as sociated nations. Nor was there any Information ns to the names of the ports at which the vessels were to; be Interned. ; There is much speculation as to the final disposition of the ships, but In the absence of any official infor-, matlon, many officers thought thlsi matter would be li ft until the peace conference mets. The armistice provided that the vessels were to be , disarmed before they left Germany and that they were to be interned' at neutral or allied ports ns the as-1 soclated governments might direct with only caretakers on hoard. Stripped nf Power. ! Publication of the names of thet battleships and cruisers which were, designated by the associated gov-, ernrnents for delivery reveals that Germany is stripped of at least half of the fleet of dread 11 oughts which it had In commission or building: when the war began and of practi- callv all of Its battle cruisers. j The dreadnoughts Kronprlnz Wll-! helm, Grosserkurfurst. Markgraf and ; Koenig are of the same type, each SH0 feet long and of 2(i.()0n tons. They were designed for a speed of 23 ! knots and had Just been completed, when the war opened. They were armed with 10 12-Inch and 14 5.9 rnch guns. The Prlntz Repent Lultp'd, Konlg Albert, Kalserln, Kaiser and Frled rleh der Grnsse were completed in 1913 and are 54 feet long, with a; speed of 21 knots and of 24.000 tons. They also carried 10 12-inch guns each and 14 u.-.'-incn mi.. AviilalMe naval records here do not show a battleship llayern. but t Is regarded as possible that this Is one of the three new dreadnaaights completed since the war started. pesldes the craft delivered Ger manv hi.l f"-ir older dreiidmiughts, HN 11M 1 11 ON l'Alib TWM.M5. Direct War Cost of All Belligerent.s to Reach $200,000,000,000 This Year WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. The di rwl cost nf the war for all belliger ent nations to last May 1, was report ed at about Jl"r,. 000,000 0OU by the federal reserve board bulletin issued today and it is estimated that Uie cost will amount to nearly $200,001), ii.Mi.nini before the end of this year. Thee calculations were compiled by the board from various sources and while their in curacy is not vouched fur the board believes the figures are' substantially correct. for iinrelv military and naval pur- hiosi s it is estimated that all nelllger-l.-nts had spent about $ 132,000,000.01)0 ., Mav I. '- about tbree rourtlis tne total war cost. The balance repere- med interest on debt and other in-d;r-rt war expenses How the cost mounted as the war grew In proportion from year to year s illustrated by tabulations showing that the mobilization and tb first five months of the war in 1 9 1 4 cos: all belligerents about $10,000,000 000. lu 1916 llie expenaea Jumped to $-6,- IjOMkiN, Nor. IH. 3.47 11. 111. Tin- PiiImIiiiii Holilicrx' mid Work men iiiiiiinllti-4- IriiniH that William llolictivllcrii lnti-nils ui return (o l.irinuiiy Imi-uiiw of ilw tiirhiiniv In Holland, m-inrilliie! In a ( iiH-uluigrn iiiNiMitcli t tin I '.trliMiigi lili-grnpli tsiiiiian . I41I1UI Anwlgcr of IHtIIii Htulin thai la- H likely to 1m- nt inllicd to return. I'rinci- I lt I Frederick, mm of the former enitenr. lias ntHUli-tl to Ills iiiurinli-M of the I'oImiIiiiii gurrtNou to lilac- tlieniM-lw-s at the illii-al nf the new govern ment In t.crmany. AMSTFKO VM. Nov. 18. 1 1 :i! I a. ni Tin- former t.erinan em-pri-eiM lias urrltcil lit JI11II11111I. mak ing I he Irlp by uirplnllc, uiinnlluK to the .eteiiuar cofriKMiiiiletil of the Telegmaf. JVIOONEY LOSES LAST PLEA FOR FREEDOM Supreme 'onrt Itefuses to (irnnt He view ('use in llnul 1 if fort to Gain a New Trial. CLEMENCY UP TO GOVERNOR I'ute tif Ijilsir Ijeailer Now llcsts Willi (Jovenior No Indlin N lion of IVcclslon. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 The su premo court refused today to review the case of Thomas J. Mooney, labor leader, under sentence to die Decem ber 13, for murder In connection with a bomb explosion two years ago in Sin Francisco. Mooney'a counsel appealed to the supreme court after a long fight In California to upset decisions of the state courts. Mooney charged that his conviction had been oMtalned through perjured testimony. The case has atracted countrywide attention. In response to appeals for his influence Itesldent Wilson has telegraphed the governor of Cal ifornia suggesting that clemency be considored. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 18. "The last prop is knocked from under Aioonry, except possible action by Governor Htephens." Kdwln V. Me Kenxle of counsel for Thomas J. Mooney said here when advised that Mooney's appeal to the United States supreme court had been de nied. Mooney Is In Han Quentln peniten tiary awaiting execution. SACRAMENTO. Cal . Nov. 18 There was no Indication here today of what further action,-if any, Gov ernor William I). Stephens will take In the ease of Thomas J. Mooney. An application for a pardon Is pending before Governor Stephens. The executive last July granted Mooney a reprieve until December 13. WHITE RESIGNS POSITION IN FUEL ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 Resig nation of John P. White, a Joint di rector of the bureau of labor of the fuel admlnistrafTon, effective No vember 30, was anounced tonight by Administrator Garfield, who said he accepted the resignation with regret because Mr. While's services hail been "of Inestimable value." Mr. White, who retired as presi dent of the united mine workers of America to become labor adviser to the fuel administration, will con tinue to consult with the adminis tration on labor affairs. Few dl pntes involving miners remained to be adjusted, and Mr. White asked to be relieved so that he could give his at tention to the private Interest. Order Preserved In Holland. NEW VOI'.K. Nov, 18 Means taken by the Netherlands govern ment to preserve order In Holland havr been entirely Hiieceasf ill and the people of the country have proven their loyalty and patriotism In the present stiuailoii. W. M. De Itaufurt. charge d'affaires of the Dutch legal ion. who was here today, was offliiully Informed by cable to day. 000.000.0u0, In I9H! they increased to $38, (.00, 0OD.OO0. arid In H'17 they were estimated at $6,0UO.0O0.OUO Thus year expenses have run only a little above the rate Inst year. About $150 000, OtfO.Oou of the total war cost has been raised by war loans of various nations and rune paratlvelv little by taxation. The public debt of the principal entente allies ts calculated at approximately 1 1 05. 000, 000. 000. or more than twice as niuch'Us the aggregate debt of the central (powers, set at $ 1 j, 000, nod. -i. This does not take into consid eration debt incurred hince May. The enormous size of the war costs and debt is illustrated by comparison with the anti-war debt of the seven principal belligerents, wll eh did not exceed $25,OO0.0i(i.O00 The cost of supporting this debt was only about ( l una. (lOO. nod a year Hereafter the annual burden to pay Interest and sinking fund alb-wanci s will not be li-ei than $ 1 0.UDO.OUU.OOO and prob ably much more AVIATION BRANCH TO BE KEPT UP Baker J,ikcly to Ask Main tenance of Service on Larpe Scale. OFFERS WIDE, POSSIBILITY War Secretary Regards Serv ice as Possible of Many Developments. IS GOVERNMENT MONOPOLY Manufacture of Plajies Is Controlled; Orders May Be Cancelled. WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Demo bilization of the urmy air service pre. scuts a separate problem On which war department officials are now a' work. Mow Jt Is to be accomplished so that the aircraft manufacturing IndiiNtiy, now a government monop oly, can be preserved ha not been disclosed, but It Is possible to statu uut horltntlt ely some of the consid erations (but will govern demobiliza tion plans. Secretary linker is known to re card the air nervire as the field of military enterprise In which lb greatest developments are to be ex pected. For that reason, tne army programs to be laid before l-ongresa probably will show recominendatlonn for continuing the aviation branches on a scale disproportionate te- the other arms of the service. Every ef fort Is enpected to be made to im prove existing types of plane and nglncs or develop new ones. To ltelaln Officer. It Is also certain that the plan now being formulated will make provision for retaining in the pres ent mllltarv establishment officers an, I men who have displayed marked ability In th operation, production and equipment of airplane, balloon and other lrcraft. The monopoly of the government extend to every branch of aircraft production. To make a start on the extraordinary program laid out. It was necessary to build from the ground up; to crent virtually every facility required, even to the grow ing or castor bean , to fumlnh the lubricating oil required. .The only exceptions are th automobile fac tories which were turned from build lug engines for motor car to the production of Liberty motors, and other aircraft engines. For these plants, the transition buck to peace time industry Is nat ural and many are at work. There exists, however, no market except tlui government for aircraft that can possibly engage In any part of the other plants now devoted wholly to that production and the future of these plants Is not as yet clear. outstanding contracts for military planes of various type are under stood to total between 2r,000 and 30,000. It Is regarded as likely that virtually all of these wilt be can celled. Many of the orders have al ready been slowed down if not def initely withdrawn. Supply Is Ample, It was said today that there Is no need to eouip heavily with any of the types now In production for military use as improved machine of greater speed, endurance and maneuvering power were developed even whl( every energy was being strained to rcurii quantity production here of the Dellavllands and I landley-Paige de. signs. It is to new type that chief, attention will be given by the gov ernment as the existing supply of presetrf types psnbably Is more than ample as a reserve. In addition to the manufacturing monopoly, which Includes the as sembling of scientific data of the utmost value on the whole question of air flight, the government lias complete monopoly over the training facilities for fliers It owns some 3J Dying fields In the pnlted States, all fully equipped and has built up pre liminary rouisi-H in colleges and uni versities in all parts of the country The home aviation schools are now fitted to turn out 2,000 men a month rand as reserve military aviator, while there now are in this country, more than 12.000 men who either have passe, through that school sys tem, or are nc-iring completion of their training. .There are also tens of thousands of airplane mechanic and 3.000 aviators In France a. least one-half nf whom are fully qualified military pilots Possibilities Offered In the opinion of many officials, the future of air navigation n the I nlted Slates rests laigely with, these men trained to flv by Ihe govern ment. Having bad a taste of air work it Is believed that the majority of these men alwavs will yearn to continue flying and through them great stimulus will be given to the development of the aircraft Industry by prlva'o enterpris"S. For the time being, however, the army and navy i,. s.ipleni-n'ed hy the aerial 1 postal service, will be the onlv outlet for the product of such an Industry i and to Insure these government ; needs, it Is thought It will be necea ' sary for the army to follow the naiy 1 practice and take over some one of 'be great plants where machines for ! both the army and the postal servb-i , ,in be turned out until a norma'. manufacturing Industry has been de. vehij""' President Will Sail for France Early in December to Be Present at the Opening Sessions. WHITE HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT MADE Official Statement Given Out Declaring Neces sity for Attendance; Delegates to Be Announced at Early Date. WASHINGTON, Nov. IK. President Wilson Will at tend the opening sessions of the peace conference. This was announced tonight officially. He will go immediately af ter the convening of the regular session of congress on De cember 2. t This official statement wan Issued at the white house: "The president expect to sail for France Immediately after the open ing of the regular senslon of c.on giesH, for the purpose of taking part In the discussion and settlement of Ihe main feature of the treaty of peace. It Is not likely that It will b possible for him to remain through out the session of the formal peace conference, but hl presence at the outset I necesHary, In order to ob vlata the manifest disadvantage of discussion by cable In determining tho greater outline of the final treaty about which he mut neces sarily be consulted. Ho will, of course, be accompanied b delegate who will eit a th representative of the I nlted State throughout the conference. "The names of the delegate Will be presently announced." How long- the president will re mln abroad h Ylmelf probably cannot say now. The time for the convening of the peace conference ha not yet been announced, but the general belief here is that it cannot be assembled before late In Decem ber nt the earliest. If uch prove the qtise, the president will ho absent from the country at least a month and probably longer. What plans the prealdent may have for hi trip other than to attend th opening of the peace conference and participate in me ujsnunmiMia .I,. r, r-M.,r, fall VM nf the soclated nation, which will precede It, have not been revealed. He un doubtedly will be accompanied by Mrs Wilson and It J" expected here that beside visiting Pari, where the leace emigres probably will be held, he will go to Iyindon and poselbly to llrussels and Koine. Grcmt Reception Kxprrtrd. Mr. Wllon I expected to receive abroad a reception auch as ha been accorded few men In public life. He will be welcomed not only a the president of the Fnlted State and the commandur-ln-chlef of It armies and navy, but also a th champion of world democracy. In visiting Kn rope th" president will establish two precedents. He will be the flrt chief executlv of he Fnlted State to participate In a peace conference for the settling nf Issues growing out of a war In which this country participated nd he will be the first president to leave North America during hi term of office.' In reaching the decision to attend the peace conference, President Wil son Is understood to have been large ly Influenced by representation from Premier Lloyd Oeorge of Oreat Itrltaln and Clemenoeau 'f France and other statesmen of the entente countries. The principle and term of settlement enunciated by the pres ident have been accepted by both the associated nations and the central powers ns the basis upon which peace is to be re-estulillshed and It Is un derstood that It Is for the working out of the application nf these prln. clples that his presence Is so earnest ly desired by the allied statesmen. IpC-MomlN-r of Council. Since the president Is to sail for France early next month. It seems certain that he will reach Paris weeks before the pence congress as sembles. His purpose I believed here to be to participate In the eon 'erence now proceeding at Versailles as the preliminary to the meeting of ie-e commissioners. He thus will have opportunity to discharge In person for the flist time, the duties of his membership In the supreme war council In which he is now rep resented by Colonel F. M Mouse. In the general view hero the ses sions of the supreme war council, which will bring together the entente premiers with the representative of (ONTIM'rib X I'AUK M V K. Expand! Opportunity for expansion ex ists today In some local growing business' All that Is needed Is tho right man to step In and grasp the reins of control. Are vou the right man? Would you like to tie up with such a business ? You can. If you will go about the work In the right way The World Want Ad way. Fnder the classified bead of "Huslness Opportunities" you will surely find the right opening If you will conscientiously study, for a few days, the appeals and propositions that are being of fered. Your expansion will date from the time when you begin to make The World Want Ads help you. PHONKS 6000 or 6001 CONGRESS WILL END SESSIONS THURSDAY Agreement Is lteched to Finish IliislneoM anil lrevent Merging Willi Deeeinhrr Convening. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Ad journment of' the present session of congress next Thursday was ar ranged today by democratic and re publican leader of the senate and house. This will enable member to secure travel mileage allowance and also will prevent the present session, which began last December 8, from merging with the third and final session of till, the BSth congress, which will open December $. binding of the present session Thursday waa agreed upon after the senate finance committee had de cided It could not report the revised six billion dollar revenue bill before the date of th new session. With disposition by the sen at today of the "wartime" prohibition bill, which goes to Ihe prealdent Thursday after formal signature by Vice President Marshall and Speaker Clark, th most pressing business of the cession was completed. While congrasa I adjourned th finance committee will continue re vision of the. revenue bill in accord with suggestions by Secretary Mc Adoo and th house committee will begin framing the 1930 appropria tion bills, since the department esti mate were prepared with continu ance of the war In view, sharp re durtion In the appropriations are contemplated by congressional' lead er. The house approprlatpltm sub. committee will meet tomorrow to begin hearing on the legislative, ex. ecutlve and Judiciary hill, while th naval oommlttee will begin work on the naval appropriation mensure. As practically no further business I pending before congress now, both house adjourned today until Thur. day. church day1jw7$7 s. bank proves success Church Day at the W. H. fl. bank waa not the success It waa the last tin. the, religion element of Tulsa had charge of the sales, although these folks managed to pile up an enviable total of money in the bank. Proceed for the day ran a little more than $11,000. which they con sider good work, on account of the competition occasioned by the wind-up of the united war work campaign In Tulsa, and other un foreseen circumstances which came up to hamper their work. "You can say." euld I.ea Levering manager of the bank," that I am proud of the record tho churches have made 111 their support of I'ncle 8am. They are patriotic, 100 per cent and every denomination put In about an equal amount of money. This war has done one thing, if it haa not accomplished anything else. It ha taught ns all that Jews, Prot testants, Catholics and members of all religious sects, are human Just the same, and that we all have the same Interest In our boys across the sea." NAVY BEGTNT"REDUCiNG OF ENLISTED STRENGTH WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 Ite ductlon of the enlisted strength of the navy has commenced, Secretary Daniels said today, and applications for discharge hy men bn'h In the regular service and In tho reserve divisions are being received'. First consideration Is being given, he added, to youths seeking to return tn s'hool or to positions In civil life which they gave up to Join the nuva forces. Mr, Daniels did not Indicate the extent to which the reduction I" strength was planned It has been.Jntlmated previously however. hat The navy roujd spare f.0.000 men during the next month. Cuuily Included. PA HIS, Thursday. Nov. 11 c.-inily has been officially Included In the rations nf the American expedi tionary forces, th" Stars and Stripes announces. Thrue men will be al lowed one-half pound each every ten ilnvs. The ration wMI include choc olates and hard candy. Named French (ommlsHioiiiT. PAKIH. Nov IS - I llavas ) Vice Admiral J. F. I Amet, commanding tho second French Hquadri.ii at Con stantinople, has been appointed French high ' otiinii-sioinjr to the Turkbh government. METZ ENTRANCE SET FOR TODAY Official Announcement Is Made That Petain Will Go Into City. FOCH GOES TO STRASSBURG Marshal of Allied .Armies to Proceed Into Town Sun day or Monday. AMERICANS ARE IN BRIEY Heart of Iron Fields TTelfJ by Our Roys Great Wel come Is Accorded. o ,. rvr PAIHS, Nov. 18. (nntlsh -Wire-lens Service.) It Is officially an nounced that French troop, led by General Petalr, will enter Met to morrow. Subsequently General Cas telnau and General Mangln will fol low with the armies. The entry Into 'Ktrassburg, which w ill be headed by Marshal Foch will take place next Sunday and Monday. PARtfl. Nov. 18. (Havaa.) Gen eral lluy, who Is a native of Ior rsins. ha been appointed governor of Met, says the Tern pa. General Bourgeois ha beer! named governor of Htraasburg. - Br The Asaoelaled Proaa. WITH THR AMKniCAN AltMT OV OCCUPATION, Nov. 18. ( p. in.) American troop entered Tlrler, the heart of Lothrlnglan iron fields, at 11 o'clock thi morning. There were arches acros ths main street and th town was bedecked with flag. Fifteen hundred civilians greeted the troops. After a welcome by th Brley offi cials the (8th Infantry band of the Third division gave a conoert; then th American lunched from rolling kitchen, a large number of re leased Russians also being fell. Outwardly Urley showed few Indi cations of the war, tho buildings be ing Intact, but thr were German sign everywhere pointing In ths di rection of ammunitiondumps and (ha various headquarters. TWENTY-TWO GUNS TURNED OVER TO YANKS BY HUNS Dp The AasnrlaUd Praas - WITH TUB AMKRifAcJ ARMY NORTHEAST OK V'KRDITN, Nov. 18. Twenty-two large caliber gun and great stores of lumber, barbed wire and various kinds of materials used by engineers were formally turned over to the Americans bv the Germans over at Pouligny. Much of the material is sasw. When tha Americana eittered Rou llgny they Avere met by Lieut Wil liam Bchmldt of the artillery and Lieut Carl Hohllng of tha pioneers. Iloth carried arms and white flags. F.ach German officer had an orderly, all four speaking Kngllah learned In German school. After receiving receipts the offi cers started for Luxemburg to join their own forcea, Hchmldt and his orderly traveling In a two-wheel cart, and Hi h ling and his orderly proceeding by bicycles. SENATOR MOSES SWORN, IN DESPITE PROTESTS WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. rjeorgs II. Mose of New Hampshire was sworn In as a member of the senute today after a sharp debate in which Chairman Pomnrene of the commit tee on privilege end elections at. tempted to defer the action pending Investigation by the' commute of charge of Irregularity in the New Hampshire election om November 6. Ijiter Senator Pornerene with drew hi request that Mr. Moses' ere. dentlals be referred to the commit tee. It wji pointed out that the senate' action will not Interfere With any contest before the committee on privileges and elections. Senator Mose defeated John II. Jameson, democrat. LODGE WANTS TO CREATE FREE STATE FOR POLAND WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, republican leader. Introduced a resolution de claring the senate favors creation of a strung Independent Polish state, with free access to the sea. "An underground movement here and abroad opposes u strong Polish state In Kurope," said Senator Lodge. He added that his resolution Is in t lie same trms as point 12 of the president's 14 points, and . that It "will show that the senato is with the president." The resolution went to the foreign relations committee. PRESIDENTS DAUGHTER ASKED TO START SONG NEW YORK. Nov. IS The na tional council nf women tonlt-'ht sent Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, daughter of the president, en Invi tation to open the "victory sing" In France on Thanksgiving day by singing "The Star Spangled Itanner" I at the same mi nient that millions f i Americans a home under the nuspl 1 ces of the council Join in the nu I 1 1 ii ii u I anthem. i 1 ;,. ?l i I .''! J ml .V.;1, fir. ' h ! .-'.It; ui: li S.! lib f Mi- f f.l