Newspaper Page Text
I. if TULSA DAILY WOULD, THURSDAY, NOVEMHKR 21, 101-S '1 ai i. r j t S r it i h ;ii b ', r 'J ct - lo v lo I ..: ) " -A l ; :.i h( r i it ti', in. 5(S METZ CITIZENS TEAR DOWN ENEMY STATUES! miHiy il.ivi Klmtt .Ice I'll 1 1 . . -: I" Hot "f 11 .f cli I1.11. a. t " 1 1 K u III. i ; I r i i ' n. ii in ' ti'li, .Wl'l il Mi., pull.) i.i : . I u.i . n l '111'" v, l i ttn ; t-f i i . ii i i . . i ...i. a'ii 1 1 1 , i., ii,i " other III', lit William I In Toppled Out, IVrdor. Ick lit Hojx-il Whlln l.nlost Hulsor Is ( liitlni'il liy IVuple. PETAIN IS GIVEN WELCOME Ilnlrnnrr of fYrnch IVoitrr Conso. rate Victory 10 I'n-iK Ii Croat DrmiMiHUiiUon In I Mil. Br Tli A wilted rna MKT, Tuesday. Nov !. Tho IilKtoilc event 111 Coloill:lli'd lit .' o'clock tli in afternoon when MarHlril retain, commander III chief "f III' French armies, made. In entry lulu Met., ilin ureal xlronic lifl of Lor raine and the 1'lvul of (icrmany's i f furl In crush I 'm nee, may lm k 1 1 I more than any other happi-riiii,' to rofiNi'cf atn (tin vlrlnry nf if ulln ri in this war. The orriLNiiin, in who-li I'm' I'n ni Ii c'lintn.'i tidcr, fiKiiii-H f'T Hi" first time as a manthal of ! ranee, also rave rise to one of the morn pic lurcH'inn demonstrations ever i,n ncd out liy the people, of I r i ;i 1 1 1 . From early In the mornliiK all I hr roads leadlnic lo .Mi-tx with crowded with l.oi r.uners on tlii'lr way In III" illy to raise their voices there for MurNliiil 1'elalti and for Krani e I'i'o pie unaccustomed to any tonuue other than German for years, beKan thai l.iiiK'i.1 Hinds I in ., I. .i.l I ... iin: Mo 1 1 ii w h . Il I..I I I. .11.' MM. llll. mi I I oli'l I i r. Willi, i in I h , , l 1 1 1 1 it I i. wr Ili" l.uii.1' ot li i-i i ' i''.'i i t't I llll'llt, V, I, Hii i., ,, , Ml, Hi many long yi a r t . . I ,n.iiii . .1 I I : III Wli.l lirliiil .Ti III" Mlll-r tllil))H ' '"' '".III 'll llV'n Ills' III , III' lllil of t In- i ii i in. in i .1 Ii'i h I ll I .1 I' ll II' A II I.fc I Ii' I roiii .oh'! ., r. ii- hi 11- 'I III- .1.1) "t.i.-io i I.i " ..aim. i 'o ii.u.ii.o.n r.a fH .1 I "1 .IH HO' 1 1 1 , I, Kin ami j.iM.i : 'iiiool giii) lo i '"Uii until a lai arm,. Imim m iii,ih Ili l,n "onio (l-i w n w ll ii a i ii"' lo'i k. I i'i ioi r l'iiii" i .ir Kllll l"ft to r I -: i i ii it i.ta I ii. - on i to, f i. .i.l" llii' 'IIh 'l.nlrii; tin, i. I'i'i ll .,u il lion; ' Si.' I i I 'II III" oil Ii 'Oil I ll" :.""1, I. .ol ,1' "Uii. I ll'H Willi. l. ii II !!'.. (in ly art .1 i In- i .- 1.. in. I.i lirtil I." ni rliailii il .i: In ai.. I ml.. 1 1. "ii, l. i I I. .lllil V I' ll I 1 1 1 H ilirt'M 1'i .mi. il I, I. ,11. 1 M iloli." ' i li .n.l r im ai i" f y IlK llll friii, i Hi" l.l(,.M of I M'li' ll ri"-" hi il , ' . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 I,, ,, , Vll"H" ir,' .ilioliH rt"i" lii.iili- IiihI llllll.l Ul i I II." ill ',, l I,, I I' l, Ull' Ui i . lo.lliM. :il. t-.l ,y rvi'ly 1 1 i 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 ' . I f 1 1 of III" III'.. Willi III" t'AI 1 ll lOll 111. of ( , i' t ilia ii onwlri, out "inly in I ":ol ilii'HM lii i"t'lM Marwlial I't'l.itn Tli" maiHlial loa.tM lii trlilln I'lii I in'iy i"K"tli"r wlili a M.iff of aili"l orfhi-ri' at tin- Iii'.mI of Ilin f.Liri" lis Iron (In if, mi, Hi" ;!ii illvmloli of the i' (Jill ainiy roiim. l-'olinwln1' w in n Ioiik prori'HHinfi of 1,1'iianin Horl"tl"H amt oiln-r l'i"ii"'. in, In, lit, k a i i iit iiiniilii'r of Kii'In lit tin ii.itonal rontiiinf of lair iiiiii". 'J'Iiin 'i ociw-ilon ini-t Iho inar- i ' 1 1 ' lo- I'ort il" l'i aiirii mnl -1 1 " ' ' I lull' ill ll Ulll'l'll lo 111" l.n (' vMii'i" h'tt ri'iilidi'il Oy i" i.iark.ii'li' XI"" I' of K"in ruin uiol "tli"r Ii-kIi offiirm In1, ifii'Uinl ill" .'0iM that loo "ail, ",t Llin liolioi OV I nlllIIO'ltlllK III III" Vl.'tOI ll-N of tlo a.ln'N on aiiii'm' lurry O.ntli rii'.il of I urn i. jlay Olli' of Mill hll-ilii.slii. ill" of nolalil" I II' ll" 1 1, All 'll 'I n'-U I I IM il In vshIi toi i iii' tip tin- llal'l la-ilaii Lo ' if ll, fhJOIill ion" III i o 'ii Ii I In lilllll M "Hlltvllll" from ilin I'ri'iirli liiii'H nil arouiol Hi" l"i(i"K.i tliiit a, a 1'iillnirit. i hi i i v ..f Ini'woiKt won Ii lir Khtly I ik ' ' ' I Hi" "k, fnn". ami ntur cli"lli .It'l'ViliK IIH Mkyi i.M'k"lM ll wiiiiI'I lii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i lr nay Hi it nil M"t whh nay loilay. A loiihiiIitiiIiI" noiiil"-r of tli no. in ft'tlt ri'inain li"i. holm of lli"H" lili'il to pnl a l'.i'mI i ou lit 1'iiuni'n on Ilit hitnat Ion .iiiil Join th" IhroiiKK out of ilunr.i Out tlioir gliito fari-N wit" innn'lv M'-i n friiio opi ti wiii'li'Ws pi'i-rlnn oni wnh ruroKiiy loltn-liil with liiU'iitii Thoi" iloriiiann tliai W"ro nipt willi in 111" i rowili wi'if li-i'.if". with ion' iat ion that o "Vtinn-il In' I I 1 1 1 .- SEVENTY PER CENT OF FIRES CAUSED BY BURNING TRASH AMERICAN WAR STAFF GAUGES HUN MORALE I A'-i nnii'i of KiiowIi'iIki' Ii MlriklnKli Shown llV Sllllftt'illlint I.MIIIft t. on Haul" I root, W ASIIIN'iTn.V, Nov 21 -Kniiw!-! nilK" In p", !inii of offlrl.ilN hfi" jof i.oinl it "inn in liiTniiny doling Hi" war w 1 1 f" a nil-U" Dial th" Ami'ii "aii k"ii" Mt:iff hill i:ompiit"il, i many w i-ka In a'lv.iiK-", uIiiiomI Hi" sin t 1 1 ' on wh"h th hnakniK point w.nil. I l"i in", hi.,. A ( hin wii" h w in Iiiiiik loilay in Si-i-ri-t.uv HakiTH nffii ,. ahowii th" f I in I iiuiiiiin in Iho 'iii"iali of ih" iiHimaii iia lion," froio AiiKuell, 111, lo Hi" pr" "nt miififh. A.iiiiiiiiik Hi" 'I'-rinall KoviTtini 'iit lo I. in- h i I I'm j" r i i nl nippi.i-i from 11." pi"ipl" at th" b"Kliinirii; of th" win- th" rliait nIiowh how I i-r - I .,. il I" TI,,. Worlrl MIAMI, iikli. Nov. 1 - Miami's ! fire i hif, II. Iv Markwell, Inn h ' -ill", I onl'MM to uiitolHtH Unit Ih" I'l l' Ilin of parkinx In rroot "r p ra Ihi-atrrH roiiNt onriv Tim nrn For Acid Stomach, Indigestion, Gas 'Instant Relief when your meals sour nnl upset the stoArach Indi gestion Tain stops at once I No waiting I The moment you cat a tal Ict or two, all stomach distress ends. Ma'icl l'leasant, quick relief. Costs little All tirup stores. Uuy a box I upset? Papete Diapepsin oNYouRrceT SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF Tor 100 year OOIJ MEDAL Etuurlam OU haa enabled suffering humanitr to wtlhetand atucke of kldner. liver, bladder and atomach tronbJea and all dleeama connected with the urinary organe, and to buUd up and reetore te health or gane weakened by dleeaee. Theae moat Important orarana mnit be watched, becanee they filter and purlff the blood; unlrne they do their work you are doomed. Wearlneaa, leepleeaneea, nenrona nea, despondency, backache, etom ach trouble, palna In the lolne and lower abdomen, gravel, difficulty whan urinating, rheumatlam, sciatica and lumbago all warn you of trou 1)1 with your kidneys. GOlA) MliD- At, TIaarlem Oil CXpmilca are the remedy you nerd. Take three or four tv fry day. The hrullng oil oak a Into the rella and lining of the kldneya and drivra out the polaona New life and health will surely fol low. When your normal vlKor haa been restored contluue treatment for a while lo keep youraelf In condition and prevent a return of the dtneune. Don't wait until you are Incapable of flrMlng. fltart faklnn ridlJ) MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capnulrn to, lay. Your drugglat will cherrfully refund your money If you are not aatlafled with reaulta Hut be sure to get the original Imported OOl.D M I5DAI. and aocept no aiibmitutea. In three Ilea. Healed packages. At all drug stores. l,n stopped ni ... ..If,., t "in". i ni i i -. M-Hterday mornliiK. The prmll.e or parlilriK rrn In front of flri luilriinti nlHn rniiat he stoppiil, Ih" ll,.. ,O.I,.f Mll.t Tim iihiiuI fill hnnfiri'n In th" ntr"Htn will h" prolilhnli'il hiTfnftiT mnl nil finler haK lii-en Honied In lhal ...i..., in., rii.. ..,ii.f hiil, In, ir that VII ..... ..u.,i ..r il,n r,r4 lo-ro hiivi- oih'l- niiteil from trash flrea which hiivi-hit-n li-rt to thitniii'lv". Mafkwell, ri-rciitly nppol'Hcil, w fife mar Ul I ", Nhal 1'riilt I'lla No Nmifcr Nk-iIciI. WAHIIINliTtW. Nov. HU -Having of fruit pile anil nuUhclls Ih no loiiKi-r neceHnry. Thn i hi-mh-el m-c-Hon of I he) t 'tilted Hlati-n itmy tmhiy Infornii'il the food mlmln. titration that the supply of fruit nit anil nutHhHIa now on li.iml la sufficient to ei-t the reiiulrt-inents for Kita niaeka. llitllnns to lie lli'turwd. ' TIKHNR, Nov. 20 ArranirenientH have hei-ii tninlii for the tranMportn tlon nf 1 U0.U00 Italian prlHorn-rii of war from Auatrln and flermany to Italy hy th way of Bwltaerlaml. Thn flret nf the rpeclnl trftlna. each car rying 800 men, pasxod on Suturdtiy. Don't wait until your cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. cascaraE? quinine Btoindarri rold remedy for 30 yfowt tn tabl foi-m teift, mxt, bo oiriatcw brrakt up cokl lo 34 hour relic vm grip In J daya. Moary bark 1 f it f aili. The gen ulna bni haa Red top wu.h Mr.HiU apictura. At Ail Drai Storaa. 21 Liberty Bonds or Baby Bonds Accepted in Payment for a Business Training If you have lnveated ynur aavlnRS In Liberty llonila or Ihihy Ilniide nnd flirured nn subacrlblnH your ahnre of fiitur" Imhih-. you may heeitatB to nsHUine the i-p-nne of a couree at this time In that rmw let ua aunK"Ht that you pay for your i-ourso outright with your bonda, or deliver them to ua an collateral security and we will hold tht-in until you can pay your tuition from your xal.iry. Tou will he keeping full faith with the (iovcrnment If you nae your Ttonda to pay for tha training that will greatly IncreiiM" your woiklnn and nioiii-y earnlna: ahlllty, hi-inue the Oovernment la conatuntly urglnK Ihe need for nioro trained men nnd women. It la only luxuries und non-eNavntlala that you arc naked to give up in order to buy lunula. Worth Face Value We will accept these Ponda of any Issue In rash payment for a course, nnd credit you with their faco value remirdlesa of their present market price. So If ynu want to pay for your courao with ltonils, figure your hoiul as If It wi-ro u national hank note for the amount of lta face value a (Ml l.lherty I'.mul Ih the same as a !i0 Mil. a $100 Liberty Uond the same as a 1 100 bill. Hu nure to Icavo uttarhad u'l interrst coupona not yet due. Call at our office anil nmko ynur arniiiiconu-iils tn btlii Monday In rltlier our dny or evening school. TULSA BUSINESS COLLEGE 109-111 E. Third Sh eet rri.LY Actiu:i)iTi-:n Tulsa, Okla. 1Z 11 mm g m ill in, ii. i,- fi ll and lone uiuli r Hie iiiflio-nii- of various fin tors Th"," nir:i,, i,i , m in. In. .- ri i 1 niuy Id" mill-l-ity i.iiii.iti.iii of the urruii s'liiul the of tlie. r-iiliinal'.ntt I'alnp.llK'ti hut Ih" iiiiiii. HMly i.f purpose alili-d l-y tin- illffiii-ni iiroups in the reuli ii. ii; ami tli" ' Hi - ii 1 1- loiiilitniM of th" i-oiiiilrv. Wo ri'in.n kulily ac uiat" was thn ll, f. Tin. Hum upon which the 'halt wax IiiihiiI that lloi 'iiioral" lni"" n in hi d Hi" a. to point betwurn Novi'IiiIkt 1 1) ami 1 I The churl Indlcttea clearly that practically every major op"ratiun of Hi" iliTiuan inn I it v forces wii a In IIiii Iii ", hy the state of putillc nil 11 '1 ' home. Thus, Maikcn Hi'n h iKin k lii the I', thn iIim -laiallon of unlimiU"! s.ihmarine wurf.ire, Ih" second Italian offenalw and the ailvinii e mi Ih" western front which wan mil ami Mopped hy American iniruo-i at I li.iu Ic.i u 'I'lilcrri, were all iiiaui;iirut"d when Hi" moral" llii" slum,. I ilaiiacrouN Hiuriia. In each case, Inlt'al suc cesses niiuid the hopes of the Her man people ai p..Tl.lV"il hy the hi ll" ilotteil hu", up toward normal. Additional evl,l"iice of the remark nhle extent to which allied Inleill-Ki'ii'-n'nn oht.ilneil and late.l inilii. uy Is shown hy a great war map In the. office of lieneral Van h. This map gives th" "iitlru wi stern fronl In gri'.it de tails, an. locates not inly every al lied null, hill those of the i nemy. OUR SOLDIERS RETURNING TO OLD TRAINING CAMPS fir Th AUKK-itted I'nu with tiii: am Kitn'AN runrK IN' KIIA.M'K. Tuesday. Nov. 19. While the third American army Is, making lis way toward the Herman , frontier other units are slowly no- ! In hack to their old training areas 1 A Krealcr portion of the troops still , Is In thn buttle areas, hut many 'l- ; tachmenta have reached the, camps iHlahllshed last year where there are ample cantonments and hos- 1 lala and where largo lupplira of fuel are available. Here the men will he made as conifortahle as posslhle In well heated huts. These en nips are lo cated alone lines of railway which simplifies the transport and supply problem. After their hardship in the Ara-nnne the troops wii be happy In their new aurrnundinaa and will have plenty Of food. 0 en mil Mn roll's annotincament renArd'.iiK the deniohilltatlon of some units and the return of con valescent sick Hnd wounded Is cans Ills' quiet speculation. It la thniiKht lirobable that men may be returned home who are now making arraime ments for Thanksgiving day and t'luwtmaa rolebrallona. JONES BETRAYS ROBBER WHEN QUARREL RESULTS KANSAS (TY. N'ov. !0 That tale Jones, tho Inst of the Iwls band to be either Imprisoned or killed, left In hiding between IL'.I.Oiin and $40, ("tn. Is the opinion of Hubert I'helan. chief of dectectives hero. Jones and his wife were shot and killed last night near Los Angeles, after a pistol fight with u klienff's posse. The police let It become known today that it wn Jones who tele phoned the in iihout two months ago giving- Information where Kansas rity "Ularkle" jinraster. another member of the band, could he found. In a gun fight which followed lain caster was killed. According to the police. Jones be trayed his confederate because l4in-casti-r Insisted on a division of the spoils of several robberies, Jones acted as secretary and treasurer of the band, and had procraat'naled in the matter of dividing the loot which resulted In a ipaarrel with Lancaster. ITALY MAKES BEGINNING ON RECONSTRUCTION PLAN To Auto Owners Cold weather is fast approaching don't take any chances on your car freezing. Fill your radiator with Anti-Frcezo so that you will be assured of having your car in the proper condition when the cold weather arrives. For your own comfort equip your car with a nice hood and Radiator Cover. FORSTER-DAVIS MOTOR CORPORATION Boulder at Second AMERICAN PRISONERS ARE BEING RELEASED BY HUNS ! Ilv The im-!i.,l Pr.wn ! A M lv 1 1 1 1 ' A II KAHQUAttTFKS IN I'KANi K, Nov. 2H. -American prisoners released by the Hermans an- making their way singly and In pairs across ilu line at various : points. The CJennan an! hurl' i's ap , parentis' are unable to carry out the ; withdrawal plans agreed upon ov : lug to the ilNturbe.l and dlsnrgan : ized conditions of transportation within that country. To meet th" emergency the American army has earaMlshoil sta tions at various points along the American sector of occupation where prisoners can he receivrd and cured for as they arrive. Kventuully they will lo ronrrntrated at f"ur main ltfvigny, (.'hel- Have you a Charge Account with us? If you have, you Jtnow its unusual advantages. If not, it will pay you to open one and see how we can best serve your interests here. Your name, once on our books, means that you can order any thing at any time and pay later on convenient terms. Thoughtful people can buy all their home furnishings here and feel tljat our ..charge account prices are as low, if not lower, than anybody's cash prices. Come in and we'll gladly explain our methods. These Four Pieces In a rich fumed oak, 51 in. Buffet, 48-in. Table, large China Cabinet and Serving Table $127.50 No more at such a price after our limited stock is exhausted. We would he justified ty present costs in asking you $160 for thin suite. HP CO ma This Large CHIFFOROBE Finished in rich mahogany, one full length mirror and one small mirror $42.50 This Beautiful 4 Poster Bed full size in genuine mahogany or Ameri can walnut $35.00 GENET FURNITURE -ne-iis COMPANY boston ALLIES ARE AGREED ON POLISH FREEDOM Sonnto Coiiimlttro Lay Aside Itrtwi liitlnn on Ilclnic Tulil of Knlrnlp Stand on ImlriM-nilrncr. Khali ho kept Informed of progress at the pence table and how the en nte'a views on the principles under diHruiwion shall he made clear. Senator l.O'U'e's resolution to en ilnrHe the president's principle for a free Polish state, was laid aside be entise, after ronsultatlon by Senator Hitrhcook with the state department It wan said that all of the allies are uKrecd ou the question of a free I'ol.llld. WASHINGTON', NocO The part tho senate may play In connection with the peace conference was dis cussed today hy the foreign relations committee. I in the quextlnn of connection of the ci'lmti' with pence negotiations, some meinlieri siiKKested that It mtirht he adKihle lor the senate to: l'e represented on the American dele. Kit Ion. iithers. however, believed Mich representation mlifht he em- I hnrias-slnir. The principal rotiKlderu- I lion, I'liiilrninn lilt' kem k said, was how the senate and tho committee FORMER KING OF SAXONY WILL RESIDE IN SILESIA ZPrtrCIT, Switzerland. Nov. 20 The former klnR of Saxony with his family has cone to reside In the Chateau Sybillenort, Silesia, undrr speclnl protection of Slleslan soldiers. Tho former German empress, In order to live more simply, has left the Totsdam palace and none to the villa of her son, Eltel Krledrlch. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Italy has embarked on a definite recon struction prnirram Hnd nearly three and u. half billion Urn has been ap propriated to enrry It out, said an official dispatch from Home today. Measures have been adopted to per mit all the war factories to resume peace production Immediately. 1 due billion elwht hundred million lire has been designated f"r rail way reconstruction; one million for public works and dralnnpe of hnr j iiors; five million for other works I rf public utilities and one hundred million to cope with the situation I created by the large number of un- employed. ' The dispatch alio quotes Fond 1 Oommlslsonrr I'rispl as sayinir that ! because of the addition of nearly ; &, 000, OilO people to Italy's popula tion, hy reason of the Austrian evac uation further restrictions on food rations will be necessary. : S I camps at i 'haudiM.ey, I lea and Sulix Lawson ODORLESS GAS HEATER NO other pas heater is like the LAWSON ODORLESS. It pives out more heat than ordinary pas .stoves of two or three times its size and price. Its heat is Radiant heat, like the sun's. Does not devitalize the air you breathe, does not rise to the ceiling;. No open flame! but a clowimr "h ear t." And the LAWSON is odorless abso lutely! Economical, too. high temperature has tion. chamber. IE. It consumes all the gas, at a glowing-hot inner combus- Four Sizes. For Rooms -Price Range o. 0 6x Sft. .Vo. 10 10x12 ft. An. 20 ltxlHft. So. HO lSx20ft. Nickel $J)0 $6JiO $10.50 $15.50 Black' $5.00 $5.50 $8J50 $12M SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT THIS STORE Just One Price One Just Price $20 $60 COMPARISON OF OUR PRICES OTHERS WILL REVEAL THEIR LOWNESS 110 S. MAIN. Your Thanksgiving Clothes This year Thanksgiving Day will be the most mo mentous in years with the celebration of the war's end you will want to be fittingly dressed and that means TAILORED CLOTHES Especially when it requires no more money outlay than you spend at any regular ready to made house. Suits Overcoats to A choice of the finest patterns in all wool fabrics. Place your order by Saturday of this week so as to insure the delivery of your Suit or Overcoat in time for Thanksgiving wear. WITH American Tailoring Company II. DARNELL, Prop. J i.euM v