Newspaper Page Text
i'!evl TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918 1 ,1 3 LI in eej tn U'l 1 a m ! 1: iV i8 -.Si J 7 'I ''.'In lb IN THE OIL FIELDS Office: 6241 W. H. OIX MABKET Kan. and Okla Ti 2 QUOTATIONS, i North Lima . . liealdton I 4S f orarlnrana (It). J 2' (orairsna (bai. ' ".0 Hertrs 2 2S llenryetU .... 22 (8;-.drl .. 8 21 "III (3ii . . 2 2S South l.lina .. Vnu,ter lndana W.nreton .... 1 l 2 n I 2 to , 2 41 I ( 6ii I I .fcmiieret . . Kitifiimt llllnoia t anaila . Kill HaainfWy) liraaa . 2 t 42 2 M I M I SS 1.60 rt'iiio i2ii) Canada Pann Ccrainf .... Cabell 2 2S 2 23 4 00 2 8S I 7 I III Mmld. .. t Hall Crank .. Refinery at Fort Worth. The, refinery being built ul Fort Worth ly AiKlcrsnn A ilUMiiifwin, In partnership with lli Inl:iml Refin ing company, of which i'. M. Aiken i (he head, will hi1 unei of the largest nnil lii'Ht (ul"'l f tin- rim n v in dependent rcf liicrlcs In tho inlil cmi tlnent field. It will not b nn nr(lln;irv skim ming plant liiit will work tin- ni'l oil down to tin I"1 iiml iiiiitnifin lure (verything IIihi th- rich oil pro duced In north Texas Iiiih In It. It will Install ii mi piii nt .it tho Hlart. which Ih Ntunetlilng ru'tr ua rf luetics are hnllt nowadays. ' The nt' plant will hnvn rniiultv nf B.ont) bniri'lH whlrh, In Itwlf, l COAL MultoMo for your homn will bo wiin-o. Wp vnn mnko do llvcrlm nt mice If You Order Now ti'I-ka itrr.Mii roAi, ro. 300 N. HoulrtVr. 1'hono SIM. OCEANS of STORAGE ROOM at NICHOLS New RKINForiOKD CONCIIKTK FIUEI'IIOOK HTOKAUK JtHT COMW.BTKIJ Private lockem for houufhnM pcooda. Lartfrnt pnddrd Auto Vn for moving In city and coun try town, rrufvaaloiiul puokora and crater". NICHOLS TRANSFER AND S T 0 R A G E CO. Plinni-a Omik 1 17.1 IH-87S ULSA ( Machine k Tool Co. Oeneral Contract Ma chine Work. (la, Oaaollna and Strain Engine Overhoullnn We have rotnpetjnt mrchanlca for field Iff work. alS-417 K. lat. rhnnr 70H.jj6 'MONEY TO LOAN Have eome private fundi of cllenta to lend on good aecurlty, ahort term preferred SAM'L A. BOORSTIN IIS Wright Bldg HOPE ENG1MEKIUNG & SUPPLY CO. Report on Gaaollne Dante Oaa rroperiiM rhyalral Tfnta Made Conaiructlnn and Designing Rnglneera i Phone 7240 HOUSTON, FIBLE AND COMPANY ef Kantaa Oily. Me. MBMBBBS IflW TOBX BTOCK BX CBUUIOB AND CH1CA00 BO ABO Or TBADI. (teeka. grata aaa ealtaa Btaadar4 oil and aubtidiary atMka Nw Vera and Bsaten curk Ubari, Baadi beog kl aad told Prima wirat OBAS. O. CBOTOHETT. alanagat. Taltpkooa Oaaga 1401 0a B. Beatea. Tulaa. Okla. DR. BTOTT8 TREATS BLOOD aad kin Dtieaaai. Otoitructiona Proatatlo Troublaa, Fllti and rtatnla. KJdnaj, Blad dar and Urin ary Dliaaiai. Rliaumat tarn. Itouiack and LlTtr Dll tara. farm ally Fractltlni Pbyaiclaa ef Hoi Bprlaga, art, Oonigltatlon and tdTtee FREE CflAROES LOW MRDICINK? PUB N1SHKD. RKRUM8 AND VAO C1NEP AUMINIffTERKD. (Amarloan SaJxarian) "0.' ArM'iiolM'nml ami Dluraenol For Blood Poion Hoara: 9 a. m. te tilo p. m.i Ban daya: 12; Tutidaj ana ttatarday axanlnga. T te I p. av DR. STOTTS Specialist i' 110 Rtrhard Hldg.. Third fftraat aaJ Bolton Axa. Tulia. Okla The National DEPENDABLE Oil Well Supplies Service satisfactory to tne customer is the first principle of our business. Branches located in all principal points in the Mid-Continent oil fields. PECK Reidence: 2442 an Innovation an moMt pliinin t"h"'. Willi only unp or two lui 1 1 r ! m if "UIIm iiml iiitii'h h 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 r i . t j i - ) I v than thin nrn II will In- lm.k..l up hy limpln capital, ninl l.y Hi" "it liMI.Flhlu mill l.i IIIIK I. li llitlcK ill. Ill- all. I'or InHtnncr, Ao'l'THon A f!iitaf Hon urn iitnonir tin- u-k hnKiKt hil-pi-ra of iffim .l tn m I ii t h hi the i nun try nrul If iln-v ii-i liP to i vi.'ii.l 'l ir Oliorilt Inn i In fnlilHII fl"il will allnriHl In :i i I.oh i Iiv I Iii-iii-"-! thoroughly do I tn-v cm'i-r Ih" I nit". I Hlai. Th"v luivti I. mil up IIim hllHllllW In KlVllI" expert KiTUrr lin. thin It rmiliiH In Hie I'.i.r run Th" I il.iiiil Iti flnltiK i nfi liin , l i nlll. of th" TIlOHt CnriHerVMllve i.f the fliiifly ilnlitir InifilFii y Itel" it tnl In -MWleH th" plant UK Ill I hv thrill lit 1'iiihiiiK nn' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 f ' t-r i.ue ill liiiiinnn, Teum Thcv kim Ih" c mi" uti'l ex in tlv hnw in hIihU' profit In every ilnv'M tiaiiH'irtliiiiii Wild the eiiiiipleilim nfahl-i plnnt llin two ( milium 'I ill npi'iiiii. a toliil nf fV" lefllielleH In illtiK llu ill 11 H vtrmii; nn iiiiihI nf them In the re flnliiK hiiilmsH nlnrie, ami r" llketv to Mpn-iiil out III Hie future ilh thi-y hllVo lieen llnllli; III the hint three yenrH 'rhee planln ir' n InoK wim In maltil.ilnlnir a rn"d mnrket for rinli', iiml help off'Mt the ilitiifur from over piii'liP llu'i " fiolliliil? elue can. OIL AND GAS Utaa. Iippllaa rrotoctlaa. I '11 It HAl.H)- una wood rlk'i 1.400 font of 6 6-K-liicli 17-pound nrw oaalnic, 40l feel of 6 6-1-lnc'h 20 puund new c&aiuK. run mire und In hole but f va daya.; fi.t.00 fet-t nf nw Mnrh l.KOO-pound .teat line pip", all In northrimt ipinrter 18 iiU-lii, iihjik" lot 1U!. Tho Akin 111 Co. I'lioiis 1779. Will titiy amall rimlnithend rimn II ne plmita In bo-mlln nidluM nf Till -ail. Muat he pr ceil rlnht; or would ha Intcn-Ble.l In hulldliiK plant If vnu have the K'i- Addrraa 1. t. UK .Hill TiiImii. Will buy anmll rnalnchond g.iao llna tunka In 60-milo rudlua of Tulaa. Muat lin prlrnd rlirht or would bfl Intarratad In liillldlng plant. If you have the gua. Addrraa 1, O. Jlox 309, Tulna. We are In the mnrknt for proven si" and production. Hubuilt pro i nxii la with full pnrtlculura of In- atlon. rnndltlon, prlca and terttia ! inlro till ( iinianv of Kanaaa. 3J6 Iowa liillldlng. Tulca. Adv. Wanted I'rnvrn nfet arreaire Will buy a drill for Intercat. I'. f. bo 1711. Tulsa Adv. WantiNl to buy production up to 150 barrela or will dl-velop for Inter eat. V. C box 1711. Tulaa Adv. Mr.Motorist Buy a Scientific Safety Garage Heater One night in a cold garage may cost you more in re pair bills on your car than owning a Heater and op erating it all winter, to say nothing of its convenience and saving of time and your sweet disposition. F. A. LITTLE AGENT 219 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones 5088-7853 STRANDBERG McGREEVY& Co. MKMHKIIS: New Orleans Cotton l'xih.tnge. Chlcapi Hoard of Trade. New York Stock Kx change. PKIVATE W1UKH Stocks-Grain-Cotton Libert vy Honda Itouglit ami Sold UKiVltliK L. KYMKK, .Miin.iger. Phone 7200 lit East Third S reet (Hotel Tulsa) Supply Co. V. It. KU'Wiirt Here. W . II. Slewan of Mum I", Inil., Ih In Mi" lin. i lly ini'1 l. ui JUHt re I n m il fii in I'ri'ii' h I. I' k .'tint Ka In- w.ih theie when tin: flint ( mil liiieii i i.f wnuii'liil Holiliera ar rivvi) at SVi ,.t It.nleii, which In it in II ami a half frnm l-'i -r..i lick. I Ik hum llnu Ih.. Kuvi-ititnent hull tiiken over lnt lintel .It West IllUlcn, llflt! llf the i.iiKi-nt iii the wMlil arid will tine it fur i nn v i ieHcent MolilWra. The l l i'.il ilium' nf I lie hotel, oil" of the I.UKiit ifl eMJ-lenee, hhellera HtiOUt .'.ii nf tiien, .mil mori urn coihihk ui'i , l is 'I lie cuvet iinient han In rt.iMiil picluren which can I II seen f f 1 1 1 1 (lien- colM. ' i fin i.f i in- iimHt Intcren' lti( pu tiiiii.i la a v iiiiiii lleut.iianl wlnme 'fne l fill of ililelllKeliee, put Willi i i eneiii ,.- when he wiih ahot, I in win li lie enimleil, hut who lit 1 ' i ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .lay ami nU'lit hy a man di i iied ill white which Hhowa the j i i.m miiih nl Is lakiliK every piavslhle J'iiie nt the Iiiivh There waa uri I other I ' i' ii 1 1 nn li t whnHii home la In t. IioiiIn, one of alx left of hla ram paiiv who him riot (teen hla wife or kldilli fur threit jciih, and who wan nmli ciileil iiH to w hether or not h" f.honi. make a vIkiI to tlintn or have i hi-in come in him. "All the Kuinta at thi hotel al I'leinh ,ick," nn ir Mr., ; wi ie ilmiiK everything In their pow i i lor Hie Imivh over ul Weal llailen. and I look them over lll'iUKh ct viirela In l,i them for a al !".lHt." A Sad 'lliillikNtclvliiK. niuxl have heen a m.i.I Thirika- It trlvlnx for the head of the Tide Water 'Ml company, It. I lcimou, na he had JiihI received word that hla ami. I:. 'iiaiiKfr lleimon, had lain klllml III 1'iance Thia Ih certalnlv cominK pretty clone in home fur the nrne of oil men who have anna tn France, unit Mr. lleliHon w ll receive tha hwirtfelt aynip.ithy of n wldi clrcln of frlcnda. filadva IWdln )l rnmpatif Acllvc. The Tindya Mella till company la an active theaa d iyn f hlKh prlreil ma terial nn to allow u patriotic aplrit thnt la moat commendable. A few of Ita drlllliiic wee la am given. At Tiinkiivwi The So. I I -on la A. Townaend farm In thf northeaat corner of 28-:-2w la drilling at 100 foot. The anma company No. 1 Lillian TJpHconit) In the northeaat corner of the Hoiitheiial of the anuthweat of 25-16-lt eaat of lltakel) la drllllim at 1 .710 feet The aamn firm No. 1 P Hlnmehn In the iiorlhiuiHt corner of tlin anuth wiat of 2-1310 la a rl. The (lladVH lle till companv la drlllliiK at HO" feet In No. .T Walker farm In the muthweMl corner of the anuthweat of 1-13 II and oURht to k'et a hlif producer aa It la'the heart nf the pool weal of i ik niulKcn that haa not yet received a mime but la probably an eximlon of the Vouniritown pool. The an rue company haa n 30-borrel well No. 2 .Met iilbiay farm In the KOiilheaat corner of the northeast of 24-13-13 The top of the Hand wiia fniiinl at 1.7tl feet and there were 20 feet of aand which waa shut with 40 iiuarta. Tho anma rompiiny la Uhlng for LEGAL RCHOLUTIOM. On thla llir l"th day nf Nnomh'r I01H It appmnnr that thrre haa keen ciiitirali'il tn thi St.ile of uklahutna, in prnrrrilinra iipnilitig in Ihe f'onnly Court nf '1'iiNa I Ikuhnina. whrrein one 2n faaca pnmn fthntruii. ona Snrmcfield army rifla one pimio fKinr makel. am irrhox. 0 raii-a ot nop flu. rhair two ipailfa. one ii-nhox, one drr-mir out tahle. one bed, 10 one railon hot water buiilpa. and two trunkR One Hnirk rnailHter, mntor No 4 1 3i nil; ona Knril rnaliier, enirine No 2''2'77i. one lluilaon 'uheraia. Mntor No 27H.V nna I'ailillae roaoiter. mnlnr No. & 7 t i i :t ; two renter tahlea elaht rhatra, ona rlertrir fan. one blankrl, two Winotiea trr 12 gaitf ahnlanna, one vorrel borae and .lnfl bneiT ' ennfiaraied lo Tulia Connty He It ttn-refori. reaolxed that lha I'oiintr Clrrb of Tulaa County, Ok ahorna. live iltif and Iraal notira to Rail aaid auto mnhilra ami othpr oon fiarati-d ro't to the hirhi-M biilder on Iiernnhrr 2 till,' at 2 I o'rlnrli ii m.. al the w door of th f ntm I ronrihomi" and maka hia reuort to IIim holoralila tiodv anowina; what iliaoai linn ha haa maila ef tald antomubilaa and ollirr rnnila. It la horehy ordered, ennaldered and ad JinUfil that tha IViunty t'lrrk alao ailxertiaa and aell aironllna lo law any other prop erly whlrh haa baen libeled and ronfia rated and turned over to thla board by order of the County Jmlf, and make due return thereof, ahowinr what ha baa dona In the premltira arenrdina. to law HOARD OF t'Ot'N'TY COM M ISSIONKRS Ity V Ii. North, Chairman Alteat: la-wla Cllna. County Clark and Clerk Coramifilonera Court NOTICE Or SAt.II or personal" PUOrERTY. Notira la hereby riven thai In piirenanra nf an ordi-r of lha t'uunty Court of Tulaa County. Oklahoma, made on the 2rth day nf November. I'M. In the matter uf the ra tal of Albert K Mi'Whnrtrr. deeeaaed. the undernKn,! ailniimatralur of aald ealale, will iill at public aii'-linn to ttie hia-heat bidder fur fa.h, allbjert In eon f i rinat ion by aaul County Court on Kriday. the 'Jfttb day nf Nnvember. 1 1 I a . at ? o i-lo.'k p m. in the lobby of the K '1'. Iianirl tmrdma. on Kaat Third atreel. In the City of Tulaa, Oklahoma all Ihn right title end inter. t of the aaul Albert K MrWhnrter. deeenaed, nt the time nf hn death, and all the nrni. title and ititerent that aaid eetate now haa therein hv operalinn of law or otherwiae, in and to tho following described property. 10 wit : One Uvk if merrhandiae and flxturea lo. i-atrd in Oi- lobby of the It. T Panli'l huild- 11 g. mnniating of fiirars. Inhaivn. pipea, iinari'lea and ainokera' aundriea. randiea rh.wing gum and the fixturea belonging to Mill hiiMttef. Mida iiihv be made orally, and all aalei hall he fur rah Paled thla lii'lh day ot NoTPinbrr llHf KXOIIAMIK TRI'ST COMPANV. Itv II I.. Slundeven, ioe- 1're.nlcnt, Ad ininiatratiT. Ph.nini 7-7:t. Addreaa: 14 F.aat Third atreel, Tulia. Okia. WE SPECIALIZE IN COSDEN AND COMPANY COSDEN OIL AND GAS COMPANY STOCKS AND BONO CELESTINE OIL STOCKS BOUGHT SOLD, QUOTED POE AND DA VIES BANKERS AND BROKERS Mombera Naw York Stuck Tiiiiange Baitlinorn St ick Eithatige Chicago Bnaut of Tr.vta American Hankera Aasoclation Maryland Bund Men a Asaoclatlon toola at 1.H70 feet In the No. 1 Ilarjo in tho not thweat corner of the aouth eaat of 22-14-10. The (Jliidya-Helle la alao drilling at 2,130 feet In the No. 2 Jhm farm in the amithottat corner of the norihwewt. of the northeuHt of 11-1S-10. The I iliKlya-Helle Oil company la alao operating In Texaa and la drill ing at 4 SO feet In the No. 1 K.ldaon In Hamilton enmity and hua a rig up for u. .Nn. 1 .Hhlve farm. Here for Triankmrlvlng. Lieut J I'.. Mlottii, who wua former ly connected with the Illack Stee,! and Wire, cmripuny, und la ntlll large ly Interested with that popular con cern, accompanied by J. W. Htlnaon. nlan u. lieutenant n the artillery, waa in TuiHii for ThuiikMKlvliig holiday, and loo a a aa though the army life hud ttreiitiy agreed with him. Lieutenant Thornpaon, who before eiitering the aervlce, wuil a lawyer In Waahlnglon, 1 1. (!., rume over from I' m I Hill whore hn In attending the Hchool of fire and put In the day looking over the city. l.liuil W .1 McMiifrni' tit the nvlil. tlon happened to he In Tulaa vi-ter- day, althouKh hla headipiartera are hi Wiiahlngton, I. (' The lieutenant. who la famlllnr with the oil icninn. having heen located lit Wlc.hlU. haa i i ...II t I nu ill I ei i-ni I II K nim, in ivu i. win work luting dona hy tho nlr aervlce. II" aiiya thai aerial mup will be made of the roiitea between the var loua flying achnola and between the hig cltlea fm- the iiho of the aerial mall aervn e. I.leui i:. K. Mclianlela. formerly with the i ik In linrnii I'roducing Al He fining i'o, who la now an officer In the nitlilery und atutloned at the Kurt Sill hi hnol of fin', vialted frlenda in Tn I.-..I ealcrilny. Ho auya that aliue ,ili iipporliinity fur actual fight. Ing now Maeina (u be gone, ha la look ing furwiird to an early return to Tulaa and the oil bualnea. I. lent, fieorge A. Hagen. Lieut II. Walker and Lieut. J. W. McNutt, all of the achnol of fire at Fort Bill, were In Tulaa yesterday, looking over the town and Hpendlng a ahort Thanka ttivlng holiday. TTiey were enter .amed at the i'etroloum club. III'TI.KH fOlNTY, KAN8A8 Ten new rlga up are reported In llutler county, cine 60-barrel well and four failures are the only com pletliuia. denpite much drilling. JUmaey and othura brought In the No. l Ilinz In the northeaat of the northweat of the aouthweat of ls 2 3-4. ii r.O-barrcl well, at 2,4 40 feet. The fol. owing wella are fallurea: I lie iljpey .iio, l nuiiinii .11 kii i aniiihiaieMt nf the northweat of 4-24-5.' 2.NU0 fc, Sinclair and Markham 1 No. 1' lla.iiMfy In thn northweat of; the aoiitheiiHt of 29-24-n, 2.963 feel; the tlypay No. 1 Hazlett in the eoulh. : weal of the aouthweat of 1-25-5,' :i,uo5 feet, and the Auguatu.Towan-'. la till Co. No. 1 O'Donnell In tho northweat of the northeaat of 32-1 27-5. 2.:t5 feet. I A numher of wella are nenrlng the' aand depth. Tidal No. 1 Moaalander in the aoutheaai of the northeaat nf j U-i3-3 ih drilling nt 2,200 fuel, fat-, tor No. 1 Moaalander in the north-j f.ia; of the northeaat of the buhic. aci-tlon la down 1.92J feet, liie RUdng t'll & Uui Co. No. 3 Iydig In the eouthweat of the norlhweai of 1S-, 23-4 la down 2.150 feet and the No. i 4 haa tho top of thn aand at 2.4 as i feet und la ready to drill In. 4 The Texaa I'o. No. 1 I'arla In thei northweat of the northeast of l'J-'23-4 la drilling ut 2,450 feet and IS feet In a lime. Deerlng Marahall No. 1 King n the northweat 0f the northweat of 8-2 4-4 hua the aand from 2,530 to 2.665 feet with no allowing of oil. The well la undcrreaiuing to 2.390 feet. The Carter OH Co. la fighting a cave nt 2.tlia feet In the No. 1 Hunt ey In the northweat of the northeuat nf 23-24-8. The i'hoenlx (ill company Is drill ing nt 2.H50 feet In the No. 1 iJampe in the aouthweat of the southeast, of 33-24-S. The Kmplre Oaa & Fuel Co. !a fih. Ing in the No. 6 Kinney in th8 north, weat of tho northeaat of 9-2i-5. The well la In the aand from 2,525-50 feet but doea not report any ahow of oil. I Abbott nnd othera are drilling ut 1.825 feet In the No. 2 Hlankenahip In the center ef tho north line of the south half of the northeaat of 9-26-8. Personals K. K. A nil iew a haa heiird from hla two anna in b'rance. itoth young men have been In the all-American Irive and It la u great relief to their father to get newa of their mifety up to October 2. I N. f'ppenhellmer, anleemannger of the Supulpa Refining company, ate turkey with hla folka In Supulpa yeaterday. Fl. A. Mnckle and hla aon Donald. reprcHentlng tho llradford Supply company of llradford. J'a., are In the city on bualncaa. ITnmer P. Ie of Denver. Colo., Is vialllng here for Thankaglvlng. 11. 10. Avery, preaident of the In dian Chief oil & Uua Co., and Mra. Avery la spending Thanaglvlng nnd the week-end with ltobert Koao of the Hlery Oil company. T. Carlnnd Tlnaley of Haltlmnre, la here. A. Kdmond Hobltullle, geologist, who haa hie offices at D.tilaa. Texas, : BALTIMORE, MARYLAND J Ma life', tsr4ntnaxtlkbwaUnf Hart Sthaffner & Marx Clothes y are known for quality. Your advantage as a clothes buyer is in what you get; and when you get these there's no greater advantage. If you need clothes this winter we're ready to help you do some saving. i Wright Clothing Co. a here for Thankaglvlng and a busi ness trip. Mr. JlobltBille waa for- Consumers Refining Qompany REFINERIES AT CUSHINq Sales Office. 76 West Monroe StreetA Chicago EMPIRE REFINERIES. INC. Rule Office I'hiiiu ;uoe. THE ALLIED REFINING Refinery at Okmulgee, Okla. Of Hce 408-409 Kennedy Hldg., Tulaa, Okla. The Kansas City Refining Combany KANSAS CITY, KANSAS T In the Market for High-Grade Crude at All TiWs Harry W. Jonea, Prea. Albert R. Jonea. Wloe-Prea MIDLAND REFINING COMPANY Eldorado, Kansas PRODUCERS AND REFINER, Oklahoma Petroleum & Gasoline Col Manufacturers of caalnghead, straight run and blended gasoline, napthaa and fuel oil. Alwaya Id the market for blending materaT,i Kennedy Bldg. Commerce Petroleum Co. Chicago Tulaa, Si. Lcmlrn kLarkctcra of Petroleum Products, Operating Oar Owb Cmt. lOOS-Ot Unnlrl Bldg. Tula, Okla. IMPERIAL REFINING CO. Located at Ardniora I'rodnccrs and Ilcflncrs of HcnldKin Crude, Illgh-Urado GaaoUnee, Naphthas, Kerosene, Dtatlllatea, Ocncrul Offlifa and Salt Office m 6IMPKO.N UClLlI.NU-r-AltMMOHK. OKLAHOMA ANDERSON & GUSTAFSO CHICAGO, ILL. Petroleum Products San Francisco, CaL NEW YORK, N. Y. ST. 1X11 IS. MO. PHONE 74SO TULSA. OKLA. PITTSHCHGII. PA. merly chief Leologlat of the Carter till company. Itt-rtiK-nMrn LtK-nted at OkmulitW Okla. Oklahonna t ny, okU. CuahlngV Okla. roivca tilt., Okla. CalncsvlUc. Texaa. ' 32.1 frilly nidg Phone TOim tias OU, Fuel Oil aod Roaad OU 1 1 ... .-J "trr. mo f 514- KENNEDY BLDG.- PHONE 5673 H petrol e u, m. Company )) Tulsak CHICAGO KarvsakSCity Get Them REFINISHED Like New Brass Beds, Chandeliers, Auto 1'iruiui iiiHiruinenis. Plating, Polishing and Lacquering , su wear tmx htrctt WK MA11KLT EVERY PETROLEUM D till V ATI VE PHONE 4522 WESTERN PETROLEUM COMPANY 0. 8. A. Geo. C Acker. Resident Manager. MIDCO OIL MIUco OH Bldg.. Tnlan. Conway Hldg., Clilcan PRODUCERS. REFINERS, MARKETERS THE AKIN GASOLINE COMPANY Manufacturers and Marketers of High Gravity Casing, herd Gasoline Exchange National Bank Bldg. Tulsa, Okla. Roxana Petroleum Co. PRODUCERS AND REFINERS TULSA "T.OP-NOTCH" OILS PHOENIX REFINING COMPANY TULSA, OKLA. Producers & Refiners' Corporation Successors to Economy Oil and Refining Company ' J. F. CAMPION OILS 1'UOMIT 807-08-8flll COSDEN HLDG. American Oil & FUEL Raflneriea si Plitrlbutina rtattaaa . . Tslas Offlee 17 ell Mais It Psal 0 Vaad.lla Bldg SINCLAIR REFINING CO. PETROLEUM 1TTSA. OKIA NEW YORK f 15 Mnclutr Hldg. uu Broadway BRADFORD RIG & REEL COMPANY a08 Coadcti Hldg Phones Offlco 6718; Shun ItOHO RIO IKONS. SAND REELS. CALK-WHBEL. OUTFITS AND WOOOWORK , KOLI TURPI (.11 Kl PPLY STORES COSDON & COMPANY HIGH-GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Tulsa, SOlTHhKN OIL Petroleum Products REFINERY YALE, OKLA. HARRY nELL j. n. nYAJf fajrw? Kanaaa City INDIAHOMA REFINING CO. Refineries at Okmulgee, Okla.; East St. Louis, III Tt'LSA OFFICE 803-S04 GALLAIS BUILDING ST. LOUS OFFICE. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK BLDG. Lake Park Refining Company General Sales Office, Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri Refineries at Okmulgee, Ponca City, Cushing and Jennings, Oklahoma Union Petroleum Company Refiners, Exporters and Marketers Tulsa office: Coatlcn Bldg. Continental Refining Co. Producers and Ref iners of Petroleum Products Bristow, Okla. A. A. rtolleatonc, Prca. U'on TlieTcnln. Vlpo-Proa. and Cm. Mgr. IK , BARBER AGENCY CO. We arc always In the market lor petroleum products In our ow or seller's tank cam. Quotations solicited on high gravity, cualughcad and blended guaollne In onr own thermos ram MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Riverside Western Oil Company MARATHON GASOLINE PHONE Great American Refining Co. Petroleum Products Refinery, Jennings, Okla. Phone 8360 MUSKOGEE REFINING COMPANY Muskogee, Oklahoma Tret-o-Lite Saves Waste Oil 510 Mayo Bldg. Phone 5624 Trimmings, Silverware, Surgical and All Metula Phone Slio SALES CO. I'uoplra Ranking Trim nldt Marietta, Ohio. OKLA. bfcRVICK PHONE MIS Tank Line Co. OIL tlereland In lh Northwest Building Phona glt St. Loots. Tklrd Nafl Dank Bt PRODUCTS CHICAGO Conway Hldg Oklahoma CORPORATION 1005 Gallais 6M. Phone 1940 at. V. IULEY Phono SS20 Talaa A. B. CORCOR-AN Phono 4400 Phone Osage 2023 Sunland Oil Company PETROLEIM PRODI CTS Rooms .1111-302-303 World Bldg. 315 South Boulder St. Tnlan. Okla R010 419-14 New Wright Bldg. .PIiTIIA KEROSENE GAS OIL EC EL OIL U BRICATINO OH PARAFK1NE WAS GASOLINE 4. i -JL