Newspaper Page Text
SOONERS WIN EASILY FROM A. & M. TEAM Hnnl Count in Ilattlg nt Oklahoma ( It I 27 to 0 Akk'ch An- t'oni- picn-iy END RUNS FEATURE GAME HusUrll nnd Sunlok Muko Touch downs In First Quarter forward I'nsurt I'hcU Kffc-ttlvely. OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 28 Worki'K forward pannes for two ji-oriti and two perfect end runn for no incru. the lnsvemty of Okla homa defeated the Oklahoma A. & X (u'.'H'e 117 to 0 here this after n,,on, en a fairly fast field. A 35 vard' !. Hardy to Haskell, after the seven minutes of play, jived ihp way for Haskell's short aod run for the first touchdown of the a 'in if. Stv'atck's 45-yard run on a recovered hick netted the Sooners another score In the same period. Scori.H In the second and fourth pernios followed on line plays and end rjim. The Sooner fallad to kick t,"al I" tn second period. The line'i; OKLAHOMA A. & M. I i aM k i i '.Ij-K Harrett Smoot 'T , Hthertdge Mart n L-1 I.lebhurt I tin ft i . t s C Chambers twin HM... Htafford Helch.r K.T Kolk M.iri-li ILK.... StuhhlefliJld Q H liattler IMM I..H.H Keen While It.H.B Hay Smit.-k Locke Si. re liy periods: Oklahoma 7 13 0 737 A. A M 0 0 0 0 0 .-'un.mary; Touchdowns Hnsell, Marlt I -I. Martin. Coals .from lout !i.omteWhJte (2), Hill. t scorer Cochran. Kansas City. Ilrferec I'tay. Texas A. & M. t rnpiru- italcllffe, Oklahoma uni versity, head linesman. Time of periods, 15 minutes. Dry Amendment Ratified by Florida Legislature . TALI.AHASSKK, Ma.. Nov. 28. The federal amendment for nation wide prohibition was ratified by both house of the Florida legislature to d.iv, the senate 25 to 2, and the house 61 to 1. , Football Results 19; 13: 28; Arkansas, 23; Kendall. . Tulsa hlKh, 13; Muskogee S. Oklahoma. 27; A Ai M., 0. Madison, Wis., ( final) Wisconsin 7; Michigan Ankles, ti. Hethlehem, J'u. Camp Crane. 12; Lehigh. 1 0. fcaKtnn, Pa. Garden City Aviators 21; Lafayette. 0. rthestor, I'a. Swarthmnre, 7; Pennsylvania Military Academy, 0. Allrntown, I'a. Muhlojiburt;. IS; I'rslmiH. 0. Villa Nova. Ta. Villa Nova. 33 Drexel Institute, 0. i hidago Naval reserves. Camp (irant. 0. Mem phis. Camp Shelby, Park Field, 0. At Lincoln Notre Dame, 0 brusk.i, o. At New York Fordham, Georgetown, 0. At l'lltsburKh Ilttsburgh, i ennsyivania Slate, 6. At I,ouisvllle ramp Zachary Tay lor, 4'J; Camp Sherman, 0. At Waco Camp McArthur, 6; Camp Pike, 3. -At Oallas Iive Held. 18; Texas n. v ai. iniantry. o. At Houlder. Colo. University of Colorado, 16; Colorado Aggie, 13. 'At llerkeley, Cal Stanford Fnl vernity, 0; I'nlveralty of California, 6 7. , At Ran Antonio Kelly Meld, 20; Camp Travis, 3. At Knoxvllle, Tenn. I'nlverslty of Tennessee 43, Tennessee Military In stitute 0. At New Orleans Tulane University 74, Southwestern Industrial Institute At Lawrence, Kan University of Kansas, 13; Kansas Agricultural College. 7. At Kansas City Camp Dodge, 7; Camp Funston. o. At St. Ixiuis Washington Uni versity, 19; .St. Louis, 0. At Atlanta Georgia Tech, 41; Alabama Polytechnic, 0. At Houston Camp Logan, 0; El lington field aviators, 3. At Hot Springs Army and Navy, 14; Little Kock College. 0. Sixty Yanks in Lafayette Air Squadron Are Killei PARIS, Nov. 28. (Ha van) At a dinner given last night by American aviators In honor of their Frneh comrades in the air service it was announced by the under secretary of aviation that of 240 American pilots in the I-afayette squadron, 60 lost their lives. KENDALL IS BEATEN BY FULLBRIGHT & CO. Arknnsas Has Mule Trouble In Win nliuc 0rr l4H-al tollcglnn In Jlattlo Mm- Yesterday. FINAL COUNT IS 23 TO 6 - Hopping Makes 3.-Yuri! Hun Vis ittng Quarter I Outstanding Star III OlK'-MllllI i.UUM'. . In tho Arkansas-Kendall game yesterday tin- "ridge-runners" to taled a score of 2'. against the Ken dallltes' fi, nui.-h to the disappoint ment of the many enthusiastic by standers. While Kendall outweighed the vis' itors they wi re outclassed in train ing and speed. Hoth teams were sluggish at times and few spectacu lar plays were made by either side. Forward p.isyns were unlucky throughout the game, being lllfated on most every try. No man mi th Kendulltenm qualified ahead of his colleagues, but the balance of the action nnd readiest come-lmik was represented In League, Hilford nnd Hopping, the last named getting by with a 35 yard run. The advance iHnVed him within two yards of the goal line. list n the whistle blew for the end ing of the last quarter. Arkansas had a one-man team in Fullbright working at quarter. While the balance of tile team seemed to get by. there was nothing outstand ing In the work they did. The fact that they had the good luck to score a touchdown In the first two minutes of the game figured in holding the morale up to par. The features of the game were the two dashes made by Fullbright and Ilenson, fiO nnd DO yards respect ively. The hlg quarter scored a touchdown for his team on his. spec taculnr run. John M. Hall, Ohio State. 1919. umpired thi game and both sides fared well In the decisions. Travis Golay refereed. TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918, TULSA HIGH "CINCHES Cjr HONORS IN FOOTBALL'S & W riAi J aV " 5 DEMPSEY WINS POPULAR DECISION FROM MISKE PHILAIF,LPHIA. Nov. "8. Jack Oempsey won tho popular decision Hilly Miske of st. Paul In a s ow six room! bout at a Thanksgiv ing day rnuiinee. only half a dox'n hard blows were lauded during the num. j nere was scarcely any action in the first two rounds, but In the ihird, Miske ).!i,.,i i-mpty with an upperctit Id the jaw winch gave him the advanfj;.' m this round. After this the bout was all In Ienipsey s ravor, the St. 'aul man frequently resorting to holding In order to sae himself from punishment. NOTRE DAME-NEBRASKA BATTLE SCORELESS TIE LIWOl.V Neb, Nov. 28 Notre Pn me nnd Nebraska university foot bail teams played a scoreless tie here today. The field was covered with mud amf sjush following a heavy fall of snow, making It difficult for both teams to play their bewr. lloth teams punted repeated V- In sci inimages In t ke initial quar ter. Patia, Nebraska's rlghi guard, suffered a fractured wrist and Cup tain llahan of Notre Dmt received an injury to his knee, making It nec ivssai y for both players to retire from the game. VANDERBILT EASY VJCT0R IN BATTLE AT NASHVILLE NASHVII.LK, Nov. 28. The an nu.'l f.tnttinll iinlMMt lintwuMM Vun derbdt university and (he University of thn South played here thui after noon was a 4u to 0 rout In favor of the Vanderbilt eleven. The fiewanen boys were completely outclassed al though the team wan reputed by Its supporters' to he the best sinew 1D0I. Unison in team work with a batter ing attack Interspersed with forward passes were the factors that carried the day for Vanderbilt. Fasten! Cbsplmislilp Made phs-hivi H.V Defeat of Mu.skogcv ill TlianksglOng Day Ilattli. FINAL COUNT IS 13 TO 3; Columbia Is Beaten by Syracuse, 20 to 0 rfYItACT'RK. N. Y...Nijv. 28. Syra cuse defeated Columbia here this af ternoon. 20 to 0, in the first football context between the two college in 15 years. The battle was staged on a field an inch deep In mud. Um-aI Hoys OiiIcIiism Ithiils In All ll'artni'iis of (lame Visitors Scire lli'ld Cionl. Thes best game that lias been played on tile local gridirons, llih season was staged on the hliih Hfhool slaillum yc-slerd.iy when Tulsa cinched, th pastern chamionhlp with a score ugaliist Muskogco of 13 to three. Tho first three minutes of the gnmn looked like Tulmi lind a snap, but business picked up when the loculs tried forward passes They Old n l get anywhere and al the end of tho first half Muskogee, wus triumphing with a I score from a drop kick while Tulsa had aothtng. In the second half Tulsa changed tactics, played linn bucks, and made good for two touchdowns, Wcneeke and Kees, particular)' the latter, stsrred throughout the game, each making a touchdown. Kvery inch of the ground was con tested during the entire game and Tulsa wss forced to see the 20-yard line to the home goal crossisl fur the first lnie this sesson. It is possible that the game for state championship may be played here, said Merle I'runly, principal of the hlght school, last night. "W would muoli prefer to play that game on our own gridiron." IHIcidw IFdJdDdl 3Pn(iDdlTinseirs PERHAPS you have never thought of Armour and Compaq as a LOCAL concern in this, community. Yet, that is exactly what it is an outlet here to you and your dealers of Amer- ica's choicest foods. Without this local branch, growers selling through Armour would be without this market And consumers could not depend upon uniform supplies. GEORGIA TECH VICTORS OVER ALABAMA, 41 TO 0 ATLANTA, Nov. 28 Oeorgla Tech Plowed through a muddy fell J here I tonay to a 41 to 0 victory over the Alabama Polytechnic Institute of Auburn In their annual. Thanks: Ing day football game. It was loo much Tech from the start, but the visitors never stopped righting and staged a rally three minute before the game ended. Tech'e victory came through six touchdowns, five of them achieved by laboriously plodding through the mud, and one as the result of an 80- yard run from the klckoft by Adams, substitute quarterback, In the second period. In all. the Uolden Tornado made 24 first downs and the Plains men rive, two of the latter through Tech penalties. Holding and offside play was frequent on Tech's part while Auburn rarely Incurred a pen ally, CHICAGO NAVAL RESERVES DEFEAT GRANT, 19 TO 0 CHICAGO. No 21. Playing ankle deep In mud, the Ch'.cage naval reserves defeated Camp Orant at football here today II to 0. Full back Koehier of the ensigns, a for mer Northwestern university star, suffered a broken shoulder. liens plowed through the Grant line for a touchdown In the first period, and In the, fourth, Johnson and Hayes, who substituted for Koehler, each scored a touchdown. Johnson kicked a goal The naval reserves, with eight sue. cessive victories to their credit, hope to arrange a championship game with the University of Pittsburgh, Intercollegiate title holder, to be played on- December 7. You look upon an Armour plar!t elsewhere as a local organization there. And the farmers ,there pegard this Branch House (like all Armour's other Branch Houses) as a local business here to sell their foods' for hem. Both are right all of the Armour concerns are local institutions yet so re lated that they all must operate together to serve you most efficiently. We could sell to retailers through agents, of course., But then we couldn't deliver under our own supervision and with the scientific care we do now. So we have our own Branch House, and are able to distrib ute the best foods in the best way, locally. As a local concern our interests are intensely local We pay local taxes, employlocal men and patronize local institutions. The continued development of, this, community is vital to us. For we prosper only as this community prospers. It is to my interest as an individual and to the interest of my firm to see that our service reaches the top in efficiency. For thus we serve best both producers and con sumers, and help properly to distribute the nation's food supply under war conditions as in times of peace. This is why Amour and Company maintain a local Branch House, and is virtually a local concern. HIM. McKay Manager Tulsa Branch House Telephone 105-859 KANSAS STATE DEFEATS "AGGIES'VAT LAWRENCE LAWRENCE, Kan.. Nov. 2H After battling on even terms until near the close of the final period of play, Kansas university defeated the Kansas Ktate Agricultural college team here this afternoon 18 to 7, through gains by Quarterback Foster who made 20-yard runs through left tackle and 25-yards around leftend, and went over for the tuehdown. The Aggies scored in the first 1 1 minutes of pluy and the university men evoned In the second period iy shoving Ruble over the line. WISCONSIN WINS IN LAST TWO MINUTES AT MADISON MADISON. Wis , Nov. 2s In the last two minutes of play today Wis consin plowed Its way throughsjhe Michigan Agxlef" eleven for a touch, down and then kicked goal, winning 7 to 6. Walter Kuehn, substitute right halfback, called the hall over for the P.adgur score, and llarr kicked goal. The Aggies made their score a minute before the second period end. ed. An injury forced rlundt, Itadger fullback, mil of the game In'the sec ond period. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WINS ST. lOUIS HONORS Don't Sell Your Liberty Bonds-They're the Best Investment on Earth ST. IOI IK. Nov. 28 Playing In a field or bog vtasmngion tiniver- s.ty's footbnll eleven lodiiv won the cltf championship by detcatiug Mt , lOi)is univeislty 19 to 0. j Forward passes and punts were used frequently by the victors. Oood , team work featured the playing of, both aggregations. Ilerger scored j two of the Pikers touchdowns and Kvans the other. Him (won kicked ; the first goal, missing two others. spectacularTunwins for dodge over funston I s I The Friday Hour Sale at Vandevers No phono orders' hour sale items cannot In1 sent C. (). 1). no chiirjcps, oxchanjres or refunds shop by tho clock, for articles go on sale promptly. Hour Sale, 9 Until 10 A. M. 35c Fancy Silkoline, 19c Fine assortment to choose from ; floral ef fect in all colors; limit of 10 yards to a customer. Hour Sale, 10 Until 11 A. M. $2.50 Women' Traveling Slip pers, 69c Made of satin and kid; most all colors. They come in neat leather case, which is included at the sale price. , Hour Sale, 11 Until 12 Noon. $5.00 Plaid Petticoat, $3.75 Made of Rood, soft silk; all colors plaids; all Bizes.- Third Floor. of four Sale, 1 Until 2 P. M. $3.50 Boy' High Top Shoe $1.95 Lace and buckle style; black and tan leathers; sizes 8 to Second Floor. Hour Sale, 2 Until 3 P. MK lToVPianpt, 59c Mahogany finish; upright style; about I inch size; just 30 to sell at this price. Hour Sale, 3 Until 4 P. M. Women's Black Button BooU $2.75 Patent leather of good quality; concave heel; values up to $6. Hour Sale, 4 Until S P. M. 25c. Fancy Percale. 19c Fair assortment of stripes in all coloVa; 32 inches wide. Hour Sale, 5 Uttttl 6 P. M. ! 36-Inch Purity Cambric, 18c Good quality; full bleached; limit of 10 yards to a customer. " R.EMNANTS HALF PRICE UNTIL NOON. r Oklahoma Hospital Ki'rvlco Consists of 1st. Fireproof building arranged for a purpose. 2nd. Modern run! complete eii- p ment under one roof. 3rd. Chiiriicter, experlencn ami kiX of Attendant. Ir. Frril K. Clinton, I'reslilciit Miss II. C. C. Zl gdcr. It. N. Superintendent Pr. Lytic AthiTinn Resident Physician Ninth nnd Jackson Street.) I'hono Osage II 'J '.ill BUSINESS CARDS Phone !0(!0 1B-17 West Archer HATCHER PRODUCE CO. Wholcsalo Jobbers Creamery Hutter and Eggs Good Eggs Always CARTER SMITH Lawyer 314 Bliss Bldg. TPV YE Dr. 'Arthur Campbell Ear Nom Throat Msyo nidf r-hone Headquarters fCryptok Lansst for Nw Location n i l) Phona im It Wast ?tur4 MATERNITY HOSPITAL Efficient trained nurse. Bablea doptad If dsalrad. , , 1103 W. MAIN ST. Oklahoma City, Okla. s 8 8 i f$ Dr. I. Angstreich i s SHANNON '! FURNITURE . Eichanga Nsw for Oli . 14 and It Waat 8cond 0r W. MeOulloch H. H. Chattl. MOWBRAY UNDERTAKING CO. OPEN DAT AND NIQHT . IERVICB SEWJNG CHILDREN'S GARMENTS . Embroidery, Tatting, Layettes MRS. B. H. HIZAR Phone Ull-J. 1741 South Boston. OPTOMETRIST with HARRY HEILBRON ' JEWELER Veeond and Mala Phona 111 THE CHILDREN'S DAY, NURSERY tlT SOUTH CHBTENNB PHONB 1001 Children Cared lor burins; Worklag or Dooppmg tiours - W. J. GREGG L J. MARTIN Attorneys-at'Law Exchange National Bank Building. Tulsa. Okla. j EDNA B. FARIS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC Room 530 Mayo Building Phone 7985. SAM'L. A. BOORSTIN ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW 111-11-14 Wright Bldg. Law of Oil and Gas Law of Corporation PHONB Till ViSnm Thrnat. Rnlds L'lWMI W I III WUII VUIUU KAN'S AH CITY. Nov. 2S. A spec- ken flcl Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head achy read my uarantoo. taculnr broken field run by Ooughlln, rlirhthalf of the I Hin p Dortfte foot- ! a- ball team, k;ivc the lowanK a 7 to 0 ij..- , m. t-i,. ,. victory over famp runHton today In I . " in , . a same played on a loppy field. "J'"?- C wh'n bl! loM Major General Leonard Wood and "IorCu1n','P,e1- Don 1 lo"" dy his maff from Camp Kunston were . j the honor (tuests. The score wan i Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver made In the third period after Kun- r wilch cauiee necrosis of the bone ton had outplayed Ita heavier oppo nents in the preceding periods. Chnnires In Munich. PARIS, Saturday, Nov. 23. The revolution in li.-iv.iria has not brought about much rhantts In Munich, according to special dis patch from that rlty to the I'etit rariMien, and tho ntte maoh'nery continues to run almont normally. The majority Holallxts and hour Reolxe parties are preparing for the elections to the national assembly which will be held soon, Calomel when it cornea Into contact with sour bile crashes into it. Jireak Ins it up. This Is wtien you feel that awful nausea and eramplnir. If you are luKKlih and "all knocked out. If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated pr you have headache, dlxilnees. coated tongue, If breath Is had or stomach sour just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Uver Tone. . Uere's n guarantee rjo to any dnm store and ret a bottle of Dod Foss Uver Tone for a few cents. I Take a spoonful tonlsht. and if it doesn't strahrhten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Uver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because It is real lier medicine; sntlrely vegetable, can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Uver Tone will pat your sluggish Uver to work and clean your bowels of that saor bfle end constipated waste which Is clogging your system and making you real miserable. I guarantee that a bot tle o Dodson's Lhrer Tone will keep ysur entire family feeling fine for month Give It to your chlldren. I? Is harmless; doesn't gripe and thnf like lia pleasant testa, 4 1 Quickly Rallttvwal By Hamlin's Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a limp! and effective treatment for tore throat and chest do Ids Used as a garglt (or sore throat it brings qui lc relief. Kubbed on the chest it w.ll often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one nig lit How often sprains, bruises, cuts and burns occur in every family, as welt as little troubles like earache, toothache, cold sores, cenker. sores, stiff neck, and tired aching feet. Soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al ways bring quick relief. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle aud get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. For Itching Torture There is one remedy that si Mom, fails to stop Itching torture and relieve skin Irritation and that makes the slua soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you wild xemo, which generally overcomes all skin disease. Acne, eczema, itth, pim ples, rashes, blackheads in most cases give way to remo. Frequently, miaor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching Usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use snd dependable. It costa only 35c-, an extra large bottle, $1.00. It will not staiivis not greasy or sticky and is positively sate lor tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rote Co-Cleveland. O. r V r