Newspaper Page Text
1L a-a" Ok WMUMIiiXrililaaAi -,fr- " (i li i DEN.SpRE MAY FACE FRISCO INDICTMENT Hckcrt Say Ho will Ask Crnml Jup l I'rulK- Wire Tupping i liaruns. MOONEY STRIKE PLANNED lseadrr IiimIsi " New Trial for Prlnniicr WIkwo sentence Ik I'oniiiiutcd l Imprtsoiiiiicnf. SAN" I'ltAN'.'Il-'M. Nov. 2. Charles M. Kicker;, district attorney of Han FianclMco, iitinonnicj loiluy in a aitsnetl etaten.ent kivpii In The Associated 1'reHg that he would aslt the rounly grand Jjry to indict John II, lieiisinoie, federal director gen eral of cinploynieit of the depart ment of labor. unK r aertinna relitt inK to wire tappnn:. The hIIi-rciI wire tapping ' Maid by Klckert to have been doie. In connection with lennioro'a Hport to Secretary of Ltur Wilson on the Mooncy cases. In this report Mere wore set out many . corrversallorn aliened by the report to have heel obtained by hst-enlns-ln on teleplone wins frnru n " number of offices lncliidinif that of the district ullui'ity. Iho telephone! line from Klckcri law offico and several others. Al .1 iiiectinK loony the Krainl jury flamed a reiiuest o Uovernor vV. I). Slepliens that he "!iri-ct 1 letisni'iic to appear before tint body and tt'll what he knows .f tlu report. A certified copy of tie report was also ukc. for. This acton was predicated on Secretaiy of labor Wilson's de cision to place ilt report und the ervirei of HensniTe at Hie disposal of the Roieimir. Hoth the secretary nn. I liensniore lieM that the gover nor should conduc" any InvestiKatiori .n-islfiK from the riport. WASHINGTON. Nv. 2J.--4 "oni nuiiation of the leatb sentence of Thomas J. Momey by Governor SiepheiiK of California. docs not in sn way settle the case from the .e point of orKtni.ed labor, siys a slaiement la tied today by Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation of lalior, taking the p Mtlnn that the chargea of perjury In connection with the conviction make a new trial Imperative. NKW Yi'F'.K, y.;v. 29 Kt forts lo set Thomas Mooney free will Hot be abandoned, said W. I) I'atterson. representative of the international worker's defense, league, at the head. leaner of the organization here to day. I'atterson further declared the plans for a generil labor strike on Iecember 9 In fhalf of Mooney would le continn 0. SAN KUANCIStO, Nov. 29 Li satlsfaction wi.lh i evernur Stephens' art ion lit conuiv.ling Thomaa J. Moouey'g death seitenee to life Im prisonment was exiiessed here today by K. I. Nolan, soretary of the In ternational Worker Defense league. "The final worl on the Mooney case has not been ipoken," aal.l No lan. SOLDIERS APPiECIATE AND r: REALIZE C.NTEEN WORK i It'g miKhty eldn the Heil from nten workers i.'t bat a thousand , with (he soldiers -privates anil of ? flcerk' The worn r who are rtoini? 'the (treat bin AnnHcan Job of send lnn th Yank aloif the way with a bit of cheer, a or a bito to eat hav a whole lot of fine words about them. So wirn one of the sol dier showed up tls week anil Rave a retort diseoiirteiis to one of the canteen worker, nearly etarted a riot. i "Wiri you have a bito to eat or sometblnt; to anio ." the women In w hite asked a ok lieutenant. "NopaV" he sah. "I Just hail mv dinner In the minff oar; much oblige" If wann't whi: he Raid but the ' slurring tone he pt in his voice and th looii of dlsKut In hia fa-e that made m hopplniDiad, and he had a narrtw escape Uin rouith stuff at the hands of bystndere, who didn't like" Magnitude. "Nnef mind.-' ho canteen lady said, rlen she dicussod it, "there are aotitnany coniensationa in this work to be gottit from men who really.icire and that I don't ewen resenthis attitude. It Isn't me'he lnsultlt' the American Ited QrotV Andibn two bi. husky, rea-laoen prlvatee'li.irtook f her wares with I'liar :i?B eat and appreciaton. ATTACie BY VI LA FEARED . BY BESIDErfS AT JUAREZ a . . JUARf.Z. Nov. ' The Western Union TVIeg-raph Dffice and many store elated here arly tonlRbt. fear In an attack by FrancUi'o Villa's command which i somewhere be tween VIBa Ahiim.ia. S3 miles south of here, (nd the oriler. The R-nr-rison troops here are prepared for an attack'althouK the military of ficera lnlt that Olio will he made at thia point ThV Insist that Villa has retired to thellils west of Villa Ahumada Vlth th loot he secured In hli raid Sunday n Villa Ahumada. Uumors f flifltlnn between the federal fonra uiler the personal command otUeneal Francisco Mnr Kuia and the Villi forces near Villa Ahumada Were i circulation here late today, b tit ould not he con firmed aa all ra. and telegraphic communication ht been cut by the Villa band. TOOK DRINK IF VINEGAR AND THEN LOST HIS MIND "A man named Ash pave me n drink of' vinegar nd after that I don't remember wHU happened until I came t at the lice station." That hi the exdlse .1. O. Harris fTlvea for'atteniptiifc to shoot Police, man Mullen on thfnUht of Novem ber 9. la at turnel out. Harris, who has martir alia-sea, iicceeded In miss shLn U 7n; but fa "uccesfiful in wounding two pedrstrlans. none be ing seriously wounled. withTl V" ehn'Kd with assault vrtailj!?t?nt ,0 Th vlnemir Jo.m'w wa" h rt-fense before herln-MaX''y.wh, h, Prellmlnrary a15 he'd) yesterday, liar- tHai in .ld. undr ,5'0 bnl l"ai in the dlatrlc: court Carpet Is Essential Hut There Are Many Other Needs Lacking Wanted a carpet. Must be thick and warm, and of height cheery color, preferably. 1 leav er lo the offices of the (led Cross home serviie In the Wright build ing, corner Third and Cheyenne l ine poor, old gray haired moth, er, devoid of all supporl, desper alely poor, and mourning the death of her soldier son, who Was killed by u German bayonet in a September drive, a in need of a carpet. t fur (h,, luxury of hav ing something soft and pretty Un derfoot, but for the painful neccs- . any of keeping the cold wintry breezes from coming up through the great tracks and holes In Hie floor of her homely little sitting room and bed chamber combined. When discovered by the home service, the aged 'patriot, who Intel utn-otnpluiiiinisiy given her all to the servlie of her country, did not have even a back door to her mis erable lluli! shanty, hut nightlv hung up a tattered ulli. A hran : new door has been supplied her and hung through thu olficcs of ''e kindly Ited Cross workers. Now, a carpet Is needed, and while oiher bits of furniture, and especially bed clothing, and even iner garments, would he accept able, the floor coveting Is most es sential to the old mothers health, and some kind Tulsan is asked to supply it. The case is one of the most, de serving (hat ha ever como to the notice 0 lne !,,, Werice, and because of the recent death of the soldier son, the Insurance left hi r will not even start coming until after three mom lis. LODGES AND SOCIETI ES ' pKTROLKL'M I.OI.OB No. .7, meet, ever, urn, nun! md fourth Fri'ln of the month. Fn . Not. 'jd, work In Master Mason degree. Masonic ll. South Mam. .1 IC H 11 I IT 11- U .R. II IMNNA. See. ' Tfl.i'A'l.OIiii K" No 7 1 mwlVewrThurv .m,'t, J l 1 n. in Thuradav, r- Matter .Mason. Kl.-r V S(a!Vfc ,lon ' 0"'rr Dec )'j ,, ' fL'Sk. llor twt!" elcomr. Masonic 't' J. b MerVTIRR. W. M. .1 ('. MONKURTK. !. 'T. DELTA L6 fB, 425, mVfti ri-tj Tu.ia rvnmr al t'.io, 'lnK(1a, ler. .1, hnlered ApprMiiiV atarting at 4 t. m ikiturK ara rnprrially infitrd. Maonir Hall. J. O CAVPnKI.I, W. M. ARTIIt R BAKKR Ser'y TflA CI I A FT K R So.2. It! A. MfniMi s firat and third Mondar rirh 3 month. Monday. Not IS. 7 Ho mi I Arch buffa. Vlaitnn " elrm V M. tip RlfT Hith Prieat. W. P. TOMSON. Sk'i. TRINITY C'iMMASiiLItY 'SoTSu. Monday rtW llrr V Meetlon of nffirrra. k"'.- All .uitln. Vnihi -nt. fomf. Maaoulv Hall. 'oiilh Main. DYE, Commander. DtlYI.F.. 8c. AKDAR TKMPI.E A. A. O. S. M. A of Tulaa niefia apromi rnilav in earh month at Maannic Ifall. Oremomal aeasiou Sat No. 80, at 7:30 p. m.. t'onvenLon Hall. All aisitlnf Ncblra art welcome. H. N. OREIS. Potentate. H.M.WKM.IVER. Sec'. AURORA 1X1UUE No. 3;'l."67 0. meet( Work in Initiatory itetree Weilnemlay. Dee. 4. Via itora Invited. K. of 1. Hall. 1". Kaat 8eoond. J. WRIGHT N O. I,. POL'NDSTONE. Ste'r. CA M P " No. " 4!IR. V. " O" W! meeta everv .Monday niirlit at 7:nn. D,e. 1 election of officera ana refreab menla. Yiaitora invite. K. P. Hall. U E. Seeopd. M K. roLK. Con. t'om. V. S. HARPER, Clerk. Yiiitnra wvlrome. T AW, "Want Ad Phones 6000- 6001 ANNOUNCEMENTS L08T AKD roUND LAIllKS' WATCirIxrat; Inkiillnd. I? M. K.: also jaweler'a name luiT or raae, llornbaraor of I 'u'l . Finder plran, phone . ..ii ui oouin uadiaou and re- -e rrwara. i , . . '. . - -ji'i" ivk DAMAOCt On bay hone - " mare, about 2 year old iv.7- TV "m rlhn at 1"2nM;i'V!?- u.,tTe7ovrd Hoaton. Phono No . n.u.. E- "r . " of noa . Vesi5ttr;;,..v' 10 4,1 I.t'ST One arar fur n.ei.Tirrr"r. ., i.r,- way tihealar. pleaae rail phnrui 4h67-J """ "anlnir. kinder Ul' -H.irae. between QuiV.r a.. and pot offire Nome hill. a,.,T,i, ' nd mail boa key. Phona 3S3S. R u ard LOT."fonr :.oo bills fl.onn hills at Thnradar and tn on geeond atreet il.oon reward and mm bbL.! Pk llti .-J .1 . lA)ST Friday eeninr lilaek leaf hermT,7r; roll wnh name of Thelitis Koff on mutir inide of roll. Finder pleaao nhona 8731 J. P " LOST A i Founh and Main or on South Main atreet car rhild'a brown purae eon tainina coin purae and money. Kettirn I." J'i'y Soiith Main and rereive reward. PURELTPEB80KAL I WANTKI) Room and aoma one lo rare for 3 year-old firl while mother worka dav eavt ude. I'hone sia. Uest of referen'rea riTen. E V Kit Y O I) Y auffe rTnfpriea. fiainlaT-f i a nirea. ulceration, conatipalion bleedlna iirhinf write for free trial: Painleei rilr..( urfgIL-Tl?r?l.Al''lr". I"1 HPECIAL NOTICE8." i RF.MOVAI. located Xtv tvrilT. .Nfkyo I Mt officea ara now 7H 714 B'Hff , Koonia Tlfi. Dr. A. 1. Wile.. NVlTICrV-After "l"ee". VatT nie ofTica al dre will he slti Kennedy hldj . phone 4170. Mned. Iiorey Ilajer. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES TOR BALE 10 CIIAN1U.KR Chummy',' I!M7 model. Al ahape. $i7: eah or trma: muat sell at once: rear sua Soutli Main. rhon. .m At 'T'lMoftlLF.' fo7a!e cheip ly"owner. 7 I a'tiKa ondilion: mniit be aeen to lie apprerialed ( all F. II. Romell. phone 1940. OT't llKBAKF.R SIX For aatei 7 paaaenjer. 191ri model- witji or without plnee li cence, thean for cah r. I b' Vet Third or phone 2t'.H hl'U'K I.HrllT Ktroatlate'r". "looks' nee pew. parked north of Flka' eluh. Satur day noon and rest of doy. Owner. BI'il'K For i.!. 1KK 4S. ipo.ii ..iv Renter, "tl N'o-lh Wain I'ltone :::t?. V 'l .1 K toiirin ear. herKam; wire wheels. Call 109 Ea'l Sorond U. NKV sTATK AUTOMOBILES " AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE " lOltP SKKA.V for aale; a i moat' nrwT WK IIAVK SOME RAR CAINS IN USKI) CARS Cadillat's ()llsmtili!i' ' B nicks Ovorlaiuls Saxons both'-l ami G Briscoes I'Hter.sons CASH OR TKR.MS rhonc 70GO. :H)7 S. Bouldrr I' "R StLl,.'"l, ten . all t.ii.'i.1. li II na. !!;(. a,Hi, t,,, ,., nM., ,-,r, of ail kiorts. hr,N i, ,,., p.-, -,., ri.'hl thea trio L a arr jiii.1 Ih. r . I e if for Ur ml and li f-.l.l. , rand Avenue t'oace. d.!re. 4 lo M Crand .V,-'.""'. r,ill ' I ' y . riiunu Maiila. -' '-'. I' 11 Hood, f r H0( - .fra.'lk.lit ma MiltMirn ',!',"' '"'"I""''"' I tinil 1 1 inn . I leaded Ot le'liolnlrale, rli.pue .1 II, . 'HVK l'sKM, M'llir.llAKKK f.oiira.h I i t, hi r- al I I'. oria it I'lmne 7 I ,'T .1 AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES Knit s.H.K - hutvave .i, fur Vote. Pl.niie 44J I. 11 rar not KI-.NI- jrarac I rujiiire 5'ifi South ' ' rri.e re,.nalil.v . AUTOS TOR HIRE GAS AGES 12 llll'YI I K I'nr sal ha I'honc 7:i'JM I'KTUulT. s., ;,.-, fr rent" raraie lame I eiionuli for luci i,r I hi er eari. n in hi i. k . i i (arue for ,ne lar for rent. BOARD AND TxOOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 16 IW'ii l.KiMT Hill KKKKI'IMi roonu for Trl. IMione Ihll UlUlKHN HOI -r KKKI'INlf roonu' and a two roooi furnniheil hoiise I' .'le:i.t OI.Y.MI'I A y .1 1 I - - I hree " "" r-on.i and aleepim ,,.,r, h Phm.e iu.l" I'lUiKv'lX. in? I.ari:-"front .hon,. ksepinz or !eeiiri room in in. ..I. rn noaie. privale enlrani e, rent n um. liable I'hnee 7 171 or N. CIIKTKXXK S .'.: -Hoiihl,. ".ml ,jre lar. Imht. well furniahed tiiislern hoii.ekeepin, apartmentn t'lu.e in on Nortli .Main ear line Laundry in eon nertiun. rales reaot'M Id'CKKHRIi s ai'J--To modern 'li',l nniiftekeepine rooum BOrTOV M i-j'2:u or iwo rompletrlt rumnhp.! rMiiit for hiu kpppin . moi I. KM-nliT. " K 7 r -n-V. ;,; 7rnT ho..i.7 ftfrpitiK rin-m. njr!v furnuhn. iirivjii. ntrjirK front and r-r. fi, pi-r (.fk. llll.lL V IV ' -I nr-' ruomh f"irnih'f riioiif 'j ft1 I. partly r.i,Mii. , jo,, -hor rent if' if riom, KOK KKNT SiroU furninh ilk" lit keying or pi n JT fOrm SlMH.'l r i NhWI.Y H II.M-11HI hoii.ekeii.mK roon.a nnit..r new mauak'eiiieiil. L r as SVroini TIIIKH w in : room til ft Two iii'KliTn houa'kt' .! OI YJIPM S. n.; For rent one modern lient lionn.-kf ei,iic riKini phone h!i:7 .I. MAIN. S. 7n--One hnuekeeiiiiz room: alo one uleeplng; room. ,',,NTJI. W . S3--Two ni. ely furni'alUHl nithl lioi..l.eeiinL. roonu : modern, walk- ' distanie, sink in kitchen. priTala limir l.ell. Hr.lKiiir. s.. Sll-lor rent. Unlit keeping roona for renL; three hf ii bio ki irom .iain nrre.. SKCOXIl. k7 I.I27 -Well' furniahed em Inrht luiuie1:! epir.g ruuna, reaaonahle mo -I rpnt fK f..TII. f. . 2 IS-For rem, furnished noiieaei,ii rootlie. PKORfA. N S2 K-Tw"'lUi;l'v front raainat furniahed front and back entrance. IHKYK.SNF """N.T li2,'l-T-o' liicelyfur' niahed modern nanetnent rooma. PilOF.MX, S. 'jOT-'-ljinrr" frmirSoii.e keepin or alerping room: private en trance in modern home; rent reaMinah.e I'hone 7.171 or SIKH. TWO NICK CI.KA V" modern" lihr houae" keeping room". Phone .1i94 Iio I I ; 1 1 K R, s , "l in (1 -' Fo r reli t7 "n i rei y f f. nihed rooma for liht hnueekiwpiiia; to couple with or without children. WWIHS. " 8." in'a l.iha"' 'kA......'; rooma: also verv d-irahl. .leei.nir I rooma for men. phone Ml.yj NORFOLK," S.,' an7 For rent, one " niri lairee. front nmm furnishe-1 for hglit Uuekeepir,ff NINTH. V , 'Jt.i -Two liirln honeckeeiin( rooms : modern : downataim : nn phone. ROOMS TOR RENT-ruRNIStrED F(l ItKNT--Sleepinj" rooms, f 150 week. Phone ,r.',2 n per ltHOM - With niorniim nn. I evei,inr meal for. three men at $7.. SO per week- a'ao caraa-e for ; rent. 317 Meat Klerenth Cl.ntnin, . J14 I twaant aoutheafl aleepma; room. FontTII," W sin" ye..'pii."roiwn'" in pri vate modnrn home cjose in city ; one block from poaioffice and lihrary; ref ernceeichailired. J'hone 4742. BOSTON. .V. 433 Xiceli furmaheaT'aleep inx riMjm In private home, .all north apartment, lower fiisir, iiinruing or eves- ina. l'hone 77S.1. THIUIl. W. SST - From aler-iinc room. upi-taira ; r'oae Phone A 70s. (JtTHRlK, S. SH Nnoly "furniiheii alceping rooma; private entrance. en Tiwnetit to hatht a week. 47.11. CINCINNATI" ., :,I6 Nice '" "cnmfortahl. , sleepinir room with large closet on fira: floor Phone 4877. ONE NBWLY and well Iiriiiaheifcorner room adjoininit ba'h. in new private brick apartment three blockt aoulh of louden Hlilj Phone 34.'.f N 1 V I'll "AN 1 1 MA I N io.l" M a r7Hro'ck ma ii apartmenta. nieely furniahed room for feiiileman. private entrance, a team heat cievalor aerviee. directly connected with bath: reference! required: 3o per monlh. Apply Sundaya or after week day. SotJLDFK iC'tlT Uirit bea'uTffuily furniahed aotith rooms, afna-ie or en auite- Hot and aold watar, adjoining- hath. v-MKTKNNK y. .110-Nice front il roonijpaiaira; eloae in. eping ,f"'l K CI. FAN ROOM i Imna 4S1 1 n private Ihid. H RM.HItKIl ROOM for rent in mature uma n employ r1 during- dav ho woulal """H to atav at home on certain e enlng, that t wial, lo ro out do that woiim I,. .,,,,,, ; ,k i,n.. with from amall child. Will allow il.duction rent for thia aMmn.l.,i..n a. o"alr'ss'm '"' " windown. tall DlkllVI IV." " a a . . " . " - . - - ..-...., .,, Ar,i jiknt. cloae in. with kitchen Privilege,. Kor nt refined buaine.a woman ; ; o olher rooincra. Phnn, flnni. rKNVF.K. SO. 1 . 1 j T Wo-JoVw i y""a7i d ' c ' I furniahed anutheaat alwnl ntf rnnin. I.aln 4 I 7". I ve. required. I'tinne -'pppirig roomii. UKTKOlf .;i9i-iN;'l77U7nl.'hed"'fro,,, Jl" hone S401. 3758 ' " ' furn',h"1"0'" I'hone Kl..O.I.. 8( 81'J-Siee ."r7e,ieep,n'g room, two heda, gentlemen or ladies eu ployed preferred I'hone 1.113 flol I.liKIt, .VI . " ','.'4 Vlnae urSSrrii ei-piiic ronrn. Plume 4IM7. 'KATIIKKlSK " FI. lis' a IT." Yiii'wi Isrce front aiit.ny vl.-eping rooms, con- necttrg lia',.. atriet'.v mudern and on car line i'hnne 4 ' i r U K. Folt H I NT- - In .Mnrningkide adili tTo'ti nice r'Hin in privve home itnrage privilege r.'aaof.ali'e rent. I'hone ei . 4 i .1 ilOSTOX. S.. l.U'i -:i'o nicc'y furni.hei rti'mi .uithle for Indies or gentlemen in ttuil'Til hoir,e.v TULSA DAILY WOlVt SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1918. BOARD AND ROC ROOMS TOR RENT rURNISl i,AU(ir, ni.t.y riiri.ih.ii room, ur.i' cii'ion. vitv ( out fiiicin'f (ir iino i iTfOilf nii'il ur nil- i.r two Illc.i HrAI M i.M 'KKN turn tuoni fur otic MHUI 1 Insf In IV.nir' .M' mi ' , oIlf. nhtly" furnuiirj . CAX-MJNa" I I.IK- -.Ni.t1" fun'Mwd ', in,: rooir idjuihitm luih in nvto ' . i i ri.iMuiiiihia 1'htini !!. I KN V h h sn, VJU (uriiitfhrj u'lr room 1"iiii, j 177 I.MiiK !rnii roimi un ft-unil fu.r. n (o litmril. -icip. Yhnwr 4" 1. 1 It "I I.HKK, SO I Inn -.Nlee.j furnhe.l private laillllv i'lmiie I'l'ti; room In . It l.l.olN Three ileel'inn r" nn fur ffeiil enian wMh prMale liimi.y. rM(iderii Ililsl'ilN. Ml Hou Plrarant room" In ill!.l hi, in.-, proale entraioe, rloau in. I'lm'.e :..,:: II ROOMS UNTURNISHED V)l AKKIt s l.l. ;.i tr noil lo loifiirnish,.! r.nniij. r'r.n and l-a. k "i'" I ar-e .!.im. rut lurnl'e'l. tloek from tiehtivw rar line. I'J ..n nun, l h lin-e fy1 I vf.'V . II7 1 'nnf.irniMi 'lCV4e. . ihi- I roomt llr. nl I Minat. a'fur 1 11 l.oiiKOkeiilii( Ni.d llelliirn rarn ROOMH WITH IIUARD It hOVIUY Ml. . ,hi r, t,xnAT.'iU ictt-tl rut. iti wuh ,i.ii fur in (tr hri-r nifti. tiirvi" iMiiiroiirn unit ii-Irphun WH.I. Y KMsHKli KtniM i(ir tdr.-,- vnonK linn wild Kut.J u hit ImihH i'liona iL,J -I MMKK To I WY 1 UK nf an in vah.1 n(t tn lli.-i, li,nn-, tidre' WiiNTED- BOARD OR ROOM. VtH'.Mi tiKN TLKM N tiKiri ..ri n. nninn,l, in n-finn, privnte H'mmii wnh 1r ,k f at And t t'ltiiff wrlle imri.Mi ir tit hnif . r M Mi M 4 . BUSINESS SERVICE CLCAKINO AMD DTtINO " tl ItATTHrrfSry--Renovalad and recovered: relumed homa the aama da?. I'hoae titi. Sanitary Uattreaa Co J2DRE8SMAKINO &nLLIHTr l SKWINo marlnnea repmrcd Phone 211'J IiKKSVM'AKKR- Plain and fancy ev-ninn dreaaei. aui'a. rloaka. aklrte and hlimaea and men'a allk ahirla: work iriiaranleed Call . ' Souib Victor or phona 7H2'i 1 1 II i KhS M A K I M I 1 11 1 N K - "ii I "t a" ci I '. ilreaea. hlnuaca and evening guwna; Hork ft-nartnteed Phone liSll.t W HKKI.INO. K. .'.0 ahle Phone 74ifl. -Sewiiiu dona reavon- MOVINO AKD BTGIIA3E 29 MOVINO Att) HTOItAOE. fltora whh Pae' Fireproof cntrara. Pboia Otace I5NS 158 ATI.ASI TRANSFKIl ANIi" KToRAliK Co" Movina. aloraice pai'kins eaperl, furnl lure and piano movera. (Ha(e a:l.'S S.'.'.K - office '.M Wcat Archer PAiNTiNiANDTiEcOA TINO""SO CAN .SAVE you money ou . paperhantiii4 and painlinf : call for eaumale; all work miaranterd. F. 8. Sutherland. I'liuna 4 S 1 7 R T'APf.KI.Nli 7NI rAl'.9'rirrKairmaV cheerfully iven; all work fuarantred .'nnn I'eterion Phona 23H7. 124 It. Cheyenna "PRINtl6 "AND BTATIOITERf Sri.TltiRAPll li me fri out your mul tiaraph letlera pricca riulu. (irare Bra "1 .Hi central Sai l Uaok nidi, l'hoaa HO IS. BEPArBIWfAXDJEMODBLrwerli KEYS Mada to order, fua and Wkaamitav l'i(: weldinf of broken parte e Iroa, ra pairing oi evaryiDtni; Jacob lirif ue, a il Mat Klrat. Phona 7 EMPLOYMENT" HELP WANTED MALE SI WANTKIi Stock aaleaman with expeneii'-e Apply In peraon Monday in a. ni Slo Kennedy Itlda; W.JNTK1J llelive"ry "boy with whe'alT Phoiie LTkl V FRW A NTKIi A man with ep"e"rf enre to drive a cleaning car. No lio)i nerd apply Muhl'a Carman Cleaned SI I South Itoetnn. TWO WT1KF.L IIOV8 WANTt.i) liv, Ka.i Sieconil. WANTFIl ilan to help nn trunafer wagon" f all 7 o'clock thia morning. 1010 South Oetroit. WANTKIi A farm and dairv hand, married man preferred Apply at dairy barn. Tilaa atiwk farm, anutheaat of my. WAXTFIa-Large hoy or young man for mornmc paper route: north aide: lood l-ui t irciilainn Ocpt , The World SI'FtT'M'LFS AT LlVINU PRICKH ftenmne Toric lenaea in 15 year rolfi filed fratnea. dnuhle concave lenaea at $3 .VI .Inlm the King Man. 1 1 1 V South llo. Inn Mreet heiween Firvr and Second atreata. Itetremtter, on Ronton atreet. WANTKIi - Two meaaenger """boya, 15 V t.aal Secoaid. room S JOIN THE ARMY IU"cruitingofficeaTt Oklahoma ity. Tulsa. Vtuakogee. Chicka rha. Ardmore and Knid. MKN' RKTWEFN agea of t ft and 45 wauled for Supply Co, Thirl Oklahoma regi ment. Recruiting office. Fifth and itoa Ion. v R K I i I ST F. R F n l ft I '7) 6 f ST w anl ej'i m ni e" diately: top aalary I'hone 31 Kiefcr, Ok la.. Kiefer Drug Oe. WANTKII Alterations of all k:nda. Mo ran, the Tailor, upalalra. over Wool worth'a HELP WAKTED FEMALE . til IV K.RS Ml NT "CLKHK FX M I N Al ION'S, Oklahoma Ilec. 7: lhniif.arila women clerka needed; aalarv $1 I'lit. exiierience unneceasar : women deairing gnveriiment poaitiona write for free particulars. ,1, C, Leonard (former civil aervire eiamt nerl. 35:1 Kemnia llldg . Waahmg'on "i'flV F.RNMK.NT " NF.KIIS ""THOCSMNlia clerka for govertinient departmrnla, rail w-ay mail, poatoffiee, cuatoma internal revenue. $ 1 , 1 no $ 1 , SOfi ; e sam mal lona aiNin. Kxpcrienre unneceaary : for ffci tiarticulara regarding eia-nieationa write .1. C. Leonard l former civil aervire et aminer), S.153 Kenoia Mldg. Waabmgton. VVANTKI- Fipericneed white i:ir': mnat bt- good cook Ailflres ft 35 rare World TO' Nti WOVFN FROM 18 TO 55 YKARS wanted to learn telephone operating: no eaperienre neceaaary: abort hnura, good aalary: cafeteria maintained for women emnloyea fall al Idiom Sn5 t'altimel Illdg, Miat Srnger, or rail Oaage 2900 Southwestern Bell Telephone r-ompany. WANTKII An expert atenopraphT l (1:1 eo.mpany. Prefer one having aome rleri cal eiiierlcnre. Ai dnaa P. o Iwi it Tulsa. TWO experienced foidcra for Mangle, y-ieii . ty Laundry. phone 77HI. V ".'.'KI loong ladv atenograt.her Onej,,(J intiiin preierre.1. Ivors ngm. .1" WANT K)" Amnldl, aged color-d worn..! do general house work Muat l:r . ''r"'n'e, Ub Norlh Chejenre. 1IKI.P WASi'KIl-Muni to do ger.eial house work: niusi go homa nights tionu wages. Call phona 413 or call at 144j l-oulh Carson Ave. WANTKII At once. fa. Pbone filH SIX Til KiliH'1' "" weeks of 1 raining wi'l I i ou "ir od position in at y I bank or cnmmeri-ial house. Burroughs! .-. .in., .vis :nji nrst Mtinnal Illdg Phnne fl.',4 tiooK WOMAN WA.VTfcli About "middle njed for general houaework. with gutul experienee Colored. .110 Houth Octroi! Sr.CoM, K . leS Wanted ady tu help I make comforts WA.NTKi) li'iuae girj- mil'a't "he"" 'e peri' enrod, good servants' nuarters: Phone n..!iH i AN I Kli .-Kirsi class aiteiatton ladies and drjMn.,l.eri ; steady work and good pav V .l) .17 .Sotilh .Main. Pollack a Tog gerjr BAltESMEr? AaZ AGENTS tl HIMTOHV' OF TI1K WOltLll A ArTMo,t complete and official lii,k imhlialieit 11... 'ern a. Illfgest outfit aent for Jlic mall lug eipenae. Ziegicr Co., i'i .1 Fust liar riM.ti, Chicago. EMPLOYMENT SITUATIONS W ANTED MAXB WAN TKI). 17 ' "ffn-e position p.n.y by yinini; i iTK-IH iv fin I ill s H , , Mil. ill Oil i u h two ; nn ohjei'l. Till. '.I I H Ail - Hi'l'KKi Kl'r li lias ,.M.kk. 'nereftlllHe I'lmiie ; h)i nn. w anlrd li I 1 1 ier teiice ,1 ! c lly r, l.-r I XI'HllhNi I i lliei Fi.ihli- hi:i KVl.l N 1 fit and ( r.. linn in l.iilll oi ,eV O' relet i l are W..rlil I'.'.- I"- l.illliei.u Addreia H.,x II, niruanilNS WANTI'.D I LMAI T. 4 1 I LMAI r. I ...III., ,e I ml in r i i 1'OMII.MI ,i I ;. J . 1 1. 1 elellc ..' .-r. ii... niim.hrd I'liiine ie ,1 It AI'MIIFM Hi Sir Nl H, It I'll I-It de.ii.-a poailioil I it In. ate permanent! II. I ill, i'.-, Mi., ..Inhli.uii, .llli l-a.-t Fl.'lli atreel III. , Vs. I til ... Dillon aa all liiiitraplw r m l.M"at In -1 ,.( relrrrllrca I lirnial.e.l Am ii -.1 iimm i-t a ml nun my own mu.-luii,. I'lmi... 4 -... I ' i ' il r r I I I t, , k-r,( id ilii-tapliini,' !( lalor Kill, in ,, jr, f eiperiemc dr air.- i.t'i.,,,!. I'ii. S I h NlH.K I II K ; ,. ,,,',. s un. mi a. ..arv' .v i.ei oh oil In I I'lmiie 4 7'i fniai. e e t 7.M I h' II'MHI l i,m j ,t, ,i , -d'l anil iiiuiifc' i .-a I ile-irea pnaitiiin Ja . . .i;l.i i, ,ra' ( prr i enie fu.inliar witli oil liii.u.r.i. miiii.. ii perlence In ,. a.iin.nled With lif fl.e dela,ila :i:ao ,nu, ImialnUi of Iniokki r,.Mi . neat , , !,,,, M,iine KXl'I'ltr Imai em,liiiei u ii t In 'I il.aa eik'hl yeara' 'I inl rnnti' utitier now I ' n ile.-irea til re locate ' I nf eit refi-rctires . "Hi nil, finiy hrat rlaaa !'.l in In nil hed al ('..rion . hi I'llillle 0,7 7 Mil, II' S' .lelilliif WVM'Fli ,,ii flee mirk ll.i li' llrnif ( an In uffiie, a-encrtti if had li inuiiiha' ii t iew rlter Am w ill- 11'f In atari mil, jum . iumikIi lo make el I'enaea I'llon.. .1 ; pi I IIIISTCI.ASS i'11'crienred ptrtinirrawher deaircH permanent puaittnn Willi law firm Una C I .are World. KM'FH l I Nl Hi aieun.-raphi r "deairea pern aeniit !. , r ''e,,-.hnne IS '.iilt I'OSITKiX W AN I I li I,; miinw with one unall i hild for i;ed couile or widower I" one t.'.'til KX I'Kltl KNCt II.4MIM i wanla pnailion aa fioiiaekeeper lor nidowrr. Addreaa Itoa M il, rare oild " FINANCIAL BD8INESB OP PORT UNITIES A noon l,o Tlu r,,r ea.h grocery and t.natr,i. iiirniiiirn ami unnertaklng. gen cral aloek itmnl town and heal location in the loan Virile A. J. Klnaley, lloa I nl. a. Okla 54 s-FtT ItFsTtl'HANT For "tale ; "pric f I ..-.- I'll St-- OIL LANDH AN'D LEASES 44 A 1IIK NATIONAL Ileal Katale Kirhanaa can aell or Ira.le our prit.erl-. Weat land hotel. ".H5 l.j Kaat Third atreel I'hone l'.7S, WANTKII- Oil and gaa leaaea near drilling weiia- aiao hloca ror itecp teat. Ker atetier ar .lohnaon. eara Weathrook hotel, fori ivortn. leiaa OIL I.KAHK FOR fll,K in heart of Bird creek territory . Phone SC'.'t. IJOTELB-BOOMINP H0USE 46 ROO.MlNli HOf'sK for aule hy owner, dm'nf rooq nuaineaa I ail 4 lilt eat riril. fc.Nl'li KOO.MINO IIOI SK Ffilt M.L'Kl"e eaten on lha piiltlle aipiare; roomi, Diuuern, aream Heat, we,) turniahrd Itca aon for aelling. had health C V. Porter, Agent, 501 Knid National Hank Illdg, Kind. Okla. LIST lour hotels and rooming houaea with tla if you want quirk resillta See lia at iHJ Ural Jiatlonal Hank or Phone 4744 FOR SAI.K- Tnirlr two rooai hotel and iafa in Weat lulaa. huaineaa nellliig $S00 to fi, filiu a mnt'lii; ran ha bought on time. on! interested party need apply. Phone 7D1Ji FoH RKNT- Twa-nty-two room modern hotel, iinfiirniahrd. at Hand nprlnga soutn .viam street; good Inrallon; can fill up with roomere in one week'a time. Will decorate to suit and give one vear'a leaae. Iicni li.i per monlh. See II .1. flray in ha-einent Tulsa rotirthouae. Ca'l SliH nr ;HK3 FfMt S'AI.F. Rofiming houae ol eleven rooms: reaaohshle; heal location In cttv Phone MI1I7 ( all at I'JOV, south Main. " MONEY TO LOAM-" CHATTELS 41 N'OTICK Parties a ho have puri-haaed Lib ertv ttonita on inatallnieut and deaira to reli, we will psv off balance due and pay full market difference in cash Joseph .v1iwarta Co. I'hnne H'.'.'iil 70 Daniel Jtldit. )( YOlf NEEIi" MONKtl" We loan money on furniture, pianoa Vie Irolsa. diainomla and Liberty bonda: all hiisineaa alrictly confidential. Moore liead Iian Co. 20u New Aull Bldg. Phone 55:10. REAL ESTATE LOANS 47 linn private money on hand tu loan on . Ik-nod lulaa lir.proied business or residence 'property for three years Reasonable rate. Privilege to pay before due K. A. Lilly, L'U Tessa Illdg Phone 541 FARM LOAN'S"time. eaa"v;erms'. Ilaker Inveatrnrtit I o. Phone VnOO MKVFRAL Ihouaami dnliara nrivate mosey tn loan on improved well lorated city property or farms. Kiva C Harrows. Phone mm FARM A Nil CITY" i)AN- F--m" leant made in any amount In any pa-t of Okla honui and aiirrounding atatea. at lowest ratea; private money to loan on Tulaa improved property. F. A Lilly 21a lei Illdg i: Kaat Fourth. Phono 541 Plenty of Money to Loan on Tulsa real estate. Very attrac tive proposition. TULSA SECURITY CO. 4 1 1' -4 3 3 Iowa I.h.g. I'hone 195 I'KIVATF MuNrY I'.oo ll.onn. 15.000, two esra. a ao .' year loana, pament privilege , loafis cloaul tiromtitly on de airali'e lily snd form property C li. (. ,,-.-. ha, I I'hone 13'i. (116 617 Dso l; lli:tg LIVE STOCK DOOS. CATS, PETS 63 Fl 'vpoN llo-liii I'litlie Foil SM,K uilii a lieautilui vo.lng pa;iera lo register. KOIl M.K II' '.'Sf, Inn!. -ui, also fine I'll .ne l.r- fe-.t tine whi' ol t -i tairi l.'J -I p'i'. -ma In LIVF. STOCK AND VLHICLKH I'lill S M.K I M.K .', I .1 I , n.irf- n.i' I it lirnkcti to Hi-fi i-iiui in f'Mi ir, .1 ..f .l-.i. M- 1 WIS 'I I f-i.', ,1 'J frl. mirk lirirt,i r (in-- i ll'.'l - uf v..;: NuinSiT Kiii'ii t..r tflt'le for frfl w I'hoti'- .', 4 -i? I North Muj bell FOI: .w LK--i H e pan of 'Inv ,.tn... I.r:, , l'.V l"-g.'V, or e .it. Id e .of. a.nliiit lli.k.ik I.iier- it h ll.irn. lletro.t FOH s I,K - One ilioronghhreil regi.ier-l in are and n. .in t 'i old 'nil tneri can truller. .il! tirul.iv a rt-.i'len't-K A Swain, fir. I li'uise in Lombard ad dition or phone H7.17 FOH SAI.K- S'toek lings arid t-neep inquire lr.tle.ei;dent Parking f'o. I'hone l.M.'l. "PERSONAL PROPERTY OOOD THINGS TO F.AT " " 60 SWF.KT f lDKR for sale. 90 cenls per" gal Ion. Phone I'.fT HOUSEHOLD GOODS tl FOR SU.K inaliogani- ati.V) hnhy Oral d pianu in .eu at bargain, fit terun. Phone. 1707 PERSONAL PROPERTY HOUSEHOLD OtlODS " SI HKKKIliKKATDKs H.lM'ni N . hoy and !') I tie Iiiiik iinrei, for ref r it'M alor and ire li.meti. I'lolie ii ,;n lininmul Knr Mtnre I'n UK t T I N 1 1 riVrs' to eiehanrr or' i'"l jav top ca-h t rieeii fo' 'I'fruerilorn ai'd l.-'lnnea Wi- hnr -, v I h i r anl n il ev rrytlnnc Whal luie uu I I'li.ine IISH4. Iiia'nond Kuiiitliire lo ti'K Sl,h; One f lu, healer. I'hone it I I I It I K I'l one III II IM S ,,. mi l;r,' alnl..t ne I outli iiiiln ne 7 7 lo or . . MLF Ill.le.ltil, I, i I i n tlhre I. "ill. I O.l .' . v. Sei li.l leel s I Nil M M IIINl- ,, H .I -.1 i - I sou' tl g.iak. I FH SVI.F brand I., w l.ea anil it'io. I niitiinsl.i fiit. tit . a . I, tall 'it lil'.l Smith V i.-l.ii I.. M III lie.l rmiiii nut fur eale i Si 'Hii Vi'-inr. MAI'THKHSKS remvaled and re-nvefd. rrt. lined Soma the inii day Pi ooe (14411. sanitary Maitreaa ce r'ol It remits o! ll'll iv I ' I Land I ' art! 111. i li. i FOli SVI.K in,, ratine atiMe an i lii a'ly n-. fii e it hotiae can f'i . 1 1 tl i e. I le .tl-.l I lll'l I if furniture I'tinn r aliowi are. in e i.l two arrall co trrma if ri' lieap Part "ll'M lOU v"tl,F. "lie ' al'ilt'e l.l" "'t. I ' 1 ulnie I'l.Hiri. one wliiif, r-Ii i f f nm i-r .ne ilul'l white ivtin uniail ni'i- lil'i i writer tnl.le and 'id feet iial'l.'n h.-ae III. fee I'hnne 7'.'!' . j Foil SAI.K SM,,1 I.Klk "laae. Pelf,-,- , linn lilue rnanirl ml heater. wiiIii.k 'It -a aid aeivii'it liiltle Ml hith 1,-iaili' fluff in good i-ondllloli 11 1 li Norlh llitalon. OFFICE' STORE OtJlPMENT "" "l PAI'Fn CI.II'H A full line, priced nth; Tolas Rnhher Htainp Work a, ilaiwaril Ride I'hone 141.1 WEARINO APPAF.L 7 rRICFf I'Altl for meit'"a"aeiofid clothing, ahoea and hue I'buiie hand ass:, I'lKiHKMT riofhttif III Oil KMT clolhlng. PRICKS paid for aeenndhand ahoea. hall elc Phone 44. rRlCF,rt--for " ae-onilhan ahoea and haia. Fbone 7140 mTB AM) RHOrl--.Htrbtt print pi for mfi.'i itmnrl .hind suit ni1 ! rirk fUrtlAn. phon 4h .'i.'iOl. fri'l tif gatid Rfi'oiiil ha nd H mm Ii l'.' Hint '.iH lr I .Mt d"lv.'ifi (lkliiiilli oil f i fi iol n t ii I. MrL of otlirr hip, Tra Muppiy 1lr iiinonl. 'Vv PROPERTY for EXCHANGE " "misoelimneoos roR ialb'm Will HALK- One hundred account M.' Caaker register 111 perfect rnndiion. Ilia Kaat llndge I'hnne 7X70 FOR HALF - A "telephone. J Phnne IHH4 " FOR HALF-- One act " of the "Honk of Knowledge" in vialf le.-tther binding for t.'i raah. Phone 1013. Agents and Housc-to-House Men I own a formula for one of the lieat Toilet l'reparallone known am! will aell eu ii in cheap; you run reap a hnr vent anil bnllil up a litrite luialiiena. City, enunty and atate rliflita. Iteu- aiiiuible. Box F, No. 1, care World, HKNTl 11 oh for two big pounda of my line fwo-year-oifl lennesaea leal rbawlng ol amokiuf tobacco, prepaid; 10 pounda, 14 5n alronv nr mild aatiafarllnn nar. anleacl; bank raferancea: order at once. Address N. A. Uaolden Tobareo Co, liukedom. Trnn. R A I N C I A Tff! 'fjat"an ArmfM a'c'k In loah . Fine hunting coat. Llrht weight. A. L. Wall. Rubber Ooods 4 '1(1 H lioulili-r WAMTBD TO BUT I MONET TO MARK Seen ri It Pipt Iron and Metal Co. will pay tha higheat prices for all kinda of lank; aiao buy and aell. new and sec ondhand pipe: free team service Id eiiy hmita: special prlcea paid on old auto, mobile. 807 North Peoria. I'hones: Office, 52S7: rea., H70S reference), American National bank. IV 0. lloa 15H. EXOHANOB -AUiOaTOBILES Tu HTI TZ ROAIlHTF.R in es. allent condition. run less thsn 7.000 miles ; prefer irsde fnr Liberty bonds or elo k. Address llus H:i7rare World "r0R BALE OR EZ0HA14OE 72 1H0 ACRK8 Oklahoma county , .1 room house barn for 6 boraea, &0 arres in cut tivallon, lialanca timber and pasture; clear of incumbrance O. C. Roaa A Co. rOR TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 71 CnVtH.N isilKII, modem five room apart men! and garsga tor rent, !!). Close In Phone 779 or 'JTtrtri. IIOSTON. N 1114 For rent, one nir four roam apartment, hardwuod flours, built in features, olil ivory fimsY I'huiie 27'.' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT " TLATS AND APARTMENT8 " 75 HALF OF an unfurnished i.ouae. two lsri;e rooms and sleeping port b tiioilrrn, aoulh aide Phone .11140 K aflrr 11 n clock MOIlKRN .'fHIHlM aparlment anil ga'age for rent, f li'i ; close in. Plume 77tM or VilfUl MAIN. MO, 174:1- Fur rent, 4 room mint em unfurnished apartn-cnt with iatnnlrv Kent l.'.ll I'hnne 21 Ih tall al I1.I1 Minitli Main HI II nicely modern 4 room apartments, one IllOf-k Of rar. t roable llelgtila. uverliuik lug illy: one with -arik'e. u-iiler fur niahed, gas in baaem.-ri' ftr iaumli 1 .See 1 II A Hull, ageut, III.'. A e-l V.onil, alreet, ifOR RF.N'T Five room apartment, un furnished, south aiile pnunc 4177, j rail between I I aiir t'J o'elm-k . APABTMENTS -rURNISHED 7U Kdlt KKNT .'V r.ioin furnitird .arttnMii Hum 772M. blM'O.NIi." . .'iV.'.U'T I- Nn.- .'i r.iott, fiirinftirtj apartnirril, (c.n i t iimm in tnd drintlilr fur thf vindt HfiiMm nl.lf ( ill ..7ft'. KLV uo. So J ruf.u, a jr. m. -it .v f ti rrn. hfd l'hurir '"'I.' It .M UN. H , 1()V- . r'MUii i.u .-ly f.irti-..-l AlM'sritnuf t Mrrn kmnti lir -J'ik it. j;.'. HoSToVr N7 4I..V- l'.rnie.h,'. f,4l --urn pi ct ', also in Ufifurni-h.-d f 'i I'tVuif i'MKKK li'iOM "furhili. .l ri" ni . , !,-,. in rirth I'lionr 4 V ') CHKY r .N N K. s' .' I I St. v hirm-'..-, J f.vf rouiii ap.irttiirtit fuf mil, ni'V!; tl.-c j r it rd hnn h,U2. i M i I.Hs'SK '1(TI KNT;, t.i -ir I ' ruieh'tl fu'ir rmin npurfin'Tl f-ir r'Nt iHLVMl'l N if - Tlir-H r, t nr;.jft'..l I iHi'"rril wife I KOIl KKNT rurni.iird fmr iii-mh h a 1 1 f ' uifit I '-l' I ilmir..t I'rion,. i HOUSES rOB RENT 77 , I'I i It ill'. NT Ni-eh fnriuaheil twiirte. lttu-e ailli pr:' I le I' h nn t I I 04 1 For rent wo -Il h.t.ile I : I I 7 r. I'l'in. I.' VIl TOH, I .1 .' rimni Uarase - mtelirn iiii;.i. I'lintie I ( IM INN ', I I - FoK H r N T . r i, .ni, m Hosros . ',' . liKTIpilT," N tentli-rtt. tiewli S Uev k Co', I pain " r.M id fnrifiin lllill I'lptnt I VF. ROOM hou fu riMun tiorlli aid", "i. tide JO; sis roi'ins cam NOKFOLK. SO modi rn. elcctri .1.1-. '." , ildl'.l. .,11 Ihr.'.1 roinii. . rt.; ' lile. Alt' Plume 111 tor ret,' i. ilinl 2,i I Inly I'.ldg. ligllls.' i'nonc enl. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT tlntl.SCS jni; i;t',NT 77 . IllH Ml , Ml'l I.I.I li .1: !,., I n " i ruii Ht i a-l.l ! ' li Km; li I i ' room inol iniiiii . Mil, I I' 'e -., . . i I .-i -in.;. IIOUHI'.K Fti knihiii:d '. ..,. ,, v r .1, ... : i. i . e.l f..r a. .... 7a I UU I, .v fur- : ' I M... i. t IT- '. I . n ' il a ne r I etii i i I ' ,iti red I 1 I'll i' riniiu i'"i rent I all . r ii. I il.i "l';.fa- sillily tnoilern, n Sn ha'tiiiuii e ; .1 1 I'. ...... t - t I. I'lM I,' I I- I SI II Mi I 1 V II UNI- ' . I'"'" II I k-.I I 'I t T . ll'll. I I" "... OFFICES AND DFSK ROOM -I I,. , . ... ; . "lli-i- nln I. .nit, v uh front I I HM I I Id s' ' I a" I-1 Ml HI I .'..ta I' i. ft;. -pa. I j.-e or ll'.ral Ol I'll I - I nil li InK fust i-lasa I' t llnlit li .1 Ii 'NT in new World linl'il- j firt-t'riMif vai-uiini clean. . enl f inlaheil: reaaonattl I Call W.iil.l ..Tl.-e j ! 8TOHF.H AND W ARF.IIOUHES DO M 1 1 'K H. Ill 1 1 III Si. I.,r t . a.tnd" be a I I I ni- Vlnfi I llllll l .- I 1 1 1 : 1 Ililll.M :'.. I In le, Kiiil I ' -.-nn . t Ini-.-iiH til I'll,, tie 7 " 5.1 W Ut IK't st. M'll'l .,t'l aiuraKC auto ator;i.:r nn swil.n. II inn laic tiiiillnng ll:is 'I l mater A Mnt-g r.,4T fOH HKNT-- Klorrrooin fr rene In IiArtia IlldjC firrnirlv old World hulkinf KtL.rlb irfl ; Bljf reiiacdfli-tl Aad li firil rim roiid'tttm, h-i huw inda In rtty: rbfs. ,tnt tn. ! tN P : ,.rM)n '.Vorld offlr WANTED TO RENT j N TIJi Kii'ir nr (tiii, tur.nihrtl Nirt Hli-Ml nr liDtisr ) fjinilv CI f fmir, kft li.t.n, Htlr und H Iiivk (tilt dritcriii ttiMi Hint iiii-iitloii, rui i per timnih nr wrr-l. ildn-hh Un. M .in riire Wutld tNTH H 1 out Mmmii tioiikfv with cr- !. f iiili )! ; will pay ffooil rent. I'Ktit.r Hii.'.ti nr 71-rt WANTI'.li Til UK NT ... ti"or Hrm fiirn iphfil hunoti hy t 'fin jilt with bfil of rt-fcrt-iirt-ii 1'rnifm " i 1 It REAL ESTATE FOR SAJLE " ' HU81NF.NH PROPERTT II KlltT. W. .in - riiniable for grocery, rea taitrant or moat any kind of email hue liuea, with five living rouma upstalra. I'huiie .inn? HOUSES TOR BALE 8S FOR rl LK - ' riMjul inodarn lollage oil Newport avtiue, south aide. Fireplace and mantel. Freurh doors, screened sleeping piirrli, klt'hen rabliieta. Price '.-.ini F. N. lillc). il'JI lloblnson. Phone 3M "ini t AMI. 7.1 miinth iniya nice iiaw . room i-iiilag on eaat side, tiss, water and elertriril). Modern. K ,N. Kilry. Phone a.'lHl MOI Tll Ml UK - Lovely" II nioiii"hoine7 garara and servant ipisrtrra; brauttful ahaile. H (Kin Phone '.'1177 l.ilVKI.Y tl ro.un hutigaluw. haniwooif fioura. 4 .SAO Faav terms I'hone 'JH77. FOR SM.FHome iiileiestiiig snaita in small liunse grocery alorea end one tour ing rnru ear 1 an vniaon iteany, iii'i Firat allnnal Hank HI. Ill, I'lmiie 4744 FAST hll'K l.i. ml 4 room plaaterrd house Well, fine lot, close tn car Una; 11,'JiO; :l.i'l caah Phona .1 FIVE III l IMS. harh. oak floors, fireplace. rrantei, limit in feaiures. corner lot; prt-et tn sell. Phone .Linn. Mi ) UN I N li HI I iK llraml new 10 room houaa bssemenl, furnace heal, lower floor all finished in natural oak. hulll in fealurea. seeotid floor enameled, nirely decoraleil. garage for Iwo cars, servants uuartera. ona of the uicest additlona to Tulaa. Priced rnrht. Phone MtllA. FOR HALF HY OU NKK - Hmall house In Altilu sddition; fine well, shade Ireea, high lot. inntlern. ft. inn. F.aay terms. Phone ,.47 It iH'l lf , NIliK - Mrsii?inew f room bunga low, glassed In sleeping intrrb, built-in fealurea galore; hard wood floors through out: garage and driveway. Its a dream. ftl'ill l.'llllll raall. Phone I'helan .'J. FIYK ROOM mo'lcrii home, aleeping porrh. liaseiuent ; front and dining rooma, oak floor and finish; well at back porch, on high, east front corner lot on Mouth Wheeling Ave ' tS.OHO raah or U.IOO half caah. Tel owner Vi4rl. To MAN with large family 1'J room bouse, rarage, 7 '.v 1 4" foot lot; prii a le.hOO; I lino raah, balance time. II. C, Hose A Cav FOR HAI. F. HY OWNFR Op'fiva'aoa oi sis room new bungsiow. modern; east aida on paved street; will aacrifica anal ran giva guol lernia. I'hone 4S01-J, 7050 LANDS AND TARMI FOR BALH"7 I IIAVK IMI'ltoVFIi farms in Arkanaaa lo sell, eaah or credit or trade for Tulaa property ; w ilt ai-ll teams, feed and farm ma.-tiilirry with farina: one special bar gain, 'i.ii a.-rea. I.10 in eult ivation, 71 in l.nliom .'. in wheat 10 111 alfalfa, well elm ked Willi rattle, hnga and sheep. L. I' Kay. Jii.Vn Cole Illdg. I'ho'ia HUJ nr FOR HALF - Fine f:u 111. eiu acrca srparat- rd only hy aection lilies. sluakogea county l.o ate. i two miles from Arksn saa river liilna. Itiilf cultivated, half mesd'iw land uml paature. .fju acres is high firs'l'i Illnalnl Wit'i good sulianil 400 ai-rea fine nilley iantl 111 aeres fine pa. lure I1.1t ro'iglj. linoil houac, barns ami silo line well and tanks, good 7-i,i-il,ir, fine atie k ami gritin farm I'rl .!'.' .Vi t"T a. ie U e n re on Una fur 11- ,1 I '..'I Hai I lllill M loan VL'O per illiniin si Sons, ,-ee Okla LOTH FOR KALE MAPLE RIDGE IiYlI) I'M urir CAIT.1 1 U1V VttIV U11J1J, lleiiiitiftil Lit, y I 0 0 x 1 .' 0 . rorner Twi'lll i"l II illl'l lii'll'itil. f.H'illK Hiillth; Mirrmiri'li"! . :.h:i.lo 1 1 mm iittil fine litiiin ; i li.i tiil.iiiiiii' 'Iii Ihi iiiuh pre. nt. Will sell $1,01111 lii'iie;illi it.i li !tc I'll. .ii.'f. i:o:i-it. PEAL rSTATF, ' ' 00 j O A O V T A 1-a I A kWAl' f I nr ';i!i nt :i Inirir iln, new ,ri-ri.iiin ; l.'i:u:.ili.w. I.lin k ..f e:,r line. , fivsni-r llli Wl'ltli'li In M'll ;it $0.5110., $ 7 .'i'i rn uh u I II hntidle i..i t,i.. I Tins I- .i ii il Imru.iin I'liune e;ir!v 1 ppfiiMinent. .1 (V n-l;: i:i:ihiin' I'I. on.. i;i:i l SV 'I Mlll.'l r 404?. $13,500 Nt cm .nii.ii inline. Huiii i-,,i,n.. center hall and basement; hardwood f....ix; iM.rv finish; th,. , hi nn-ilve Interior decoratlnit; high alaaa pliiiiil.iiii: i ml lU lit rixtunn:,K plant nnd laundry; built for a home l.y Hi., i'i-.-ni i. wiur: ilmililo ri.wirs. walla storm eheeted and papered- weather llii nil .-ail ill)iirs and whitlow: eolith and .al ram.. t. " inn uml M in. I servants,' . mart. is: li.tiutlful location In the Maple Rldn t'liiin anl.- illslrlct. Price reduced for on'elt ul wliv. inn.i.... , ' -a in .in.- i ii. i win appeal "' i'ti nn' limney (oilay. BLAIR BROTHERS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE "0 .$11,000 Klttlit rminis; four Moiks from i inii'tlioiise: iMirner lot; besernent; fueniire hai ; 'i aril wood floors; sleepliife porch, KHcicn and ciaLern. A Kilt cilirn viiluo and a good home in line of our pest south alila loca tlnns. I'liono us for appointment. ' Blair Brothers C'.'S I'nlly Blrlir. Thono 219. $24,000 IIUli cla.sH. 9 room brirk reiJdence; new; ihorouHly well built; hard woo. I fiiilnh; urtlatlc Interior deco ruilim; full elre baaement; larfe fa. ruge and aervanta' rooma. Dullt and oiitnpleted with every modern fea lure for a home. leocated among Tulnn'e beat homes. Blair Brothers 63" I'nlly Illdc- Phone 1J7. $9,500 IlunKalow In Mornlnialda; built tuid completeil by preaent owner (or sv home; alx rooma, baaement, furnace; hardwood and enamel flnleh; tile bath; garage and tervajita' quarter. Muat be aeen to be appreciated. I'hotte ua for appointment. - .'''" Blair Brothers 25 Unity litdg. Phone 1171. Buy From Owner Cloae In on weat aide, a five-room home; atrle.tly modern; baaement and aervanta' qui.rters; full allied lot. You will appreciate the value and terms I am offering on this. Phone 7444 FURNACE $6,250 Houth aide bungalow of f rooma, jca rage and furnace. Laua than 1 year old. Can be handled on very eatry terma. Call ua for bargain. ADAMS -WALKER I'hone 4688-7161 tot Kennedy i PARK HILL A henutlful bunmlow; alx room and hreakfaat room; built-in buffet, hardwood floori throughout; eaat front lot, 75x140; bane merit and tea rnite driveway. Price $7,000; 11,009 will handle. 8ee thia today. J. C. REDDIN K0X Uanlnl III rig. I'hone 61 or 4041. REAL BARGAIN b-riiini liunsatow on full east front lot: mantel, bookcaaea and kitchen cabinet; Rama-n nnd drive; fine Well, l'nce 1 4,00 fur one week. ADAMS - Phone 458S-7K61 WALKER COt Kennedy . Owner Leaving Will aell 4-room houee. Cellar, well, lotn of fruit trees; large lot.s 7Sx 140, block of Loth car linea f 1,000 caah han.lle.s It. Trice IJ.000. Alee haa stnnll Mock of groceries and fixtures. Sell tnuether or separate. V.Y'. E. BARRETT I'hone S3 or 5. 204 Bllsa Bldg. in you in every uetai and cannot ' Photi .1 1 .sasw i : S U