Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1918. (P. - Win ptlc L OJ SUGAR RESTRICTIONS ARE BEING REMOVED William Duncan at Lyric lllvlalon (d Iwmohllltf- ii-vinlri 15; MMliririi(lnliH Will IWeomo DffoilM' Nc Week, New YnllK. Nov. Thr mik.i (livtsluna of Ihr I'lil'.il Klali-a f.o'l Jdnilntniratimi I hi imikIi'mii Him nnm try will Iif-Klll to il'Mnllll.i' ,iImimi l'p'frulfi l.'i, ii wn Ii'.iiihiI li in day, In niillrlput on of I tic arrival of (.'iili.i'N itur vrni In .l.imi.nv Mnillfkallon if ri-nllK lloim nffri IHik vonminiorM , will Ipi oiim cffriivi parly nrxi week Tin- diiKir unnnn wlmli h.ivi' oniili't" l oiilrnl nf diM r 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ion i ref'.nera mirl through llio n-f iiimck, ovrr illsiilliiillon liy lioli'MiilfiH iitul Kror:im will on I t it hi ir (Union Hour their c rtifii'aix iiyH'.cin oiiilrr whlrh miKar haa lii'fn hIIoIIpiI to iiiunufactiirrrn ami Aealpra iih it r. tlmr Hirusiii'i' to i'uiiiirr Huh ooni- modify. Manufacturers will, however, r rf'(iiiril to limit tlirlr nin Ii.iki'S Hi h to a tlilrty ilay aupply mill Ihn urrlvHl of thr Cub. in law .iImiiii ! January 1 0 or ID. W'hllr rrairli'lluna on I tin iini of Miur In it It M phiiCH will ooiillnur ' in rfffct for ih prcuiftiil, four pminda of nti(Car will b vVoweil 10 . nu ll prrnon ritrh month, In tli homos, tifftlnnlnjc Monday or Tinn- i 1ny. ThlM, It wan declari-d, will In- ' ronmjmptlon prior to Hi war. 1 SUPERDREADNAUGHT WELL ' ADVANCED IN BUILDING NKWfOUT SKWH, H , Nov. 119 With thr llftwiK of the voluntary rcnsurf lilp. It now Ik pcrmlMUhln to reveal thut onn of llm nrfiit tuipor , drtadnaiiKhla In thr IKIHj Ihrre-yrar btiildlnir program la wrll advanced lit ronHtrurilon at tluM plant nf thr Nrwioit NVwk Hlilp Imlldln A lrv liurk Co. The krrl of Ihr 32,000 ton hal I li'khlp wiih laid artfr tna country wrnt to ar ami In aplte nf thn cull oihiIi on HiIh yard for li dmtroyrm t fia-hl the mit marine, work on tfcr Id vmmol ha progrraaej aatiHfai-torlly. hull has Jaken ahap ami prohahly will lie rrady for launching within a few months. Thla monatnr tnan-n'-war will mount right Id-Inch rlflra In four turret on the renter line, two for ward and two aft, and naval offi cial bllev that ahe will hn thr equal. U not the superior, of any warahlp afloat, four of these whips wars authorized 'and another In to be built here and two by the Fore Klver KhlpbulkUnff company at Qulnry. Mass. Thrr Killed. MARYVIULK, Tenn., Nov. 2. Three persona were killed and four Injured near here today when a louring- train rot nut of control of I la craw and crashed down the moun tain elopes at BUrkrork Into the horn of Bunt Kloane. Hloane. hla 16-year-old daughter and Mrs. Itohert Itrown were found dead In the wreck of the house. VI1LIAM J ' sf islis i i i i J HOLLWEG WELCOMES WAR INVESTIGATION I'ormrr (.criiuin t liuiii'i'llor WhiiI" IToIm Into llli flirt In Smrt of Wiir mill lis oinluct. RoupHonor p I.ONMMN N l!'tliiii'irni ln!iw fierlii I li't in ''llor' the wiir. N i'.iiiiT lnli lu cli. in' n fur ii i Hi' III! IT. I In. Ill iiutlir'' infll. I. .hi he h.iN liioili CllZftle of I t' Ne ( 'iifien h,(i i Tin. Tin i i st i lelne ii ' i ' i r 1 1 1 1 inn llll k Of I III wMilMll'in ori!n "f tl"' ,i l.ilriorn) -.'r.i'.li Cerm.'iu 1 1 1 r . I l.v the piMlenl lit f . f li n vt !a t inin re I! I f l : I K Hie .r..i..-i i,f lr,ii;n i n ' mi. I fintri ii -I'i'l pil in . 1 1 1 . in frni,, ..iiiii liiluln from tie-.e. Iln .mI in 1 1 1 1 i.i I ' ii'i l Mill pr l-e'l ii A '1st f,i ,i i lot; r In. i , Inii .1. i ,i i ire l.f I lie I i ' Ml I ll lit fill e l H.H llllli.l 'i III' he .-.i vv it be i l l; i rile. I II li'illl III lis I. '11'' .iii.I .1 IIIHII'I'- 111.11'. The e -1 IX ni-e 1 1 ir loillv .I'A .1 ll llit Die l.i I'lIM' lll.l lie Jll-I:.'- ly fJ.H I lllliefll.ll irllllllle 'We Hill ;nl ill II mil' I I'M- ' Iml v. HI in .1 ,il!ms In lie tot leil i tl(, K. nt I II hlon.T ' i i lior In hi' i tlm I ',.i v.i r i.i n ' li" war h , l i in; itn-l the . n i .irv em r.iei III. ,e,i. II..I1J 1 1 V I-1 I o' nun P'k'.H'l he w .lh lio II II llll ll lllii I ;iml when . .in 'll 1 1 i. In the lie- - lie I V Win ,111 l'll i i rur. .in v i li:. ii, il ll'J ie, .li l e CARTER GLASS OFFERED FEDERAL RESERVE POST W A S 1 1 1 Nt ; ti )N,' Nov.28. The fo. Iuwhik iMNiiultiva are reported by the ' oiuiM.iii.llnic Keneral of the Amen 'an enpednioriary forrea; Killed ln MCHon 90. 1 1:. 1 uf wounds . I M il of iiiii iileni and other cnuaee oiiiiii severely ."(( W tided allKhtly 1 ,10. .M..-MMK lit action 3 . 'I'm. 1 1 li.-.K. OKLAHOMA I.I.VT. K I l i in Action. Meul. riliur ,1. Mathenry, ( handler. orp. (. K. Iti,, okliUioma llty. I rhaics UlMliiin . Iliinieit. U tlnjrton. Philip CnrM-lll, Tuliiv. Itohi ri ii. nn miin,., ( ann.llun. "Ini s. Hod, Hun,. ( uli r s. I lih., I'crry. I (Itiir It. I '.kmrimi, Oklahoma City, lliili'olm ii. I f in mom, liiriiaii UIIUlllll li. OhIhh, Kw ly. Iih-il nf WotimlM. I. hut. ,. K. .Iiiilen, Oklahoma llty. iip. . It. Icrrlll. tiiitlirlc. llU-ll Of hllM'UNO. h.irliw I', snldi-r. N tew a it. oiinilril St-vrrrly. nrp. .stuiilrj Metiiiuler hiillnu. .Witthl sllKlitly. rrlxiilrx Wlllliim I.. ItriHik. : Honn. sti'niHii I'lnhcr. larenvnrr. MIhmIiik In A.tJon. ITIiiiK i lle I,. lUt kwltlt. Ivernr. Itii linnl It. I'urkrr, tiilntoii I il Mi l lliii.ii'k. HrHillcv. Itii linnl T. ! Icleii, Wclumku. Suits and Overcoats At Prices that Make Good i, WAr'MIMiTii.V No iit.une I'iirter i i l.(i. i.i, no. in of tin" Iioiim I H ill l'Utllt. e. h.i v e been Uftked hv "! li'pte , of Vlrnlltli. I. unking; Mini m n ndi rMon.l I'r.-I.lent VVII. Repeal of Increased - Pontal Kates Wanted WASHINGTON', Nov Urpeul of the Im reused postuK" rutrs was approved today by the senate flnanrr committee. Amendments to thn war revenue hill were adopted to iiIioIIhIi the tone Increase on second rlnn ratra, with a proviso that, thr rate shall be I 1-2 cent per pound beyond a ZOO mile radlua, and also for repeal ttf the extra cent prr ounce postuue on lettters. Notrd. Author III. PAI1I8. No, 2! lllavas. ) Kd mond ItoNtan la very III from pneu monia. The condition of the dls tlngulshed author la said to be alarming. PERSHING CABLES SPEED IS MADE ON CASUALTIES WAHIIINOTON. Nov. 'Jit. -Ueneral I'erahltiK cahlpd thr war department today that evriy effort Is belnK madr to report promptly thr lomplete record of eiisuallles ainnni; his forces. The mesHiiitr, sent In reply In an Inquiry from tlm department said; "All deaths are belna reported by ruble s fast hm they air received ami thr reporting of the wounded In ad dition does not Interfere with this. I'ue to our troops beliii! on the inarch, thr difficulties of cheeking casually rr ports Is Increasing, but evrry effort Is being mailt, promptly to obtain complete reports of the dead and wounded." eon to br.-omr a uieitiler "f Ihr fed eral reserve hoard In succeed 1'red eric A. Iielano, ln resigned to enter I the at 1 1 1 v. It was 'Mid loday the I membership was offen d by tin; res I Ign.illnn of .Secretary McAdoo ""'I wlille Mr. Oliia Is repmted to have exprrsMvl reluctance lo accent lit that lime, the offer sllil Is open. Since Mr. McAdno niinouncpd resignation there lias hern consider able iliscimslon of Mr. liluss as a pos. silile siicesMnr to him hh secretary of the triacury. Now, however, it In understood Mernnrd M. H.iruch, chairman of the war Industries board. Is being urged to becomn sec. elary. Mr. Olass is in Kurope and Is expected to return aoon. Klllil III A1lon. l.i.'ilfeii.intH -'i M fn.'lon. Illritiiiigliam, AU. H.iiv . .ii M- I'liisburgh, I'a. K'lwin M Khun. Iterkrley. Cat. .Mi'-h.iel .1 Hayes Cleveland, Ohio. Sh.Mon i:. Iloiuliey, New York. Sclgeiinlh I 'ric A llerginn. Isins ng. Mich. Krwlii I., liann. l-rankclay. Mo. l-'r.iiik Hill. Philadelphia. l.'hti i;. Ilnik, Philadelphia. Ulllard M. .Viinley. Mangor, Me. '" H. Miti.hell. Webster drove Mo. Andrew (' .Vlodle, Op h rim, Mont. i.'Mn o Meara. I;lchiuond. Valley. llrldgeport, Conn. llnrr tiix-s fur 1'rlsonrra. T'll'KS, Monday. Nov. 2.'i.--An American liner will mill from a French port ln ,i few d.iya for Itot terdam, where It will take on board 9 American officers and 2,000 men who have been prisoners of war in Germany. They will he brought to r ranee before being taken to Hie fulled State. When in the Market for Oils for any purpose whatever consult The Texas Company We manufacture a full line of Lubricating Oils of tested quality covering oils for industrial and agricultural machinery. Texaco Steam Cylinder Oils for Ali Purposes Texaco Machine Oil TEXACO URSA OIL The Oil for Diesel Engines Lubricates the entire engine, power cylin ders, air compressors and all the bearings. One oil for alL TEXACO MOTOR OILS In grades to meet every motor requirement -for pleasure car, truck or tractor. Texaco Crater Com pound For gears indoors and out, for gears on machines, steam shovels, hoists, compres sors wherever water and pressure are encountered. Especially recommended for use on tractors as it is not affected by weather, water, flying dust or mud. TEXACO FUEL OIL FOR INDUSTRIAL and RAILROAD PURPOSES TEXACO GASOLINE TEXACO BURNING OILS FOR HEAT, LIGHT OR POWER For prices and particulars. Tulsa or the general offices fet in touch with ouroince in the company in Houston. Texas. teAco ft The Texas Company Offices in Principal Cities Distributing Points All Over the Southwest V V I'elcr .S. 1'ero 'orimrale - I?. I. Hinges, fart Junction, Mo. t'liiiriie II liui..i' i.'uiriu ini i' In" Arthur It. KinkelHteln, liuffalo, N. ur. cl...i... .. .... ii.n i en a . en, (. anion, unlo, lolin f. Mcfiibe, V. Hrooklyn, N. I'Lurctice ,1. Miller." Cleveland, loiui I'rochaeka, Cleveland. Mechanic II. fcilorr, I'lalnfleld. N.J. in vutea ito A. Anderson, Uleklng, Sweden. .M.icneii j. liehrmitn, New York. ViiKve A. HenKHton, Hock ford. 111 Willis t. Ilennett, .Mlllvllle, Kla i.liiun lterry, Hcdlake Falla. Minn. v. .. ,i. i;ickert. Wharton, N. J. Charleg I . Hiwwell. trhatham, Va. Hubert Hmcken. Weaton. Ore. It. 10. Canfleld, Saliiiniinca. N. Y. !. e. Cox. .Murlon. Ija. Karl K. Crow, Suit Ijike. Utah. A. CiinniiiKhain. tkneinnati, Ohio. Hen Cunn.nKhani, llllham. Tenn. Itulph S. Davla, Coin nibua. Ohio. S. I.. Klnneifan, Hurllnirham. N. Y. Klont. .Maxwell, Iowa. Will r Kriince, Etowah, Tenn. .loh ii It. Cuddle, Hoilgenville, Ky. !. J liiHtenveld. Hurtwell, Ohio. Michael J. (inun.m, Philadelphia. .1. Ijialunik. Indiana Harbor, Ind. Irvl-i M. Oreenwalt, Charlotte. Mich. Wm Ijruottkc, New Haven, Conn. W. A. ll.ill. Wlnflel.l, Kan. W. If. Hemingway, New Haven, Ct. II Hilhert. Hurlford. Conn. Itohert II. Hill, Owings, 8. C. Sylvester Jloven. Ada, Minn. W. C. Klaer, Hedfleld, 8. D. Sum J. Ie, Coward, 8. C. Andrew L,enycl, Wallinicford Conn. James V. I,ynch, Ayrahlre, Iowa, lohn J. McOarry, Ileiliaon, Mo. U T. McKnik'ht. Ixirenzo, Texas. '. )C. MiiKiiire, Alton, III. lolin Marclnko. Ktocktett, Mont, (i. H. Murtz, Storm Ijike. Iowa. A If M.Lson. Ml. Vernon. Waah. lolin J. Moorman, Iioylestown. I'a. C. N. Moore, GIlhertHvllle, N. Y. It. V. liichter. Center. N. I). I.ulff Salilnl, San Kraiiclhco. other A. Slioopnian. lttrell, Ky. .1 C. I'nderwood, .Merlden, Conn. Aniline Velia, New Bedford. Mass. John .1. Ward. Kan KrHnclaco. I'arker W. Weaver. iHllshurn. Ia. 1 1 a 1 1 li K. Weiler, anover. I'a. A. M. I'rry wamkl. Kllwihethp,rt, N.J. W. C. Tucachel, Holyoke, Mana. W. II. Itaniey, Clarkaton, Wuah. I'alnier 1, Salltn-, Waraaw, Mo. .loseph Shatan, New York. N. Y. K. .1. Shovan, Hemlock. Mich. A. J. Simons. Warrsh, Ft. I. T. Siomakewlcr, New Itrltaln, Coftn. W. M. Skelley, Imvenport, Iowa. It. K. Smith, Adama. N. Y. I'. I- N. Spencer. K. Durham. N. C. S. K. Stever, Philadelphia, Pa. taano W. Siephen. Sun I'letro, Cal. .Iiiilnnn StronK. MohlROmery, Pa. .1 Thoniison, Cleveland, Ohio. V". H. Thoniion. Ireland. Philip P. Titche. Itid.leford. Me. A. V. Tindale. Portland, Ore. W. tJ. Toone. Hslnnk'ton. IX C. C. 1). Vorhle.s, lyocki'ldge. Iowa. Hiram A. Waite. Kl.sie, Mich. Pete Zogimic. Irftckquanna, N. Y. Olnl of ounds. Ctpa. Inn C Upper, Denison, Texan. Lieut. J. N. oonohue, St. Paul, Minn. Sergeants D. I brown, Iickwond, Ky. A. Kuler, I'iftwburith. Pa. Carl H. lrafsle. Waiiakoneta, Ohio. ( I'.iiiin iiiy. .-Miuorson, ps. c Klwood Kemler. Pauldinif, Ohio. Hoy MuMiti, Port Wayne. Ind. I'liuilos Monie, Mooslc, Pa. Sievon M. Wall?. Mahoney City, Pa. Corporals l'ctr Cum, lay. Arlington. 111. i'. P. Holland, priest H!ver. Idaho, lames .1. Kelly. Katnttah. N. Y. A. K. I.ytile. Shelby. Mich. P. P. McCarthy. New York. W. It. Storey, port Si-ot t. Kan Musician P. J. Hirmingham, Newark V ,1. Wagoner C. K. Hrige... Hiveralde, Cal. William Urown, Hrooklyn, N. Y. Privates W. W. Anderson. S. Uigan, rtah. Alotizo Aragon. Iiawaon. N. M. Calvino Asuu th. IMgewater, Md. H. .1. S Hncon. Chicago. U'W-Itt Hattle, llattleboro. N. C. Sandy Hell.imy, St. Augustine, Kla. Kdward Henson, lOrumclaw. Wash. T:. C. Ponnell, Jtayhead. N. J. Wlllium 11. Hoyd. Wllkinshurgr, Pa. C. 1,. Mrenner, Zelienpole, Pa. J. Hroppy, Lanarkshire, Scotland, .lolin K. Hurke. Troy, N. Y. Victor Caldart. Heliuns, Italy, Ii. .1. Can:ipa, New York. V. Cartnelo. Philadelphia. Felix It. Curtis, New York. Hairy C,. UosMcr, Tyrone. Pa. .lame T. Puffy, Chrome, N. J. liinlol J. Dwyer. Omaha, Neb.' Walter !. Kggert. Chicago. Krpd Khlen. Aurora. Ore. Harry It. Klwick, Abeline, Kan. C. Kankhauaer, Ouboie, Neb. .1 Kineierg. Philadelphia. Martin .1. Foley. Manchester N Cecil ;ordv, Clarkaburg. III. i! i!richabcr, Cnlonhll, N. J. It is well to anticipate the crisp days of winter and get into a new Suit or Overcoat now. Here you can select from a collection of torments tailored to insure good fit and long wear and fashioned of mate rials specially adapted for cold weather. Compare our Suits and Overcoats with those selling at other stores for $30, $35 and $10; you will readily ee that the gar ments we sell are of equally as good material and tailoring. Why pay more when we save you from $7 to $15 on Suits and Overcoats Priced 18 K?1 ..nrl ' kf 1 VJ tfwx ll 1 1 va v w 7 Y Underwear Consisting of all the standard makes, including Coopers, Stephen son, Wilson Bros, and Duofold, in all weights and sizes. You will find sharp savingos at our prices I X WIS I A I l s ll $1.25 $1.50 $2 $3 and $5 Hats $3.25 Holmes Clothes Shop 223 South Main FLAXcTEL $2.75 to $7.50 J. M. Hart. Wheeling, W. Va. Michael A. Kelly, Union, N. . J. A. Kinder. Pouglaa, Wyo. Oomlnlck Uddl. Snanlcandro, Italy. H. J. landhorat, Mukwonago, Wis. K. I.. McCoy, Melrose, Iowa. H. 8. MacOonegal, Kochester, N. Y . J. Mlchaela, IJanvllle. I'a. Jamea C. Molt, Marcollne. Mo. Otto Mussehl, Cleveland. Klmer Muths, Chicago. Mary Myrln, Ironton, Minn. P. A. H. Schults. lanaing, Mich. U W. Sellierlich. Philadelphia. Klsworth Sterling, Smlthfield. w . a. Moyd II. Stoker. Cozeno-1a, N. 1 . Carl Thommes. Cleveland. F. C. Tinder, Fredericksburg. a, N. Toccl. Province Plchletl, Italy. Allen H. Waldrip. Colllnaville. Ala. .1. K. Walls, Nebraaka City. Neb. iluy C. Weese, An tone. Ore. Ceo. A. Wells, Grand Rapids, Mich. Abner Williams, old Trap. N. C. II. W. Wllhams Thoinpnon. Oa. John Wofford. Mobley, Tenn. n. Worford, Hamilton. Kar). J. M llellard, Knoxville, Tenn., A. Hoffman. Olvmpla, Ky. K. It Hofscher, Pittaburgh. Pa. hetiter II. Jobe. Tunnelhlll, 111. K. C. C. JohtiHon. V'ullerlon. Cal. H. O. Johnson, Minden, Neb. Died of Aivldent and Other rnuwa. Sergt. M. M. Uarron, l.s Angeles. Corp. Ira Austin, Cheyenne. Wyo." Wagoner V. M. Soit, Aiientown, i'a. Privates F. J. Cantwell, Hoosick Falls. N. Y. Vj. It. Cross, Fort Worth, Texas. Ole IJIlefloren, Hrlcelyn, Minn. J. W. Marchlewakl. Alpena, Mich. K. M. Sharp. Corning, N.-Y. P. H. Wlllett Hear Cretk. N. C. PARIS. Not. 2! The condition el Major Wllliard D. Straight of ths American expeditionary forces wm reported today as still dangeroua Major Straight is 111 with pneumonia. Weakness After Orio r influenza Would you buy a paste diamond if you could secure a genuine stone at no greater cost? Then why be satisfied with a mere imitation of a singer's voice when by purchasing The New Edison "The PhonoRraph with a Soul" you can secure its RE CREATION; pure, sparkling and flawless? The Wonderful Tonic Properties of QUININE and IRON, uiidoubtedly, have saved thousands from the ravage of Grip and Influenza, and the value of GROVE'S TASTE LESS chill TONIC in the treatment of Colds, Grip and Influenza could hardly be estimated. To Save and Rebuild Strength when attacked by Colds, Grip or Influenza is the real problem, and this is accomplished by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. After Grip, Influenza or Pneumonia, the weakened system needs building up. and roves Tasteless chill Tonic should be taken regularly until you have fully regained Strength, Heakhy Color and a Good Appetite. The Specially-Prepared QUININE and the Specially Treated IRON in GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC make it an Exceptionally Good, General Strengthening Tonic for the Child, the Mother or any of the Family, young or old. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect It is acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and does not cause nervousnessor nnging in the head. Pleasant to take. Fncc oia- PhonbqrJhop As) Age Advances the Liver Requires snn rta sm.n CMlOMl ' LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION 7 CIOISYI EMS STStU 8 West I 'trill a IHione 305 Price But X j.J hTcood (Carter's Work J QITTLE S BIVER Isaarara Colcirles. or Pale Face. MnMU condfltlon which wiU b frettlr Mpri by ldTtCr I ITOU r i 7 1 " "V.. v.