Newspaper Page Text
l'ULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1918. 10 Hi A ll h r i M 'If.' 1 JV-.I HI .1 til U:j ( I . i - ! St.! ARMY STRENGTH PLAN TO DEVELOP LATER War Department k I timl to Mniiiliihl Half Million IKiciilur l-Vircc; Addition I00U11I For. NAVY PROVIDES INCREASE Itanlcl Submit Katlmatra U' Con tinue llulldlnit Mr llrninli Will lie Kept I" latrite I'art. WAHIllNtlTii. IW. 2- A reKU llir army of piioxiin:illy lialf a million mm I provided for aiieclfle- illy In "dlinn- ainmuum i " treaa today for tin- fl-l yr li!. ftnvlnnln- next July l'dailed damn on I ho ly of thi army hhow :hat In the total of $ 1 ,1122,000,000 mkdl for. exrlualva of tha f'lriiflr Ion enttiiKilfH, prnvlalnn In mad for -.ha pavrm-nt of only il.S&'J officer md 8S2.7 men of the line and up-nroxlninn-ly 1 30,000 fion -combatant .roopii with tho rniilHlln ataff of Mrer. The Inclusion In lhe callmiitra however, of flvo Item of py with a 'ininlniil Hiproirlullon of 1100 rnch inked, allow Hint th wholii iiir lion of Ihn tirith of tha army ifter the c i.iii liidloii of peace him iipmi deferred. iinH that auppllmcntal itlmale ii ro to ha expected miller Iheae. hcadlnK whenever It In -llhlo to prem-nt a rornpleteil project. Tha Item thu held In aiiapriialiiti ira thoae providing for the pny of rpurvii and nntloiial KUAnl offheia ind men. Navy Wunla liicm"". Tim nuval mlinte aretnimed on an exactly opposite theory Kery provUloii U nindn for aleady ami rapid lniTtNe of the fleet, a total of Miproxlinuirly f 134.000. ono l.einn laked. (if thai aiim IOO.OOO.OOO la lha flrat liii'reinent of the, propoaed new thrpo-yrnr hulldliiK proKram prnvldlnic for 10 additional dread naiiKhta, al hiittle crnlaera and HO other fluhtlnu rrafl. Tha reniulnder nf the $4S4,H00,pno would gn lo com plete ahlpa of the flrat ihree-yeur proKrnnt. Herretaiy lianlela hua re newed. alo, the nnval enieidnnry fund Item under whli h roniaa p proprlnted $ 1 00.000,000 1n( year to .provide for the cnnatrurtlon of ml -illtlonal deatroveia. auhniarlne rhnaera and other apeilal rrtift nd to expedite ronetrurllon work. Thu year however, the department aaka for IITD.OOO.OOO. The, total appropriation for the naval eidahllahment la eetlmiited at H.H44.000.00O, or an ln"reaan of ap proximately billion dollar over ap propria! lona made for the current year. The pay of th" navy Itaelf alanda at S7.04il,0OO airalnat 1237. S73,4 thla yar. similarly, IKiS, 211,000 la naked for tha marine corpa agnlnat IMJ.UB.OOO thla year. Naval lliiliirtlona. Juat what redurtlnna In tha naval eatlmatea wera ninda followln the aliening of the armtatlr with tier many which ended hoatllltlea. la not dlacloaed. 8o far na tha army la concerned, however, (leneral Marc haa atated that mora than IIS.OOO.- 000 waa lopped off of tha original H 000,000.000 war budget for the year, bringing tha naw total Includ- Tulaa'a IVrfcrt rholoday Thfailrr Twin y and WiMnnxlny J. WARRED KERRIGAN "THREE X GORDON" Konnila like brand of bonie, but It'a tlxi nanm of a man maker, llrrr'a play you'll like. II.'SO, 12:30. t, :.10, 5, :0, H, t:S0 Adulta Sno C'lillilmi ta War tax extra Thurwlay, Friday, Katunlay Tho lrlo llrnnty Grace Valentine "The Unchaatened Woman" Uight! Nmnrt! Starkllng! BROADWAY A rip-roaring comedy today v enUtlcxI "OVER THERE" hy Tin; HI-JINKS COMPANY J0 TAf.KNTKI) AUTISTS 20 Door Open at 1:15 mlth Tic. turf -a. Conttnuoua rcrformoiuv. Week day mntlneon, lAr; nlghta and Siindii) , 30e YEOMAN Regular bunlnoag newlon. State officers and out of town team. All Yeomen bo present, Tuesday night, December 3. Knights of Columbu hall 4162 S. Boulder COMK or lug fortlflrutloiiH doMii to Iihh Uiiiii f .'1,000, ooo, 0U. 'Jim mmy eliiniitee flinw Ihut the Hperiflo provlHin 1 1 1 .i I f h for tha ri'ifiihir i'hI;iIiimIi liient only ax at pri-e'-iil inn Inn l.i d mill nilni'd to 1 1 m iihixIiiiuiii war KirniiKlh. Thin In tin' foi e roolrin plated in tin- ukuIiiI' tinny n- uik.iii liitlon niiiilH In I in- defi-mie nit of I'll'! lilh alio fi-..r.iii.i''l the national KiMrd 'III'' philo In illrullon of thiM ini'tlniil f pri-M-iit-I n k the eetlmiiti a. It In mild. In Unit ii n entlrWy in-w military n.llry In to ha pruponeil nd for Hint niuion, no Mpproprlntlona for rontliiiiltig th" Kliard In fi-di-ral ni-rvlre or oiliir wlna niiipli-iiiiiitliiKT the rrgular army am now anked Air hi'Mlii- ItiliiliM il Tim iiiomI nlrlklnn -i u 1 1 m i-n t up liroprlutloii of the iiriny ! ii l t In for the air nirvl'e I ndir ilr-iiift produrlloii a lump huim llmat'd of lipploxlllilllelv I 14 i. OHH.OOU In nuhiiillti'd Hiipiiloiiienieil hy ,m ml - dltlonal 120,000 for the air Mi-ivle llaelf. Iml yi-fir. tli upproprla- tlmin under Ihiw two lii-Hilliiga were. renpertlvely 1 7 10,1100,0110 mid IIH1 000. Kven with tho i;reiit rut made heiHUnn of the end of llonl ll It let, the total of 1 1 nr., Ooo. 000 now aouKht. however. hIiow that Kn-nt nlrenn la lo he laid hereafter on ftlnraft do velopment. TULSASTAKES MILLION ON FUTURE ((VlNTIM'KIl r'IMlM I'flK ItSKi perfert tho iirraiiKeinenlN no that the rnrporatlon ran at once take up the work of Inventing- Ita fiindn In inanu farlurlriR und wholenale limtltiltlona that want to locate In Tulmi. The firenlilenta of tha nlno bank In Tulna and Went Tula. with other rltlaena, rompone the temporary hoard of director, nti'l upon their endowment, the firoinoler will go to the Inventor of the city and offer tha atork on a Imaliieaa hiuila. ami a an opportunity to get Into corpora tion that not only offer a wonder ful opportunity a an Invoatinent but prnmlne wonderful returnh In tha whola city. IIhii or OrgnnlAiilloii, Tha plan of organisation a out lined by Ihn IniMrd of dlrertora lo the meeting I embodied In the pro poned aiilincrlpllon Vledge which l na follow: I hereby miharribe harea of the capital atuck of the Tulna K'.nanrlal corporation. nl par value thereof, and agree to pay 2fi per cent on auch aiihacrlp tlon on deiiiHiiil of th tieimuier ao anon a the rompanv I Incor opmtml, the remainder to be paid nt ui h time nd In auch ainoiint. not exceeding 10 per cent of ald aubacrlptlon In any one month, aa may be preacrlbed by the board of director. I 'tile one tin If of Ihn iplll lorl of Mild eimipiinv I rellablv aubncrlbeil on or be fore the fir! dnv of .March. Iin. and the rmnpaiiy lioorponiteil within 30 day thereafter, thin aiihacrlpllon ahull be void and of no effect. latml at Tulna, Mklu., thl day of December, IKIH. flgned Agdre It I .propooed lo offer thl atork to tho public In any ale hlgck from 1100 up. and ait Intenalve mile run palgn will bo waged by the riminilt lea that haa the work In charge Ku ture meatlnga of tha cltlxena will be held, and tha corporation ipilckly organlxed. In order tbit Immrdlala action can he hud In brlniti-'g here corporation thai have alremiy prac tically paed the Invenl gatlon com mltte of thn chamber of commerce, fcprakrr Coiifldrni. At the meeting laat night, I'real dent McParlln prealdod. anil he In troduced II II. linger, who outlined tha plan and gava the meeting what Information tha board of directors had. Hpeechea of endoraement were made hy M. C. llnle, 1). K. C'onnoly, .ludge llalph K. t'amphell, tirant Mci'iillniigh, W. 1 1. Iluck. Carl Mngee. Col. W K. Ilalacll Of Kan aa City; tl. K. Warren. Jr. H. (1. Kennedy, John M Klmmona, W. van der tlrecht. t'. I Holland and other. Tha growth and ambition nf Tula from early dnya when thn Rialto Last Timet Today Norma Talmadge Supported hy Fugcne, O'llrten ,. In "Her Only Way One of the ft neat pli-turea thl popular ntaV lna ever tiutde Also Mark Sciuntt'a Intent 2-ni'l iiimcly riot "Whoe Little Wife Are You?" with Wajiaml TTnik. (Ttarlea Murray, lien Turpln and .Mary Thuni.nn Show ll:SH, I. 2:30, 4, S:S0, 7, N:30 ami 0:45 lrloea Imwer floor 22e: night. Ite. Children: At Mntliicea flo, night Ite. Tomorrow and Thursday Conntance Talmud go In "I'p the lload with Sally." Thin la one of the niont delightfully rrfnxh Intr eonuillea you've m-Ou In a long time. 'ITie mniiaircmrnt Iiiih perMomilly ret lowed It ami guar unlet' It to Itlit It o uiroiut. EMPRESS Tulsa's Only Vaudeville Theater Box Office Phone 3929 NOW PLAYING "THE RISING GENERATION" Ten of Ihe moat Verhalllo, t. in ert Children that ever vlsltrtl Tulsa. big tirpliciini nitnic lloii I'tiiliinnil by I'. S, govern ment officials. And Four Other Act Matinee Today, ISe NlghlH 2.o and 3.V Itor boo Pleture at 8:15, 7:20 and 9:00 Vaudoille nt 3, 7:40 ami 0:20 MUTT and JEFF .VsVraV,"V.Ve-N f ,1v! aTx Ala 7x taj YOUN f U 1 ( WuLO MuTT'A roariA,, tiuih -,r,p i. ( I w.r t, ju e v plM that you smalw He I that" aw m 6WJ( MT r GQIAIA xet WM.r TY r-J Hi4. A Stt I WOVlll Ny V0O l A.O p6TtHM I hjt!-! kh mi. ' enje I J?: ir yw Mt m oe a Bor -a Tlte wo(H. ret J n lb im roa-Mowir mn' .'trw--. V ytLtt' J 16 , &tjAL.- m revMAigDe. womueiri-oL nMtiA. l' y ( r k 1 rhiimbi-r of i iiiiiineii e nu t In a little mom 10x12 .ih the theme nf M Hale, ii ml he iuallfl'il not only mi Intenelve town builder bin I ii I . I of Inn vli mi of TulhA of ;T.'i linn W illy and reinlninient reiinirkn of enily d.ivn (Hid a piedhtloll of the Tiila.i of toiiniirow pul enl Iiiih, hhiii III llin meeling 'Alwut till tenter. Mr. t'onnoly predicted Tulna would ahv.ija be the oil center of Ihe atata and Indlrated hi love fur thn city, II people mid hi hope for the fu ture In an way. lie ug gealed Ihnl one of Ihe big thing lo he eoriHldered wan the matter of rant and hoped that lliey would nd Jiint IheiiinelveH a a banln for Ihe future growth of the city Judge rai.iiili. il of the t'onden cnmimnv nanl that be had watched Tulna. for e,ii. alw.iv with a de nlre In live here, and pi filleted that It would iituMiv lie tlie ml capital and the c1ciii-!iii( hiiti!- of thn mid conlllieul field 111 addri-Hn from one of the newer c ilm-im. Indicated thnruplditv Willi whlrh men became Innplred 0- the Tuli eplrit. Colonel llalnell om a Tiilxan, and alwiivn an admirer of th" i lly, aald he Ii n 1 1 en nnn h faltli in ll and no much tnti'ii'Ht In lin future that ha would take t.'i.iniu worth of the ntock In Ihn corporation He wn arccpled at once aa a i itlen of Tii!i. tem porarily Kojoiirnlng In a neighboring community. ir H. (1 Kennedy, owner of tha beautiful Kennedy office building, the liiruent In the ntnte, aald Hint he expected to live In Tulna for at leant r.O year I. inner, ami that he would put hi money ami energy In a finan cial proportion a proponed, with full knnv.le.lue that It would not only be a good thing a a mean of making money, but Ihut It would re turn hint Interrat ox a civic enter prlae. .I.ilin H. Hlmtnon. who hna given the pant 19 month to tha war work, being a member of Ihe exemption hoard, urged the Importance of naw poalUon for Ihe returning aoldlern. "We have aent 5.00ft men out of Tulna; they urn coming back, and they'll bring nthor with them. The plan to have Indiiatrle hern that will give all who coma a place to labor and rum. flia In the plan of tho re turning aoldler aplendldry." ( Haa Suro Foundation Mr. van der fSrvcht pledged hi faith and energy to Tulaa, predict ing here a great elty. beeauae of ttie, foundation upon which It I hullded. "Tulaa hn the fuel problem nolved. and whllo thera may be flunh 'ill production detracting from the elty, here will alwaya be the center of tha Imlualry, and here will be creeled a great Industrial center." I'renldent MrKarlln predicted the corporation would not only n.dve the Indiiatrlul propoaltlon In Tulaa, hut that the Investment would bring lg return to Ihe atork owner, and he waa very inthulatlc over the poaal lullHea of the project. The meeting In the opinion of the director wa a decided compliment to their work during the pant year, and thn enthuaiaam with whlehthe i ll lien entered Into il wo-i an en doraetnent of the great work tha president and director have done during the time It ha handletl, the dcathiy of the tnduntrial city. FOR COLDS AND GRIPPE fOLLOW DOCTORS' ADVICE Ask nny phyalclan or druggist and he will tell you that the find step In tho treatment of a cold, cough or grippe should Invnrlahly be "a brink calomel purgative. preferably the iinuncnlcst calomel, called Oalotab." Thl alone I often sufficient to break up a severe cold over night, or cut nhort tin attack of grippe and possi bly prevent pneumonia. Ono Calotah on the tongue at bed time with 11 swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest Interference with your eat ing, pleasures or work. Next morn ing your cold has vanished and your etnlre system Is purified and re freshed. Calotabs are sold 111 orig inal scaled package: price thirty five rents Recommended und guar anteed bv druggist everywhere. Trice refunded If you are not di- lighted. Adv. Mow to Acquire Hair Beauty You can enjoy a delightful sham poo with very little effort and for a very trlffllng rout. If you get from your druggist's a package of Cnn- throx iuuI dissolve a tcaspoonful In j a cup of hot water. This make a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so ll I easy to apply It to ull tho hair Instead uf Just the top of the! head. Your shampoo Is now ready. Just pour a little at a time on the scalp and hair until both are en tirely covered by the daintily per fumed preparation that thoroughly dissolve nnd removes every bit of dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After rinsing the hair dries nulckly with a fluffmes that mn kes it seem heavier than It Is, nnd takes on ,1 rich luster md a softness that makes arranging it a yleasuia 1 E ijUflniTi Ti"U LlLiU. L.E. m "Sucii a Little Pjj.te N'dW SllfiWINfl AT T1IK PAI.ACK Thl dainty Utile new l'uranioiint star hit a Wonderful nuppnrting cant In 'Much a l.lltlo l lrate," Including that Mtvrllng actor Thuodorc JlolH-rtn. At I, I lien Where Life Resume of What 1 Going on and What Will Go on at Tulaa'a Leading Theaters. KMI'KKKS. "Oh, that' a great uct; how long are they here'." That' what enlhu alastlc patron of the Kinpress asked yesterday of the wonderful "kiddle" art now playing, featuring ten nf the moat versHtilu and accomplished children that ever visited Tulaa. The act. entitled "The ItiHlng Genera tion." ha been a treinendou hit with ewry audience and the remark, ably clever singing 11 nil patriotic drill of tho kiddies eokcd torrents of applause. If you haven't seen this act you are mliwlng one of the most Inspiring and delightrul vtiudevlile act that has been shown In thl city. Kvcry child I an artist, ud the half hour of entertainment they give arouses the greatest etiihusiiuim. The act la on only two more days today and tomorrow. They go from here to Fort Worth. Tcxilm, where they get bark on the Otpheum circuit. "The. Kislng (ieneratliin" Mtaelf I worth the Kinpress price of admis sion, but there are f"iir other acts and the latest official V. S. War He view In addition. iu.iro. Today I the last day of Norma Talmadge'a brilliant new picture, "Her Only Way," ut the Klalio. Kn thuslasllc audience Sunday and yes terday pronounced It one of the fin est picture they have seen. It i a snorv that carries the suspense in terest to the veajr last scene and ao gripping is the hold It get on the audience that one hardly breathes a the climax conies. Tho production Is artistic nil the way, tho sellings ure beautiful and the star wears some fetching gowns. Never has she appealed to better advantage than In "Her only Way." Kugene O'llrlen. her popular leading man, does his usual excellent work. In seeing Nor ma Talmadge productions, film fans not only see one of tho biggest fav orites now before the camera but also see a star supporting her. Ku gene o Hrlrn Is a popular actor both on the stage and on the screen and his popularity has become so great that Select U preparing to star him the coming year. Tomorrow Norma' charming younger sister, Constance, comes to the Kiulto In one of her classiest comedies. "I'p the Road With S-'.illy." Young and old alike will bl delighted with this picture. The Ulalio man agement haa personally reviewed it and guarantees It to It patrons. I I.IHKKTY. Kver since Kvelyn Nesblt was a mere girl, barely 1 J year old, she has been posing for noted illustra tors and artists. Among the first to employ her was Jessie Wilcox Smith, whose charming drawing have delighted the American public for years. After .M r. Nelit moved to New York she potied for Harrington Mann, proliably the Uest known of any of the modern Amor:can artist. Mann portraits of Mis.s Nealilt hang in many of tho famous galleries of the world It Is that Mr. Mann enjoyed paint ing Miss Nesblt, not merely because of her adaptability as a model, but because her beauty gave him relief from the characterless debutantes and society dowager whore por traits wire his specialty. Charles Uuna tjibaon at that time Some Fortune Tellers Tell r, (SX 1 City Briefs IJ Ihi UMr kuil. Is Mirrored wa the favorite. American Illustra tor. He enjoyed the reputation of being a maVt discriminating Judge of beauty and w early attracted by the ehnrm of Mis Ntwhit. She posed for him freiiuently and her llkenesa in h :m drawings adorned the first pages of tho prominent magazines of the country. -Miss Nesblt has a number of por traits of herself by Harrington Mann and Charles Pana O'.baon which the artlrta presented to her In appreciation of her service. Her life In the studio ha given her In valuable experience of which ahe makes use In "The Woman Who lave," a William Kog drama at the Liberty theater for three daye, startitii; today. nitOADWAY. The duel with between Al Prldge and Kdgar Harnett In the comedy plav, "Over There," staged hy the IU .link Co., at the Broad way, is w orth the price of admission alone. This ii positively one of the most laughable stunt ever pulled at this theater and Lois lirldgo'a bunch of "roai-ra" actually cause one to go Into fit of convulsion. .This bill runs rampant with clean cut comedy on tho part of these three stellar stars, there being numerous funny situations from the rise to fall of the curtain. Th" knowledge of Al Itridge ns to military rules makes a hit with a real soldier, tine of the big feature of tho musical program la tho singing and dancing specialty by tho llrldges. COMES BACK FROM ARMY ' TO BUILD TULSA HOMES William Viner, disappointed In not getting action In Ihe army, comes back to Tulsa and has his aleeves rolled up to make up for the time he spent In nn officer' training camp getting ready to fight, when the war quit business. He's been nt Cump Meade, Mr. Vinor 1 going to start con struction at once of 15 modern homes in Tulsa. He ha plans made for immediate construction of two or three, and ns rapidly aa possible will Ket his energy coupled up with his program to finish the Job. He expects to build at least 30 home in Tulsa In the next 12 months. He w ill sell them. No Cut In Drug Irlce. CHIi'ACO, lice. ' A downward awing In drug price js a result of peace is so remote as t be classed an impossibility by leading dealers In the industry. They not only predict that present prices will continue for from six to nine months but that then readjustments will be slow and largely contingent upon the avail ability of cargo space to and from t'.uropean ports and upon possible accumulation of crude drug stocks at the source of supply. Texan tJeta Position. WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. Nomina tions sent to the senate today by President Wilson Included John A. Shirley, San Antonio, Texaa. as as sistant chief inspector of locomotive boilers You a Lot for a Dollar UKI.'T. liniH. C. lir.iham. who has been an Instructor in the medical corps at t amp l-'mision. was given his discharge and has returned to Tula.-i. I C. K. tU CHNKlt, Y. M. C. A. sec retary, is expected back to TuU.i thl week after a trip to California, where ho was called by the death of hu grandfather. ... I.I.OYO MA 1 i.N'K, better known a "Hlsctilt," has returned from Camp I lodge. Iowa, where he was In limited hervlce, 10 resume chaigv of the service deps ri iiient. 1 ... I It. WK OliKIJ,, president of Kendall collvge, ha returned from Kansas City, where he has, been in tending a meeting u( the board of dl tectors of the Missouri Valley col lege. I ' A MKKTINt; of the board of direr, tor of the Kiwanis club will be held Wednesday noon in the coffee shop, Hotel Tulsa, at whuh t;me important 'matters of the club will he under (line Usui on. I CI.KAIUNtl IIOl'SK receipts Ir. Tulsa for the week ending November 30 were $33,9'JX,74 i iti as compared to f 3A.47I.SIS.N7. an increase tills year of 11 per cent over the same period a year ago. I K. KNSICIN, auditor of Mar wick. Mitchell, Teak Co., of New York Is dangerously 111 at the Jef ferson hotel. He ranje here on bus iness for the company and last night was very low with pneumonia. I ' IA EITKNANT Montgomery, of 1 fleer in command of the S. A. T. C. of Kendall college, was railed to Austin. Texas, yesterday, where he win receive spec;nc instructions as to the demobilization of the students In training In the Tulsa institution. COM PKIM KNTAK Y to the Y. W. C. A., the Kuslneas Hoys' club will entertain iK-cember 11 In the new home of Mr. C. K. Strouville. I'luns for the occasion will be perfected at the regular business meeting Wednesday night I vA'CUACK In the flume leading from the filter house to the settling basin at the water plant was repaired yesterday. The flume In made of concrete and the Job of re pairing I being done by the employe of the water department ItlVEnVIEW SCHOOL waa the first school to report its volunteer collection for the children nf the al lied nations. The chlldr- n of this school dropped 136.82 into the little stocking that hung In the corridor, reminding them that Christmas wasn't very far away. a I SID JOHNSON, a former member of the Tulsa fire department, writes from Camp Adams, 11. I., that he'll soon be released from the army nnd he's coming back to hie. old Job,' It's ready for him, K. M. Hohn, commis sioner of public safely, ay. I Mil. AND M KS. Fred Sober have received word that their son. Sergl. Klmer Seher. who wa wounded July 2H In France, still Is In the hospital, but i now convalescent Another sun, Floyd W. Seher, who also Is In the metdcal corpa, still Is In Franco. I THAT KKROT. M. S. Northrop, who recruited In Tulsa for the tank corps, has gone oversea, was Indi cated by a letter received yesterday by rati I 1 1. Murrin, 407 Clinton build ing. Sergeant Northrop nlso ex pressed gratitude to Tulsa for the assistince afforded him when he was here on his recruiting mission. THE V. S. S. bank did $087.75 worth of hnslenss yesterday through the efforts of the Tulsa Fire Pre ventive nssoclatbai. Today. Tidal. Carter and O. P. & It. have their day in court. Wednesday I Knight of Pythias. I). O. K. K. und Pythian Sisters day. I A SKHIKS OF noonday prayer meetings was started yesterday at the I Tulaa city mission. 21 West Second street, M. L. Vetcalf having charge of the opening meeting. A number of business men attended These meet ings will be held dally between 12:10 and 12:."0 p. m. for buslnes men and women. There also will be service every evening at 7:30. J I I MARRTAOE UCKNSKS were is-j sued In Tulsa yesterday as follows: . "OKEH" arrow CoEEah 25 CENTS EACH by J. F. Phillip and I,ila, Tulsa; W. (ioldenslark, Tulsn; I,ihbe l.ich tenatein, Kansas City, Mo.; C. It. .lone and Amy 11. Cook. Tulsa: Claud Webb and Ruth Simmon West. Tulsa; C. A. Roger, Sklntook nnd Mae White. Spcrry; Andrew Drake. Tulsa and Nellie Iluchanai, Fiiyetloville, Ark. ( OFFICERS WKR K elected vciler. day by the Matron Philathea class of Theodore mm AND IT flU Lee gS Such A Little Pirate A regular old-style pirate yarn, hot with a very modern damsel right In the nub of It. There's a vllllan called llal-K.c who trie lo steal the map showing where the treasure is hut seeing the map I tattooed nn a human shoulder! well, that' the plot. Come ami nee It nnruvclcd. Herrick's Palace Orchestra Screen. time ll:S0, 1S:45. 1, 3:15. 4:0, 5:45, 7. 8:13. 9:30 Coming Billie Burke in America's Greatest War Correspondent Irvin S. Cobb will appear at CONVENTION HALL December 4, 8 P. M. Mr. Cobb'a address is a part of the Community Lyceum Bureau's program for the winter and is probably, with one exception, the greatest attraction that could be brought to Tulsa. 'Tickets will be on sale today at Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Quaker Drug Store and High School. Holders of Lyceum tickets will b privileged to secure .seats fo- 50 cents each; all others $1. No reserved seats will be sold. LAST TIME TODAY ' Evelyn Nesbit and her son, Russell Thaw in "The Woman Who Gave" Liberty c a BUD FISHER the First fluptlst church, at a rnept. Ing held nt the home of Mrs. Ani7..e llaker. HO.' South Denver uvenur. Mrs. M. P. Pollard w; s ejected presi dent; Mrs. ti. W. Herbold, Vice pres. blent: Mr. James (!. Flynn. secre tary; Mr. T. A. Rroach, asalatanr secretary; Mr. K. K. Harrett, treav urer; Mr. W. I. Shannon, teacher and Mr. A. D. Hunt, assistant teacher Mr. J. C. W'olsey iisslnted Mrs. llaker In entertaining the claw- Today, Wednesday and Thursday Roberts "The Make-Believe Wife' i a 1! 3 5 ' r - 9i ' :!i