OCR Interpretation

Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Indian Territory [Okla.]) 1905-1919, December 03, 1918, Image 13

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042344/1918-12-03/ed-1/seq-13/

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' 1
y S,-riirs lUMjtn ros-uirr;
a-r. if!ir gets 11. ''ill Uurkee,
1 - - f
r. i:"
iru'k in 'Tit riw conditio.
1' 'V
For Sale
1 sell dnndy Hulck Six roadster;
I i,l lust cf cure; full equlp
two new casings on rear. At
,' .rnc; you can pay one-half
'i, ,,r u.tri Liberty bonds. Call
V.r phono Tuesday or
Welti, ! i
Ulssdl Can
csa Terns
I ,t 1 .,ur Huick, extra cood.
-j't-.i,!"' .1 "' i" ' -','rl,'M SX Touring.
SuVi. l.lh-r one Ton Truck
f.-,-rnrli : 1 1 -1 limildcr Phone) 4.816
Saxons both 4 and 6
Phone TOGO. 307 S. Boulder.
1K .-'M.I. -due Kurd touricg car. rhone
jolt . U K - llaggege bed for Kurd rr.
I't.o-v 44M.
(,.tki.K -I'll ttaltimore; inside, lock on
!-:.. floor: Yalw lock oil pase door.
t'lMinp ..H O.
SI NTH. W. 419 IU:f of double garage
fur rent j'hohe 7." I .
bf.TK ilT. S.. .',15 For rent geragelergs
ct;..li for two or three rers
"light hodsekeepino rooms i
BOHTon t, 1255 One or two wmp'itlr
furnished rooms for bousekeeping ; mM
err . If s3 .1.
JIKTH W,rlS To sdufle. Iwu newly for
noiid souO'eaat rooms for light hottae
kect.u.g modern; close in on cat Imp.
I'hot . I N.
CIIKVK.NNK. N. "fl27 iinnhliT.nd" t7nrli
lsre sml light, well furnished modern
hon..-kr,.n. anartmenla; close in on
North Main car line; laundry in connec
tion rs'-s reasonable.
Jal.vlN. .V. t,'2l 1'our modern light boooe-
seeping rooms with garage.
MAIN. r.'-"i A nir, suit of hooae
.f.',iiig rooms: back end front entrance ;
first floor; no children, alto garage;
poo-l txr'.r I'lione It'Jrjrt.
8 FKi'N'T litio.MS riiri:iene7iorinfur
to I. with or without board, 1'b.ooe
rim: w .i a.-,,
iiot i.l'Klt. "sT 1 inCVnT tmt, niertVTiiT
nild riHima fr liht houarketping to
rf.ti;.,.. without rhildrr-n.
i'H IlKNT-12(il iMiith "cinrrnnat"ito
n"ni. nirely furmih(t for litrbt bouae-k--;'!':f;
link in kitchrn. strictly mod
rr, - $.!", .r morrth. Phonp rS25.
BHAIiY, K , inn Niwlv "rurniahrd i Tront
ronni f.r lij-ht houaekeepmit ; modern.
l'!mn( r;., I.
ViSTox, y, 174tiTwotouth furnTahe'l
rm.ir.4 f.T houekeepini;; a.lao IhriMr
rp.mn; iho'If-rn, low rout: good wpll.
I'Un 4 ii j un,ii d andjs.119 after 7.
HosTi'S s. !') Tw"o iartT rooma"nirly
funu-hfil fur lijlit liouirkerpinit. adjoin-iru-
l.a:h strirtly modern ; fJ tier
m.i.lli l-hone
S'..M,Ky 8.." i9 Tor reittTViMtMThrM
do in'kivping rooms; wslkinf dislanc
r"l on rsr lii.
T1IKKK mnJrrn rnnni nicely fiimnhfiT for
lirt liKimokretiini;. front and bak prl-
'' t-mran.-e. 2112 Soulh Victor
fKIHisii, k.
ern '.ik-l;t
. 1.127 Well 'furnished" "roWd
housekeeping roomi; rent
.fijli-Ml. V.. " lri"'," Newly furnlsfien
i.i:n. kr, j,lt, roouik. undt-r new manage
I ".nl .V, t,jn,. 1 ' a aniwereil.
l'('lt IlKNT- Two rooms furnihed-Jr-un-'u'Mh.-l.
win, burn; two block north
V '-niiird school, Iximbard addition.
I'hun.. H .. ).M.
U 1 1 is " s' " p 1 Light hoWiTspma
roi.n.v, n,,,, .rT desirabU sleeping
. ro-'ii fr.men.I'hn SH52. '
VXK 'in.. f tht housekeepins; rooms for
no c liiidren. pboive SHPA.
Mil to r,m furnTshed fist with hoTTnd
'. inli. alectrie lighta ami gas,
" "' .,.l"lh il phons. eonranlent to
--rPlineries: 125
1-5 monthly.
. ... 1 , or .'.-.( 1
ninrnn inv.
Tina M.,m ..ll.
1 nul..j fr light houtekecpirtg; modern;
' Vu ''"'"e; par rnonih
- "'"'MS-iii, rr l,ne,
raii . ph.M.e ri-J 1 .1 H
in eirlango for
fr r., t , , ilo m lnd . 5o
"". l'hon. S2S2
I'Kiiiu v." . :uT.. ,.. t:r.::T
''H'n,i r,.,,n: ,-roiind floor; pntate en-
lr- ' i nline h:iii
L!Ui,v. w . is i iijTm.' uxrzzzr.
(.. r.nl. A... ' ' '
l'- L M'OtiT- v " ifloi.' p r-:-: r rr
l ' '"( ror roiu, nnuee'
.' r...m. nicely furnisbed, priyate
---" 'font and roar.
1 W 111 I, on. I, ."...in. ..
' 1 children welcome.
f-'.i!'1'; ''i -I' For rent, two rooms
' ' .' .f".r. houkepmf. mod-
' rniiuren; 120 a monUi. l'hone
. ' 1 .t
It. N 4i.sThrc furnished rooms
i.'.l "ojisfkeeping. Phono 6472.
F. 1.1114' t-. T"v.Ttrj
.hel"eping: 5 SO per
u a-" ul" pain.
Ali i! !-. "V
ft" ' - ; '-7N"'e'V turnuihed rooms
s'lcr' t L '.""'"Uet''". Csll Sunday or
"r o ,-.,.k , Pjnc
l'K" NK apartment- No 2
kI?? unn,v 'leeping room,
car 1 , "t modarn and on
j-, ' " I'ht.ne 411:12 R. V
mt,r,, j", w!" rena nMw room In
i.ilr. S'tf w".h cooking prmleset
" 'n. c, exchanged
piiirc retmni 1 e.
Addreaa hoi
M.-.-K- f-irnirt,,.,! room ..j ...l'
i m?Zl' Ketchuro Hotel, Vrict.
PriVHte farnilv. ......i.t. ...
"para-e r: lronl room.
'!. r..l. .nc.'.; connecting talh : no
t men
' -
room 'djodninsMisth, south'-
i-oiiage to ahsra uOjh - -
, w.jq ioeion anu .
;V1 KI V fnrt
inn. evenings
nished tiedrnom I ,
'o' nv.
eiwrance. small faniilv ...iiKU
- ,ry"" Mote
T,Tr t'"'": two blocks
Miles, Phone i;9f3.
to,. T '...7B',lth room, next lo
'l'vK'Kl v '-,
1 ' '-i.? i Jllrn,"'etl si.-.
I , .' ' t for one ...
inn,, 4n-fc.'
fssnllla ertnn.
""'" m.vle.- -nnemen
se-rwv, ,,.' "wne. Close in
ralts rea
523 Firat-claai iletipirTg
UKTItnlT. r
rttnns. very
:i l -ror rent, sleeping
IKH UlKIl n.. ,,211 -Ur'go beautifully
furnnrx-.l nouih rto:n, irgle ir , n uile
hoi and col,) water arljon.inir t.alh
LtrrXIK H I , ,, ..Mir.-l,,e front
room in modern . lo,- , hme. alxi (a
rag. phone il.o'l
A MCKI.V fiirmsiied hedriKim uiul. for
0110 o, two gentlemen teaiu hist. ri
lti enlrsiire, t k, fr, n,ri
l nils I'htitie fyi;i.
KOH KENT Sleeping toOinaT' l-l 50 " "per
week. Phone .'i.S.'i
UlMlM I N A P H'l M K.Vr close in. with
kitchen privileges For quiet refiner!
business Komsn, refnrenc no other
roomers, phoii trial,
KATIIKKINK" FI.ATn i'l'No." 2-Tw.i
Isrge front sunny sleeping rooms .con
necting bsth. sincfy modern and on car
line, l'hone 4fi:l2 H
KI.UIS, X. 810 For rent, ntcely furnished
sleeping room; pnvata entrance; close in
Phone 4 I Ho.
room tor rent phono .snfttt
iiKN'VKK. X.. lilri Furnished "sleeping
room for (wo gentlemen; hoi water heal,
running water in rmtoia. phone llU.'t
ONK NEWl.V snd well furnished oorner
room sdjoinnig bsth. 111 now private
bnek apartment, three hlocks soulh of
(Viiden It Id r l'hone :t4.fi).
CilF.YKNNK.. S, 4iil-"-Nie.lv"fu,nia'hed
room for rent, phone juti: ft.
KLWtst.il). S. luto -.-'outh
bath. Phone 402
room nejt
tuli IlKNT tVuy rtH.in adjoining bath:
private home: to refined lady, home
comfrls f j per week Phone 77oh
tlXriNNAfl. S. I lilt Tsrge nicely ' t,","r
nished rtmin with slee.ing norrb : nest
to bath; rent rea-"nable Phtne 23.r
CINCINNATI. nil --iiandy' roti'm with
private enclosed sleeping porch; also
garage spsce svsilsMe.
ROOM with morning and rveninxlueal" for
three men at I? r.i) per week - also garage
for rent. 317 West Twelfth
MAIN. N . ,')2H- I-Vm claaa sleeping Tooin"
gentleman tirefi-rred.
KUIIN, f il4--Tnreenirery"" fiirnished
bed rooms. Phone 1.(136
NTCKLY furiiiehed sleeping room sdjtun
lug llh in .rivata home OK Miulli aide;
no oUierroomern. phone 7247.
NII'KLV furnished room with privaTe fain
ily; convenient to Ix-nvsr jitney. Phone
4-.2 R.
("IN( INNATI, r 1?.2 I -Nirclv"" furni.hed
front rot.m, convenionl to belli for gentle
man. PIsona 47nit
liol j.liKK, ro. 606 lell furn'ih(Ml"sieep".
log room and Itvin; room kiUi sleeping
)orcii sdjotning Phone atlriH,
CI1KYFANF, .Wo! MV 8trictly "higf cias"i
beilrtKim for rent. Phone ft2 7U.
MCKIA' furnished bedroom with private
bath, for two ladles or two gentlemen.
J'hona 431
FOH RKNT to ctvan young men. nicely
and newly furnished front rotun in pri
ste home, rloe in and on my and
Interurban car lines. 4"2 Writ p.on.1 yt
LAitOk nicely furniahed room, dtilightful lo
canon, every convenience for one or two
gentlemen or una or two ladles. Kstes
moderate Phone 7324
CAROLINA, 1 43cl Nieeiy YuTnlehed "aieep
ing room adjoining bath in private fara-
ilv; rertresona''re. Phone 44IIH.
I'KNVK't.'su , 72ii Ni. ely (ttrnishetf aelfiT
ing room Phone 1277
HOlT.IlKK, HO.', 11 OA NleeiT-furnished
sleeping room in private family. Phons
ciaIk. '
Ll.tiLN, s., 634 Three sleeping rooms for
.gentleman with private family, modern.
UOft'lViN, SO . itoi Pleasant room la" quiet
home, private enlranca, close in. Phone
VM.', M.
WKI.L FI'ltNLSIIKn room for three young
men; also table boarders warned. Phono
WANTED- Uy young lady employed, un
furnished rwini in home or apartment.
WHh congenial surrounding Phone 1079.
PFWfNU VAr:ifI.NFrf4
repaired. Phone 2112
by the day or bv contract: can handle
any i-!at of work; satisfaction guaran
tifd. Moi II V care World.
rFAtTrRKRS You are buying and sell
ing gs. protlucing. blending and whipping
gasoline; you ahould know the esact
t-ost per gallon of manufacturing and the
net earnings from the ale of your
blending msterial : aJeo the earnings on
raw casinght-ad. (he !a(4er representing
a value from which basis royalty interests
are uKuslly paid and value of gas de.
termined. If yon are not getting this.
Information in a satisfactory manner, my
services will save jtm money. Address
llx M-7H. care World.
NlvriCK' TO tVl.NTKArfoHS'" ' Have
planned to built) a sn-room bungalow.
(Vxne 10 HtM Admiral Itlvd. Nee same and
Kubuiit our bitl. .1. c Itedilin.
AVOID all diseases, nava cisterns cleaned
without wasting water; our automatic
cleaner purifies foul rislorne; also filters
renewed. Phone i.022 J.
HATTRErTSES Renovated and reiovsrsd;
returned hems tha same day. feast
644 Ssnltarv Mattress Oo
DKKWSilAKEI-Plain "and fancy evening
drosses, suits, cloaks, skirts and hkvuses
and men's silk shirts; work guaranteed.
t'nJI S30 r.uthyicior Oy Phone 7H20.
l"ItK.--'SMAKlN( 1HINK iltr cosns".
dresses, lUousea and evening gowns; work
guaranteed. Phone 2:i.
HA NO KM imbl DKRKU hons.' iiold PinelH
lingerie ant) bahy outfits Phone 4580
DRKS.MAKIN'ti. Isdies' "tailoring, "altera
tions. Ir. ypott's magnetic corsets.
7toVi ctouth Klwood avenue.
PIANOS moved top side up for the money.
Lear Tranater Line rhone .".111.
Store with Psge'a Fireproof tttaret Pboaet
Ossgs 158 lslio.
Moving, storsge. packinf expert, fnrni
ture and piano movers. Ossge 396t.
.1S5; office 23 West Archer.
" P A"l N T I N G A ND" E 00 A TI N Q 8
WALL PAPER Regaining tomorrow, we
sell 7 oOO rolls lftln pstterna 50 per cant
lesa than cs.st on ha'f of regular jinre.
Plynioulh W. p. psint Co.. 312 Fjsl
Sroon,! street ltween Dctrtiit and Filgin
on 1-asl .-Vcontl street
CAN SAVE you money on paperhangiDi
and painting; call for estimate- all work
euaranted. F. S. utherlana. Tooae
4317 R. I
I'APr.lilNit a.siii rAisnrvo r.siimstei
cheerfully given; ell work guaranteed.
Jonn Peterson Phone 2387. 124 8
' P RINTIN if ANDj T ATI pit RT.
MtJLTIORAPH Let me "get out your mnl
tirraph letters, prices right. Orace Bra
ill. 81S Central Nat l Hank Bldg. Phone
avETfS Msde to order, gun and lorkaaaitav
Ing; welding of broken perta o Iron, rw
S siring of everything Jacob Novelty Oe
1 Katt First. Phone 7J.
OOlAUkl) hrlprn, sf? n. io unload rara.
Apjiiy rupoiay 7 a. m. "j:. nrrncr,
Atlax 1 rant.fpr and S'lorai; t.'o.
$3..'x PAY.H for a pair of fnuin tone
apftaaoia. 1.1 rear frama. iwfl aJri
tfmplrn. We Uret) a vmKe lint. Ri
rni-mbr w ruaranl" thjM" lcnM to
bt tha irrmiirio torir lit aSouth Boatoi.
aTinu, I 4 blorka south of th Fnco
dopot. RrnVmbrr on Motion rtret. John,
th King .Man.
WANTKl' A fw firKi riai autoinobii
m-hanir. l'hone T-l.TO or tall at 20
!Viith Frankfort.
MKN BETWEEN aff" of 1 wanted
for .Supply To. Third Oklahoma r-tri-mr.nl.
Recruiting office, t'iiik boi
U ANI K.il line lk,.r si .1 two hr.-er.t
lt.ir.-t. Ifroa , 5 Kaat lu-kell.
WANTED - Alterations of s'l kinds. Mo
rsn. tha 'Isilor, upslans. user Wooi-i
w.irth'a j
Call at w ;iri'houo No. '.' North
l.ouluer Atk for Mr ArnoM.
',it cr tnti.
WANTED - An "efficient "meat "cutler .
high class busmt sa ( .1 II l li.o.,
112 Msin stret-l lo hel: t2, p.in t .
2tl.llt)0 psir siio.-s :l t ni, 111,1,11: .-in f.n
nir. w.imen nd children. rosU. ..lit.-.
1 he 2 in 1 .ale t'nion lie.srtuient lit
112 nth Ma:n slr-et l'hone is-i
WANI'KI) -Three while maliis. Tall :i."'i-e'
k'-eper Moswrll lloU'i
WaNTMi t.trl for gerer.il ht ,,rl n
quire Lvrrett Ilollsuil. p.siph-s Kxchangr
KX PKKIKM'KO white ,-,Mk in prn.i,- f.im
iiy; gtNMi notne ai-d esi-..ient ii.trj.i
Plione K47 .1.
WA.STKIV-fiood girl for
wtirk ; a aim, cmfortah
tors. Ptn,t:e C.M't
peitera', ho,,..
e s,rva-it 'ti..r
WNTKl-An experieii--,-,! o.,al,,r ts t
Marinrllo Iteanly Kihnp. 217 First Na
lional Hank n:,lh- phone 3111
WA N'TF.Is -IVdored woman. 4f I, toars
old; must he cootl c.vok and is'llidress.
three in fsinilt ; evcollent wager, liar
man servant lo sssist with housework
ts-e Mr Ucsel:. r. 1 . 1 Msvo ll .lg
WANI'KI) girl for genera! housework
Apply 1 1 ' North I''.!,,!.
WAN'TKI) Middle aged lad) lo lite with
family and rare for J year old ba!
Phove b:t"l
YOl'NO WOMKN ni(t.7"l8 TO 24 YKARS
warned to learn telephone operating: no
experience nes-ossary ; short hours, good
salary; cafeteria maintained for wom-u
employee Call at liouln 2o.'i Calumet
Rldg, Mist Henger, or call Oaage 29i.il.
Koulhwisatorn flell Telephona Compsny-
WANTF.D An expert stenographer h Hit
company, prefer one having .ine Vlert
cal experience. Addnssa p. 11, Iwx in.
PHTolllAL IIKTOIiY of Vorl.l War
illiutraled from otfo-ial photographs ol
CrHled States. British and Fiencn rov
ernmenls Fast ,-!!. r. Agents outfit fn,.
fend 10c for leislsge Mihlo Kdu.-nt oiial
Hneiety. Soventh an,i Pine at rem a, m
Iule, Mi.
WANTF.IS -Clerical work or Ixi.ik kei ping '
In evening by experienced young man
employed during da). Address box Ills.
care World.
lo.s.-x wants ;on: rsn give g.Ml reier
ences Addrees .1. C. I alinor, Route 1.
Sapulpa. okla
WANTKD A position with a relul.Te" firm
by a young man with 4 years' business
experience; references phone W 1. H
11I-4 J. 21 West .Ninth street.
F.XPF.KIF.VCF.D ENf.INKKH and first ela.x
mechanic wants H,rtion in hotel or pub
lie building. Have lost of Yoferinces.
Address Dog II, S3 care World.
f. X 1 'BklVx C K'l I A C4 C NT A N lr an d "r r etl 1 1
man open for M,sili.,n either in Tulsa or
oulsid. Addreaa Him. tare World
YOl'NO MAN "h cleric) and engineering
experience desires position in office so
that he may atten, night animal. Address
B 7, care World.
WANTKD--Clerical tKisition, oil company
preferred, seven years general, office ex
perience Address hoi it 7 "1. i-are W orld.
KXPKRT .s'l'KNOOItAPllKR. -Ten years
exirience: law and oil wants position
salary 1123. Address llox II Oil. tart'
YOUNii LADY atenograiiher vrith esperi
ence rapable of producing neat and
accurate work, desires permanent po.
tion with relishle comisny. Host of city
references. Phone 2 732.
young lady. Csll 4"3I.
.sTK.Nt KIR APIIKR Compel ci'il. '.U" e"du"
rated young lady tlesiros posnoon as
aienographer, eight yesrs exenonre;
thoroughly familiar with office details'
also some knowledge of hookkocirt ng 1
gosid spelling and punctuation : neat and
accurate. Only first class position con
sidered. Phone o.'2.
WANTKD To exchange washing for sorv
ant quarters for two. Phone 'Jit'il or call
at VJi North lliott.
KX PKRI KNCKO stenographer w snts ejsi
tion; can give local reference aa to
ability. Phone fits 1 1 J
WIDOW LADY wishes position"in"wido"wer
home 410.3 Weal First, or phone house
P. B.'X."OITK.fAi. wishes position with
oil company. Phone t't 7 7 J .
COM PKTK.NT stenogrsphcr and dictaphutie
operator with in years of experience lit!-
sires office position. Phono 47nsi.
WANTKD Position in office, genersl I "of
fice work. Have had few months' it
perience. Can use typewriter. Am will
ing to start with ins, enough to make ex
penses. Phons 3249-.I.
ENKHUETIC, prartltsal nurae "wTah iTura
Ing. Phone 7063.
t I V 1 1 ) F. N D P A Y f NO "aloe ki will trade for
rood car. Address K L. Psrkhurst,
t'leve!and. 0lla , for particulars.
DKNVER N, Son Business building-for
rent. Phone 4fttt. Nee T. O. Willie.
221 East Third.
54 SrFAT RKST A I RA NT r or sale ;" "price
J1.S10. Call (tlii.-t
S.M.F rVmfectinnerr and clgir store,
close to interurhati station; a snap; price
right: terms for quick sale. 22 West
A UOOl) LOC'ATM)N for a raah Krorryar:d
bakery, furniture and undertaking, gn
rat atork. tiood town and bviit ioration
in the town. Write A. .1. Kii.alcy, llox
1126. Tn!ia. Okla.
hotels-roominq iioubes 2
Ut'T your rootnlritf hoMMi lr forts they go
up ok hT'. enriit mhjiha rioo in,
trt.lO, wtLli $,li)(; cftKli; itevenfeen nnim
on aouth aid.', heautifullv fufn(yhid wiih
Urma ; ninten roorna on som:, ride,
modern and iicw, rtinftiiif full alt the
tune; your opportunity. Call A'ir-in
K"Mt. l'hone 4744
LIST jour hotel r and looirinx huuneM ith
ua it jou war., qini-gi rpauna. iee y at
312 Firit ,Ninn,i Hank or 1'hor.e 474
NOTICE Fartira w.So have pur-hafed
Titerty liondn on inatallmfnt and de
air to Bell, we will pay off bI.uc.- due
and l-ay full market d i f ferenr. in mh.
alceph Rhwarta To, Thonn 7(t.i
Iiamel Hldff.
NOTICE Fartiea who have piinhafd YJn.
erty tromla on i nut all in cut a .d desire to
fpoin Hotel Tula Fhone ii;lr:r:
NICEI.V furniahed al'pin: room," ron-
rtiarxl fnr nnn nr (avs-t nanl laman ..a.
ladies . modern home close, in , ratt'i '
reaaonaWe. rbon M('H4
We loan money on furniture, pianoa. Vie
trolAti, diamonda and Iiiberty bondt; all
buaineaa atrictl confidential. Moorn
ha1 IaO-n U) , 200 New Anlt liMi
l'hone Ml ft
Farm Lo a n s ; - Lo n 1 1 in e, t M $ y
Maker Inveaiment f'o. l'hone 2i00
4 7
$'.OuO jirivate money on hand to ,oan on
(EMid Tulr-a lnrprot-d lnnineufi or revi-Unce
property for three yeara Heasonab'.e re
J'riTili'ce to pay before due. K. A. Lilly
J12 IVxat R)dr , l'hone 141
FARM AM) CITY" IAAV?- Farm' ioan
made in any amount m any part of Okla
hon-t and urroar.din aiaten, at lowe-xt
ralen; prirate money to loan on Tnloa
iniproTrd property K. A KiJIr 2 1
T-xaa Utdg. Jil Eat Fourth. I'booo
Plil V'I'I MONKY t.. loan" on" pwd
r-..l .-si;.- at " l-.r ,-. .1 Urn- A
Rrn!.erg. I Till-a t'k'a
Tlon'y of Money to Loan
on T11 Ims ro.il vKUte. Very attrac-j
. , , o j, 1 s -1 , , n, , m 111.
4-43.1 Iowa HMk. l'liono 19T,
I'ltlVATF. MONKY! $ -.on $ 1 ,'.ui f-j ono. '
two ytwtrs: hi.so .', ,-sr lau., ps-ineiil
prii!,ges. l.-s is -!,scil prooi,tly on ile
- '" " "' oe.cnj . ...
Cog.-, sha.l. Phone Un. olu(-17 l'an.
DOGS. CATS. PETS '" " f..1
I'INK CAN A IIY .ii'gera. .-!isp Phone
4s7.'! .1
H'U I. K t'n,. ,iiu..ii y,-,g,r 's.-wii'g
ins nlii,' $1',. one Urge '-,t-l i-oll : rtrlor
h,MI,-r 1. snd on.- 1, fri-.-r;i:.,r '
I 1 !C --l.r ran,, ,,n.s-i,s . ti,-a' ll:t,lie
.1 ; 1
K't-li'N H'li
llo-ion maie
l'hone 3 ,',
1 I.I
I,. 10 1 1 'u : 1 ,,,in g
ia;,ers to register ,
iHll XI.K--tH,il .I .esrold II, ilk COW.
rcxsonahlr. 1 u!l fust house aet of)
l; Hill ,-, i:..-.,
Flt S M -K - Three fat bogs'" r.sdv fori
n.srket 'I .1 r-iuo... north ,oi l,sge
Trail, just t, it ,.f 'Pii a
I I'll ftl.K -A -a:r 01 i,la-k mules -0111
11 g 7 vtsrs: 11., t 1 e ,t, 1 -ti-s : ,n palu'e
l,.i UlUtnei TS' to' se-U at " I North
y.tvii Phot.,. .1- t;, It
loom TKM. r,-s harness and new wags, n
f,.r .ale or Ira.l.- Write .1. A. Trnnlrie,
llnn.on (,1.1a North of P. (I.
rsliW AND seven ,,,g. foi sale sr a'l'or
Jalt. or tladt: for good III 1 1 kk cow. 1(111
1 rsatst.
FOR stl.K Wl L-el.on, h. na ssi.(
c.x sro l ft'-o , ig'it full ,ir,-.l rabh.le and
one collie dog Plot tie ('i2".
I'l'll SAI.K 27 While Leghorn hen., 12.-.
aTi. Phone 7 111
lt.it rI.K Hixlv let ing hens In, pure Uo
Nn'th Chcle'itif
rfI.K 1' Kn-'sh Im. f tt-rrth t!k . d-
h Fml any ntntMH.i, on, u, ifii ,'4.lont
daily I'Im.hc I 1 'i
K'-lt N.W.K ImmhI fiirniiuro fr uu h
rt.tjrn. a I no lbritv m uiiv I'li'trn- I(7!i
MI,K I'RK'K irii; V.-mur. il 17I-! .ouh
I n jutk.ii, Mnrriinftf-i'l
V lt 'I.K - (hi fimr lmrniT -,K.k ii4)
for ranh ' Ht U4. K.t IIimIl;.
..s COOK S'I'OVK umi ,,..:r furruiur-
i'nU t :;;' ."jih Ijiwion.
NH'I l.nrm.i f..r nsli f2, IH ? SM.th
I. !". I'hitnaf r,":t .
J.AOiHW KI KM I'I KI. ro (f. imr (.riro
on utp Iiff')rr burin .Uewhf rr. 2i'-'
H.t.-1 Ki rit fcirt-ft
M AYHKM., P . 23 Konr npomi of furniture
for riiorn A .17 .1,
CKDAIi ClltHT " if..: whii.r Viiftmcl rhiff'
nti.f, $1M) ; whit- iron -i. mTitgn fttid
i"i.ltriRR. $:tn ; ImkunHi kit hen hUv.
f'JO; dinirn? room furnllnn-, roldcn ok.
riton Hrtf. or rull Ht I J0'ai .North Main
hKrhlDKIlToUK ANTK1 VS. t,u Rnd
I -ay th iotij iririi fur rof niriorii and
i .mum. I'liont 0j34. b.ainoiiii fur
nitnrp Co.
1 1 K A T ! St i IWOYVi lo im 'rhhiig wfi
I't ton rah pri-ia for refntC'Tatori ftod
iftafivixi Wf btif anythinK atnl af II t
TylhinK What liavf you I Thon
)iamonr( Kurnitura Co.
KTOK. S VM2 -'For ...7 '.W,wni"a
rrTii4iiiallv hmhI furnitirt: will atll all
to(-lh'r or i iiifiB I'honf i;."i27.
HOSTON. s, 71V - Five r-wma of fiiroitur.
for nalt, kliulp or ht I tie piwff. J'tionv
H ,24.
U ATTRFHHKH rtnnTtti-r1 and rx-oar4;
rtturned homa tha aamt day. Ptont
44U. fcanltary Mattrrsa Co. ,.
ViUl S.U.K OR TKAPK Piano m " part
ta)mtnt on lot or auiomobila. favlj h-ino.
KOU SAI.K - habv Itrand (nano." In
mallear.) -f w.ll mi1 at Larnain. aonir
l nn riioiu. 4707.
tiKNI'INK oldniAotor violin ; imr'
in ! ; rifli anil inrMow ion.; h'rfict
in rctTiktem : .-I .'client rand. tion ; alu
ahlf for ronfrt and ; jrir f.'ftio
raxli. whit-Ji Ik bflrtw fot iviHinthl
pai'tir may trr out ftanir .V uiMrian,
a-f Wirld Aildri-ti H.px
ipAPFR Cl.IPrtA fall ltn. pricr J rift.;
TuHa Hubbar ft amp Work a, tiavar.
Bide I ' bona WIS
2 M' f -1 im'W ntn Rprntid h irid M inch
L'l 'J lb. $1 Ml itellvrretl trklahotna
n I fit-Id point 1 ,tt rifti fstock of otbet
n '! Tti( .Supply to., Ilidiilixnnt,
."lAtlH-.S M KltCANTUsK to --tit our
tnr,- on K hoe and wmti r un.d rwtar
fore buyinr elarwhere The Working
timrrn Store, 52d Eat Firat alret.
ii-t.T" l'RK'I-r I'AlP for meii'a ae.-ond-hand
clothing, aboei and haia. Thoaa
H hill EST" PRICES "paid for ndhand
r: nth iff; vIiom, hata fir.. Phone M4&
lIirtllKST PRICE--ror" aewndhan
rtotliing ahoea and hata. Fhona 7141k
Pl.'ITS AND RHOF!- Hig heal prte pall
for mei.'a atcocd-han aulta and
Dirk Rktrdon. pbor.a 45
TW( I totijf taMfft. rnshivT ' fiinJ arid Me-
('.ivk, r'-fiatv-r at yoir own t-ric e.
St'i"icy. ;; 14 Robinson I'! or.' M t V.,
TW .l . K new It-athtT Noumt IMik wn
wkc'I by Ai-xandr Iluirn 'ot: I f . t i f on
niud rn tUKtna( for t;iy.e cj -ap Addrefa
H..x It 7 7. nr.. wrld
FOR !.K - -On f l Nea el-irie tra.fi in I
j..-r T jitidltion. J'h.M e ;.f.7H
F li I.K 'f.e hun-lr. d - im
(a-kf rif't'r in ptrfi-ci . d if ion li i
I i t I is .!.-,. I'rn.f 7-7't I
Foil yI-K Vn' invalid rrmir Mr Vary
4A lt"M- M.iby. Okla
KKMi t on r two hit; pounda 1 m? fin
two v tir old Tennen-' N af iie ,nj or
aifokn c lobftfo, prepaid. I (Minnda.
f4 '0- a,rw it or mild, nati.'ati;i icuar
an-re-l . l-aTik ref er'ii' o ; or'ter nt once.
Add rest N A. fiaudru Toba-o to ,
iikrd-m Tonn.
RAINCOT (iet "n" Arnir Mt kirKMh
Fir-t bun' ir- jr roat I.icb ' weiu
1., V a 1 1 Ituber (ood 4' s H-u!der.
WAN1FH "TO HI' Y A vet of ehevV men";
iimM ii 'liiflji for iali I'dof.e 'gJT'.i'i.
aSeeuHtv Pipe Iron and .Metal Co. will
par lhi big bnal pnrci for aM Vtnda
of junk, aUo buy and nell, new and ier
on if ti and r'h' j tt-arr BTvi'e in my
limit ii ci a! priea pai1 on old auto,
n;ot,ilta, 'I'." North I'.oria I'honea:
()ffle. 52 'i 7 ; re , H7J,i ; r'-'Tfiiee,
American National bank I. O Ro ash
WANT FI Kive -r -in rom modem lionv,
well IfKtil, tin. (I u.ijt4-i'norl g-ri II s
pirt pi.wt.ent I'b"'' :t"X
tt.NK 1 I T l-ord wifi '(moirui.h.p rni'
'id biii ip'T i traiif fi,r ta:ti f lMrr'
t'doni I2n7 'Ml! nft.r 7 n'rbe'k
For yt 1' ou TRM'F- i part payme-it
on 'J til e a boie. Oil nnd Ka" '- J'-
urn"., i"Mion ar.'l f.. Ioki'mhii 'J I.
rune VI cjiwt wit,1! in miir d-i!linif
well. Greenwood Count v, K.iri".4 Addr's
It E II. Ktr..l! Hnlid
FOU SLK OK TR lK for Th'h p'-ty.
a fnrm of 22 ir m N-w M-i-; $1Q
prr n-ris. l'hone o'.1 or 2
TO TR ME for ntv pM.pert? . 1 'i ar
orchard clo.r in: or.er can't attn.l to
pine. lnr- $ ni)i ir.or.ae no.
i. Li. Chancellor. rivn.a 'iirib U
IKtvniv y,t too ? x eoom sioatn boated
01 ITlj.-i; for rent, fs.v Itcrvtok Apis
MM' . 1 ' 1, a 1
.-it Til SIHK Kite room apa'lmenl fori
fit !,,,at,-,l in the husine.s tlialrtit, ),' ,
v-,!i'g urn l.ni tlif, furniture, alt high
, i-ra-tt, sllv new at s big aai-rtfne
' g-o soiiiu terms. tall Moorehrad.
FOR IIKNJ lo man and wife, enmpleloly
li.nii.nc.i lusted aparlinnul. 5 rtemts
or,, rsiin tis.-rved b owner. l'tionn
t . .' '
!: M KI ItNI-tllHl AIT-'-Close in on I
1- rni .1.1,. l'hone 4o7o Jt)l .. I
plete'y furnished home with rsr,ge lo
Harried roeple only. Call 4 1 J at J . ltf
f-.n reijniied
Fi'lt UHN'1' ,100111 furnished apartment
I'h.o:., 7 7'.1
K I. Win ill. sti 2 room spsrtmenl iil'-sly
fnrntshod Phone .",1,13 li
MMN . I),,;, 3 room nicely furnished
I'tisi t inent i(ro knisn llroa Ph"oe l-'.u
MtlitiN N. 41.-,', I urnl-hed flat 'ton
t'-,l-. also an unfurnished flat. Phone
KM RKNT- Mm in h vaita hi iiiov otr
iHrii4Hur tH.w. Isti-ar Trarvaft-r l.ine
I'lionr .Mil.
ItKST Four room nrw boua, two
htn k trum I'ar liM bjw.rrr. I'lvoni r 7
rNl( ItK.NT- r.win 1wum(, rlwtrir
lul u t all ri7t),
F(M( 0,S V Fin room hunan with l rn.
w-'ll Kan and fMiLbtiilili njr , 1
nl"irbfi .t -: .'!( i-r nioo'h Cull II I 7
Mold, ItN FlVF. I0NM hoiif. for r.nt pro
v:d ,( vim -tirf-bif a umall mntit if
fiifiiinVf. Mimi U thia Thit la
a ln.rin.ui It I I !'UtJi ,aiilbu
'MttMifT, ti Four rot., att front
tiMUfs" well w4it, barn. I'J'i pT monlli
N-f ilMet and (.'w'" f-'l''
FAMt Rh.NT Irtii'i South tUi. fir room
ii""li'fii baAmit and iw. r Krag,
'f tall brtw,vn !l and today.
Flh. ltooM modern firni.hrd linua, f!l
atu artttfvv- I'd' jit month l'ho.i tll'y
FtH Itt'.N I - t'low In, mi rtnjin modern
birtic and iao f room bunialow
l'hwm- 1 4(1.
Fo RKN'T- At room limitaliF. l.ftri
liirhti. iVH.d wrll; ii w Mink from Kan
itit.l rAlUgt Khont MfTit.
Folt II K.NT Modern an rmmi hoiiat- and
irurtiL'' "Utnn In, I tutnrr I'lton 4 1 .
."Mviih vtr. ' rmnta HlrpifRi i
(tor- h and bath downMaira Ot.t larjn
Veavrr Utr'lrf-t rmm and 1atb ii
tii mr HorvanU'' rtiartra ; rnraa for
io ara larif ba-ftncnl. fun. art heat.
t im) f.f-r tnooili. Will rent W Hon but
itvfrotiaiblt paruta. IUfrrfi.ra rftpnrfd
A.,ilv u Mri II M. runm.'tfliaiu. .M0
Sin t.fi Itrnvrr I'd one 711.
FnK UK. N'T - - Hii-nmin bona' two blo-k
xoiillt of Knislall follfkff Witt b 'an,
(..(.mhor ft. .1. U ter-anruf Thona KVIOI
FOIt IlKNT - l our room hnaarow. two
Morlifl from WmI Tulaa alrl far lin.
for fto t(r month, iroidnc ou will
buy th furntlun t ali Moorabi-ad, f. -'11 .
I.K SK on Rfiti roMi. boit, barn and
ltaraK(i: f urisi I urt for talt; any rnaaon
all offer arftntwl; poaaaiton at onr.
J 4 1 ri Kaitt KiiTlilh atrt.
FKVKN ROOM bu"i fur riii" 14u Kul
t-,-ml "irrrt I'hont 22s17.
FOH KKNT- Fiff rom modern liouai. In
tjiiir H'M Norih trivo.
lltiri.UKIt. H . 1200 Ul.iM'K Four room
rollaHA, ricrly furniahed twin bada;
jirr month; ltric lljchta, aaa, a
tr paid bv Una.) I. lnquira 124 South
it Utfi
TRW ltoOMS of itikmI furnltura for aat--:
boua for rent; inrm. 1'aWua 'itii'Z R.
K F.NlAlVlVIl'j;i.,, "Kaal "FifVh 'airMt : ' f"r
riMit. it room bunralow; gnruff, l'rtric
iybt. koun tll: not inodirn; two block a
of rollfg and atrfft far. Pbona ftt77 H
Foil UK.NT-- ( oinplftfly (urniahnd ft room
modern iturro bunjaiow In Fart. Mill
addition. Jninitdiata poaaanion. 1'bona
itiva r
FOR RKNT - Two-room furniahed boua
Tery maaonabl. Phono nt72 R.
TIIU-O. E. 1417 Thr" rooffl. "hal7 of
ilnjelei booae, furnwhed. l'hon Mra
.lunfi. 700,1, dunttt ofhro hour a or fan
tw .( n after ti p m.
FOI R IUmM furniahed hooae for rent, id re
tnc tiffhtn. gaa and water; kftalad nar
rar line and jitney, phone 4.'ttu.
RosTitN, M 1.Mf4 For rent a bautlfiil
furnuihed five-room eottae; iaamadtatt
p4Air)iiin. phone 41110.
itAI.riMoltE, ' K. Ntrly furn7ahd tY
mom niiHirn btingeuw. fmmediaU poaana-
aron ; referencea required l'hon A VOt 9 .
NICELY furniahed five room bungalow;
f7.'i Phone :,24,
FOR RENT -Half "of" an room 'furnUhed
rotURe, to dniirabVo parttea. Phone
i7:i4 R. t
NINTH. W , niifi- A " room furniihed hu
for rent immediat poaarn ion. l'nona
7h47 J af(r r, o'doek.
NICKI.Y f'irniahed & room bitiioW; $75.
Phone .v.' 4t)
FOR RENT -Three offir rnomi rontifti-inl,
also I. a, I K'ntabl for martif Kt
jsVrord t ''H'l. R-Mjcn nay tie uatd for
boiarVi'4-p.ng rooma. Phon 2991.
OFFirrp FOR RENT In naw World balM
Iff. firat rlaaa. firepriof. vacuum rlaan.
iti. light and heat furniabad, feaaooabU
rnt. Call Worlil offica.
Af'To SAKErf IWKJM WWl ortd, a (nam
hal. lot k le.aae ; reaaonailiU rent ; will
furniah ht.rnr ttaiUm if wanld. For
parufular rail Oaaf HO.'iR
AKKItol iSE SPACE. ard etoracr. auto
tora!e. uu awiteh; il you have anything
In aiure rail Auaa Traratfer k htorage
Co Offir.. 21 Weal Archer
FOK RENT ltoreroom for rent In Irtoa
Rldg- formerly old World bniluing oa
Fourth itreet; nawly rodeld aad U
firat dm condition; beat show window!
In ftly: ehtap rni and long laaaa.
f tt l.ariuin. World fflea.
WSTHi TO RENT---A fit or ait room
fnf :ahfHl hou by eouple with IiojvI tif
r- f.-r mi Phon- 7 T ;j u,
A Mr li To RENT -Four or fiv r-m
niMlrri lniw. nil more thau $'l); east
a 1r i rfcri. d 1 -Mire 1HH4
4 "It '. Rohm MoliR Hor.-K.n fur"
Ktnl,.-d ; wii!h aide, from M.iih to Twelfth
rt Iielroit to lir'ifer fe or write
,1 i .-:4 South l'ton.
ll.fMio CASH, ff.'i pi-r mouth buya atmoat j
in fivt r'Niin moeU-rr, b'i"ralow rj jr
riiaie Hardwood fUnir tbrouchont. f i re
pisvn, huiilln reHMirea, tarye riHtii.a
lint' v fiiilf,c, and d4vorati'd Own-r
wiO't'i ti 'ni.c tii Mate as ptisM!is mid
i- offt-nritr thiK liuiae t a tartan, prue
t'lMt'.a l.'l
K EN I A I.K tMn four riHim b.tne, f
we!! a-il.nlnl lot. elm, Ui far tllie; onl
fl .'.!.' J raNh f2 rwr month. oni
ri't.t. iT'-t ! bi today. Cil l'hean.
PIioni" ',2
Sol TH SttK Eif fit riom, two -lory real-di-p'e
4-1 1 . in iriludinft nerant qnar
1er arid farrtir,. roTldir,f you ill hi,y
tin' f.i nut life . r-al bara;in. .Moorfhial
FMt i-'M-K by owner, n-w 7 r m bur.ir:
fw l.riai.fttit rrorn n.ar tel, b'ti't tu up
I. aid... Krcnrh dfmra a'l oak fUmra. firm
fitii'.- ard derorationa, rragi: t'rina
'.'Jit VHtti XflMMim.
1'olt l,v New bunitarow, Mil rouih
tj 1 1 ai 1 r tirl wood floor i ; modrrn : c
ti-rme or wit; trad Sre J
. Uri an, .ill Ro Inn rou buitdintt
FOK SAi.F 7 room Mn-I y inodt-rn biinc'
low, nntct for two -"an mrt batoment.
i t v a, r . i iiiartra : hi rb Irtvm
u i tr 1 ? i fu tur a and flerorationa , only 7
bUrk out for f 1. , trma 9 Jl.liio
r nli bamiice to n'l it Se Ri:n 1,.
f.rai t, 511 FtrM National ltid. Phon
21 fi"
HI'MiA! OW ' FOK RAI.E by" 'fiwn'T," at a
bariraif', on nirl h aide lar(i living
rot.i. den, .tiMng rouim, oak flcmtri two
I rdroomn, rlorvta, liAth. tt'eak f ant room,
kitchen larce ba.eni-iit. atetmi ht .
earac fnr two nm phone VV'H R
Foil S UjK om Itneresiiin mapa in
ama!l houne crorrry atnrea and one tour
ing Ford car. CaH Vlinon R-alfy. ;. 1 2
t -rat National Lault Bl'tg. Xhvuo 4744.
Hot! Ml' si rou ail r
N'OltTl I SI I if s ,,Ui (,ta.tow. la-d
O.Ht t b M jt t(4-l. !,ttlitlPr- iiair.,.'.'
b'litl ',.1 , ;s 4 .,' fl-a .'
. I, FTs H (f 4 -.... ...
For "s !.t, irr . s i... in.- rii-hi
r.oim froiit KraiT" t n i
ii n r r a t.o. .vt.ilion . w .
l':o i'.' ,n or ' i'fi , u
ONK ) I ,1, ('Uk To M..i; I p.
rbu kni 4 ' i.r p' 1 i ( '.'..li, .ti
ome ddt- tor parii. i. lrt F
liri. a lioni- ;i rrc H n
Foil Ml.f m .., niif . ii . wi'i .
riHMii bouse on S'-l I, i,. i i ivr n,
a! . ! inj lo.jn uj i Hr t...i u bargain"
Call Vn. rmih.M I'r... I ' ci
fR V. K -tiprM Una l.i luNa. inn
rih.ii. iti. k hi. ire i t t f . ,i niV
e.'oii.) fl.mr pin.' wih M fin i .( .irailona
ji'i ml.' atff hi .rm it.i . iv mi ia
1 liU i-Uf. hata 4 full . .a, k of frioind
that pi. ra with it iMi tai lbr' apn't
men i building a and ir.' rb.. bi-t tf.ai
niiv itinihl ln I'm fit ti firfpf"f
iarit(.t- tn. -iiii .f 'nii 4 tii.mi'i re.
h;iv lr Oil Mm Una , l'i. what .ot
' nr.' loa.liH f for W lib lf.i. 'TMll. I'riCiS
f 1 Jj.iM .i i tr.-ott I nt . si men t l , ill
Firm Nat.oiuiJ Hank ),.t
V 'It S I .K Pk' !l, I..OHI bun foul
Iota .VJ.ll'i f-l on . 1 1 i roio( For a
llllU epeit. Oui ' l.i- tiadi
lido a two apartmci.t, or Mill make a
file Ihaiir fs.r oii- one thai wani oi
a at I hmh tlif cr.iwtr l ton t of taiw n
Prl. e ty.viii'O J.!, are wortli ihc nionsr)
Or-fntt I unlet Ci ,414 r nai Na
Oonail Hi.t.'
FOR i-'U.K a barftai" to a fie r-.m
bon.at. M. ItMninii. f ifl" iai.h ai . $
per iiioi,ih on balaii' e lilrd ln. iiroeiii
Co. 411 Kirai National Ph.nu. ,M7
IF Not VK a boiu. or lot fnr al.
trll 1 1 1 r 1 Inti'MllH lit t'n atMr.lt it. 4 I I
Firt Nafionavl Pltii w 7 f 7
II KM !' i w lig rn a little monet our.li
ii Klit fine eal front lta with vend nin
room booae, nar two rnr lina Prii-e
fiMni iili H..U0 -ash Alliaoo Really.
Phone 4.14
III NO M OW Kitra tvH'd taeiue for $1 7'u
iitAV tern. a healthful!) deo.it ..led, fcplell
ilnt Wf.i aiitl gar-Mir-. puirsaion gnen
Phon,. IlT 1 1 I Mr.ni
.NEW III MHUHV In at roiopleled. 'read v
tai uoive nirtit in, baa lour Uo.lv l"pi"K
riMifiia, breeskfajat ro-stn f irnay-e and a" a
raic Eat front, rotmr l'hon a IT in fur
appolniinenl i
MwUNN(.Sinr I Save for -aie one of fh.'
rbiiffal homea in Mirmnai-le ; eimip!re
in etery riclail IH-aOou neal Mitwii bv
appointment only Phone n 7 10. W. J
llrnr .
HI NOMeOW Fi i.MMiia and bath, ntr
litthting future, enk floura In ' froml
rina . iiianiol : lo ait-d on Eaet Second
aireet i.rue :i .'o n. ruh, u
montb. l'hon A4W2
LOVELY RI'NtJ A 14 W ENe rooma 'and
a!epiiig porch larga lot, 14.(100, teritu
Phon 2i77
KAfcr SIHF- Kip roini modem bungalow.
Wfdl. asiilendld eaal front lot lo tat rat
line . t t.l to, I..0 raah. CaH Phelan.
Phon ft 2
FOR HAKE MY OW7EROn fie and one
iirixim new bungalow oiodorn; al
aula on pared atreet, will aaertfc and
ran gi fa good terma l'hone 49tfl J,
fiFN FK. V - I2iui blork pavVdi lot III':
r.irurr Mild lately for .l OD'i 1 ut 111
only haJf that, or raah, '00 terma.
Phon 2:inl R
.NORTH MHK -4i aouth front lot on
pavfd aireet aMrer; aiir rounded by fin
boiirra : haa 12il'l garden on It- )arnia
for quirk eatr; $I.k" Phona 4 N'J 1 J.
foil HI.K Fourteen lota In Omit I Adf
Hwr In ami aid for. Tba tola arc
aU together and join on Maple Rldg.
a ran id Ioration for eornuit to buila
higli rlaM lnmM liar a good prir
and terma on thia property. Orrult In
Tfieimnt. 414 Kirat Natymal )tnk Rldg.
FitR HAKE- lH In I r?in Flare; ap I en did
Ioration. phon .1 1 mw. :to Mayo Rldg.
Jlr-nutlfiil lut; alr.e IOOiIT.O. corner
Tnentlalh anil Detroit, facing aouth;
aurroiintleil hv ehmle (ret-a and fin
homes: a hamlfiotn Chrlntniai pre,
cut. Will e.'l I 11.000 hene.th It
value . I'lione owner, 1 S3-R.
Cist K.N--lo acrea gwl lei..!, good olima.e,
gost aoft water; hselUi; easv terms or
will lake seme tratle I'rire II.MIQ.
Write owner, Win Arthur. Ml View, Mo
KOK SAl.K ISO ecrea tine farm land tliree
mile, etttilh Tulsa, on new r.rnttoaesl rsirk
rt,el u acres in cultivation. Iialanre
iti liar anil pasture l.'i acres In wl.eal
that all gtit-a wlIJi farm ami re""slon
right nsiw ; fsir 4 enm litm.e atM I'irn;
,nce O'.'fi tM-r acre, terms. This fsrm
Is eltisa enough tu sell In ft ami H acre
tracts . K., I,. (,,nt. .',14 Kirsl
Nslmnsl Itlrlg I'hwtie 1 I (.
ftlrt KI.K--J',0 scree A I farm lantl nnljr
7 miliss from Tulsa. 1U0 acres In cnlli
valit.n, lialance In hav; .-rtuini miwlern
Immuh and nlenlv g.K.,1 iill,'iilillnr : 9fi
acres In wheat, a fned Itujr fur 1 1 10 per
acre: terms Hee Ku.s I,, llrant, J4
first NalWinal Itlrlg I'rvwie vien
I'OK fAI.K 1"n acres I, Is, k limestone
Isnrl in nierttliea roiinly. high eiaae us
t.mveniesits, JOO arrea alfalfa l,o(Uim
latitl. nn alale nai't f, mile, freni town I
an Ideal stock ranch fnr no ,er acre: i
goo,) (arms inn sv-res in wheal See ;
Ku.s 1, firant .'14 First V.iioca, llltlg
jx) Y'lf WANT to huv imti.eriv' Tell It
lo .s-aeeney :44 ItttluniKit, I'lione el.MI
l'lVK VOI I tirofeetv for sale I Tell It to
Sweeney. :i44 lt.ii,lt,.'in ri,,it:e Sl'.'l
WAST TO IH V geai'l five r,,nm house 1
t.riccal rigit. on South g in , y or Oimker I
or In (his vl'inily Csn ..v ar,ul lun
cash Hoi II 7 rare World
Two Cruckcrjucks
I''.lg!it-rtiom modern; two Km I":
oak floors; b.-im-rtient ; garni;", cur
lier lot; north nidi-. Trier, 7.7 ".i.
HOl'TII HllH-a.
Six-room modrrn; o.-.k flttor.i,
h.'ust'tnriil ; - real liome. I'ri'f,
Jj.ODO; tl.uOO iah.
0. L. Chancellor
l'hone 2297 - 3!H; -H.
Bimi a fiUosm Easy T &srms
East Highland lots; $25 cash and $10 per month. Prices $G00 to $875.
Better come early and get choice of what are left.
Room 210 Palace Bldg. Phones 4670, 552, 2203-R
( riionis, ciuph'I finish, liar.d
woixl tlnDiM, utlrattivc (lifo
rutini;, Karaiic, fistfrn, Morni
ravt', lorntT lut ; el.-ja r.t lora
lion; walking distance from
the Inisiness fenU-r; almost
new. Owner makes price with
iart terms, $t,,f00 fur iiick
sale. If intercstetl iihone us
for appointment.
ISllansr Ilk
Phone I27.. r.'J,". Unity Illtlir.
lleniiliful eiiluirluiii Ihiihh mnaliit I tin
(if .1 li, rt'H of fine liuul. iniint ut
ll in live fi rut, 111 I 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 w , nil link
rititira. en inii-l flnl-li uml limllly (Iff
tirult'it, liiiriiKo. well hii.I h 1 1 (t'luiiil
wild iiet-uir.', -, mill, from rr
l.i.riilti 1 1 tu i to In Aire (Urili-na ml
tllll.in. Will exchange f,)r iiIIut
liriiprrty or sn-ll tin gut,, I leriim. I'rlt-e
!'.l'- Ilea. .ir.Xn-U
New t'tilnnlnl home: eight rniinix,
cnler hall ami hiieeitien! ; hartiwourl
floors, ivory finish: the mti.t attrac
tive Interior tlero.ru. Inn; lilith rloaa
liltinihliiK unil light flgttjri'a; heiillnw
(iltint mid litundry: hullt for a home
by I ho preHfiil owner; tlnulilo flnorel,
wiiIIm el,,rtn-het,l anil pa icr-1 ;
went her Nlrlpa on all rtnnrs anil win
dnuB. koii I h ami want corner lot; K"
riiK for two cira anil crvunlit' iiuiir
litre, liriitillful Ioration In the Mitpl
1(1, Ige ii nil MornlnKHhle illntrlrt.
I'rire retluintl fur quirk eule with
liiitiietUulu poKa.aalnn. A noma that
will appeal to you In every detail
ami t-iinitot Im diipllrntetl for til
money today.
t2l I'rtlty Ilhlg.
l'hon 1J7
Leaving the City Dec. 15
My ail- room hiinmtlow, hardwood
throug-hiiiit, rreinh ami mirror
door, elegant rteroratlon. baeement.
garngt-, driveway; It a complete-
noma, priced lor quick al. 15,100
, Halff&Son
l'hon SB 16
South Denver 8 Rooms M
And snrloel aleepliia; porch; almost
new and modern In every reaped;
oak floor, oak woodwork, combina
tion furnuce, garage for two car,
aervnnta' qnnrtere; eaat front; clone
In; rxci'pllonally well hullt with
elorm sheeting pnper and weather
Htrlp: Itrlt k foundation. A real mm
fortalile home and ran be bought at
tho right price, l'hone us today for
further information.
end Kennedy llldg
I'honea 4ba-7e61
Six- ititiina; enampl flnlrth, hardwood fluorrt; iillriirtlye Interior decorating;
clalein. garage; corner lot. Klegant location, walking dletance from tht
center. Almoet new. Owner mukea prlte with part term. 14.500 for Im.
medlut ele with early po-weBglon. If Interemed phone u for appointment.
2.. Tnliy llltlg.
And you can move in an eight-room, modern home in Maple
Kill ire. This home has hardwood floors throughout, finished
in white enamel, larjcc living room, dining room, breakfast
,room, kitchen, pantry, fo'ir fine bedrooms and bath, largo
1 clovets, basement, furnace heat, cistern, garage and servants'
i quarters ; l"t iiOxloO. Price $1:1,000. Would take in as part
i payment, bungalow, automobile or lot.
TUn JIto Mo MalEeir C
phone mi.
V liv i f r, ' t Komeliotly tiike 'lv;nliiKl
,,l thiM ,,ff,'i '. Hlx r.iniii tiutiE.ilnw,
-I'd,,, ( n, a, . - -. -l 1 1 . 1 1 i . 1 1 1 . 1 1 furnncH.
I'.n h;,'. r-1 1 . ii.li. II. I. mil in,, I well fm
,.l,-,l. I'i,.lli-, h.Milli -il.siy lerinn.
fifl"! Keiinedv TlMi;.
I'tllHl-d al ,- t s( . 7 n aj i
Huy From Owner
Oiiee In ,,ii west al.le, a flvo-rotim
Inline; atiltlly iniiilerii; hiutement
uml aerMinta' tiimrtt'ra, full alied lot.
Vim will t iir.f lute. the. vuluo and
terma I mn offering nn thla.
Phone 7444
Ea.st Side Bargain
Five room, garage, fine wall, eaat
from; In good neighborhood and on
Jllney. 14,2110 for quick al.
Cog Kennedy llldg.
l'hone 4Dl-78el
A dams-Walker
Southside Bungalow
$1,000 Down
Hlrli tly modern, flv room, break
fast room, oak floor, garag. Prloa
,&0U; a rloa lit home.
E. N. Riley & Co. .
J'hone 3.111 131 Roblnaon DIdg!
Kirkpatrick Heights
Nifty bungalow, nearly nw, flv l.
KKiit room'; fireplace?, mantel. Thla
I a fin buy. (situated on high com
manding looatlon. Worth 11,(00
right now, but owner muat all.
E. N. Riley & Co.
I'hona 3SI1 S21 Roblnaon Bldg..
$600 Cash.
Thro room houa on paved atreet,
west part of city. Balanoa terma.
I'rlce $1,600.
John Barrett
Room 101 Roblnaon llldg.
l'hone lit? or 1151
$3,750 Buys
Hlg room doubl house, modern, on
paved Htreel; rent for 10 pr
month. Olv terma half caah.
John Barrett
Room 201 Roblnaon Bldg.
Thone 1117 or 1S6I
Phone 1171

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