Newspaper Page Text
II TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1918. GRADING FOR HARD ' ROADS STARTS SOON lied l,MM lri in lit lliiult fur Pal ing lv Time lrot I'' (.round Neil .spring. GOOD DRAINAGE PROVIDED Lienor. I'luii l mini giilnxl An-limn-. In IIUli Hunk '! I li'MHi'd llrlilni " AH in' ir:. i iii ' !-' ' '' ,11111c iJuriiiK- "" wnilei toward pi' . I'lltK tho' mil II ' loud I whl'll ale 10 he pim-d. will hp nl under wn Hi nun- mill w. tn-ii tli fi'i I" "f hi- ground lieu "prlnK. " 1 hU uill he''' tr I"'"' ri'W. Thin Ws III" lllfni in.lUmi gr.eii " ili rhiiinlier of rmiHii'T' inghwa'. roniinlttee at lis meeting with "' murd of ruimlv comml'' loiiem yes 'erdav morn liK Tli'- nieiiil-ei" "' till! rollllllllll"' Willi Ini'l "li oniinlniliiiiPiH were K W Siii'Ibm. i'.iI tlsreiHe II I'linglm- . J. M Herrv end Urunl Mim 'iillniigli Hun I'littoli, iiiimlv engineer "" l.-r whose dlrrillon lh" roml -won. H Oklahoma Hospital ScmI'" IiimhIhis nf t lt. riroiirnof building arranged for pin pose, 2nd. .Modern himI roiiiplnle equip ment under one 1'iiif lint. Character, i lpiTlrin mid skill if attendant. Ir. 1'ml K. llnl President Mlu II. r. V.. .hgclcr. It. .v. Huperlntendent lr. I.jllr Ailiennn Itrililonl Physician Nlnlli and .Ihi'I.moii Ktreele I'linnii Hkiiki 3990 BUSINESS CARDS Phorin 15-17 Wwt Arrh-r HATCHER FRODUCK CO. Wholesalo Jobbers Creamery Butter and Ess Good Kgirs Always TT YE Ir. Arthur I Li Er tampbell ? 4 M.yoniilt Inroat Phone MM. Ileadquarttra for fCryplok Lamti Kaw-Looatlon It Waat Third PrTon 1471 MATERNITY HOSPITAL Efficient trained nuraaa. Bablaa adoptad If dealrad. 1103 W. MAIN ST. Oklahoma City, Ok la. SHANNON 'Q FURNITURE O Bichama Nt for Old 14 and II Waat Bacond Ouy W. McCullooff H. II. Cbatfia MOWBRAY UNDERTAKING CO. OPEN DAT AND N1QHT 8BRVICB , SEWING CHILDREN'!) tiAUMKNTH limbroldpry. Tttlti, layvttfa MRS. 13. H. HIZAR I'hona 4H-J. XT it South lloaton. TDr.l. Angstreich OPTOMETRIST with HARRY HEILBRON JEWELER Second and Main Phona 117 THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY T17 SOUTH CHKTENNB THONB 1004 Children Carod for During Working or Shopping lioura W. J. GREGG L J.' MARTIN Attorneys-at-Law EUchanga National Bank Balldlag Tulsa. Oala. ' SAM'L. A. BOORSTIN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW 411-U-14 Wright Bldg. Law of Oil and Oaa Law of Corporation PHONE 7 lit CHAS. H. MERILLAT ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Bond Building. Washington, a. O. Oil, Gas and Indian Matters WOODSON E. NORVELL Attorney Now Located in Unity Building Suites 101-111 Dr. E. C. Badger National Association CHIROPODIST lUVt East Third St Phone 2810 Tulaa. Okla. CARTER SMITH Lawyer 314 Bliss Phone3567 n carried 1 1 . j I kh. Iih pliii.. 'iill.i fur ilii. Ki.i.liiiK (,i :'. : i,,ii.h ni Ml.ld fiiiin TllHii In Arrow. Illxliv, Kri stone inn! i'olliii-i llle. Ai: these ro.i'l.. .in. in li- brought in UIiiiIm 1 1 i r 1 1 1 k 11"' winnr ,uu lh- fll i Howe. I In hi I III- iiirlng tin- wlrilei ' im- I'm r li i (,r iijc wniK iii' h f beln-wil In li. i,f Ihi- gteole.t lllipi'l am, n iiini j , . (ii.iinimi' iM in in pi if lilf'l in limn. iei lions In will'li w.ifcli,,ui. j j'i '. " ,i en i,r i iiinrnnii im l lll I l lll ' Mjiiv llls llll ' ! I f, l'f usi-li afii i I j i j . v iiiiiim I.-i;iiiii. III, rn.iii l.i'iU lui'e I,, w.mliiyl iw.iv in, mini lln- i nl citi Uuiiri will l" It'll iiiikIiI. online. I llnl budge Mill I," Iniili liiylii-i in unlit '" r.,.i,i III-' f:,.n.lH II w.ih i x i. .niii .l lis I'umilv KiiKitieei' I'atton , n i-ffiirl will In- in. ul" In ,Minn of lh,- . (mi nun ini'l hund irieaaed ! Hip run i ninriillt'-r. nu ll! .it' In ihf winii'i i if this i'.s'ie Ill' -.t.ilr ' Inn, I IiimiJ i niiiiiil i Im i w ill iilli lui.-p , I,, I, J ..II. Iillli nut nf Hi mnpl'iH fiiii.lH iiii.i Tii ioiiiiU will pill' lnii" ulinilt I (I ri, (III II nut nf l!- :-til :in rnnl II i iiinlprMiiiiit it iniil-i' li.iii nlri-.iilv lii'i-n f'iuii'1 Inr tin- li.'il.iin STREET MARKERS SHIPPED: DOWNTOWN INTERSECTION S'ln-pf iiihiUi'M niii-f., l, I'.iln-lii,-.ii.i,pr M.-.l M'-Vultv liiivf ti"l iirrlMnl, I In , u v h lln... hiii,. Iit-t-n hlpp"l. In' li mlvlKfit The in ;t r I; i n wimp nriliTi'il finni mi i-.ixicrn Htmnp ll'lf wiilki. n, it Kl,nrt;ir nf i,,,. hihI l.ihnr-. iln miiiiiifr-lijri-r miv. ih'lu) "i him iimumjuIIv InnK Tin- iiuikfitt it r In h iliii-i'i on all iln will, iw ii Miir-I inli-rMprtWifi' Am iniili im Hi' nty flnil mif- fl' U'llt f'lll.lM. Ill.llkl'lll Will II" I'lrl'l. p, on nil Mrf'i'l IntPiHprt Inrti, lh il. Hi hrlnK In mp, I D' Iron pitiilii. Si IiihiIa I'lnMll. yi'i:i.'.'i;i'ii:i.ii. .m . i'.-. tiip pulill,' m-hiiiil4 wpti' iiT'Iit!! rlii-'!! tnihiy fur llm ni'i-mnl Mm ii n ip milt of it iipw imi'Iiip.iK of Inriui-ii.M ATTENTION! f.lve your yr Ihn nam t-ara that you do your rlnthpit. Hrnult, hpttpr hpullh. Hi'P un at onra. Tulsa Optical Co. M. M1KM II, Mjrr. 812 N. Main I'hoii 2H0 Try Making Your Own gourU Remedy Cough Yea eaa eaoa ebxrt (. aad Kara I - - 1 4t - - N awaa aia4. MmtAlj . If you combined" the euratlra prnpor tlaa of rrory known "rradf -made" cough romrdv, you probabl? rould not gat aa much real eurailfc power aa there la In thie aimple. home-Bade cough irrup, wbirh la eaelly prepared la a lew minutei. Oei from any druggitt 21J ounce of Pinei, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with etrup, uamg either plain granulated augar Ijrnp, clarified moliin-i, honey, or corn arrup, ai ileeirrd. The run It it a full pint of really better rauuh eymp than you eon Id buy reedy-made fur three timaa the muni'T. Taatea plru ant and lerer apoili. ' Thla Pinex and Syrup preparatina geta rlaht at tho rauea of a cough and givra almi'it immediate relief. It looa ena the phlegm, lope the natty throat tickle and licala the enre, irritated membranea en gently and eaaily that it la really aiUvnlahing. A day'i uee will utmally oeerenma the ordinary couch and for bronehltie, croup, whooping cooih and bronchial aethma, there ia Duthing better. Pinex la a moat taluahle concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine citract, and haa been Ueed for generationa (o break up aprrre couvha. i To arold dieapnoinlment aek your nriiBgitt for "JV, ouncre of Pinei" with full directioaa, aad don't areept . anything elee. Guaranteed a giee ab anlute eatlefaatioa or money promptly refunded. The l'iaci Ca Ft. Waraa. lad. KIDNEYS WEAKENING? Klanera and bladder trouble don t awppear of themaelyea. They groU arpan you, alowly but ateadily. under mining your health with deadly cer tainty, until you fall a victim to 1n eurwble dlanaa Mop your trouble, while there I time. Don't wwlt until little pains be- big ache. Don't trifle with die To aeoed fnttire eurferlng begin nant wKh OOIJ) MBDAI. Haar lem Otl Capsule now. Take three or four every day until you feel thu.1 von are enttfwly free from pain. This well known preparation has fcewn one of the national remedies of Holland for canturiea. in H the geyeramant the NetherLanda Ai Age Advances SmtB MH, Srull Dot. Small Prkt ul Great ia hi Good Werk IUAKIlKJI jr r vro lea.tur. Colorless or Psvle Faces ,e,"b1od'dlc, ,h b,,nc ' ' coadltion whlck will be greatly helped by Carter's Iron Pills v j COLLINSVILLE COMES INTO TULSA COUNTY I .ilii Mr uliiiillmi Im ri'u-4-tl N Iniir Mllllini Ixillurt hv Ni'W TnwiiNlilp. anvil illlllf. llll t llWfllllill III l'."K l - i nullly WJH l,,Mn,ili n'i-, In Till (iinniy , i-mpiil.iy. iluih i.irrylriK nut Hi. ,t.-.-w nf Hip vul,T nf Hi'' .'f-fi-i ti illKtrlrld r-''!'!''! I.'" A IIKUNf . TIip i niinly i niiiinliwli'npii "f j Hiikpih intinly ini'l with I li ''in iiiIhpIihiith nf Tumi iniinly mill in ; K'-llinr Hii-v iiiir,,vpl tin lm'i'l wlih li "il'p'i'il iht" In TuUii iniiniv thp Iwpflli ppi-IIiiiim i,f liirnl will, Il , inr iinw it pari nf TiiIuji ruuntv H j In phi In, nip, 1 Hip Miliniitnti n' Hip j I'm inly fur pur'iiiHt-M of In inn li In - 1 , i-.mi', iil.niil thrpp mill ii iiiuilpr inllllmiN l,i III hiiiipkjIIiiii of Hip ll"KPia riiiinty InwiiHlilp 1 TIip fianpfi'r 'iilll''d, Mini nf win!, upon Hlilrli lln lrl'ilv of Tnla iiml I(hK'in inntillpi : Ii.hp Iippii rnKii"il f"r w li. Tulni ii niililv, fur p. inhprllh n pnr- n, hi of Iti'fcPix inly'H I'IiihIpiI in- i'I,piIiipm Hi, lln- nf Hi!" Ik rlurli'il in hnnl hniiiU, i. r t of it In mail IiiiihIh and mi mi. Mny .-k I iU Klinnn wpTp rilnn In Mllvi-fl lltl.l II I Ppl PPI-llllltlVI of Hip iiiunty iiMni-iiPy'ii offlii' wiih prPHi-nt ul Hip ii,"' l in ir to n lit In HlritlKhtpfiliiK nut Hip lp, hnl,-iil iiitHi lutiH IiivhUpiI Hi pffprllnic thp IniliHfpi It W. l Kviiiin mill '. I Vnn,. , .linn, Ii.Ii,ii.-ip mnl Jplf I'llilrlilKP. Iirk, r'prPHPiili'il (i,i-r rniinlv. VICTORY BOYS WILL BE ENTERTAINED THURSDAY Til In j vlftnry lioyH will li u p ii m i lnl III Hip V M. ' A k inniiMiiiin Tliuriiliiy lilaht at 7:1. All tnirlB of rjiiipk will I,p playnl for tin' iiiniiHi'nipnt nf thn virliirlnim lie frpNhiitPiiiM will hp hitvpiI. TIiitp hip I, alio vli tory hnva In lh'1 el ly ami It Ih Hip plmi nf 1 1. H. lliirk lin,pr, ihp liiiyn' illri'i.'lor. t" hiii Ii K 1 1 1 1 1- fur Hip yuunKHii'i pvpry Thiiinduy nlKht AlthotiRh Hip whole org m lnvltpil for thin flrii )itpiuininpnt. I II In pliuiiiPil to piitprl.iln IIipiii liy HPrlliniH Pi lor, lo or throo i,'hool , KronpM hi ' ii jr rarpit for til oiip tlino. You arc entitled to the necessaries of life. Likewise you are.entitled to the Benefits of the basic principles of true and up-to-date merchan dising, namely: Good Goods Fair Prices Intelligent Service Humane Treatment Sanitation Concentration Organization which constitute the foundation of the phenomenal success of Traders No. 4 At 105 E. First St. Tulsa's Leading Grocery Store v and Market "The Goods Must lie Good Goods or the Sale Is No Good." LOOK OUT! granted a special charter authorUIng It preparation and aale. The good houeewife of Holland would alrno as soon be without food n without her "Ileal Dutch Drops," as she quaintly calls ('.OLD MKDAI, j Haarlem Hll Capsules Their use re- eiorea airengto and la reaponsihie in a great measure for the sturdy, ro bust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Ho to your druggist and insist on hie supplying von with a box of :oi.D MKDAI. Haarlem Otl I'apetiles Take them as directed, and if you are not satisfied with reeulta onr druggist will gladly refund your money 1-ook for tho name UOIJ.) MKDAI. on tho ho and accept no other. In sealed boiea. three auuia.x the Liver Requires occaaional alight atlmulatloa. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION j RED CROSS DRIVE FOR CHRISTMAS MEMBERS t . ,,. Hi,),,!,,.,! Wnrbirn Will SnIK'U ' I Nuiiii't nf Tli Imi I'l-oplr an hull. srlifrt in TIiIm Miivrnicnl. U in l.i-i d i w in, .i ip in ,.i - in ow.- T'ils.i iniinly ',, lmtp In Hip coming I'.' I i 1 1 hi - ' hr ,ititi.i.N n.i'iit tiiTKhlp uii,,.i.kii will tin-pi iii Tulhii Si I u t -ilnv im, on, I -, pro lit-1 14, when 4 Imi' inn n wli; In- Kit, en f,,i IIipiii. At lull iin'ciiiirf i',in,lpip ani ili-flrilie ! pill 11.1 f'M Hll- ir,VI' III lIlMI JhM'il, ,iiinl Hip .,,k,',H ul.l ho gikon llK'l' ; pii,iIii-.4 .in, in-ll H'.lliiliH. Till' loi al I I 'liniiillipp, i .,n, ,i,h ,1 of .; i ihpj . hiiH.i-r. i .iii,i.iikii miiM iiir fn tnti i iniiiiv, l i irlt I .-i i nnniy i hull . Iiiniii. W ii Huh, i Ii;tirrimii or the i H-a k-i m' Iiiiip.i,i .iii.l fp, lepre poniriiiM. f,,i in,, i-'iri, i ikhthfinia .ilmlll.l. lip,,iK. I- Ijuny, puhiiclty j iliiPi lnr. .,ii-l ; iliiiup, iiilviTtla j i ii K iliri-i Im I'Xpei't ,in inieinliinrn 'of not pi, ,i)o at Hie niPPtlfig hii, I ii hi Iiiniii. I A l "III IIipiii I'lThllip In thl I lti I 'rose i o-Is imp iloll ir no ihoip. . It Is not a i ,ininilKfi ,ir flnani'ei IuI'iiip. Inn to ciilinf i hf iiinril Miiipott " eiory m',1 M, ,1, ,,, Anicilraii iliuil, ami rhiul In I ho oiKflinzit 'Inii Hia Iiuh ilp.iU in iiHrry uml klllilllPHH tuw.,-'l Hip Almll.lin Mill' ilior who hplppil f.ght Hip liorniunH. TIiitp will ,o thric ilwinrtH In Tn Imi litiHiniHM, ri".nlphrp an, I inun nfiirlurinif - anil ipam rapliiltm to t.ikp charKi nf Hiphp throe distrlrta will ho npiiliiti., HiIk week hv Mr. i HiHrhiiltxer "Wo Hunt Huh riiriipalKn to bring universal nullly." ri.irk I'ipIiI do. rimed Monday, "for il Im only in thlp way thul pery In TuImii ran givi hie wholi'hpiiripil Htjpport to the Iti'd 1'rna.". Kvi'ii Hi" children ulmuld I"' looked iiflpr; if Hip falhor and the inolhpr have kivpii for Iheinet'lveH, they lelmul.l ihi-n mi lispriho for a niPinliprHliUi fur ewty child. " Whlln i(ip p"ri.,n i an hold only one niPiiiliPiHliip, hp may mihecrlbi ror imy initnlipr ul his frlemlN, An aipi-oiriiitp cant hpurlng the name of Hip donor, will hp hpiiI from houd- luarierN in tne person or iiereoim wiio are recipient! or auch a timely I eniemhriini o The woini'ii workprH will wear red rupn and ipiI nIopvh hamlM. and the men workern only red eloevo hande. to dlHtingnMi Ihem on their Mnlttt. It In untlclimied that thorp will Im not ohi than sno workrra In the city and county. Fully fiO.ono meinberihipH nre ex pected to come from the r.impiilKn liore. hut this number I" euhject to un IncroaMo "Ihero'e no limit," do. rhired meinbeis of the committee Monday SUGAR 0WLS ARE TIMID; THERE'S A CHINA DEFICIT Sugar hnwln were timid in making their appoarniice yeeiori.'ay. In npllo of the fact thai the food adinlniKtra tlon leeued hp order rutting out the delivery of bashful npooimful In a I'ay envelope, and declared the old f.inlllonPd N,ignr howl to he In good form on any table, eomo downtown i'Afen were hi ill dividing up a pound of the Hwoot atiiff Into 30 porllona and they all hud an alibi thai tha food order hadn't reached 'em. "There'a an ample aupply of augar in Tulmi und vicinity," tuld a dealer yeeterday. There eeeniH to be no local reaeon why the ban ehould not he lifted, they pay. (Hie hotel man compla yicl that he couldn't Inula augar bnwle at this time hecauMe of a ehorlage of china lln win lining teacups and they didn't hold much Htigar. tlnna haa heen under a governmental ban, and hotels have heen neing anything that they could buy. It muy be Nome time before the engar bowl Nupply in ado giinte. In the Interim, there'a no part reason why a teacup or even a crock ehouhln't he need Juet a long Ha It haa aufflclent capacity to make up for the uniiaual demand going In be made, by the folks who have been drinking it unaweotened. TULSAN KILLED DURING LAST WEEK OF CONFLICT Tulsaa latest ca-iualtv was re ported yesterday when word wax re ceived of the death in action of Oapt. Roy Homsher. who made the au preme sacrifice in the last week of the world war. Ills last letter home wa written Octohir if. I'aptaln Homsher. who for many years was connected with the Krlsco, one time as agent at Afton and later with the Sapulpa and (Ml Field rail way, enlisted early in the war and wan com missioned a lleu'enant at Leon Springs last November. Hle promotion to the rank of captain came only a fen- weeks ago as a re ward for valiant services. The young officer Is survived by his parents and two sisters who re side In I'nehlo, Col., and his wife to whom he was married shortly be fore his departure for son-Ice over Mrs Homsher was Mlsa Orace Turner before her manage, lie was 10 years of age. WEDNESDAY LAST CHANCE TO MAIL THAT PRESENT l'p to the present time no orders have been received from the proper authorities cancelling the previous inetructtons not to allow Chrlstrflas packages lo he mailed after Decem ber .V The local council of defense ac cordingly has made all preparations to cany out lhc present Instructions both In letier and spirit. Already the mails are hecomime contested veti iti ill:- Partv period ueroi Christmas and belated shoppers who expect to remember their friende In other cities will need to do their shoppltii; before Wednesday of this week. In view of the congestion of the railroads, l! is hardly expected that a cancellation of these orders will he received an. I the word from Wash ington is "These order must he complied with." Tick tjiiiiriinflnc Lifted. STn.l.WATKIt. Okla . I (-. ;--I'.ight thousand, seven hundred and forty-nine sipiare mile of Oklahoma, land was released on December 1 from (he uuar.intine against the cat. lie fever tick Much nf this area has been m Quarantine since 1906. Coun ties released are Oarvin, Hughes. Jefferson. Mcintosh. Murray, Pontotac and Seminole. Parts of Irfive, Cherokee. Haskell. Johnston ami Munkogce counties and the re mainder of Ada r. Creek, McCtiiln, Ma ye. Okmulgee. Otage. l'ottawa lon ie and Tulsa counties arc in tituled . the liberated area. I i If ' l.lllllllHlllllff.nMaeja MB-amaa aaiinm iiiiiiianaaangaiiaaaiaiaaaia-a-aaaaaaataMaaiaal aanrtBi m i I II 15- toflk -lf3) iii W A n Big Jun Ifla&Grs I s. Toys .mil slill more Toys! Toys fin boys and lops for Rirls. Oli, ever mo many loys Hint w itti wiic-ry l wondi r tin littJf one will simply no wild over. llrrT, indent, is playdom's realm, wlieic little iioys mxl ;'irls muy revfl in to their lienrts' content itiitr we invite every little hoy nnd Rirl in Tulsa to (.t ine ;md injoy this wonderful Toy ('.(irniviil in the liant merit. 8 28 Buy T8ox here ran' not only shop In comfort, bnl you will save money on every article you buy. Special "Pricinc Gotton TDash ( Ol.OIU.1) OI TI.NG FI.ANXKI. ( (? hrx-rlnl. Yard wdC A good quality outing, extra heavy nap, very serviceable, pretty new patterns, 21 inched wide ' DltKSS GINGHAMS IJ Spcrlal, Yard. . C A closely woven qualitythat launders well shown In prettily colored plaids and stripes, 21 Inches wide. TH MAN r-FRCAI.r.S Of- Special, Yard O 1 C A good weight and quality 1'ercale, U( Inches wide. In both light and dark colored patterns I.MI'KniAI. CIIAMHRAY Ofl. Srssrtal. Yard OiC - Very finely woven quality, fast colors In trines, checks and plain colors, 11 Inches wide KKKMC'H filNtinAMS J O RprHsl, Yard IOC High grade gingham, finely woven, show, In pink and blue plplda, desirable for finer wash dresses SHlltTINfi MADRAS 4 (1 8penlal. Yard iC --A good yarn dyed Madras. fast colors, shown In prettily colored s'rlpes, for men's hlrU 34 Inchea wide. Second Moor AjanS&erchief as Gift tSo&ens Olft buyera will be won derfully pleased with our showing o f Chrtetmas Handkerchiefs, for In ad dition to the wlda selec tions, there are many val ues worthy nf your In spection. . PCRK MNF.N SWISS l-3tnKOIT)F.RET II AM DK KHCM I KVH at IV. S5c, 50c op to t- Fine Handkerchiefs with dainty new hand embroi dered designs, at last aea son'a prlrei. MF.M'S TV HV. U.VKN INITIAIi HANDKFRCHIKFS II for $1 A very fine quality pure linen Handkerchief hem stitched and beautiful em I roldefed Initial. ROXfTP HAXT) KERCHIKFS - For Men and Women -Various qualities of eo' ton and linen Handker chiefs, in white and col ored deaigna. 3 to f in box Triced SOc, 75c, 11.00, fl 15. 1 1 SO. Main floor YOrn MONEY'S Sl'RK W11F.N STAMPS MATURE Bl'Y W. S. S. We quote no former or comparative prices in our advertising. We let you be the judge of value. ALL MAIL ORDERS filled promptly and accurately and sent to you prepaid, except basement articles. ONE DELIVERY A DAY (ioods pare baaed one day will be delirered some lime the daj following no spe cified lima giren. E sanaa bkm MORE HELP NEEDED HERE TO FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS i " ' i Thoi e w ill lie a meeting of the j board of directors of the anti-tuber- I culosis a.'e.ociatton tonight at 8 j o'clock In tho chamber of commerce. The hoard was Informed yesterday i by Miss McKenzie, state supervisor! or nurves, that additional nursee will 1 arrive in Tu leu today to in the I dull that are falling heavily upon the proem organ. zattnn. j The number of tuberculous cases has increased between U'OO and 300 1 per ccir. over last yeur, due almost I Don't wail until the laat moment lo purchase your holiday gifts. ISy making your purchases now and on Goo&s For Tuesday Our Sntxve Stock of Corsets on Sale his TDeefe at 1-4 Off the Regular rice Included in this sale are Modarts, Gossards, Binncrs. Hedfcrn, Franco, Nemo, Warner, Fl nnd G. and H and A Special. Corsets for every type of figure, new models. Materials, pink silk nnd cotton broclie, pink and white batistes, coutils, etc. Come in and let our expert corsetcricrs fit you to the proper corset, anj take advantage of this saving of 2") per cent. Special Lots of Corsets At Greatly Reduced Trices one ixrr or GOKMAnns q? HrrliPQ tiQ Included are broken elaea, In various styles made of fancy, brorhea and plain coutils. ONK LOT OF CORSKTS ( Q QT Spo-laJtJjt) U Including broken alias in Eeln .lolla. Nemo and Franco Corsets. Made of white coutlis also a few topless Corsets for the alight figure. ONE LOT FRANCO CORSETS (fit) Qr NpcrUI P4.i70 Mod Me for the slight figure. Made of fancy pink broche, with medium low bust, also with elastic section In back Fourth Floor Jre$h Ucto lingerie Blouses That have a look that belies their small price ' Plain and striped voiles and striped mudras, all white, are used for these blouses; the styles are very becoming; just the blouse to wear on the street, in the office or store; some have convertible collars, others' with roll collars; lace and pearl button trim ming. x Third Floor. Fifth and Main Street entirely to the epidemic enza of infill - Revolutionist.! to be Punished. l i irKA'HAiJKN, Ot c. The rierlln Tageblatt's t'ologtie corre spondent says that nharp measures will be taken against all officers who showed counter-revolutionary ten dencies that cuured eetioua dis,'trb anees recently. San Anjrclo lry. SAN ANTONIO. Texan. Dec Precinct No. 1 of Tom lireen county. IncludinT San Angelo. voted "dry" in local option election Saturday the prohibitionists winning, by a twe to out majority. TDinter Dress Goo6s - l-'ubriri llit ore made especially fur present wear ami will make up into the most attractive :is well us must serviceable Kirnicnis; evrr prominent weave is in various widths ainl color ing. I'.elnw we mention just u few of our extensive showing. Ni if how tcMiptinnly pricnl these special ofl'crings ure: All Wool French Serge. The most popular of all wool cns'shown in various tpiulitirs; 40 to .'i4 inches wiile ; in brown, grev, tiiiipe, navy, green, eopen, moile, b lurk unit white. The yard. $1.59 to $1.50 Chiffon Broadcloth. - (iiiixl weight, fine quality, sponged anil shrunk, ready for ii'-.r; 54 inches wide; in taupe, green, btirgunrly, plum, seal brown, flavy and black. Special, the yar3, $3.98 , Special lot Silk 6amisoles. Repriced for Tuesday Made of wash satin, rrrpe de chine and china silk; some in cover style tops; others with ribbon shoulder straps trimmed with hemstitching, ribbons, filet lares and insertions. Fourth Floor.' A Sale XDomcn's ari6 Ulisses' Jashionable Goats 34 Coats of a character in cloth and styling; certainly rare at this modeat price. Many choice coats in this lot; mny re copies of higher priced coats; all the new est modrli, loose barks, plain tailored, cJose fitting and belted styles; many are trimmed with fur, others with large col lars of same materials; fully lined with plain or fancy satins. Materials, wool reloor and libeline, in aary, black, la a pa, barfundy and hrwwa. Third Floor. $1.98 I'hone 6060 j INFLUENZA REPORT SHOWS ! $7,000 COST TO RED CROSS I A report of the cos, and the re sults of the e- .r-gency hospital, oper j ated by the city and the Bed Cross, lis being prepared by the mayor's office for submission to the Red I Cross The report shows that the .hospital rest the P.ed Cross I7.00H ; and that the city w ill meet some of the expense. ! The hospital was operated In con ' nection with the recent Influenza 1 epidemic and hr..- nothing to dr i u ith the detention hospital, which was taken car of by the city. 'i 1'inaif ) ibis iflniii tteSBSMOBMBBBB BOO ana a s New Plaid and Check Woolen. All wool materials shown in many new and novel effects, in rich color combinations for suits, - skirts and coats; oli inches wide. Special, the yard, $.1.19 Corduroy Coatings. A good weight, wide wale (tmlity; 3.' inches wide; shown in taupe, d.yk brown, tan, ropen, gold, mode and black. The yard, $1.2." Second Floor. a aa $1.79 6hristma$ Suggestions from the Drapery Dept. Cedar Chests Made from selected Tennessee cedar, high ly polished, brass trimmed, lock, one tray 18x45 inches. Priced $29.00, $17.50. $15.00. One of These BisselPs Vacuum Sweepers Will be appreciated, it will make ber clean ing a pleasure they are a combination " sweeper and vacuum, finished in mahogany, ball bearing wheels with rubber tires. Priced $6.75. $9.25 and $10.75. Floor Screens White enameled fin ish, panels of heavy qualitv blue sateen. 5- foot Priced. .$10 6- foot - Priced. .$12 MAHOt.A.NY l"IXOR SCRKEXS Panels filled with Bur lap tapestry trimmed 6-fnot 110.00 1'anrla filled with sateen i-foot 113.00 Cambrlc-fllled pnnela (-foot I 5.00 s is a n Store Houri 30 to 6 dur- the holi days. a aa qo ooaaB Get Rid of That Persistent Cougfi Rfnn thai weakening, persistent cou lor cola, threatening thrcsu or i" i affections, with Eckmani y.lteraU"' the tonic and upbullder of ?) lauc-essful nse. sflc and 1. bo"'" l .rom rtruggists. or rrorn kg ICCKMAN1 N LAbORATUKI, rniiaui' ing 1 1 adies $11.1 irwui! la SnrMwfU"llor,,Ctitl. "'"fji" rr ( i r I -tt. mo biil. l'iri:n M.!iir.rire-. IvTm I a itMniuiM iuuit cu luui 0Tm