Newspaper Page Text
A- 1 1:1 GOMPERS SEES GRAVE 1 DANGERS AT SESSION Advanced Sergeant Major Labor leader AhmtCh IK'nianilt Will lie .Made l linl Must Itc Curofully Miulliil Want Illglits. I ,KW VtiKK, Dfr. 2. The nation 5 , graver danger now than at any iiiuM during the war, because peace conferences are not always domi nated by a spirit of Justice and ,'cr.icy. declared Samuel (Join mi is, president of the American Ked ci.iti'on of Iuuor. In mi address here Sit 'IP'. ay at u "Jubilee" meeting of the American alliance for 1-ahor and .icinoi'iucy. It hid occurred before, ho said, ; Hi t people who had secured a cer ,u:i amount of freedom In thulr own ouiitrle were forced to yield or y:i.l"d voluntarily these right at tlie peace table. II" (inserted that when the nenale rjufies a treaty with another roun- ,v provisions of Hiich a treaty be , .me .1 "supi erne law," and luiid that ne working classes of America who had s. ci ceded In getting mime excel, l.-nt j.iw x on the statute books would ,,e to it that none of these right wi re taken ifway at the peace con ..r. n.-e I Fiy with full knowledge of the i r.poii.nhllity w hich my words ...rry." continued Mr. Coinpers, "that iiv working people of the i'nited siikh will resist and make any sue nfirc which may be necessary to pievciit the I till UKt rlu I baron from i Ming on norseDack over the mam i ,,f Hi,, people." v Mr. i Jumper nsserted that a ii, mil n after labor had pledged itself Id support country In peaco or ar. during ih spring of 1917. Pres. Idem Wilson had declared war on ; r ma ri y. This pledge, Mr. Qompers iie.-l.ired, had been kept by labor which was now determined to de mand Its rights. i . MnWnMiaMIMMnfM , i . J&,, I , , V.-tr I ,; :', J-'r.-,-!' 4.v' " - v, t-.iA.i' -t- - ! - " " ' i I LIBERTY GIRLS HAVE RARE MUSICAL TREAT TULSA DAILY WOULD, TUESDAY, DKCERJBER 3, 1918. SEES TARIFF AS BIG AFTER-WAR PROBLEM IiiMriimrmal NuiiiImtm J III lie ciifonvil liy Itt'uiliiiKH by Wllda (.imhI He OKLAHOMA ROLL OF HONOR WILL BE MADE PERMANENT J. Carroll Itnyson, only Ron of W. A. Rnysnn, Berretnry of the Retail Merchants' association, nan been ad vanced since his entrance Into the army a few months ago, three llmen being promoted to first corpnralshlp. second to a xcrgeantcy anil during the past few weeks to the rank of serg eant major, which Is equal In rank to a necond lieutenantcy. The young man In stationed at Camp lugiin Houston, Texas, and is with the 1.1th division. OKMULGEE REFINERY CLEARS UP FINANCES iiKMHdMA riTY, Dec. 2. The i dine of every Oklahoma soldier who died during the great war, either on :he field of battle or in training ramps at home, la to be perpetuated by the slate council of defense and various other county agencies and organizations. To make data complete blank forms are being furnished all coun ty organizations which, when filled nut, will give the complete history of each man, the information to be iihiained by the county cbuncils of defense. When the list Is completed y,H looking toward its display mmewhere In the capitol building will be taken. The next of kin of each Oklahoman who gave his life in wht will receive an engraved expression of condol enre and gratitude on behalf of the late for the sacrifice. Ilallroad Man Die. MACON. (itL, Dec. 2. Marion A. Itamsey. 4.1, superintendent of the y .Macon-Chattanooga division of the f Central of (Jeorgia railroad ytem. and one of the most prominent rail road men In the southeastern terri tory, tiled here today from pneu moma. The funeral will be held at noon .Monday. Optlmlstli- Report Illrtl In Aaiumcr to Ilocvlvor Stilt SinrU'd by 10, W.KImblcy. nf the , People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have Uken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets, the succes: j substitute for calomel; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which labmel does, and just as effec tively, but their Action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. no one wno takes Olive 1 ablets Is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid hvex, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with o ive oil; you will know them by their Olive color. Dr. Edwards tpent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result i Take one or two nightly for a week. Se how much better you feel and look. Wc and 25c per box. All druggists Financial difficulties Okmulgee Producing & Kffining Co. have been solved, according to the officials, and they are sending the etockholders a statement of the company that reflects credit upon the management. In the opinion of njfn who have seen it. ltecently called Into court by K. W. Kimbley of Okmulgee In a suit for 1300.000 alleged to be due him ftir leases and properties sold (he company, attorneyn have transferred the mutter to the federal courts and in the words of the officers of the company, that aside from the no toriety which attache to the suit, the matter has In no way emhar- asse.rthe company In any of lis op erations nor in Its wtandlng with the hanks and supply houses " The corporation hn Just had a complete audit of its affairs by Marwlck, Mitchell. I'eat & Co. an. I the American company, and both show above $5,000,000 net Rswts. with practically all of the obligations of the corporation taken Care nf. Suit for receiver was filed by Mr Kimbley. giving as n hauls for his claim that he sold the company oil and gas leases, and for which he had not been entirely paid. He claimed the nffairs of the company were badly managed and that the properties were being dlslpated. The company insists that there Is a balance due It from Mr. Kimbley and Is riling a cuunter claim in fed eral court. The Okmulgee l'roduclng and lie fining company ha just sold Its se curities on the market and obtained $500,000 additional funds to operate on. Thl was handled through Tulsa financial Institutions, who Investi gated the asKct of the company. The company says it now has no undis puted obligations. Toot Is Head. PARIS. Iiec. 2 Kdinnnd Rostand the poet and playwright, died this afternoon. Me had been 111 from grippe. Music lovers of Tulsa will rnjoy a rare treat tonight In the concert of the "Liberty (ilrls-1 lyceum at tnutlon. This Is one of the bent musical numbers that could be bought by the community committee, which has made every effort to buy only star numbers this season. Violin duelH ami miIos, cello and violin Irlos. s.ix.iplioiie.H and pi.tim will be heard from thene four versa tile young women. Aside from thes,. foiiiures are the readings by Wllda flood, who bus the reputation of reaching over the footlltliu ami holding her uudlenoe xpellhoiind. one of her numbers tnnUIn will be "A .Man Without a Country." The cutting which the artist will use was made especially for her. 1'raetlca My all thu numbers will he Introduced in ooMunio with reperolre representing the different allied nations. Miss (iood, who Is manager of the group. va linked last night if thev would change the name of the com pany now that the war has been won and her answer was typical, "lndee, not; 'Liberty Is the olio word that Is always in Vogue in u land like America. All persons holding community lyceum Hokets will be admitted without uddltlonal charge. The price ror olliers will he no cents. The con cert will be in convention hall at S oclock. ' Mayor Hubbard, W ants Uncle Sam to Return Dog Catcher at Once Will l ncle Sam please listen? M ior llul, I,. ii ,1 w.inis his .log catcher back, and right now The, ex dog catcher gave up his Job a few months ago to tui over ami catch the kaiser, but hcifiusn of international complications an, I the end of the war, lie's going to be disappoint!', on that Job. In cidentally, the ,og catcher wants to coiur home. The (log-i niching hiifiness In Tulsa serv.s thiee purposes: It makes monev for the cn. makes money for the Jok c.itchi'.r an I gels rid of .in over-plus of cvnucs If you know of any way In ln-ip the administration In this mailer. nu can obtain the everlasting thanks of the soldier, win a war in spot In the city hall and serve Iho community. Take It from the mayor, the i x ilog catcher was lou per rent i ( I lent, and bis place hiui been filled with illMiculty. . 'if n Managing DimMor of Austrian ItiinU Sny Main Problem Is l-Ycv Tnule or High Tariff. DENSMORE EXPLANATION WANTED BY CALIF0RNIANS SAC It A M KNTO, Cal., Itec. 2 A re. quest that John H. Densmore, (. rector general of th federal em ployment service, author of a report containing "serious statement In volving public officials In San Fran cisco" be directed to "report forth with" to V. 8. Webb, attorney gen eral of California, wag forwarded to William H. Wilson, secretary of labor, by Governor William H. Stephens. The request explained that Webb would "guide the matter In all its further legal developments." HAN FRANCISCO, Dec. Z. Mayor James Kolph today telegraphed Sec retary of Ijibnr Wilson a request to direct J. 11. Densmore, federal di rector general of employment, to ap pear before the grand Jury here ami explain charges of an ut tempt to manufacture evldi nee In tho Hena Mooney case ami collateral charges contained In a report made recently to Secretury Wilson by Densmore. BLUE TO HEAD NAVIGATION BUREAU AS REAR ADMIRAL READY WIT NEVER FAILS IRVIN COBB Saturday Fvonlng Pom Hero Speaks nl ( on vrni Ion Mull Tomorrow Night. "What kind of a person is this Irvln Cobb"" asked a stranger of lr vln, himself. "Wrll in be frank with you," re plied the genius. "I should say that m appearance nn Is rather bulky stunning 6 feet ,Kh and not pechilly beautiful; a llghl roan eoior with I, I, irk. mane His figii WASHINGTON, Dee. 1. Capt, ictor Hlue, now commanding tho superdreadnaught Texas, has been selected for detail aa chief of the bureau of navlgatipn with rank of rear admiral. Ho was chief of the bureau for four years. endlnir In AuRuot, 11(1, when he was assigned to ea duty. Secretary Daniels announced to day the sending of Captain nine's nomination to the senate and also that of Rear Admiral David Taylor for another tour of duty as chief constructor of tho navy. Honor Itoll fop Workers. OKIAllU.MA C1TV, Dec. 2. All Oklahoma I men who have served on local mid district exemption boards will go down In Oklahoma history through the medium of. a roll of honor to be presented to the stale historical society by MaJ. lOugene M. Kerr, state drafil exam iner. The honor roll will contain also the names of all men who served in connection with the draft on medical advisory boards, appeal ooarus anil legal advisory boards. '4 Is irhdecldod. hut might be call! bunchy in places. He helongs to the Vonkers Pressing club Rnd The Park Hill Democratic Marching club, and has ulways, like his father, who was a Confederate veteran, voted the democratic ticket. H has had one wife and one child, and still has them. In religion he Is an Innocent bystander." That is what Irvln Cobb knows about himself. The above statements are Indica tive of the straight forward man ner, the plain, understandable. lish. and the ever active wit with which Cobb expresses the lights and shadow of a colorful life. At any time the coming of Cobb would be an event. At this particu lar time It Is epochal for the para mount Interest In the national mind today Is the affairs and conditions of western Kurope, and no person in America Is better fitted to give re liable, first hund Information than Irvln Cobb. The Saturday Evening Post hero will speak at Convention hall on December I it I o'clock. Tickets will be 60 cents for school children and those persons , holding lyceum tickets. To others tho price will be il. There will be no reserve seats. Ill Thf AArlati.. Prints. VI KNN'.v Saturday, Nov 30. - Dr. Alfred Tn lchl, managing director of Ihn Anglo. Austrian bank which has a working capital f 150.1100,000 and In unfiles thi onjjhout the former Austrian cinque, n (1u Interview to dav with the Associated Press said: "The biggest iues;ioil the world is now facing Is whether the free trade or the high tariff principle shall be applied between the nations, and In piiftlciilar. what the I'nited States win do In th!a economic pros perity of the former political bappl ind possibly their political happi ness, "Tho dimensions of their war cer tilnlv have been too great for Austria We are overloaded with wu debts though It must be re no iiiliclcl they are largely intern,!!. Willi two or three billion crowns owe, to Herman)' and also small loans obtaineil In the I'nili'il Slates before lhat country ceused Its neu trality. "We have among ourselves merely exchanged materials for paper money, miles and bunds, (inn prob lem ho urn facing Is for each of the new republics to make up Its ac counts and divide the war debt so that each will know where ft slunds "Never In history, however, ha I any enterprising people been crushed by debts. If we can produce wo can pay back all our debts In 10 years I Hut the great difficulty is how to ' I start production. , I "What we need In Austria Is food in-., .i...- - i .t - !. inni v nn wniri , linn inen raw materials for manufacturing which are In the hands of our former enemies.'' GUARANTY COMPANY MUST PAY WALK.Ltr SHORTAGE Everybody's Column (5fop Itching Ecz ema and ,t ?,ni how often V0l have triet ana tailed, you can stop burning, itchinj ffiU' by applying a little rem rnome Ue,$1'?- """ina begins th toe uom " applied- In shorl time usually every trace of eczema Sr? rash- blackheads anc For ru'" wiU removed i'or deanng the skin and making il penetrating. antinii-i;..:a i !.. . SrpaQu.,1. j . ""-"Hu'" 'lis noil h M f Jde"d " 2 n0t 6tai"' Wh'" freatm en, ? ,he one "cpendable u-eatnient for skin troubles of allkinds. Ei rr- If The E. W. flojeCo, Kill Dandruff With Cut'cura an a. Jf, and frw nf fii Soy . OlitoMat 4 40, Llaamrf HamM,. ,., I l.kau " iMinm I 00 al DntflftM m snMtf """I SK OJl I, ft. h. U n I m. ill CUAR ANTttO INSTANTLY RCLItVC Everything good can be said of the marvelous little round PATIIE SAPPHIRE BALL. It is permanent you never have to change it. Cannot possibly cut, grind, rip or mar the record's sur face. Gives pure natural tone to the PATIIE PHONOGRAPH. Judgment for Il.012.fi0 to cover the shortage In the books of II. f. Walk ley, former register of deeds, was entered In the district court by Judge N. II. McNeil yesterday afternoon, against the United Klates Kluelity and Uuaranlee Co., which furnished Walkley's bond to the county. The hortago was discovered by Kviiim A, Nash and I. II. Hta.'ford, deputy stale examiners and Inspec tors, In the course of their audit of the county records in the autumn of 1917. Hull was Instituted by the county attorney against Walkley and h s bondsmen. Although Walkley Is said to be living In Oklahoma, of ficers were never able to get service on him. The examiners found the funds on which suit was Instituted were not reported by Walkley while he was register .of deeds and that he had failed to account for this nmount during the month of July, 191:'. !l retired from off;ce in January, 1 9 1 .1 . j Okhomans With 97th Division to Demobilize CAM V (XIHV, N. M pec. :. lirlg. ad er !en. James 11. Lindsay, com mander of l'dnii t'ody, announced today that the 97th division had been ordere,! demobilized. The bao hospital and a few other necessary units are to remain intact for the present, It w unnounced. Troops from Minnesota, Oklahoma, Nebras ka, New .Mexico and other western Htatcn have been training here. Models purse. and prices to suit every To i y7iHliH!!B Pathe Records Are Guaranteed to Play 1000 Times GENET Furniture Co. 116-118 South Boston jWWMIIllil'l!! i.. i Alleged ItuUrry Profllerrenl. The I'llsro hakerv fas Kant Sec ond street, has been clone, i ,y the food atfjuiniNtrator on an alleged charge of profiteering. A sign in the window says, "Clewed until Decem ber 11 account of being accused of profiteering." CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try this! All dandruff dis appears and hair stops coming out. Appreciation. Tah)eu,ua!i, No. SO. Kditor Tulsa, World: lear Mr: I'ermit me to expreis to you my appreciation and grati tude for a recent editorial appear ing In The Tulsa World entitled. "Justice to Denmark." TJiere are In the state of Oklahoma a number of political exiles from Hlcevlg (tier man: .Schlesxwlg) and each one of us. I am sure, appreciate the fact that there Is at least one paper In this statu with knowledge of world affairs sufficient, and courage and determination for fair play, to speak a kind word for the little nation. which In 1M became the first one to oppose I'russlanlsni and the Cer roan propaganda of world coniueat. After three years of , hard fighting; the Germans and ITutwIans were driven from our border. In 184 thai Hermans, aided by Austria, again de clared war on our nation and while our buys fought bravely we had tu succumb to brlitn force and superior; numners. During in is present war Danish soldiers by the thousands In both the French, Kngllsh, as well as the American army and navy,, have foaght for the cause of the lives for freedom's cause. I could give the, names nf many of that allies, and many have given their haps nothing else ci.uld rlu to the minds of the public. With a population close around the 100,001) murk, with the many modern and- up-to-date office und other hulldlngn, Innumerable homes, almost 71 miles of puved street, Rood schools, ctwrrches and clvlu organ izations, commission form nf govern ment, no saloons, and never will be, a cosmopolitan but spirited and pro. giehMivo population coining from every state In the' union and from foreign lands, al doing their bit to make a belter city, why should there lie any doubt aa to tho future of Tulsa? No town or city ever existed with out an occasional knocker Put he l the fellow that "Don't know nothin', lui I n t got nothin' and don't want nothin' " sort and tho sooner a city is rid of him the better off It is. The world owes no man a living. If a man has energy ami health he can get along In the world and he will not find a better place to gt along than right here. When we stop to think of the good salaries and wages xi 1. 1 to tho employed In and about Tulsa is it any wonder that thev flock here from everywhere? Honest to goodness now would you want to go buck, where you used to live, where wages were less than half what they are hero and have work atmut lout the time? Would you rather pay $.", rent for n house und tve bark there? Just be honest with yourself if you have been the least lilt pessimistic about Tulsa. In our business w meet almost daily people who have lived in Tulsa, gone to other cities or towns, perhaps back to the- home, and who have again returned to Tulsa to I live. Always with regrets Uyt they jever went away. It Just can't be 1 lielneit I nice thev crel thu Tutu;, spirit they are never satisfied any lwre else and like the proverbial cut "if proverbial It be," come back, rather timid like hut Just feKsing up that they made a mistake In leaving. everybody can't live in Tulsa and there are many other good cities all over the country, but none better and few half as good. With the war ended, the restric tions removed ns to building and with a prospect of cheaper materials and a substantial reduction in the commod ities of every day use and Willi the ,cr Increasing population We are jut optomlstlc enough to be lieve that we will prosper from this time on if we all null together, all 1H Kill I l! !r I1 l"i W iiiiiii!i U Tliere arc many things prnpriati' for hich'm kiUh. linl why rack your brains for ideas wht n this is essentially a turn's stun and is full of useful holiday sufrjrest ions? This store caters to men ev ery day in the ywir and nat urally knows what, is most, appreciated by them. Our stock consist 8 nf complete as sortments of men's furnish injrs, priced at a savin to you. IBi SILK SHIRTS in Pure Silk Crepe Silk Jcrtey Silk Satin Silk Fiber Silk Wo $ I, $5, $6, $7.50 Large ortment Good Cotton Madras Shirt . $1.25 to $3 lints Fur Caps Until Itobcs Nn'kwear llnnilkrrvhk-fs Siik-nilcrs Muffler. I'uncy 'rt bilk IIimo KweliTs I'ajiimus i loves At this store you will find a com plete line of 1'nderwear very moil eralely priced; reputable make' wool and rotlon. I'rlced ' $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50 to $5 Suits and Overcoats of the most attractive style; heat workmanship; madu from pur woolen. $18 $21 and $25 Holmes Clothes 223 SOUTH MAIN as Instituted by the company as mean of cementing more closely the relations with employes. It, Is ex pected that it will have a very ex cellent effect In operation. This In surance protection together with the excellent hospital facllltie already provided by tho I'hoenlx Refining company represent u combination of benefit not excelled by any other oil organization In the atate. t CHILEAN ARMY RESERVES CALLED BACK TO COLORS HAN'TlAon. Chile. Dec. 2 The Chilean army reserve from tho dls trlcls of liiulqiie. Serena, Antofa gasia. Tacna and Coplapo. who were released from service In IS 1 7 and ISIS, have been recalled In the colors. The navnl commander In all parts of the republic are reported to have been culled to Santiago for a naval conference today. A large number nf Peruvians are said to have engaged passage on I the steamship I'rubamba. which leaveti this port next Krlday. Itlilldlng IToJiits Abandoned. WAKIIl.StiTON, lieu, i - Aban donment of the following construc tion projects has 'been ordered by the war department: llnlargement project, Camp MacArthur, Texas; cantonment buildings, San I 'lego, "al.; cantonment, ilalveslon Texas; detention camp. Camp Kiiiiston. Kan.; Liberty theaters and exten sions to existing theihiH ,il the fol lowing camps: lieaure-gir,l, Li.; Howie, Texas; Cody, N M.; Logan, Texas, and .Mac A i thur, Texas YOUR GRAY HAIR Ose Grandma's Sage Tea and! Sulphur Recipe and No body Will Know. The use of Rage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates hark to grand mother' time .she used it to keen Surely to try a "Panderlne rie.mse" If you wlh to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with lianderlne and , draw It carefully through your ffair, , taking one small strand at a time; this will the hair of dust, 1 dirt, or any excessive oil In a feir , n.inutea you will be ama.ed. Your i lialr will be wavy, fluffy and abund- I ant and poases anil Inremparabl i oftness. lustre nd luxuriance j Kesldes beautifyllng the hair, on ' application of Iandrmn dissolve very particle of dandruff; Invigor ates the scalp, stopping Itching and 1 falling hair. ; Uanderine Is to the hair what fresh, bowers of rain and sunshine are to ytgetatlon. It goes right to the roo., , 'Invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating und life. I producing properties caus the hair to grow long, strong and bautifiiL You can surely have pretty, soft. luntro'1 hair, and lot, of it. If you will spend a few cents for a small tiottle of Knowlton's Panderlne at ny drug store or loi.ei counter ana tii doing our share to not only help our. ! her hair" beautifully dark, glossy and selves oui ine inner renow, ana , "'""' 1 ' nrm-irr rie nair iook TiiIh.i has proved her free spirit "f i n 'n, dull, faded or streaked helpf ii Ho ks to all worthy causes. All w have to sav Is just you watch her growl I'.e sura, however, that you helped rather than hindered so that you can hp at the shoutln'. i;. ;'. t'l NNiMiiUM. I'liiM'iilx Installs IiLMurniKo, In noting the Item that the tiulf I'lpo Lino company had installed a system of insurance for I In employes, we overlooked the fact that the I'hnt-nlx Itifinlng company some lime n.1.0 nut Into efect a NVHtum i( employes' Insurance Jjoth for tlil',a" been applied. You slmplv I hoenix and It usoci:ited rnmpanv, I nampen a s(ionge or sort brush wln the March Oil company. Thin In-1 " nn' draw this through vnnr hair, surance applies to every employe ; taking one strand at n time. r.v of the two companies and goes Into i morning the grav hnlr disappenrn ap pearance, tnis simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. lint brewing at borne Is mussv and out-of-date. Nowadays, by nsklng st nny drug store for n fift-eent bottle of "WyeUi's Sage and Sulihur Com. pound." you will get this famous eld preparalion, Improved by the addi tion of other Ingredients, which ran be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty lo the fcnlr ! A well-known down-ti"vn druggist I rays It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can t(. it' Vy U as directed. AdVi effect a to each one upon six I months service, the Initial benefit ; bring 11,000 and Increasing semi annually up to a maximum of 13.000, j which Is the highest amount '.ccept ; e l In one by the insurance corn pativ This gives protection to the i families of nil Iho men employed In j the field and at the refinery, and waBJ disease i ' and after another application or two It becomes beatuifully dark' and lossy. Vyelh' Sage and Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more y- ithfnl appearance, p H not Intorirind f tb" mitigation or orevenlion of Victory Savings . Sale on Footwca At Johnson Bros. Shoe Store Wc have ltiarnctl many lessons during tho war and are now enttrinjr. upon a period of prosperity such as we have never seen. Saving is the keynote to prosperity. Victory over hih prices awaits you at our store as follows: Your choice (if any ladies' shoe in the store. Including our ll.'i Kid Hoots $9.85 Your choice of any ladles' shoe In tho store worth $12 50 In all leathers and styles . . . $8.85 Your choice of any ladles' shoe In tho store worth $10, in all styles, in this sale $6.95 Your choice of any ladles' shoe In the store worth up to $S. This Includes grav. black and mahogany kid l".ilh- ers; ImiIs und military heelH; while they last Z $5.95 Any pair ef men s shoes In the storu from Ji and more al a saving of $11. 0U the pair. llXTIt M'IK'I Mi Any man's dress .shoeii worth up to $7, in ; leathern and lasts: chol mice $5.95 Johnson Bros. Shoe Store 116 South Main Street. Tuba, Okla. Next Door North of Wonderland Theater. u I; n V