TTI.SA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY. MAKCII 'J:!. VMW THREE ARMY SITES ; STAY IN OKLAHOMA K1i!lmn. Sill ami Vtml lit-lit IWV- iaJwnI for pti'inl I (Vitwrll nnmim I'Imii.i. FINAL POLICY WAITS PEACE (mrw WIN f"r l''"l,,H Mun llin"""" l 'n'" oiIiit I After War. AV Convenience Missing in "Honeymoon Express r ill. ,i MAY TERM OF FEDERAL CURT SITS AT HUGO r U v ;IIN:TcN', Mar, h - I I ''' nf iho .ir iirpai i inrn '. hi I tliiR piirili.-if nf lli- I 1 '. lirltlV IMIIIIH 1111. 1 I I llll ,',-, .im.I fiytriK fK'l'i" v.t Hi" ,, " un iiiHimiriocI toilnv Lv ,.y s.m rotary Cmwr;l, I'b lli .ii '('. f, , .1 nun Will I'M involve, I, M , r,'i. ", nail, and It will mil ! rrvwi-y -'t iirtinn !v rnn II'" ili'liarlmcnt nnw hu.t r( . rwnrv fuiiilK. Wi'h ilu"' pun 1ihm riiniili'i"l, h ttrmv Will have 30 tra.tilni; irtTiiv. inrlii'llnu Iho nrlKlnal 1 . rr "tiim ma rmiKlriiiMcl tin 'fiur.ii. K "f "' iia""nal nrniy an. I 1 -i iivi'in'.'i cnl.-rt iiiokI of whirh , M. ;n th' miil!lifant'rn htaii--., T'.t- ,i!;. i aliform. i. 'I'll'1 nrw fi'-I'l- IK'" T'' Hi ' I'.H" rpiaini'il in Iho .l. 'l iia nuniinor n.r' h fl inn ho 'i iM nil!-. Munition 2" ( 'amp. 1 i i'Vii raniji.-t a".! I ' 'i'' 1. 1 will !' iit.aiiilniiol i " -..i'1 l.avr com- (in! thi .riir'i' "f -'I of 111' r,t'ni. . -fi-l'i l.t ir !" " v ;iU "f nail'iil il 3 I I'l'nU'tf ronlori rot lli iifi.-r ih" I nil., I Sia'i'H ilfi'liml war nil Ornmiii 'mm! run U.n ivi.i k "it ihf - riiii'l'. ai'.iirflnur l.i war 'l' lnr'ni'Mi! fik'iin. roprrncn i ;i ri' r M''i."iii"'i,'"l' $ I 1 iVOno nun i.f h.rll J l;' """ f"lll "II III" -ka ' .'mi ' u nl'intiion V - M, , V"rk. Morn!', .i- .lor i ii. ! Siu.irt an. I Till!, Ni wimf. Ni l,.; t,' i'ip 1" rsmpa An l.":i'K .thi,l tt .irnifb: !i-r;.'n i-i'iiIith. hi' nn (1"f:n:'" I'lins lli"ir i-rnpln-niv' if''!' Il"' wiir army In (In T hHli't"! Ii.ili' I'l'i'M rvohi'il. 11 :ii "nii .ill'r l III I' 'In' wtlfilc r""lil'til - ii' Ifi" f il,l ,J r il"" (if 'III r:illlm d"-'- r,nvTc iii""i Hi" nall"ii H miliiii'v pii' y ft' ! 'hat lie rcni'luHi'in t ha ri.n!. lie ,, rearlici! (infll Ihp ; lf a. c i ntif. rvnf-.j a' l'ari lia.l rci Ht-'J . ' m (liTijiWiti aa to w'ni lil I.H :'di: --"" XYlllla. . Anri'Miii' "fiicni ali'"al l.,m Iw pn ! niitp thil i.niv ift.i f'uiK lirliU a.' J iimily wnulil .i uv.l In li.iiiilnv nfniy avwii'Tn in iiar" Imi" an-! i.l ' i il l I ' ' l ' ' 1 1 ' ' '"' ' ' .- . I : I ..', ' I ..I"! .' I - ' .1.11. ' '!.!,. .1 . '.,.1'i.K Mill I'. 'Mi K.'u: . in,.. M' Y. 'A . , ,.,,), ,,f :',, , i,,,, , , . , , f; ,, v -: . . v.;7- ' ,- : - I '. f ,,V i 1 ' ! ,;, : ' ' '' V , . jr- IJ X , Jl : .i" ' ' k 'i ;. i "it " ; I .1 . fe, ' , , , 2 pi. S ' '" I- ..".ft-...'... I i.y r-.. .(.mi..', ttf '' "., ". fif V 1 .ri",. l m. -r .," n.inv I 'cVjS . i 1 1 . ' I I . i,,i" i, i,.-" i . l.i. I t ..l.n i't. I Jjij y ' l : i..-i-'i,; ii i tjk .' ' ' Il k "igP t iii n-i.i, " i .' . I,'" . ..I- ...." ,0 W . V(iW 5 i. ;H I 00Tjlfcr S ' ' I r i f (r : i 1 ii ii i mi ii r 1 1" jut'" wi . in i k 'k--VS J STOLEN TULSA AUTO 2 I ' -r ' 1 . I-. . ' - d kT . i I I i.liiiilM- llii.) id,. ' .i..i, i's . ArA4S ' 'Ti" J5VxS '-!r,'' "'I la I" '.I a''.K'-.'. XllH-rt IhIIh I'rnJtliiK. ""' M'l'li I' rni ..' Vini'.i. ii" in, i'MIIMiiNT. "r.i nr.-, . ThurfdAV, "'"!"". ""' -M't.'im at Till- . I In- ! Mar. It '.0 h m Allirit and gurrn M.iv trrni a: II .i;... ilw .1 ,1 in Iii'u ai I Ulialu Mi i.f iwUlimi arnvi,l hrro 1 '"'"'i ii i m a' Ai.l ;..- iM(;lii f"i a.i.nt In (inii-ral l'ii . . t in i,' r 1 1 i in a i i f.'.lrral I M.'AIiii.t, II. , , mill.' i it. 1 1 ii 'l p. t in i :i' 1 -a , I, in 1. 1 .", . r, i : ...I n I hi I' f ll,.liH!i r l 'Klaliiilli.l. i ' '"' fc ''' ' v of II ,!,'. I ll, l li... !., , tl i i Hi.-'li. i.'i in ..11W ,.f ii,, I'or Mini l llll I I'li liiii-. I'1' ! I"! I .!, ll , , ,, . :, i" I II ,' . h 'I ,. . , :. , , I,,,,,,- no HI ,'.i.'" whirr '',,1 i oiirl I II Uiiiiiik Hi, :,,,, i,. I ,, i if .oif thr l n . Mi I II I I nt Ir hlhi: Ih, l"-",l i, , ,n, ,,,,(, , rrri II I i-Hri .lk"!,, n,, i 'III of Mir l.ffr. l 'r,,,. j. ., l.l"M al Ilia rlii'aliMii. 'I h royal I mi ii'inl" III" Kip"'1 iiim .r ir Hi,' M.iilirr ,i n, K iinf.u ora It'" f,.r Hi" )."""' v , air piano ih il lhr h i, I , ,,ii ii in f.l 1 1 , ' .-i i.f u.. roun'r.' m """K ' ri.r.'p,. i-1 1 . III.,, i.f Ir,,., h" ,v 'n Mi ii .ii,; ain....t our Mi. i d .ire iil4 Saturday Sale of Toilet Need? s at Vandevers STOLEN TULSA AUTO FOUND IN MUDHOLEjk i liAST'i.V. iv Man Ii VI -Tl" honrv nin,,,, ir,, ,if j ,-, ,,,,iK to '"Hi" liluh. Imi i; la (online j'v ill,, halli". A half ri 1 1 1 1 v :i(M Ii , ii m , i ,ri i u ii"r, In i,v,. h" r. mill l..i.ii, f,,i i,i" I of Una Horl; ihni ih" ol.l f.i.'.hioi,"'l I hl'tl ! lllll I'llKv prill lil, , Milurl hlllK I of an linprin "iiii iii , ih" Haiti r.itni' almiK l.i ' ami uffi r'- l a n. w hint in noil") iiioim joiiiiii anil 1, 1-1,1 Ih" .iili-r i,f thr Ni.iK' mini lln- i.ihlrnail I'l pat II all kvi-i- alt ,r,-loua CITY OFFICIALS ARE NOT INDICTED alii of trail1!. Now I hi- r.illi oa.l h iii"fuiii"f.s as an ai" hat n-hr'-i piirrhjP'l o. now f.nrl aotil'l hrronir ftorapi- pian'B f." niarrtai on hand or tinilrr run. 'mi'!. jora:ion nf lh. fU:nir n-n-tfr, ta h" rrl.ilnivl nhnwa a plan J 'n h" t Ii rr, Ri-noral trninuiir rrn 'f. ffii. in tin- f,', r urn and nnn In 'he anitiH'i"inrn part of th" roun irr an,1 i.ti in thi Botithr;u. wiih ilifffrnl Hi-Ida In rai'h n-i-lioii i ;n rnniiKli locrihrr ho that rli. n-rnlarv ,ni, n, v a nri',1 t ra i ri i n c wi.l bi prm I'd within a r'.uuinallo rr Total i i"iidi!iirn m, th" IS f.vlnp and hailoon firldi to hp rp-'aini-,1 rpprpu'til annul $30. OHO 000 Trip raitloiiini-nt.i lo he rrtalnpil rp finit'i liraKir. I'usti-r, lipv'ns. I)l. Ixdli, liiirdon. Crant, .l.u-kaon. . Knm. lyr. Mpadi", I'lkp, Sherman, ; Tivlor hi, I'pion. t In addition to tha ranlohntpnti i rVrrniiry i rowpi n,nd tha K' nprul ' 'tt haa r-, nmiiipnd"d that ih& fnl- lawlnic rampi ,p Included In tha war i il'l'arlnn in a proRrnii' fiir varloua ti" lal iii.i: 'am pa I'otilphiin, ; "kin : Kuma. Ya ; Kunalnn, Kan,; ; ""lanirii, yt. t 1 1 uniphri-ya, Va ; ; J'""!!'. Ha ; .lohnalon. -a ,' Krar t I'V. l a! ; ,pwia. Wail, , M ,'("il ,( n. A , N,,rninli- Tex; l':kp Ark; ' '"ill. "kl.i , 'J-railH, 'I'px.; and l;t.. . Hint. i;i At latum an, I hailoon. f:il,i now ; oin-,1 h-i'ii,. irnti'riinii-nt lo h" r... inn ar.- l.atiKlrv flrl.l an, I,,,,, "'I. H kl-.'t n 1 l'i. l-' "k a : K." k "II fii-l'd," Cal . Il iilwati had at lhat, our "iu alwatH fiiimd il piir-oii- thi ir Iiim- tratfts, lii-iaiiHi otllpf propl". ni'lj) roiind wit. 1 1 1 1 will V . iiilnat",l win I'l ,1 ik.,,I a li ' iri-- sl III. II I l',t i , I p I' ll i iMi, i- Mil f i, nil in - in. limit: in i 1 1 1 i '.' ,1 I hi t" tt i-i i- lo,, titaitt aMai-u'lt ii,l'T''NI",l. watt hint: Ih'-ni Ii- lint II III that "I I on"t . trat nrk in Ih. a IM Hi I linM I'X'if' n'-X " oiiniy I'litKiiiati H1 'ou-i- i'.iitam John ', f.-', iiri'l I-,,-At:t:i P ir, h:i "hjiii, trfi I ii fu M "i. T'-t I'll '1. , mi Ail i,-h,r ft "n I'l I'MstiT iMn,,mf 'f f,.. i ,'jn.i n.,fi- i In 1. 1, l.t ih" attip ,s, a 'id Krlly Mar. h. Sp.'f rnltf, on and hailoon firldi 'ii"" tilt imii 1 1-lv ttiii i,,' althoiiKh tin- piiri'ha.-r - will In- "mil pU irii I, U 'l-l l.ltPi- hr U),, K,,v,.,. tt I 4 II ll'illna.l l 1 .,- rr""-" ita.i i..,-n ,i,...-,.,, '7' .. '0 Mr, ,. I , " ' 1 1 '" K" ' V f lii.dr I PRISON DOORS OPEN o WHEN JUSTICE COMES ' Th.. i..,,,,,, : J"hi .Mutph. ? K' I'," a."..r I'oi pi;, .pii,,i nf f""d in, i,i:t i I't :,l.i, ... : i. i, i . a in lv , '""", ,r""' '' -ua-"t, 'mV J ,' ," r",' "f Tl"-,:l l onntt' It. hr """ -"." hat-.,,,, i, '"',"" l"'l"-l'l of ,,.,',,r - '"'ni si,, '', '"""'''I I" llus ,-,'t ; '.r-f,f.',;' ' ;-. ,r-"V I'y -ilia;..-., r. m. M 'i . i ' : '! V 1 " JV""''-"'! Ma-'h ::, l"ar I s,,. , ;'" ' '"'f "t poll,-,. f '. "i '!i.. ' " '' w " r-"t: i ' h a t k - .' "' iH off:,-,., '"" P'-'ltlon k lllH " hi- , ..r t . --"' l,l J,;, ppt.,,r. ' '" Ih" jus-,, sat ,1' , k' Mnrpdv ,,, io,,niv J,,, arini.l- ""' arirr hr ,.,, '"t'l'lly w:i rial of , "f J.IMt', Pa '"i i I""'l"l ,, """I" I.,,.,,, "' a- -,. i '""ki'ir t,',' ...... ,. a ''It-' I rONTIM KM 1 unil l'V 1, yhn irn In i , Miju riiiN nil cnt nf ru-t t run 1hi in i tnHil It hoilc.H not k i t ipr r i ( rr fo county p.itimt.T ihf cport nattl, Wooil h.lM tif't'll K'lilly nf roIttllM UP I omirit; to (in (iffiriT. if Ih rharK'"!, uriil Nhallf titirrKrr ,n to havo vcn jfuiMy of inrom "''niff in Ih roMHinirMnfi (f ihf v.i.shif,fton nnl hhnllrnlMTcrr lrrnily i hit. 1'. I'. Shiillfnljornff, whom th Kriiinl Jur.v rrnnniiifrtili 1 for rliftmiH, rtiil frtMii thf poHitUin itM foiinTintf nt rn( of count rurtion for the Inwird of t'diM'ft.tlon h.iH Imm'Ii iliNriiiKflcd from hiH poHltion Hinn March 10. I' ll wj.m Htiitcil by Ji j. MrM'luro .wl niJht 1 tho office of mu ni ruction bti pcrlti t-n. lent wu donn iiwav with at tho hint iiHTtinic of the ho;irtl hs (hcr wilh imM enough hulld inc fnriK on to warrant a nulary for an Inspector r , , Much critttiNm lirrn fort)i- comin finm IrviriK un( H)l- triKlon pchM)' (IjdrictM cuH'irninn the iwinntruciionh of school lmiKllnrs In these wufdfc I.uhi year when S nh inrton v, hh uioler con.lruci ion t h oriKin.i 1 plan of I he an hit rt iallil a lruM wan much too !lKht for t hi MJppnrt 'f the loill'l -iriK .tiii! that the m lmo uat i'mii' p.elfil with 'hif liKhl tru-' ainl nion khw cuiiHldff ahie Iroiil'U It wajs sf.iN-ij hv in' inhcrM of the hnanl I : i t nirht thai the trn-i w.ih i hnnp,'l a' the cipen.-e uf ihf rin!rnc'(i! Th" a mill of cntin: Im..U , j n pr.iKf'Hs iii'T" t hi ti a h hfu . 'ha' yf " in fhtwfjirttH I h Itoro p-ihl into thf'-M,n' ' i -.tsi r v, Mif' ins: tt u t rt for $,',iM' !rom .ton'Ju: official and ju.ltfni' rt reccive-i in ano! her suit f i r J 1 ;tu" Ohkh IUu U lo IIMIT. The icpd't, ific vhiwne.-.M of whi h h.'iH l-een (he ca.Je (.r immii iilM i !! explained in t !ie re put t y the fut that n d.itt -i I ,i' ;s t. i'.clini fmrn Noetnler. I:u.'. f" I i,etiitier lil. 1917. S"ine ' e -in, tn nd.i I ouh u i-: e made In the nf ,i waininK t'"' i'erta.1 n a ppr-ipt i 1 1 in n f u run are ahout cUu jsii il .iiiit Mhou' I not te exceeded There ar. overdrHfN of tib'iut Vt.diMi in icrtiin arrouiWH ' ljrtx ucciMintttiK methods ,n the ,crtun!y clerK'H off) e w ere point d to Put no lilunie ui(.i hed rxerpi for the method of ,ir ti'i!i!inT. il.." crc pitnr y Pet ween rfinr-U of the county enKine. r nn l .miniy ceriv n (MlOks W.IH illvi pit. tiled nil? The report load' e re. nin !;tieoM -tinn reif.ird.etr 'irm' I : ' K 1 1 i k i ' n poller ' it-1 .," i e, a i-'l ! h" f.i; : u r- '0 d' thiH in ' u t 'Mi- f.r ; that it i eeornmenfled iul i dirt-tils'!! il mi' . x plained. The chlUKe of ff.ltl I ifl WT d trict 1U7 and l.'M ver no t i ri f i ! r . tu the hi, noe n..; pin- ed Th- tit pavern have been il"f t i idd ,,f n'Vr. u ironiHand lpti;.irs j?, tMrSt. irtctB. the rep-.n I -i.m H a i ! ad is. h tlie r:fv rmp -it . - "in : n t- condu t ,i . """I'Mlhll i I I I h . I 11-11 il li 'I I l I . 1 1 " 'Uf , ,..M" '"' ! l-ialnr. . -"'., ,i i, -I K"ii Crtiii'i., ,',,r o ir i. ii u 1 1. ' ' , Thii iiiiiiihdri trt" pn-M-n- prol." Into iilli-K",l ' oiol it io in of I,imi in I In- "llloi i-"lli"t, of law h i lly anil . Ollll'y I'ffiiM .h TI, ,. .ili.l j,y tt'Jti roll t nil,', , .In, It:,- llttlll lotrtl "I th" diMtrii t mi 1 1 on pn -rnt.itii.ii of a J.i'illion ma III ll". I l-t J"ff I'.ipinan f ol lott iiik I iiiurr of th.' outitv iiltorti")- in i-" ,i ttarranl ni a i a J, - thai In- n m-iiIi-iI to t tin oiiniy attortt'-t. 'I'lo- ''-,i:iun ttai MKtii'd h Ih" mi imi i' hiiinlri'd taia.trii and tin' .all for tin- m-h-Hioii wai tnadr lit .Iii!i:i- hhiti, Thi jury ht-Kiin iih ni-hhIiiii throe wi-'kll iiK tttid up 1" l'liday afln noon had ri-turni-d Is indn -iiiirntn. flrtnrni i-n- rttiid" .111 till hut two or ihriii- Thr firtit Indiri tnrntM wirit rr-lurni-,1 ,.i tui, lav tvliin rmn-i. r.ip'Hin .luhn Wiiii.l and (Jriint I'llk InKlon, -hlif .of i lly ili-trel lt i-i wnro hilli-d nn rhitiKi'si uf mv.'pMim linlii'B nnl (ipiriilinK it KtitiililniK hou.ii- John ,ki-H, Hltorimy. wai indlrtHd on tn rhurin-i, of nnhr-lcnii-nt (crimlnif out ,,f paynipiil of tntt in lotiniTlioti ttlih ih" di-fi-iis,. of ll.irrrt I' oit.ini Ha;:.-t. i-onVu. "d of nmnclaiiKht.-r iiti.l mvi-n four yi-iira for tin- inunlir of John Do. n o. "i I : , i , i oni' i Into lis own in ID:'", 'I '" ' lliontl Mxpi ckh ' will m il," p.i..;i. h"ti" tiiiHiii Joiirni-y I') air. It I," a tii-tv and nnti-l thin. '" In- mir,', hut th" alrplatu polnt.i .Ho- ttay to tiinl ml irhfd lii'iii-vinoon itilp.i and that In o!i. of. tin- tiationM I i.f It Ii iroiiiK to ,rni popular. j I'tii ff. n lahorrr. at tlio flUlahonia li on ttoi j.-, in I iri i-m In r. 1HI7. Tn ihaik-i-M of ti.ilalloti of thr ltiiior latt wot " l.r4iifrcti at'itiiiHl J,m llakfr and i hr i ! a.i on" i harn" n! a -imi ul I .ik.iiiiK Sam J'HKui-, iimkliiK a tulal Of tllll" l.lllrt Tin' frrond ripoif win mail.' Tliumdat. K. S. Miii-yiii'.-ii, finun-r i iuinty int i btiKator. wax i haiiird Willi riTi-ivinn a Btoli-n iiutoiiinliil". Anoihrr hill HHamil Stkcn iilli-ui-s thai In- niilinl pruoiirrM to imiipii from tlu rounty Jail hy ollpplliK a Biiw Ittln th" ri ll Two tiilln rhiirlt Ihk l li-in WllhaniH Willi violation nf thr Inpior lawn mid a niimlar rharsn aKHlrmt Joo Wlnnel, Han it SitiiiRH i-oiiKtnMr. roinpli-ird thi. tolls nn which rrttirita havn been ntii'ln. All nf thn rliHr(t"i limn born Ar. ttli-d hy the nii'ii lndu-lid. The i-Hy i. : ,' hi, , i ii in t h ii rii ' .,1,1, ,-n I h" lUKht of , . r 1 1 - -1 I l ..lav ..fl.'l i : to. i.- in ill.- t oad "iK Ii' till I, , .. ,' li.'.i - .1 ' li" . I'V, Sh. rlir J nin Woi.ll. t Willi hi." I ",,,i u 1. 1., , tt , r ii".i.-i" . i ilrpnlt -I" ' f:. .i-i.l I M 1 hali.lli'i . n ltd! . i , ni! t.i,,i "il It 'our noutll " of III" . l'v ill"' mri' il tin hluli n l-r.'pi l 1 1 a ' .1 i ' : I I ' I" thi ' I' to It." t, tt in i TI:.. .nil. .ii, "I. '. had ('""il N'rlppi-d of Mi lltrs al, I ,,Mi, I "i i : . I Ii I , I'UI h.l,l ,i- I'l-i'l I ,.t"li- ant H'l' lt , iii, air,- l .i I I" ' ll il.'li" In 111" ihi-i hahiNtii' at ih- 1 1 I. i,n.iii.iI. l.l'rTI.I-: li' ' K Man 11 2 I Th"l. ttnl nnl i.r ,i 1,1",,' i. k n ft on A in' r li a n mil In I'l .' I. a,' in .1 !u lo 1 0 I! A. Koiiimv, ..i ,i-.lniii!i on. i '., , In, f of Ih" lo'k i o'li' all. nt ilivi.iioti i f lllf hilliilii of annual llulililly who ttllM h'T" Toillt I" ltif'"'"l lit" pi'"!,'' ii-sh of III" wot It in Alk.iiiN.IV N"t I'lllv 1.1 ll I 1 II " I. "II I'l'lIlK pU.lh.'d Iii thr Ill H"iiih"tn Mali-it whirr I to ink nntv ii-iii.liii-. hut I'ort'i lii.o It pr.-pai iiik to :ak" up Hi" Work, I 'r 1 1 it in hii y ha id ,. - SlMdllllHt SlHll'ljl llllltl. M:V ViiKK. ,V Marih I The AirTl-rlrnn S"i i.iiiit koi irty. ronvirt rd of tlolatliiir th" i-HplniiMK" art In rirrtilatlon nf rlroii .ScarlnK'n antl ttur. iintl-rapilallKi, paiiiphlrr 'Thr MadnriK." W.ll flliril J,(I00 hy l-'i'drriil JudK" Ma.ti-r to. lay. Atlor ni'tn fn th" Kiu l"ty had prrvlotiHly iiunoiim-rd Ihiir liiii-tiiinn of taking nn apprnl. 5 A n Molhiillni. I a, r t'otvilrr I0i- o, -ill, tu t n I ii. r I'tiwilrr , Itto 111 t l''n r I'iiwiIit Itti- IMinn I- h i- I'nttili r ill!.- I. a,- Mam l,i.i, I'nvt.lri . mi,- lilli- tiardrn l-'i nitrani-i' Kni I'iiwiIit. . Silo I'uhhv Willow Imi. I'nwilnr Si' f,0" Mr I hit I-ai t I'iiwiIit So (Hi- Him Kai-ft I'liwdrr sac lifli- I'lilmollvr I'liii. I'owdiT ,10c 7 In- Mitkm l- iu-n I'iiw iIit Mo 7f.r I.iivb M l-iu-i" I'nwdiT AHc fil.r AyiTH 1'iii-r I'iiwiIit ftc 1 1 Ml Orlriilal I'rratii II IU l.nlirlnc NUc, nac nml lac l-vorl MUc, ,1lc nml ! f.tli- I'alniiillv rihiinipiiii ,...Sc II Oil KlHlidrrn Hair Tolih- 7IVc II IMI hiliini I lair Tonlit NB i'io aid! I'l-nuld fur I Bo don Nonipl " 39,. fitin 1 1, lor, in, i, Ha i ni', lav SWo 5 Imi Oiloronii. Hiilurdiiy I Do lilln I'rpnodrnt '1'iinlli atn Site S.'n' Hi-nrri-ii Timth I'ajita a,n 3ir Hanllnl Tooth I'aala, '. ...V- r.ii- Ilium Tooth rnatr c i n- Lynn' Tooth I'imto-, go I'.'ic Talciiitia; all klmla fur... IV, ltziU'a Talcum. 2 for aiVc The HyitlK t'ullclo Article lc II 00 lt k lit Mmili-liri. Mac l-'.r CiiIck I'utlrlit Artlclra .an "'.'fir Tniilh llriihhKil io aic Hliavlnu I'rcani , .30n -I Spiro I ',,t .I.r. , . . . .,, I 'rii To' Arinaiin,- ',,w,"r . i' .ir nml Imi y n a, o 'ii-alll ?,'.r I 'olid X I 'old I 'rra Iti . Tar I'nlid i utii.ihliiK 'ream " ir I roMilla I'rnitn . . . tl'.c l.mtirl.i TiiIik I'rnii 1..i Shailim I'nwilrr loll- Hi-inpin Ciotliii' I'"'' I'limpiiiin Mull i ('renin (oil- Me llm I'leauMnK 'r"m f'lh- Mellnt Hk In 'i rain ftn,- I'nnd m iihl 1'irmii Ml" Minn Iii ruxi lr Cream '" AtrriT l.iKtirla 'rrani fir Avers' Mnlli and 1-lei k le l.olliin 'fie Ayern' I-air Cream iTnhe) ... Kin' Ayeri" Kniiwdrifl lln' Avers' lllrslulnl II I'll Ayrrs' hiii-e ('renin II i.S Ayem' Tlemie, Cream II ifi HIiiiii 'iicuinlier Cream Tears' I nsrenteil Hoap. 2 rakes... JerKrn'i Haiti Talilels. 3 inkrs .lerKrn Vlolrt (llyeerlne. il cukes.. JerKen'a Hoyal 1'alni, 3 cakes I'alniollve Hoap. cakes Chililren'a Tooth llrushe Kniery Nail Ihwtrds l-viell'a Alpintid Meal Hunltnl llath Powder ROo Hmelllnf Halls tlOr Talcum I'owders II 00 Hindi Money and Almond Cream ISc Mind s Disappearing Cream (Tu lie !5r Mind s (.'old Cream I.ui. I fur , It 00 Q T-NO Malr llemover lie Malr llrmhes , 3DC ASK FOR and GET Moiiick's Th Original Malted Milk tot Infanta and In-allds OTHERS ar IMITATIONS w hi h are drpa rt inrni a-e on. I ll ; tniriiAr i iirl.iirorn fii N". : and EllltiK Ari adi.i an, M , h . a n ,4 l'uri, 'rtiinrni H-aiii H""ia llllilioln ,f Mlcclric Motors and (iencrutors Rewound By Expert Mechanic Ali tt,,il; (il'iar inierd We ran rent toil . ini.tTVr while your inarhine l.i I.eiiiK i' put". I . .Nrtv and M-itinilvir,d , "1 -. f.. Ml ,", WE ARE GENERAL ELECTRIC AGENTS Hir Mot liv Sen lc I'nlr Ki-iiIiiik a ml Jimlllj Day aiul Mgllt S4TlM-. DODGE ELECTRIC CO. 121 East Second Street. Ia riimiUM IHU9-7II8 Mlil I'Imum-h 2,'HM-I3H7U. I An economy that Is a pleasure to exercise Drink a well-made cup oi delicious BAKER'S COCOA with a meal, and it will be found that less of other foods will be re- quired, as cocoa is very nutritious, the only popular bever age containing, fat. Pure and wholesome. J a i re- ia-,. ,v ' iriffiih 1 PERMIT FOR $20,000 NORTH FRISCO HOME! '""- i ! nr t Thr .r.nft t) .1 ,t";. ;-i ;t I. , n-w -t-pu if r- t h.i : w i ih' u . s' . u 1 l'i tip iMM-inmi cf t'ir i ' ' t t f i imi t n r i h,i t lln' i : ' ' t i i-f ihi'-I i ') mrm:: Sh-ii!f u l. :.i kiac it -ari h; w.i.s !- ,,i hr "n?iMit'H!.in!iji:t', i, i- jiirfjc ami '. fl U.-4 ll .ML I. . i't ' '1 hr ini'iiihf'i , .f ihf r. f nnl Jut y H? NERVES ALL ON TENSION? c A mother in the home, or a man or woman at busi- . ' 1 1, I J L r,tm , 1 1 , . iicss, wuu nerves uiiuuiic auu 111c apiciu cuciuujr m feeling the strain, should find wonderful help in scan ifi Doollcl of Oioib Rciprl rot fret. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. FjuU-UJ 1780 D0ROn3TfJ. MA53. Twn-i'liirp ilnuliln Children's Ginhant Dresses Extra Special $3.45 All new and attractive atylcs, fine quality (rinjtham; excellent HHBortmcn,t of plain colora, stripes and plaids; nize 6 to 14 years; regularly $5.00 to $6.50. Second Kloor. Children's Oxfords, Special $1.95 Tan and black with heavy extension soles; izes 5 to R; juHt the thinar for play wear; regularly $2.50. Second Floor. Women's Negligees, One Half Price Just fourteen to choone from; wonderfully daintv creations in pink, blue, flcHh. white and lavender; ll. Tlmy riinix crepe de chine with chiffon and Rcorjrctte overdrape i!!,"!, HnnX".";,' effects; empire stytes predominate; resrulHrlV $12.50 to r i i n K $1'J.50; chooHc today at jut half price. Third Kloor. "''"". m C Hemstitching Neatly Done on the llalconu.-Art Deni 8 v r J r5 w I hllilrrn'ii llitlr ( inlinir ml nnlihliiK hy mi ripen. Srminil I'liMir li.. '"II; '1 , ,. ih '. i t ilnw-il f 1 1. hi I li- , a i .111 l'V I'li'lll l'i I In- .l:-"t.r! I .. n f-iii, k ami a fir r I i ul'- til. , r i n i, ii ' UK I 'i'-ir i .-... ' ', ' i-l'le.l In- X !"-li' !",'! ' I ' in'i.i , .. ...... ! i. , , ...i .,, , , , i, i ' " ' ' I 11 S, . ' " J . . ' 1 TMilS -An.-' ll:,' 1,1 v '"irii,-:,,,,, w.. k I ,. . , i ', . rii; ' r i ... k a. u.. J.! "' f.iinri .'i' i.f 1. f'-'ii. ' I,, nrfh ,. ,.f "ll-1'..l'tlll- Powerful sedatives or strong medicines are habit forming and dangerous. The logical help is a form of nourishment abundant in tonic properties. Scott's brings strength to the body, through nourish ment that is felt in every part. If inclined to be nervous, the logical ansiver it Scott's Emulsion. .:! .'. How nr. M,jiiil,.l,l. N.J. You Need Not Suffer. From Catarrh Cut You Must D rive It Out of , ' rn Your Blood and Get Rid ! ' of It Permanently. !i-.i.i . FREE pi t'.ii , . 'i'r a . Vin. In- l- .' , -, Mr " '"1 .i .t i I.V.I, I"" I.,,., ' I I t "I""!' i' w.ll Itn.i.i I- ,.r-l, I "" '' '" .- ' ..- (..I I Hit, I I '. , I'l ft I "T'l'-t"-,-A In ' '-'-n I . lll-ili " i- h " '--t'l'li. .- .-. If, ;' 'i " -1 n .-.mi V .," '','"' ."I'd . : V,.'-'l'kH , ' - uti '' - - 1 1 . 1 . .,;i,,,.,r,i M, 'i ' l, -i u i.i i v a : : , i i ," n t ,, i, i "iiii f l.i ii. I Jo l i ni' ii i ii I i I ni "i h '., ki I' "ilr . '! " i 1 , ' 1 , "I i i. ,!: I..,.. , ,,. I,. ,- ,,,. i. -' .in" In. li 1 1 .j I ' n ,i i, i-, I,, f,,: , ',, i In an ma in.. ,- , i i it,- f 1 . - iik mi nn ,.--tlLMl',l I u ii, 1 f.i I , "I : h ink ,"i in. -n I -r -L v V I'M r I I ' I ; ,- I',, I h -. 111.1 ' .!' w ' II' lllll'-l -V!.-Jirl i:;l,l.- I'-. (; f.i' : i "il ,-tri' t'.iii ','1 -i '.il-,' i, ,ir 1 frnni "iir I'HMll'-s Th" I'-'.' . ailing f ,.r I In- a"-l j , I v a - rnlr-t l.l ,lllil,- i ' ' M I 111 n III' I III. !i, nf III- :.r. h,- hail '.,, ,,,'i,-In-ll ui Hii.i mi'" i. 1 thank "u h'lvi- fW'.itily fl I'. t uf i'l iiii; ( l.i-. ii In I 'i' ' ! r , ' oi. r- i 'a l.irrh . .isli,-.. a ii. I. ".-II tl-M 'l iH'-r a Di'-nl. tri in;; la i 'ii-i-Y mi hp i.iif.l M.t , Intnim -i n, ,nii,! "" .ii;l v-lii-vpil ;-,i; 1 '" llm you hrl mulliri mi.irk in, I 'l " Wii'lilprnl ttliv, 1 mi Ili-iBt r.-ahi- i'1-'! tint ritarth im an Inf.-, t inn of ihi- ' ' " 1 ' l,f, ,i,l nn-1 1i ki i , , -r -. i .-1 iii-i,' r- '" Hi f If." itUrth inf.- I..,', mini hr "- 1 'I' li i.ii on ,.; 1 1 ,..i'1 Th.' " i ii ifl r vn.. ..... i,. ' '' thi". th.. nnl, k,.r w i 1 irl :l ...l f oux i)tu a. ti. 6, vlilcli hu r'i'ii',inr im,. f,.r our fiftf 1 ' ' " '..:l ,1'lvo '!,- rn'itr'lini fl" -1"' i ..l.l ' f ",.l l,l.1. , , i r I f v 1 1 r.i, ! i" iik'h,'.i;pir h. w II i-iirry xil-,,, a h I' h I" I h I'l ii-,M,t l',';" ''' I'"', ' ii 1', I". il ll'- s Hir'iiinl) i',. t-.,.', an, r.a'vfr,. will m,iii rt I " o Mill" , I I'll I! I V ll I W . I I I II. v., I "f Ih.- .ir'.V,,,((M i.f n.'i.r,,,, ii. mur thi .ii' ..rt- In i"i1' hill li. i-ti. fiavtkniK anil -1 , i 1 1 1 1 1- All r "Malilr ilri Ri'l.lM :l rr S ,-l. r-' In :,rU aiul w r.(i,j,ii.i(. joii y. . t a . n.i ! .Ill nio.l nil. ly Thr , Hr-f T- o.llr.-it ...Ivinr r.f tlm ' 'i..:fini. will rht-.-rfnllv turn or all !otiir tin Iho iih Jor. Thrt. N r.f) . i.aii-i- f 'h.' it.o.Ik.iI ii'tvh o A'l- r i- iff --po If,. ' ''.fti,anv. HI' oiv.fl Ijlui-lirj. AU-nla, 1,4 Ailr EYES TESTED Lenses Ground and Guaranteed to Give a Perfect Clear Vision AT IION'KST UVINC I'lUCKK. WHAT DUKS THIS M KAN TO VOl ? Your eves tcnti-d and Jciisi-h jrround with an alisnlulily lusituc KUfratitcc tn ivi' yon a jicri Cct I y clear vision, at $t to $H I'omplftc in a twent -year uaraiiti cd (old fillnl Iraitx' or an extra lari- lense in W'inr Color Slull I'raines. Near cr far-sighted lenses 4vj to $12. Now listen: The hiyptoc lenses with the far and near vision ground in the same lense $H.!i0. These lenses in St. Louis would cost you '. Most other places charge Jt V and ''f7 I AM DKTKIIMINKI) TO i:K T 1 1 K CIIKArKST MAN IN 'IIIK UNITKI) STATUS. (Jui.k sales and small prof its and turn the omls t u ik has always ten my policy. Live and Lit Live. JOHN. Till'; KING MAN has a Graduate Kegist. red Optician. Prescription work will lie our specialty. Only the lli(htsl tirade of Ground Knises used. 'NIK TOKIG AND KKYPTOC We will make you any sie or shape lenses at above "'"prices. Mounting 0c a pair up to isk solid K"lil. We also expect to Keep cheap grmie o complete spi'ctaclcs at fl, flJiO ari'l f2. not guaranteed. We will lie open fur h ne s nexic H ednesdau morning, March J.'ith, with a complete Optical store. Kememlier t. date, ami hring y i hililnn. The al(oi pi n t s houJd ajipeal. to cver5 man that knows how (-e corneir hy his ilntlars'. JOHN THE RING MAN I hisi,. our Ki SOI TH KOSTON AVKNL'K K' 'member the Date and Place Kirs I Door North of the Kansas City Waffle House THANK VOl' T