OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, November 24, 1919, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XIV, NO. 57.
8 P
rnrui Attorney for
Oklahoma To Bring
Suit for Wards.
Washington Inclined To Op
pose Freelinjf'a Fight
On Texas.
'''w'ASMlNViTO.v' Nov. S3.-UnKd
ft-atea District Attorney John I-,
rtin nf Oklahoma, who hu been
n,r. for nearly a month gathering
,riieic left fr Oklahoma early
t.d where he will file ""lit In the
western I'nrted States district court
ar Oklahoma to test oat the riparian
riht of ln.ll.tn sllottrs for the land
In ins bed of the present stream of
the Red river
Tain was very confident that the
t'nlted State will take up the part
ef Oklahumn'e aide In thla caae. he
made it plain that the ault ha la
to file In the Oklahoma court '
entirely separate from tha ault
which Attorney (leneral Freellng of
Oklahoma obtained permission to
file in the 'nltcd States aupretne
court. t " ,
rs-cllng in Mcht Both Suit.
Kreellni will attempt to win th
land south of the present south bank
of the Hrd river and to what ha
clalmi was the old bed of the river,
whl'.t rain la attempting to obtain
pawemlon for Indian allottea of
Oklahoma the land to the south
bank of the preaent at ream. Texan
III oppose Faln's ault on the ground
that rhe middle, of the rlvej- la the
boundary line, and it will oppoae
reeling ault on the ground that
tha river rnurae ha not changed
hut la now following the same course
It followed when the boundary wni
It berame deflnllely known to
night that Assistant Attorney Oen
eral Frank K. Neheker ha been
designated hy Attorney General
A. Mitchell Talmer to go to Texas
and Okluhnma and Inquire In'o the
situation The opinion here la that
th attorney general will not sup
port Freellng's caae for land iiuth
ef the present bank, but wilt sup
tort Fain Indian claim to eatahllahr
the aouth ha k Instead of the mld
tll of the river aa tha boundary.
Sfinkipal Judge Fat. Warren for
bon-mmrnt OwiMYnhlp Of All
'Thor organtxation were In
operation thousand of years ago,"
aid Judge s. Ed. Warren of the
municipal rourt, at tha Bunday
forum at the V. M. C. A. "In fact,
before the erection of the famous
Temple of Holoman, labor tyajs
highly organised and had been amV
to aecure wagea no high that one
day's work would keep a man a
ek "
Judge Warren aald that fhrlat and
Joseph were both member of the
carpenter's union of that day. Chriat
evidently endoraed the Idea of or
ganized labor along reasonable
" Tha great trouble waa that
orten certain member of the union
not the union Itself were un
reasonable In their demand and
'"red up diacord among their fel-
a M(t workmen would be fair
k i? w,,' " anough to en
aoia them o support their families
comfortably, he aald.
There is no reaaon for the price
eoai In Oklahoma to be ao high."
n aald, the operator! are paying
M miner Htt Ue, more for digging
.l"' '"- they received 10 years
". while the price to the consumer
nas been Increased four fold
rne pMker aald he waa in favor
..kT,,'m,'n, ownerahlp of all
public titllltle and anything else.
ne suspension of the production of
nlcn would rauae suffering.
Mlng of All Rorrk-r Men
' Wrtlnrwday Ntgtit In
Chamber of Oirnmrtr IlaJL
Jo. T. uioaer to be given by the
lurnon poet of the American
ai.h,n '.' ,rh"lu!ed for Wednesday
ant. llurar. ITagan announced
'rdav. Infr.r..,.lli.. in i. .
-'ir wiu. h will be open to a.l aerv.
ai.k?B ln ""' Tn Wednesday
'ht meeting win be the only mrei-
to JL, p""t "hieh will be opn
a . r M''"' nd marine who
legion"' ""''","r of lhe American
u" '"lereatlng program of enter
aojok., I'"" t'"'n arranged for the
vrt ... of he program fra-
"... win ii.mi a ui.
t-. v fiiimnnapr. on mm n-
convention at Minneapolis.
B a
M. Ilamlllfin Kaajnlnotl ;ar
, lt nrt' Aaa,tn.
or T. "ARRINUTON. !.,
lo,". , T r A1'n '"' Hamll
ai:nT Vera, widely known
iltJzL "4 Pectal1t on netroua
,T"- suddenly at his sum
hanilii , 8 Jay. Mr.
l ,, ho w, bo" In Hrookiyn
r MannI," rneon of Alrxan-
aa Mrt'T1 f0r ,h ,IV,en-n aa
t-m iriai or (iuiteau.
- ut I'l.aiueui liarfield. j
.?""",',"r,a,s AtthMa. I
illUN- No " -The bnk.l
f TgT r'lor" the ..la.ire at Kiel!
j-atnm. runa wh'ch an army'
"ilk wna miritiy wndlna to an
kskaef Kiel, apparently for the I
Joa ef pan-Uarmaa obtacta.
May He New Move In
Munroe-Civic Club
Controversy Today
Sunday waa an Idle day In the
controversy between Tom Mun
roe, county attorney, and the allied
civic committee. Aerordltig' to
several members of the committee
the allied civic committee will not
take further action until ft o'rloek
tonight, the hour scheduled for
imoUier meotlnK
There was no Intlmiitlon aa to
what would be taken up ut the
Monday night meeting.
Morning Post Justifies
Action Taken on
Peace Pact.
Some Se Failure of League
Withput U. K. ; Com
ment Made.
If NHON. Nov 23 The re action
of the iem tre.ity by the I'liHed
Htntea aenate was completely Juatl
fled hy the Morning Post, Thla news
paper exreaiil (lie lcw thiit lhe
American a'ateemen prohnblv acted
wleely In not pulling America a
country that hJ won her Independ
ence through thf tr.vatl of warun
der rtie thuiuh f nn lntetnat.oii.il
committee sitting In Hwttzerlanl.
hllo moat of the newepiiiiera and
offlutiildom ar? xpretng keen flia
appointment oer the re.e.'tlon of the
treaty hope woa held out In some
quarters - that the l-'nlted Htaica
would crpl the leuiue of nation
covenant in the modified way.
The Times compelled putience.
ad ling:
"I.Ike England, Ainerlci is alow to
realise that she ha Iohi her Insu
larity, t'lreumstiincea will for e lhe
t'nlted gtntea to treuu Hie aume patii
aa this country "
.The Pally New aild It had
learned hat the le.igue of nation
would come into rxmtenor within a
week and that the first meeting of
the member nr.llona would be held
In Pari during the fleet week of
Decern ber.
'The league of nutlona would find
It moral autl.orMv and It power
lamentably curtailed without Hie
I niled State,' m!it the I Hilly Nwi
"However. It 1 rupee'ed to g for
ward whether America In a member
or not."
The Pally Cirnphic lefrnded the
action of the AmrrKan aenuia, raying-
"Hefore we condemn Amerba let
us ak oureelvc whether wc would
care to submit the rlek of war to a
council In which we hud n minority
of votes."
(aal t.uanl patrol Nliorr I'rar all
of Id Sailor on Minm Wire
23 Klghtnen person comprising
the crew of the temer Myron, are
believedAtonlght to have been added
to tha Victims of 1-akc Huperlor's
fury of the past two week
laugnt In a terrific nortnweatrr,
the Myron foundered a mile and u.
half off White Klh Point last night
and early today sank in tour fan
thoma af water.
Futile efforts were made by two
ateamers to throw lines to the men
clinging to the cabin S.i wild was
the aea, however, that the men coula
nnf hnl.l t h line nn.l fur Ihelr own
aafty, the two atranur were com
pelled leave the scene
Tonight coast guards are patrol
ling the shores of White Klsh bay,
for 4& miles hoping the Myron a two
lifeboats will be blown aehnre.
Itnalnnaa Men of lHuliiik Intimate
1ly offlilski re I .ltraiagant.
Sperial to Tha World
PAWMl HKA, Nov !3 - An occu
pation lag on biiafneas of everv
character levied here ha brought
on a hitter local fight between busi
ness men and 'he city commlMnlon
ers snd charges of ktosn mlnman
genient of the city flnuncea ami In
competency In the mayor' office
hs been made. Huslnre men want
to know where all the city huge
revenue from water and b.i
gone to. It la likely tbe oo flpatlon
tug ordinance will lie fought out m
Htiwl. holder Krrgnnl.ln alknal
lniltnlM Mt bii t'bml Ihsirn.
Pper.al le Tha "AsP ,
MIAMI. N'V!J--A new Wat"
bank will open lb .loora at Pi. her.
a nearby mining town on Monday
morning, according to a ulement
bv f I. Pratt who rime here from
(ik'Hhon,a fVv. Kture have been
Installed in the buildiuc which wa
rhe former home if the inlnera'
bank at Pecnnd and M!n s'reeta.
The Ktr! National Oank there
shlrh cloned ia dour s week arn
Saturday has r. remene. but la
reorganUlng. accnrdlnr to lis dl
rec'ors "Mnh" for 'nillilB-e.
1iVlioV N'o p.. solutions
favo'tng the tiomii'.a'inn of ;over
nor I'slvin 'ooinlir for prexident t,v
the republican par.y ret yeir,
sdopted by th eaecutue commit
tee pf the P.cpuMicn cluh cf Mil-
sarhuaert, on KrM4y last, were
mad public tonight.
Atlanta Crowd Stunnned
By Hoax That Wilson
Had Passed Awav.
Ceorjfia Governor Wants tho
Perpetrator of Joke
Tut in Jail.
When Vice President Telia
Crowd of "Sad News"
Hand PI ay a Dirge.
ATLANTA. (ia., Nov. 2
Through a Imnt perpetruteii by an
ursl lentlf.ed person here tonight an
ndilrea by Vice-President T. H.
.Miitahnll lefoie n audience of sev
eral thousand prraone nt the audl
torltltn wiih broken up tiy the fu e
announceinen' that Presnlenl Wll
on waa detd.
The man, it wu aald. telephone!
to the auditorium and aked f r th"
Mce-preaulent. When adv!ed that
Mr. Marshall waa making an 'l
('rra, and coul l not come to the tele;,
phone, the vnici replied:
"Well' he'll come now. for the
present la dead, and Washington
want him on long dlatnnce."
The engineer of the building re.
reived the te'f phone call and a po
liceman took the new to the atuge
nnd told It to Charles (I. Iladen, a
jbualneai man, who informed. th
vlce-pre dent that "the president I
lco.lrcialil'iit Ovrrcnm.
Mr. Mar':nll bowel hi head and
eppeared overiome. Then recover
ing Koniewhnt he told the nudlence
what had been told him. lie could
hardly speak. Women broke Inti
weeping and enineone began to play
"Nearer Mv Hod To Thee" on the
immense organ.
A Finn aa be coul.1 the vlce
preHent got to a te'ephone and
i-alled The A'eo'la'ed Pre, whera
he wa nsaiireil that there was no
truth in eueh a rumor.
Thank liod." he replied.
Meantime th audience waa dlg
perelna and the fa! report aprenl
ever the city. Newpnpera were al
mrrt swamped with telephone In.
No reaaon for th bo had been
advanced by !orl official tonlgh',
but an Immrd'ate Inveatlgallon waa
begun, (loverner lory announced
:t reward of HilO for evidence Identi
fying the per m wltt) started the
Mr. Vnrehnll came here f.i aprait
In behalf of : fra'e,rnnl onter anl
ha. I not tndj more than half hla
addrem when he waa Interrupted
IlrothrrNvMl flmhrmin to l'nsldiT
Now Wngf Rchctliile.
CI.EVEI.ANH. Ohio. Nov. 23
.Approxlmatelj1 &0D general chair
men of tile tour brotherhoods, en
gineers, firemen and trainmen and
conductor, will meet here tomor
row morning In response to a call
from four chief executive of the
organization to consider the offer
of Walker L). Hlne, director general
of railroads, granting time and one
half for overtime In alow freight
service and a atandurd rule for
ireara held away from home ter
minals beyond a given period.
No strike vote will be taken and
the question of affiliation with a po
litical labor party or approving the
Plumb plan for handling the rail
road I not to he presented to the
coqvention, the sole purpose of the
meeting being the consideration of
the annwer to the director general's
offer, according to W. (J. li-f, pres
ident of the brotherhood of rail
road trainmen, who ald the con
ference probably would laet three
Mnlnin (iinrrnnn-iit Withhold
Comment tat Jcnkltm' Note
I.AItKlMI. Teaaa. Nov 23 Kl
t'nivetaal of Mexico Ciy declared in
lis Iwnie of last prlday that th Mex
ican foielgn office s'ated It had not
received note from the I'rilifd
S:ates government In reference to
the kidnaping of American Conaul
Jenkins, and hla subsequent artent.
A copy of the paper was received
here today
enforcementTs "delayed
Filial Signature of Trrely .wall
, Simeon's Kctorn to Parish.
PAItlH. Nov 23 "(llvl-The
diiiarture of llerr von Hlmson. the
(.rman plenipotentiary. who was
nent to Pari In connection with to
protocol to the Qeace treaty, will de.
lay final lgnature until liecember
I and will delay also the enforce,
merit of lhe treaty, according to the
Presse de Pari
I Mint of 4HI K.xptoslon.
Tlie body of Ervin J. Chsmbers.
22. engineer of the Tblbea (issollne
company, killed tn an oil expbsiion at
Jenka on Saturday, waa shipped to
Ibannon, Mo., the home of hi
father. W. M. Chambers, by Mow
bray Indertaklng company yester
day j lire follow r".ipllon.
l.AltEIM). Texas. Nov 13 An ex
I plosion sboard a gasoline loaded
launch at Tampieo Thu-day mused
,a ftre that destroyed ths wharves
I and terminal station of the tluastera
! r-.mpanv. on the Panuro river, en
! tailing a ll'iOOOO loss, advices re-
celved her today stated.
The World Gets Mes
j sage Dated Clare
more from Bandit.
Expresses Interest in the
Pursuit; Inquires "How
Is the Chase?"
Pandit "Hill' Carlisle may have
passed through Tulsa last n.glit.
"I like Oklahoma fine. How a the
cha.se? 1'aillsle"
'1 Ilia a Uil.ii lnils ineMMjgc was re
cehed by The World Issi ulghi from
Clairmoie The mesiuge was filed
st the Claremore Wesiern I'lilou of
flee at 4.4.1 Sunday afternoon.
In recent mmirfunlf jitlon ilsitngly
addreeaed 1o Wyoming and Colrrado
sheriffs Wild HI, I Carlisle has boldly
announced that he waa "Tenia
bound." The telegram to The World
may indicate that he may be keep
ing h.a word.
Soldiers, trappeis, sheriffs, rail
way detective me hoplessly search
ing the country In the vicinity or
Casper, Wyoming for the I ru In rob
br They say that they do uot ex
pect to capture him unlfHs it is when
lie la robbing another train.
"Th only thing to expect whrtt
you are figuring on Hill Carlisle Is
tho unexpected," say officers in Wy
oming who are leading in the muii
Thin estimate is borne out In th
lateM development of the rami w hich
reaches into Oklahoma at the little
town of Claremore.
Threu tvar ago Carlisle held up
three I'nlon Pacific trains In rapid
succession. He waa captured and
given an indefinite sentence In the
Wyoming penitentiary.
lie escaped from the Wyoming
prison Saturday, November 1 4, In a
box Haled a "outgoing freight " He
was next heard of the following
Tuesday night when he held up the
l.o Angeles Limited on the I'nlon
Pacific, single-handed, and escaped.
Taunting telcgrama he sent to the
I'nlon Pacific officials and shiirlffs
and deputies who were pursuing
hijn. Wednesday he walked Into the
telegraph office at Casper and sent
a telegram to the Union Paclflo.
thanking the railroad for the "haul"
from the limited and commenting
scaihlngly on the Inability of the
tailroad detectives to caplura him.
l.o(n officers who are familiar
with Carlisle'a record and peculiar
temperament a.ilil last night that
they would not bn surpilsed to hear
tf htm turning up anywhere.
"He Is a good press-agent," one
declared, "and always like to keep
the public Ijiforiiiei; of his tiiii'm
menls." '
The supposition l that Carlisle
ws In lienver seversl nights ago.
Ilia plan of movement seems to be
In short jump and ho would have
had plenty of time to reach Clare
more had he been headed to Texas
aa ho announced.
The difficulty the officers have
In keeping track of Carlisle la hla
confusing habit of sending tele
grsms and postal carda to his pur
suers n;id keeping them guessing
Ills telegrama may be blinds to mis
lead his pursuer and again he may
"double-4-rosa" them by actually do
ing what he say he Is gnrrg to do.
Efforts to get In touch with the
Claremore Western I'nlon office laat
night were unavailing. It Is probable
that the clerka who handled the
messages did not recognlxe tho name
"Carlisle" and the dashing career
of cilme that It brings to mind.
Villa's l.4enlonant Has Not
l.xct uloil, Mexico City
WASHINGTON'. Nov. 23 Private,
advices received here direct from
Mexico City late today Indicated
that General Felipe Angeles, the
Villa chieftain, had not been exe
cuted aa reported last night from
Han Antonio, and that powerful ef
forts weie being made to aave hla
The niiblUhed statement that
r Angeles had been put to death
1 without trial by i ourt-mart lal. the
I advires saifl. were known In tho
I Mexican capital to be untrue.
IjMIEHO, Texas. Nov. 23 - While
rumora of aummary execution lisve
been current alnce the apprehension
of tieneral AtiKi lea, illa'a chief
lleutennnt, there was no confir
mation of this srtlon available In
trustworthy sources here tonight.
j EI. PASO. Nov. 33. lieneral Ke
llpe Angele. s leader In the Villa
movement, baa not bees executed
i sa reported last night. This inf ir
; matinn come from traveler,, w ho
arrived from Chihuahua (t'y to
' day (ierter! Angele wa captured
recently by f'arranxa troops and th"
arrivals said he was lo be tried by
' court -martial tonight.
Inter-Allied Food
Work Will Continue
! After Jan. J, Xext
UP.MK, Saturday, Nov 22 Tha
auprm" economic counciJ Imlay
considered the question of aup
plyln (rman-A iis'rla wl'h fond,
snd decided to eonitnue the sre
menis for Inter-allled co-noera-tton
concerning food aupplici af
ter btcimuer ii.
, llmponnible for U. S.
j to Ignore European
Affairs, Huns State
lli:i:l.lN, Nov 3 - Count
Hevei ilow. writing I'l tin Tag' a
Zcliung. Mil's
' e still ale of the opinion
ihat no price is too Inch for iii o
luunv to Induce the I'nlted Slatea
to interest herself In the fuluro
of tiermany and the wtallly of tier
The Pan-tierman editor be
llevea Ihit II Is impossible for th
I title. I Slate permanently t lN
associate herself Willi European
A f fill I N.
Settle Differences and
Katify Treaty, Taft
Asks Senators.
leaKue to Kn force Peace Say
That Senate Must Ap
prove Document.
SKW YOltK, Nov. 23 Settlement
of difference over the peace treaty
to perml' i's ratification sa soon as i
poMIIHe arier me sensie reconvenes
Is urged In a sialement issued to
day by the league to Enforce pea e
st ilin, conclusion of a sjin-tal meet
ing of the eneculhe commltteu.
Kormer President William II. Taft,
president of the league. presided
Among others at the meeting weie
e.uwaiii A. I' ilene, Henry W. Taft.
Ilcihcrl S. Iloiision, incur S Strain
unil Herbert i.V Hoover. Tho league
staletiicm follows
"The defe.it of ratification has
hem received by the country with
aurpriae und indignation. The peop.a
wunt peace 1 hey want peace and
they want a league of national to
guard the peace Whose name It
bears, which party brand It' wear,
they care not at all. They longed
for and expected ratification before
the adjournment of the sensie
"Shall the small minority who op
pose ii leak-lie f nations In any form
defeat rallflr.il'.cn T Shall 15 ana
Iiiih divide where America shall
mm. i In ibis world crisis' Elghly
aetiotoi have shown bv ihelr voice .
that they fnvor the great principle
of the league ut nations The fate
of the treaty reala In Ihelr handa
They have the volea. They have
the power Theirs Is the responsi
bility They mil: get together.
"The treaty should be ratified at
the eat lies possible moment after
the miiaie reionniie on lccmher
I in the name of thouand of
Amer-liana who have died to brlnaj
peace nn end the war. and of mil
ilims of America who have toiled
and sacrifice I to that end. We call
upon th senate to forget prejudice
and partisanship and agree upon a
resolution of ratification couched In
term that will permit the other
signatories of the twenty to aiquba'
In the condition of our ratifica
tion "
French Ire disappointed
Action of Anirrlmn Konate Ha
Parisians 4u'lng.
PATHS. Saturday. Nov. 22 - Thl
waa the third day since annotinia
ment of the American senate' ac
tion regarding the Herman pea
trea'y but the public I still hsxy t
gardlng what ha happened, and
there is gener.il llsappolnliiicnt. fro
ouently mingled with lildlgnat on,
over the naie s ac tion.
officials urdf rstnnd the limitation
which 'he An.frlran coneiltu'lm
places upon 'he president s powets
but even they had seemingly relied
on aiurani ret""1 given them from
Washington list the S'na'e woult
rstify the p.ic after the strife v'
par'y poll'l s (.a.l spent Itself
I Nil Ice I liable to lst-ocr ny Trscr
of I nfaiila liirour.
AII at'empl to unravel the n.iir
ifer inva-ery In which W. II Erw.n.
aaed f irn.er of Ellfaift.i, rrporied to
the police a story of bow he had
been swindled out of li.fiOO ber" on
November 4 by several confidence
men, and who later disappeaied
have fatd.
lhe msiery seems to be more
compln nie.i now livery effoie lo
locale Ei w in In Tuli or hie former
home have been unsucceasif ul.
"The a.ime ol, game of wire tap
ping, the trun.p card of the awtnl).
n g x i're has proved a sue, ess onr
inoi " is the ble.i n.!vincd by (Jtant
Pllk'iligton. chief of ile'eclives
Mr. Itiiols I Ib-od
Mtw. Mstti Hunk, tortoeriy 'f
111 l;alvetlln avenue. di-d at the
Oklahoma h' pltl at 1 30 o'siock
eserdv sf'ernoon
Mrs Itank 'r. a native of Tula.
Phe ws .10 vn.r old A hii'iand.
W (I li.inks. her parent anl ix
i hildren s'.rvlv t
Tttaa s-i i
Hr -l S
ntiiSA. a siOsj
tM T-evUi fi sv.e-tt.
f yii .11' I A-isfMl smt awl Ten. Mns4r snrf
T.iMOaf '.ir a-l.-st. l.se i..
s.dl T.i.. Hunil.) ami y jsiliy mi , fur
; nit.i it'V la UBSssaisrf.
Miners and Operators
Fear (Jarfiehl; Knd
Fuel Administrator Keudy to
Kxert Iron Hand in I'.iul
ing Deadlock.
Hperial tn Th. World
WASIIINHTON. Nov. : 3 -- The
Intervention if F"uel Administrator
Harlleld tomoirow In the Inag ng i'r
gotlallona of bituminous opsrstoiw
and minera of the cential compet -
tlve field to expected tolilKht to
I ring te a climax (lie long trnwn
out lonfllcl mid clear the way for
speedy si'llleniitit of the Mrlke H
nation whl h bus put the country
on the erge of a coal famine.
Although the dav brought no de
lelopmenis here, ss mine owners
nnd w inkers awaited action ly the
admin s't ktlnn lomorr iw, it was evi
dent That both sides reinKiil'ed that
a settlmnent rcul 1 not I long de
layed. No formal meeting of anv
sorl were heul Th aa A. Hrew-
sier. ihnlrniao of the operator, and
John I, lwi acting pirsl'lent of
the I'nlted Mine Workers, remained
here, bill many of the oprrajnr
apent the week end out of the city
llrpon received by operator
from the mb'ill weatern atalea
howe-l that the coal scarcity al
ready had reai bed the famine slae,
and that the cold weather ha I
brought suffering and hardship.
Aa the situation now stun Is sa re
gard wage advances, the operators
have .offered nil Inctesse of II 0 ier
cent and the miners hate agreed
to accept the 31 per cent prnpoeed by
Secretary Wilson. The possibility of
a compromise between those figure
purl of the Increase to be paid bv
the public In higher prices and
some to come out of the margin of
the mining inmpanlr. wa sug
gea'ed In some c rcle. and It waa
sail this would h placed before
both sides tomorrow
Commandant I Is meg t l-'groro Tw".
Threat anil lour Year I'jillsutK'nts.
niauent enlisted strength of 27.47
men for the marine corps, approxi
mately double the pre-war force, h
n com mended l y Muor (leneral
Harnett, commandant. In his annual
I eport.
Early action of congreasi is uriteiT
as dey would mean os if rank
for temporary officers who will be
Henoral Harnett recommended
that t lie present two, three and four
year enliaiment terms tie mate per
manent as being more attractive tha i
Die rigid pre-war term of four ear.
and asked Increased pay for both
enlisted men and officers
IIOOAI.l'RA, I.. Nov. 13 -IK'g-luaa
I nulet today following th
pitched battle of yesterday In which
three white labor leaders were killed
by spei lsl polli emen end two white
men wounded in a fight over the
apprehension nf Ho liukiia. nepro.
president of IE, local timber work
eis The situation her today wu Bum.
nmrlr.ed us fohows.
Tbres men at dead; I,nm E Wil
liam, ptesident of lb Allied Trades
council and edl'or nf the Etee pre ,
a local county paper; J P. Ho i h I
Ion. union man, ami Toum.i liainea,
union carpenter ,
Two men an In hospital from
giinw'lot and pi'ol wiYiind They
are ft J II Itourk", secre'arv of ths
Allied Ttades council, anl Jul' !
Hiiinc. owner r.f a giraire. u special
policeman anil a f -riuer rupialn In
the I'nlted S't.i'i infsn'rv An
Amerl'sn tgion post w is .ir-in!r'd
hre Isxt nisnl and meinbei ly a '
rlsmutlon e!ei ied I It. am: im com-
j manrier
! Plsi k gitstor is Still at I ItM-rtyi
j Pol iaku. alleged negro sglta'or.
n. heal of tin rngto union sg.nt'
; wlimn a wurr.in' lor sirist has tieen
i sworn. Is pti.l at large.
.I.in.e W luihins, bro'her of the
s'aiu labor leaiier, is under arrest "n
I ne I 'liire of St. outing Wlh tun III
' to kill.
I Twelve members of the Helf I r-a
, it'i'Ii ii and I v ,i ' t le;tg is in or
igan. cation of mo t.npiDing citlena
wlio are nun union member and
1 ncr-employes of lhe t'.ri it H ii'her'i
Lumber company wh.ch per itea
jeevrinl piatra here, are faring i fed
: ernl rh irge In New in leans nf on
lliwfull wearing -be I'n'ted Hti'es
srmy unlfo-m. the sff il.in! having
'been sworn out by Villiun I. Pan
1 ne s. general orranir.er of the t'nlted
lllrotherhol of I'urpeirers anl Jotn
I ers. foil iwing th d'-ports'lon nf E1
Id llrlen. a uni.-n man. t.tet We-lriea-I
(lay for his alles'd remarks approv.
j IOS ine n.i ins oi ' 'i'"-' w.iii -
1 1 en'rall.i. W.isl. , d.uring an Arms
' tl' e dav par ide
I A warrant Is m tbe bands of Oe
polo-" rhief hire for t.'ie arris' of
'''Hr.en tf lie ri'tiirr-ii to lini-riicsi
The i.itrik cf vesierdiy. C-
imrllni to P. p Tsl!"V cl art r
; r.ev. was the Imina 'ion of trouble
which has been brewing for mots
ti.ni a -ar anl l" ei'iied !nf
l.irmej li:,s.l!:lit upon the aiadlng
Pope Benedict dives
Hoy Seout Work His
Apostolic Messing
NEW YOltK. Nov :S - Thn
apostolic bli'MUng Is bestowed on
lhe Hoy Scout movement In the
Catholic church In-, a iiiessage
ircelvi'd from 'oiW Iteneillct ut
lieadipiarteia of the N.itlonal
Ciithollc War council. .The coun
cil, which I endcnorlng to for-in
M-out units In all I'lihillc pir
libs has icci'lved mote llian 'i '
lii'iulries on llie tibjei-t from all
I'H r s nf Hie country
Russian Commander at
Vladivostok Thanks
Them for Help.
Czecho-Slovak lender Says
Revolution Checked liy
Jaj) Interference.
PJr Ths Aiaoc.ats'l Pre.a.
VI.ADI VOHTOK. Prlday, Nov !!
tleneial Itosnnoff. In ii proclamation
dealing wlih the recent attempted
rstnloilon here, aald:
"Congratulation in land and nav
al fume, and 'ice pest giatitudx to
our noblo silica fur the aervpsr they
have rendered In lbs name of th
government I thank th allied troop
who protected lbs properly and tha
dignity of the Itusalsn a'al."
(leneral l(u!olph (labia, Cxerho
Slovak commander an l lea ler of the
revolutionary forcn. waa Inter,
viewed today a he lay In bed naffer.
I it af from a wound during th fight
ing, and guuriled ly Cerio-Hloak
"The revolutionary movement wa
purely of dim I eople," h uH, "It
supporter be.ng of the ltuaMan
democrat lo class snd Ha leader
Including men. ber of Hi crar'a du
ll! a. three flame In the Kerenaky
government anil muny young Itus
slun oflcera. That II wa not bol
shevik, II reci rda and Us leaders'
program, outlined to th people, la
all the proof that 1 neneeeary.
"A commander-in-chief. I led ths
military forces, which Included 100
of my personal guard If deserters
from the governments frogg una
I. boo workmen and civilian. Th
fighting gtsrtej when a company f
Itoaalan fired on another company
which ws coming over lo us I uaed
every effort within my power to
prevent flglilllg.
"I believe we would hsvs won had
not Japanese troop prevented our
sending out raldliikr parties from ths
railway ststlon The prtlx were
turned back, placing ua In n trap.
Enable lo prrd our etlvltlea, wa
were surrounded but held nut until
the government forces brought up
artillery." "
Oenernl Oslda will he deported
oon to Cxecho-Slovakln-rbut. h an
nounced, he will continue to work L.
for the IWissUn cnilsy, . Ha -bitterly
erraluned the policy And activities
of the allies In Itussla
of Itakus, negro lalmr leader, down
the main e're.-t of th city by Hou.
chillon and o Itourk, both armed
with shotgun
The rlegro wn wanted by the po
lice on the chiirg of being a dn
gerou snd auspicious character.
When the parade of the negro In
davl ght down Columbia street !
gun, toui:liH oii and o'Hoiirke. .ro
te. tlng him, T A. Mugee, chief of
police, waa notified Warrants im
mediately we; I sued f.ir tha arrest
of p. mi hi. Inn snd O'Hoiirke on the
charge of disturbing the peace, anl
because trnul le was aliuoat certain,
45 of the apeclal officer who hat
been aworn in to erv u policemen
wphout any psv in emergency were
dipa ched tn make th arrest
Hulile Tisk Plais- al I nlort tlffb-ei
The parade proceede I lo the gar
age of I .ii m nillisms, which Is union
I e.idiiisrt r W. C. Mugee of the
teg'ilur pnllc force and Jules I.n
Plane left the ni:n body at the gate
to th- I t nn which the garage 'ood
I fiO fee! l in k from the rtreet. and
st.irted to serve the warrant.
Thomas (iaine. ti' cording to Ma
gee, a Pliesre . lien, the garug Slid
was oidered to drop hia gijri.
'Come snd get It." was dairies
re'nrt. the nffir said, aa the former
stepped Ireide the garage and
warmd the men Insile
,iiii Williams. nrmri, tne
. . .i, .... n.. ..M
s'rpped out nf his off.ee Msgee sitd
be irteied Ullam to drop th"
rant Tr Makur'Vrres-. "Vhe' r"y.
i'iT-ri:nj to l.ge. was a shot fro'n
Wills:. whn I. struck lliianr In
tie ar-o
The tn'He t.ien "eg in i'H vvti
liims dropping ilad tu hi trscks
frori. a n tb-k Vi-lev bv the efieeial
offi'ir- The poll. said Itouphil'nn , '
wait, killed "I1"1""
niiinfi iron lammed ss he
.li-.i I Is
wa a'-
tempting to s tool lialnes. I'inj
aild. fired thr ogh the gitage 1oor i
first with a pistil and ti'er with a
iinigin Its body in found In tr
middle ef the garage paku nd
n iinne -i rt.iine I n'imber ,(f aitte
n.en n a.te n ! ieh f ir the woo.li an t
l-.ea ped
o'P.niirke enl .lime. Hl.n
(I nibel out tbio igh a window, pn.
lire sild an. I made a b.-k f' r H-e
woods but ii Itourk.- f-il with b ieic
shit w-oinds in bis breast ant Wll
lianis threw .,i. hi. bun-is (iffc r
said s shotgun was fognd near
Death Toll of Cajean
Da nee Holocaust Is
Now Twenty-eight.
Unable To Hscnpe, Twenty
Mothers , Hurl Habiea
From Uurning Hall.
VI I. I.E. PLATTE, I . Nov 2.1.
Twenty-eight persons, mostly wom
en and girls, are known to hav
perished In a burning building
line last night when 300 attend
ing a it ii ii . o became panic stricken
an. I .lunii,.ili.il ilnwn narrow
sluirwav. Elf ren are known to
huve I cetl tTitleii'ly Injured
Ten bodlea were burned beyond
recognition and Identification "
possiole only through ismnanl of
clothing un I Jewelry.
The full I. si of dead may not bj
known for some time, a removal
cf the debris of ths OeVllls building,
In which ths daiu.ers were caught,
bar. not been completed.
Mollum lllmi ui Have 20 liable.
rleveral mothers who war chap
eroning Ihelr daughter saved 10 ,
table In a nuissry room of tha
dune hall but tlimelve perish at.
so ordlng to one report. Whll
thus st. ending th Uano war
flahtlng in panic to reach th on
exit, a narrow ialrway to tha aid
a rret, and r stive and friend in
the atreit wer struggling to gl up
th airway lo raecu mambera of
ths trapped crowd, mother els1
their baulea and hurled thm Over
th heads of the surging men, wom
en nd chlUrcn into th arm) of
man below. '
Home persona who war snatch!
from the lighting heap at th foot
of 'th stairs d d In th hand of
men carrying them high over th
leads of th crowd In th trt
Ths firs originated In the rear ef
Mar, In' grocery star, In on oornr
of lower floor of th IlsVIII build
ing, when an oil atov sxploded.
Mulls a packed moving plctur the
ater wa running In tha sum build
ing, a cool ha1d ladr Induced
the crowd to dpart in an ortlr'y
manner. Non of ths sii Injured.
Th flame spread so rapidly lhe
entire lower floor of th kuUdlnf
waa ablas before th dancer wr
warned. Three hundred prona In
th danc hall, which ocuunisd tha
entlr second floor of th building,
wore stricken with panic and ruabd
pell mell to tlw only dour whloh ld
lo the stairway. (
Ain.ihiT t susn'of Nurvhal of MUwt.
Th younger and wakr wr
trampled by th screaming, fighting
crowd. In th fight on th talrwy
tho who cam from the street
dragged down many who war flee
ing from th ball . f;r climbing
over other.
Th few whr did not rueh Into
the stairway Jam e-aped throOgh
window to th toof over th tr'l
and mads their way to safety by
climbing down the post or leaping
Into arm of men who had Jammed
ths street balow.
Call for fir fighting equipment
and for physicians and nurs were
sent to neighboring town. Peopl
rushed from the country to esit
snd so in were In Mm to all th
firemen who were handicapped by
th crowd Jamrylng th street. Th
IieVIII building and a barber ahop
were destroyed befor th flams
were under control.
The Upslausoa motor fir truck
arrived after a run nt 41 mlnutee
over a rough country roal of If
miles At Eunice, Lot., a fire ap
paratus and" 100 men were on a ape
clal train when they were stopped
by ths new that the fire had been
Hurgeon and nurse from Bun
Ice, Hunkle snd other towns began
arriving last night In automobiles
snd hsve been at work ever Cine.
Th hotels and some private real
deuces have been converted Into
small hospital Ke1 Cross women
fn in several miles around hav ar
rive' and are at work.
The dance was attended hy towns
people snd many rural resident of
the parish. All n'ght people wan
dered thn street In search of rela
tives who stten led th dance aed
many mothers did not know their
children were allva until today. In
a garage where the bodlea wer os
sein Med other mothers with scresms
! or moans Identified their daughter
I bv s nsll pieces of clothing, neck-
laces r.nss ot other bit of Jewelry
I Vllle Platte the parish t of '
Evangeline, bus a population of
about I . imo anil I 4 S mllea south til
j Alex.m tria. on the Texss st Pacific
lailnad brancn between Eunice arid
Hunkle. Must of th residents are
ia-ii ini spe" h nil it rriuiii
. , '
j m.rtBtlon of Hin lot AmhasSaoor U
' Pi-tomnu'tnliil In (.iWrriunent.
NEW YOltK. Nov. :j Trnn
S. rlpta,of the ii s'i iiony of l.udwlg
A. K. MAitciiH. the 'soviet am-
bass ulor." given before the Euk In-
! V l s IgaUtlK e nominee last w eek, will
if umiii"i id 'nr i mf u'i'o.n-.
with a rr'i n: for Icaorlatioti. fam.
' eel A
puty attorney gen-
Hfindiini . ', lonigai.
Marten will le examined again
b, the comrnl'tee Tu"day. and H.
N.ioi'ev.i. siretary of the ''era
I jw," will a so b" ipiestloned.
Mi P" (it declared thai the n
noil drive txatnst eonimunlm had
.iwakenel the cmintiy to ths ctivl
: ;ri i f the Hues an soviet govern-
ment which has planted well organ
terd colon es for tfia. purpose of
! f rcinc a.liioliun of A prlnc.pi la
Jtliu country. '

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