Newspaper Page Text
l;&tllaq"atKSta i TULSA DAILY WOKLI), SATURDAY, DKCKMREU 27, 1910 3 k. FITE CHOSEN MUSKOGEE MAYOR ouncil Names Doctor as Wisener's Suc cessor, c More Statehood He Was Mentioned lor the uov-ernorship. TO RUN AGAIN a w loctd by th city 'jjy m succeed Muyor John i ' n,r, -tio lb'd unexpoctedly at hon,,, :at riunu.iy msi - . - f I hit heart. ,.jpa . .... thA ftnlv man nro 1lCl'.' ... ..'r,i,.., n iy A In accent' "appointment ho at rent fii .i )m 1 to be a ratuli- I? iHction to tho offli'e next ff-Um opting now fa ' .. . ..... ... I. ..1.1 li" I. a f I ;iU I 1UIOIU IW I.UIU M. .. il... rHIlIlcll. u..inf Pin- win niaior of Musko- i , poi-ltfutl, an'' l I'-1"' h" ' , . . .. ,11, 1 it,, for Ih ., , .Li ,l,nmn'i first KOVerllor. netr formally announrert. He " Mpln. ntivalrlan III ... bern i" ' " n ; r . . n,a luui mi vkuim and trillion'" i ' 1 "w - aw ar 1,0 "rvud r til n ulDU 'fire fighters are wanted oltiiral Unpen to riirnllUMC urcm, imttrtrm. petal Ui 'On World. WASHINGTON. Deo. IS. The. fle- Ltrtmfiit of agriculture today Issued , ad.1 for volunteers to make early nporti on forest fire In Tata. Oklahoma, Missouri, imlbiibm aim UuUlana where nearly 6,009 forest . annually destroy 12.000.000 Lnh of property. Tha total nurnDrr or iiraa in mww 1 .i In thro veara la II SHI. "tailing a Inaa of ffi.ri83.000 with Tia U!-ption of Louisiana and Taa No organised effort Is now otda to control an oh flrea. flMrfWt.a ltwl.ll...A lurlil w T Worl k HENKYKTTA, Oac. Flra pnr x!jr d'troynd the borne of Mm. Kjiii M.Unurd, prompt action by v. rlmiartment Drevenllnir a hlrh (rum carrylns the flamne to the trr rffiiunnce ulelrlrt Mra. Main, irt'i luwi to houaehold cooda wae Mht. lul wflktrt tmttoil It Hunt I sun lam la tka trtal. ml M ITCH. ICZIM4. (ilii !. TITTil m (Itar lltk o tti altnan. Try T-etai al r nil. c STATE ItRIEFS HAI't'I.I'A. line it Tlv humane oi'iviy will wiiko u eaiiiinlKn hire I Jamiiiry js to 17. incliiaiv c. I ) CHIEF DUKES OF CHOCTAWS DEAD W V.N ON A, 24. --The Wynona I'oininiM-iial i hili h:m nn a ineint'er- lilp cf .1 (irii x Una iclv 20u mniilifrs ami l,i'for Junuiu y 1 It Im -k poetmi Unit Ihiti . number will bu Unubled. A HOMiMII', lire. L' 8 - J I I.-n. Inli'i- of (.iltliiliuina t'ily h.tK been ai pdlllliul I'UUllI)' llt'lllllllll I ItllOII UKI'Ilt for l arter county. Mr ltil''r fiiiiii'M to lake the )i:a i of Carl iKia ll, tio ri-H.gni'd In November. "A IKM 'UK, luc. 28 Major '"lifford J. Mdt'hewit, Kradiiain of Wi'Ht I'olnt In the cluKit of r.m4, Iih univi il In t'luremore and HiiHumed his iiiisitlon at hid of the military Miieln'e and tUlUK H ilepll I I mi-lit of the Oklahoma military ua,lmy. NO It MAN', ler. 28. Three thiu h.iniI ijimim Ih of mlklletun have been ulilppid from Norman to eastern iniirketn In the luxt 10 ilava, an'ord liii? to V. ( '. 1'ai ker, Im al ftKent for llin American ICkpimn cumpany. Moht of It wenty) New Vork rliy. rimi Mom (.(mhI IUmuU. Bpcial tn i Iiil World t.i,KVKI,ANI. Iht. 28 A ma meeilng h i buen railed for lieoem li,;c 3d to cniiKlder hard eurfared pwiil f r I'.iwnee roiiniy. If the lax piiyi'rs pii'i.inl upprovo a bond Mur will ho a.skcd lo tiulld 87 "4 nillee of roadrt ronniHtliiK all town In Die nullity. I'ederal ulil would help the project. Aged Indian Leader Dies At Atfe of 71 Years. TAMHINA. Iec. S.-lllml W . I'ukea, ex-prlntipal rhlef of tin- Choctaw nation, und olio of the uioit distlnitulshed memlWa of Ms i are In America, died ut his homo south went of TuMliina I liia morn ing In hut 7lt year. Governor 1'ukes wan born jieiir Hod river. In the Choctaw nutlon of the Indian territory. November lii, IMS, and lived within the limits of Ihii C'hoslaw nation during his llfo tlme. Chortaw by blood, Choctaw by training and by environment. the governor exemplified all that Is bent In Choctaw cti.i r.i tcr. Siralghlfni . ward, loyiil and lnopilitble. (lovernur ukes enJoiil the implicit ronli dence of the trtblo duiing Ills Ioiik and energetic life. Harnett Would Help Churches Construct Sew Houses Worship r l I.. Tl,. lll.'NItv i:riV Iier. Zf, Sbiuild the Interior department I 1 It.i n'uiTip ,,f iipt'iowil upon hi.-. latit liencf.ict ii'iin, .I.icKmiii llurtii'tt I lein .f. s millionaire I'i'fk Indian, mil be pl,ie,t S.ilila ClatiM tn ihrre ini-t'i" uf lu 'lin cliurchis 1 1 ji i ri u kIhii I-Ti.-Ih0 tn the Hnptiit colli; i i (.i 1 n in la.t fntl, he new alftns M leiillf..! f,i be pi'i nillled In iln likewise to Hire other denoni'iiiiiloiiH In need of WW Iiiiiimh of Winehlp. PHYSICIAN IS HELD .":,' Talk Atxiii! Ni-w' Train. Bpecial to Tha World. JK.NNINt'iS. l'ic. 21). lne of the first things the l'ri",o and fanta 1' " will do after the roads are returned to their owners on March 1, Is lo In augurate' 'another (rain from Tulsa to this point, but it will not atop here, continuing on tn fuelling.' 8 Want Third Straat H Wort Tliini St. (MHltO IllAltO TtH-aKr Ground Floor lidbinnun Arcane 0 A Special Sale of $35 & $40 Dresses For Monday THE PRICE ? See Sunday's Newspapers for Full Details These Dresses are now displayed in our show windows. Come See Them. 1 COMMERCIAL WONDER OF THE AGE , SENSATION OF THE DAY THE END IS NEAR THE SALE THAT STARTLED THE CITY WILL SOON BE ONLY MERCANTILE HISTORY A the end of the year approaches we are forced to dispose of thousands and thousands worth of merchandise in the next 3 days. December 31 in th$. fatal day when the $2,500 big Six Studebaker will change ownership. This is the most sensational advertisement and introduction any mercantile institution has ver undertaken since Tulsa was an infant. c Saturday We Feature Our Men's Department Men from all walks of life will come here Saturday with one thought in their mind to attempt to stretch the buying power of their dollar. You have tried it before, but your efforts have been vain. LIST OF BARGAINS: CAST YOUR EYES OVER THIS WONDROUS 75 dozen men's heavy blue Overalls, worth $3.00; sale (PO f4 price iV&mLdHk 500 pairs men's dress Pants on sale as Men's extra fine Dress Shirts, wofth $2.50; sale price Men's $3.50 value Dress" Shirts; sale price Men's $5.00 value Dress Shirts; sale price Men's $7.50 value Silk Shirts; sale price Men's Work Shirts; extra special Men's extra heavy fleeced Union Suits, worth $4,00; sale (PO CA price tPaWatll Men's $3.00 value heavy ribbed Union Suits; sale (J (JJO r price 4)iasiaWl A few dozen Union Suits AO while they last tPlatJO Men's $7.50 value Cordu- jJ AO rt'.v I'ants; sale price iy'kJCj S1.49 $1.98 $2.50 $3.98 ...98c $6.98 i $5 to $12. $32.00 mi $25 to $50. $12.98 follows: $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 and These Pants are worth from $5 to $12. Men's Overcoats from $13.98 up to These coats are worth from $25 to $50. Boys' Suits on sale at from $4.98 to These come in fine all-wool materials; retail value from $10.00 to $20.00. 50 men's Raincoats, including Oil King and fine dress raincoats; value from $15.00 to $:7.50; sale price $6.98, $9.98, $11.98, $14.98 g (Jg All our men's Suits to be closed out at Irs than factory cost; all men's and buys' Mackinaws almost piven away. Ihrireet and Nut aluc on earth In tin- M.e line Sh.s on sale for lr than the ona of he raw material, leaving Uu- labor einln U out of Ho' nor-lion. The 4.rm. wet weather of Janosr, '"! February will require p.kmI oiiii.I M-h-s to nave .lortor bills, our Shoe prl.KW ae Oh, l.msJJ In I lie state. Cine) and firing jour family and h i onln-d of onr atatnirarnta. tlie world a r.-att ladles' llrtidy-to-Wrar linrg.ilns now stare yon In llw fa It Is ra le tn wall f r January "ale. He. au mi. . an do mu. li la tter at tlie NorU, Maui bnunent Mnr, right now. and beeldea think of the big antotnoMIe wliKil we are going to give away on lomilier HI. Hlng your sp.i.-U att.titlon t the big .a.rlfl.e w- sre mnklng In our lrr ..h-1 IHTartm.nt A bona fide dlliwint of 31.1-1 -r .nt a.tually off. red oil ey anl. lr In ttw houv tfiat Is mil sdvertlscsl. tU'iiawliTT Has Hon Ton niilliiM-ry t. U now being -1,1 at sno on U dollar. Many nf ttira ha are. especially aoltable for rwrly spring ar. l and up. K HAVK THOI SAU ll IIA1U.AINS UK CANNOT HI NTION II1UF NORTH MAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ; lr. vie U I of lnil lib- rroeliNl on t iuirgi of Murd'Tlng Offliv t.lrl IVtitON II. s I 1' IS V I I.l .K. Kv . I'ec 2-i Or. fhilstophrr Hchott, a physician. iuiti'd lod.iv, cli ut.d wl'ii tho nuiidiT of riiznbi-h ford Oilf'lih, Hi e lie found tlie t'oiy on Ms re- t he ,,f 1 1, e after dull muting hriHinias tifts iiie dead Hill wort eiii.ied to II, 111'; V I Vip. i 111 1 ieul i e J ol it 1 II Police and detectivis mi tlulr In v i hi i 1 1 i.iii ieial,. I'uiloi ."-cliott k as leal.oiM or the atti ntloti paid Mi lirirrith bv the captain The pliMiaiia in.,!w. was fmind l.csidii the hody ft the nun dercd girl. I'Ullcc k m . ir i his 17 venr-old office glil. h" body. H.lghtlv with a I , u i i t tl.ioiuth the heart. as fo,in. In the i iln. nffii e ( ill la' mu- da I j 1 1, i. -tor Hi ho't enipliaii. nil, ib m'i f;MWNIi: I know bulge it t he ci line and told I tie i on I.l lnO" NlMI'.s ll VN AW IIIIVti lenikeT, Millard sml .bdinxii) All I'liaoni'i-s In Minwmv .lull. 1 ec i'., - a t kin hud mail hap pciied In the Sliiinneii ell) Jail, ac lioi d iig to the re, ords .in Ills police j court l or thsie. plain a iiu be 'am Hie names i,f M. J leinp.y J iMipposed to i,e Jai k or one of Ins niatU.a). K. J Wllluid (said to l ' .1 , is or one or hi" immediate kith I in, I liini and pi iln old out ai.d out J.H'K .loh na., M. Two of the men were in f,,i licliih drunk and the other for lewd conduct I alls lo pssir for WiHhliug. Mti.VSii.N. Mass. I lee. i Hr. William Orrv erinlle of New I Vork. a fori er nasal auri:eoii. f ub l i,i appisit for Ins w editing null Mi 'llath l Keein bete vesieiilav and I l.iilnv Ills diM i,e ii mice is aid mu x tained Mi-a Kicnev as le ported ill at the hot if h'r ! ir- ' enis H i, at ut llu. eapecled eil Idlng who crowded tin. Methodist I church, ivna dismiaied hy the bev. Ileil.ic It. i kliiKhaiu wi'li tin- word i that lUotur ertollve had not I en I heard fii.m since he ett a New Vork hotel, sujiposedlv on hit way ; to he inariied fiHldHESTER S PILLS 1IIIC ll VMUfl. till Ml. ja J: 1 t.l . Idlal aa irraf" A ,l .fcw.trr OI.--.T Tl.. I'tlU Is U.4 it4 nulfcvy i im, M",.a iih ii'a a,u. X 1 .k. mm clear II A.I Int I bliiJi.MI Ht(M I in.. nVs-Truat n I'll i a, . . m m M tin I .AI.AIa.R'..tHl Sal 0 CY DRUGGISTS tVERiTrYHl k JCK SHOES OillMich. Only a Few More Days and TURK BROS. n n WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST Unable to serve the enormous trade that we enjoyed the past week kept us too busy to adver tise, but with our extra salespeople, we hope to give better service, as we never need to apolo gize for our Footwear, because when better FootweaFlTrnade as for style, quality and fit, Red Cross, Dorothy Dodd, Fashion Plate or J. & K. will make them and Turk Brothers will sell them. $10 to $12 Boots For Ladies and almost (Jrown Girls, in military heels with long receding vamp and arches that really fit the foot. They come in field, battle ship gray, white washable kid, brown, mahogany and taupe in any bIzc or width desired. Priced at $0.85 during our removal Rale; also Ladies' high Louis Jieel boots in hand turn soles and b.eautiful soft kid leather, made by "Fashion Plate." That'B all the guarantee they need an for style, quality and fit; colors of pearl gray, white washable kid, dark cocoa (jji OC brow and taupe with brown vamps. Removal sale price pUaUJ Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords that were ordered for our new store are ar riving daily and unable to make room' for thorn in our present location we will place them on sale. They come in five eyelet Oxfords in satin or kid leather; also satin with patent vamps and Pumps for Spats or evening wear in patent or dull kid leather. Priced during our removal sale at i $15 to $16 Ladies' Boots $15 to $16 Ladies' wonderful fitting long slender vamp boots in the new ppring blucher effect. They have hand turn Holes and high Louis kid covered heels. The colors are white, ivory, pearl gray, field mouse, taupe, battleship gray, goliTen brown and tobnsco brown; all made of the best grade kid leather. VVe have satins in black, gray or brown and combinations of satins with patent vamps, satins in taupe with suede vamps in button or lace style. Removal sale price Tweedie $4.50 spats when sold with pumps go at u r5w p. $2.95 318 SOUTH MAIN Tulsa's Largest Shoe Distributors Tester Red frnl f rn i X l:! a 107J-109 NORTH MAIN STREET r