Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1020. WOMEN TO DECIDE WHAT TOPROHIBIT Social Reforms, Tobacco, Dancing, Subjects for Discussion. TALK CinjLECTION To Plan Clean-up CnmpaiRns at a Meeting Celebrating Prohibition Victory. ,t part shall tli women ,.f Tntsri iluy In tho com , i. ipnl plcotlon7 In- woman voter nfflllnte ' unit one of tho olil lino , r hold herself, as nn In i. nt oter? bo tho attitude) of tho , , ioms of tvhlto wnint'tl v a, I- - Jl -I t ' v. ' rip rj the negro women Voters? t rt , Ik- ui-o f lonnoco aiui no , iiik tio tolerated In th mo rii' t our children? n f 'imfc social or other- r mc nee Jed In Tuleia? ,imve five mnttcra will bo i j pro and con nt tho cele- ntei'inic of tho Federated , i f hrltitlan Temucranco I n- t s b . rf Tuiia on Friday at tho l-'Irat 1. Me-'iodlat. KpUcopal church, Fifth at . t aid Houlder avenue. T'.c n.rctinR was sot for Friday no tha: 'Ut members could publicly oh ?,rve the KoJnB Into effect of tho c-ns'.'utional nmondment which nPouslird intoxicating liquor. Thlj propram has been prepared, a" urdinc to Mrs. A- C. Bancroft, tin prceident: 10 30 Music, loader, Mrs. Earnest V.. Clinton. Devotional, Misj Fay Kmery. 10 45 Tho Jtililloo and what It means. Mrs. Josephtno M. lluhl. 10 65 Konio nuostlons and an swers, Mrs. O, V. Kesaclrlng. 11 05 Our now program, Mrs. Ida Wygant. 11 3"--Address, "Our Constitu tion, Its Ideals and Principles," Hon. Carl C. Magee. 13 00 N'oontldo prayer, Hev. J. V" Abel. Luncheon sorved by Central V. C. T. U. 1 ."a Huslness sosslon city fed er.vnn, Mrs. A. C. Bancroft pro siuini! : 30 Music, Mrs. Karnest B. C inton. leader. Devotlonals, Itcv. M K. Dutt 2 15--Address. "Law Knfnrn. ti.ent. Why? How?" Hon. CieorKO i: 3.15 -Open discussion. DISCUSS SUNDAY SCHOOL Offhvrs of First ITcsbjtpAan Church Hold Monthly Moc.Uiik. "Put. ins heart Into teaching" was the su JeU of tho Lalk given by Kcv Clarenco Campbell, a now earner in Tulsa, at tho monthly m- cunc of Sunday sch.iol teuchois nd officers In the First Pioiby. , lmrch Tuesday ovenlnir. Sup pep was served by the ladles of tho fifth division, with Mrs. C. F. Urunser as chairman. A new enrd system for chocking; up absent Sunday school pupllstwas asreed upon at tho general business session, after which tho officers and teachers of each department held twDarato meetings. The 100 Ulblo school student of the First I'resbyterlan church are enrolled In CO classes. There are separate superintendents and sec retarlcs In tho bIx different depart ments Many of these classes are provided with substituto teachers. A tearhcra' training course win held In tho fall and another Is contem plated In the noar future. CLAIMS PROPERTY DAMAGE Sure for $.-.,000 lleorfuso Oklahoma Union Hum Track Through Alloy Suit to recover damage of J5.000 ror Injury t0 Tuls.v city property, sustainid by tho plaintiff when the oefciidant company constructed an eiccirio railway track In tho rear or tho premises, was begun In dis trict court No. l yesterday by Jose phine Hutchison against the Okla homa inloit Hallway. Testimony iniroauced by tho plaintiff In court yesterday mcrnlng, but ut the opening of the afternoon session, demurer to the petition was ar rued by counsel for tho litigants. J tie case was continued to this morning The plaintiff, claims that In 1917. 'he railway company constructed IU lines in the alley in tho rear of prop ry described as lots 4 and 5, black 'irandview aqdltlon tri tho city of ulna, and theroby damaged tho Property to tho extent of $5,000. t. m. c. ..'Tivn uusions Italph O. Von Tliurii Was Ki-Tct. able Jxws to Tul.a Organlaitlon, The i-esignatlon of Itnlph O. Von rn. ixixuUvh secretary of the J1 V M. C. A., will take effect aj 'Jin as a successor is secuied, U ' unrouncd. Mr. Von Thurn will ko .mo business. Much regrot is cx prryr. at tho local association ut the ss ,j Von Thurn, who did val-J-a e work roth as a physical dlrt-c a-j as executive secretary. A '"kf r ji,uer of men wore recruited ir t ' M r. A. work through hi " I'urlng Mr, Huchncr's a- e as S.atn Mlrn -Inr fnr tlin nnitnil t' kt a work campaign he was In com rce cr.argo. Von Thurn cuine hero Jr ry, 1917. from the Mus..o. i e high school, whore he waa phys ical dinctor and coach. Huilty Mr,, j,xar Ojieii Shop, 1 J si rca, estate mun favor the ' p ip Hy a unanimous vote ' ) .bers of iho real estate cx ir Rr we"' on record as suppott- i. ' t reso'ution of the patriotic t'.i is ot labor, uhlch was orgari-- tr iho promotion of the open lrr .. ''"'eni. Laincnoon mept be held by the members . iiaiiBo every WCCK a naon r , P,4 x H.islness meetings wl.l '- to hen twice each month. '(."'i'J1 Tnlor nt Clpiiilcnnln . - idyior, ivno died at a leal i t 4 o'clock yostcrrtsy I - B ' "'irvlved by a w'fe Mr I . ,,r an1 o''" Infant son ! . r" ct 18,7 Su'h Uosi.on " father In-law. y. . T' w'm member of tljo i;. R Knights Templn of ttr .1, B, W. Va Th hod' will be uLrVrUI by ,ha Jlowbray Under "''Kit c:mpany. "THAT LITTLE GAME" VAWRKfl THREE STENOfi?iV MiIU ? V' BEEN IN MIS I nn w ... . ... , b posmoH l rrv, n m '111 iKER" WMi rSa5 j AW i nam 1 A PAIR OF RSh HOOKM -0A L--ll jj Financial Live Stock Shares Take Heavy Drop. SEW VOIUi. .Ian. 14 - Tho movement o( rrKei on Ihe i-torlc tarhsngs luday aa one of a.iiioat aisadj- relrRre ilon, proini nent aharea in the arloua ai'eculatito dl (orfeilmic three tu 10 iiinla under nionc conditloua and reporta that the lo ral federal reaerre bank might deem ll ad' viiable to order another adtance iu in tereit and dlarount ralea. Call loana fluetuated between 8 T" rent, the initial quoUlione to 15 per rent in the fioai hour. Virtually r.o loaua were re ported In the noney market, although 8', 4 per cent waa bid for raaturltiea Weakneu wai again marked in mla, roo tora, aleela and aaaociated iaauea. Khippinga. tobarco. food and teililo liauea alau tut (ered tubatantitl Impairment, but metala and a (c o( the nnr.aialfled apeeialllea were compartiTly firm, Kalea amounted to 1,17.1.000 ahares. The reaction In Ihe dock market extend ed to the bond Hat, Liberty iiiuca diaplay inn eaperlal weakneat on hery nlferinga Among International! the one airiking feature waa an advance of 1 pointa in Japaneae 4H per cent bonds. Total ealea, par value, were I15..150.000. New Tork Stocks, f?Alea In llundreda High I.0W 01 &24 130', 113 108 07 75 4 7 13.14 0S. 06 4 287 61 82 H 00 ItiOX loa-X .114 03i 129 U3 4 sm 31 20 4 88. 41S 814 203 49 4 13 187 3104 77 h 38 U fiij .15 108 4 23 ?-, 78 30i 110 314 19'2H 24 504 23 08 4 IS". 46 04 04 4 42 27 i 21 i 71 1104 10.14 7 'l2S 7.1 4 R9 4 214 55 1024 114 106 8 1214 BO 4 10.1 71 101 1264 104 1154 714 66 , 87 52 29 ; Cloia 01 53 136", 113 4 109 97 70 4 87 1334 93 4 07 267 61 82i 00 lOOJi 1094 .114 1144 120 4 93 4 541 354 204 3S 41 814 205 4 SO 134 187", Sit 4 77'. 38 4 78 00 f.S 1084 24 79 31 110 314 103 21 811 , 2.1 634 2.1. 4 70 40 9 4 911a 4.' Am. D. ffugar Am. Can. . . Am. O. F. 7 ti l a ec 10 10 'S4 138 1154 111H 77 t 88 135 4 041, 974 287 02 Ta 83 l 00 V, 102 115. 31H 1)6 130't Sl 30; 28 39'. 42i, 88 H 207 sh; 13 H i7; 317 78 39 S, 81 00 56 U 110H 24 i 81 S 31a 110 32V4 20.1 2I M 4 2S A. II & L. pfd Am. 1. trp, .136 Am. I,oco. . . . Am. Lintred . Am. 8 .t It. . Am. Purar .. Am. 8 Tob . Am. T T. . Am., Ton. ... Anae Copper . Atcblton All. C. L. . . . A O ft W. I. SO 27 . 3 23 38 10 3 17 u. n. it. c. u. c. c, c. c. c. c. c. c Iwjeo C77 li O 1M S. "ll" ...2.10 1'aeifie .... S4 Leather ... SI 4 0 3 M. ft St. P, K I i P.. I'opper V k t. ... I'dta Sleel 10 1 1 18 27 108 120 14 1 70 16 18 10 10 51 84 27 84 14 3 3 400 38 20 . 12 12 1.1 IS 47 36 141 IS C. tfugar .. Krle tlen Klectrlc . Geo. Itotora . O V ufd. . . . O N. Ore ctfa 0 S. Sleel ... Ill Central ... lnap Copper . 1 II. II. pfd. . Inter Nickel . Inter. Paper .. Kenn. Copper . I. US Mai, Motora , ilea. I'et; M. Copper ... M. rteel M. Tacifle . . . N Y. Central N Y i II. . . N. AW radfle . . , O C. (iai O. V. i K. ... I A. I'et . .. Penravlvania , l A- W Va. . . 89 26JI 117", 7!) U 47 x 01 42", 28 311, 114H 108 Va 7 "44 - 100 S 21 SSt, 105a; 11 "i 207 4 89 152 4 2!i 194 78 1094 130 1084 1134 76 87 i 87 i il 21 !7 4 K. Coo. Coppar S Heading 14 K I I V. ...S57 It. I) .V Y. ..288 H A. Line ... I 8. A. L pfd.. . . . O. It. .481 S -8 S k I . . IS S. Paelfir ...101 H Itailwav .. 14 IsT 1104- 1004 7 1134 42 4 74 4 09 4 21 51 102 4 114 19li 88 4 121 4 9ll4 103 71 104 4 128 4 104 1IS4 7.1 r.4 87 82 S 30 H ltailnay pfd SJ ! i orp . . Tean Copper Teae Co ... Tob I'dta . i:. Pacific . r s. n s. U. Krtiil .318 . 10 ..128 .. 84 . . IS . .102 v v r pdti. . 40 .183 .328 tt I A. . 8 Rubber H Bleed . 8 8 pfd .1060 S IS 7 copper Va t; v. . . W Pnlon W. Bie'trie .. 8 U Overland . . SI 30 Total aalea 1,218,500. 1 1) id Karma City Lire Stock. KAVVS CITY Jin 14 Hon It celpta 19 0no head market 33e higher, bulk 814 81(14 90 heaviea 14 7nif 114 9.1 iredlumi 14.8'a'18 0" an (Mlf(l rin gllfOMHOO lijhla Cailie Iteceipta 12,0 10 head mirkil ileilr to 2' h gher choice heavy ileri sie 7( 18 41 med om ll" lr- 'il4 4" commcn I-'-'OCrii IS choice lehu 12 75 Uaary kaak elllait antla II Huart Salve falli la laa mat. MM af ITCH. UZtM. 8I8C WSIM. TtTItK er alkar lllkiai nil ineaiev Try a 75avai eva at aer rtii. lav a. Citeia. 1U Saitl Mils. MARKETS i S Z3U i nan p. v.n,. ri-r-u' w. .f i .... I Ct 17 SO: roramnn tH3'"il2- butcher irr fr.. 'til! ,,.w. li, -,(,r t:i ',0: cannera 5 lK.i j ii.'i ralvea $1.1 iu(a Id ou : (eedera $8.00iStl8.-Ji. alockera $b J5(.( yheen Iteceirtt 4.000 head: market .iglier; lamtia i d.mwi..wi 4..S0(q U 2.S. brrritlnr roca t9.0014.JOi Ireiier .amtia JI4.SUW1V ii. Standard Oil Etoeki. Hlrandbtrt. MKlrcerjr i Co. Alked 81 12-1 280 680 40 150 HO 07 11.1 180 101 380 081) 277 360 391) 780 710 480 7h0 4.12 435 Anrlo-Amerlcan Oil Atlantic Refining . . Theaebrough Mfg. . Continental Oil . .. . CreacVnt pipe .... Cumberland Pipe . . Kureka Pipe Galena Kirnal com. Galena Signal pfd. Illlnola I'lne Indiana Pipe 29 . .1675 . . . 260 . .. 550 . . . 3.1 . .. 12S . .. 155 ... 94 ... 108 170 . .. 08 . .. 375 . .. G70 . .. 272 . .. .140 . .. 326 . . . 740 . .. 080 . .. 460 . .. 770 ... 418 . .. 425 Ohio Oil Prairie O Si O. ... l'ralrlt Pise South Penn Oil K. O. of California . . .'.'. O. ot Indiana ... 8. O of Kanaaa ... H. O. of Kentucky . . R O. of New Jeraey 8 O. of New York . Vacuum Oil Independent Oil Stocks, Btrandberc. SlcOreevy ft Co, Hid Aaked 34 8H H 74 I 1 3-10 15 16 1 409 412 7.14 74 9 o;i 1f ,, 4 4 4 1. 3 4 :i ; 135 111 SU ll 14 2 4 74 74 S4 G4 SO - 21 54 If) 24 14 34 1G8 170 34 V. 1 48 8. 87 9 4 0 4 8 4 0 t) 04 ti 8 4 4 12 4 .. . . 1 1 4 nr. ris 210 230 23 4 21 Atlantic Tctroleam ... Hoone .Oil Iloaton Wyomlnr (Iltlea Service com. . . Ciliea Service pfd. ... I Ooaden A Co. com. . . Coadeo A Co. pfd. , . , 'federal Oil Olenrsek Oil lloualon Oil ; I. land Oil Livlngaton Oil llagne Oil Marland Oil Meruit Oil Middle FMtea Oil ... Vldweat (III com. . . . Midweil Oil fd. ... llidweat Oil. Iteflnlng . Oklahoma 1'. ft It. ... Ok ruulaee P. ft H. . . . Ohio Cltlea (laa Pbillipa Petroleum . . Producera A ltcflneri Pennock Oil Sapuipa Iteflnlng ... Kvvoy Oil "eOOrh Oil Sinclair Cona Skelly Oil Teiaa Co Tidewater Oil While Kagl Cottomod OU. $KV YOHK .In 1 4 rottornct ij nil nhonftj a furifcer pn rpccsnon l-ly under rittril .ilujdttktn on tht wiak LATE Diath onlv n matter of short time Don't wait until pain9 nnd nchct become incurable diseases, avok painful consequences by takini GOLD MEDAL v1 fi?5j3mia3 Tba world's standard remedy for Icldna Hrar, bladder and uric acid troubles th National Remedy of Holland itnce 1691 Guaranteed. Three sizes, ell drugfrist Uk for the name Cold Medal on every be a ad accept DO Imitation Curl Hair Tins ,' af Keep ll Healthy It hta been found that the '."anonal oae of a harm.eaa and .neipe-ai.e fluid which dragglata know aa "n mrw" w.l! keen the atraighleal bur In cin perpet i uall; giving the appearance of true nai urameaa oeamea aeepmj i).. na.r ii"i and gloiaier than jaaiUe w-nb the heated iron The liquid may be appUel w i' a . ean tooth brnah, thia I eir g Irani through Ihe hair from crown to tip a-d a.lowed to dry over night In the mnrrtine, the hair v., in o-e ' fa!'y wav ad nrlmg a 1 a y aid looEel-r on ihe ' ead aa ' ai5 u on alder t we fare r' a . e i ad pm-i A few t et o' iq ) a e i ) 4at for uioniha ard iv i i tea y r- c fl la) lo Ihe cai- va ' a-ioi tie rii't -if Ihe healed irni It ccu'd le ge era y .dopled by b fair .I l ;.t ipot or d ico or aca'o or r nor -ave ary educcnl trcias ot itikiaet,Advt. When A Bluff rem In vnttiihi Ui.Of t CioM'ig irn welt. H t.i 12 1-vintl t.f lowrr v'j),t ltsAO barrrK tpnjrri S' 0 I'rinin rrii Js $2M0o ifetfn Prim turn tner olow .'nil J 1 Mari'li t:2lL. Mi) IS-' 40 .1 nl S-J 50 I'rimu whiter )ellow and kuinmrr while nomltiil. Rally Cotton Table. I'ort movement. Middling lleeeltita S'.l-a flock ? "Umb 41) 36 9I48C I.V.I'I 48808.1 294757 i tiaivealon . 4a a. Stl 00 40 00 Sl'li 21)12 ISIS .. . 481!) 3fiS 804 73S arm . . . r 1I0S 1810 253 !!!! I giooim -.. J,'"'1 25087 294811 Sr. 108 Wilininirton . 38.61 1 .60 81160 80901 iiVi 4750 4100 II I'M 61715 228S7 1472021 Iloalun 30 25 Philadelphia. 30 30 ew York . DU.ZS .... Minor tirta .... T'l today 307&0 T-l for wk , 1,118 10 T'l or an 4266907 Interior movement. Middling Iteeeipta Salci f-llKk lloualon 11 2.1 BM5.1 7 in 2t I'iBO 2889C3 1UI87A 8486 36KM 6421 I Mentphla .. Angutla ... St Iiull . Atlanta . . . l.lltle Itnck. Daliaa SInnliroluery. T'l today 40 00 39.75 41) SO 31 7.1 3fl 10 41.70 aa 26 4251 3000 2886 88 1 77.1 770 273 1384 2106 nsii 6074824 Liberty P.ond doling, NKW YOltK. Jan. 14. Final rrlcaa Liberty bond a today were: J -i, nu Plrat Ii Second 4a ... Pirat .14 a .. Second 44 . Third t'Ji Fourth 4 4a . Victorv 3 i a Victory I (is 02 80 91.22 93 78 91.80 OS 70 01 f 08 ,3 98.70 Chicago Live, Stock. ClilCtOO Jan 11 - Hoga Iteeelptj 24.000 . maiket 25e lo 40c higher . rloilng weak bulk 814 7Sft IS 00; lop1 flllo heavy 1 t 7'rrf I'. On, medium 814 for,. 1.1 (i , light 814 lOlt'f. 10. piga Jt3 K.uj 14 " Catt'e- Keeeipte 10 000 heal market i firm choice heavy ateera S 1 8 nu (V 19 " " medii"" !! "' ' " "uni"' efl not') Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of Ihouwnih rincc Dr. litlwartU produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. lidwards, a practictnit physician for 17 years and calomel's old-time rncmy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while trcatin? p.-iUeiits for chronic constipation and torpid livcra. Dr. lidwards' Olive Talilcts do not contain calomel, but a healing, Kxjthin vt'Kttablc laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of these little RURar-coated, olive-colored tab lets. They raua; tlic bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. I f you have a "dark brown mouth" lad breath a dull, tired feelinc mcIc lieariaclie torpid liver constipation, you'll find quick sure and pleaunt re t.ults from one or two of Dr. litlwaiuV Olive Tablets at ljcdtimc. Thousands take them every night iost lo keep rinht. '1 ry tiicxn. lUc and lc. RELIEVES, TIRED, 1 ACHING MUSCLES liny ll Ixittlt- or SIikiu'h I.liiliiiint ninl kc'ri ll lira ml - fur ciiM'rifi'ni')'. only hud auin Kloan'a Uni- l-rit'" HOW Ofllltl JiUl'VO K.ll'1 thin' And than wlx-n tho rln-u- 'rnatlc tliiK nul.sldt-'l -aifii-i hi.urH 'of Miffiriru- you forBui It' iJon't do i It utf.iln atel ii hull If IikIii)- for is ;!, uv IihiIkIiII A aiddt-n uita k 'limy cotrie. on aelatl. , liinihiKo. or niiie. lea. a'lff Jolnt lu-ui ,il(sln. I the. pains mid ached rraiililnic from I 'exposure You'll Ml" .11 !!!' it with I Slixu a. th'- Ilrilrnr-r, ih.i Hiiclrubi'8 tilllioiit rnlihliiK'. 3 ' .an Cider1-! o ( fin. err rioinlru: Thrci Mica ' .c . i , V 40 I ADIES 51000 riEHARD! la K0-afr I U thJr'- Co.lmind, lltUvalyiwa. acta eay greag . tafelr aTaeae aeoertll. 'ga I nvjaiooaiiraia. aeaorrnai eaaaa a Ito&eara 8iM"n eanar lrorr.w wHii vrwra. Va.lUuu.r- 1 n M. ixaillint. 'ibM, 1 1S.X. AlWIiJUiUtillUICtL LUUltin.114. , rem In cotton nrt for wnni of ISllilil Went Across j ttifi HM HAW tMORUSr ADOimC TO fC MlSUfl ' 1 1 50 : roi ami rliolrn Ilht tll.OOfiti is.'.o. nmiMo K 14 on i,uuiirr licit rr H ,'iOM 14 50. rurt f li .-i()t IS, . on nrrn IsnSitS.SO; ral rtltra il Ttidt is ml tuwlira io0ia .'iU. atockcra 17 aiCl0.iO. Chicago Price Ilanga. I.HIUAUIJ i. II. loday'a price Ilich Uir Clole l.BiV 1 ii. 1 li. ', 1 88 1 81 1 3UI, 1.82 4 1.8H 1.314 824 804 8IJ 70 4 7 1 i 76 rang Corn Jan ... May ... Jillt ... OaU )pen 1.86 4 1 l 1.3U May 804 714 Jill forV- Jan. ... 38 80 86 80 May ... 30 00 30.33 38 DO 89. 2S Lard May ... 21,80 31 00 24,70 21.77 July 25.13 26 00 23.03 Ititia May ... 20.40 20 47 20 32 20.17 Julr ... 2U.73 20 77 20.07 20.77 New York MetaL NEW YOHK, Jan. 14. 4pper; electrolytic apot add flret iiuarler 19 4 ig' iM'ia: aeeon.i ouarier iv v, m -.'.j. Iron ateady and unchanged. Antimony 10 37 4 Metal exchange iiuotea had ateady; apot and February 8 C2 4 bid. Poll aaked oulet. r.aal l-'l leiula delliery miI 9.1.1 bid II 23 aaked At liondon: Kpot ropper 120 7a 6d ; fu ttirea 122 17a l.d k.u Irul.tii- aiiut 11! 1 : future 125. Tin iHit, a77 17a C.I futurea of'''" 7 1" I'"t 7 H""ea 47 l.'.a. 1 '.'"e 7 li future! 69 10a Tort Worth Live Stock. fOKT WOKTII. Teaaa. Jan 14 Callle Itetcljili ,1,500 head, market aleady, beerea S9.00W 13.00. lloge Iteceipta 2 100 head. market ateady. heavy 1 1 4.75 (Tt 1 4 83. Hheep- Iteceipta none, market no tone, lerabe $IC f.O (it 18.00, Easy to Make This Pine Cough Remedy TJionnainda of fa.mlllea eweair by Its prouipl rraolte. Ineanlve, ad a re abeat It, Wl know Hint pine l tiled in nearly all prricrlptiona and reiuedira for cuuKha. The reaaon id that pine contains arirral necullnr eletnenln that have, a remarkable ellert In aoothlnK and lip.ilini; the incinbrarii-n of tlm am elicit, I'inri rouiili ayrupa nrc romhinalmna if pine and ayriip. The "jrrili" part a iisunll v plain miirnr ayriip To make Uie heel pine cnuch ri'incdv 'lint tiioney ran buy, put d'a nuni-es if I'iikx in n pint hottle, nnd fill up mth hninc-mile aucar a.ynii. fir you "Hn ue clarified molaiiee, liiim-y, or orn ayriip, uiatead of auimr ayriip. I)itln r way, you nmfce a. full pml - more than you can buy rrudy-iii.l.le fur tline tirn-n the money. It la puri', Rood and very plenannl ehllilren like it. You can frcl tliia tjkn hold (if a ouch tr cold in ft way that ineana liiisinet. The couch nuy l' dry, lioarae and tiirht, or may be prraial; ntly looae from the formution of nhleRm. TIicj railio I the HIM III lained mernhranei and this J'ineg and Syrup combination will atno It -iiaually in H hours or leia. Splembd, loo, for brnnrhial aathina. Iioaraen.-ea, ir any ordinary throat oilinent, I'uieg ii a hltflily coiicentraterl com pound of cenulne Norway pmo -Irart, and la famoui the world over for its prompt effect upon couirha beware of aiihitituti'i. Ak vimr droBitiat for "."i ounces of 1'iriig" with directions, nnd don't accept mv thing eje (iiMrantced to Rive almo. lnte eatiefartion or money refunded. Tlie) I'mcx (Ut., Kt. Wayne, IniL raaU3B'ti To Pre?ff Tako Hi MMXldTVa 1 99 Be sure you ct the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30e it i aaiTtiTT irrifMiii "niiir.r'iirr 11 REWARD TO RELATIVES MuiHW orfiiiil fur CuiHiiro of lliiuU Itl'lllll'IN Mllllcl III 11111111) of Otflivr KIIIihI nil Hill). Kluiinir her apiir'tiitln of th" rhr.K fin Jl.OOi) im-olM-il finin the I k litlniiii.i iitnhers' iiMSix'l.iitiiii, a li-t!"t w i ycelvod iilrily li Hln-r iff Jiittirxt Woollev frutn Mrs ful liiilliKhiiiii. nf Mnillll, ilAiiliii-r i-f . T 1 1. -.isle V, ilipinv sheriff. Kill-. I Si-l'l' tlll'lT 11, I till', llntllllt tt l.ial 1 1 with tlin roltlxirs who lielil up tin Hid I'mk Imtik lnnaile. fur )i irn n pniii-K nfflrer In OklHlioniit w i i n)h' pr-i-qiimnhly lay one if tile pi i- fmiu ril 1'iirK. 1 i 1 1 1 1 K 1h fn n In ii i n Ihe sin rlff'n ton nnd iin,aj ,if ilir tiiwn mill the rw.ipinH Minii, It li Tiin ninl Will win llciikei Tiiin wiaai fnlnlly w ouniloil iiiid linnUi'i mi cvrrly wiMinded tliui li. tuui nut yet etillisly r Cu ei i l A ir vui id of 50ft for Ihe rupture of Intik i.iIiIkm-h w rlnlmeil by Mirnfr viiillv nnil Ilia ilitutlm ninl throui'li the I'ffiitls of Ihe loeiil shsr trf's fini'o Ihe nvo rewwrdn. offered hv III.' slialei Imnki-rti' awm nation, were Iimii.'iI oor to lbs diiutiMer of the ileml officer for Ihe benefit 01 berrietf ninl Iht Bared mother SmiI Mi-s. IPili'iiiniiV IIimI d Mn. The of Mrs llllrslieili M UnliTiuin i,9 y.'Srs old. who illed Hi ll lo. nl hoepltnl Tiiesd, wns ent to Not. 1. 1 i. Mo., for burlHl lt ulatlit by till' Mowlimy I'tidfrtnkliiit nun putiv sin- Is survived by Iwn sons, one dniiKbler sn.l one atrmul-ilniiMli-tor The ."Otis nro Odn I. ll.itnliiiin "f Tlnii rilnjiiiii, Kan., a tut Robert A. Ilateineiii of NevHiln. Mo Mrs Olisib-K nn. I Mlsw Doris KlrutiHs of Hkiiic.i.k liklri. lire the iliiuiillter riri.l itiiiiiil-itiuiKlil"r. Ilolil Mrs. Unit 1"iiiii'ImI 'hiilii). The funernl of Mrs J ,1. IjimIt. tris Son'h Mnln, will be held lit Mm l'lrsl Melluiillst Kplsc opul church tills llflertloon nl 3 30 o'clock. Illir Inl will l' iiuidi. In lt"i Hill inmn terj. Mrs Ijintr. w nirvlveil by thro dHURlilers mid two sons, nil of Tulsn WARNING la teaalei ttnr bc.iti rilulif ilo net ; rwm9 ai.i i irn li waaaeninc iirraiif.a I or lalnoal Jalallna J'nl trr K060LAXI I atfa. t .(U wl.i'lwonie and tfll firtl'val obtalnar a al tijiv .lautlaii. a?.rp ViVra. Karalaa la r- .ef '.r nt t alliaenla. Inelit.lln i nnilli allaii h..4..k.. I.m I aaalU. l.alahlaD. . Iiearll'.irii I ittild lhar. Llil braalli nrrf' u.liaM i.i(h a, Indtrra. I ueu, . i. i I and i ?' , dallaaia. MenVeml'lir Quaker Drug Co O i' Yoiink man Youiikme'i Iirng Co Advt Oklaliom.'i Hospital Hervlen Conalala of In. fireproof building arranged for a purpnae 2ud. Slodern and complete equipment tinder one ronf. 8rd. Character eaperietice and aa la II of attendant! , I)r Kred H Clinton rrealdeot. Mlaa II 0 Xlegeler, It. X Huperlnlendenl, I,. II. Carlrlon Ilr l.ylle Atherton lleal.lent t'byalclana Ninth an,j Jeehann ritreell l'bone Oaage S030 fSUSINESS CARDS ki:i: katz unit u. .Motmi; New Ioilloi. 10 Weal Tlilnl. I'lioiin I73 THE CIIILIJHHN'S DAY . NUnSICUY 717 mii'tii ciii:vi:n..: imioni: ions Children Cm i d for Durlnir. Working or Hlioppini; llouri. Annn McDonald, D. C. ( Illlt)l'Jt.Uvl)lt ISpltio hlH'idnllHl I'lilmrr (ititiliiuto Office Ifniii a. -j t ij, j t0 5 till Sci'iirtlr IIiiIMIiiic t'-:i2'J Ken ; O 748 Office 11mm mid Hun by Appointment STANLEY C. EDM 1STER I.AWVKII C0I-C02 Kennedy riulldtni; I'HONKHi Office 1391 Hcaldonce MM .11. A. llrri'Lrni lili:( Iao Dunlcl f'lius It. llirtlliU iiAv orricisa Brc'clcinri(l;o, Hostick & Dnnicl i:i-lianeo Nnllonul llnriU IlulldlnR I'lliilM) Osnei" "1". Tillaa, Oltlrt. SEIIVICE GOOD WORK Up-to-Dalc Cleaners Courteous Treatment Thone Osuyc 2GC9 DR. ARTHUR CAMPIJELL BVH, IiA. NOHH, THItOAT SpeciuliHt Catarrhal Dnafneaa Treated with very aiilafactory reauli. 737 MAYO IIUIUJINtl, TUI'1A DR. H. J. CONWAY ()itMiitlilr, I'liyilrlau !01 Dun n l Itldif. fiff i. e I'h. nr i t 1ar ?? ne osace 1544 Ihtia tiny WMll ... .......1. B.i.. l-A of UcjiJi C btti er CA l"Jtt 81,180 f?!l lit LltVIS n (MltiVl 24 HC'J thi v ' nr eiUIKt ith OjI (:-:nver.ifs;a. r try a '-vvT'ifi I 1 1 JJ81?1IL dm skAnm "from Foot ram tor rropcrty on South Main Street J A Itiiss priwlilenl of furnl tiito culMi.ilil.-v in Muski'Kxe, Aid more itinl (ikliilioiiui flly, Ima iniri'lins.'.l tho proporty nl 81.1 Htoith Main, now oreiiplnil tv tb DoilaTi' Motor i onipmiy. Tim prop erty bus ii frotiliiKP of 100 fe-oi ninl tho Sfils prlpo Is Hlven nt 1100. ooo. J. IS t'onden w.lm the former own er. 15. T. Herri, sun In-Utw of Mr. Itnm, In preen. lent of iln. );i. I Motor rompiioy, Jli'l It Is pr.'nine.l I IbHt the IiiiiIiIIiii; mil ,-,itiiiiiin to lie till) home of Ibis criinpitiiy Ai,i,i-iii:ii I'iioi'auasii TiiNi r.l.Tlrli l.liis aworl 'I hot Hull o liili'tilliin or Asking Hike. Tulsa lot Hi No 1,8 4, I. i, I; V , nil ii ineoilnK lii I'nrpi nleis hull I. mi night npproved a iptaoliiMoti ndopinl J by iho ii. iiitlve honril of Hie oiKitnl mtloll whleb flnlly iti'iileil lepoiis III Imitation Hist tlin elev-lrl. inns were soon to nsk mi Inrronso in wiiires Tho renolnlloii ntntod tlin t the e. . tilonl uorkerM were l u I.wm I., ml InrnlMlliI Ihe Dilative, of lllli'Hi'.l prop i Killnlii lliul the union would N.1..11 .i-i, n now uiiKo wnlo wiib blither H Htnl shorter hours It Is the ili-n're IF YOUR EARS RING WITH NOISES IN HEAD If v! hate roaring, tiiirilng i.olara In your eara, ate gelling hard of bear lug and fear Catarrhal I'eefne.a go Ut ynnr drugglat and get one ounce of Parmlnl iilunble atrenglh) and add to It one fourth tilnt nf lint water and a lllllo granulated a.igar Take tuie tabli'aKnfut four llmea a day I'M a will often bring quick relief from lb dlarreeatng liead nnl'lia Glngied nollrlli ahoul.l open, breath Ing become eaay and the iniicua alop dropping Into the throat fl la eny to prepare eoala 111 I lei and la pleaa ent to take Anyone who hev Ca tarrhal Iron hi ci I the eara, la hard of hearing or baa bead riolaea ahuuld give litis prescription a trial -Advt. Barber Gives Recipe for Gray Hair .Mr. A. J'2. O'Hrlon, who linn been n Imrbor III Now York tdty for liiiiny yearn, mndn t ho followlni; stiitc iiiclit: "flmy, nltcukrd or fiidrid hair tvip Irn liiuiKidlutnly in ml.i hltalk, hrown or llitlit brown, wliblinver Hhndu you tloelre, hy the iihq of tho following miiirdy that you cum nuako Al Imiiio: ".Mi-rely Ret a hog of Orlox powdor nt nuy ilniK atorc It iiOhU xory lllllo nnd no oxtrnri tn buy lilnmilvti It In 4 oz. of illntlllrxl or mill wntnr uiul coinh ll tliroiiKli tbn bnlr. Full llriiutlonii for nan mid n eold bond Kunrunlnei rontn In ixinli ling. Una box will lift you for uioiitliH, "II In wife), do-8 not rub off. In not fluffy. It will inaltei a RTny-hulrcd fluffy. It wll liiiiiko ii Kriiy-lilrod petKott look JO ynarH younitur." Advt HFI PI rFllA (Tfktycrio rVrkrpttm Get a Full Count Y Oil nro Hiippoa'.il In be counted wbcro you llvo and not where you work When Ibo cenaua tukor oalln at your Hwldcncn pleiino glvn nil tho Informal-Ion naked. It It Ik ncceiwury lo Icavo a iie8tlon blank for hoiiii int-mbor of the family to fill out, make It your bUNlncm lo eico that thk blank la filled out no tbat thn cpiihiih Uiker can get tt on hla mixt vlalt Tho ccnmis taker la authnryxl by the Unltml HtaHw tcovurninnnt to R't this Information. Vour rufuaal to give aiama makiji you liable) undsr tha law. Be patriotic, boost Tulsa. Help the Census Taker get a full count. of Hn- iin .in i le. rt. inns deny Min nn. k .1 Hi.n. i ii i n 'i ii ' oiurii' lur iiiua ill" workiii would soon ruilt nioro pu.l, the rnsolnllon sss. rind ItiiUi' t'iili In AiIiIi-i-h iiiolMH. JudKe liedmnml S i'iih rf 'lii ilastrlel', will li" the prliiilliil spsuker nt 'lie TuM'i iilOltiobnO eluli liitioheon st llnl.l Tulsa l-'rl 'In v noun, iioln. v Iii iij I., en llislled to tiiemlieis In 'hut i . vesier.lsy. I, lino !nthr'v"-I ll r of llici nssoi-lntli'l' l pur il n nn on ihe netv 1 t- ' iv ni 1 oilier IMeri'S'lnsT fe.l'lir.'. i .- p; . i . t-'l ,it Iho lii'i.-heon For Middle-Aged-" Men and Women ll ian't slwsyi on-cotntn old at. tlint cnuici men end women In Ihe middle yrsti nf life to (low up and feel n Ion of smbllion sml cnery Weal of illiorilctcd Vldncya do not filler wane iiiellrrsnil linriutlllca nut ol the lilixnt sa ttiry alioulJ, sndbsck die, liietl frclini,, lamenrai, at iff jolnla, inre inuaclca, ilieumnlle palni, I'llioiiitirii, Ittltation nf the lilflil.lrt, ptifliiKis iituler (he rjca or other yniptoiu or niliutnl nppcsia. Sltr. WAS RKIATLY UENF.nTtD "I laal ae milih belter lhan I did bafere I al Falev Kulnar I'llla. They ala fcae end fau mar ua my riaaiein yeur advarllaeteent. ni ala.1 l.i baloy'iu aa yaur medkina balpM nia llaallr I truly befa auitia no elaa wbe eaada it wtllet aomaot VAurniedlcme. Your Kldnay I'llla era wendalful. I rannet thank yau anetiib far lham ' Laula Pally, 1540 Iwiiia M . Aalmla Ga. Foley Kidney Pills alrcnfllicn llie kldneya, ellmulale the bladder and tone up trie liver. 1 bey help the kklncva re move the accumu lated poiioni nnd eontlic und bra) the paiiagci. When Ilia kldneya and utlnaiy (tact are. doln llirit wotk petlcclly.llie whole ayilcmlalxncfilcd and minted to lirallh and altcojjlh. Why aulfer when a reliable remedy can be ao cully had? - SOU) BY Alili !IU'(.(.1STH. STOMACH 0. K. Iiuliccstion, Acidity, Sourness anil Cases ended with "1'ape'slJlapepsln" Mllllllllll liC fioCltlln Irtlli.u lliul 11 .J iieoillivti io lm botbvrcd with lnd. Rcatlon, dyapepata nr u disordered; alutiuieli. A fow tiihlota of l'nnc' liliipepnln iinu trnllxo acidity and uUeV rnllMf nt nn,'. -' Wllfitl Vtill lilAitlu ilnn'l nt n n ,1 ...... i irrii liiioiiriiioriuiiie, wncn you iiricii;, ncliln or rnlHo nuur, iiii'llaoatoil' footl When ou feed Iuiiiph of IndU H.allnn ..iai,, t, .n r I lm r.t rt Iia.,)..!... f nun ncldlt'y, Jimt ent n tnhlet oh I'upn'a )liiir,ielii and the atomaoli illelroHj. Im trntin. M 'hn cuhI Ii iO Httln. Tho Vnnefll s1 an Kront rou, mo, win no n umpep- am ontnualnal ufmrwartlu.Advt. .A a ' 1