OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, February 15, 1920, FINAL EDITION, SECTION C, Image 44

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-02-15/ed-1/seq-44/

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California Greatly Impressed maxwells popular oasol,ne street
' Henri lunl'i l'nipiiil
7Wsa Made Inner Tabes
I r put I., o u ir l ttU Utcn strict , Uuropo la crying for fats Uanli.i l.MXM'ound Hog iirtn
lliyil) Sale r Minwrll nr Imtl-crili-M
'Die) Am Awuimlng
.'mv I'lipiilarll).
Arrlvnl of M. ' Hale prnl'Ie-nt here
of the, 11. H. Compression Itmrr Tube, As it mniiII rf hi irii to thn '
tmnpatiy, In IOs Atiels last urek clfle. roust, Air. Ilnl lm ben Ki'nt
mtijnslfleil tlin Interest In southern ly impieir. ii ihr Intetest In the
flllfornlft In pliinn of f It n Tilliui Incsl prnjei i manifested tiy prntnl
Rubtwr corporation nf u Mi? brnncli niml business men In Ixw AtiKejes
unit in IIimI section of tils country , nnd other clips. Offers nf sites lor
fffrl of .-h.inibers of mum-,''' fu. lory In some nf these cities
In ,...-,,... .ulaa i. r r.i riirwl fnr lllivc III nn mnue in sir ni
Tin- Miitwrtl In surely coming Into
Henri lunl's l'nipiiil Mil J lit'
dnpKil In Di'lroll Skhi.
DBTItOIT, .ln II -Major
.ImtiKi i'ouen luis iiskcd the coin
won oun il to place before Mi
tenters at tho plncllnn on April & u
prtirxioal for a 11R.OO0.00O bond
Issue for Oho construction of a. mil
series i.f metlrm with Mi II. lie
facilitate, tin- selection of th si'"
for the new plant KollowltiK Mr
(bile's Initial ronfercnie with Arthur
0, Arnolil, inonimrr of the Industrial
board of the chamber of ciimmore
.n l.os Angeles, tho tiMwsiapeni In
h! I'lly published stories whuul lint
Tulsa factory and the pnnclurc
nrnof till. in to In- manufactured
Its own. tf lh" reports of the 'n'"i iclpally owned and oprate utrret
Motor comtisiy unn ho taken km n rsilwsy system. Mayor i"iu.tis In
criterion. Thin mthr pirpiilar nnd hopeful, tr the bond Issue voter),
i.ffn-tent motor cr hn bMin wllln 0f iinlntr the l'ord Bnollnn Htri-vt
like the trnve.rblnl "hot rl" ilnr- Uur. whlrh he entil wouhl reduce th
liiK tin- . ."it few week fln.l hunilr"1n 1 runt of emnpiiient .'0 pr cent mil
me In 'ii driven by the folkn who.ohvli the, iietewiltv of poer
. pre Inti' .1 rem light wil(fht, plrtii
miiiillf n ion niKe 'em, eomrirt
uble ami iwfe motor ear.
The f.u.1 In. the Manwell In Mil net
to intrv full wetHh' The fan thii 11
I'ber.. lii no diiitht that (lifornl
unn rernRiilgp im mrlt of mir tube '
Mr llnle wrote offlciMln of the
'I'tilm offu-a of Ih rompunv tn lb"
l..,ll.lln. " lll.lnaa t.illi tit llll
tube indlliile tb.l the entire output j' a loth! r doe, not mmn Dm, It I
of il rillforn'n PUnt Wotilit lie up
norbeil iu r.ipldly an the produi la
flfttild In it.anufiiettire.l on the !
I'tflC I o.ltl
Problem of Efficient Car
Operation Believed Solved
II. MisHivmwIiI In .Mnilu Mnruutrr
of TnNi Oillifrn li Veti-rmi
Aiiluiiiobllo Man,
Snnuwnt einent mmle of the up.
t li.
lilrriinn l.-i l H Tin im.i.ii n. n.. i. if, I
f effbdi-nt niomr . .ir ,.p. i.iii. i mi 'iri urn .i rt .i in .n.
prraent day fiiLlw h.i ihk-ii noln-d by , t, ,, v.-l..iiin; the fiu-lui i Mi
the liivenlli.n "f mi .ippli. .iti"ii Wool on worki.l o.i ihe kIisi ol .hi
doe, not met the reipilrMnenta d
niaiided for owrrylnB full panaenner ,
welht The lourlnK' mr will ro-ry
the mime, welsht an five or een- ,
tmam'tiKer rar will of an otner 1 ,,ij,m..iii .if c it Mi'itnvnoliN.
make mi matter how heavy ihe nthiir whr inerrhnndMnK oxpcrlenr.'
ear in. ilnt en htwk ovur a period of yir
rni i point mat ine nmiin immiKiT i io" i--,ti .'.."i .m
Motor mnpuny la playnnK up
alrnnK In nil tj. Ir nrinotinoetiienle
lliwlilen txMnpt car of BWiimmy.
both a, to prh) Mid fur iwvlo,.
II In nioHt .iniflrtl.le iimj extrewo-
n.if. It In nilnu" ihe iiaiml
"kit k . .mil a rar for .the entire
f.iinil i .rt irv iiipeitllrif
imny. Mr Mclleyjioiiia took ennrge
I'Mininrv I.
I'nr yot Mr. Moltnynold w
Identlflod with the eilee orRiinlu
llon of the tnternntloiml llarveidcr
company In Illlnola, tndlnnn. and
Iowh. He tome to Tulni fro:n
r"iretion. III. where ie w.m trade
' n anuaftr fnr tlhf M'nvrr matiuftfc-
Tln 8inltb Motor lomp.im report . Uirnf: ,v ;nnine i-o
th. l.uiceai iHinlneea In the hintorj I il-'.uim1 nf i,iH tiroad exoerlencc
!,,,,,,. ... 1 1... i,, .li.., i rinm I.. ........ i, 1. 1 1 ..ii.-.n, in i. .1 ihe or l III" ii rRiiniaa.no n huh apiniee ir M,.tevtin i n iwrf rulnr v well
'ill. J. fl V'lni-eiit vli'e pri-Hl'li'iit of , ,,,Kr,. ,,, T'h. uppllHiii e doe, I '"Hli " to the letull ami whol.4le nuallfled to hundle the !iulrw of
the IMi:knrd Motor ttr lonipanv n. Hiitornutlimllv without In imtroiiajir Criidiiiitloii. in.., Kt 'he th Nenl Motor rompany. Il la n
"It w nn Invention tlmt may revo
hillimlr.e Ihn tnulor tmr Itidtintrv by
nMikliiE even low icrndn fuel even
........ .1111 I I..1 ..UlUllllll. U.
.im iiali.Lr ln,luvM uiil Cillrtnel Vlll , Tho fni'lUi r ioti,tota nf a email ' iltiull t.o many kiiiIIIiik and luipp
. u.n ii r.l-u.ii..iiv .l.,i iwv n tip I em en la I y i i h u t el i if iil . perona in Tiilan. and vnlnlty for
with eiirlionlwitloii or tne mmm
vnlvln, a rtnttle movlim part, mid 1 f'tory baa lieen ahol up u few atrntifr believer In eervlno anil hi
(..iiiiri. nn ,. , I ini 111 iii i llDtclin, mill Mr mlth di Hnri tlmt Irtivm na to a eompany otltuntlin
riipnria no .lojnniiiMwii , . ..., n, .nila far ' ... .u. .....i. .... i..,l ...
the efamill If tilt fie true, there jlo-r experience with the In. fun
I lliirveMler cimimtiy where
t onti'iilM of niclli r.
IiiUi Mitt llln'rllnilor Hi-tnrui from
Tour of lnpiiliin Si-iw
AtilomolilUi hliouiH.
I" I'. Kcott. munnRcr of the Ked-
rui .Motor company ntiH recently re
turned from n tour of limpei'tloii. !
takliiK In the HIHtj far-tory ie a ImkIk
.hli thin making both the Chlnifio
ar.i K.iriMin city how Wnlle op
the 'rip Mr H.'-olt avmllatrd .1 Kreat
deal of enlhiil.ini. which of coure,
1 1 1. 'ill that be I all eel, to UIK en
l. r .imtitKly of the new riluiz,
Declarlnu emphnllnUly thai the
"tut, cupttirnii all lioiiora at the mo
tor oar fthowx, ho brlnK forth ev
ithI perfeet HiKUmunU to KUbiiMn
tl.uo bl contention. lie utatr th.ii
n. ..re people are becoming motor or
wwe dully, and iho fnct tint Ihr
.wiiii I training In wile, mean but
nn- thlnK, And that l that the wlac
tiiotorlUa lire HtiiidardlxltiB on thl
.i imlar and miner uinionlltin auto
molille. Thl condition In the matter of
fluty, buvttiv not alone confined to
tne Inrg-er cMen, but even In the
.imaller town people are flnillnp It
economical to make Mm flutz their
prldo and finding It economical In
the ond "It 1 "trui-, six M
fcott, "that people thr.iuKhout
America nre waking Up to the fart
that the. high grade ee ) iir big
Idea. Tho purohuse prlc la soon fo.
molten In the great amount of pleas
ure one drivoM trnm owning ruling
and driving n Hint. The elimination
of motor our ev Mi. too, I a feut un
to he cntwlilered, for when a motor
car I built fiom 'he ground on up.
an, op.lv In -t in itinr .l-ai rir
tcrnomv tan r.urely be prar tired
Mr, Kcott expect n heavy do
mnid for the KtuU during the com
ing mion.
IiitnMi lluttor hhlpixil Here,
fly Intirottlontl Ntwi HrTle,
NBW YOItK, lfeb. H. While
butter In being Bhlppod Into tho Ncm
York market for the. flrnt time In
five yearn. The first shipment of
1 12,000 pound arrived from Copen-j
hagen two weekx ago and It hag
been followed by another uhlpment
ol itifiBU puunua, Willi hioli un mu mrujiureu iivo xtct !-u
way. I tip to tip.
pr., e for a ling w JS t
W' I'errln, fariHc-.
when ho gave r.n,.
alngle purkei. The .
ling ami weigh 1
3. ,4
' i fro.
A Perfect Dry Spring Lubricnnt for Automobiles nnd Trucks
" -
Which I, all evil Unit fligltiier Iihvij
bom i fighting for eam '
The flrnt niinnuncetiienl of the in
entloti wim mmle tit u n-renl m--Hlon
of the Hoclely of Autoruollve
ICnalnMira, of which Colonel Vlii
. irnl I prealdent. and I mid to
ho lircn the eeuMilliiu of the meet.
Ing Th" fuelliter forniH p.irt nf the
burning nhamber wher, the ga I ihe owiiliiH of a Maxwell I aoine
from Iho little carburntor I liurneil (thing to he dtwlreil, right along
The chamber I eiliinteil In the ln-,a,ut ntiw
Inke manifold. When the gii rnlera j
II 1 Ignited by i legulatlon apark i K,., ;mploii- llli-h.
plug, ii nd paaaea Into the freh ( AI.MIil'A 'il. I'eli II -Albert
elw.rae ir.illie ftolll the ml bill etor tn i t ,L.r,.,n ..l.l in u. fhn ..I.I...I riol.l
Ihe et Under The licit of Ihe burnt ,.,., u iw i i. In tn. lined elope- on the pari of Iho puhlie
go eliltligi-a the wet. poorly OHrhU Ulialre urmt .11. -I I.ele i.i.l.n age, I .-onfldenee in nil orgrftil.atlon tjiut
r.,i..il mixture ton drv vrninr. which I 7" II.. win Ik- h.n.l ii linutuii '"l" be foiirfd " rei.ilued In no
tb-re v. -e in.if v dlatlnct line lo
lke care of
"The value of real service, from
the atainlpolnt of the merchant car
not poMlhly be. uver-entlmaJeil," n)H
Mr Mrltevnolda. "for with a firm
eervlre policy which protetitM ihe
Iti'enitia of tho ciiHtomer there de
nxplodeN with full effli Infii'v when II i ..i
'Hrlitiri llon ayalem of lh i tigliie ll'. 1....1 ..tr i. n... 1...
purpoHo la to nupply hat to Hie I .. .
-1... .1. ......1..- .1.,. ...i...... 1 1.,. 1 1 cyni'i r
o hcr wv
chnrgn, i-hniiRlng the inlMiire that
I'limea from the carburetor Into 11
dry Mipur, readily and fulli expln
le In the cn llnilerH. Ita lii'linii I
alllnitwtlcally 1 capoiiKli e to the neeila
of ihe engine. Th" npplliiiiue wan
daviilopdl by K M W'onleon III Ihe
experimental lulioriilnrlo of thn
I'aeknrd Motor Cur cunipauy
Aiiriw I'.trli'li-nl l'irloriii;iiiii-.
"TI10 Invention clem tint wnv for
v,ir nlleiid." i-iya fToloncI Vincent.
'The fuel ultoutlijii. dun In U111 cnor
moil (ixp.iiixlim nf the oiitoiiiiilille
industry. Ihin become aerloim. Tin
fnollcr not only nueure efficient
pet fornutnee mi prem-nt-diiy fuel,
hut H give inwirnncn to inolnr i-nr
owner .igillimt illfllcilllle which Hie
future Pia In lug It hna been i ccug
nlxed bv engineer thut Ihe eolutlon
"The appliance online the etiliie ,
charge to be exploded doing awiiv
with - itbnnUIng ln-i ,iu" the k.i
eene lllnl Klmlhll' I'-hh '. ol.illl,. n, H
ler I l.uriicd. A Iho, II pieveut 1I1I11
I Inn nf the oil In Ihe cm ok tunc
Another adiiilihige I that the in
glue, holng aupplli'd with 11 IliMtr.l
hsrge liiat.mlly on .-riinking t.
leiidv for high gear woi k u gaidli
uf the weather '
liuidon Again Look Willi huiir mu!
th.' (lid Tp- Mi'iulgcnr.
I.ONI)tN'. I eh 14 The mill 11.1
which In dm gone hv w.m the "'
if the find piolilem wan to lie round x rntI1.11 and Inevitable headgc.ir of J
In the proper itirburclloii of avail
able fuel, lather limn any radical
ihnugii In engine delgn. Vurloun
delcwi lmvo beep tiaed for breaking
up Ihe wet mixture 11 II p.ihhim)
from the i-aihuretor to the oUmler.
hut they have been only moderately
rucciHiMtul. The monl comtunn device
the tn) kI newt man of inn xtaiiilliig
all, I creeping bark Hut l.oudo
revolt ngaliiKt pte wiir c'luveiillmi
In another direction
Dinner Jacket. urtilalU b.uc been
(.ecu, 11 'half ilo.en or inorc nf tlirm
at imi'lal function In mtch exel ielM
idaceji n Irfuidonderry hntiae A few
Come to Kansas City for the
.Fifth Annual,
National Tractor SKow
Kansas City, Feb. 16-21, 1920,
i'Trnctor Center of the World A
Under Direction of Kama
City Tractor Club
, ArrMofEltilblllt
Tha Crteit F.nt nl th Tw.
Till thtv
3 ixiiiiiiiiiH
Satl Ut MikMSMi by Sid.
400 niffrnt F.ihlbll.i Traelon, Tr
tor AcceorI INnrar Farmtn,
Sti-et Your Tract r at thla
T IKE ridinp; UtrouRh the air! "SprinKlifc," the perfect dry spriiij; lubn ,i
L automobiles and truckfi, eliminates spring squeaks; .lubricates perfcctl .
loaf; given each leaf an equal and full part of shock absorption; takes thi- m I
jolt out of your car; saves tires by reducing the pound weight of your tar,
vents spring breakage; assures better traction, and virtually "makes rt i v
'hone Cedar 106
i a
I Phone Cedar 106 416 South Homdcr
i MmAj
1 1 IK been the rxltlltlHt heated IntuK.. I veani Tbito men mlulit well h ive tin
.vhleh NUpplled the greatcnt bent to turned hark from any nnrlety door at
Ihn charge at n tlmo when bent wnH linprnperh drcMird If ihev came i'
Ic ihe ileiiled nnl n iiilulmiim whcnlHred m anlhlu but drctw nn
Is not
confined to
Tu Is a :p avem ents
JFc have always known this. Recent official demonstration trips made
by ts, to Sapulpa, Kiefer and Jenks have positively proved to the
"Doubting Thomas" that MfLBURN Electrics provide a mode of
luxurious travel between Tulsa and neighboring towns within a radius
of 25 miles.
Powerful Batteries Light IV eight Make
Higher Speed and Longer Mileage Possible
Spring Suspension Make Country Roads a Pleasure
Can Wc Show You? Let Us Drive You to Sapulpa.
Bottom Bros. Motor Company
lown cUular r4,tlof anrt Untlnfi.
wlntlAhlelil Not the craccful Ur
hfb it p u tmritnne nin mtrri
nn Mnr Iim pnnK ttfiif (lAtltlc J with
cnricil lm i r
i lift nw 1 ,iin",ti ut uinnm.io (otgli
ij: nit (on nnd UiUttni; lit h with
il I in met
( W tl c
f nitp
r ie r All win-
KhfiwltiB th Btunly construction of thi
rear 4x1' and prewtil tcl, chnnl
frm Voifl tho ritr Ur;e braVe
1rum amt long trrlOKi.
Beauty and Durability Combined
-All the Desired Conveniences
and Comfort Features
In designing and building the now TULSA, nothing has
been overlooked that would add to the beauty, strength,
comfoi-t and convenience of this remarkable car. Every
unit is standard. Every little detail is in keeping with
the latest trend of motor car fashion. New ideas every
where refinements and specifications such as am
found in the most expensive cars.
With It pleaxtnc beveled llneg, rich Kln-nx-flnlfch.
graceful lop, 'aluntln; wlndnhlold
nnd full crown fender; the TUlSA will
commnnd admiration on any boulcmrd.
Tito curtains, equipped wltll llft-ths-dilt
faMtcners, ettap Into plaen quickly open
ind cloo with tho doom. The' heavy
plato claw -window In tho rear curtain
is securely brnccd lo provont wigKiiiii.
liable us you lnk down Into the dc-ji,
luxurious scats, yotl arc linprciweil with
' thn unusual comfort and rixunlneKa. Thn
bach anil ciialilonH lmvo Ju?t tho right
Your hand fall natually to thn wheel.
All tho buttons, switches! und throttles
ro most conveniently urrangod. atecr
Inu. Rear shifting, operutlns the clutch
and brakoa aro nccompllehed with per
fect, case.
The Krepch pleated uph-ilf. r
mounted on thofamoup .Marshal
fprlne. amply padded with curie 1 i
which 'in conjunction with the Inns
lent vniiAflliim sprtni? absorb th.- H
shocks and Jars.'
The new Connecticut nutomatn' i. "
and--llplitlnK witch in moun'rd ..e
dnslt, at your finder tlp.s. This -kick
ltlf "off Iho liiinul.- cur i '
hciiiK wauled. It's inou ili.tn hun.i'
tnjvor forgt'ts.
The Miller Carburntor it cntir.
mutir in ncllon no adjust men " n
or dcllcato parts lo tret out cf ''
will not choko tho engine, no m i r
HUddonly tho thtottlo la opened
Thcen nro only a tn of the many o"
fcatiiros. refinements and improver
In the TUIA'that you will anpr.
when you see Jt or better dn- r
Touring Cur RoadsterOil Field Special
DEALERS: Some Kood territory for the TULSA is yet
available. Wire or write for the complete, details of our
attractive dealer proposition.
Fred Shaw Motor Corp n
Curtis & Chamberlain
702 S. Main St. Phone Osage 46 1 7
619 South Boulder
Phone Osage 129S

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