OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, February 15, 1920, FINAL EDITION, SECTION C, Image 51

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-02-15/ed-1/seq-51/

What is OCR?

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bto Oil Fields )
7y ' ""M ritUCfcUINCI l'AUK.
,c lltlli- oily up In the
, iprtHlnly l worth
' wc i an irwllt tho atitto-
i .. ii fiiilf ,1? Mm!
s.l . ii In TuKi on buslnoss
. ..... i. HO, ll.fll'tttt IlllV
I , iirocUlm tlio merlin
1 -i).
n henrlpR u great deal
,,f ' itc an It Kcenis to he
: , it nt tin OH.IrfP. Tho
J is the .linut prmltietlvu
. icr.i fl"M ill northern
,nd iiitorilliit? to latest
t irdiy
!tn'"" . ,.,,, rnnftrfs It nvnsl
HIM " ". " -i." . 1... I
.nh tin ' p y IH'f'1 Muriiiuin-u iinu
. r nit vi i onu vi wv nwuvni.
Z!t M niu-homa Oil company
1,1 , . well just north of the
ii wi-i'c nnd utruck 7,000.-
,,,.! , l IS ncioro rriu-iuns; hip
r!ri (Ii i
trn ' i
lis M II'
In ' '
,.( Kll"
fiwi, h
,. i.i
. ''' 1 '
, v.
. .incl
l, io "
rif '
I I'.'
, ii. r
I- f i
Another toM well In
, i it the William (iilill-
.,! town titid tho I'nilrio
nnilutn urn drllllni; to
Mvp orlRlnul Mite.
ivn seem!) to he all
1 h.y are experiencing n
i ii like moat of tho new
v, ri. Wynonii Is Miking
, if .i perjiiiiiinii! ciiy.
i . riilul wooden hntlil
. l.miid in a new town,
1 . ig built nf nloiie and
' .'-is of one of tho (Incut
in the Keotlon.
i-ps aro lielnir lalipn to
i m with all modern lm
' imi a Jl-VOO hotol to
I ice a.ltarJ nytcni.
s c!iM.-trlc Unlit nti.l
i t tho prevent time
i -of li.iMntt fevott larso
! five Kupjily holmes,
0 ,i i tillnlixcil .it J 100.-
i il'j 000, a fine l.inro
p.. in'is nuu.'hliie liops iinU
i lfaiturlnR InHlltuiloin.
. i.ona u It It were
; . the other cities of the
c.f the Ktato a Rood run
i v .is It 1m being Imi tit
fi:iet town Kites In Hie
u.iv that It in hound to
1 npul.itlon today Ih re
lit the Wiimma Field
Thf iivc nevolopincnt ronipany
... i.. ,.iptl...,iMi .f r.-'Pl.n lu
u J'' ! '0 barrelK after the
ftc I found at from 3.1 is
"In- ir new.s of KrcatOHt In
ft" - i fo.lows I'owter Ar Nor-
joJ - 1 1 7 in HotitheiiMt, Moulh
. t ' I '1 1 mine In at Hii b-
a a'tf' -!io' of 1 .it) uiiai Im.
buf I No J In the noi theiut of
h 'ionliv.es . KOiilhe.iHt of I3-"S-10
roilJCfl 00 barrels In first two
Sours aftrr the shot then stopi'd.
tv maki-.jr :Ti0 barrelH
Tli 1' ' ! her I'etioleuni coiu
UNO. : In 1-21-H pioduced 17.1
The TrsttfiR cnmpiniy brought In
' SOO-bar r-l well on Ttiehduy In
Njme-ot. . other small producliiB
Kls wee brouphf fin 'llroiiiKMiR
bO to 100 barrels
Mcst of Uu i;e wells mentioned
'0c are rr c'ase to ynon.i
which lte in ;-24 9. tin c; i t t the
iid Jim -i, j the lly J urns
llmiU'ltimy ttt-n Mr !(... ,l...rl. I. .
lreparuUv y lo driMitu; thu Williams
iiuuiuoM in z.-n-v
OliiinilKC' Shows IncmiM'.
eU1 tn Tlif WorM
OK.lt,'l,(li:i:. l-ob. ii. More than
3,000 Imrrels of new pwtlttcllon
were added to tlio dully averiiRo of
the tikltiolKce fields by completion
during thu nt uk and pew Kit
wells drilled In liavo an estimated
potential production of about 30.
000.000 ruble feet dally.
DrlllltiK operations now procecd
Inic in the extreme southwestern dis
trict of the tiktnillgee nil fields
may In time connect up the fields
wtut tun Alien field In rontotov
county, In which tho Atlantic Pe
troleum corporation recently pur
cluised a large block of ncresifc and
considerable, production. The Allen
well is located In luid about town
ship 5. rmiEc $
North nnd east quite iv distance In
Mm uorthcHHt corner of the south
esst of 2r-6-9 the iAnrm Petroleum
company anil others have apuddml In
their wildcat test In the southeast
corner of tho norlliwiwt of 1-0-0 tho
Gladys Helle oil cnmimny Is re
ported drllllni,' at X00 feet and thu
same party Is drllllnif at 1.J00 feet
In the northeast corner of tho north
west of :t0-0-'.t. In the northeast cor
ner of the northwest of northeast of
3-0-8 the Kcwaneo I.ciisIiik & Prill
ing cnnniriiiy has u rlir up. llltt-
meler lliichiier are drilling nt 000
feet In tho northwest corner of tho
northwest or 13-G-s and the llnnie
Oklu Oil company is dillllng ut ?00
feet In the noulhwest of the noutli-i-ost
of 1 l-B-K.
A report cjrculated freely that u
Kood showing of oil had been in
countered three mlhw southeast of
Allen. In the Hnuthwist eonier of the
southwest of 17-B-S, cMtise.l Mime
excitement. This well Is now drill
ing Ht about h00 feet, .u'co.-dliirr to
late reports. Operator cxnivt .mi
Iticreavo in wildcat! Im; in that il.H
trlct. Produeeis Hertners corpoi.iMon
No. 10 Mcintosh In northwH. 'to li
ter of lz-ll-11, l.TiOO bar -el r'.sllv m
snnd ut L'.StS feet. I'ro luriTs l.e
fltiern cnrporatlnn No. 0 Mi lnosh
reported, two weeks ig :n lioo h.ir
rels, was drilled leprniol :'nv
of the well was Inercused to belle"
than 1.200 barrels.
Pmlrlo oil & (ias Co No
3 Ijtiln llradford. tiorthw-'Ht to i.f
northwest of 20-13-12, h) bands
dally, ii feet in ind it.nml nt
J. 940 (cot.
Iyons Petroleum wmniny. low.i
OH company nnd t '. Wungerlrn
lit southwi'st i-nrnr .if 'ioowist
of i;-i:t-IO. s, 000. Oflfl feet of yas In
top of nam! found al 2 , ." tJ (J feet. Sci
ting easing to drill In.
MeUeehun, Snider .iiid ethera' N'o
In Miutluvist of southwest of
southiMst of 1-1I-I1, 2.10 K-iriels
il.illy In sand found at 2.S2.) ffet
No. -I well Is on top of the lep Mini
Kplndletop i ill company .NVi. 3,
northeast corner of southwest of
SO-1 .1-1 1 . 75 barrels dall.n after shot
In sand ut 2,572 to 2. .192 feet.
Ohlo-okla Oil company No. 1
southeast of northwest of 0-14-12. 2R
barrels dallj at 2.20S to 2,2i! feet,
shot .-, ml completed.
Oklahoma Natural Oas company
No. 1 Kaiiiird, southwest eorner of
southwest of 11 K-I2, 2. 000. 000 feet
of gns .it 2.0S7 feet, shut In for fuel
supply for drilling wells.
I'rilrle fill Oils Co. N'o. 1 Wlni.
firm, northeast coiner of nnrllnir i
1 21 II 1 1 .0,000 000 (eel of K. u
K iivl at 3S0 feit N.a jet f H i
il rilled In
I.ons Petroleum compsny. north-
enst corner of southwest of JR-II-II,
nhul In for gns well nt 2.J&3 feet and
new rig will be put up ror twin test
fill feet from present tig
noosier oil (ins Co., northwest
corner of southwest of 19-K-12, 130
barrels dolly In T.ineha mhihI nt 2. 1 41 A
In the O-uge
Mnrlnnit llefinlng company's No.
I In the pnrthtMst of X$-U7-n Is
drilling at ,J7s (est.
Oypsy oil comim.ny'R No. 1 In lbs
center of tho east line of tho sotith
wevt of 21-28-7 will make n 10 to
50-lmrrel well. This well H former
ly reported an producing 100 bar
rels. Carter Oil rumptiny'fH No. 1 hi the
southwest, northwet 2S-2D-C that
has been having casing trouble. I
pulling tho caMing and appears to
be In a good way to gt the well
eorn pletod.
Sdino company's No. 1 In the cen
ter of tho north line of tho south
west, kuiio section, Is still finning
for casing, well Is flowing by IuhhIi
With the Oil Men
T. o l.llistrnnd of the Oklahoma!
I'rvuurlng ,v UetlnliiK corporstlon.
iccompimled bv Ntis l,ll.isttaiul. l I
expected to arrive in Tulsa todj ,
Hfler several weeks In New York.
It K Andrew, general superln j
I r lid on I of the i iklshniii.i Producing,
.V. Kuttnlnf eorpofiitlnn. has relnrned
from a trip to th comimny s prop
erties in the Killing mid other Kan-I
nam districts !
('. II. Crnulev, at the hesd of the,
lm.'tilr orgiinlitatlon In Tulsi, r - I
turned it I noon esierday from i I
short huviness trip north nnd left im
lueillul.'H for New York y ml fiom
all appeiiratiees as Indlented by .In
stock market there will be "omethtriK
of intercut io telato shoitlt
I I .1. II , I,. I . .'.I I .f'l IS II,
r i i -.iv. ''lit ii. iii ii i i ,ti 19
mule I. Iii Uuii'Ih ho I ii r ,( the etiil
"f the tin s inn Mi Mlti k is lil'iiin-
llig a Mr niluitlnii in hnulltiM
olmiwes fiom Hrlslcw south within
a vhort tlmn aiut that his coriM
of etiKliteers will beffln surveying
w.sl fiom okmulKre within the next
few dns. ' We're following the Hull
l"''rk neek all t'te wsi tint not too
mar the low iter mink nnd thus
ate HioldliiK the danger of liluli
wnii'i Tin-re oim-li' in he n town
koiiii'I Iiiih- like I n u in rl til I or l.ngi'i
irldwnt l.eiween llie two 'ermln.il
ul I Mi li k
tioiirlliut mi,
who was in tin'
Attention Oil Producers
Pnlt s.M.i: me
iiii'h I in. pipi one
in, ii , ii usiim
.r neiv 4
rUt new 111
Osngc 6532
111 tho Tiger l ints.
Tho Indlahouia woll reported in
yestorday'n oil News No. 1 on tho
Conrad In tho northeast, northwest
liorthwcHt of I9-K-I2 has 2.000 n'e
of fluid at from 2,4":; to .'.KS rci i
and Is Mint down for tnnknge
In the Allen Pistl.
Tlio Tidal Oil companj's No in
22-8-8 is proilucln; 20 barrels It,
hand found al from 761 to 780 foet
Shot with 20 ipinrts
In liastl.ind Coiintj. Texas.
W. U. June's No. I, Marj Itunn,
.1 1 1 Knstland county. Is making
200 b.itrels In sand found from 2 -6!ili
to 2 'itil feet
At Hogg-.
llei i 'il lOnipji-iy Iris i no i,ir
rel well In "1 1 , Ij i.ff ttuin ihe
New York well in If. I , 1 '
En st Texas
Oil Leases
Harrison, I'antilii, Shelby
Wo haw for sale upwards
of UH.OOO acres, all cheek
erlioariled. Traets any size, from 20
to r0() aeros.
All five-year eomniercial
kental $1 per acre per
Southern Oil Fields Cor
poration, Inc.
r,i:i Market' St.
Slirecviort, I. a.
ini'M pun i'ii nf the murker lee mil
tiPlluli iluWil M toe Wilt tt.lt r
hat k after i lung serlk-e In the uatt
.nil Ih nii't't lug Willi s ro)il Wei in
from his friends lierrt. Tom llren
nen, with whom h" whs ver clo I. t
.isstwlnted hi fore golnn to Wat. t .in
lli froi.i nliiioi-e, where he Im with
the Oi in t il ISi'flning compim,
Hrokers and Sitlcsnicn '
llii'itntlontl nf rrrms of tdrk In n
IinKUiu aempiny now prmliirlnif nil iut
on illvlditinl kin Pompiny on IK ilir
frioiit toillilini lfn RellsMs nnnf
tiioiit v 1 tli Milk rofemim. Actlto itoloi
mitht rni)liin Citl Hck oiib million
itoUkm Wdtkly flM tfl'ttln. eituiuuva
lititrituro mil th t)tt of so opttloii tht
inllr Iioliti. A inntortnu, Imltltintit pror
otlliiui tint niforK qiilok, rrofusbls tftnrti
I'lirnUti rffitrrncM for loipn. phntocrtoU.
i'lrtiilt mil .ttrmit proportion j
Imlepciiclciil Oil Kxcliaiisle
711 Wtliuil Hlrort Kii Ottr. M
i , i in i i i i
i ml . nk- I I 'I.. I, , V
III llll- III It'll I ,
III. I I t'l It ll, I 'I, Il
, n II il ri, . Hi lie.
in i. ilk .ilimr Ills w ii , tin
I'll i liil i,, iiii i ' r, I,, I
t'i, II, in I t' Ili'flPlru' ititHi.tti
i ft t im it
. ooi fi I Inch
i . ihio ft " Im h 1 .'no ii
I 0 I llll f ), i s H
Ml ,11 fll -I I It, ,'
"ill' . i l iiisi-i'i 1 1, ,n i,,, i ,
Oriiijc (5532
One l.tt t it I I tS 1 1 . 1 1 I liiucr-
onll-Itoiiil ttllllili t
One till It p Miller I m - I
t.lls I .llgllle
One lit'., tlP'.it I I Ingeixill-
Itllllll Otl1SMI .
Ml hi gut kl ciiliilllliiii noil -nlt-)eet
In liis'ciliui. I ur fnrilie,'
llllnl lltnlliill inhlll'sn O lint
(llieslnut iV S mi ( li
Don't Miss This Opportunity
Army Overcoat for $6.75
Also Other Big Bargains All This Week if They Last.
Wool Socks, hrand new . .60c, 3 pair $1.50, 6 pair $2.50
Wool lined Hansen Gloves, new, per pair $2.75
Wool Underwear, new, per (rarnient $2.00
Corduroy Taps, each 75c
Army Motorcycle Caps, each $1.00
Hrand new Flannel Shirt.s, all sizes, each $3.50
Khaki Pauls, used, in A-l condition, each $1.50
We still have a trood supply of Army Ulankets, Tents
and Wilson Covers.
Army Equipment Sales Co.
Phone Cedar 569
Tulsa, Okla.
315 East Third St.
Protect Your
ll.it in, 1 1. ult ..lib for -U'bl " ci.n i, ic io
it jit.sftlble onl.i when ton have s.in'U a
n.irt of tour sit l,i i or w.ige-
hi.nt wltli a small d"io-n If in. .' In
, t. iise It us yon can and soon nu will tin'
,i siilislaiitl.il Interest bearing act Hum and
a feeling of sufelv contentment prut" unl
.nib petitionee
Third and Boston
We ro MenilHM of the
I ctlci-.il Ili'M'rti .S)sicin
f)f It.'ltKlls Cll Mo
MI'MtiDltM NI'.W MiKtt srof'K
lACIIAN"'.!', nuil f'MICACo
Htn.'lis Itontls, (iiiiin Mini Cotton,
Hlutidnrd Oil ntnl Hubsitlliiry
Hlock New York iiinl Ilostin
('in Ii. l.lltt-ity Ilomls nought and
S"bl Private Wires
MAS. If. CltOICIIK'l'r, Mgr
Telephone 0,ig,i H2IUI No. II
I Jit-t I tinrili St., 'I'iiIhii, Okla.
New Casing
,,o ooo ft n iii maini line, tu
i 1 1 1 1 ueiit
9 000 fi in in. 0 Ih here
.1 000 ft : In. I lb tutting her,.
" 229 ft 0 S, -In. 21-11,. hero
1 car H1, In '.'S lb en route
1.700 ft 10 In tO-lli. here
10 000 ft f, ill 20 lb en route
K. 0. T. Kxchsinc
"I? Keniif.ly Itinliltiig
I 'lion.' I'eil.ii ,00
Oil Producers, Attention!
Pipe and Casing for Immediate Delivery
:o.ooo ft 2. in., ikoo test
:o,ooo ft ;i.n., Ilcni wclclit
l-lll., Iliilt.t ttrlcllt
'-in.. Heavy weight
.-, ll.lll In., IT-lh. ens-
1(1,0110 ft
l.noo n.
1,00(1 f
in.nnn rt. rtVm. t7-lh. fn-ing
t.lllio ft. ItH-lii.. '.n-lli. Casing
:i.iiiin ft. s i , lu., 17-lh. cnslii?
I ..-,(10 ft. H , -In., '-'l-lli. ('using
2,(lllli ft. St,. In., 'JN-Ih. Casing
1,0011 ft. Id. In., IPJ-lb. Casing
."00 ft. f.'ia-lu., ."ii.lh. Casing
Above sizes can he shipped from stock at Tulsa. Prices
upon application.
-?ccnberg Pipe & Supply Co.
519.21 East First St. Tulsa, Okla.
Phones Osage 4750; L. D. 80
New Wildcat Held
I onnili-ll I poll 1'. S tie in.-l' .t'
t i'. 4 ,. m Trt I- l ' ' '" '' '
, ' ii l'i.' film ( r . I
I i ,, - , tr f'emm i 1
i . -uih tsitsltt l ' t. ,
, ,. ,ni. alt. r 1 1 it-t
i I I i i-in ,r 1 Asr lew, . r t
i . i i 'i I nt ar to'i' 'i ' i f '
1 I . I t III tin Itlll't " "
. ' . ' i M w .' , I k I i i ' ' I
ll 1 1 I 1 1 f,.. I .1. I, I.
. i , ha) it-r nuBiililif. .tt. .1 i
,i t , ...r tit till ,tr fti'ori ' " '
l ,i nc tir let, nlrMt I I.Hii ft
w hum, j.l.DOO MtM tn lu l'1'"'1'
ut nt wkitti V rWker Itniiiiii ,
llmt 40 rr IMMII. W ll 'ifl'i Oll.i
. ton tn Ui Ut. lines t nn,
MnikllK III, our till t ,irapinn
iiaK Iratad amir V.Oftii.unn fie
Niiinb. tn nf wll r nttw ilriilniK
a innharral wall at 7H0 laat n
t'sen roiinrtwl tu Ua Hta,
t '' et.lnl Titn ot Hit la A -t
', '.in I", ana tif'-U itfi' i" 'f I
,in N t i ' ii,.l (Jitil'i.rt.nr. 1 u 1
i.. . ' ', ,, 1,1, ,,, ,tf
i. .lain ii, it" il f ttiiif.ti ,i' i '
It, rtiii' 1 tntlii Hit. l . i r I I.
' I . i'i Clif, k Ilia hull' .' '' C 't
,,iii nf Ilin .'tintl 'I'lia itttlilr) la 'u"
if f,t, U aiid ' rtetafnltla
KMimoBHor hai.k
ri alp It tit rai.ni ' .-"i ' 'i'" t-n.'tii-i
tifptlail Itt ilfta't.it. 'it W" t 1
'I hit tti.tr e lea-fa at IIiik .ii ''i
I'rtu ah , fur a llllti mi nit tf ?!' t t
an no ut a ffw ttfrW tt'lf t , k , t .
wi'! Im on at ! or innro par a ra
iit.triliiiff an tteTMirtninlv lo n'Hlp.oi
tutiktl ami rraltie U'oi or i to t en
timr liitaa'int'tit.
inn you nuv
$' il an tit'lr Irsiatt ulita.l nf l! ' ! ri ' 1
it Intra lint-nett, llolntT P'i 1 not
Hanft May tWiuilltia llinnli
i. .....' i ri-fk, T't'ttirailo ival.n'lj Cu-h
nut 11,'Sai antl rlaarvhrrrf
l Ml Ifanat went from $1,000 to H'"'
100 pat acta in tliMn fleldi at oon
wall rima In. and tho arpial start
if tlillllm iiiakaa laaan to to li't lutl
np par arra at ouee.
ma. Low! on. piioriTH com:
Oil Oil. riSMJ 11ANKUII.
,. ..,11 ri'.nt'l iS'ltr BuMetlm-nt tiif
i in ..,, nf niirfiiial laatia ei rai '
In 1 1 l sill wit Inn 111 Itilit-i tr Irn
if i,,,r i.'t.ti and. litlea arn 1 1 k ' 1 '
I'ltlVl it
iiuo nuvB a io Aoiti: l.r.Asr,
111(111 AB 11,000,000, AND $1,000
would ni; lo to i ma you and
Tins rmuiir. . . . .
Tha Intky mm slni bon$lit aliaatl of
tha tlrtll aii'l lialtt to tba flnlili tn
tlio iiiif wlio iii Ik a tbalr ftirtnnaa In
ill Hara It your rlianrn to ito Ilka
arias Mall clirtck totlay- -If you do or
lon't Ijny e tlila ail ami watcb
riorltlft tha next M oil itta.
Yon tio aoen tlio lino ol Oklahoma,
Kana. Wyouilun Teiae, LoJlstaiu,
Uiey tteir, all wllilcati. $100 Itieklly
lilacen 111 moaa itaira wtmn wnut.
Have tnrneil to fortunea- Will WHory
rapotl In riorlttal
Wo ito not cte tanna, no no accept
lunula, W ro too tinny 'atraiigln lo
drill 10 Willi on riOO.000 atraa to
miniltey with aiicb maltera a hiatal,
nient aU, or dlacountlnc bomla and
We have the casing, derrick and tools in Bcggs
Field, and will commence a well immediately, if we
enn get a good location. Offset proposition pre
ferred. Address
Ft. Smith, Ark.
fulsa Pipe & Supply Co.
Offers for Immediate Delivery:
I ' 00(1 ft. S. II. I'J-in.. 1.Vb Line I'lpo
I 'ttm ft. new 1 !.. Hi-lb. ii-Iiik
I-.OIIO ft. S. . It). In. Ill-lb. 4 using
'.'ion ft. iicm 1(1. In., S-lb. Cnslnc
1.4100 ft. s. II. It). In., ll.Vlh. 4 ii-lnc
10,000 ft. s. ll. in. in.. 32.1b. tii-lng
l-'OOO ft. s. II. It). In., 31'.b. Uno liX". Itms flrowr
-S.000 (t. new ll'Vln., 20-lh. CiislllS
''S.OOO ft. S, II. IH,,. In., lit mill IT-Hi. I i-lnc
10.000 ft. nui I. In.. Line rio
'0.000 f(. s. II. I. In. Line I'lpe
M.oon fi. s. . a. in,, 8'j-lb. Tublns
'SO0O ft. s. n, .!. Mnc I'Hk'
Phone Q-5347
Petroleum Bldg.
Fort Worth, Texas
2 North Elwood.
6.,cade Bldg.
P'ttiburgh, Pa.
Let the Public Judge
If you had entered into a contract with a man to perform a certain
kind of labor for you, and the man walked of f the job before he
had completed the contract, you would say he had violated his
contract, wouldn't you?
Thai's what happened to the Tulsa Decorating company. The
workers walked off the job before they had completed their con
tract. If you were paying a group of men better wages than the
union scale prescribes and these men were perfectly satisfied to
work for you; if, then, a union representative should come along
and tell you that if you didn't recognize the union your place
would be picketed, you'd say that is a coward's trick and not in
keeping with the very first principles of democratic government,
wouldn't you?
You've seen the people who walk up and down in front of the Peo
ples Exchange. If you haven't, it would pay you to lok them over.
And after you've looked them over, stop and reflect. They arc
the paid pickets of organized labor.
Just put your good judgment and your Americanism at work for
a mniute and then strike off your answer to the question: "DO
If you are a red-blooded Americ .n citizen our guess is that you
will answer with a loud "YES.""
Chapter Number One, Patriotic Friends of Labor,
Rich Royalties in the
Louisiana Oil Fields
Over Three Million Dollars Expense
Willi the Other Fellow Paying It
Would you like lo ho intcrtmtctl in a project where
other men huvu ho much faith in it that thoy will ex
pend over Ihrou million dollar' 'Anil you he in on the
profile, hut none of (he expcnuo except your initial ui-
estmenl !
Here's Your Opportunity
We hae a sixteenth royalty in over IjOO aoret, in the
Mull Hayou Field, hoinjr in See. 29, Tp. J.'i, K. 10. Look
at the map and note how section 2!) is surrounded hy
producing wells, and how done to tho KUHhcra. We
regard this as ahsolutely proven oil land. We a!o
have a .sixteenth royalty on 10 acres in the Homer
Field, riirht in the trend of tho hi wells. And these
arc about the lai'Ketit liir;h-Kradt oil wells in the whole
It in estimated that to fully drill out thin acreaRf would
com over tlireo million dollars, there behitf ample room
for i:S0 wells. This Kieat expunso will he paid by the
lease holders. That is (ho preat advantage of invest intr
in royalties over any other branch of the oil business.
I.tners of our units will have no expense besides their
initial investment no expense for drilling, no rentals,
no marketing expense, no salaries lo officers- When
the wells come in our unit holders simply uel their
share of all oil delivered to the 'pipe lines.
Make our own estimate of what our interests will be
worth after thih choice iutchko is fully developed
with the law of averaie to back you. That is how we
are placing our money. Do you want to do the same?
For a -hort time we are going to offer a limited num
ber of units for $12.50 eaoli. How many do you want .'
Don't delay and thru regret your lost opportune v
Some locations have already boon tndo on this ai i
age. After the wells are brought in, of course, the
priie will be greatly increased.
Fill out the coupon below for amount of your r- i . r
tatice and number of units you want. We will ih n send
on certificate for same.
Homer-Bull Bayou Royalties Syndicate,
,1 ,1. liilhiK"Wirtli. Trim tee.
I'Jit'a Market Mri-et, KJitvvt'iHirl, Til,
I.iii'IomsI find S fur wlllrll B'Wl Wo certlfli iito
fur iinli-
Phone L. D. 141

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