18 GET 78 GALLONS OF 'CORN' IN RAID i Deputies Say Captured Still Will Make 35 Jugs of Whisky Per Day. ARREST MOONSHINERS Armed Force Searches Hills Between Popow and Sham rock in Quest pf Liquor. MUTT AND JEFF MUTTS GONNA HE FN SOLID WITH THE B Alt HE US. liif Bud Fisher. board and rooms iiomiH nm ii f.,n i ki; ilniwii r.xt iiolM.Hlilt. h", 76s---f7i."" room for tent .?n,!m"l.,,i".rln. ln MAIN, N. 114 -Pnrnlihedroom"adlolnln n'5-i J,fe liome ( fiTliNLff, K., Tlo7 'srngTn'rooTn, cloee In modern hreakfwt If ilaelredi gentlemen nnlT tleage ISIS. A DM I II aTT fn'fl'OS -I largo eieeplng roomi wru iiirnieneo in private ramny. aoutti and eaat eapoaure, Jltnar and rar line, gentlemen only Oeege 1017 MAIN, M ,7II Yloom with eleeping porcT! ad)nlnlng bath, anllahle for S gentlemen, WT HO"l)TII-ner"rar line, eoulh espo'aure newiy uecnraieii anil rurnienea, no otner rnomera, family oonalata of young couple i reaeonahla; gentlemen onlyi refereneea re quired. Oeage 7I siain, H. I no L - lor rent, t eieeplng room With trunk rnnmi t .anll.ni.n n,.ta,t.rf. Oeage SJ Nit H eieeplng room In private horn", It week. S iilooka of nnatnrriee Oeeea tint cTni" rNNAfr 'h ,'"ni -nTc cool room for I or 1 gentlemen or bualneae eouplej very cloee In. " ULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, JUNE ii, 1020 I If- . -.hi ! mi 1 fCL U.CU.1 TMlC W IW WOHWtK. , bG I T AT , I GOUMA CHARGE 1 e' ( V'O Special to The WorM. .SAPl'l.PA, Juno 4. After a raid lastlnR from 2 o'clock this morning until " o'clock tonight Sheriff Ab n(.r Ilriice nml Deputies Jake Kilns man, K. C. Wallace, J. I Itenfro nml Jim HntrhlnB" returned hero Into thin ovenlnK with 'two white men nnd two negro men tosether with 78 snllonH of nllctrcd corn hlky nml a still Bald to he capa i.le of prodiii'lnpr 35 gallons of the fccveriigo per day. The raid covered a territory sev eral miles square stnrtlnn from a lonely dirt trull seven miles north west of Depew and leading through the hills toward Shamrock. The flret arrest was mado shortly after daylight this morntng when Jeff Phillips and George Cole, negroes, ere found In a tiuggy driving to ward .Shamrock, a gallon Jug of white tntllo" between them. Hoth will probably bo charged with possession of Intoxicants Sheriff Brucn said. The negroes are said to have ro ued to glvo any Information as to where ino alleged whisky came from, causinr. the officers to spread fan-like searching every shnck In their path, und finally coming to a lonely hoiiso occupied by J. 11. Par ker and wife. When Deputy Kllngmnn ap proached tho house from one sldo, a man was seen leaving tho house. He was halted after threats to shoot, wch officer being equipped with lined off shotguns as well as re- reivers, The man said he was Par ker and was arrested. On the property the officers found a 35-gallon "still" which was Mid to have been In operating con dition, and several "spnro parts," for the apparatus Including an extra copper roll, wero found. A quantity of alleged corn whisky was stored In a building near Par lor's house. A short distance away stood the house occupied by II. M. Taylor. A raid on thH place also revealed a stock of bottled goods, In gallons, apparently ready for transportation to nenrhy cities, where there Ii a ready mnrket, Sheriff Pruce said, The confiscated "still." ns well ns the "corn," was stored In ar empty storeroom at nrlstow under heavy iruard. City Briefs PETITIONS KOIt DIVOHOr! was filed In district court yesterday by James King against Kmma King. MAltUIAGK I.ICKNSKS wero Is sited to tho following yesterday by tho clerk of county court: John 8. Martin and Pearl Ilurkholdor. 25. Tulsi. William D. Jackson. 26 and Sofia Asemann, 2 4, Hapulpa. OliA LUHTKH, arrested In this city Tuesday In pomtoeKlon of a quantity of morphine and cocaine, was released at her preliminary hearing yesterday before C. U Yancey, Pnlted States commissioner, upon agreeing to return Immediate ly to her homo In Kansus City. Mo. ASKINO POSSESSION of n Hud son automobile or ls value. 12.000, tfjit waa filed In district court yes trrdrty by W. V. Mover ugalnxt the McCleiand-Oentry Motor company M'Vr claims he left the car with the defendant comnnnv for renalrs. tut that tho latter uniklilfully mado such repairs and have refused to gio the petitioner possession of tho car, l irvnitY TOTTKN. a negro nr re.tej on tho charge of stealing ?M! worth of dry coodB from an In terMate shipment from St, Inils to Tulsa, entered a nlea of not guilty n' his arraignment yesterday before. i. Yancey, unltaj .itaiea com missioner, and was committed to n under bond of M 00 for pro llmlnary hearing June U. The Mortuary Mann. Harry It. Mnnn, 216 East Six teenth street, dlod at Ills home at 12 o'clock Thursday after a pro (lir.icted Illness. Ho was not confined o his lied until a few weeks ugo. Ho had been, a resident of Tulsa for tho paBt nine yeurs, having been born at Paris, 111,, about 50 ycura Bo Ho was a member of tho Epis copal church, nnd was affiliated l'h the Klks and Modern Woodman lodges und the Rotary club He Is survived by tho wife, a brother and a sister. Tho brother and sister. A. (' Marin and Mth Belle Mulllns, both live in Paris. The wife Is Interested In a local millinery establishment. t Funeral services will b held at 'ne homo at 3 o'clock Saturday ai ernoon. Itomains will bo taken to irls for burial. Ilanillton. Mr and Mis. J. 11. Hamilton par ents of Steward Hamilton, who was drowned here Thursday, with two brothers, Steele and Harry Hamll ' will take tho body tciiittrht f 'he old home In Plnkncyvllle. III. tier mirlal, Another brother, Harry, join thtm at St. Louis, Two 'inter of the drowned youth are res "lents of Pinkneyvllle, whore four members of tho family are burled, TO GIVE MUSICAL PROGRAMS. Two Demonstrations to Ho filtfn Hv Ilunnlnc Si'hnol Toduv. V A ft.,o,.nlln n V- n tl , , n M ! M IT '-nool of music will be given at 3 I i 'lock this afternoon and at S eioek this evenlntr nt th Tlscrt Alemnrlol V... V. m..l. ll yi take part In the program this J tnnoon and 40 will appear In to- nlRht'a reHl Pins for accredited ork In the' Bn"ol will be presented to 16 pu- PUa thU evening. TULSA MAY HAVE MACHINE GUN CO. National Guard Officer Thinks Tulsa Is an Ideal Location. Tulsa Is the logical place for a machine guncompany of the Okla homa National guard In the opinion of Major Jam Hell who said, yes terday that the city can secur such a concession if tho required number of pood, red-blooded Americans qualified to hold commissions atid'of f. f-Ulter, 702 South Cheyenno non-rommlssloned warrents In such lavenue an May 27. was held under a company nre available ibotnl of 1300 for trlalby district "Men qualifier," said Major Hell i' will le commlsMloned and may at- I LODGES AND SOCIETIES tend the offirri-s' Rrbrinl vhli x.-lll I - - - . bo held In Oklahonui City front Juno i 6 to Juno 20. under regular army insiructnrB. tiuh win i; rine train ing and men attending will be per forming a patriotic duty by helping to keep America prepared with tho right kind of a cltlzen'H army "There are now two vncnncles In tho Infantry company and we need the full quota of officers for tho ma chine gun company. Wo would like to hear from any good men, especial ly ex-servlcn men who aro quali fied and patriotic onough to sacri fice, ono evening a week for which tho government will pay liberally "Persons Interested will please call at tho old Armory. Fifth and Itoston, or phone 0-67.1D for further information." HolKTt A. .Mclllniey funeral Director. Phono 4SA-171 903 South Main Advt, BUSINESS CARDS Stanley C. Edmistcr LAWYER 601-2 Kennedy Hulldlng rhones Office 1394, Ilesldcnca 4433 TULSA, OKLAHOMA THE CHILDREN'S DAY NURSERY 717 SOUTH CIlNVKNNi: PHONB 1006 Children Cared for During Worktna or Shopping Hours. fiKKKATZ AND C. MOOHIS 10 West Third street II. A. Hrrckcnrldgo Lee nanld Cluis. II. Hostlcli law oiticks Breckinridcc, Bostick & Daniel fTicrmngo National Hank Itulhllnn: Phone Ongo 700 Tuisn. Okla. Dr. John Lee OnNITO-VKIN MtV. KIDNKV, iii.i)i)i:it and Diseases of Women llaVs Soul Ii Main St. Osage -IH52 Doctor NEWLON vrc.vnitnAi' nisrsi:s 333 Hnhliison Ilullillng Phone 0aKC 0HH A n.a.n'.tHltlOn. oP COMPOUND COPAIBA , .nd CUDEDS AT TUUM fnuw" . .-.yMMI!OHLY.vt4uUlh.tk warn Hotr b.ck w tbout a Suuntb 8" 'czma. treatment of IT"(,?;V ,her J MfiOTfiS .S i"t!'ll"IjZ --r-- n Correction. I Oklahoma City, June 3, 1020. 'To Wh'im It May Concern: I With reference to the statement (appearing In tho Snpulpu Herald and The Tulsa World on June 2, to the Urfeit that K. V. Strolir and A N. ISirotcr were held on a bogus or toiged check charge In Oklahoma county. In fulrnoH to them such er roneous statement should be cor rected. Thoro were no nut'li charges ngalnst them. Their purported con nections with tho chargen on which they were held uro unfounded and the charges have been dismissed. (Hlgned) KDOAK KKNTON, President. Oklahoma .stain Kcdern Hon of Labor Allt'KP She Stole lliinilm. Mary Johnson, a ncgio woman i-harged with steallnu a hand bag and slick pin from the apartment TU - 8''0,y"ii0' ,"" 'yrj rlZXX J,1,,, "f,' .'?.! JOHN A. WALKi;i. W. II, J. C. MONl'OnT. 8eo, di:lta i.onaic m will hold apecUI 4 nrntnunlrstlon Tuimlay, June . Wiirk In M. M. lfrei coin- lnnclnir nt ! JO p. in. .'lnltnra I'Mimiijr irivnr-.j. .Maiunla hall, II. C KaudnRii, W. M. Arthur llaker. Hecrelarr. ETUOLEUM I.ODOR NO. 4T4 moli jttM', !?ry frlly irin ..con.i ,v!J?2!la2 et comiminlcailon Prlrtay, JxMKwWlf,-.Jane . Heuular monthly bul 5WtfM5zS"nr" i"tlmi. 1 10 11. in. Vlult K?rrS 1,1 K Mna apeclally Invited. 'sM&'y M " i't.i;sni:u. w, m. j7iw n. J ia n N A ., , Hrr r t a ry, Tulsa chai'tcii, o. k. ts mta nr iiu iiiiru vtrunraaay oc tha month at Maonlc hall; rir.l inraltng, tuattiva: aecond. InltUllon nn.l loelal Rtara club inteta arcnnil an1 fourth Wrcln-Jy at J.JO p. m. Ma nnlc hall. Milt). TUMI'IR TKNNANT. ....... Worthy Matron. TUUJA CIIAI'TEH No. 6!, h. A. M.'mim mrj ii"i nu .uiru Aionany or aacn in. Mini i.e mreunir .Monilty, Juno 7 Work In the Jloyul Arch ilefireA. It. n. NIJWHOtlSE. 11. p M. A. 8NEn. Sacratarr THI.NITT COMJIANIIUIir No. to maall " rourin Mjnaay. each month, fninmandr ry ad Journa until Heplember 13. JOHN ME ISBN BACH Btt. K. C. FRANK HRAM AN. Ileeorder 7KIMit TKMl'I.K. A. ofN. M. H. Nan reRinar ineemn rrlday June It iiav Houth Main. Phono 2): Ceremonial Juno 11 HAMUHi. II UYIC. l'al.ntal. it. m wi:li.ivi;u. lucora.r At HultA UlUtiU NO. It, I. o. O. K. Neat meeting June Sep. m ranu tipringa Indgo will confer the Initiatory Degree Itefreehmenla. Vlaltora wel come at all meellnga. .1 1' MuOHK, N. 11. M It. I'OlNtlHTONK. Bee. 1LL.SA J-.Vc'AJH'MIjnt' NlX-iT, I. O I J&Xc&P 0 l' meeta aecond and nigiu June 11, ijjo. Dinner '.0. Degree work a u m. TULSA IIKIIUKAH NO. Si. I. o. O. I'. meeta aecond ' nd fourth Fri day, p, m , K. 1. hall, IIU Eaat Second, n TUL3A CANTON NO. 16. I. O. O. K meate flrat and third I'rlday, I p. m., MualcUna' hall, 1JH4 Houth lloulder. COMMITTKK. TUUSA CAMP No. (i7 il. W, ul A. and 1-OC'AHONTAH CAMP No. 2701 ll N of A meeta every Tuea. iiy night at K. of p. hall, it Ka at Hecond atreet. Vlaltora n rlt'ome ll i:. MrCIIno, Coneul. .r.Afl.,p!t".V;nn0e;.,, CI"U Mr. I. J. Wr.g'h.:"' 0re, n.jjoi. Tteeordee E1I.VKII 1'l.UJIB I.OUIili, IIJ, K, p- meeta every Thureday night at K P Hall. Kaat ReeonVl Nut meeting June t, Vlilt. Ing knlchte urged to attend C A. WILLIAMS. C C. II I. HANDKIIH. K It. A n. RABA OIIOTTO NO. SS MKKTfl rlltBT naiurijax in eacn month at laaontr Hall. &t. A. Bnyder, &Ionarch. II, O, Oraen. Bouretary. LEGAL (Tut'lali'd in the Tulea Dally World, June I j t and o, nz'i vvoria V bllehlng Co. I'ubllabera ) N i ICB TO CONTHACTOlta. ftilfH Hlatlon Kendall 1 ISlds will be rrrelve.1 at the office of the City Auditor Tulea, OKianoma, unm i o'cl::lt ! l . Thureday. June Hth. J:o f a materlala an,l eonjlrUCllon lor a I Ire Hlallon. located Iti 19, 30. 31 and i J. r-,k to College View Addition, and north to ft of lot I, Highland Addition n lv ff Tulaa. In accordance with plana art aper,iiraiinna arprovca i u,e noi 'if C lpt mcra I'.ldl'ra may atate price In aggregate ror furnlihi g all materlala and doing all the work fur the completion of the building IitnMera awarded the contrac. to furnlah a Hl'HKTY DON!) to Ihe City of Tulia wllhln ten dava after the award. A certified check, payable in the City Auditor In the aum of five fi per cent of the an omit of the bid will be required from earn bidder. Hpeclflcatna and plunk are on Ilia at thm nfflra nf thm I'llv Atnlllnr Tulaa I Okla A deptalt of $10 00 required for a eet of r.lana and abeelf eatlona. The right to reject any and all hide la reaerven to tne noaru ot ioiiimieionti rf the i Ity of Tulaa, on All bids wi'l be opened and ron.ldered . ,v,. iin.r.i ... Jlrni..iAn.r. ..n City t rr-ietlng of eeld Hoard to be Um in ih. ciii ii.ii i,. ..id rhv .i i by o clock A. il, on the IJth day ol June, Hit), 11 AS. KflANK Hh'AMAN, Lily Auditor, am. ill court at tho close of her preliminary hearing yesterday boforo Justice H. C. Maey. Culler claims the woman entered the apartment and took tho hand bag and pin valued at during the uhsenco of those living In the apartment. Rates and linfonnation Hie per word 'per tlm. Reven Inaertlona for the prlea of all. Minimum apace 1J wnrda lo per word per day when ropy rtina one month without change. Minimum amount accepted 34c. AM, CMAIUir, WANT ADH ate dna and payable the name day flret Inier tlon of ad anpeara. (All out of. town want ada and all wanted to tent, all uatlone wanted, wenrlna: apparel and houaehold icooda ada are iioaltlvaly caeh In advance.) THI.in'HONB WANT ADA ale Charged at the same rate aa caah ada and collection will be made at your home or office aa won after flret In eertlon aa powatble. thla la n aocom reodatlon aervlce and naynienta abotitd be mado promptly when bill la pre vented, Alwaya aak your telephone ad to ,bo repeated back to you by tha telephone ad taker to make aura thai It haa been t-nrTeclly taken The World cannot mumi reaponelbtllty for errora of any kind occurring In telephone advertlaementa Under no clrctimetanrea are wa ra epnnalble for errora In any advertlee ment unleaa reported Immediately after flret Ineertlon No reduction In coat of an ad will be made unleaa error dealroya value of ad. Phone G000 Atk for Want Ad Department. ANNOUNCEMENTS I.OM' AMI fOII.Ma I.OHT WedneadJy night at Y W C. A awlmmtitg pool, allver ring for little flnrer Howard If returned to World office. I.OHT Watch charm with Inlllala M It. on one aide and email diamond on other Oeage (711 or Oaago 0(56; reward It re turned Vl7.1, T'AHTIKa wlfo took largo follle dog from Ilroken Arrow Hunday, May 30 pleaee return and rerelve rewar,! I.OMT-'i ladya" Mark MIliTn "elraw hat, fell from auto Wedneaday night; liberal reward. Call 311 N. Orant or rail Cedar 1 tS after t p. m Mrs. .1 A Qulgley. i7()STr;.Jewcl llllnoie watrh and while gold chain with gold football charm, letter M engraved nn ball and year 'IS. 4IR WHeeond, liberal reword U)fif cTlt. sfoT.KN- wVlfeAngnr rat ankwera to mine of "Dammit"; nan fur clipped on aide, liberal reward will be given for any Information of htm. 110 N. Vnrktown, call Oaage 7IM-J HTUAYIID Krom J H Norfolk. Alrdale nuppy o montha o d. bob lan. anon chain attached to neck with buckekln airing; liberal reward ror information, prlred aa a Klftfromalater Oaage J0T1; On T- Yellow bag containing pereonal thlnga; between Tulea anil llrolten Ar row Tueeday, reward for return to Hat- nrr-wandera I o, Tuna. 176 HKWAIID HTIIAYI5I) Oil HTOt.KN Above reward will be paid for return to Illgheart, okla , of one dark bay mare about II handa high, weight about 010 roarne'l mane, amall turney iracs ecar on right Jaw Kor further Information addrt-a ! () Ho 5!J, Illgheart, Okla. HTOI.KN--rrum Hegge. Okla. ISIS Kord touring ear. engine No z.bae.-az. name. Kullerlon Hlewart Lumber Co., printed dimly en each aide; Hartford caalnga all round, rear 3, front S Inchea. 2 patched In number placea. 110 reward Notify hler rnllee. Jlegaa. UKia IN FIIONT of 313 H lloulder a traveling bag waa piaceii in enme one a car uy mistake Will finder Pleaae phone Oaage 407. reward. OUT llaby'e white hood between Tulea and Hand Hprlnga. reward Oeare 10 I.OHT -Saturday night at poet office, bill book lonta n ng Plank enntracta. order hook and other papera. Kinder pleaae re turn lo 314 Wright Hldg.. and receive re- warn i KOIINO llarrel of dlehee Owner may have eame by mall ng dearrlntlon to tlo it. Hlloam Rprlnge, Ark., and paying epenee LOH r -On tlaln Ht , Thurailay afternoon. child a raincoat with black velvet toiler. reward Phone Cedar 1 S 20. I.OHT Italncoat between Tenth and i: rhteenth atreeta Haturday. reward rj elurn to 311 Kennedy llldg. LOST -One bunch of rivekeye near H"v enth HI. Kinder deliver to 7 n. rieventli and receive reward LOST Octagon ahaped wrlet watch. Hl mage, tiind engravea. naa euver niei and pale gold bracelet. In downtown dle- trict or at iiefi r-ors between a inn a. liberal reward If returned Oaage 6lfl-lt, Mre Hhort SHAIKjy collie puppy, white feet, eeveral weeseom 1'none ieagezij I'llHKI.Y rKHHUMAI. S 111' W1IITK. klltena to be given away H Cheyenne KODAK flnlihlng: aend ua trial order. half price, any elze roll sc. prints zo up, write for epeclal prleea. star rnoto Co., IDS h. oaage m.. independence, .MO. I'AfltMOl.'NT Maternity Jloepltal for confinement, private, priree reaeonanie. may wi rk for board, bauiea adoptiH Write for booklet Mra. T II. Long, llll V, Twenty-aeventh St.. Knntu City. CANCRIIH. tuinora. aorea, goller. ptlea, fia tuia. write tor leatiinoniais. tioa eii Dallaa, Texaa. WKHT MAIN maternity eanltarlumi for the care and protection of young womeni ratea reaaonable. bablca adopted; 1S47 W Main Dr M. II. Newman. Medical Director. SOT C'olcord llldg , Oklahoma Cits AUTOMOBILES At TOMOIIII.IjS I'Olt hAI.K 10 Foil HAI.K -Mog-Jl kefoee'ne tractor tl"-3 hotaepower. Tltal keroeene tractor, tt 10 leoreepower, Oraln aeparator, 21-lneh cylinder, Keroeene tank wagon and rub- ear pen; Mci.ane loiry. no in. pnone r a st . ISSO sfODKI." Kord cou'peT' wire wlieeleT drove about ISO mllea Police atatlon. W I Davla or Oeage S4S-H I.IHTKN! Tour car la neat Why not aave money and have your car repaired at home In yo'ir own garage by a merhar.lo who ran produce written credentlalaT All work 1 "Vp1 m"" MM "U',U ." ur J? . II " OF MONTHLY payment flret mnrt gage notes, or will trade for car worth the t.?n.. Til'1 ,iy difference Addrene IL",J.".t" ""d . 1 1 . 1 a DoDOK erden tall 1102 ti. Main I or pnone iwir nt, AUTOMOBILES At'ioMoiiii.r.s s'oit nai.i; in nt'lCK light roa'daler, ISM." new flnleli throughout, tlrve and niechaiilem A-l Phnne Cedar 7JS Poll HAt,i:-Cole road'aler. 'moifel No"." SlilT fulh eillltined. over alte Urea, line ex tra, ion. anil runa naa new rr iw slelker Oaa St Koltli roadater, good romlltlon, ehock al- enrbeie ixsu caen, raay terma on nai- anre Cedar Sit roll ' HA Li;-' Jitney tar, 7-paaaenger Mitchell . t'Mce MOO, i7(io raan. ll a nay nee rnnlnpMoii, zii raiace. XIAItMON Klrel rlaea rondlllon, 13.160. 11.71 buya II, balame monthly see Krank Ouocn, 114 H ltoaloii ((il't ham: New V'iini Cnuk Call oag i fnriiT?. bearcat roiideTer In eti'elTent rondlllon tl N Vain. Oeage 711 KOIt HAIjK lllldeon allper-alg 7-paaaenger nr: nerfert runnlnt order, paint and raalnga In flret ilaaa condition. Inquire 710 H Main nt KOIt HA1.H 1H Hodge roadaler, enrel- lent condlllon. IIOO Addreaa llox ai-i;, World . I'Olt HAl.r--Iialo , 7-paeeenger, good tlree. good top, good ahape: rniiat aell Cillck. rneap lnflie at IPS H Hrady. Aeroplane Curtis Oriole, 1 B0 horse, power, only flown 7 hours. No reasonable) nffor rcfusod. Phone 0-7426 USED CARS 2-26 Pncknrd Klve-pass. TourlnK. 3-'-5 Packard Koven-pass. Tourlnff, 1910 Cole, Huven-pafls. Tourln. 1020 AVInlon. 1910 Cole, Knur-pans. Touring. 1919 lllllrk, Klvo pnsein'nKer. 191 R Oldnmoblle, finven-pasa. Kord Hodan. Tulsa Motor Car Co. Pierre Arrow Cole Aero Klght 1225 South Main Hlreot Cadillac Model 57 Kour powenrrer, new cord tires; owner leavlns city. Bco car at American Barago 721 South Main Ono National 12 Ono Packard Touring Ono Voile Tpurlng Ono Chandler Chummy Ono 1919 Kord Itoadstor .1 Ono Kord Hodan with starter Ono 1 W-ton Truck Ono Maxvtoll with all season top One 1916 Maxwell Tourlne One 1917 .Maxwell Touring SMITH MOTOR CO. 216 Kast Hocond. Osaen U9 Ask for Mr. Italnbolt KOKI) roadaler for eale. Aulo llrokeragr, lj H Clnclnnell, Oeege 7 til Foil HALU-lilTVord roVdeter A-l con- dloil Oeage tlll-J. J Foil HALK Kord louring rar. eleetrln etarter, Haaeler ehock aheorber, epot light and In good condlllon 3S0I K Hodge, Oeage t!lj Hl'DliON- Abeolulely new, 7-peeeenger auper aU and eiiulpped with ritra over. ftxd Urea all eround. reeeon for eelllntf acrount owner buying new home. Phone Oeage ttoo 1 FllD roadater t(,reale. In good condt. linn. jj (1 liraeler. Sill K Hernnd KOIt ""HAl.Tv-Al arlflcn, B-paaaener Klaeelkar In good rondlllon, IS00 Phone Oeage SM2 or Oeage 1112, can be aeen at SI 4 W Cameron FHANKI.IN louring rar In flret rleea con dlijon II N Wright. Iirton Hldg. NIIW Mermon rhummy. perfect cnndP Hon. I wlro wheele ll S00 aeh. I year lime on balance rnnne cenar ill 2 I'OIlD louring care and 1 Ford roadater AI condition. Can be aeen at SIB H. Xanthua in i NI5VV 120 Hudson Hpeedeter. never been driven For further Information call 1220 and aek for Hurber l-l'AHHHNOF.H touring car, cylinder Continental motor, driven lesi than S00 miles off of navemenl, for eale. owner leaving rlty. ll.OOO eaah buye. Call Sit W Twelfth HI after Ji rn I'AltlK touring tar ISIS inod'l flret cleee mechanical condition Can eee car at I'alare Theater I'hnne Oeage 1141 i M, M.. i eter In line ehf hargain Packard road ehene for dulck ea e will .sell for half Ha value talk oiilrk or y;t 'will p.ee on thle. Phone Wnolf, Oeage JI4 eeii for half Ha va'ue latg ntnm or yru ron HALF -lllg H! Paige rar. leteat I modal, 1 paseenger. unuaually pow. j erful mot-r and four tfyod caalnge. I'uone v-mar i-ee. AUTOMOBILES Jjll'-ltiMIIIIII.I.H roll hAl.K li IIUICK for e"ale," I)- 4R. S-paeeebgerT good condition, muet eell el iim.. Aak for Mr Moore 0 M Denver S.IITl'lir.1.1. tor eale. I paaeeliger-. jilat overhauled, will eell mi terma to a. re liable perty Hutlon Molcr Co, I'lrat and iienver iMe PlTll-SAl.n-OakTan.lS . wiTl aaVrlflce'"i a bargain for caeh. good running order: raelnga In fine ahape. prlre SSftO Phone I lea re 7,111 It nr rail 01 o K, I'llth Tl.'I.HA 4 roadeter for aale: early tS0 model, nlmoat new, elegant condition, wile wheele; party leaving town. Mr Moore, SI I W Klrel Ht DO YOU BUY USED CARS ON FAITH? If you understand mechanical things thnroiiKhly, w want you to com pare our usnd enrH rarefully with every other nun In town. Hut If you aro irolnit lo buy without Inspection como hero and buy on faith. Packard tourlnir, 1918, rebuilt and painted, (3,700. Paokard chummy, 1918, driven 8,000 miles, (3,600, Packard chummy, 1917, In A-l shape (2,300, I.ocomohllo 4)-panscnijer, new tire. and paint. Cadillac louring, 1917, repalntmU 22-73 Mercur ronuster, iirivon u,uuu miles. Bovon other very itood buys. PACKARD USED CAR MARKET 718 H. Itoston OmtKn 7942 Isis'TldliTilCadlllaoi escelTont condition. eperial paint Job. new corn ureal prioea at I J. 1 00 for Ulrk eale Mkaon garage, CI? K lloulder Oenge 7SSI Al.'TOK KOJl IIIHIWIAILWll'.rt W !(" 1 1 UF,NT--t.'emeiil garago. U N, May bell. (lAHAIlD for rent and rra, lumber for eele nt JI4 W Twelllli Ml Allleon miiroiiinci.r.H ami iiidiclkh is It. A II, MOTOltCVI'LK for eale at a bargain Call Cedar 71 after 7 p. m., 1 SOS J llurnott Ht MOTOItcrCLkVTwIn Indian with' eTile car: guaranleed merhanlral rondlllon. cheerfully ileinoiialrnted i ItSS at 111 II. Phoenix. KOIt HA" I. UP Harley" liavldaon motnrcyrle. runa like new, bargain for caeh. Call William Allleon. Oeage 4744 " ti'A.s'i nit .tiMiLM'oiiYil'S i"y WANTKD In buy " KorV" inurrng- or roadaler body, Phone Oaage S7S and Oeage S44 IjioArd and rooms YiollILM " 1 it KIT. HOI F.I, THIltD AND DKTIIOIT F.tra large rool nulalda roome with awn- Inge, hot and cold running wateri eplen dld heda, abeolulely clean rooma) run In connection with Ln Halle Hotel) splendid Heine, i-none oeege LA MAI.LH IIOTF.I. ItS Hotrrll IIKNVF.Il Ultra large rool, newly renovated out aide roome: eplendld bedei rleaneat and cnoleet hotel In rllyi meala If doelred. Ilef etencee required Phone Oaage I60S VditDOVA "mrrm, Cooleet rooma In town, epeclal summer retell r:orner 'nurd and iiouiuer. MIDWF.HT IToTKIr -Oppoille Midland VaT ley ttallon on K Third atreet: no cleaner netel in Tulea, hoi and rold water In each room) eummer ratea. Phoiia Oeage 7710. C (I Carpenter, Menager. Limi I iiin;Hi;it i,y Lit jiuunri io I LAIHTTllght '"houeek"ee7,rng room) prlvVto entrance. 114 W Twelfth DRn VHH, " fl 14 1 i "IIkM ho'iieVlieepTng roome DKNVKIl, 8., Ill -For rent. I room for light houerkeeplng III beaeinent, no chll dren VCH i MON'I liH -l'lune furnlehed rooma for hnueekerning In private home) gaa, phone elerlrli.lty. water, Plann. etc, for nlaheil) l'i per month. 1st N. Ilnaedale Irving Plare on car line phone 7121 THlllD. 17. CSI'A Nice clean houeekeep- Ing rooma. elhule or In aulle, Oeage 7t0-.l NINTH. WT '- Nicely furnlehed room with uie i,f kitchen and dining room) evervth ng rurn ehod t eoar 7. VOllK rOWN, N . e -z large nueiy lur- nlahed light nntitcKceping roome ruin ilete. 2 donra off of Admiral Jitney I block from car line, i private eiutancee, bath end telephone MAT1IKLL, N , i I llgm liouarKeepihK roome ujtaiairat modern f.iTovi'i.'iiii'irii: cl.iTANKitH " Ifnriftrn rleiitiera. eklllful dvera. eltiert Hi teratlona prompt eervlce and our reoord or relUhllllv I'bone Cedar S3 and Oeage t oPltTII. 11, 1140 -z light liouoekieplng roome for rent. 1 FllltNlMHKD loome for Ight houee keen ng: modern convenlencen at ill Duliilh, weal nf N Denver i " 7. 1 IH 'f houeekeeplng rooma) nu chll- dren 109 ft Nogalee oTtfrTcV S . til- 2 furnlehed for rent PKoltlA. N. SSI- rurnlahid rooma foe light hnuecKceping. rent reaeonanie S Fi'llNIHIIKD hiMuekeepliiK "tiitnnt, IjeTsi Slavbell. , all efter r, o m 2 I.AIicinTilily" furnTeTied modem ilgTil lioueeaeeplng rtrorne, eine m. ueage ISSt Coii,e employed. Foil llKVTt furlileheil houeekeeplng roome. modern no children isio n am lllftr.K liaMMiient ruoiue, (urnlaliwl Cedar 1SS0. riMl HUNT Comfortable baeement for It per week Mre A. C Lewie, phone Oaage ssi 4 nr JH "!'.- iiaviirmI a. ISS-MiHlern furnlehe-i rooma for light houeekeeplng Oeage tlOI-J main. N. r. 1 1 - 1 nicely furnlahed light hou.tkeeplng roome, modern, prlvale entrance illlAlifTw , SJO hr rent, large furnlaTTed houeekeeplng fwmi 3 LAIl'll!, ''ool, light houeekeeplng roome for rent; front entrance; only inoea wno ran rive teforencte neoil apply Apply al 4Si r iioeion MK.ItVANTR' 'luartera ror rent In eiehange for laundry I2S WhejJhiK 1 I. A"imK nicely I u r nTe ift H fl i )7C ) is u - keeping rooma for man and wife, no other ronmere, reference required. Oeage '2" F.LOIN. ft S21 I light lioueekeeplng room lor rent jge i 41 MATiirii. i i. t suuee .x monern " '.'e rli!" ( 1 o ' b' tr ,ri on i .r housekeeping : orn nose in private entrame . itAIN H 1!0 hui'e of ight h 'i ek e Ing r',' rrn. weil furni"tiel. g d water t as- no ebjKtloD. lu l small child. BOARD AND ROOMS i. mil r HorsicKi'.i.i'iNO uimimh is UlltiriiNNIl, N., tit -.Light lifiu. . keeping room for rent fall Oeage St AC .1 ITllAllV, W . I0K I light housekeeping Mom for rent Oange MSI ll MadThon" 8,, SlJ'i For rent. I w I rnoina furnlehed for light housekeeping. Call llaaga SltS II NOIIAI.KH. H. 1- J large, ronl light linuae keeplni rooma, connecting belli, on Owen rent car line rnnne i-enar en UIHT ttoueekeeplng rooma, cIoim. lui eontli aide. IIS Oeage 7IID-J. SlAHH "illtOTIIKlTH, (LKANF.Ilh AND TAII.OIIH Wo eperlallee III ladlea- work anad ellk ahltta ahlrte all hand work. Slot eulta cleaned and preeaed, tl 10 each, t nay a eeevire) aum neiivery. uaage. i.u Ii7ioMH""rtin ii it n f rfiii n i s 1 1 ifi i I KI) 17 ly mod- Fill! lll'.rlT.'llv ju.,ell. one atrle'lle" em roomi private apartment! S tdneka eeat of Keirhiim hotel and one.hejf ot I'etroleum Club, nrefer oil men or travel ing men) reference required. Phone) Cedar 119. , . . . . iTKCONli.H, I4IS -1 nice lilo cool aleeplnr ronrne. alao garage) ror renu e-iion oaage eggs. NlfH large eleeping roomi modern. tinning bain. I'hnne oeage loan, I'Olt HUNT To gentlemen. S well fur nlehed cool rooma In modern hnnte, verr Lloee lnl lireakfaat If deeded i alau rtandjr garee Call Oeage JltS, HLKKI'INO "rooin, coinfnrtable" and con venient! south eipoeurftt private en trance In bath and to roomi gentlemen only. Call Cedar 14S7. CINCINNATI, M, 417-NIceIy furnlehe.1 room eouthwext eipoaurel oilUlde en- treore. I, Alton front eleeping room. S bl win dows: etrtelly modern, Oeage Sllf, ITOHTON, H. 117 S furnlahed rooms cedar jOIT Foil ft K NT--A room far S gentlemen with board. In private family, Oeage 44II-J PlioNT' liooif, eolith epoaura for rent. 01 14 llnaton. Deaae llll H I , ,K K I I N(T room for r e n , 4SS W, Kourtht hTjifI'TniI room adjofufnirbatlit elegantly futiilehenrj private family, ll N. quinry. riToiiMrlT'eleeprng ")rrh, garage, together or eeneretelv 14. xanllttle. lleere llll. HLKF,l'INtl"rooin,"r or 3 genlremeii. S(ST 11 Itnuetnn Ave. Oeege TftlS. FllirflBNT -Nire clean steeping room for Ijor S pernianent gentlemen IPS W, Snd OlllSrKNNlT N.," ! Furnlehed rnollll modern IS. SO per week. I'hUne Oeage S7P7. TWRLITII, W Hi One enutheaet aleepfnrr room for rent reaeonehly. f0 JUHTfCM In your eelf end your puree alao. nr ral inff iiiirnanre iieggaga j.ine. Phone Cedar SS, 12 W. Flret, FUHMINAL " liriTKIe MAIN" HTItKBt nnnnalle Frlecn atatlnni eoerlej eilinrner ratea) elegent fviutheaat roome. nine and root, ninnlnr water In mnmel nrtvale belhSS per weekjr leeneet Jhnlel In Tulea, wVNfA flOOlfllltlNflTf" Cryelal Hprlng Wateri beat water and beat aervlee.Oeege00or it, . I'OII 'HUNT Kaceptfonal rnoTeoutli room Adjoining bath! private entrance! eee. end floor of Ontario apartment. Ill W. Hernnd, Apt. Ii cell morning and evening. euer V4i W'iCI.Ii furnished well ventllntod room ndJolultiK batli. prtvatn en trance, second floor brick apartment, tlireo blocks south Cordon limp;., re fined couplo preferred. Phono Osano 2110. foTl HUNT- Nice large front room llll H. Main HL Celt evenlnga after S any time Hundey I'honw SIS or SStl COOL efeeplng rooma, running hoi and cold water) weekly ratea. Arm Hotel, 11 S W Flret. phone Oeage 70IS I'lOIIUrlfp H", 70S-rlteeplng rooni for rent rioee in. , KI.UIN, II. 110- -Deelrahle, large front dnwnetalre riiitm, Apt F. DliNVr.H, H, ill 3 furnlahed eleeping roome HIK.'OND V., tit- lleaullfully furnlahed room t'none linage hit LAltilM aoutli eleenlng room for 1 or 2 gentlemen :cloe Jn r Hione 7S7. MAIMHOH, n., in meeptng room tor rent. Cell Oeege ml. noDLIHlil HTriiT rine lerge ete'epinif room, thien rongentel wotxing glrle. ni:NVKl"l. H., I J07 HleepTng poich end drresing room lor i gentlemen, usage 4714. DICNVfiil." H., 41(1 Private fannlly. newly fiiniiahed sleeping mom adjolnlnr bathi alen room with garage. I, A 1111. ll, I'll iihii,, i.,r iwu, .iin j walk no distance) prlrale family, call 4Tiege43ll-.7 COOL (iimfortabja. neatly furnished roome. also Walking illatance, It to 110 week. 1301 neronn ItoMToM. H . f, 1 it -Nice root eleenlng room tor z or 2 gentlemen: true room le loraieii In a like iiulet reepeclahle neighborhood and furnlnhed with nice new furniture! alen adjiiine elrepinir porch which makee It unuifiy rool line le e irive,n nums en'i you will have all Ihe homo comforts: wilt be vacated Haturday. iToHTON, C, 114-Lerge room, S cioeeta convenient l :aih, preferably s gentle- men ueege U4Z. cTNcrNNATI, H., I0U Nicely furnletied roome. SIAIN. H. 1TIL 1 nice eleenlng room 1 or 3 men: on car line: alui dotiblo garage wlth or without. flinllHIfi, H". l3o"For rent, cool eouth room, hot and cold water. I'lionn osage 7I7-J ... rTNi'TNNATI. fl Front room nlcey fur nlehed. m,utheaji eipoeiire, eurtabie ror I or 2 gentlemen, private family. Oatgo etui El .WOOD, H. 1117 3 eleeping roome eultahle for I at IS per week: cloee to car and Jitney llriee: private home I Nil t Inrre aoulhftaal eletn ntr roolnl email room, alao garage. Phone Cedar 911 1-1 LOIN. H, 413- Large, ronl sleeping morn f ,r 1 gentlemen: private entranre, DHLIIIIITI'IILLY no southeast room, 7 Phone Oeege ? j l.Alllll; nicely furnlehed sleeping room for rent 103 fl. Cincinnati, Oeege IHH-.7 DHHIll Alll.l; room, close In: gentlemen only, prlvete femlly. lhono Oi aage Tib IIOHTON, H, 1307Hleeplng room gentlemen only. Phone Oeage 3t&7. for HOOM In front parirr adjoining lovely ruin, privBin nomo) no ntner roomere) for gentlemen only! reference required, 311 I, nineenin, pnone ii.nin eci. CHKYKNNF., N., 1001 NiciTyfurnlehixl room with nr without garage. Phone Oaage ir,at nr osage till, CIIF.ypNNB, 1 man. H, CIO Itoom for rent for jFFFnttHOV F. . 102-Fnr rentt nicely r. rnlhl cooi sleeping room lor gentle men Mientlemen nut of town moet of Ihe I time wanta roommate. p.l Mil, 1011 S. Cincinnati. I l'Aone Oiage WKt.li fiirnlahed cool deelrabla room, enulheaalern eipoeute; cloae In on aoutli l.lo In prlvale home. Oeage S7l. hT KI"iINfi room for gentlemeni connect- "'S o"1.".! JPILr'll, nome; oaage lets i,A IHllo eoulh 7iioni"edjo"lnlng bathT'ault- alile for 5 gentlemen rloae, In, ! H. Main. Ajt l"S Oeage !. Ktni liK'fJf"-" Sleeping room and garage. Coll mornlnga (11 K Tofktnwn HLBeFINii room wltTt efeepTng pore hi men only Phone Oeage ilH. CINi'INNAtF 'R.nril"l.:.TfrTa"rge eleep. Ing roomi nicely furnlahed. Phone Oaae IU FIl'TlC W-cioee In eleeping room for renli well furnlehed In prlrale home gentlemen preferred. Oiege list MAIN. 7 ISI-" Nlceiy 'urnIahe,r"iuVer.Tng room on fjrat floor Phone Oeage H07I-.L KIMII. v" lis' Weeping room for g'an" lilt"""' Pr wk' '"hone Oaage f'irinOO,' HTWTCF'fe"nT." 'nTce""el.eplbg room; Oeege SSI nrjTHltlKl. HS0I "Nicely furnished room rloee In for gentlemen only. Oeege S87 fiLiliN, ft.. 70S Nice ronl eleeping room, private entrance Phone Ojie 47SI-J ETNCINrTAYn.'; ISOJ- "cnoreoutTreTMin Ing ronmej mnderni nicely furnlehed. In prlvale home. Oeage 10 I'ltlUf'O, It. 0I I'nrtent. nlrely furnlahed eleeping room. Oeage UK. Foil HKNT -Cloee In Targe eleeping room. JAHPHH. M 102 lliautlful furnlehed large eleeping porch; modern adjoining belli l alao garage. Oeage loss, NJCICLV furnlehed room opposite Centre! high erhnol for 9 TOllnr ledlee enonlA empjoye.1, Oeage Sltl. CHljvilNNK.'rl.. 410 Lene front eleeping roomi eoutheaat oxnoaiire) modern home. Oeege 'SOT 6 1 Atk I'lNOrooni for ledlee. Phoue Oeage Foil HIONT tlleening room f'or gentlemen only; 410 B. Pneyennn MAIN, "m," tot Cooy'room for rent. NIC1C large cool eTeeplng. mama with hot ami rold running witleVi weekly rgtee. Alia Vlala lintel, llu Ii. Klevenlh Ht.. age list. UHByRNNM. HT. 03-Nicely furnlehed front enutheaet bedroom! eyery rnn yenlence to gentlemen only. Oeege llll. UOOI, room, nonv.nl.nl to ear end lllnev'! win errvn t or a meaia lo i or 3 younej men. Oeege Kit tHNC'irlNATl, H tSS For rent, flret claea eieeping room ror gentlemen. Foil IIF.NT Nlro, cool eTeeplng room, OH IIF.NT Nicely furnlalied room, clone' ln. entlablA for 1 voune ledlee Phnne Oeege BS7. Foil Tl HfT Bleeping room wllh kllrhen prlvllegee; prefer vodlea employed rtnnm I, Wllaon Apt.. ISI H. Hecond tit. ItOOMW UNFllllMMimil l TKNTII, W., IS06 1 iorg5 unfurnished room. nTntII, W SOI Kor rent, 1 untarnished rooma. i LA I MHQ unfurnished 'roome with aleep Ing porch) modern) light, water, ges and telephone) fijrnlehedl 110 per month. Oeage lS4. t NfCH large unfuTnished roome and kitchenette! modern) ISS per month. IS2S H. lloeton. nooMN mtOi ii7mTi1 it CAMKIION, W,. ill Nice furnished room eultahle for 1 or 3 young gentlemen, I room eultablo for 1 gentleman! with or llhoiit board HOULDIJK, N HI (loom end board for gentlemen onlyi home nrtvlleree. Phene Oeage MM. " CHI J V K HN1C, N SIS Hoom and board for I men on car line. Call any time. RToil rool room with hreakfaet and din ner for two gentlemen. Call Oitge 7o4 1 WANTICD Itoom and board for mother and boy t for IIS per month. Address ItS i:, cere World. ""ivantf;d itooMrToit lioTTitii "is ttllNIHHDD or tinfurnlahed room for em tiloyed women wllh lS.yeer.old hov. Call Mrallrown at Oeege 3II BUSINESS SERVICE IHjHI.M'.MM HICRVIUr. OFI'KIIKI) "" I'Olt CIOMUN'f'wollk Call Hoy Frye, oeage ISIS-J. MTKNOflllAPHIC aervlcei neat work and prnniii eervic. j'non Osage tlto. IF IN HT. HI) of carpenter call Oeage ttol eallsfactlon Euaranteed) referencea fur nished, IF VOU want plowing, or light hauling none, can vsagei veil, or appty at zsso Klghth VM IIAV'H eeveral ueed planoa thoroughly over iieiiivfi, ceeii or terma. I J. .wnilo Mualo Co., tit 0. Main ML. Phone Oeage 414. 11. U HIIAWHAN, O. I'. WltlOIIT. pracll. cal painters and paper hangerai nrlrea reeannable. Phone Oeege DI1S. JH N. lloulder, CilAH. Flir, landerape gardener, lawns. graded and set with Ilermudaj IS rears In Tulaa, Phone Cedar Hit DON'T WOltllY "WATCH t)H OHOW Olfn WOIIK WILL BATIBFT I.FT U.'l TIUM YOUIt llKDOKS Mow your lawn, gra.e your yerd end do them right, we will dl gcellaie, alorm holes, baeemente or wellei lote or rich bleok dirt to eell) wa stay hare) we be lieve In Tulsa. TI7LHA NUHSKIir CO. lit H. lloeton. Osage 7710. W. II. Clttl.ON. Landecape llerdner. HacF! C'urtalne cleaned, cieanere of line I nee. Mra. O. W Tonlllnlon, llll lie. I lloil ,'" g eS 3 0 It MA'fl'ill-HHFH renovated end recovered. All work gutranterd. Porler Mattress CO; Oaaje llll . DON'T HUV?F.ri w'lth'pUeaTret rmmedlate r,,lr., wnte rtiric. nog leio. M"ATTIti!Hl)K---ltenovate, .and recovered) letumed home the iimi uay. i'hone III). Henltarr Stattreee Co. i.F.T MB OVKHIIAUL your Ford for 111 In vour eeraee or brine? It to 711 N. Peoria, one block north end of ear llnei special prlcee on other makee of care; wora- guarantees t give meariai. I r.r mi: hf.ll THAT CAIl I'Olt YOI7 Llet vour ueed car wllh me. I'll gel yoar price for It Phone Ceder SII. LAl'i; cult TA inn dry eieeoed or lauit. dared by emerta. Ills ft. Cincinnati! pnone cieege eras BTOVKU and furniture repaired etovee bought, eoid and egenangoa. jeie Ilodgee, Osage 4711. LET mo fix your lcaklnK roof; work KUarameeiL pnonti OB'iKe 39Z8. lil'l'l.lM(rAND"CiNTHACTlS"lt St Foil HAI.i;- -Cement blocka and Iota of thern at It centi each. Phone Olll S40. HANIHICP sewage disposal eysten.s, for lire with err without water supply, for subur ban and country homee, ichoola. Industrial villages, etc., absolutely automatic! em rlency guaranteed) Indorsed by health au thorltlea everywhere, 10,000 In use. Bend ror uteraiuro, Agenia wanien, v.etueni Product. Cu. 3&i h Denver nt 1'CH C1HTKHNS, etorm cellars, relatnlng walla, basement floors, etc. Call Osage 7151 10 yeara' experience, wntk guaraa. leea. YB "UO-Hl'ILl)rNO. repaTiIng, painting ana ueroraiing, gou prompt eerfiKe our motloCall Osege 314. MeF.wen. Chi MK NT HLOCKH for "eale by the clear eend and gravel Co, phone oeege ni. y. per rent large or ar. :ili work guar t. riione Ot( anletd) repair done aU' irj 1T1