TULSA DAILY WORLD, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1920 r 3 MISS ROBERTSON GETS INTO RACE ice woman win Candidate for Congress. TURNER FOR SENATE Independent Democrat Files Notice of Candidacy Hud . son Legislative Candidate. State Briefs MUHKOCJEK, Oliln., June 4. Miss Alice Robertson, pioneer Jtus KoKecHn, former postmistress of MufiUogcc, and for yearn active In republican politics In Oklahoma, to. nlfiht announced that ho 1b a can didate for the republican coriKrus tmnal nomination In tho Second knhomn district. Tho announcement of her candi dal)' followed tho publication thin morning of tho filings of K. C. Mot ur Virdlnand 1. b'nldcr and II. II. j u'ti. all republicans. iUrs HoberlBon la an avowed W'i. id nupportcr and has mailo bcv era speeches In hln behalf. Sho w:m j,of in Indian territory, not far ff'm this city, before Muskogee hud been placed iftion tho map. Sho Is the daughter of a missionary who wr ked among tho Indians In tho days "before tho whlto man came." Phe wan appointed postmistress of MjRkogeo by Thcodoro Hoose elt and for a tlmo claimed the dis tinction of bolnff tho only woman fAptmastcr of a flrst-clasa city In Uie iniiiMt -n.. . jtlis Ilobertson was nmonij the first ardent nntl-BitffraglRts and nt one tlmo was vice prcldent of tho state nntl-BUffrago association. "Now that miffrago has been forced upon the people, I want to feci them ... nr1 nfn If thov mnjin It' who UUt " ' ' eald tonight. "If I nm elected I won't sob and rntvd and say that 'I cannot vote for war " OKLAHOMA CITV, Juno 4. jr. i. Turner of Oklahoma City filed ns andidato for United States sen ator today, listing1 hlmmlf ns an In dependent democrat. Turner was defeated ns a candldnto for tho dam. ocrstlo nomination for tho scnato in 1907. Jud&e Mark L. Bozarth of Okmul--fee, Judge of tho district court in the JSrd district, filed for the dem ocratic nomination for Justlco of tho supreme court In tho Kovonth dis trict. Candidates for tho atnto scnato who Jfiled today are Frank I. Davis cf wild, democrat, for tho Klghth district, and Dr. K. B. Illbbltla of Cold Springs, Kiowa county, demo crat, for tho Sixth district. Candidates for tho houso of rep resentatives aro T. A. 1'arklnson of Waconer, democrat: Oeorgo D. Hann of Cordell, Vashlta county, democrat; M. II. Iiuthan of Chlcka fha, Grady county, democrat; Wash E. Hudson of Tulsa, democrat; Thornton Clark of 1,-iwton, republi can, and Cicero I. Murray of Lind say, Garvin county, democrat. Wishes Mouth Willi Arid. MIAMI. Okla., Junr- A. Mistaking carbolic acid for mouth wash near ly eot tho Ufa Inst night of G-ladyH Morgnn, 17, an elevator operator In an office building here. Sho picked the hottlo from a sholf and filled her mouth with tho acid before sho discovered her mistake. Her mouth and throat were badly burned hut n physicians say sho will recover. I'ONCA CITV, June 4. Wheat growers in session hero yesterday passed resolutions that "it will bo necessary for tho wheat growers of Kay county to storo their wheat on the farm, releasing it only In suf ficient qunntlttes to natlsty market demands In order t maintain n price covering at least tho oot of production, nnd we . . . emphati cally urgo and Insist that the tann ers in Kay county do at once ar range to prepare sufficient storage to hold this yoar's crop." SUCK, Juno .1 The rustic brldgo ovt Little Deep Pork In Slick prk bus been complotod and tho work on the park Is being rushed with a view to opening about June IS. Tenuis, motion pictures, bathing and boat ing will be some of tho amusements, Special train service between lUls tow and Slick will enablo the poo plo of Sapulpa, Tulsa and other nearby towns to como hero for an outing. SUCK, June 4. The Oklahoma Southwestern railway company's first engine will arrive at Brlstow Saturday. It will bo put In work train nervire. Officials of the road expect lo bo operating trains Into Slick within 30 days. PROBE DEATH OF SHIVNER Think Knpulfm Youth Killed In Car Wreck Wns I lacing Machine, FprcUl to Thi World . HAPUIjPA, June 4. Investigation of tho death of George Bhlvner, ID year old gararv mechanic, who died almost Instantly about 12:45 o'clock this morning when an automobile which ho was driving turned turtle three miles east of this city on tho Tulsa -Sapul pa 'road, throwing tho driver several feet and wrecking the car on a concrete culvert, developed today that tho young mun was proh- amy racing a taxi car. Shlvner was driving a Chandler car owned by L. W. MvRiicn of Brls tow. Both Shlvner nnd Iluh 13. Shlvner, n sister Jive In this city, Tho parents of tho dead man re side at Glrard, Kansas, and a brother lives In Kansas City. Funeral ar rangements havo not been made pending tho arrival of tho father hero. THINK KOEHLER IS DEAD Hotly lNninrt In.Crtvk Believed to Bo That of Bank Bobbery Suspect. Special to Tho World. PAWTIUSKA, Okla., June 3.- That Horndon Kochler charged with the robbery of tho hank at Burbank was tho victim whoso body was re cently found In Bird Creek south of Blgheart, Is tho opinion In of flclat circles here. Koul play Is sus pected as Kochler Is said io havo had a strong alibi and persistently as serted Ills Innocence of tho crime, Kochler, left hero oTT Saturday before his caso wan set for Monday and it was said that ho left Coffeyvlllo presumahly for PawhUBka, hut has not been Been since. Tho mother of Kochler who ar rived in Pawhuska last night has identified tho ohoes and handker chief ns those belonging to her son. but cannot Identify the shirt. RELIEF PROMISED GRAINSHIPPERS Fifty Cars Allotted to Oklahoma by Commerce Commission. OKLAHOMA CITV, Juno 4 -Im mediate relief for tho grain ship pers of Oklahoma by an allotment of SO cars dally to the Bock island niliroad for southwestern move ments, was announced tonight In u telegram from II. W. Wooley of tho interstate commerce commission. John A. whltehursl. president of the stain board of agrleul'itte raid tonight the Mule now was recoiling about 100 cars each day In the mi eral run of business and that the ,'0 additional cars will be a ma'crl.il win lie said tho farmers vero le spondlng rapl.lly to tho nppeuin for Horn go rnollltli'i and that on the whole conditions are good, but that thero are sumo dc penile situations lo be met among tenant faiuuts who hao insufficient slnr.ige facilities In lilt telegram Woolle stated. "The commission's orders requiring tho unloading of 2,7ou carina. Is of grain ncuuinulnted at thilelon by reason of can lei s' failure to promptly place, embargo anil allot ment of &0 curs e.ioh day lo the Hock Island for southwestern move ments Is expected to ease the Okla I emu grain car supply situation Im mediately." Tn Protect Americans. LOS ANUHI.KS, Oal, Juno 4 Protection of Americans and Ameri can business and stimulation of In dustry In Mexico will bo possible under the new order of things there, IMIdomcrn Almad.i, the new govel -nor of northern district of Lower California, slated hure today. Nollcv. Wanted nt oncu. several good red blooded 100 percent Americans quil IMa.I In .Alnll..lnt,J It f h ,1 III .... .1 ,1, 1M, IVIIIIIUi'ntu,'- . ' - fantry unit machinist gun company of the Oklahoma national guard MICH men will on comiiunsiom'ii mi once and may attend the officers' school to bo held nt Oklahoma City June (! tn 20 Advt June Records Now and Nifty Pathe Shop Cedar 150 8 West Fifth "The Courage of Marge O'Doone" James Oliver Curwood's Greatest , Story to be Shown at Rialto Next Week Starting Sunday FIFTEEN YEARS OF BLACK-DRAUGHT Black-Draught Highly Recom mended by Illinois man for Liver and Stomach Disorders; Used It for Fifteen Years Beautiful snow scenes, Intense action. Intelligent animals, all-star players, picturesque locations and masterly direction contribute to tho success 0f Uie film version of James Oliver Curwood's famous Btory, "Tho Courage of Margo O'Doono," which opons at tho Rial to theator Sunday for a four days run. The Vltagraph Film company has made a special super produc tion of James Ollvor Curwood's famous novol, and an all-star cast Including Niles Welch and Paulino Stark wore engaged to Interpret, the leading role. "The Courago or Maree O'Doone" Is one of tho really good films aado this Bcaaon. Advt Slngerton, III. "For fifteen years wo havo used Thedford's Black Draught, and havo not ns yet found anything that could take its place," writes Mr. W. K. Blstor, of this town, "I havo used it for Indigestion a number of times, and It gives relief," continues Mr. Bister. "For sour stomach, n heavy, bloatod feeling, It is splendid. And when tho liver gels torpid, so that when you stoop nnd raise up sud denly you feel dlitzy, a few doses will set you straight, "Wo keep It and use for consti pation and tho above troubles, and find It most satisfactory. I can recommend It to others nnd gladly do so. For tho number of years I havo used Black-Draught now, I ought to know." In Its 70 years of usefulness, Thed ford's Black-Draught has relieved thousands and thousands of persons Buffering from tho results of a dis ordered liver. And, ilka Mr. Bister, many people feel that, after using Black-Draught nothing can take its place. If you haven't tried Black- Draught get a package today. Nearly every druggist keeps It. Advt. llff SUMMER COMFORT Can only bo had in the proper kind of clothing. At this Btoro you will find just the suit you want for hot woathor wear' Light airy weaves in Palm Beach, Cool Cloth and other light weight materials. You can't beat these suits for real value, comfort and good looks. A wide va riety to select from, belted suits, single or double breasted. We have just the style you want at the price you wish to pay. HOLMES Clothes Shop 7M 21;t SOUTH MAIN New June Numbers Now On Sale OMumbia I 3) 3M m If You Arc Easily Tired Out, Your Blood Needs Purifying Cloggd. up Impurities Will Under mint! Your Health. As summer approaches tho Im purities that havo been accumulat ing In the system throughout the winter begin to clog up the circula tion, causing a general weakness nnd debilitated condition llrtit Is generally known us "Summer Sick ness." The first symptoms are usually a loss of appetite, followed by a grad ually lessening of energy, tho sys tem becomes weaker day by day, until vnu fel yourself on the verge of a breakdown. Children Just at this season are peevish and Irritable and become puny and lifeless. This whole condition is but the result of Impurities In the blood, that have been accumulating and makn themselves felt more distinct ly with the change of ociisnn. They show that nature needs assistance In giving the ystm a general house cleaning. Nearly everybody Just now needs ft few bottles of H. R. H., the great vegetable blood remedy, to cleanse out nil Impurities. It Is good for the children, for It gives them new strength and puts their system In condition so they can more easily re slst the many ailments so prevalent In summer. S. H. K. Is without an eotml as a general tonic nnd syslen builder It Improves tho appetite and gives new strength and vltullt) 1 tn both old and young, roll Information and valuable literature can bo had by writing lo Swift Specific Co., K09 Swift Itbor story, Atlanta, Da, Advt. V '1 Ml Records Lucy Gates Sings Sweet Lullabies Lucy Gates, glorious soprano, makc3 you share all the mother's happy joy in that old-time hallad "Baby Mine." Coupled with "Mammy's Song," an other melodious lullaby by this exclusive Columbia artist. A-29U $1.00 $150,000 STOCK of the World's Finest Luggage ' Goes on Sale This Morning at 9 o'CIock Be on hand when the doors open Every . article in our store REDUCED 33 to 40 These Reductions guarantees your purchases to be at Less than Wholesale Cost Today Your Opportunity Is Here Don't Let It Pass Elephant Trunk Factory 105 South Main Cedar 1546 i 1 1 Graveure Glorifies Great Love Songs "The Want of You" and "I Know a Lovely Garden" arc two songs of lovers' longing which give you this exclusive Columbia artist at his best. Gravcurc's splendid baritone brings out all their exquisite beauty, A-2897 $1.00 N.YPhilharmonic Plays Light Opera Medleys The "Mikado Ovcrturc,"i containing almost all this opera's merry themes, is a musical gem as played by the Philharmonic Orchestra. Coupled with the "Medley Overture from Mile.' Modiste," played by these ex clusive Columbia artists. A.6146-$1.50 And 50 Other Great Selection! Tne 56 new ColumMi irltctiom for June include 1 Grand Opera aria, ,4 longi by treat concert atari, 12 popular long hin, 4 orchritri arleetiom, 4 accordion loloi, J piano ioIoi, 2 Tiolin loloi, 2 band pircei, 2 nejro folk iont.i, 2 juitar dueti, 2 comic talkins records, 2 ipreehei by treat statesmen, 1 bell solo, and IS dances. Cel th New Columbia Nolty Record Dooklat. Every Columbia Dealer Has l Nt- Cmtumbla Knmtit mn SmU mi mil CmlmmUm Dltf Ihm lOlhmnJ 10th ml tmry .( COLUMBIA ORAPIIOPHONE COMPANY, New York r2i3el Wm COLUMBIA ORAFONOLA3 Slmndttd Hod tit up to $300 How About Your Vaca tion Plans? Do They Include the Taking Along of a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA? If not, they arc not complete for the realization of the most pleasure obtainable during your stay. Take i Columbia Vacation Model along. Let its gay music multiply the pleasures of your summer va cation. Take a dip in the water, then dance on the beach. All these portable models play, with ample volume for outdoors, the latest dances, love songs, lulla bies, opera arias, and instrument al, and tho popular hits with the heartiest laughs. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Darrow Music Company CD 510 South Main Osage 616