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TULSA DAILY W0KT.1T SATURDAY. JUNE 12. 102SD PiiMleAerf Pterrr Marro'i Ir'tiiAi'r PiinrUa nv THE worci.D PUBLISHING CO. BtJHKNI ' "KTviN r 'i . . . DTIH 1Hti'iN t. A I.ATTA . .Owner nil Piirillaaer . . h ial' eea W '! MllillHI P.'tilnr Oil! ii Wiit.r asMee-ed In tile Tu'a NM We Ihw""! '! Mailer pf- - i ' 7 . L-... ItKMh-FK "P A I'll' It' 1114'' ir tttlVi'l.ATt'lN MP.MIIP.N ' 1 y HIP. "' '.TK.Ii I'HKMN Trie taenia"'-'! I'rraa la ear'.iaieelr annuel in eSI tee f..t rapuhoi Itofi i.f all neere .llaneir'iet IW ' I '" ft or Ml Hl"r e ''!., ...I In tbn ,etwr and alec Ihe aval newe eoetlesel herela. vnwRifTiuN paths, rir mn. in ahvam-k 1 A I I.T ANII HI'NIiAT If OKLAHOMA (M'THil'i: r OKLAHOMA On Yf4f I ae t inn Teai a n It Wi.nlhe Three M'.rith One M. Hill . . . On Tear i tb.i.lhe ... Troea V aurie On Mulilli . . . Im Teep ! la M ."lie Per Mnnth .. . . . . 4 na piii M"' lie ... I It far Ii I!, llAU.T riVl.T f tin i ma Year . . t it llmi'lie ... I II IVt Maori . 1 HI'MI'AT 'itt.T . . .11 71 fine Tear . . . . . . I 60 Nia M'.ntna lb Pel Mni.ih 71 7 no I in ts It m CAKNtra in ouTama town daiM ANI HI NIAT Per v. , '! per Moati In Advenre Per Yaar, In Arlvanrn a.ef 1IT ' Mt 1 1 1 1: n IN T'l.HA HANI' HI-niNUt Aril' MP nIIK HAII.Y AVI' AI'NtlAT . for w.b . M Per ar.nitrt. In Advance I'ei v. . In Ailvanna II" PHONE r.'iiMi KOI! Mfj IIBI'AHTM KNTW AVKII OI M. I PAID 'in'i'l.ATIl'S "P TUB VVtaM I'AII.V AMI Ml NI'AI' Pi'll TUP. ' 'Sill OP MAT. lilt WIN II. 471 I II I a a -I Hall. in Mnnaer .1" enleninlli wenr Hint Ilia avei.ige nat paid Hi' of ' ' -Iiallv aril W ild for the ntMM nt Men UU tn 21 474 In tliii Mai of lu y k n.iai r.1e anil lH't" K P. m i itt rirrailatlnn Maree' PA II... I And aeon lier,,re lue I hla SaV "' Mar. m.'i A. P.. NK.IH. Miliary Public M, ..noiiaalnn eaplraa Maioli II. 1114 Daily lliblical Quolaton HATtTRDAT, .M M: la. ItM Aa the (Piither h..iii lov4 km. m havp I lov4 Ann. Jphu inn. u i'ii ki rn'i. unr hnurla to aoflanf Tnn h iih, I. oiil, at l. riKlh In lova; V-, al.ia. fnrKi-i too ofl.'ri What it l.'tl.'inl wp hnvr ntiovfi: Tint whi n ht)Ma ftUf aiiitln nrt tiriiiiKht We will lova Hi"" aa vrn ouiiht. Contliiuii yn In my OVa. John ll. A ivriti in it in nil; skii s Til.' MOtaor which apprnnMl In Ihla iurt of Uio I'Ui'th a faW ilayH OaTO OhOOV nn unfiivuruM" tlmii to tnaki. Hm RppoarOfl00i Mont of tin' poo plo wri' too tniii h almorlii'il In national (toUtlOJ to Klv.i tin. Mil. i lil PMtOI1 RIO pa Ihnn luianlnK notlro. Wllhln a llmlti'il rlri'lo nf iwr Mtnirk oli. atrvi'ia, the nnittrr of ita origin ami fmn hv hml much thoiiithtful and soma hyatnrlcal oon hlilrrallon, but In Ihc Hum total of human nf fulra Uat aiipcnrunco of a MOtOOff wua too cim moriilacn to affect Iho train of thouaht of lh" aPuraKn dulHhla of thn ninnlnlna; few who MM auli Jwl to unri'iiminlnK aupi'ralltltin ami rcitnnt with fear what they iln not It In even nin. i. Atl antic that aiiyhmly nIiouIiI have heon oimttod. tho only BXOUM for uiiUHtial 0A cllcmcnt IicImr the pi'i aim ;i I one - thai an event which hail come to he rcnanleil na a mailer of OOUfM Ihe world over ahoulrl havn hupp. n.'l where they iictunlly iww It with their 0WH even anil felt the thrill which nlwaya comen with OOP. tOOt with the mlc.htlncaa of nature oiiIhIiIc the orillniny mutaltona uf our own apherr. The nmiiHliiK feature of tha nrrnalon In the nttempl of mere layincn tO theorlia aa to what aort of n IhltiK It wan that ciinie, whrre It came from ami where ll lamlcil. All IheHO thlnH have hren tent.itUcly acttleil In mlvanee lay the anleiitlHlH. of chui'ho, rloctoiH may (ItaaKree, hut until their OOnohlOiMHI are prnven falMe, they are tlio beat kuIiIih we have. Thny know more about It than tho common every day And they teach ua that ft ,u; ma of exploded planetH are travcllni; mound "wildcat" fnahlon In und nmonir the orhlta of tha mora aadiitr planets of our ayatcm All cxrept a very few of the ItHfll of thcHe wli) r In 1 irnmpa are In VtStblO, except when they venture Into an atmoa pttOPOi when Hie filctlon of Ihe air createa n hpat that OOliQatl tbom to Hhlne. The prohahle renann why the laUltUnC place of tha nieieor Men here can not he located Ih that It burned up until there waa nothing to land. i riNi ss to IMAD a mambor pf tho lum-h porUunint recently dun up the i. Id Hi'Kiiment that noma men were created to lend and Otherl to follow. In other words that there la a divinely appointed com mlHHton to certain penpln to ahow the public the way and PttWri whnne caparlty fltn thrm only for folluwliiu the leadvrahlp. Nobody over rationally contnidlctnd thla fact except aa to Ita divine n pi.lntment. It la a well known fact that there muHt lie leader to lead and follow era to follow; ulao that the rar.k and f fin of humanity alwaya waJtn for aoma itnmlniint In telliip'nce to point out their course of conduct and ahape the Initiative of their wny of thlnk iOK. ThlH cornea, however, not through auc reodlnu generation of blue blood, hut through native OblUty nn.l i.nglh uf will in tha indi vidual, WnhOtfll ho.iHted that he wna divinely ap pniiited to his pfopootrt IcaderMhlp of the world, and the fact that ho made auch an lmpreaalnn on hi time wua not herauae of hi Imperial rlulmn but bOOaVOOl thoae clalma were huckrd up by unuaual ipiallf icatloiui to rule and the traditional aiibaervlence erf a great nation of people to Ihe Idea of ImpcrlallBni. That he did not lead wisely la a matter of history, but thnt he had a Miong place In the roverence of his people, and In the admiration of men generally. In none the om true hecauae he proved to be an egotistical fool and a political failure. Leadership will tell and people will how tho knee to recognized ability to lead na long ua the world lOOtl But the modern IdOO hM baVlUohOd the notion j Ihnt talent for leadership ih a matter of In- j heritance. tVllhclm will doubtlOM be the last of the monarch of the rid t" bM bis clalma ! 0 UlvlOO fippolmiiicnt. .M cl.iam la as. I ploded, and arlal.inniy hna attained All' ll bad odor that It Is folly to np.ct the Idea to sur vive Ihe world war. Tin- Ameiiean Idr.i of e.nal chancea for all m'-ii Iiiih sup. racded all th folly of Inheilied power In thla .onntry we folloia leaders and worahlp heroea as much an do the Kuropemis, but we repHMve to ouiaelvs t be right to choose who shall he those bailers and who la worthy to he eate.-med a hero. The l:nKllahmiin'a . Inlm thai the fan. I..u of of aristocracy is beneficent rnn hnr-llv he dls putrd, for there la no r ii. oplc than on governed by u gOOd mnrinrrh and led by n con- Sel.Tltlous a I 1st ... I :i. 'Ihe I .spoliHlhllll lea nf .lls. ishlp In a rlemocracy fall alike on the wine ii rid the foolish, while the elllren of a biflPVO' lent despnllnui la relieved or any r aponslblllty In nff.iliK of alale Hut In a dOMOMMf Ilk I" " pl Insist upon healowlng lOftdOfOhtp and horior When they will, ll r:iieel h e of that I. nilai'a llneOaT or privloua condillon Men Hill hoi lOOdOPfl, hut they prof VP to nAn a hand in naming the leaders ami the pow r to '-ureal Hum when they no lonio r upp- .il to the popu fancy A In dMpotktfrl, by tin death of our mirniir. h and the RUeofrMlon of his heir, may at nny time cbniiLie into a vicious despotism, nod lump from the hoppleai state of private r Hlaenshlp Into the most mlooroblOi In a deroiwiacy, wherr leadem an ohooeri and discarded with mutntlona of popular fancy, it la the people's own fnult If they suffer from nn unwise rholca or iriuln an unfit BUM In that inparlly. PUfl ti' ah Airs roi.rnt s The Philadelphia ledger haa discover i d that Tdnk las. with plenty of dsh.ty aaVfldWlflhat and cooling Icea" will cut a great flgliro in politics hereafter, since so much of the eani palgu machinery of the country I hr eaten, m to bo femlnlr.ed I'or the female aex la taking hold of politlaal things and. ir. stead of adnptliic hor aalf to condltlona sancllfled liy ycnis of mis MtlM habit, la making politics adapt It". If to bar methods and way of thinking This may In the long run prove a welcome Innovation vet there are (hose who wlll rnls Ihc -aiii. il :n nm boree with Ita nnlne and ii.wily excitement, Mid Its rad hlodnd temporary dlategard of conven tion. We may gain by dispensing with theHn rough-and-tumble affnlra for ladylike pel form am r s. hut we rnnfesa to an Inability to poo lew the pep and real of parttaantnm always consid ered Indlapetislhln by the politician of the past I to be produced by this new method. Wlll the old-time politician who kilOOd the babies, paaaed out clgms ami BAd a flow of pleasing palaver for every pnsrrlhle nudlein r occasion he able to meet and cope with an at tack from the tea tuble? The Uterary Ihgest believes lhat everybody Is willing to concede woman's Intuition, Indomitable courage, and relrnlleaa energy, once she acta out on the trail or a project or a vote. Hhe haa a well known aptitude for buttonholing the male of the ape cles, especially on "tag day" OonotdOritUf her various nsiaeta, Including 'he charm of woman hood, which no political condltlona can sub merge, and which throuifh the ages has en abled her to gel what she wants when she wanta It If she only plays her enrda right. It is HOOnnohl to prOOIimO that women In politics wlll go after votes with all tho ohorOOUtioUM of her si and wlll have a lot to say about candl dates. Issues and olOOMOM. Already Ihe lady politician l very much on the Job, and the DtgOM believes tbeie are nli.-ns that tho new pollllclnna wlll depart from the stereotyped political methodi of mere men. Time alone will tell how far she will go In overturning traditions and setting new prOOO dents, and time alone will tell whether Ihe new dispensation wlll be an Improvement on paal methods and how far It will go In Improving rcanltA. or whether It will turn out to be Im practical and temporary. Th" republican national conven'lon decided that dclegiites regularly ele. ted should he seated In preference to deleu.itcs chosen by outsiders. This ruling was too fair and sensible to lie He riouslv aueetloned It may not he cany to believe, hut It Is a fact lhat fewer than hair of the nights made In air planes result disastrously. There are men still alive who have gone up in air planes half a doreii lime. The Italian cabinet lias resigned In a hudv Hut there Is no hope that Its shining evuniple will be follow id at Washington, even with the Incentive of an arbitrary and fussy president. The aupreme court by Us timely action made Ihe convention's plan of not mentioning boOOQ In Its platform one much easier to curry out. It Is now clear thai the luur is dead. It la not the outcome at Sun l-'ranolacn that holds hack Mr. William Qtbbo McAdoo It Is the outcome that follows adjournment at that city. ol ll rot N l llV. Copyright 1U20 by Kdgar A. durst t), the Ls.rd hue blessed our country in a thiiiiaatid different wave, lie has lined its shores with water where the sun each morning plays, llu haa crowned Its hi is with splendor, and has OPWH l fields with grain, And I wonder with such beauty why the lips of men complain. We've a land of allver rlvera, we've the palm trrc ami the pine, Ami beoaotb our tonry bonttor we have every plant and vin; oh, 1 don t know how to aay It. but the Lord ha lavlaheil here All tluil iiiih man could wish for. for his comfort and hia cheer. In our mlnca are gold and ellver and the more enduring steel, And there's not "no lighted oottafl but con tentment should reveal, Here Ihe children wake to laughtor and the men, whoe'er they he, Find their OVOfy luk the gateway unto op purtunliy. Oh. the land has blessed injr country, It la rich with happy rues. It la rich with every trOMIIN which the noaj or man de w i Here hi Hiail may find expression In the Joya he iVouiii attain. And I wonder In sin h beauty why the Hps of men complain. Oklahoma Outburntt My ' '! IS 1 l I ' WofOOflOf no nnt wlll ven'ure to aay of Sen , ator IjiI L ite that he haa loo much gall Now thnt the Krleger rase la out of the wav Tills., OOHlit fluure that bOrOOftOf Ihey ml.y have time lo devote to piesalng business. fifth hilw were so surprised at th ronvh Hon of a man In MuOfctMM for assault lhat Ihey are aboii' am ai d Unit h shall have a new trial and freedom We ire pro PO, rod tO I" rtOTO all the meteor stories iiArept Ho. one that Ita flah across the hoovont drove Okmulgee women to their kyieeai In prayer. KOVlni seen a pleiiire pf I'l Acock allay In full bloom, we are not suiprlsed that the r-hatrman bud to wait long past the opening hour every tfO lor the di logptot to aaaembie ThOTt la Just this atii'iu It. aaya Kill IMnglev. ymi tievei know tust how rniirb a isitiKtenamati b is done for district until hla pi '.as agent be. gins to In a i m htm fur a second ter'n. The home team Is back on Its own lot for S'l do) If 'he gr.indaiund is playing In good form lha loom ought to hi- far enough nhi-ad In 'he I nfagti column lo safe: rtuike the next long road trip. ftpooklm f glKom, hnven't you a perfect pie tine of Levy Muyer of Chicago when be said In oommontlfuj upon the supreme court decision: The flight iN lost. The iiveinie of the courlo la closed." , If you happen to hop a photo of I. ( Disney when he throw his Wood button on the floor In Shawm e. then vou caii picture the tragic figure he cut in Chi an. i when he rcalgnod from the c"iiimilt-'c on credent! Is because Alva McDon ald for Hi" time so. toe, lo be Hitting on the right h ind of ihe llumon throne Barometer of I'ublic Opinion I ail. r the Sinn hern Hi-lcga.li1. We an- VPltnooolns the usual preliminary to a republican national convention. Cotiteslng doll nUoraai vv lute, negro or mixed, are appear ing before the national cnmmiltcc at Chicago to see which of them can put up Ihe weakest case ror seatH ami votes In an asHeiubly that hopai to same Ihe next president of the l ulled States New York Iuot. Lot (Jur Star Alone. It look! as If every city, town and village In this fulled Slates Is Jealous of Ada and trying to i I 1 1 in all our prcretiulsllc, Hidellghts, and scenarios 'Ihe falling slur that lit In the midst of ibis Double A city lust night at o'clock Is now claimed as a local fixture by every burg from Androscoggin to I'ba Dam. Okmulgee has the nerve to say that the shoot lug light of last evening fell in a dry ditch one mi it from that oleaginous illy and that un oounted thousands of ihn hoi pellol are even yet rubbernecking over the recking pit Into which th.- red demon aank Wllbtirton has nrganl.eil reooui partial to salvage Rod Oak. which Is claimed In have been smashed Into smlthereons bj 'he astronomical maverick. Tulsa and Ok;a homo City hOPO both already laid out additions to mark the apol where thalr suburbs were ton, lied up with a little touch or celestial fire KvOTi Carls In old Isvtnar county and Cleburne of the black tar country are claiming the honor nf having been scared Into goose flesh by the sudden ligh'lng nf the aurora horealls In their most exclusive residence section. All such talk I hnllyrnt The star oi meteor. or whatever it WHS, fell rteiil here In Ada. Httfl lie Is of our heat people saw Its flnry gyration a It crossed the borlOOO and settled on the p. r pootlVO, They saw It nt aphelion and perihelion. The) saw of spooning seance oonvortOd Into highly fervent prayer meeting working ov i time. And as indlaputuhlc evidence thai the mitverck III In our midst the streets and alleys of this motropolla look us ir ten thousand carth QUakes had mobilized for luuk action and had 1- ft nothing '"i( dirty ileluls and broken hopes In their wake A wide open trench eleven feet doop and two bundled feet long runs up Ihe alley alongside the Kvenlng Nevva hiiildlnt;. showing when, the celestial visitor got In Its work. Ad i New. Pooh Hot ton l legale ami Hamuli lllouso. Wniiei I'eiguaon suy he I In receipt of Ihe following dispatch: Bit U IUOjKM Chicago. Ivii Bulle Hotel. - A couple of Okla homa ilelegati secured advance infurmalinn ObOUt the siie of one of the candidate's cam paign barrels and a near rlol ensued. The two doughy oklahomana knocked down four Arkillia.ivv delegates and two from Alaiiama getting bltO Hie room whoro tho fundo were lo he dispensed. It is definitely settled that Ihrd OfoOutro will nominal.. Iil.e lot the pteslilency Bird has l.e'ti rending Hie llf" "f Nat lioinlwin in order to charge hia uiliid with ihctortc. He will cite Hm tact lhat Joko vvas a poor boy w h" got hi start with a circus. Vigorous denial ii mod ol the ohorM that Jake opt rated the shells will. Hie big show IfoQuIra will point out that .lake will put tone Into the while house, thai he will repeal Ihe i re tax law and the Mann act tVhttO aM.'iluire Is speaking Amos K'wlng will pass among the delegates distributing hymn bouka contalnlni a ri ontlspiece of Jake w ith his coat on. It Is OXpOOtOd that IfoGuIrO! oratorical effort will cover a hlatory of iikluhonui from "Ar.ipa In to tin. Wain n Vniemlment" and that he will i iv hue the Miii nn. of IfoOrhw to oroonlM a Sinn linn chapter in Oklahoma. He will point nut that whiskers cost the (. O 1' the proalaoncy loot ilnu. and licit .lake can carry the barber vote as well an the manicures solidly He wlll also dectnre thit .lake will set a pic In habei dashcry which mi one dec can follow I lie mis iiirts l la i n mi lias ilisplnveit have won for hlui the tl'le of Jon l ike and to say that he has b. en a sensation ts punini; Ii mildly An alert managor for Marshall Maldi le work Ing on a design of the "Jake Hamon BlOUOP' which he hope to have on sale before the con yontlon adjourn It will he a beautiful creation of blond Hllk profuooly ndorood frith vormllllon dot, ehecker- t.o. tided vvi'h purple HtripeH. and ofrset by bright veio'w rigiires. An Informal caucus to distribute the federti POtrOnaflt ' event of tl. O l'. succc was held today It was ugr I that charge would be filed against Judge OottOrOl and tha' Amos Hwlnp of liuthrh would be made fe.loral judge of Ihe western Oklahoma district. Hops "f removing Judge Williams on the sop I side Htarted a premature boom for Kd Arnold of lloldcnvllie There seems to be BO doubt that Seyiuour Prloo would be made collector of In ternal revenue and I.. (1 Dl?ney, Muakogee, Is ohodulod ror minister to llcljaxx. Seymour Trice was In conference thla morn Ml with Senator Inige, Frnnk Hitchcock and Qovorhor Allen relative to certain parts of the platform Trice Is demanding a plank cnlllng for the return of chile to the pra-war price of one dime. ThO llamon aultea at this tavern were agriig vvllh excitement this morning when Jake re vealed i plan by wheh he intends to bring unison and harmony amang the Oklahoma delegates Aided by Alva McDonald, Jake ha Invented a moth "1 Of ...lulpplng each delegate with a push button so thai ha can get his Instructions In any part of Ihe hall. Amu Bwlng gAve vociferous assent to the plan. An. os Is here enjoying the scene and re veiling Ir revenge over ihe "crime of l'.HIT' when he via-, urn remonlouily pitched out of the eonVOntloa Window by the committee on err dentals. Regarding the general situation Mr. Kvving said : "The m tis itlonal datOlOOUrSI made before the senile committee relative to huge campaign mil'iM .lie no. lunula are wen us u is r tossing. i llev go to Justify Mr. Hamou conservative MltrfJ Hi Oklahoma.' ( Convention (rnprTitkt Iter) Tmc mot AfVlftPD AMU Tilt MOST VI fHiovrD MAN IN TMF V US JVlL rm. . J. v ; . . i On feoa , litDS .Sro.eto. Lodf afrocA Ala high pof with lAi't ranfrnr f Roftvlt. TMf CtXi"ITa?Y If, ma rVV)ff.vCLT But eS'LL "AVC T,c DfLCLAftS NOMitiATt TAf T ' '. past eonumnUon a u . t. hnrd .! .'... hyafmria-proof boaaea maniputatati tha imgatt t thmir own dmeirma. In th peasant ronvsnrlon thm Vale of th aosrf Aj rn afasgafa la powerful in tht sslsrfi'en of o nominee. In formor eonvonttona Lincoln whonmvmr thm eooahmr wanted trome apptauem. lit. Kwrnii gam AH : .-, a I Id U 11 . 0. 1 iVsi.aVl i Jmj7W; - . - s r . ' rain Margaret Carretrs husband Bay JANE PttLLPft CHAPTER XI. Ill Serious ( "Now, Hob, phase give mo the floor 1" I answered his outburst anent his . vi Itemonl over any anticipated pleooure, "You have talked quite long enough." That s right, I guess, Margaret, it's your spb-l." "In Ihe first place. Hob. I know nil about the party. Klsle was over here tins afternoon and bad the list vvi'h "Yes, Ilob; you remember I told you last winter I would not he one of that crowd pf people; quooti un conventional people, ull or them. 1 can't ace What you see In them. This Is Hie first Invitation tills leaoon and I hope It will be the last. We will decline them, however, if there h old be othorg. You have your home, your wife, your boy and acme friend who are Congenial to PIO. Then there are father and mother. her. I told to r to take our names 1 111,11 '"r sister, whom we i an have off the list of guests, and put sonic- t "ver. I never ask your father unb ss one else In our place, that we 1 "You told her what?" Boh Inter rupted, ilia manner showed ho thought he couldn't have heard rightly. "1 told tier we were not going, and to put Hoi me else In our place," 1 replied Very slowly and distinctly. "Not going? Why not, I'd like to know ."' "1 have told you many times, Bob, that I do not like the people you i . to to want to go with. They aren't my kind at all. I told Elle we would m.t accept nn Invitation If It you uak me along an badly together." "So that la tho kind of social life you have planned for us me. la It'.'" be asked with the first sneer I had ever seen on hie lips. "Well, lot me tell, you, Margaret, und tell It so you'll understand il! I'm no child 'o he told where und when I may go. and with whom. If you OhOOOO to remain at home that's your lookout. As for me, 1 shall accept every time I get an Invitation to meet clever. In teresting people." "I have declined thla Invitation, declined for both of us." Rob made nn answer, but roo from the table and went to the tel were sent; an not to end one." "You did"' H' b's voice sofnded ohokedi and tho vein on his fore-I . . i i 111... mmAb lllu fit,...! turned almost purple In hi effort to 5J"nS I'o restrain his anger; hut I appeared not to notice. He would ho cross, perhaps, but I should try and not lot that annoy me. Elsie Hurton "Margaret telle me thai she told you to scratch us, Blslt yea I'm going yes. whwher she does or not. Yea. send It along: of course we will never went tu any of his affair lhat I didn't! All right. What that tell Margaret you will win your bet yes, I'll toll her. tioodbye." If Bob was red with anger, I was White and trembling with outraged pride and anger. I tried to apeak, but bad to moisten tn lips twice be fore I i ould say ; "Vou don't mean that you hnve told Elsie you would got" "That's Just Avhat I did tell her!" Without me?" "Vra. without you!" VHut Hob oh, don't you love mo? 1 love you an, Huh, l wont you all to myself. Don't you feel that way about me? Don't you love me? And, Rob, you will iuy at home with mOi won't you?" "No!" he fairly thundered, "And you need refuse no Invitations for me until 1 am consulted! You under stand'" Boh never hnd spoken to me In uch a tone; never t en so angry. Perhnp I had been wrong In not peaking to him. he might be hurt because of that. "1 didn't think to speak to you firet. Rob. You remember last win ter when I told you we wouldn't go lo their panic any more, you didn't make anv reply; and I took It for The Young Lady Across the Way granted it was 1 nil lean tlreaU .aaa, r. a.i m" eWB ' " he growled. Could this be my Rob, my thought ful, kind husband, growling at me like a dog because I had done some thing he didn't quite like. All at once I burst Into teare. I couldn't understand hla anger. He should want to Slav with me, but evident ( he didn't' It was time I slopped hi friendship Willi these people If it was The young lady the way "'": make says the de Jure inmeiit in l lert me I Megh o has had to maae wuy for the room, cried iu faCtuium. ihour; every Past and Present Rr Tk Ckl.atT Tribune 1 -HC INSlSTtTj Oft GOlNt, Htm SlLF 0R. ME VUSTED NO ONE I I '(' I A. I I v- On 'una B, 1920. Stnator LoJgm atr.cA Ala spot with thit rtfmrmntm fa Wilton. -- . 1 . ... . 3Tj i' u.i I Pi I aWAf m zzJ r-aj - W . a. I JV I -Will ' i A ' H i' ' GBBr- I In ihia bowmlmme onvnlion thm majority of tho elotogataa arm tiho a lot of Imadmrlmms mavmricka milling around. fius in th sctorarf eoilg nxt fail th mf thm outhrn dlgati will bm ttill and whn a Rfullican it ltd. warn mOAlriewW lartarJur th name of Lincoln wo not men. h'oneef. in : to come in and tell me he was sorry; ! and that he would do anything if I d only atop crying he had Bevcral ' times before. But after I had nearly exhausted ' myself I bathed my eyes and went Into the living room. Hob was not m there. I oMIed, nnd Delia "Mr. Uarr. tt told me to tell you take a book out of the bookcase and he had gone to Mr. KendnU'B and ( opens It. thai you wasn't to tay up for him; j Pome by Skinny Martin he would be lale." Everybody Wondered How This was adding insult to Injury. I I went Into our dining room c inset Thoro 1 had been sobbing my heart Ware I wnsent slppoaed to be, out and be was with John Kendall 'The nny renHon for going in reading ov er some old manuscript I Reing meer ourloolty, and enjoying httngtlf Now I did cry And I anw a Jar nf Jelly in earnest. 1 soon hud a raging That I never saw betnre, headache nnd when he isme In ut 1 But I never misted It o'clock I wua sitting in a chair, my Because It brook wen It fell on tho head tied up in wet cloths. I waa floor. to, as 1 know you got dumbfounded when he paid Hlightesi attention, hut good nlghl, and went to bed. To bo continued on Monduy. Hoping some day to produce a per. foot human race, an Englishman has as a nucleus six children of a many nationalities and wtli avid five more to his colony. Small enough to be carried in a shoplng hag Is a perfume bottle that will not spill Its content even If the corke at each end become loose un less It i violently shaken. In the training quarter of an eastern university a, large mirror ii placed beside each seat in a rowing machine to enable oarsmen to watch their own mistakes and correct them. Pulling a ball attached to a cord opens or closes a new waterproof b ig for bathing suits, which la eo formed that It can bu used as a pillow when filled. my surprise he culled H 0, West, graduate chiropodist. i 12-4 13 Wis Rldg. Cedar 838 Advt. Our Special Yictrola Outfit Suggestions VPs offer sum serial oofflt euggeatlons In Virtrolas. The Tl. cords Include! In the outfit are lo-lnch double face Victor records of your own selection, or If you prater other records you may select thrm to tha same value from lHaa"85! ,la,0 containing ; over A. 000 selection. Same price cath or time. We give poll the benefit of our experience, musical knowledge, and auparlor strvic. Our prlcee are rock-bottom and you can buy on very aOSRSjsLa Otar gpaalal Oulgt B Or 0poel Vietaala OulAl B In. laia Viauula , n VI aria 10 laVla. pcubla fae aaa PUaar a.,.ja UMAI-"-"- 43aS0 Vera Beer .Stria VI, J3S Payment. Our Special Outfit E Our Spaalel OnV- tl P. latluda aeweea l abi aal V i-io a a promiae vou i.ia o ivi iiauicu. 3 lo-ln Iioqble.leee lie Viatsl Saaorda (It aalaaUiiaal l 35.20 Vter Cats Payment. NOTICE l'l nl e. ..I .1. tat I - ft) tPVOat) Mllh t e i a, i i, I .ujt- him act like that. l" l UiieP " 1 ' g I". DUttl, 1 tiot OAlr -o ' Mlf ViftltaU tlllltl la ll iaiu nu boioB mj- oew c ev.. '. .a 4,Ly taVta ra.t wUoat and souueu tor nan uu moment expecting Rob ougej ci hits. xvuT houb wMm The Horoscope "Tha atari In 'Una. big an not esajp Siiinrtlaj, .lime 12. t;n Although the Sun la in bonofle tfla peel early In the morning. Tranua, i Mars and Saturn are all adv. ise la'. I In I he day. It Is a time In wbh h to su , i au'alnst hostile crltliism, no mntti i , what position a person may bo. Tho humble and the exalted alike wlll bo assailed by cripi word. j The star making tot exploslv. 'mental conditions is potent for evil I nt this time, separating friends and associate. Violent speeches gild bli ster newspaper tirades will be eticour a"d during this sway of the si n Mar POIttlPUOO to excite ang. r niahre slid unrest Lobor will bring nboiit new trolibb'S before the end J of the summer, which may be vi rv serious In effect, because they will : be of a surprising nature. , Tear In many forms Is to he com bated at thin time, for there may bo ' iv s.-nse of depression concerning na tional and world afrnlra which sill ihe felt In the smaller Individual In terest of men and women. Alines and mining again give causo , for apprehension. If Ihe slurs are wisely Interpreted. Fuel shortage looemi to be forecast for next winter, whi n factorial will suffer. f More rumors of war are presaged by th stars today and Moiteo will j bring about new International com plication i When the Sun enters fhe sign of Ciimer for the summer quarter the ; liign aa takes plu' e on the cuap of I (lie eighth house, the Sun being trlno high lo Jupiler and sextile to Saturn. DtOtU rbonOOO In railway, postal and shipping affairs aro foroghgdowod and attacks on the president's cabi net are Indicated. Mara rising In Libra denotes a continued state of unrest and disconlent Ir. the public I mind. UiiasIii rnmcs under a rule that gives little hope of better condltlona. New trouble! will develop. Person whose birth date it la j should not travel far from home ; during the coining year. They should I attend closely to business and avoid speculation. Children horn on this day may ho rash and self-willed. They are like ly to succeed with little effort and to 'have lives full of lnteret. Htrla 'should heware of choosing qii i Ar - vaWcs tmall tempered husband. (Copyright. U0. by tha M"Ciura Newspa per Hyn.ilrn'a ) Bennies9 Notebook TDK PARK AVE. NEWS Spoarts. On account of a ambition to be a long dlOtontg runner. Pud Simklna Iprod ashes erround tho gruns plot in his back yard lost Knt idday to make a cinder track, wieh It took blm about 4 times as long to clean them up as wat It da to apmd them wen Ilia mother came home and saw them. lntrlstlng Tacks About Imristlng Peeple. Dew Davis 1 slitely bow legged, saying its on goOOUUt of hlui bring allowed to wawk too soon wen he was a baby, wile Skinny Martin in slitely nock need, maybe on ac count of not being allowed to wawk soon enuff. Hlaslety. Miss Mary Watklna is ao tender hartrd she saves all her old flowers and puts them inside of books, and sometimes other pooploe old flowers too. ny her father dorit feel so tender harted wen a lot of came in. dried leeves fall out very time ho not thai Dost and found. Neither. simply said; f rata Our SM.eUI Om fit D ( if M,-,. , : Viotpnlg, 0jiN I tX wHt 10 10-to lOtib'e i sv. e ovao leHor UU 1(0 tiotva) S83.50 v.r Caar Payments uur special OutSI G OampeewlVieireleouiAtU la- Iff ft CS In aal Vkimia stria XIV ana la 16-ta. c .. ... . n-a Vleus Rea- S-S r'":$236.20 Vtwf (oty ,mf1t. WW Tm kf Xem VaU OutlM Our Pp-.1 - t.-i. . : i fludg lie- . (....". TitlNll H XI - ' 10-Lb Ioulilo..svo MiitWfU.. !-.' Ut .' SI 60.20 Style XI 11150 CeH SoisVfOsicCo. StiUXIVIUtS Sv 4 J Crise, ' y a Our 1.P.O l Outfit F I 1431 a vkhou - now is uu. timk 1 0 f