OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, June 15, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-06-15/ed-1/seq-10/

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CHURCH CORNER UTH00RA,,HS RE 0RDERE0 coolidge thankful
iii'i ih' fwti'iii In whlOi rn'-n RO
'h nthT rniiy rniunn ftvtr An
Services Mark Step in
Const met inn of New
Homo nf North Sid Cnm
i munity United PfMbjrtt
rian Credit f City.
'Tl tinner Mimic of thr north uliln
ammunlty I ntted PrMbytortMi
thin Ii wiie Inld Hunil.ty aflerBOOB
wiiii niiiiiK i iiKiiiii ceremony, n
C Vt Ben of tiif I'lixi Preabjrtertea
fhuieh ilell.'i n ! tin nililrrna on the
kin, "Thai miiili lh Lord, behold I
lily In .Inn (or .1 fotlnil it Ion ii nlnnc.
a inii mod, ii praolooa corner
atone, ji Mr foundation,"
Hi .1. W Able at the I'lml
Ml ihoiltst rhini 11 of f.-n-il rtmver.
Invoking the hteninKei nf dm) "nMn
ihr eommiinflly ami lb ooiiffroiAUbn
In Bndertaklna lo build ihe hoajgd r
tin' Lord in thin needy MM M Inn
'ii ir i ..'..i.e. ,. in inlil by !' .t
pooling aaelated bp Edward Hhrmnl.
inltnwi'il with praper hy Ihr DBgUn?,
BBjerlee B Neweoinh.
Thr corner storta mi ivcn hy U
CI. Wi'Hi nf Ihr Tiilxn Mm hie com
briny. The pi iigriitnH for Ihr net vice
nr donated hy org w. Henry,
Krlnter. ud the eopper boa which
TA'.im (il.iri'il In Ihr mi lirr stone win
tiir kiii t in- guii k Plumbing v
Bhent M oil n. Deposited within
t)ii boa ii- Hi'- following artlcleei
rhr win hi, iiw Tribune, the i nlted
Pfeebyterlun, lln- 1'hrlnliin llnlnn
ereldi the ITnuth'e javangollet, ihr
ohr plants, tin- Junior Mtaptonary
papa?, ihr ohurop dlroetnrf nd
in.iliuiil. a i-iiniplrlr mcttihcreihli
mil wiih ihr Bamei nf oldora, huh
i.. . i. inhere, officers, iiiiimihk com
mittee and ii i opy nf ihr Bible,
Thr fn-r will offering nf III H.ili
hath lohool yesterday nornlng w.m
$1211 fur the n- N ' liim Ii The work
nf building under the direction, o'
A T. HlngTe, in mi tctor, in progreoe
in nloaly end with nil passibie
The congregation ntnl Ihr rhurrh
bnaul arc nuiklng icrrnt itacrlfteoe In
thr ImllillliK "f Ihm new chilli II
ai.i ii will In ii eredll la TiiIimi. Hut
they tin- in. I fin. in 'hilly lllllo In I'UIII
phtc 1 1 1 1 - w.nk without lenlnn help
(rnin Tulsui'e olUseng, Tin y are only
asking, however, fioiirtlnin 1I,00Q
ami an. nonfldenl that Ihe collllill'-
tee iipiuilniril will ii I wild favor
a hi'.iltv nnil gclieliiU" ri Hpnnai'.
lltillltlpS IPg "NMlcMt."
CHICAIIO, June 11. Federal
Judisr K M. Landla todey deoleietl
ti'iii "ihr eefeel ooeupetloe In Chi
Ago now ir holilInK UP pgrsoni ill
the polni r a kuh end aimoiiiiK'
iinlhttnrn" whi n hr Bcnlriui., Wll
limn IdcBwen ami two other 1-
iiu old hnya, In flvr yaers In litv
enworth pi nltrtitlnry for rutjliliiR n
pt.atnl atiliHlatlnn. e
' llnhitul llisgnli 1'hralne.
I'AHIS. June 14. -Aiinniini-rmrtil
that I'lnl tnfl h.ie rri-ngnlied Ihe M
Urprnilriu-r "f UHrgJne la takrn In
1l)lntnllii rlrrlca here to prraagr
e joint mnve hy l'lnlatnl ami POUtnd
towuril pcacr with aiivlrl Ktiaala
i halrniiin Mu IjtIh fjnulfgl-l end
cempeUrn la lreadp Under WTgy,
llean ggrnpftlgn for tin aieotton ol
Hi-ii ii I oi Watrrn H MarilltiK lo "n
pregl(lrm-y win ilium In ij tmi i v -ii
tiir national i nininlttrr hi !nliiini
trie hrrr. Whllr Ch.ilimiin Will II
Hna goflfbfrgd with Cnpt iln V ir
In Heinle, icKlnnal J 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 no I
Other leinlere, Ihr rontmlttrc rnnvi il
ffi'ln Ihr OOllgeum hark In Ita ln.nl
gunrtara in a downtown Hotel md
nr. it I-,, tli tna nf cnnvrni ion gift!
trr In tu rpaial urn lot Ihr riiinliiK
Thr fltat lot of l,PttittO lltha
grgpha of ihr onndtdnta win b
irndy for dlalrtbutlun ihla weed
Chelrmen Heye gnnounnad. The
papri wae pUrohgaaH ami ul hiv
rial motiihe nitu ami pi. -tuna ..ml'
etilogmpha of all the oggdMntea
lt a atranan eoinoldenca Ihr
prlntei win, won thr oontmoi
bona Hrmiiiar Mardlnc'i pieiura in
Irlin UlHl I a Ir IllH Will k
NanM '.ink NlnJatggi
I ' II I M 'Il'I'i in; M V Mot,.. II -.
ITIii. etrpotntrnenl nf Prof Bdwgrd
I'nppH nf Prlgoaton, aa Untted
si.iii-H tniulnter to tlroeco, wjm an
klnuncril hrir tnilav. Tin li.rinl of
lI'ruHi,-!' Kiiintiit hini a Ii tve -r
abet ni t' lo uoecpt Hie imsi
Vote mi Bsffraga kta,
ATOM IIOOUBi La . Ji 1 1
Thr f. itrral auffraar aim mlinrnt
aiih made a gMglgl ordai for Tuea
iiav tu. i nil...- hv thr houee or the
i ii aaaegibly of Ljoubrinna lo
llluhl by a vote of AO In 40 after a
hratril ilrhatr of v ! n I In
I ifirreai- Ifrfin Iglfng In Delfgatri
for Ifrmni Btmlowrd Pram Him
tit Hppfihllfatt i imn ntlon.
BOHTON, .t ii ne M Oovarnoi
Coolidge rrpuhiiraii nomine f.r tha
Vhr prrplilrtiry. rrielviil ir 1 1 i.-i a t u I a
Uona from llaaaaehuaalta republlcnii
laadari at reueptlon at thr elate
houae Uodgy Tin governor w-aa
greeted hv iht Meaaeehueetlg gble
galea liilhr (')ili iKo i nlivi nllgn nnil Vice pirnlih iit
mi .ion a i in K i
gnat aa i regard lha honor the! 'hr
I convention tma o on far red apoa nte,
i regnrd with bimIi more anllafac.
lion ami tntn b RlOfg hohor. thla tiih-
gfa of yoii turn, who have lived With
me nd w or bed ami wrought with
.to Mowtbrra i m uiIhk on in
of Mrs. bsggl '-fMiwr: ll-w Id oil
l rra la Pfa Idee,
the oonflden
here ahova
lhal '.'i
pi pee not
In up .
"I thank MOB ami rery PM of
you "
i ht ere were
(uirty I. i n i I
In trplv to
arnor Cootidgi
Th.. gran I offla
tlonal trpulilp 'in
nongt atulatlngg t inv '
to hteh tin na
i on Iitlnll llllN
nominated ma ia one for whiih i
bold the graalrat of ti'mprrt tini
mlmlful ..r l)i, I'm it I, i, in, i thai baa
neon conferred upon me, but beoldegl
ttiat and a pari ft. mi It, I appreciate
very minh more deeply Ihl inaik of I
frlendehlp thai tma oauoed you man
ami woman, tired ga you gra from
thr long eon v ntlon and tin- long .
lourm v. in pome bare to agaure me
of your frh ml. hip ami ynur gwod ,
'After all, nfflrrn air rmh',1 ami!
ihry may fade away. Priendahipl
Abpul 30 Membera of th Tulaa
Tin etub M4a nn rry at a chicken
broil held yeeterday evnnlnn on
i 14 lawn at the treble ni. nf Mrn
ii.rna Bpawr, hi7 Booth Boaton Tna
(Ivan for Ihr nrxt W(l u,ui, wire apreml out -nf-dnore
and 'Ihe republican Ki,,,i,.n flow ,, wbjoh did
Unltril.lc ih nil atlve Hrrvlee wrrc
; . purple ur.o eloeba and yrih.w
atrakn Waraapt dalalea lha club colore. The chjeb-
HT LOtTIB, Jgna 14 M.H.o will., oh were broiled over en OM'nlib
far and arrvi d with an BaaJBdMoa
of '.Hi. r Kniid thlnaa
mihh Rena ITowla, tirw praaldent,
orealded at ihr ahnrt bualneaa dewon
the eluti to the convention nf thr nt-
tionai woman'! aaaoctatlon of rnni-
inrne in il u n 1 1 m a ubln, July IJ
It, and Mra Lena BpaWf the oPrr
tiate 4'tedentlalH iih a ih Irirate wrre
Toted f .r Iflaa APjy -oni!ii k. who
may attend thr mertlnK Mlaa I o:n
atock was appointed hy thi presi
dent to aaoura aorna TutBB advartla
iiik matter for ihaadalagiitag to t.ike
to the movent Ion.
MIhh IxuielV'i Iteeia, oreanlBetlnn
chairman nf Okbahonia r-t the pa-
tlon.il wninan'a awriatlnn nf coni
nierre. raportOd that Inialnaae vo
nien nf I in r l lea v III' have retahpted
the aaalatanoa of the Town anre in
in ii ..- a i.ram-h iu.hr affll ntrd
with the national egeoctatlon and
thai bualneaa women of i:nhl ilan t-i
ornaniae ahortly. At preggni thr lo
cal Olgb la the nnly One ia the elate
affiliated nationally
Vote of thanka to the hnateea,
Mra Spawr. ail VOtOd by the ClUb
at Ihi' eloac of the nieetina. Th'
next alnb gathering win hr al a pli -
nil- In Hand SprltiKH Tucul.iy rvenit.g,
July .
order la OBcata in OattoHc PaMIt
nf Pa lea mi Handai BvealM,
A number nf Tnlm t'niholl' d look
advantflRc Sunday evenlna of 'h
hoiyiltnltty of Ihe Knight nf I'olum
baa who have opinrd thrlr hnnm
and Krrvuhda to the CBthoHg PUblle
rin Ii Sunday evening dining thr
nmntaf paMMii Ob the raaoptlon
en m in It t 'i' were Mr. nnd Mr. A. H.
Klntllng, Mr. and Mr. Hay II. Sir-.
I nnil, ii. . i.ioyu ami .1. r. Krlly.
Tin muelcal program rendered waa
a i followai Piano aoloi mi Bunlca
t'reniin. VOCBJ i"iln. Mr. Malnrkal
wleth. fuet, Min Mary Wtlght ami
Mir. iiinii e Cremln; vm ni aolrea
'. Mlra tjvrti ud;. l'l.a Hvann. eoln.
Mi Meiia rigrgtiergoii
in. boot b rough! to poaltae thai
American Uvea and property there
muii be protecti d, or elee will pav
the penult), N'lnliii' .-".1.1. n f Uliell -
ourl lie
In an ad
h followed
the dinner. Ml"
d i apraeentallTa of
" Sbl What would hpin
to me il I were your kidf
Well, ii you're nol acquainted
wtlli t'nliiini'l Makings you
don't kinw what a gooi ex
ruac I v have. Cunt 1 1 tip
Hrlfiinx Mvstlf -they're eo
gtaall Gmal ir ipc Imj, be
c.iue Calumet rlnking are
"I. . and enily ilixcKted.
Mllliotl9 u( lllothet)! Mil
Ihn :iiivof itspuritv lirrnusft
It IwnyN ('ivr- tir ifHTIlllB atxl w
i i. m in rtt mid uh."
Catummt ronfnfpi tntv IBtA
tngritiitntw a hav hmmn mp
mrovd fi, f.Wv .v (. 17. J
FmoJ Authmniitt,
fmi mmvm hmfi you hy H.
Vow Mgrej eareSe'v poM waj N
If h?&ylJbi il
l-ai-Wage to make large hint or 7($eli -', ZJ 18
I hree layer tUe, U-ilinn or it--ri-'r Il
Vanllln, Sfto. ii.-.ii s I omt, rTn 4-VfVV 9l
riebl, Hpb-ed ami rhncolete, E J' 'MiWV 31
40c. All lewdly groocre. gA)VMB
mz ' ' ' ' 1 $
BEr -y Good Advice Vr '
h. jL . r.nnri Shirt.
'If you go without a coat
wear a good shirt. Not that
'I specailly advise a silk
shirt but since most summer
Ttuits are tan, or cream color
and fashion says absolutely
'lor shirt, pants and coat to
match, then a Pongee is the
'shut to buy. Cluett, Pea
body has just sent me some
'with an invisible stripe that
are beautiful.
Crepe Ties
To Match
. UOTaL - TU l A - ltO
Save Your Money
Eliminates Hard Work
No Wear and Tear on Your Clothes ,
1'uln thin
amttiNbtorrta in
12-ieth wibiii WrHf.tr
In work for .vmi In jour own home anil $11 hjt month kcepa It
there, v
Of course umi want the best
lie mops IhoniUKliI) you BMfeadflBBtS the Oilfield the more likely
II will If your limit-.
Buy a Coffitld Now on Our
And Stop Pouring Monty Down the Drain Pipe
F. B. Dcshon & Co.
"Things l-iiTirhnl"
505 South Main St. Osage or Cedar 672
i in own 11 iihi i aii lbs poo
pic wtint nil thr time.
I'lal ii ami w ImN-MUiH1- stih-
hUUIIIaI ii it) I nou t t.st tin lt.
CHya it tiu fiixi ptoo ov ftxu
n.i other fiHMl Iiuh (lit MUM
fiHid Mnlnr. .
Ours Ih u tt'ally tlcllrlmm loaf.
Aflh your urmvr to iCMCl ou 11
loaf (inlay
linad Im your IkhI finnl nil
more of It.
Merit Bread
"tfm bfWd that liiilld-"
Campbell Baking
Test it for yourself
airiTiTHMTaW mum
9 1 ... . . m .
IV nommfrapM mntk a .baf"
which ninth- IS'eic York gasp
with ustonishment
W have en hVjtrumrnt cmctly .ike the instrument
wbicb wai ue.l io the remarkable "Dark Scene"
Tot rtiide March loth, 1920, in Carnegie HaU,
New York City, w hen the New Edlion man ned
Anne Cue't voice with a realism that utterly baffled
8oo (ophisticated New Yorken.
Tet to power to pve you the artua. voice ul great
im u nvc rvu in . ncaiiim t eat.
7 Uuusni tJXSQg siat .
in W. Fifth Oeage KM
Oil Cook Sioves
Lst us itore your car in a new fireproof building.
Live storage $20 a month and (load storage .$15,
including as many washes as are necessary. We
call for or deliver night or day.
Will preserco the paint and add life to your car.
Have yuor car Simonized at the
Indiana Service and
Storage Co.
PROI'FR e,juiineiit mram a clean,
convenient, attractive kitchen. Three
million women ue New Perlectinn ( )il Cook Stoven they know the clean
convenience of rhe Long Blue Chimney burner
Lights ami hratt inttaiitly Jiiies clean, intense heat acainit the utenail. New
Paffgcriefl equipment takes tin' JiU'lgrry nut of k.nhen dutira.
iu a jfltrt rfrrti hert AJt fir a afNaMtfaalpa tftht LaH
Ittit i iimmtf l.iiw r an ftr M rw '...... . i ..
71.00 Man ArrtuM CUvtUnd, Ohio
PeaUrt Notei The Magarlia Petroleum Cotnpany dHtrihutes the Ben Peilection hi your
territory. Cointftc .locks tee available at oaveniem puintt.
' sss. sssw e,-
1 Kav-;
tJITvt 'iH ' A J
' b9i
i "rem
Rest Recreation: and ,
Restored Health
are awaiting you in.
Excelsior Springs
Health . "
beneficial results in kulncy and bladder diseases, stomach
ailments and rheumatism. The varied and remarkable
curative qualities of its famous springs are sufficiently
known to attract more than 300000 visitors annually. A.
corps of specially qualified physicians always is available.
Golf, tennis, motoring, ridinp, driving, walking, bowling
dancing, band concerts, picture shows and other clean,
healthful amusements make Excelsior Springs a pleasure
as well as a health resort.
A ccommodations
Hotels, small and large, boarding houses, apartments, flats,
furnished cottages and single rooms. Excelsior Springs
has been a host to visitors for forty years. Long experi
ence has taught this host that a successful resort must
have accommodations to fit every purse. No matter what
you feel you can. afford to spend for your vacation you will
find accommodations in keeping with your requirements.
Excelsior Springs is 30 miles from Kansas City. It can be
reached by the Chicago, Milwaukee ck St Paul Railroad,
Vubash Railroad and hourly electric interurban trains
on the Kansas City, Clay County &. St. Joseph Railway.
Motorists take J cfierson Highway or Southwest Trail from Kansee Cllf .
Su,l foe booklet oe writs foe detailed Information tn th
o Excelsior Springs Commercial Club
mHBBeaaWa I
Missouri's National Health Resort.
624 East Third Street
Osage 554
a J

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