Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD. FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1920 17 PERSONAL PROPERTY . nno hanl nrnouie tr-i ,1 "eaf Ml BttllM II u 7- Jti 1 1 'in buv nats At the tht Phr tTiTH1 "fM' t.(llirirn- -i .... m..- .... AN,r... .ih -ever- rrtrttra, efe Art Hni M IV car Wrlrt If T MM table C R Chrtf Oder .. ft; ft: arte pai4 Nrxiiii ntri'i rll Mine Front Kurnunn -r.'nt h'Mia. I ,n 1 ro-tn. , h for furnltur cdar .a f ! . f..kltM Ph., ' , i, .nihil tt'i lii.v rmuiliiM ..n'tMfli riw. metal RepubJlo Iron rrr , i KH Ef paid f" tcrag iron. ,, ran rubber, tops. matne 5 f ttd puppl'ss gec.i.lty rip. lr t Mel-I ' 0' N Tsorls. Phop Oag . u rill' K paid fr eld gold and ,( . . l -i. iMlh with n with t,j, , ' -" r, inhet i ash prlr for furni ture an I .1 -- hi I unl Tpir rsjHWrf inn v it's KurtiHuf Co. lit W, 1101 PROPERTY for EXCHANGE , v i ,iNf.r -i roMnmi.FM :n r ., i i u TRADH .r vai snt pro n ' ........ fin. , ,, A t f. ntr ' i'eain rlty COl r TiMi i. Bukh lifht ci tn .irt elN audition n fc nr rom hnu In good r ti1 1 for r,.h OtHtTI I '' , i imm. I. HUM. KrTrat 71 h 'M THAI'K Ws have f-r trada a good rnrner lot with f , . r 1! A lin Jjv orrri rwiirn, s o room duping, nna I -room bun llAfj l tl hOttOM new and have Mrraened- hae'k oorrhMi alro a 2 room hOlbNl alt . I .... tien n.r n,,..,l t. will Jb I g'"l rondflT or f passn ;f j 100; payable fif per motHO nil gg you" cdar t. tsage ggaii m II .ofcer if airy ' " poR TRAUK w have a good ej.t front wgnl I" rade In on I & or fl-ronm cm i ii Broadtnooff or Ofoatl Piri i'inr i"":' nnage agaj Ti" . ' l ,i room houe n-l room .n lha ame lot ! wilt I ft 44 fOf s-atit lot Call Kwtey. i'sag iui-K Kt front lot on north git: for ftirnlturt) Of Ford touring cr PfiOi 4ll NkailoKy. ' '"Ag i aaa HAVE some sei-onn mortgage paper i will trade in on Tulsa property fall i.p"',M hous t trn'i ror Twig firm cedar 11! lOtttltV "ir' "A IK i R TH AUK 3 lots on att PlftMnth street . will take rr as part piymsnt i.mi1 airwajBM i wmaajng. "Mim ;i7l and III flYR Til A Bl : lolH. north side. wo"rt h TW e4ih, will taka Ford as first pav. Ml L1II Hronks Co. 0tV "7S and ;t f ' H f! M'K f- room bungalow a H' hard' wv"l floors; basment. sleeping porrh . so) shaVd; tast front; only I nn and vlll tik eg! up In ll.nflA value. ll.nnO n. b:me easy btWMI Brooka com -ytr Qaagl n"3 and III for sl F or KXCBANflB fTfi tit APK A nrw dnpiex t'ld On the bft p,irt of North side Jj room- and bath on ea h 14j wilt lth I gnd light rar as rart o flf! payment fries l ?r.o This Is prlrsd right Phon Rr Rlfp. "sage "7 ruR IALB oR TRADB for tru-k rar or good collateral. '.' houses and 3 lots in Pmmrlght , good location good rent w owner. Hov i iiremore. aia Ff,R PA I.K 'R TR APK l-room bunga low. Itll Twelfth, lot SSiltr. gas. ttietrleity; tlaiom and well water; fl.'ioo, tn'imher"! l.4no will take in Podge of Rttlrk H S'ee Pitrlct Court rM M REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Fl TH A NO APAKTMKNTW 7 Fi'iR RENT -lTnfurnlh4 lroom modem kltrbeneMe y trtmant ; gas; wattr use pf phone call cedar MR. FOR RKN'T-Mi's 3 -room apartment, Kec and and Detroit, references required. Pnene (nog II. tH III: NT Unfurnished desirable hnae. ment apartment.. Phone Osage Tf 8 $R"M f"urni-hed .tpartnrent ffgS I 13. Fl'RNl.-HKt sV.uthstde apirlminl! I roms, bre.ikfast room and b.ith, ll per m"nth cedar ir.f J-gnnM modern Apurtmeni ery nb-ely furnished; having; 2 Murphv beds, private bath, alao prlvat front and back entrance- telephone now Installed, Inquire 111 K g nth street DENVKR g, MnV-R-room nicely furnished Apartment, ground floor ff'R RKNT Furnished apartment of S renms to couple without children Call at 'jU v chevenne phonft 3ftfr. .1 FOR RKNT I'nfurmshed 3 room modern. nemi apnrtment lo couple . I II ptrmofttb. water And gas furnished 1727 Main ".-age 74RP DF.VVBR. s. foOty furnished 5-room Aprtmsnt, ground floor FOR RBNT Ill. kmore apartment . 4 room lot I; font II., Osage nut. Jk IM" v'l IU-,. it if ill -ie apartment , 4 h I bath 171 Phono 1 H wo Y'W KENT Unfuralh1 one side duplex. three rooms . bath . new and modem ''silent ne'Rhborhor-d for Immediate pOO. Sinn, lii.dren references exchanged ' " '''! if " 3 ask for Witt M TH Fl 70 KBWLT fit(i!hed downntalrs, fi-room new enrnsr apartment for rent July nth rfr pormananl renters. 1 2.iaj R Second fOR RKNT- ,-room furnished apartment Miry BroagjRgg lioo month osge itu r'cl I'. KNT Partly furnished 3 room apirtment for J months; apply after 1 "flock Ml g Xanthua 'ROOM Bp Tt moot and sleeping porch IVOrytl rig furnished complete until I'"ft per month Osage 22l rVRPIIKHBD south side apartment. 3 room- breaKfast room and bath. Ill 0 h Cedar 1M7. R''i'1 modern furnished apartment"'.' I fyyM loeatlag refined pep'e vinnt jgy tn Addrea 977 P care World TIN. CsVT! H noj.-.Mcely furnislied rmi snd sleeping porch apt. south Iir ,?P-uri modrn; telephone and ""TOOlng furnshed. frohl and bark en--r,n'" I '-ne QBAge JM 4 f,""nlshed apartment' for renT . c-ali Osaka im WKu-TiFT-i.i t furnished 4-room apart raeii ,,'1"Wm Itglrai aouth exposure; in ail nw kportmoal house, furniture fLrT room la mahogany . dining I... 1,1 w'nuf. In 1 dor bed. to persons I tr!1 f 1 e f 1 tory references, for ? "aj or tkZ iVmT.i .r,nt vfV reasonable Phone Mil H .,r cu at 1010 n Boatoti '"l furnished; ITS per month poo m!V n 1 Hkalieky. Cedar 1S3I Kn" hrnette apartment . ISO 1 . . ('all 4ge ..v..; a Vr Apt iy 2 A!V; ' H"1 Cpper Ooplo i well fur r., arge roomt aid tMih. Im p , "H Aj p'y at Room 7"- KSI h a ft 1 i; ipartment on south C a. Ooe in IITI, nlL ''"'"KMAN APT - -Ona 5 room" jWrnUhad prtment Oaq 7l , , 1 F KKM 17 ur,!Ksl ? Mm pTa.Ur4 hoaoo gardIV ' ' ,B4U rftn, good ell and ceiir 2io of,lot' M rooldonoo Mkll ' f "I'lt K htHihf, 3 rooine and large Ko ,1"',rrh 'Modern at . 1 4 North fTfj mJ nh4 ,"r moh Phone Cedar I SrVtfw'uir nM"t rri I ii n ' MngHl. w. basement, imde7,,TT5ft I s Jri' n nN 77 I 1 v. - oM.m-ii mouerii coitagc o-nver. no children Phone Osaga ' rt! 1ZZ r?;;m. RkMOPg house nn hJl will be VOOggl Auguat let , j- or athool and church- Oaag RFAL ESTATK FOR RENT I 77 i ri.r. hiih.k licin. . : rnm hurt )". nwly ; , tr RBfBe oilth front Imi motile. t- prritRAlon 1 I V pr mnth (sa, fW!" H'i.t,n ... jr,.;;;; ,VTThmnih M TfOORj lare mH, hniis not mn-1rn. will rrnt t rlsht MfilM fV'1 Ml month Call OMf Hfl, It ! Bpf nam - " " M Mi-fi n.r rrnt u: so m ntn Mil sni II Iflrfl "sf TA;'!t WIMi Irtdfl rnl en rr..m btirirsl"' w at tst,,T) A CIV t ,,, . .., ,-.,..... M BnADT, W. MKT,,rT Ts TupT7 4 rooms. slin nor. h . within within aitUrtf. ni..irn ft" pr mr-nlh at Mman Kurnltur l- , a Tl V. Klrl st rt Sr7 iM "trn hoiiss o" r.rr 11 T? t' Vri'RMKHKIi 1-rr.nm h.uswlth n-''binn frirv wrW'ng mn'" foms. rn Mr f'ham Isr. Xf'.l High strsst ONK runtn houne for tnt btwn W5S Tulsa and ftsil Pork good nrnn ''all PssgJt2V .laroh s1 'Tl RKNT oris A-ro'.'nt iTitpTsK wTtK rUsptng porz-h ' sags 27JI-.I ? T"' 'V, Mnusa "ralTa'r''irV.; Third C VT V H , Sft" lor rnt f or l-rtn BIlfirfllfhM hous H Ir I. ink. :i7 pf II' 1 1 1. It. g 5 fcrrKHHi -V F. 1'TiPf FTi'tir t' m mMsrn nn f ur r. 1 -.l,r. . pi r mrtit r"n'i)M lioiiM for rsnt "n' Vtar nf ?u F i'npynni. rrms srrangsfl f-r light h"Uft-Wirptrnt 'AAgr '."7 c;Vt MR I K h"""'7o iVnV ni nVw ?ur room hfrVM f 'r rKt) nw tltflfHl f li - lure- strirtly mrt srn rsilar t lt'"' houa on rr-ar ol l"t n per month garage if wish III ptorth ROM dai T r i tig I'isrs f)at Till t Um ms ..'i"7ear of i. pr itmnt h . Ronsdal gargo tf wished 1?S lr inif l'lar isag 7111. W CA K KU S . 117 Two room ho houst" rent prr month Apply F.'w .od W4l lrs l?l He.-urtty Blflg HOI PR PI HMHI1KH in FH hr.NT a furnished Vtag and hAth rto-o in . I?" hont I ROOM ft, Z Ptory houst' , furnished or un furnlshrd modern everything io make a home fompW'te: bio- k to J1tny Call In person H.H M Cinrlnnatl HAuP of room dp house furnhe-t' f"7 f Ma' blt street Phone Osage ''3 'll HF.NT Kmt,, Mr. I , ui-' t t-.ooi ,,tiiI sleeping porr h. 1 7 731 X Owasso Fni.MCn, N . '? For rent . half of duplo hniisf; rurnlohtd and modarn. Phone POP H K NT room mod. rn hotn- in Kendall , ni ly fur niched. beautiful ghade; ristern on ef 1 1 n . 2 rooms rOMrvod by OWMI Attractive tn epajpl Phon 0,f III PO It F NT- a room houaatj be rrnted I rwontfl In a'-h Mil Mffiplttlly and well furntsh"d for ROtlPthMpIni i ground floor; modern: i hlork a South BootOH. Phone Cedar RKAITlFf!. furnuhed om apa rt 'iient. bath leeplng vr- h : at 31( Ka-t Highth rtroal Call Osage ti I POR RBNT nlshed ro moph . rlns for 2 months. 4 nlc'ly ms, recfptinn hall. ftf In Adult onW fur per FV'R K NT- Nl. sly furnb bed h room house with garage; owner ltriRgj city. Im medtata possession 1370 s BUI h Carson Ave PURNlM i.Lt to"u-e ..n 8. Uuthrl; 8 rooms , rAAWWfl , one room rarvd Call at lir? S Frisco. Fl KMSH KP house for summer . rei able to part with refer en' ea P C g Itll FT7RNIR1 JTfi ho. ire for rent : rea-oi hTJ ttlt September . no small children rt ferenrea etr hanged Phone 1 f Illl J ! 'M RKNT Furnlsl t I n om tluplei . 1 734 S rtaltlmore, 7r per month, water, gas loetrlaltf furnished Call Skallyky r)ke I'll Pt'RNISHKD mmmer -ortags on tTTe river and scenic But 1 road Reside big coo spring of f'ns wafer Roaring, hAth Ing fishing Three miles from town. Also furnUtted modern bungalow In town for the rummer Write Roi 111 Neosho. Mo orncn dhim room 7n PACK li8ft for rent: gi able rent Apply Mrs Wool Fifth od lease, P0000R Weinberger, No RTpTB "f office room Phoa cedar 40 KoR RKNT double 4ft'.' Security Apply f'KSK" Rot.'M with desk, chair and tele phone stenographic aervlce at regular rates gal ftiayo Mint" T W 1 1 rooms f r rent 1 1 3 S Mlo Kogoll Cdl fi4 STORKS IMl ARMIOI SP.S so 8'1 ' - It KRt t.M reel, bi l.k building. 1 1 07 H Main r-ultabia for storAge mer cantile stork, shop or work room , allay entrance. Pa nie! A St a- k house. Cedar 9I WW N I I P -Rl RKNT II FCRN ISHKP wsnttd, I Cedar 8 partly furnished 'j rooms, el. ea in. Kua Call WANTF.P m tir about September 1 .". 1 or i & nom unfurnished pdrtment in same Hldg or preferably both section of duplex; iii' be on aouth side and unquestionable references Apply Ooag y- or Osage 3397 WA.NTKP unfurnished or room ntolern house or bungalow at once by 3 adults 110 or o-trige 7M Mai: in KP run pi would eub-leMsc fot I or 9 months; h or room bungalow or house; muM be close to business, district Phono Ooago III. WANTKI' 3" unfurnished" roiTms . modern. Clone In not over 3ft Phone 1 i-Age i?t WA.NTKP or K-room furnished house. W -are World WANTKP orktly modem. I to 8 room new furnished apartment, south side by July 18th Osage .f WaNTF-P 5 r room unfurnished Aparl-m.-nt or houa at ggjOOJ must be In good location Phone Osage 8133 BT AUOU8T 1st. 3 or 4 -room modern un furnished hruse; give location Od prl-e Address 4-P, cre Wll W ANTKP Small furnished apart menl or half Of furnished duplex: PBOol be falrlv close in and modern Address MVP, care World . w tit t.i 1 -ut 1 a. 10 ACRKB hotiom land, t mtlo aouth of Tulsa 118.00ft terrm phone OOOAI Illl, Cernpbell And Herrv 412 Security Rldg HOT s v , nil s M Y r,r.ft CASH buv a new 4 room )iua , full Price is. ww" ' 'ti"Kt ""i fli CASH fine water well Hftfl ( ;iC 111 torn rn adorn bungalow; full eaet front lot Price pi ir Ia LB- Blogani room , east front u it h i.k f 1. or tbroiijEnoiir hgOOmonti sleeping porch, only 8 7S with .nmhAuni I It noo gowi M a mvnin side . a bargain T.eello Hror.k Company, rt-a "AT 3 and 2 14 t ... PmVVN fills 11 in poaalon ci 4 room house. btilU one year ago inn Is worth more than the price skd -ill Cedar III Wheeler Investment Co T ' t i room houses, large W on 'ha 1 ar line close to achool and grocery store IN i-maM cash payment and then n er nORth Wheeler Investment C cedar Z jT 'jO t'Agll: 8ft p-r month. I rooms and breakfast room, new modern bungalow, basement, corner lot Price !8.8o. Oogfl III f"--.4t. iJ .... WHSmiir it imI 3 laree rooms . orooOOd-la a'eeplng porch, gOd well aid fruit 3on rash and little each month will bag Hi"" Thl Is a d.ndv little home In walking distance Coll t e,r Z'W Wheels'- Inve-t.nent i o lTTou" hav. about e7 '.0 . ash you . an move into a dandv l-POORI house; built In ..-.!. ... i iii-mv room bin't In features im the kltehoa combtnetlon light futures. (good bMomoati ottr iatg mt, r-K SSl and rtstern Only M.IM easy monthly ravtnenta Thle Is undoubtedly ihe x ry ifcest buv in Tulsa today Wheeler Invent- menl Q ' 'ar ., , iloon CASH easy terms, ft-ronm mooer bungalow hardwood floora. 2 car garate pr,.-r i',. HOP t 'sage ftl nartc. IV aood 8 room modern bungalow; Hv.e in good neighborhood; near car line and jitney rents for 118 par month POee 8 'illl 1 f0 rash and llO par month OOOgl OWNTR forced to logVO tltg on account nf health will sell my 8 room m-dru hunga:w; furnished or unfurMhd- !- me an offer, Call oaaga 1118. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! hoi hm ron i k HI'T H"MF. a aurtlofi i i nllingtlllf Inly . ani at f p m III tw.. thtr four fis and m rnm haunts, Muv ; hi'U'.s h.i va It put en y.-ur n rA1 v to occupy ; why pg -snt i) on Igftni I wit h tn pfSf pnl ra-h ilisrounl : flAHei of your lifs ttm t . wn a h-.tnr aM rfiUl own Writs .lamrs tt Ward Colllnavltla, 'Ohuhnma for photograph! stid rlolallta i rlptiortftf h tsrr And ttr" nf oa' I. "It C A Rn Ati.'( "Jiift tnon'lhlr or "m."r 1 ggs n'tss on Hhtff propsrty, buvs a built rrhmg arattmspt hu'lding M room mndrn rsntsd I ' ntOnfllt at "H third lssn thAn i tsssnl eoal build II fall m rsntd tn -sn Ish- III bhl jrlsisrn gsrags. two bath." n1 tont I I sink i water haatsr savror all paid . w - . v wslka , tr AlWAys trntrd laid tsnsnts waltltig ontd Pi Ml m. Hi,- - rir overlooking it And ttar walking dlstAnrs of businses nnd rsfinsrv dtetrlrts .-'ops M all r-llnc So eom mis"i.n and for sat bv owner nnlv Room y Tttrntf Widg . Third and Slatn Rlsrting Inv . Ct VA' AT(ir. FUhlng, bathing, tsnnls, danMng. ehll drsn's pl grounds, hrsullful m enery fine (spring watsr ror1 rooms. gord msale. l Mo-mtain holt Kandnia Inn MoBtt Wl , 1 Ark Pol IALR 5K mADV: n .se tn cornr; ft rnom modern hUj lot 191x111 room for 2 more houses, will take good I-t Of automobile s nd some t ash for first pay ment or will frAde for Ok tn bom a farm Room 111 Robinson Mid nagi- I14 FOR BALE or TRAPF., will lake in Hghf tiulomohlle, 4 room bungalow . rlos n , some fine lota soi,'heat F w OTTO COMPAMT 4i i If yo H!dg cedar 417 5 Room housa and k 1 1 r T e n oJ i og "b a 1 feet In Investors Addition 1 fit, omc trrn.-. M lifter Really Co, Herurlty Tt'dg Osage MORNING HlUK Two story: east front . room, garaae. bgseimnt and f-arvanl " Otiartent best location PrtM 17.f.ftft; rail Age r.'on If i'oo CASH. A rom east fron' rTuplei mrner lot , built in faturm, eltkM In prte f. ?ft ()-A?e 5?rtrt in OWN BR, Ti room l ami breakfast room all modern, built In flVlVTM lot &014n. nar BTOjfOOf AddtUOfl for appoint rifnt rail oage 071-t C' 1 KNKFI new a r onm anT brsAkfast room 2-rar parage, plenty built-in f ea fur-". 2 niAnteln side light. bas rerap larles panltd living room and hall; 1 block Jitney Terms Phone ownr OhtM III for IALB g)t OWNIR NW modern I room bungal". Immediate p01t4i 1 1, 10f cash, no trade no fur ther payment until .fune j batan' ,0(1 " 000, interest paid for 3 years Trsnsferred to buvsr Nee owner on pre mleH 21 F.ast Olenn street H ;oo i'AHII. (. room. ea"st"front hurlgAiow. rorner tot good location Price l,250, balance ITS per month "age 2 7 oft R' it t m duple" will' onTldVr"'car-"aa' first pay mept Cod l 1 17 H 000 CASH. RttLLCRBBT DUNOAteOW ?.ftort r0 roomc hall; breakfast room; eersened porch and basement . hardwood floors, 2 manteta. shade, fruit and shrubbery In east front Call Osg ftltiK VTHA. N lot; 2 ron lot Lot r.fttil 4ft wilh corner n hoiisw, barraln ll'.oOft CASH. 8 rooms and breakfast room. hardwood floors, built-in featura. baa Tnent. garag" and drive, otth side . .ift0, ha lance easy Ooage L'7fl0. I T II CASH puts you In pO Oftlo of nn attra'tte 1 room cnttage on the paving arid on the Sand Spring's car tine, balance) like rent c Cedar 777 or Osage M FOR IALB by owner- A real home con sisting of larga rooms: huttern pantry. t largo porches; basement; 2-rar garage and modern servant gOJfcftOfl o(-at-d at l.isa N Cheyenne; priced right at lin.nflft. terms to right party, 12,800 cash, rest Ilka rent Phone b 4 4 9. WILL BUT and pay ciih for vacant or improved Tulsa property Se P A Fstey. 4ft7 Robinson Hldg Ophrs s? KBNDALL 4 room bungalow, east front lot; good well, convenient to tar line nr,ft. N rssh 48 per month. Ctl FTiR lAlil' 'DOfldy 4 room house , good welt ; close In , I lose to car line ; for 11,811; I4ft0, 130 per month Call Kaley Osage 81. 2 ROOM! partly modern, near Klghth and Cjutnry, 1,.V.n has sanitary toilet also electric lights, terms IOf. balance 30 per month Cedar lftf.9. Osage . 1 S 7 MOTXCB To ell Real estate dealers; my property at 10 42 S Rock ford street is off the market MM P Bi Holllngshead A LABOR I-ROOM BUNGALOW Water. gas and e r-trb light, built last fU. lot ItUxlll Large wash house and OlhOf btnldlnga Completely furnished I orated '-' Morktt west and I north of tJlenn station on Hand Springs Hne. N RftfOk room bungalow, oak hoog0Rti garage; drlvewav OOI Ihla la high class home M0 floo fro 12.! rssh Phone Osage f JTj?T7' i'LA SK bungalow . 7 rooms, oak floors; furnace tieat. hasement, garage and servant quarters; owner leaving UM city. llS.f.OO Terms Phone Osa g e j f. 3 1 CINCINNATI.' H .- tl-toom bungalow. 1 r ar room; newlv decorated ; has basement enet front, this ts clows in. 17. .'.00 . H.lll cash ; PhOttO Oagpq Illl . , I" Rot'i M modern, oak floors all hull In features, garage drive, good location. I', Otifl easy terms. 7 1 K 4 - GOOD I room hoOMi good well corner lol 7'xlilO, all under fence; must sell, owner lib k . prb e 11.111; aoo cash, balance 40 per month. Hen 0 Angel. 317 Robinson llldg . oaage 74.a. Osag t7 jr, ,It SA1.K i-roocgoj furnished modern iit artment : closo in . can he handled frr I17. rent paid until August 1st. arranged nicely for renting; 2 rooms now rented at S per week Cell Osage 4?4 TlVii RARtlAlNS ON NORTH SIPF. a lovely 8 -rnoni bungalow . extra larga living and dining rooms, level east front i hiumcnl and 17 ' '' 11 nnti 'buys this pretty fiv room bVAfhlOWj haa ail Mint - in rear ure ; ( . . mmm mini Powell Matlett Co Opagg 1718 4NI. COM pt.l.TF.t.Y furnUhed. 8-roont hOOOO n South NOgOIOOj will rent permanftntlv to responsible pettplft without children Cgll OhAge 1671. r p Bpporoog IiCPl.KX --room modern . 3 blocks of post .iff ice, garage ; well ; ast front . onlv 18.580; good tarma Oaage 88 N't iRTH RIPE, beautiful "ft room bUngOlOW Rut on top of the hill: Urge hmrmn1 . gArMge: nil Mgoid 0Ol front lot A bargain pi.wen-Mallett Co. Q'Bge 8?of. Irvin'I Pl.ACF- Do ally 8 room bang! low; ok floors, mgatat Bl0 light fti tures and t inns ; basement and garage; on one of the best streets in Irving Place 17.111; II 800 rash, halanc f- ranged Phon Cedar 138 fjoo HANPI.K8 good 4-room house, corner lot fin mo ree moTo in lomorrvw uaage 14? .1 T. Sanger LABOR profit, small Investment. nn resi dent Oggl sell hi large 1 ft room house s he needi ome money ; located right cloe tn. among expensive new homes, with a little expenre thia house can be arranged for 2 and 3 room apartments, wht h are in great demand and be made to bring lftft per tnt on tha cash invest merit, price 8 III I ash 2 ftftO balance ar ranged to suit Room I Nebraska Rid . City Realtv Inv Co C. K Iealle Manager fTpI.KNDID S-room house. well built , nicely finished large lot good cistern rlty water in housr , fruit nd shad trees garage for 2 cars, all for I "ftft . email cash pavment the ret vour way Ren O Angel. 317 Robinson R!dg Phone Osage T489 -807 fiOOD 3 room houa. shade, gaideri and fruit on deep lot . close to Fifteenth street . this Is a dandv and you will ha lucky to gel It; save that rent. I2.8S0 with ft cash if sold today Other goU, one.- L C Shank Cadar 1IH TWO 8TORT, II rooms and sleeping porehea; basenient ; el 000 in; on pv- ment only 110.800; ;3 00ft down 7384 r goi'TH HITj'K. walking dtstama room modern residence, garage; nn pavement Onlv M 10ft with 11.300 canh OoagqlMII. KAST SIPK 4-room modem Hingalow', garage, on paving; close in; tak car n1 I rash as first payment It 280 T J Phelan oeage I87S WHY PAY It KNT -I large moma duplex. high gOOl and south frontage corner ehade. well; block from arhooi on car line II Til. Terms 1780 cash, 4ft per month, will take Liberty bonds, notes, lot or lata model touring car, part pay -pienL W. T. Uwea, 40e Rob, neon Hldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I.OTM IOR AI f Wl in IN lot. modern. rhar. 9f trade what hae yo cedar 41 Pi F A M AN r" hea7thytTrinata large and" "nil far me . no agent , easy terms ' ' rsr N of I -wt a fli i HHlls month for Tot. elovan hiocW from buslnees tenlet. close to school snd rar itn .ml I'.nn sfe W T "n .in h 4"'. R..bln-...n lil tg ?00 c A nil and l.'S a bion'h tuys a (m'soV f front in W .odwar.1 pa ' k addition with restrbft ns utnr Ull H PfftOOflln street kaHI K"KKT in Terra lrKe ad Knon for ftnit xmatl cgsh pavntent And bai gne et i' per month Thi lol Igfl 'ind Wheels- ne-'mer. i n Ce.lai III MHIH cfi FRONT Int. shad fruW trees on Mellvisw rr ,ne. ?N0 cash. ?i month. nk i the time to invent W T i'ain IQ.S Robin .on ftld tllRF's": lota lllglli ."?e ifoefi 51 " line.,, io0 in. these lots rag be bugb right Add HI D rare World LAMP mi i itlMg ior NAI.B II :"o AcitKH near Kan -a;- Pltf tittle ff..-u the fam.'iia bOggVtOOJ farm, 2 seln good ImgrOVOmtlll IR the nest -enter l-oatlon in JgohaOP enntv 2 3 4 milea tOgthWttH of l.eea Summit -an be bough at farm prices gbsolutelv not one aire of waste land on whole farm . high and sightly. With bea ut If ul ..bade It well watered 'and femed for a rrl bargain r Of write ' nie T.. Id M (fc-. 1 ... Sum t M AchF.S good InVprVupment '. "40" sere a' Iti pasture, tn aero in hav. balance mill va'ed. 11 mn4 01 of Ttiiea. a wen Ml ancfd farm hAtf mite from hard surfs, e road and prbed Ugh with good term Pall Qsggre 1173 R Fppersn n6ticb -ii. mf.n We hae for ate a 21 a. re farm all in cultivation. I mil from Tulsa hat new 4 room hotjee bordering production and l not leased, can be hOttght in fee simple fir "'o per arra Powell Mallei! Co 'sago l?lf- ?nr gTOCK ranch of fttm a. res 2b ftftft worth of Imnrovsmenls hAraaln for nutch sale. ! for stock grain or fruit ftrtns write R I Jeffsr e- ? o Mo H SllNNF.StTA improved farms, 7B""to "i.So per acre, wr hav farms to meat all re Oulrement- tell tia pwf wants; call and see in when you pom t hrough Mlnne polls We have been In business MM Illl Thropt rtroe . V ?A Andrus llldg . Mlnnaapolt. Mpn F 'R IaLR. In acres Irlgated farm, in high state of cultlvatton Address .1 M Pardue Carlsbad N M POR Information about flnu t h en s t A r kaosas write Hardy A Wrlla. Montlcello. Ark for their Hat LAND POR Ton. gome of the best land we hat ever been bin ,o offer Is now available Close to towns, railroads, schools end churches In Michigan's fruit belt No ewampa or Hones, raise araln. fruit, stock or poultry 18 to 38 an aere In tracts of 1ft to 1A0 acres Small down payment, easy monthly terms This Is vour opportunity to become Independent We help settlers Write for free booklet Swlaart Land Company .11288 First National Rank Hldg Chicago, 111 US! tour CRRDIT With a small down payment and eaav monthly terms you can own your own farm 10 to ift acres of rich hardts '(.d lands In Kalkaska and Antrim counties. Michigan will make you independent raise vegetables, fruits, grains. grooOOOj poultry or stock , close to schools, C hur rhes , railroad . towns and neighbors , I8 to per sere: no swamps or atones ex.ellsnt hunting and fishing big free booklet Swlgart Land Co . Villi First Not l Hank Hldg Chicago. HI. POR IALB LtO a' e farm near Stark City, Mo . all In rropo, good houee, good rada and excellent crops Write or call Ployd Hoffman. Stark city. Mo OtM of the beat buva on the market today. FcR 8ALK OR TR A PF. - 171 acres of un Improved land In Hoonecountv Arksanaaa grill trade for aropOTtg on gtd Springe car line or in Colllnsvltle W F. Menden hall. Ift 8 NOgolo Osare 2IH-J TKUhb.K IND INDVRTRtAI TRACK AOH for sale. lOftxIift wiih 2 small houses , will re nl for each on pa ved afreet , spur Into hack of lot, only fi ooo Oaege Illl w INTRO- RRAL R8TATR gg WR hgV cuetomera who will pay t ash lift 000 to 30 noo for 2-story residence In Mornlngaide Maple Ridae, h id moor or St one bra ker Please phone w hat you have F F Trvn, Cedar TI fVANTKn A desirably located 8 or -room residence on south sid Can psv 1 2,000 down Address Ml P care World WA PtTC to buy frorn ' owner S-room modern bungalow on voutheast side Call fl M Oeiset. OsAga 8100 To MK LI. vour vacant property Hat mil IIMJord , Woolery Cedar 44, LIST YOUR property with PatterMO Healtv Co. Tbav ell It Oeage Bp II ft W A NTF.P to buy 2 or 3 room hou-e in good condition , m'.'it be priced right 11 7SM WILL HI' Y and pay -ash for vacant Es'tey, Q7 Roblaooa Rids , OaagaH' REAL ESTATE WE HAVE IT A ft-ronm RlOdtPR bORM nn 'he pnv Inp that ran bi bnught fnr 4.7?o. With Ifirtn BRRR nnd .r( pgf ninnlh Thai lOtMttlOU Will nnt he RtVgR nvrr the phone hut wl will irhtdly ibow yftu thlj proptrty And WOttl4 ad visa you to rail us at nn. p aa this in an rxceptlonal opportunity. GORDON GRADY 233 Rnhlnoon Rd Omm iioli. Cedar 777. It. 100 DOWN OKI KKAL HI ' V HHtiAlLMOOR A complr-te ft -room nrw hiin:rilrw (M MBl front full lol, hoakf-mt room, refrigerator mom. bigg ITI IB t, g rnne and drive, o.ik floorg ihi'uiKh out. tiled hath, ready for furrvtro. huilt-ln featurrg, rierorat Ions and light flxturgg In. yard graded and sodded, ready to ooi:upy, price for qui k gftjg, 111,100. Thou for ap pointment. A P AMP & WALKER, Exrluutve A gen to. 320 Kennedy. Cedar Pfn Park Hill Bungalow Six rOOItll anri t.reakfaMt room, nil I.itkp ro..niii and olOMta, het (rftdi oak !...: thi'oughiiijt. hKh olMI futtiii'H un'i doooratlons nlct nuio il with built-in lxKikrai nnd writing rtfKk. Ir( limit in buff, t in .lining room and ruhinetH In kiii'hrn, n'-rrond-lii lirk porch, tjanipnt, garage and drlv-wa, full him rast front lot In a flnr lo.a tlon, convpnirnt to rax line l'rl-e H.lbO, :. lion canh. Leonard & Livesay fft Hr-ll th Karth Mmbr nral Katair Ktrhangn 91H Mayo Hldg. rhonea Ill-Hit, Km. Cedar 141. REAL ESTATE FOR QUICK action W ntr snUierlMd 10 lll ii ulrlitly modern flv rooni him.ilnu in i,plrn did nolfhboi hoorl on Bmi Suoictl irrrt. full njf lot. Org. I. iKKinrnt. g it gr ,inl to r. in':, .pi it trm. .mii.r I. 'axing rlty. pi ni IT.I0I and 13.000 ooan Sill hondli ra tcrma on l.alanr... SIL8BY REALTY CO. Ill Kitat Thud St Tula Hoiil Pldg siiom t'-ige mi CROSBIE HEIGHTS Sern rnoin modern bVRBBtOW( beau tiful flout s a lot derot Mttono, OlBRPP nmntet atid llRRl hltUfgg; enrloHod hnrk poPCh ft ml roomy hasement , daii'lv well, also guiagr. fine nelrvh bOrhOOd I'rh e rrdtii i i tn ,TI0 and tniRll OMR ptvmeni. will rnn- Hlder gr new rar M par! p.n m nt I'hono Ooago Till or ObBRI nl Yadon Investment Co. 218 II Hecuilty TUdg. FIX- n rOM DUPIeBX A dRBdf duplex, hardwood floor, located In Ihe bgRf pBPl of the north side dn!v tiie f rir old A rial buy at ft,2S0. MR itirs fgo 2173 INfilKNAcrc Klr. llrhttilng. tornado and auto moMl. BTonk a OUMBTBN Ciilar, lira (ihag ISM. :il Nfhr. HI. Ik South Side Bargains New, up t o-date. ruot front . ft room modern bungalow, oak floor throughout, in.tntei ail bondoomgly decora led, baaemen fine location. Owner nerd the money Cull for appoinl ment Very attractive, prlcn If you really Wrint to buv. New rOOIB modem 2-otory reM lOBOg located In high OhMM reol detire dlatrlrt, oak floorn, living room acroHH I he front , larg din Inn room four bodroorng, bath , ait neat ly decorated , baaement, garage, good well water. Can he bought for Ichh than you ran build It for loday. Thiol proper Ilea are real bargains, no if voij really want to Invent eall lor appointment OUf time is POUPB, C. H. Terwilleger Co. 1001 M'iji Hldg. PkOM Hfiigf Moffei-igsidl Seo thin beautiful two-olory home In MornlngHide, long liv ing room, lung bedroom, two of her hedrrionih ;ind eh eping porch glHKned In, oak floor throughout furnace heat, garage and BOPVRRtB' uuaitero Price 17.fUO, good term. J. C. REDDIN 308 Cosdon llldg I'll. un- (Is.igr 1300 This I&$2,000 Under Value For Two Days Only We offer thlw fine dence, OORBIbUHR C living room a rooa t wo-ertory reol f en room, front, with fine '.11 tn ige mantel, h foiit room, oak fjo ih hu ge break -o h throiighoui ; haaenient for Uuil furnjtt e, haH gaiagt rtiy. piped for and tlrlveway. Thm ia a i e il home ent time la rented month; our price H,!f0(, 11,100 ggfl and at the pron for 1 110 per for two dyH is t any term. ' HALFF & SONS tloom 4, iOJ South Main I'h'.ni- Oaagv 5 5 .i K . Ciaaga H!,00 OWNER LEAVING CITY $7,500 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW Seven monthit ago thl owner pabl 7. .100 for thin new bungalow, now whon ho ; iitlful ! wn and lota of hhruhhery he haa lo move. Mix room and brOftkfMl fOBWl, hardwood fhiorw, fir -plure, large banement and plenty f rlowd apBCOi A bOUM OOmplltg In u ROOd nr lgh borhOOd for fIOO ineh and bal- BAeg to ouit. VtNER INVESTMENT COMPANY 223 Iowa ltldg I'honr Ohagv 6134 REAL ESTATK A REAL A REAL Property that If off. r."1 at a pr. that In Irf-B than It I'-tinllv tout to htiy id1 lot anil hull. I thi- dwflling Ik xrptional. hut thla homo in one of thOK netpUon htrnuM. tin ..wnc-r U not Billing to mak a profit hut lic-i aunc It Ih vrry i-HH-ntlal that h" ha the moniy In hi. huiiln-n. INN room hung.ilow with oak Doom throughout, all th MMVHIIMM hullt In ft-aturH, tile floor In the hath with b4UM tuh, hrautif ul rnanlol, har.l-war.- anrl fixlurm. largo l.aMio.nt, br'akfant room Ml parage. Lo natr.l In one of TulM I BlOMl rMMMO, ail.litloiui. If .olil at onre the prl.e I, only .ann. with l;1fl ra.-h. and e mn reromnienil thm property aa being the heit valui- In un up-to ilate bunga low that we have to offer, l-'oi apriointmi-nt rail GORDON 233 Iti. l it. -. 1. I.; 1,. REAL ESTATE rnii DOWN Will buy d.m U I i" . in hOUM on ffOOd full liigh lei, Houtg B0C0 latrd and BB1 BIRRp built in fea IUpgi WBtBf nnd gar PrlCBd for qUh K Kile il 11.104 Call Mi. PBtt n A MS M K KM 3 'ft Kfiin-'-h Cr. Ur fnd. BEAUTIFUL HILLCREST BUNGALOW Six room, otihtlv niotlnn and up- to tiitt pn.f for BttlcN H.Tftl, trim $ . ii-h. 1 1 1 im i at r.mgod to suit ThlH Im n I'hI h.iignln. st us show you. 8ILSBY REALTY CO. I L S KnU Thud SI TulM Unti l Hldg (llUlgO l.l closh in BOUTM CARBON M,IN Ko room, modofn. oti .'.ill lot .liwr In and n liaignln, ran hi him. r. i ..ti t. ' down sr u ro; lUPDRItl bnrWlM Wi havr irvral ai ams .1 WALK B III Konnody CflU Nl JULY BARGAINS Knur room modern houe, eal front, ITIO oBoh n i ii III moRthlp, prtoi II.IOO, Will lk Idhei ty bond or ROOd Id find atm in caoh a a f Iih) pa merit. P'our rnoin new cottago on a rn.M r lot In Kendiill. good well, ga hp I Olootlifl light, oewrr and city water available now 7f0 caoh IBd I1 monthly, prloo 3.2FtO. POUf-rOOm frame houne on a fin lot I0B140 on pnving, om term and Ihn ppiog let only $1,100. Klve room eat front modern on North Denver In fine location, $ I , finn oRSh BRd 11? Pr momh liiKts it, It I g bargain but you Will hiM to hurry If you get it, pn ed undoi vutao at ift.fton. I t room modern bun Rt low with bggOmOBti garage ami dPtVlWt, f ttn lawn wli h beautiful nhnde Thl properly Ih on the aouth Hide. 7,M)0. Six-rcwim modern twn-tory, BOUth Mile good i nn and a bargain at 11.100. Six room nnd breakfaot romn, eaof front, modern nnd P"w bungalow, ha a large haement. garage and 00 ma III drive, Htreet paved. hud good floor In every room, BOfOBBBd reor p'trrh, built in cabinet h, hullt in Ironing hoard, electric fan open IngH, bgftUtlful dOOOrftUOOg and elec tric fixture, flroplROB of prBBBOd ready to move. Into 1,I00 rah will do "o fit ut payment and wo can make Kulfahlo arrange mentH f halanrff. Six room modern hOUBB, olOBBIB nn i (Miner lot, nultahh' for hoarding house near com merclal illMt rlct $(nio rihh nnd $7b per month. prioB 11,000, Ten room modern clone-In rooming hOUBB, two ha i h roonin. eay walk ing dtatance, good term, prb a $ 10,000. Twdvi POOM duplex and 10-room duplex on clooe in corner lot on BOUth Hide, a I way rented to go tut tr ii. into, flno ahade, a beautiful corner, cant ft out, one-third raoh will h'imlla. price $20,000, good term on balance. Six room and 10-room modern ROUBBB nn BlOBO'tn ctirner, double garage, laundiy room, largo BBfOOBBd porohOB, ihftdg and fruit tree, with in lx ho'ko of huHlnen diFtrlrt, ne-ihlrd ranh, halarjre good term, price $111 000. Ill ITI B I TOM T 00 BCY A BOMS "It I N V Kri I'M KNT E. G. Cunningham Room 210-11 Palate Hldg. i'honeu Una fie ItjVU 5a2 ,B00 BARGAIN HORTU RIDB DADdy cottage with four large i ooinn and art eened in porch arroeH en t Ire r ar of houru-, 110 hat re rlr tern. brick walled nnd paraffined, ohlt ken hoiihCH and rabhitry. PHog of $2,fi00 BlBO iBOlttdBB four rooma of furniture, ruga, gtOVBR, etc , 45 rhirkeriM and 4T. pure hi'-'l lielglall rabbit. OWBBr having town at OBOB arirl Ii fifferirig thlg unparal- iele'1 birgfim for two or (hire day to ratt-e Home rash liny thu and s II for a big profit or rent it. Call BrUOB or EeBOOUrdi A I A M H A WALKIIR 320 Kenedy Hldg. Cedar $00, Mfl Cedar or Cadar 1211. REAL hMAlh VALUE HOME GRADY Osage JiSU, Cedar 777. HEAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ON EAST SIDE For $2,000 Down, Host on Easy Terms Thin little hornf for IS r0. and vry nHy hullt. S ronnm nnd hath, hardwood flonra throughout. etntSt haninl and ekganlly Bt4 iih at oner about II. Mum Mil, W. P. STAHL CO. 1 1 1 arrtaht Hi.ig. south SIDE RED HOT BARGAIN Six Rooms, Thr-Cr Gornpc, Immcdiutc 1' nimrion M front oorl r lot. nlrf. whaile, heaiitlful lawn on paving In mo.t ila TIiIh linfii.' haa hMV Mthlt. oak floora. two ta ITrenrh Klrnhl.. loialllv. I ty onra. mantel, al.ctrlo ptiiB, obi rloeeta. inirtoi doors, living rooni iirrona fionl. break . - room, all lateat fMturai, Mid ixtm rim eonert, paroh, PrepMty one year old and priced onlv. IH.3.MI on lernm Thi propeity will eell for 1 1 1. Odd by November ut. P.P.TRYON LET y.ii n CONTRACTOR linage ;ti Of Cd r Vll STONEBRA KER n-rnnn, 1-dtOrT, hanenient, alrrplng porrh. a J-rir garage, east rront, ik rn. it terrft. d lot Thia honlo hirnli nd complet. in.-luillng piano, dlnhe. linen. I.r.ldlng. ilniperlee. In r.n i . .-.v Hung rdy for you to move Into. Rontftl value 1 1 Ml or more er month, owner leaving rlty and hag planed th pilre nt ,7f0. everything goea. Term un be had, If nocMwary. hhown by appointment only. S. H. BOOKER Cedar int,! iiM(!f tu.'i7. Stock madl Gram Ruy frm and live where water la plentiful, climate la healthful a.n Oood Market thB year around. WSftlbiSmi 4(0) mihsm $ SpringHold A City off 50,000 People 1.240 nrre under fence, acre hog tight. ftlSO acre In cultivation. 250 acre bottom land. 2'o acre ncrond brrttom. 2 t of good improve ment. 4 tenant bOUBBB, plenty of barn and cattle nheda. mlleg of i It u water all year around. Crop of wheat, oat, corn, clover, timothy, on -hard gra, alfalfa. wrt Hover. U and ft milr to railroad atatlon. 1 mile to trading point nf grxid atore, i hun li and BQROBt. All Timber land in graea nd live paature. Thone in house. Tuhllc road through ranch. PSTEE REALTY C. in skci'Rity m.nn., osaue 2111 You SBndnsM ISsnow Thr Tula Rp'il Kstate Exchange has an In dustrial Department Which in rendering val uable hcrvice to TuIhh in furnishing complete data to manufacturers who contemplate locat ing here. MAPLE RIDGE BRICK HOME SACRIFICE $55,000 Biani new. ready for oiiupinry, up-to the minute In every rtopoct, t.ullt for a home by a local bunlne man. hut alnra II nipietloii lo- haa de, ul. .1 it ih too laige foi hi. family. DESCRIPTION IbI -High rorner lot 100x111 flower and tr- 2nd Peaigned hy one of fhe heat arrhltectji In the stats and the varlou,. eofltmoti lt to the moat reliable contr acton in the oily. (DOOOr&tlU rontraet let to ft New York r. intern at a figure of about 1 10,000.) 3rd Front mtranee Into lovely large ll'-ing room, largo un parlor to the lift, dinning room to the right, break fast room. huMotM pantry and klt. hen downetalrs, largo bed room over living room, three other bed rooma of . vita sle. mioat complete bath room in Tuhu), lots of clothe preea. PaKement Large n ,re room, furnace room, (combination furn.i.e and automatic water heater) laundry room, hlllaid room, fruit cloet, etc. Oarage Twocar, atrlctly up-to-date, three room modem M rvauta quart,. r above. Pei-lde all thl. there I a 30n barrel ryatern, and the base ment I. water proofed. In order to really appreciate the value and convenience of of the home. It will bi n.ceaaary for you to nee tor yourself, all iih right now before it i too late .mil wo will gladly show you. NOTK This property actually cost 157,000. "The Company With the Service" BOWMAN & BOWMAN Thone Ce. I., r I, (RBAtVTOIlB) 1031 Mayo Bl.lg MMB TLLliA KKAL kstati: BXOXAMCUI REAL ESTATE Thnna 3214. Ivory flninh. large herlrnoma plenty APPRAl 'rifts ron TOO, Ho I'orlir 1)41 REALTY CO. 334 Central National Rank Pldg. PMt, beautiful tnwn. pretty