Newspaper Page Text
7 TULSA DAILY WORLD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920 ill I- il if COX SENSATION s'ir,X?Rf HNF Rin IflKFi Craduation TIichih Will- l-M J JUIlL Candidate's 4 Charge Cause Much Merriment. INDICATES WEAKNESS I i.riii.-s r v. w. nii WILL IRRIGATE c,llhl('" smp Wilh WILL mmUilL Sntcllhif Saltn to IMMENSE TRACT svccnntlwc si: rr Hfiit in I'ii ii i i nhi'lincr. of I'lirviillm I r.nsi"S Hipt lis - i "hum pHcn. i." i.iiirt if.ftn ir yuii inn mm IV ii ii 11 Oro- ai-niiir In the, Unlvimlty or lU.,4n,,u ,,r Tm.,l fifnilln f vvlm "' " "" It'a nllciKdhnr ton T U II 111 lirrinni horn, vi III i 111' linn Dili i i UiHtlfl Ul L'llU V.7 1 U J 1 IU l(J . , , ,, ... In ilirUli-iilnir n In Ohio NothitiK but Ridiculo Found for His Uncons firmed StntamcnU. firiKini iHdl In rhetoric , linn milimltti it In swtlsfn' llmi nf lh' rpciiln-niinl fr hi liMior ilioiii b novi-l ir ore Kim lire, 176,nno wnnla In lnlh. Thla novel, i-ntlllvil "Tlio (Iray lloiiMeir," linn won rommwiiU Won und In aalil lu illarluy much lllernry povvcr. lion. fiver,, him limn H rnnatant ul ii'B tn i.f tmirln nntnlnta tliroiistli Ml. Viinun nvemi In Marlcm. No' I ly liny iniima hava nil of IIipbo cara I.,.. i.r Hi.. hlsth tirlrpil unit lilath piiwvrril iirlfity. Many a "tin llay" roi.UMIIfH, Oliln, flout 1 Nnl mil Mpto wllliln alrlklnu illalam" oven Dm iletnncrala iih fnlmltiir ' " famciua front ml i Ii. imil inn ntiy mtviintnga fur Ciinrtlilatii Co In I i-hnt'' nn cntliiialiiat fruii) awn,' liln collniil aenaallun over rrpnii- nwllixi or uMiit nf tin- mtiiitry with IIchii iwtnlifllan lumlH. In furl, Mi. I Hi" i hciTlnn IIiIIiirh nf ili'iniu'mMi Oox lw brnuaht liln nmitalaTIi vory fntvn fnini llir nvviier'a i tlim Ihul cjloao to the) lmighlnu all. "n,, to ! , nt for tlii ti'P'ilill' tin (UtelirB li(. lrlft cf inn pillillr Httl- i , Minllilntin nt thei cumin flrill'm, lie Turned Into Desert W'OKANH. Waali , Hipt I5. Thi lirlaatlon nf n v.uit d'aerl Is nil, Ibixit In ar i-ii than the nt Una BnchtinwlB ami tnnn- fc-i ttln.Oiafi an v in Km llnllpil HtiitiB known aa in i'lunililK rlvc-i Ii.'ihIii. In vaatrrn Wiiahliintfnn. la in M- HmmPllhi''l r n ti r i tit wjtvn nlir l tiinuii upon l.lf.o.ono L IIM If 1 1X1 l nh.p K.ivl.l .Miirpliy recently liuiinli'il tin- Kilmonimi In tlin Qii.iho.iK rlvi r, nt llrnokflolil. He iliiln t wuBti- nny llipior fit for drtnMnif. lull JiibI liruuelit out a Imtil.' nf Bini'liliiK kiHh iiml Bprln hliil t in nvi'i thf vi'BkcI'b how. Tli II Ii" hrlHti tilnK xlitpB wilh pnwil'r pnffK iii'Xl'" ok . l inn. .! il..- t.iillit' r (IluKUBlnlly. Iliiln tuunrtl tin; whuln affnlr In ti(r.ipn of cnnvitrmtlun litunl nt 8trot curtipm uml on tlie trolhy Chrti. "1 KIIWMI Oil! COX IB BOf bBftBllBI- I'll' ) i uml' frniii nil nvi tlotiK of thi' i unit ry, i frUn, fiirmnrB, amall IhibI ni HB liK'li. Bkllli'il ttif I'lmnl' b. who. nit lf tlm iwvIiik from llirlr war Blind'' Iibmi IiivmbIciI In mil- of I hi w ill'l not Kt much money nit r(lf ,.r ib,b nf mm. imil nrc .'ii thi' rnpilhtlPBii," Mill one rltlicn nt K tlcnr ccjiinlcr lici jfHteiilay. Anil nnollier. a nuu h younmr mn hi plight hHvn Irni'ii n Uriel voltir mil (Id reply ".Hmmlo pulli-il n bcmi nil iluhl, IIb wi'iililn'l hnvi- .ild u roril If the riVmorrntn hml ifot thn Uu, 000, ouo thi'y wrr nftur" Ho fur hb Him drift of Bi'fitltni'ilt In Ohio 1b coni'fWii'il. thn net imbiiII of tlm Cux BHiiiHitloii 1 to allow the utlur wciikniip of tin- h mnrratlc puiiw. Tlirci l no illffrrr-ncii lie twion Ihn rmik uml flln nf ripulll-' 'rain nml iliiiiiociiitM thlB yimr In the mntUT of their Hhlllty to cotitillnitii Ion ranipalKH fiitnl; hiiiI jut tin' bIk nlflcniit fart whloh him ln-i-n hrmlnht nul Ib Unit, whcrmiB thotiNnnilH of rcptihlk'ntiB, Htnall IhibIiicwi nn-ii, HluipUcupi'rn, ch-rkH nml InlmrliiR tupii, h.'ivo I'lilitrlhiili'il HtiniM from KO cntB to Jfi nml 10 to thu ri'l'llh llenn fuml; their ilemoarHtir lnuth rcn, ciiually nhlc to miiko bucIi uoii (rlliutliitiH. luivo krpt thi'lr money In their pnekntM, iiml with thn mm pnlitn well miller wny tho tli'inocraUo nrK'itiiz.itlnii wonlil ho bankrupt worn H not for the nupporl which Id living Riven to It by men llko Col onel DeoilB, of aeroplane, fame, nml llko nHBoelateH of thn mlllloimlio rlna with whom Mr. Cox 1b Identi fied. RlKht liuro III Coluiubl.i thure Mrs hunilreiN of ilchnocriilM who aro ro Ini! to voto iiuiilnBt Cox PcrmiBo of Jiln mipport of WIlHon'a ImiRtic of lid tlons, nml mnny morn who will not votu ut ull. CumpulKii roiitrlbu tlotiB ciinnot bo uxpeclcil from ciithor rif UiPBC. The anmll minority r ninlnlnis who will voto fijr Cox, urn illBurranlM'il iiml without enthliBl iVsm. nml apparently co no reason few throwing tholr money uway In n Iiopelrhn cnuao. . " Thlic temlncy which haH hern Btronsly emphaslzi'il lu tho rctuwil of tho (lemocriitM to como to tho financial mipport of lliclr own party, In llkuwlito iiianlfCHted I" other ill rcctlonH; ami 1 one of tho ntrlklng features of Iho campalRii In Ohio. rrnii..r ib,, ,ieinocratn by nml large. jou meot overywhero viitenut clumo- orata wno. n ii " going to vol') ngalliBt Cox; but on tho othor hand, ,lt l u abolu to rarity to fiml n republican who 1 Kolns to voto against Hard ng. inu meet also hlindredn of deniocrula Mho will tell you frankly hat they havo not made up their mlm a h w they uro going to volni wjhore a l ero la both untmlmlty and cnthu; ilaam In republican nja for Jlnrdlng. This tendency nppcarn again out through tho state; for in atance. among tho laboring clnsHos, VhOBcBolId voto la being claimed by Cox; anil yet among whoao rnnlia thero nro llimdrcds of men, who, do apltii tho fact that they nro belmr ..i,.,,in,i" in blocks to tho demo- craUo candldilto, nro clamoring fori JlHI'Uing inurmiin'. No development oil the cumimlK" Is more cheorlng to Hh" republican managers' than this nttltudo of In dependent thoiiKhlfulnewi on tho part of great, bodies of workliigmen ,llko tho railway employes nml the minors, who. through their ro)iento.l requests to republican organizers for facta aro manifesting n decided In lontimi tn Htudv the Issues nnd teach their own conclusions, without nny UMslstnnco from cither labor leader or politician. The wrlter.porsonally hua keen dining tho past week re ports from nt least 10 of the 8S oountlca In Ohio, In each of which thoro were Insistent dejmands from tho men In tho field that republican lltoraturo on tho Issues of the cum palgn bo hurried to them to supply tho demnndH of thu furmera und tho workliigmen. ' Obviously thoBo farmers anil these worklngmim know that u corns money to print und circulate cam tmlen Jlternture. Ho thnt ouo may jret nn idea of tho reaction on these votcra on sir. win cnarges oi cnrruntlon fund. Men who want literature In ouler that they may reach their own Judgment as to tho Issues of this campaign, arc. cm me fneii of thlniis reasoning men who will not ho misled by charges of rorruntion: when they nro using up the hours which they otherwise would have employed In rest log, In getting down to the facts with re-, irurd to Wilson a league or nations which they know Is the real Issue pf the campaign. Mnreoxer. it Is aulle In tho nature of things that thoy will resent the IinpuUltnn that money which Is beltiK mined tn sup ply them with the lufm mallon they .acoli, is mpney for the corruption of tho clcctornto unci the pun hose uf tho government, ifc. Ono might write many columns nbnut the plain ovldonco of the dls- .Integratlon of tho democratic partv which Is under wuy as a result of Wilsons' lenguo of nations In partic ular, and Wllsonlsm In general, fine who spends conslderublo time over ut Marlon, nnd has mauo u inn nusi ness to olrculato among the dele gallons which aro culling dally on Uenator Harding, reports that uvory .eonsldcrnblo proportion of thoaowho ro making tho pllgrlmoges nro democrats. Jlo cltcB, for Instance, tho fact that among tho 2.000 who Journeyed from Wyandotte the other 'day, were 100 democrats who bold .)y participated with their republican brethren In tho street paindo and who later Joined In guaranteeing' to Senator Harding that tho hitherto rock-ribbed county of Wyandotte Jnlng ft, real vncslliin fm thu first Utile In their IIvi-h. All nT lliein llllia tnilii the li nili in li s tn which ref erence hua -'ii miiile - thai whereas Ih" i epiihli, ii lis sir standing firm, luuliy ib'timi nils hiive ennie over to the in use nf i nnatltutliitml gnvpin ini'ii' nml fieedom frnm fnielgn nl lliit'e. while iimtiy, many nun urn lliBltnllna nml may leaannitbly be pjipeiieil, when the teat iIiiiiih. to nest their votea for stalunit Aimir U'HiiIbiii. A nniible fivitllto of these pilgrim iiHiib tn the frnnt pnrch Is the gnat number nf funnel' prnKfesslves who find their way thither; and each hi lugs the cheering word that thnnn who follnwed Itnnsevelt aro III lino for Untiling nnd CotillilKc. The tietnl Is also llluslrnteil In the dlspl.ty of campaign btttluns. of pic tuieH nf the candidates, and In tho bnniiers whit h ure fltini; ncrtiKii the highways. This may seem llko n matter nf small mnment: but there Ih surely snmn sUnlficanco In tho fart that nf a consignment nf 100,000 pll tiires of Hurtling and Coolldge re ceived at republican headiUnrtrs on a certain day last week, 07,000 of these portraits, 22x14 Inches, were dlstrllniled nn requisitions from ie- sponsible paity workeis within two days after their receipt. Demands for these pit lures of the cnmlldates, for buttons, for the records of Haul ing and Cox, for tho facts about Wllson'H lenguo of nations, are far ahead .of the ability of the state orRiiurnllou to supply. Nev'tj in the history of thn repub llvnu urgaiiUntlon has thero been such a demand for campaign litera ture, n n I only within thu state, but from uvry section of tho country, llecnuhe Ohio Is lie hnme state of Henutor Hauling, the penplo every where me flooding tho state com mittee hero with requests for every conceivable detail with regard to tho nuAlli: nets of opposing candidates. and liere again thn fact crops out of tho k'gltliuale expense which is entailed upon thn campaign man ugement In , older that tho people may bo put in pciBsessIon of thn In formation which they wish to havo to enable them to cast their ballots lljtc lligoutly next November. REPORTER RELATES EXPLOSION STORY ucies of the laud. Tola land has hi rtnfor' yielded n larae emu nf sagebrush. Th" great aniiriYd tract Ii ib waited am.', the beginning of time for the Ingenuity of engineers In quench Its iiiIibi 'lli pi, ins fur Hi" irrigation of the Columbia bnnln have been inn pleteil by A. .1. Tur ner. veteran reclnimitloii engineer, nml haV I pen approved by the nlttie. un, I fedeinl iiiilliiirltlea. Tli watering nf the deport kind of Mi, lantern Washington valps bin long been Ih" dream of lta settlers, Ap"'At,r lulneil nri hiitda and whaHC fli ld,rrhe I" wsnle attest the hardy i ffnrln of funnels fur deeaden to ninl.e the great ban n productive of 'II ilhieiB looked t the i"o- IiiimI'Ih ilvnr, winding I.- HWnll-n DRYS TO OPPOSE WET CANDIDATES Pick Aspirants to Office Whom They Will i Fight At Polls ! WAHHINOTON. Kept. If,. Decll ration was made tnrl.iy by Prohlbl tlnn Cnmmliialciner Kramer Unitary law enfnrretnent mnrhlliery Is Inade quate Cnnpled with this was u B'nicnient by the Anti-Saloon locigua tint ihn "nation Is confronted" by a riKantlf. and vicious conspiracy to dsircdit and ultimately overthrow ' ii'lllon ' CniirlB .binitiiiil. Mr Kriunei, In making hli deela-,,.. In .... n, t...,.r ., I - (fnl.inii league conference, milled Pnv Mti At'tictt nn Ifl'ltthv '" numerous cnmmuijltles jOX itn i i Lint on i I'tany , p,,,,,,,,!,,,,,, carm M ,,, ,ir:,g4ed NOT ENDURING LEGAL .notick to ntKhlTntm orA f, . n lllillil' ( Ii iiHIll I tir,r.rvni it ii.i.ii' i unwi inn You ure Iiffby notlfltl nfl eommrTlM in prMnt all Tonnin iffiitnst th firm of Cfftimiir A- ltn1y, Hrr. OkU.. for pn)rmnU' All nfnuntii nt rtft niA with in IS days of thin notice wtll forrve r X ItANIlV At V1NCKST. . " Buwrtwofn to nbuve firm. Appeals to Public Prejudice. lir SCOTT 11. IIONH To the exjent that Candidate Cox . .11,..., ....I.ll ,.llnnll,i trin fhu ' . . . HrWll,. In tirr.HII.lllr... nnliirnnmnnl IhtriM lint mnillilalp cnx sininlii ' ' ! , i , .. for nnd typ'flea Wlaonlam and the Ilk' Candidate Cox ncoreM, lie Bi'nred mnnietitiirlly when ho Into fcilernl courts ul a rate of 10 to 20 a week. Thn result, he slid, Is Jammed court dockets and delay In the trlnls The Anll-S.ihion league embodied Its conspiracy charges In resolmloni which served notice that It wnuld attempt removal of public officials At the same time, nffl.lals nf the league made public n partial list of candidates for rnngresn whom It will seek tn defeat because of their pol- IU...I r .. ... . 1. . . .. I , Li! ;, ,v Ub '.-. !'.' PrHPBteroua:tlon nn prnhlhltlnn " , - phHrtiu itiiat him rentnntpMii nanv ...... . iinatiie tn ralim the water from I lie, . : : , . ,,, , ; , ... Mrnit'il C'OMTINUKt) ritOM PACii: 1 bodlai, most of them silent In denth, lay W'nrby. As I gaxed horror stricken at tho sight, una of these forms, half naked and scared with burns, started to rise. It struggled, then toppled and fell lifeless Into thu glitter. "On tho opposite side of the street wero other forms. Ono of them was that of a young woman, her clothlnir torn and burned awav. pit. Was moving not In up. effort to rise, inn in mo agony oi ucaui. i started toward her but nn I did shS became still, glueing down I saw that tho pavenent was dlscnl- ercd with blood, in plain alght.wlth in a radius of SO to 50 feet, wore nlno lifeless forma, "Tho body of thu dead horse In thn middle of tho street thowed a plain evidence of having been In very close proximity to tho scono of tho blunt. It waa literally torn to pieces. "Tho windows of tho Morgan building were blown out and through the opcnlnga could tie seen the smoko-blaokened Interior of what but u few momenta previous had been one of tho handsomest bunking rooms In the cits. "Oppofclte, the enfrnnco to the newly completed white exterior of tho Hub-treasury nnnex was battered und torn ns If having been subjected to a bombardment of machine gun fire. The doorway, with Its massive steel grill work, was shattered and thu stone surrounding tho door cracked and battered uway. US' tins time tho crowd was pressing In. held In check by tho hastily gathering policemen. At the doorway or the Morgan bank was a uniformed guard, apparently half unxeit, nut alleging to bis post and holding back thoso who sought to entit. "The crowd was strangely quiet and over It seemed to hang a feel ing of awb and horror. At the com mands of thoVpollce It moved 'and fell back silently. On the steps of tho old aub-trctiHiiry building the spot where years ago stirring scenes coiiiiecieu wnii inn American icvo lutln were enacted stands a statue nf tleorge Washington. Look. Ing down fro-n Its pedestal between the massive urantte columns, scarred by mlsde from tho explo sion, the outstretched hands of tho father o"f bin country seemed to cany n silent command to be calm." "Then came tho ambulances, nearby trucks and automobiles were first pressed into service Volun teers, not heeding tilnoil-smoared handu and clothing, tenderly lifted Into the Vehicles the bndirn of thn dying and the dead. Tho dead that remained for additional conveyances were charitably hidden from sight by roverlngs torn from awnlnga or by inbes frnm jrilvmg motor earn. I ii was sot n a . cno a i tiail pic r.ver bed u the plains above. Thi y lunl ed In k" Chelan, one nf the liiiaest bnd'et nf fresh water In the world, hut th.'ro were InntninMintii- : il.ffli i, 1 1 1. . prcsi filed Ii - i .- nit riiglneera looked further to thn great I'ind Ornllle river, fifty mill's north nf Hpuknne, and saw the water that Is sunn to course through mi Intricate system nf canals ami flow over lb" Columbia bnsln, hit the burning plains nnd make II pnn alblo to prndin e there enough wheat, corn nnd alfalfa In feed the world. The Pacific northwest pinks upon the reclamation of this great arid tract as one nf the most cviNila In Us history. I''lfty-slx miles nf eonrrctn-llned main canal will be built; thirty-four miles of tunnels, eight In number, the longest of which will bo fifteen nnd three quarters miles and the shortest one mile. Korty miles of artificial and natural lakes will be utilized tho loute The vast plan of distribution calls for 10,000 miles of concrete-lined lateral ca nnl branching from the main. Tho tunnels through which tho water will flow will bo double, onch thirty-three, feet In diameter. One of theso sets of tunnels will penetrate beneath the city nf Spokane. The maximum demand capacity of ill" cilnnl will be 20,000 cubic feet of water pen- second, and tho Irrigation season will be seven months. The I'end Oreille river, which Is to be tapped for this Irrigation pnrnoe, n"w.hns an annual flo'v nf ID. 000,000 ncre-fect. Only one-thlrd cf this, or 8. 000 0011 ncre-feot will bo needed to Irrigate this tremedous desert. Holl expert Ouy C. I'Inley. In fed- erat reclamation work for twelve years, reports Hint the soil of the rColumhlu basin, a volcanic ash, Is twelve reel deep. The valuo or tno land can bo determined whtm It In known that lite great Yakima coun try, whero 300.000 Irrigated acres yielded crops valued at il5.000.onO Inst year, ban a soil depth of only four feet. The itrent I'end Oreille Is flowing ncross a coitnlrysld r today to no. purpose. The Irrigation project Is a federal undertaking. Western mem. hers of congress nnd the senate are going before the conaress nt the next session to aslc for tie suitable appropriation Kxperlr who havo Investigated I he project and nil who have seen the basin bellovo tho proposed reclama tion of these ono m ,1 "ti seven hun dred nnd fifty thousand acres of twe vn-foot deen volcanic nan rind to be one of the greatest undertik- Ings ever com elved 130,000,000 to l,tiy the pitsldulioy lllg newspiipeiti give him scare deadlines and thnse fnvorlng IiIb "nhdldacy mnde the meet nf thn mountebank performance. Hut the sensation was too empty to endure Confronted by cold fuels the utter falsity nf the outcry was quickly es bihllahcd, mid Candidate Cnx. re vealed lu hli cheap gulBn ns n mon ger of untruths, Hlmultnn'tiunly stood exposed us "a prnliotinccil 'nmmlsslnner Kramer frankly told the conference that his agency. In jddltlon to being confronted with a shortage nf personnel, hud within men who were not "straight." While the conference gave Mr. Cramers organization a vote of con fldence and a pledge of support, speakers asserted thin stand would mil "soften" comlemnatlnn of offi cials of whatever rank who did not observe the letter of tho law In searching nut liquor violators The league in Its cnmpalgn for eiiii'imif.,1 ilrv ninlnrltv In enmrress we i. i nun in un iiiui cuar-Wlli .Support Heiialor watson. reptin notorized by the New Jersey I.lqunr Dealers' association In an appeal for funds to help elect Cox president. Scoring ns hn did. temporarily shielding himself, for the moment, from tho blight of Wllaonlsm, while IlniM Murphy chuckled, and lloss llrennnn grinned, nnd llns Tnggart winked tho other eye Candidate Cox, In the end, has only succeeded In awakening nml stimulating Inter est In the campnlgn. And tills awak ened and stimulated interest will nssuredly make the republican vic tory in November all tho moro over whelming nnd complete. What a contrast In presented ns to cnndldntcH! Warren O. Harding, In tlm beenm int' nnd dignified, role befitting a nominee ror prenlclent of tho great ett republic on enrt,h not tn tho tawdry guise of n barnstorming ns- ptrani ror a seat In a town council or on a board of nldermen Is de voting his time to real problems of the day, domestic nnd Ititernatlnn.-il. and, with nntnblo speeches of a constructive character, commanding the respectlul attention of his coun trymen and the world us well, crlly tho contrast Is striking Indeed and, moreover to the credit and glory of the. party of Lincoln, McKlnley and Itooscvelt thu O. O, EVERYBODY WORKING Dunn Hack l'mm ltuln Rajs Ilol hhcvlsni Dues Not lluvo rntiiro. COriCNHAni.N. Sept. IS. M. Kocford. a Danish shch who went to Ilussln 40 yenrs ago, beenme it state councillor under the old regime, and has been arrested several rimes since tho revolution, 'haa Just re turned to bin natlvo country. ' "Ono'a first Impression of Moscow W." ho ssysj "thnt all private shops are closed and only thn municipal stores are open. Nevertheless, Illicit trading flourishes nnd It Is possible to get practically everything here, even Havana cigars of tho 1919 crop. The population looks healthy and vigorous, though many people, especially brain workers, suceumbed last winter to privation. "I do not believe bolshevlstn hns a future." M. Koefnrd went nn. "al though not everything the bolshevlkl do Is wrung their care for live chil dren Is simply ningiilftrent; they are will fed, well dressed nnd well ji In cited. Hi leine nml nrt are also en cnuriged nnd tho gicnt collections are, apparently untnttehed. which Is chlrfb due lo Maxim corkle. TROOPS WILL GO TO STRIKE ZONE Ifi'iin. ngnlnat Thomis Taggart. dotnorr(at, In the Indiana senatorial contest, nnd b'rnnk H. Willis, repub lican. In the Ohio acnntorlnl race. Among the present member of tho house selected us the object of at tnck. the list showed Itepresenlutlvc I'orter, Pennsylvania, chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. right ror Old Dniic-cs. AHIII.ANH, Wis. Sept. 16 The council of older Indians at Lac du Kkimbenu In putting the ban upon llrtiovmions threatening to Invade the ancient dances of thn Chlppowa tribes, hns met with objections from the ynunirer genrratlnns BUSINESS CARDS Tulsa Auto Laundry Cars Washed while Q-t T0 ( and ou wait d)i..l)U up Called for and Delivered fircnslng. Hexing, SlmonUIng 12 W. Mull Phone! Osago 2MB Stanley C. Edmister LAWYER 001-2 Kennedy rSulldlng Phones Office 1391 Uesidcnce 4433 TULSA, OKLAHOMA , C- M. GILLESPIE PHYSICIAN nnd Sl'IlOKON ill I ltklmnl Illdg, Officii Phono U.'.a.'S Itosldoncv Phono Cedar 171.1. I'ONTWtrtl KHUM PAC1K 1 ly men, who went on "vacation" In district No. 9. lu sympathy with mine workers Samuel A. Boorstin Attorney nntl Counsellor at Law Now laVateil 82.'.. 20. 27 Mnjo llldg. Ijivv nf Oil nml (.us livv nf Corporations THE CHILBRKN'S DAY NURSKUY 717 south ciii:yi:.m: Children Cared for During Working or Shopping Hours. ...ill TtTiL-.tttiher. fnr Ihn first Mnr-ril nu n nohiliint ,1,,rl,.r. In., w,. time In Its history, talio its place in ahotild the em mv succevit m drop tho republican column. I ping on the flnamial district ono of aiuco Senator Harding's nomlna-hlj deadly aerial bombs.1' CHAItt.HSTON. W. Va . Sept. 1C. A temporary Injunction restraining national nnd district officers of the' l'nlterl Mine Workers of America j from nttumpttng tn induce nonunion coal miners lo Join rtie union In I violating, nf centralis with employ-1 Ing coal mining enmpinles, was ' prunted hero today hv thi-ee bulges 1 of tho supremo rijiirl of appeals I Tho Injunction U iliieeti d against I John L. Lewis and other nffie,,rs of i the mine workers The writ en- Joins thoso mentioned frnm Inducing miners of the Algonquin i'ojJ com pnny. 48 other enrlip mles of the lne:ibnntRS Coil Olitininn, nuunni Hon, and officials .if u,,. Algnma i:oai comi"u "i .m i tow ,n e,.un, from brraklng their I'mitui, i. ,,t ployment by mean, of "iiu,.,,,, t tlmldatlons, vlobnt iiniaivo langungo or personal,. uri, asi from using tho same u.eina o in. dnce them to Join ih ,,, jnu vvoraors, in iuiuuun oi their con IV . . " DR. JOHN LEE Venereal, Kidney. Illudclcr. llllMlll, hi. I n anil Discuses of Women 11.1ti, S. Main IKngo .fl32 Hill Slkc-s' HniiM'. LOND'iN, Sept. Id. Another DIckeiia lamiinnrk Ii to be deslMys.l, the house where Hill Slken ni'l liU death, ns di.icrlbed lu 'O'lv 3r Twist. ' H nun da In a court en Jnrnk'H Island, Ilermundsey, and Is being used now as a stable. Tho house waa Identified by the finding of nomo old plana of Uerntondsey dated 185R, on one nf which was marked "11111 Bikes' house." The Horn n Onr company Is rig ging up to drill In nt 2.900 feet oil Its Lauderdale farm No. 2 In tho northwest of tho northeast of tho northeast of 25-lS-5c. (I'utillitiM In IIia Tula Dully Wotll, &'!( 17 I". 19 10 21 22 1J it it U IT 1' U 10, Obtbtr I t J I t 7 I 5 II II 13 II H anrl 11, 1110. Thn World I'ubllshlnl CiuiipAny. Pubilihern ) OIIDINANCIS NO. :0l. . .. An Or.llnntKS to rpertlnn, ly ait spin. ifrUI tBxM In ptyinrnt of thn coal nf rnnKtriirtlns BSnllsry iwr In HKWIill tlHTIttc-T NUM IIKIl lt In Ihn City o( Tillfs, cr iilf'l unit slsMthMl by Orrtlnsnco N, 20, ami ileclnrlna an eairrarnvy. WIII'.lir.Ari. In rurBiimiM n( ths r'O'l' lon nf th c'lurtrr ol Hi fClty nf Tuli, , .1.1. . .h.t , K .,,(.. nt Ih. Mlal f nf Oklntmirm, fnr stirh enfl niarlB nnd I prnvMttl, tht tBld City of TUI.n did by 1 ClrdlniincB No, 10&I rrrnl nnd ulnbllffh I SKVVIIlt IIIHTHILT NUMIIUIt l7. snd I aftr having leUrprl ttn nefnBary to con. I mrurt ..ttfnt tn Bald S i:Vi; It IHSTIlIlT NI'.MIIHH 1(7. by thr l.loni. of al.l Or-lliiaiue :05, .ll.l-.ih tli 3r day of May. Hie, let to Cnnmlork.seinllcy 1 t'ompiny. roirariora, a rrrtaln rontract I f"f Iho efinftriirllnn nf a certain aanttary .w,r In rli;Wi;il IHHTIUCT NUMIIliK 117. and,, In turuanra nf ald rnn. Iran, ald C'nmalnrk gme.lley Cnmtiany havp I'nnitlriictil arartatn ainttary awf In al.i HKWKH IIIMTIUCT Nt'MlUlIt l7. and llm work undf r laid contract h ,s l.n nccptat and approved bio thn City Hnlncr and Ih Hoard of Uoinmluloncra nfsth City nf Tulia. and, WIIKrtHAH, In further pursuance, of Ihn atallito nf the Htatt of Oklahoma. Hfnruatd, and under tho tartna nf tho Charter of Iho aald City of Tulaa, nkla. biyna, (t la deemed ntceeaary by the Hoard of Cnmnilailnnera of the City of Tillea to levy and aaaeaa n pperlnl tax upon the JTiperly llahleln aneeaament In Bald mviirt ntSTIlfl'T NlJMIIKn UT, by rea eon nf the rOnatructlnn of aald tower and to pay for the aame; and, W1I KltttAH, tha total coat of the eon atriicttnn of aald eewer In aald RKWKIl IIIHTHIC'T NCMfll'.ll 17 Includlnir ex trae, liave been aecertatned and la hereby declared lo tin tho aum of 137.711.17, all nf whlfh ta to b? levied by special aaeeae. mrnta against the lota and parcels of land lieneftteil by the ronetriicttnn of said acwer In said HIIWIIH DISTIIICT NUMIIUIt UTi and, WIIKnKAS. all leital re.tulreinenla havo been complied with to authorize the levy of the asseeauienla atralnal aatd nta rHtd parceta nf land an Itatde for ehe cost of construction of aald setter In said SUVVim Ill.HTItlCT NUMnlllt 167. In the amounta liereinafter specified In Section 1 of this Ordinance, NOW, Til KltHFOHK. 111! IT Oil. I1AINKI) 11V TUB IIOAIIU Of COM MISSIONKIIS OK TUB CITY Or' TL'UIA. OKLAHOMA! SUCTION 1 That there elm 1 1 be .and there la hereby, apportioned to and levied upon and assessed against the several tnta and parcels nf land In aald rll'.VVKIl HIS TIIIC'T NUMIIKIl 17 In the Pity of Tulsa, Oklahoma, so benefited by tho construc tion nf aatd sewer, as a special tax lu pay for the construction of said sewer, tho amounta respectively, aa foil?--, to. wit: LODGES AND SOCIETIES m ixmon NO 71 Thursday I Irst Thursday, meets etery . K. f Hecnnd Thursday, bti.iness. jCAThlrd Thursday, M M. Fourth JSjbfiThureday, II. A. Neil meeting menrlnr : p. in Visitors we. come. JOHN A W.W.KKn W. IL J 10NF,rj.KTf:'. DIILTA LODOK 125 will meet In special . AJf, cmnmiinlcatlon. Tuesday Sent. rus-jftAijc-nminencin at i p. m. - llasonlo hall. II. C Kaufman. W. M. ''57"S Arthur Ilaker, Pecratary, ii5(raSll''ild ly Septembei NSSeyWC3'!' A Uenreo co '..NV tpecUlly Invited rKTItOI.UI'M I.ODOK NO. 474 meeta .tX.y every l'rlilay eirept second. jlJir Meeitnea suspende,! rlurlna - summer, ncic communication September 17. Work In commenctmr at Vtsltlnff Masons i ii I ui:. I ll. II w. M. It II HANNA. riecretary. TULSA CIIAPTKI1 O. n. S. meets first and third Wednesday of lha inonin ai juaaonic nill; first meetlna. bualnesa; second, Inl tlsilon and social, star's elut meets Ind and Ith Weilliea day, Masonic Hall, 3 30 p. in. MRS. TUMPIB TKNNANT, Worthy Matron. MltH 11MMA KAST. Sec. TULSA CHAPTKn Ka 81. It. A. 11. meets spei-ltl communication Sept. II Work In M M. desrea. Iteau lr session Sept. 20. Work In 1' M devreo It K. NIIWMOUSt: If P. M A. HNVBLII, KecretVy TltlNITT COMMANDEItr KO.H meets eeronu ana rnurtli Monday iiai h month. Next meetlnx Sept 2T. Work In order of Hed CVoss. 7 ill p. m. 40UN MUlDUNUACIHJIt, K. C. KIIANK SLAM AN. Ilecorder AKUAII TEMPI.K A. A. O. N. M. H. Neil .e reaulnr ineetlm Krlday, Sep. VSK tember 10. I'hona 211. HA. Ml JUL 11. DVK. I. II. M. WKLLIVLIt, Ilecorder AIItOKA I.ODCIL NO. 36. I. O. o. K. Next meetlna Heut. lSlh. vioik In Second ik'grce. Iidv tijkupens ai s p. m. irtj J- O. CHAPMAN. N. O. M- L I'O"NUMT0NU, Seo. aW am TULSA LNCAMI'MLNT NO It. I. O, yt:A meets ee'vnd and fourlo Til jSjSv rnaay. p. 111., K. P. ball. jll Uisl becond. TULHA HLnilKAII NO. IS. I, O. O. y, inaela second nad fourth Krl day, t p. m., Ii. P. hall, 15 Vt Last Second. TULSA CANTON NO. It, I. O. O. K. roeeU first and third Krlday I p. m.. Muslclana' ball, 112 Vs South lluulder. COMMITTIiB. DR. IRA ALLISON HI.OOD. SKIN AND UHINAUY DISIUSKS IflVj Third Street I TULSA CAfl' NO CHIT M. W. of A. and POCAHONTAS CAMP No 1702 11 N. of A. meeta every Tues day nl(ht at K. of P. hall, II Vi Cast Second street. Vis. itnrs welcome. It f.. McCllne, Consul. A A. lluches, 0-1:11, Clerk. Mra. 8. 1'. Keanedy, . . ,:il, Oracle. Mrs. I. J. Wrlcht, O.llOi, Ilecorder. I SILVffil rLUMU LODOE US. K. P, UU- meets every Thursday nlht al iv i' nan. i.ati erouna. ."fexi lueeilint :pt in. visiting KEl'.KATZ AND C. 11 IK) HE trAcl 10 West 330ni tract y 1' knmtlts urired to attend. 11 It. t'KLTH. c. C. LD SAI.K. K. II. & 8. BAHA QltOTTO NO tt meeta first Satur7. day In eachi month' at Misonlc Hall. M A Snyder Monarch. U, O. Qrian. Secretary, Addition Clsrks Lakevlew I I 1 I I 1 3 1 '4 1 t I 1 ' 7 t I N. W 1 s.4 1 0 N.H 1 S Sl, 1 I0N.H I 10 8,'a 1 II I 13 1 11 I 14 1 I6S.I4 1 1SN.H I It I 17 S. I, I 17 NV I H , I 19 1 20 ' 1 21 1 a: 1 31 1 24 1 I 2 : 2 1 1 2 .4 '2 t. 3 1 .7 . ; 2 ..9 2 10 : 11 3 12 2 1 4 3 4 i f- 1 4. II 4 10 V. 4 31 4 21 t 4 21 t 34 ' 4 V 3 1 6 4 I I 5 S 7 e 1 .9 " 5 10 - t 11 i 13 S 13 1V.I0 ft. of N.llOft. 5 11 W.t.0 ft. of N.HOft. S 13 S.54 ft. of N.I94 ft 1 13 ft , 6 II N.14.1 ft nt 8.101.3 ft 5 1 . U 3 11 4 II Y !! J 11 1 13 3 13 4 13 t 13 12 7 12 ' 13 I 13 10 v 1J 11 12 N 13 11 13 13 II 13 15 13 It 12 17 12 II 13 19 13 30 13 31 12 23 12 11- 13 31 13 31 12 1 11 3 11 4 11 I 13 a 1 a' T 1J a 11 I 13 10 ' II 11 13 IS II 13 11 14 13 t l 13 II 13 17 13 18 11 19. - 13 30 13 31 11 22 13 13 -11 24 13 1 II 3 tl 4 II 1 II 14 7 14 14 u LEGAL 10 , 11 iiiTT 11 14 in 11 13 11 111.11 II 14 14 II 111 II II II 111 II II 14 131 14 11 14 121.11 11 II 131 II 11 II 111 13 10 14 111 13 11 14 131 II I II 111.13 i II 111 13 I II 111.11 1 II 111.11 I . It Ul II I IS 111 1 4 IS 111.11 5 16 131.11 a IS 111 II 7 IS 111.11 I IS III. II 9 IS 121.11 10 1.1 121. IS It IS 131 II It IS 131. IS 12 111 121 II 11 IS 121.11 II II 131.11 II IS 131.11 II IS 121.13 II 15 131.14 15 IS 121.11 20 , S 121 M 31 ' IS 131,13 23 IS 121.11 23 ' IS 121.11 24 II 111.11 1 II 111.33 3 I 121.14 2 H 121.11 4 14 121.11 5 11 121 13 , .11 131.11 7 1 ' 121.13 I . II - 131.11 9 1 121.11 10' 1 121,11 11 1 121 11 13 II 131. IS 13 It 121 S3 II " It 13115 15 IS 121.11 It M 131.13 17 11 131.13 II It 111.11 19 ' It 121.13 20 It 121 II 21 It 121.13 2t II . 121.14 13 It 121.13 24 It 121.11 1 17 3t 41 2 17 274 14 3 17 2tC49 4 17 131.11 I 17 131.11 t 17 121.11 7 IT 121.14 I 17 121.13 9 17 121. tl 10 17 121.13 II 17 121.11 13 17 121.13 13 17 131.11 11 17 131.11 15 17 131.11 It 17 121 II 17 17 121.14 II 17 121.11 79 17 121. IS 20 17 111 II 21 , 17 121.15 22 17 121.11 21 17 121.14 34 17 121.11 23 17 121.15 LEGAL Amount 1215.91 209 91 131 II 131.44 131.11 1I9.1S 111.14 131 14 131 44 13.71 tS.71 (5.71 5.71 65 71 5.73 131,44 131 II 111.21 111.25 .2 I tl 112.34 C8.S3 I t3 I 133 21 111 21 131.31 I 131 00 : 131.31 I 131.24 ! 133.34 145.44 145.44 I 115.11 130 17 145.44 145.44 115 41 145.44 145.44 145.11 145 44 Ilk 41 131.14 111.44 111.44 131.11 111.11 131 44 111.16 133.2 133 26 133.25 111.26 111 IS 1,1.11 96 811 99 111 93 ltl.99 119.99 111. 99 111 99 111 19 llt.99 lit 39 615.93 119 99 151.76 lit 107.12 107.12 107 73 121.1.1 121 11 111.33 121.33 121 33 124.13 117 91 207 SI 301.01 217 47 265.41 131 29 121.10 13124 1 iiiiiii ill 1Z1S7' 121 7 ' 1-M ?0 1S1 TO UM ?( Ul TS 121 U 121 77 SRCTION I" Thtt th atMMume nln hfrt by levtiM on trh if th? nbove mntlonM lots nnd pnrccU of Uml nr hereby tie (fared to bo a Hun upon men loin anil Ttttrrelf of Und tn th niir extent an otnrr tax antl nhalt be rnlleetnl anl enforced In the 44 me mnnT art nther taxep In and for the City of Tulia. Oklahoma, are collected, SKCTIO.V That all aeNxmfnti here-, by levied xhall be dtv!del Into three (3) equal annual Installment as authorised by ald .Statute of the Ktate of Oklahoma for aurh can en mad and provided i that the arfteeemenU ehall beur Interest at the rate of rlrht () per cent per annum, payable annually at the time of the piy lnent nf the several InDtallmenfs of the said Hsseeanynta, from the date of the taking effect of thi ordinance; that the first Installment of sabl assessments, to ftether with the accrued Interent on the deferred Installments shall be payable on the 15th day of December. 1920, on4 the rcmalntnir deferred Installments with the yearly Interest on the iipald Installments, shall be payable on the 15th day of pe (ember of each succeeding year until all ns;i ii pam. Trovlded, however, that any of the owners uf the lots or parcels of Uml so neesed may at any time during the four (4) con-teeullve wek following the day of the first publication of this ordinance nay to the nty Auditor of the City of Tulsa, tho full amount uf the asseesments sn Iced acalnst their said lot and parcels or lana ann mereny reiense sucn property from the Hen of auch assessments. PKCTIOX 4. That tills ordinance shall be published for twenty-nine consecutive uays. in tne Tuina 1'nuy world, a news peeper published In Tulsi, Oklahoma; (hat the publication of this ordinance as re. nulrt'd by law shall be taken and regarded as sufficient notice to all persons Inter ested In the assessments hereby levled-by the terms nf this Ordinance. HECTinN & That all ordinances or parts of ordinances In conflict with the prvltons uf this ordinance. Insofar aa such conflict exists, are hereby repealed. K KPT ION" . That an emergency 'eilsts for the preservation of the public health and safety, by reason whereof this ordin ance shall take effect from and after Us passage, approved, and publication. l'ASSKI, end the emergency clause ruled upon separately, and approved, this Uth day of September, 1920. AriMlOVKD. this Uth day of .Septem ber. 1S20. T. D. KVANS, Mayor. Attest; MltH. FRANK 8 13 A MAN, City Antiltor. -Approved 9-11-30: FKANK 11- DUNCAN. City Attorney. (lubllihed In the Tul-a Pally World -September 5 7 R 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 1 11 20 21 33 23 21 IS 2t 37 JI 23 30, Oct. 1 2 and 3rd 1920. 71)6 World rublHhtnif Company, Publishers) OIlDlNANCi: NO. QJ3. An Ordinance to apportion, levy, and assess special taxes In payment of the cost of constructing a Hinltary eewer In BUWUIl DISTRICT NUMHK11 ICS In the Pity of Tulsa, as created and established by Ordinance No. 2051; and derUrlng an emeruency. AVHURUAfl, In pursuance of the pro visions of thq Pharter of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the statute of the State of Oklahoma, for such cises made and provided the said City of Tulsa did by Ordinance No. 2051 create and establish HKWi:u DISTRICT U. and after having declared It necetnury tn con struct sewets In said HUWIiH DISTRICT NUM Mi: II 166 by the provisions of said Ordinance No. 2 051 did. on the 4th day of June, 1930, let to Tlbretls & 1'ieasant, contractors, a certain contract for the con struction of a certain sanitary sewer la BIJWKK DISTRICT NUMRUR 1. and W1IKUKAH, In puisuance of said con tract;, Tlbbets & Pleasant ha con etructej a certain sanitary fewer In said NKWKir DISTRICT NUJ-IUUR HI. and the work under said contract haa been at-epted and approvrd by the City Kn llr.eer and tho liouril of Commissioners of the City of Tulsa, and, W1IKRKAS. In further pursuance o! the statu tea of the Mate of Oklahoma a foresaid, and under the terms of the charter of the said City uf. Tulsa. Okla homa, it Is deemed necessary by the Hoard of Commissioners of the City of Tulsa to levy and assess a special tax upon the property liable to aeseasment In said SKWKR DISTRICT NUMIIKIl H. by reason of the conriructlon of said sewer and to pay for the same, and. WmCKUAH. the total coat of the con structlon of said -sewer In said HICWKR DISTRICT Its, Including extras, haa been ascertained nd Is hereby de clared to be the sum of $101,4(3 At, alt ef which Is to b levied by special a a. sesstnenta against the lota and parcels of land benefited by Lha construction of ead sewer In aald HBVi;n DISTRICT NUM. iu;r ie, and. WIIKIU:a.S all legal requirements have been compiled with to authorise the levy of the assessments against said lots and parcels of Und so liable for the cost of const ruftlun of said sewer In said Si;wi:u DISTRICT NUMIIKIl U, In the amounts Iterslnaf ter specified tn hectlon 1 of this Ofdlnance, NOW, TIKRKKOIlK. RU IT ORPAINKD 11V TIliS HOARD Or COMMISSIONERS Or' THU CITY OV TULSA. OKLA HOMA: SUCTION 1: That there shall be. and there Is hereby apportioned to and toiled upon and assessed against the sev eral lots and parcels nf land In said HKWKH DISTRICT NUMIIKIL 1 In the CUy of Tulaa. Oklahoma, so benefitted by the construction of afeld sewr, as a apeoUl tax to pay fir the construction of aald sewer, the amount respectively, as fulluws to-wlt; Addition i hertsKto llvlifhU A Ohio nice t I 10 II 13 13 II . 1 3 4 5 t 7 I : u 13 11 14 16 II 14 It ' 17 IS II 30 31 33 31 21 23 21 74. 10' 1 8. 10' 2 3 I S I 7 I 9 10 11 12 12 II IS It 17 1 19 10 It 23 21 24 26 '26 R. 10' 1 8. 10' 3 I 3 4 6 I.ol nlock Ami 1 1 lilt. 90 i i Villi Fairmont East lllrhlanda 9 10 ' 11 13 13 14 16. It 17 II II 20 31 3 J 31 31 25 : o. i 3 3 4 S t 7 6 9 10 It ii 14 IS It 17 II ' 19 : 21 33 1 I 3 3 4 6 I 7 - I 10 It 13 , 11 14 16 It 17 II " 19 :o 21 23 . 23 24 t 3 4 S t 7 I 10 It 12 13 . II . 15 It 17 11 19 - 31 '"J' 3 3 4 6 7 I 1 10 It 13 13 W, 9' IS LN2.3 tl 16 It 17 II 19 S. 19.7' 19 N. 10.3" 20 31 23 21 31 1 1 1 4 S t 7 I II 11 tt 11 It 17 II II :o 31 11 23 21 t e 3 3 4 S t 7 I I 10 11 II II II 16 II 17 II 19 20 II 23 23 21 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 10 II 13 II II 15 14 14 S'l.l 31 l. il '' SI 111 II J I II ! -.4 111 li I 1 4 I J.I ,1 ' ' I 'I r:i il )l .21 -4 ' II .::.!. in VI JI ill I Jit I .! I '.91 1 .Il 1 :i : It ."4 1 I I I I I 1 II 94 M ' 1 Vl ) 9 I 1 Ii -II J Ji l lit j 2 I i) -II 0 . I 0 .91 I .91 1 191 1 111 9 .51 191 T ' 1M 'II Ul T9 191 I 114 71 29119 Si h t.t il :ii ti 29i ; ;n 191 'I 211 -1 211 19 211 10 211 10 311 II 291 10 ;9i lo :i si 211 19 .91 1 9. 71 .Jl J .91 'I T 211.71 21179 391 71 111 "I 291 T 391 19 II 91 291 11 391 It 291 79 191 '9 191 '9 791 19 29119 291 19 291 19 ill 19 291 19 211 II 291 II 291 19 291 19 291 19 291 19 291 71 291 79 291 71 291 II 211 '9 HI S 291 T 291 Tl 211 19 291 71 111 ' 211 71 291 71 211 79 21179 291 71 291 79 391 71 291 10 111 all 211 19 291 19 291 19 111 II 291 10 291 II 291 III 2)1 II 29i fl 21111 111 71 194 79 211 'I 111 19 291 7 21i 'I 211 "I 291 'I 291 I 211 It -Si 71 211 '1 291 Tl 291 'I 291 7) 211 291 II 291 II : ii 291 II 291 II 294 II 291 91 291 tl 291 SI 717.61 31711 :i- ti 217 II 217 II 217 41 2" 41 2IT II 217 II 217 I) :m ii II' II 71 II 21- 41 117 II 317 II 31' II 217 II IH (I lit l 217 l Jl-ll 21- II 217 11 217 II 24l'l 2'1 9I 271 91 271 91 2"l 95 2-1 35 , S. I 91 2-1 91 271 9 50 II 2', ,1 ;an i 21 II -! II I'M SI 27! II 2-1 91 f 95 -! 91 ,71 15 ! 211 '9 2 1 ' - tl'l i-i i r i; 271 '5 271 l .'71 J. 9 il "' if ' .1 'S 21 III 2 .11 9 - 1J J' i" tO Jh .0 IS. I 391 II 10. I , i im II -m J .v 01 " 01 v I 31' n 31 -1 3114 II 1IUI I i