OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, November 20, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 16

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-11-20/ed-1/seq-16/

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Retail Merchant Head in
Speech Relates Cau.se
For Price Level
Lumber Comes Down Hut
Worker Wants More, Off
setting Saving in Material
It poMh virtually the nmric loilny
to hulhl fivp-ronm himtfiilnw im
It did u .or Hitn, nrrordliiB lo M.
B. HutcliUnii. prmMelit of the llr
iall Mrrlmrit' Hiwiirliitlmi iiml
prominent local lumhrnnHii, who
mntln n hrlef nthlrrart Imforp Hi'' 'II
rrctorn of thn rhnmlicr of romtnnrcn
nt their wrekly mrrtlnK lit thn tea
room of Ilnlnl Tiilwi Krlilny linon.
Hut I.nlMir InrrrnwH,
irutrlllHiin tnllinil rxti'inponin"
nusly on the prlco of lumber noil
ttn effet upon local hiillillUK roti
riltlnnft. Il cxnlnlnrrl Hint lumber
prices In ficnornl hnvn fallen, How
ever, the drop on noino mnterlMH I"
greater thnn on nthcrn. Thn price of
Inbor, tin It concernH thn htillillnK of
hoii.irn hnH ndvnnccd dtirlnir the piiBt
yearn, in hnvn prlcen on u few IteniM
necewmry to thn completion of u
Iioiihp, which, ncnorclltiR to llulchl
non, nhout offnctn thn decllnn In
lumber prlceH.
Homo Krnile of Intho which n yeiir
bko Bold for J23 to 2 n thoiiKninl ;
nro now hcUIiik for $! n thnuwiml;
"C" jrndn finish, whlrh mild hint
yenr for 1160 In now quoted nt $110.
Hutchtxnn iwilil.
r!miit riant rinao t'p.
"I don't know whether Ihln condi
tion Ih tompnrnry or permnnent,"
ilutchlxon oxphilned. "I wiib tnlk
InK recently to tho rctircxentntlvo of
one of the larftiT lumber operiitorM.
Hn told mo nil II plfinln hnil been
cloned down hncnuno thn nellltiK prlco
Of lumber in below the. imihI of pro
luctlnn nnd Hint they would not
probably 'srjfliimu worlc In (he mtllH
until all tiro )uml)pr on hiuid In ills
poaeil of.
"There nro mnny people In T.ulxn
who own vncnnt lotx who woulU ho
glad to hulld on them. In fnct.'they
nro nnaloun to lmthl. Hut the few
hundred dollnrn they hnvn In thn
bnnlc Ix not xufflclent to nllow thorn
to built, llccftuxe of tho tlKht monpy
rrtarkot thny ennant borrow enoimh
lo heln them Hilbxtnnlliilly. Ah noon
nx money condltlmm chamsc, 1 expect
lo nee a lot of rexldenen ttitlUlln it."
Itutchlxon hellerpx the local build
In and loan nxxoclatlon xhould be
clven morn oncnurncement. Hn nim-
cented that every illfcctnr of the
chamber of commerce put 100 to
SI. 000 In xnnu liutldlnir nnd lonn
company 1n order to provide n larner
fund from.wnicn tncy can neip nome
"Thrxn hulldlnc and loan axHorla
tlonx havn practically nil loaned all
tho money they nro ablo to xpare,"
ho dPflnrcd. "There Is n lot ot Idle
inonoy In Tulxa that 'could be put
Into thn hand, of thn nxxoctatlonx
nnd, while drawing a liberal rate of
intercut for Hip iiwiiitk, would be
providing additional home Hint
would help relievo tho rent xltun-
ChtriiKO I'riMlure.
CHII7AOO. Nov. IP. lliitttr !
ermry lOiMle. unchanir! ; r-
eatpta all ca... Poultry nllva unaattlail
fnw -lo; irprlnaa Sic; turkrja JSc.
C.Mrolo Urn Murk.
CJIICAflO. Nov. 19, Unset rtrrll'la
ST, 000 : markat fairly nrtlrn, innally tto
lowar than yrata rday'a avenuca! top mrty
IIS. 00: practical top Ulr (II ! bulk
lll.3Cnil,1Ci I'lnn inoxtly CDo lowrri
bulk I1I.I5VH.00; bulk il..lrl.lm 100 tit
no noumi niK iu.toini.;c.
CxttUt rcrrlpt 1S.O00, mrVt ntrxily
with Indlmllona point In to it fr rlrar-
nce unil bettrr clcxii up slockcra unit
fitderi thxn arrinril (imilblis nvtlltr In
tta Wfrs-, I'NCperx linylnir cutinrm nnd rut
ter cow grretyt blr inovempnt thta werlt
lncratlnr th outlook tor low Kfail
(tuft, Cornfftl tr, cbolca mid wantrdi
calvea atady.
Hhpt racalpta 1,000; fat lamba atrady;
tap nativra iil.TCI iUK iti.ooirii.caj rat
aba atock alow, about atrady; choloe handy
weight l.S5i bulk natlvra K.C0V
1. 00; rerilrra atrady.
Oklahoma l ife hlork.
OKLAHOMA CtTY. Nov 19 CaUli-i
raoclpta 8,000; market ateady with fair
Uhrieaione! ataena ll.OOUlS.SOi row and
hrlrerx ll.OOtf 8.10; ralvra 1.00r 10.10;
Ktockara and frdera II,7Cfr7.:s.
Hon. recelpta ,300i market IS tu 35o
ctf; tup IllJS; bulk 110.11 tip,
Tein I, he MikU,
POP.T WOIIT1I. Nov. I Cattle: re
celpta 3,600. niarkat weak to 2fic lower:
beetea Jt.60l8.t0. ttnekera II. R0') 7,15
i.ooa and hrltria I3.M tr !.00; bulla 13. Ct
iM AO , ciltf. W.iHH to.
Ilopa. rerelpia I &oo, ntailtet 7C tn ZSo
lUclIn-; llaht 111 ?Clt.C0. heavy 111.00
ll.Jl. vln H.Lttt 10 bO.
Hheop: receltita none; Uniba I6.l0e
11.25; etllne t:.r.omn M; watberi'
t.C0l(.33: owea H.OOIflOO, rulla II. H
U 00; eoate 11.00(1 ( 00.
t lis risfKII I l("M PAMK tiNK
muted lo Hie tnnyor nnd dly coin
mlxxl'.lieix th.it be expected remlin
nriill'.ii for hl xcrvlepaj durum thn
lo.nl henrlnit, iiothln! had been
tnl.l ulioiil audi a poNxllilllly at thr
lime he volunteered Itlx xervleex. lie
told ion If hn (mill he of benefit to
tho rltlyerixhlp. he would be Kind
to In Pi Iii Ih flht iittnlnxt Hm Kn
Ilimerx anked or no apeelfIC
nmount from the mnyor nnd com
mlnxlonerx, enplalnlnx Hint Hint
could be t -tiled Inl'T. The only nr.
(Inn Ixken by Hie city official wni
to commend HneM fur hlx npimrcnt
internxt on behalf, of Ttllan'a iltlren.
Mny (in In llluhi-xt Court.
ItfiKcrk exuliilncd to the city colli"
mlxxlou and to the ohumlier of com
Mii'tce Unit tin- trfin hi-fiiltiK In only
about linir flnlnhed, and that Iho rc
mnlnder nf lentlrnony will bo of.
fnred nnd bemd befure Hie corpora
Hon roiiiinlnalim at Okliihoma City
on a dnv to be announced later. If
thn krm i nmpnny I nuccoMful In nb
InlnlliK Hie Increaxn, thn cnxn will he
Imiiii .llnli-lv InUcu to thn xupremn
court, HoHPiii doclnreil No Intimat
ed Hint an a bint renort It inlRlit be
liiken to thn United Htntcx nupriimn
I'lKiireH coiniilled by the inm com
pany and rend by Itoner xhow IIh
capllnl to be Jlf.. 000,000, while
xtockholderx havo put Into thn cor
poration iipproxim.-tteiy 7,nnn,ooo.
ItORi'lii coiitendx that nx thn com
pany Im enrnliiK len per cont on
J K.. (100, 00(1 It Ix onrnlni; morn thiiii
20 per cent on tlx iictuat bona fide
capitalization of lei than half that
He read flume nhnwliiK that thn
K.m company placcx thn valuation of
Mm propertlen at J 17.000.000. nnd
that It In miking that thn into hn In
crenned Nilfflclently lo crento n xjnk-
iiih iiiiki wiiivii win maiio poxmoie
thn replncemebt of IIh xynlem. aild
replncetnenlx to coat nppioxlmatvly
To I'linw what ho nlleiren I croxx
inconxuitpncy on tho part of thn Kan
company, ItoRcra produced tin Item
l.ed nlatemont of plant ciiulpment
In which tlx real cntntn and rlKlitx-of-way
nro vnlited at 10,000,000,
inn ix till) nariKcxl Hilnir I havo
H'cn," JloKiTH derlnred. "Anyone
known that thn iluhlH-of.wav pan.
not be replaced, nor tho real cHtate,.
And nuyonii known that Hi" conHiim
era paid for thexn rlKhtn-nf-way und
real tiitnte. Yet tho can company
placea them In lta rfplaremnnt ro
port at nix milltofin. It valuen
xervlre.' whatnvnr It Ix. nt tnnrn
than (200,01)0,
And another mntler. Wlmn ilm
Oklahoma Naturnl obtained ltx ion,-
vvu-ni:ri! leoxo iroui i tin interior do-
imriiueni u wan llio Implication
Hint Kan from thin leaxn xhnnlil !.,
naeu io nuppty Tulxa, iiIHioiikIi thlw
wnn not contained In tho contrnct
an It wan In tho conract of charlex
i one, wiyi oiitutlifd a nltnllar leaxn
tn hiippIv Hand Mnrlnira. u,.u......
thy contract doex provide that the"
net rciary or inu Interior ahull rlr
Climxcrlou thn nron In .i.,il.
from thn leaxn tx to be. ud, and It
U ruir Intention of necexxary to ap
peal to blm to order all Baa from
HiIh leaxn lined In Tlllxn."
Duncan and ItOKerx expect to ko
to Okluhomn City nx noon nx tho
luiiui.iianro or inn liearltiff ntarln.
Real liccr Sold bu
Cincinnati Saloons
UINCINN'ATT u,... in
analvxln of 20 xamplen of liner xelzed
uy i..-m-rai proiiiiutinn iiKcnl.i at
lirmvnrlp'i and xnlonnx hero nhow
uiai tno aiconollo rontenln nmml
from 2 to II imp rnnl U.....,..,I......
- --- - - ,,, I llllllll
developments nro expected from tho
ncizure. ot urn xampien.
Kuiu.ua CHy 1.1, e Mnrk.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 19 -atil: re
relpta 3,009; calvea ateady. Rood vuulera
111. 0K i: 50: li.f rtrera and bull
tMlllf ! rara Mfht Tstaa ateera 11(0.
Kha atoek trimc to '-io liltli.r; l.vipj
tl.ooixoo; rannera J5o hlaher. monily
SS.Ii.fr 3.1B: aluckrra and fradera Btroni;
to IHKiier,
Hose- reeelpla 1.000; maiktt opened !H
to 3n lower, rlei.lnr nie, io to ;oo
lower; top H,(C. bulk til Unit to, cood
an.) rhnlra (at plra Ill.t.Ofl II 75
Hheep- reeivi 1 OflO ), .(or.), f t r a ,1 y ,
fat lamba It to !5c hlxher. nativea 110 to
fat lamba 110,75,
Lei Cuiicura Be
Your Beauly Doctor
eWWl"r-l a.aaT.,Ml
Oil Field Worker nnd Wiro Dlo
J'lni Near OUmiiiIl-i-,.
OiCMIUajhU. nv. VJ.- Kuneral
nervlce for Carl Calvin, oil well drill
or. and hln Hevnteen old wife
who worn burned to jlcnth at homn
near IVextnn, noven mlla north of
hero, went held today.
Call Ship Hoard llcadri.
MOW YOUIC, Nov. 111. I'rcsent
nnd former "lilch nfflclalx" of thn
Unltod Htntcx xhlppInK board will bo
linked to tentlfy before tho Walxh
oiifrrenalonal cuiiiiiUJti'C, now ln
vexllRntliiK thn honrd'a nffulra. It
wit a Indicated today.
lerrihla tv
Ear Noises
"T,h nan terrible
13 a r Nolaea hae
atopped." la what
letter after letter la
aaylnir. You re
member that noma
time nn Trent
rnenta for 11 n n d
Noleea were offered
Kree to Tulaa Dally
W orlil r a a il e r a
Many people took advantage of that offer,
aw the Method and put thenieelvea un
der lta rare
Head Nolaea! What a picture of auf-fi-rtnic
ibea,- worda bring to mind. Hut If
you li:ie H'ad Nolaea you are the one to
amiri.tale Hie bleaee.1 relief In the word".
'My fli-iid S't.ieea have atopped" and thene
are Hie ucrrta wbli-h the mall btltiKi
Hperlall.l Spr.iule'a nrtlee
The io nl Kralltude of many people
ho havn need the Hprnule Methoil haa
ben ao k-teat that thla tntrodiirtory offer
la mail awaln
rour-Day Ircntments Free
Thla ineana that l allow you rlsht In
v-,or Iiouie t, nian ailvuntaKea of
thin Method, you ran havo n four-day
treatment l''ee, t.y Jut wrltlllir for It
Think what II would mean 10 no loncer
ailffar lth tlieee roarln nolaea--tit
hlatllnr the eacaplnt aiaam -the hum
o Ineei t.--lhe huialnit - all the weary
rutaloaua nt kiiiihIi lM.t.a..M A
hearlmr la Walimtur In r.ii ...',.., u...
It haa or not. you know In 'your heart of
Ihi-arta that II may a and il,e voice of
unmieiakabie tarma.
WroaK !.'::;? Nu""' g-B" ,,r
lien, la your opportunltv x,nd for one
.1'"." VtT T""l""nl !" " the
.Meihod which haa done an mucli for
ii 1. 1 ,r.7, M"m .'!" troublea
---- ,' -,.v ,,., niiriiuin a oirt..
More Than 100 Stocks Hit
Lowest Figures of
This Year
UV.W Vflltlv, n'ov. 19.- Homn of
bitter HindltloriK In Hie ntook mar
ket Krldny were oon dlxxlpated, the
riiictloM nf iho pant threo week
IMiklni; nddllloiinl heitdwny arti-r an
Irilllnl period of comparative nteaill- '
I'l-xx. Halex amounted to 1,500,000
nhnrex, tho InrKent turnover with
one or two cxceptlonn no far thlx
Morn than 100 luduxtrlut andl
npeclal lexliea wero at lowest ipmta- I
tlonx of the year. In Kenernl. Kil-j
day' rovcrnnla cancelleit all Kalnx for
the Inxt two yearn. 1
Iipilp:iiei; followed tho coiirx-' 1
of xleflx niV nil, iin.l tnotoiH alx-i
were weak, with fond, tobacco and
chemical nharcx. Mexican retro
leum lout r.H; ttoyal Dutch 2V4.
IIh lil win licomotlvn 2 .1-4; Hliiilo-j
linker 3 1.1; Amerlcnn HiiKitr and In - j
duntrlal Alcohol 3M earh and Corn.
rtnditctn .1 polntn. KIiIppIiikx. weak-
ent fenturen of the preceding nexlnn,
mndo iimnll recoverU'H, but ifivrat
inent rallx, notably IteadlnK an'l
Northern I'aclflc. renetnl nt the
feverlxh end.
llondx went the way of xtockx,
althoiiKh loxarn Iii that market weru
relatively lnht, a few Liberty In-
Nticn cloxlnr; at actual Ralnn.
1 ml In net Want tUtlcnxlilp,
HT. I.OIMH, Nov. 19. The cam-
Iinlcn In nbtnln compleln and unre-
xtrU'ted cIUm-iihIiIp for Imllnmi In
thn 1'nlted Htntcx, wnn endorxed at
thn final buxliiexH xexxlon of tho
ninth, ntiiiiial conferencn of tho Ho-
clety'of American Indlanx hero thin
Hub SoIoii'h Offlrex.
nt the inpltol today found Hint the
office of Itepteomtatlve Itaern of
North Ixikola and flllver of Ala
bama, lo the houxn office) biillillny.
had lieen entered ilnrlnar Hie iiIkIH
'and the porxonal flb-x innxaiked
Kntriiioe to the. office wn gained
by xniiixlilni? thn Kliixx In Hie win
ilowf". rt'-crutarleii of thn two mem
bern? holh of whom arn nt their
homce. Mild Hint no far nx could bo
nmerlalneil. nothhiK wax taken.
i:t-Hnlcrlii Near Death.
A.MSTI'.IIDA.M, Nov. 19. The con
dltlon of Ihn ox-kiilxerln of llermany
Ix dexcrlbed In dlxpiiidn-x frnni
Doorie tod, iv ax nto-it Kr-tvc. Tim
crown prime, who wax aiimirioncd
to Hie liedalde fiotn hlx retre.it at
WelrliiK" n, Ix remalnliiK at Doom
and the other t hhdn n and rein-
tit i a are t xni" ted
Cod-liver oil is as delicate
as butter; it must be
made right to assure
Scott's Emulsion
is decidedly palatable
nnd easy to take. It con
tains purest Nor
wegian cod-liver oil
that is made right
from the start.
rf-r.lt Xj ikiwne llbamifield N J 20- J.
t(r range Head Puniahcd
i for Political Activity
1 HUSTON. Nov. Ill Four of thni
i elKht charKci nKalnnt William;
llouck, maxter of thn WnnhltiKton ,
Hlntn Kranife, wero nutmilned by vote
of llio National KrnnKo late today.
1 Tho pennlly voted by tho Krnngo wax1
! an apoloKy to he made by liouck nnd I
a reprimand for his nllcKcd dlxloyalty
to tno Nntionni KratiKe nnd ror per
mlttlnK politic to he Introduced nt
KrnuKn nexnlotin.
Ho May lie Old, I'.te,
NHW YOIHC. Nov, 19. Hvman
I.cfkowltii!. 99, today li awaltlnir ro-
eclpt of paxxporta to vlnlt INtlextlnn,
I am koIiu; over to hoc ?nv trrand-
father In .loruxalem," ho ald .
Howard Sanford, Mgr.
rhouo Onird UOIH
To Get Rid of Wrinkles
and Had Complexion
Moat roametlca cloi th porra. In e"ol
weather, when one dnee not pereptra
lieely, thla Interferea nrratly with ellm.
Inatlon of waaia material, Injuring In
atead of aiding Ihe cntnpleOnn, Ordinary
luerrollied wa aervra nil the purpoaea
of cteama, powdera anit rniinea, xlvlmr far
baiter reaulta. It actually peela off an
nffanalv akin, at thn aaimi IItiia nn-
rloKln the porea. Mlnuto partlrlra ot
acaif akin come off day by day, raualiiK
not the lenel itlicomfort. (Iradilally tha
healthy, yaunxer akin beneath pecpa nut,
and In leaa than a fortnlirrit you have a
lovelier complexion that you ever dream
ed of acquiring, .Mercollied wan, obtain
ahln at any ilrur atore. la anrea.l on
nlxhlly Ilka cold cream and waahed off
mnrninia. one nunoe uaually aufflree.
I'or removln wrlnklea, wltlimit atop
pin the porra with paaty aluff, hare'a n
never falllnir formula One ounce pmv
tere. aaaolllo, dlaaolved tn one-half pint
witch Intact, Tea aa a waih lotion, Kvery
line will iiulckly dlaappear Advt
poa-ULAia aonaiNiKATioNi"
A Prpartlorv cif
AaW eWBT MAMB QWLY.areoM tuballt-llat.
Ltrrilt"" KflttX Kh,Hp y,nir futl nV
till KiUtrron
Tltitt oflr a ml tMik ! frtf
harm you hive trie.! other UiIukm unrt hi
I1HICHESTER S P LL& 'ppfSn'-r'a1::
New Elixir, Cnlled Aspiron
nlt Medicated With Latest
Scientific Remedies, Used
and Endorsed by Euro
pean and American Army
Surgeons to Cut Short a
Cold and Prevent Compti-
Every Druggist in U. S. In
structed to Refund Price
While You Wait nt Count
er If Relief Does Not Come
Within Tvvjo Minutes.
Delightful Taste, Immediate
Relief, Quick Warm-Up.
JA f
v&VttZttzPifizr. .'Ait sii:t i w.iNT si-mii ..I-
7 Ttudu llllllilliut.
Uoxloii, .Mii.-j.
Thn xensatlon of tho year In th
(true trade Is Axplronal, tho two
minute rold and couch reltevor au
thoritatively guaranteed by tho lab.
oratorlvn; tented, approved nnd
most enthuxlaxtlcally endorxed by
thn blithest authorities, nnd pro
clalmnd by tho common people an
ten times a uulrk and effective ax
whisky, rock nnd ryo. or nay other
cold and cough remedy tht y have
ever tried.
All drug iduiex are now unpolled
with thn wonderful new elixir, so
all you have to do to get rid of
thut pnltl la trt atiMi Intn thai mmr.
rxt drilB ntore, hand thn clerk half
a dollar for a bottle, of Axplronal
and tell him to nerve you two tea-1
apnonfulx with four teaxpoonfuls of
water In n Klaxn, With your watch
In your hand, take, thn drink at one1
mvallnw and call for your money I
bark In two minutes If you cannot
feel your cold fadlnR away like n '
dream within the tlmo limit. Don't i
be bashful, for all driiRKlstn Invite
you nnrt expect you to try It. Kvery
body's dolliR It. i
When your cold or couch la r.
J llcved, take tho remainder of the
uwmv itiiiiiti to juiir who ami nntucx,
for Anplronal I by far tho safest
, and most effective, the easiest lo
take and the most ngrecahle cold,
1 and roiiBh remedy for Infants nnd
children. Advt-
helps to bring out the
real beauty qftlieslrin
Gametics only hide skin trouble,
but Kcslnol Ointment, aided hy Krsi-
1 n il Soap in moU cases, clears away
. blotches, ruiiKhtiess, and Kitnll.tr de
tects, kecpim; the skm soft ami smooth,
witlt the u.itural color of health.
Give tha itc.met r'fwtnri, a trial For aala
It all lilucrUO.
Continue Stiitlnii Hi'iirluK.
Ily Aaaortatrd Preiu fltato Woe.
HcaTltiR of the llnloit, ntatlon and
Kraitc iroxnlnaT caxo wns continued
here by Hn- xtato corpotntlon conl
mlwifiiii until Monday, December 20.
KxtliiMtex of thn cost of tho union
Kliitp.it plan prevented by tho city
platinliiK c'linmlxMlon urn to bo pre
xented to the (ommlnxlon at that
lime. "
May Ami'inl VoMcnd I.nw.
MIN'NKAl'oMH Nov 19 Amend.
To abort a cold
and prevent com-'
plications take
ment of tho 'Volstead I'rohjbltlon
onforcemcnt act may bo necessary
itM a result of tho recent decision of
the I'tilled Htatex ntipreme court
K'Kailxini; tho movement of lKlimr
opinion of the chief 11
act, CoiiKreavutinn AikIh .
stead, Who Wan In M.
toilay. "If the nltini.
all fi," 11, we ' nu i -1 ,
lntemled for perxonal use, In the liw." he Kald.
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nauscnlesa, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain
ed and improved. ' Sold
only in sealed packages.
Price 35c.
any time, und especially for Christnia.-.
Shaving Sets
Shaving Mirrors, all sizes
Safety Razors, all kinds
Smoking Sets
Smoking Stands
Vacuum Lunch Kits
Fishing Tackle
, Reels and Rods
Pocket Knives
Hunting Equipment and Guns
Get them for him now
107 South -Multi
Phono ()mic JJ.
he Trade Mar
1 Jo jfl 2 g
hat isauradeNdr
ATJIYER BROTHERS' trademark is a
1VJL warranty of purity and quality in packaged
People no longer feel safe in buying drugs from
stocks in bulk that may be exposed to impurities.
Protect your family's life and health by the abso
lute purity and quality of Meyer Certified Pack
aged drugs made pure kept pure certified by
All the household drugs you use you can get in
packaged form, their purity and quality certified
by scientific chemists and guaranteed by the larg
est drug house in the world, of 68 years' established
It is just as easy to get pure drugs in packages
ask for "Meyer." "Meyer" drugs are made
pure and &$purc.
Your druggist has them. -
Meyer Brothers Drug Company, St. Louis '
The Largest Drug House in the World
Partial List oj MEYER Certified Products:
Epsom Salts Tincture of Iodine Witch Hazel
Castor Oil Carbolic Acid Boric Acid
Aspirin Calomel Phosphate of Sods
Peroxide of Hydrogen Cream of Tartar Glycerine
Quinine Milk ot Magacsis Rochelle Salts
t hrtm-edi MEYER
Certified .-, CASTOR 1
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