Newspaper Page Text
TULSA pAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 TULSANS ATTACK OIL RECEIVERSHIP Delano's Operation of Six Tracts in Burkburhett Field Assailed. , SAY LAND IS IN TEXAS either Oklahoma Nor U. S. Has Any Claim to It. Vc tiUon In Court Says. ftft-ul tu Thn World. , WASHINGTON, Doc. 2d. The Oklahoma Petroleum ttntl (Jasollne company of Tulsa, nwneru qf six (ractit of oil land In tho UUrkbUrnett field, lotulltifr in all 80 Acre today (lied a petition In the' United HWtca tuprctnu court protesting tho right of receiver Frederick A. llaluna to contlnuo to operate wells oil ltd property. The Oklahoma corporation Iti IU petition nsMrts that thu land Ilea v holly within tho otato of Trxus and that neither Oklahoma nor the Unit ed stated has any claim to it. The Oklahoma corporation nlso nik.t tho court to fdrco Delano to tnako n strict accounting ' for thn (lino ho has operated its wells, It asserts that during- tho rclclvcrshlp Dip wells of tho corporation have produced $235,800 worth ot oil. It ilka chnrpcH that Delano U Incurring a largo amount of unnecessary ex pense, alleging ono Item of $6,405 of Ua property alone. The corpora tion nbJectsMo paying any of tho general expenses of tho rocolvcrshlp. In finother petition filed by C. J. IlensonT William MUrddok and James It. Armstrong further charges ot failure to miiko an accounting for money received Is mado uyalnst Pe l.ino. Mensem asserts that ho was the owner of three producing wells, two of which were belni? drilled Bt tho time of tho receivership and wero rompleted under rccelVcushlp, Men ion afterwards sold the wells td Murdock ii ml Armstrong. Mention nsscrtH that certain wood in tanks which wero dismantled by1 tlie lecclver and certain other oil material, pipes, tools, fittings, lum ber and olhnr material on the lease, rained .it MO, 000 dollars, wero dis poned of and that no accounting hns fvfr been mado by Delano of tho proceeds. Mcnsnn, Murdock and Armstrong assert that an unnecessary expendi ture of tlll.fiOO was made by Delano ami they amort that In addition td this Delano Is holding $03, 750 which It asks tho court to force him to pav over to thorn. Iionson, Murdock and Armstrong nlso say that tho tnnd Is wholly in Texas rind deny that Oklahoma or the t'nltod States has any claim to it. U. S. SUES OIL KING Government Charge John O. RW-'ko-fellor Is Til nodgrrt 2Ba,TS Asked In HUH. NKW YOItK, Dec. 30. Tho gov ernment tndav broUifht suit aaaJnat John D. nockefellcr for 892.6T8,. charging that his Income lax report wai "lncorccl, misleading and false." Tho complaint nllcedsihat n his return filed on March 28, 1118, Mr. Itockefoltcr "failed to Include In it as part of his income 50.104 shares of Illinois Pipeline company and 67.17(5 shares ot tho rrnlrie Pipeline eonmunv." ' The suit was brought In federal court by Assistant Federal Attorney" ii, 8. Owens. A ponaity or b per cent at'd Interest thereon nt the raW of 1 per cent from Juno 30, i910i und costs, were also sought, Yankee Fleet to Play Santa to Thousands VBNICH, Dec. 20. Tho Amer ican fleet In tho Adriatic Will act as Santa Caus for morn than 120,000 persons, Including 1 Lallan and Hits flan children, tho latter being the refugees recently disembarked along tho Dalmatian cohbU Tho beneficiaries of tho fleet's Christmas tplrlt will rccolvo tops, candy, fruit, clothing and shoes, do no up In small packages. ' DEVALEflA NOT ON VESSEL IrMi President 11Ih a Show Up When Annua nla Duck. 11 Tti Auoclutti Irs. nn;unouil(, France, Doc.' 20 Kamonn do Vuleru, president of tho "Irish republic," was NOT among the passengers; who landed here this afternoon from tho steamship Aqul tanla from New York. Tho captain of the vepsel said ho had not been awaro of thn report that Mr. do Va I'm wus aboard until he Wrts asked by the correspondent of The Assoc! ftted I'rcss. It. Sparling, who was a passenger on tho steamship, said hn knew Mr. 'le Valera well and that he occupied a room next to that of do Vnlcra lu New York hotol, Mr. do Vulera, ' " added, left the hotel a few days beforo thn sailing of thn Aqultanln. Sparling said that If Mr. do Vu 'era was on board he had kept out 'f Fight. YEAR IN PEN FOR RUMELY Editor of .Yw York Mall M Mftxi . mum fur nrnmiii DcoIIiwh. M:V YOItK, Deo- 20. Dr. Kd ward A. ltumley, Norvln Mndhclm and S. Walter Kuuffmuu wore each entenccd to one year and a day In the fi-(iprri prison at Atlanta. (In., Jills afternoon. They wero convicted by a Jury Saturday on tho charge of conspiracy In connection with con cealing from the government tho nj leeed Oerman ownership of tho New rrk Evening Mail. Tho scntenco Jvhs tho maximum possible uKder tho law ' BOYS ROBBED MAIL SACKS io in-Vnir-Old Vmillis Arrcelrrt on I'osloffle,. Hobbi-ry Charge. I'UOENIX, Aril.. Dec. 20. Teles, roro nobles nnd Kernando llontljo. '0. year. old boys, wero arrested In iesa, 16 miles southeust of horo, to V"v, by United States Marshal J. P. "ulon on a chargo of robbing tho Jlesi postofflon. Tho marshal wild ne boys had taken $1,000 In checks Jnd money orders from the poslof Hcc in tho last threo months, A Title f6r Him If He'll Risk Fortune f , Jliimbd Maurice Itnt'lic. ' Kdinund Maurice Itiit'liO is V elder Of twin son of MaUrlcn llurko Itocho of New York. His father Is now Uaron Fcrmoy of Ireland, ex cept for n legal tangle. 1 Mm mid probably will succeed to tho title If ho tiiires to risk u fortUlm given him by his grandfather oil condition ifiiit he remain out of t'ngland and re noilnCo any possible, claim to the peerage. Idle Men Ask Plants . Be Turned to Them for Operation Now PHlIiADKIiPHiA, Dec. 20. W. J. Kelly, Now York, national secretary-treasurer of the Amalgamat ed Metal Workers nf America, Bald today that members of tho organization, which litis Just con cluded it convention here, havn de cided to make a demand Upon owners of plants now idle to turn them over to tho workers to op crate. ' ,. "If tho owners cannot operate the worker will." Mr. Kelly ald. ''There nro too many of thn metal workers out of work nt presvnt," ho continued. "This is pnrtjy duo to tho natural buslticsd depression following the war and tho lock out by employers. In other words tho owners ure on strike ngalnst the worker They simply refuse "to glvo them a.chanco to work. There is no real reason why tho plants sllbulii not be kept open." Mr. Kelly said the convention adopted a resolution ttuking .the Unions lo usn til meitna at their disposal to "enforce" tho govern ment to give recognition of tho ..present gqvernmrH in Itumla. IT 1 TULSA RESPONDS TO HOOVER DRIVE Thousand Suffering Chil dren ot Europe Saved in Opening Day. lllg-heiirtcd Tillsana vesterdav saved 1,000 children of central Kuropo fioni hunger und cold lor one month. That was the rcmilt on the opening day of thn Christmas week campaign f0r the Hoover Kuropeau ltellef council which has appealed to the nation for $3.1,000,- uuu tor emergency uld In 3.500.000 destitute children. Volunteer workers of tho Tulsa committee wero at headUartern late iasi mgui tamiiHimg tlm results of Tulsa geneiioslty, counting out tho silver nnd currency that lay piled In u great box. Christina shoppers In nil depart ment Mmes stopped throughout the day nt thn little Hoover relief uoutiis, attended by prominent local women voluuleeis, and gave In a liaru of their Christmas spend ing money. In return they received ono of thn "lnvhillilo guest" place- cards flint urc being djrtrllmted mrougiioui inn nation, io niacn on their Christmas tables to signify the "presence" tnern ot ono or Durope e child imtferers. Tho Tulin chapter of thn Pythian Hlslers which 1 taking part lu tho campaign lu conjunction with tho combined women's organisations of tho cllV. turned In heavy contribu tions; and promised blggoi' results tomorrow. "TUlssi today saved 1,000 children for und month," Chairman .1, A. Hull decltied. "Or, putting It an other way, Tulsa hun wived 100 chil dren through the winter and spring nnd until the coming of tho next Kurppcan harvest. Tuln.i through Christmas week Is going to savu many thousands more nf these Mor row ful child) en, nnd her Christmas will ho tho brighter and finer for tho gift." INxrnonilc Meet Adjourns, lly Th Amii Utrit l'tfin. Hltt'H.Sm.S, 4ec. 20.- -The allied delegates to tho neiond (Innnclnl congress to discuss (lernmn tcparu tlolis have decided to adjourn the present session next Thuisdny and reconvene the conference In llrussils probably January 10, Chicano Pastors lilt Paper for Sponsoring Fistic Hout for Poor CIIIOAOO, Doo 30.- Tho puhllo policy commltlco ot tho Methodist Ministers' nHNiirlatlou, today adopt resolutions cohdemuliig a boxing exhibition to ho given this evening under tho auspices of a Chicago newspaper to rnlso money to buy Chrlrrtmns dinners for CIiIc.iro'h poor. Calling attention to tho law against boxing lu Illinois and characterising tho newspaper an vlolntor of thn law and accomplice nnd an abettor of vjolatoiH of the law," tho resolution adopted mild "We arn shocked that this great metropolitan dully newnpapcr should thus tnho Its place nmoug tho rnnkM of tliosn who urc hold ing Up our citizens and shooting our policemen ami otherwise flout our laws. Wo unsparingly condemn It for this violation of law, which we consider nono Iho less worthy of condemnation bo causa done under thu thin veil ot charity." Tho program Included bouts be tween somu of the leading light welghtn of tho country, nil of whom have donated their services. Tho Chicago Opera company con tributed tho usa of thd auditorium theater for the night. Children Ailments men DISORDERS of the stomach andiconitipation are the most common diseases of children. To correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed time will do the work and will make your child bright and .cheerful the following morning. Do not punish your children by giving them castor oil. Chamber lain's Tablets are better andmore pleasant to take. I I V I l rlB What Shall IBuy Her? bIJbIJbVAS BBB n Our underwear and hosiery sale answers this most timely problem. Just got back from New York, a trip necessitated by the wonderful re spohHo to our opening. By all means come as early as possible as these values will nol last. Teddies, Camisoles, Gowns, Bloomers in all the new, shimmery materials as well as the heavier patterns; beautiful inlaid lace effects, stunning combinations must be seen to be appreciated. Divided into groups. Values to $4.50 $2.95 Values to $6.50 $3.95 Values to $8.50 $4.95 Values to $10.00 $5.95 Values to $15.00 $7.95 Values to $20.00 $9.95 Calling attention to out Service Special hosiery. We will ab solutely guarantee this hose to 'Wear satisfactorily, and will be pleased at all times to adjust claims. The only reason wo can make this nstourtdihg o'ffer in that this hose is made for us by the largest mill 'in the country for jtlst one purpose service. .J It comes in 14 colors, regular aft'd out sizes $1.95 All silk lace effects and chiffon" novelty effects at prices you will marvel at, also, all the new things in wool. By the way, just opened a wonderful shipment,of silk and wool hosiery, clock effect, and a wonderful value at $3.50 Lester's 7r Christmas" for Chicago Is Promised rillCAOO, IV,-, 20. IVank D. Hlcllntilsou federal prohlhllbm ill. lector for Illinois, today warned Chi liigoans to 'lenvn the hip pocket course nt homo" Christ mas eo ami .New Yearn eve, hrcntlKe bo Intended to M'c Unit Chlrngo cetiebrnled tho holidays "In a bouu-dry manner for the f Ii nt lime," by paying attention to pcrtons wh.i tarried their own liquor to hotels and caba rets. "bist Christmas eve and New Year's eve wero about as dry ns n illstllleiy m.i 1 Mr lib Imrdsmi, "hni litis year the poisons with hip pocket reinforcement nro going In find tho slrdillng hard fur I Intend to station federal agents lu every c.tfe, cabaret, saloon ami hotel." hum! tn Canadian .Soldier. OTTAWA. Die. so.- Canada's war vclcruns III the Western provinces havo taken up 3,100.000 acres of land, S.IU2 former soldiers now are fiirmrt-H, thn soldier settlement board announced today, lpproxl nuitely 2,000,000 acres of free land were granted lo war ve't i nns IMMIGRATION MEASURE UP lollllMiu lllll li llo Taken t'p by till! Scitnto 'Dalai, VHIMNUTO.N. Dec M - -Mrst n'-litiii since tlm Johnson bill restrict ing Immigration for (lnn year was pamed by thn houe, will hn tnketi up tomorrow by thn netiatr immigra tion committee, it was atinouiicid to night by Honator Coll, repunllrnn of Ithodn Island The committee will bn asked to decide Whether It shall have open heatings or leport the bill at onro, hut Hcuator Colt said that lunsmucli as ho had lerelved a number of ap plications fiom eucli Me-, and hull Mdliali to he heard, lie w ild urge Iho committed to begin hearings the first of tho new yvnr. Consider AnlLStrllirt Hill. WASIIINOTON, Dee. 10.- Antl iilrlko legislation which 1ms gone ti part of thn Way through congrecs, it momentary consideration again today In the senate. 8' mitor I'nlil. tin (tier, topubllcon, "Werdm gton', whoso bill, designed to discourage strikes In inlerslntn romui "F, was passed by thn s nal" lal week, but was held fiom going lo thn housn by a motion by Henator lAKnllr tte, Wisconsin, to tncniifrtdnr, gave notlco hat ho would ask shortly for thn removal nf thn parllnientury barrier. to "tfHE DISTINCTIVE SHOP" 814, SOUTH MAIN STREET TULSA'S LARGEST SHOE DISTRIBUTORS TURK BROS. Offer for those shoppers that desiro only tho best; footwear made by America's greatest designers. 1. Millor of New York, John Kolly of Kochostor, Rod Cross of Cincinnati and Dorothy Dodd of Boston Bold exclusively at our departmcntized shoe store, "412 South Main. Oxfords Two-Strap Pumps Pumps 'A wonderful fitting mlli tary Oxford in dark tobas co' brown, with flexible welt soles and soft kid up pers, made by Red Cross of Cincinnati.' Specially priced. $12.50 1'lu.H War Twx A new two-strap made of satin, kid or suede leather, in colors of blue, brown or black made by John Kel ly of Rochester; very special priced at, $12.50 Plus Wnr Tax fA beautiful satin on- strap pump with hand turn sole and high Louis satin covered, heal, de signed by I. Miller of New York. They corrie Ih brown, midnight blue and black. Specially priced $12.50 I'liM War Tax Slippers For the Family Ladies' Qoudolr Slippers in all colors, Including black, nlso felt House Hllppers, In Qf 4P colore, ko at WX&O Children's Felt Houso Slippers, In pink or red, a beauty for Christmas presents, (J- P go at Jl.eUO Hoys' Kelt House Hllppers In red with Duster Hrown and Mother (loose pictures on (PI Off thepi, go at tpl.Ot) Men's Knit House Slippers In colors of gray, black (JO A ? or brown go nt .... tDrt) Indies' high top Jloiinn Rllppors with fur trimmed felt uppers and leather soles and (tin Off heels, go nt PSiOu Men's leather Housn Hllppers In block or brown, of soft kid leather, Ro nt $3.85 Ijidlefl' high grade Satin Mule Hllppers; beauties for Christmas presents. They coma in pink', baby blue, lavender and bluck and combinations ot black. Hpoclal at $4.85 Mon's bent grade House Slippers in brown or black, vory specially priced nt ,,$4.85 All Mail Orders on Above Footwear Filled Same Day Received "'t'ti-Vr We do not believe you can buy better footwear, regardless of price, than that sold here. When better footwear is made Turk Bros,, Tulsa's Largest Shoe Distributors will sell It for less. " attars 412 So. MA IN i KKe 318 So.MAW Tulsa's Largest Shoe Distributors SHOES OitthplrcrL JLS Note Change of Location .New "HYMUM" . ringenllp. V.jer gloves or sK-lni'lc'H wild siheru-al Iciim, coniplctc, illJlanco or n.-iullng, JO.r.O. . KRYPTOKS THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Cut Rate Op tical Co. 10.VA Went 1'oiirtli (jirrct, ItetMCcn Ilouldrr and CUvftunu Avm. iTulba, UlUo,. 1'houo N73 Monev to Loan on improved Tulsa property Low Hale of Interest Liberal Contract No Long Delays No Hcu Tape Adkison-Paync & Henry 324 Kennedy Bldg. Prepare for the Ga Shortage COAL Henryetta Lump Screened Deep Mined Lump Mine Run CONSUMERS COAL AND SUPPLY CO. Fostoria and Trenton 0age 4779 Oiage 4779