Newspaper Page Text
i TULSA DAIIT WORLD, TUKSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 JOE LYNCH CONFIDENT OF BEATING CHAMP PETE HERMAN PR J; ii t ft 1 3 5" '8 I 4 i H SB i r.. 8 ,i ! ft- -1 i3K I 9" 1 T it; Pasterner Beat Title Holder In No Decision Bout Year Ago jvnch la Lending Con I tender for Bantam Crown. MUCH INTEREST IN GO 1 To Be Herman's Second Title Bout Sincu Bcntinj? Kid Williams in 1917. iy lntrntl(nl Nf Hmlre, f NHW YOUK, I'oc. 20, Joe iynrli, New York' popular nsplrnnl lb tho binitawclght championship, will rind out till week whether or Jot lio linn been chasing u rnln liotr, 1 Lynch will got lilii flrnt (banco nt 1J10 coveted tlllo over tho decision routn WVdnifday night when ho lpcrtn Champion l'etn llrrnitiii In a lG-rotiml lit lo uoui in .miiuiihiii tyiuaro (larden. l.yinh lht Ihii I Confidence 1 lunch's 3)o feels ho will walk nv llnntmii. i's middle immo. iwny frnni the jlnK Wednesday night with chnm- jilonhhlp laurels on his brow. Ills auifldcnro Iiiih u fniiiiilutUin In thn ftict that he In admitted to bo tho best bantamweight n Herman's 1 nil. n rid thnt I." Rained n popular ilrclMlon over Herman In n ICrnund 1 o-rienlslnn bout nt Wntcrhury, u ) ttlo over a year ago. Hlnee capturing thn tltln from Kid "Williams In 101 7. Herman lion do fe tided It but oncu In u decbilun bout when ho mot I'rnnklfl Ilurnn In n 20 svund bout In Now OrlcmiH. How. ifvcr, thn champion I confident ho i!fn tnko earn of IiIh crown for ho lias nlrcndy signed to meet Jlmniy fr'Hctr In a tltln bout n Tondon, January 14, and ban arranged to will for Kngland next Thursday, tho day Illowlng IiIh bout with Lynch, Vein Think Well of Joe. Herman thinks well of Lynch, n. "Ho In eoBlly tho brat of contend' R for my title," Mid tho bantam' Weight champion today. "That's onu anon why I am giving nun n shot at tho championship beforo I ko to Inglnnd to meet Wilde. 1 don't want It to bo Mid I took tho trip broad i duck a tltto bout on thin aide. i "An I Mid before, I think Lynch quite a fighter. I aun think I in lick him. I've fought blm three mcs, ono here, onco In I'hlmdolphlu fid once In WnWrbury. I hear ho ytB Improved a lot but tlint'a qulto iblt all right with me. I haven't nn back any, I think?' (Tho bout between tho llttln fl liwn la caunlng quite a little Intercut Mid it la expected to draw tho blo at houaa that haa been attracted by ay match between bantams In the ejut. IECEPTI0N FOR OHIO STATE Trcmainc Contender for Ilertnun'H Crown "THAT LITTLE GAME"- THE BANKER frtATS uHfn CrM--S &-nf43 "THE VsMD THAT SOL SoPPottT. K THbOOHT Viii STACW UOOVtED coi.e of vty CHIP, -TOO. ' VMOoirt1 TO "ft BACKER OONT i i.'nrl TrcniiiliK. One of tho leiullni; coutundern for I'eto Heniiiiii'H huut.'kiuwelKht crown (It may bclom; to Joo Lynch ) foro VVudneHdiiy iili;ht ) Ii Carl Tro- tnaini'. ono or tin- vury nqsl llii ppund boyn In thn came, STATEMENT BY INSURGENTS tllop'a Men Itcoelvo Clreat flrcotluc from Alumni at uciivit. DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 20. The ihlo atato football team arrived In Denver early oday and waa given nn 3nthulntlo reception by hundred t supporters headed by the loral lumnl aaioclatton of Ohio atute col lec. ( The football nqtiad, "lg Ten" (diamplono, accompanied by about fifty rooter from Columbim, In on rnuto to 1'anadona for tho content with University of California Janu ary 1. ( Tho stop horo Included a pronnun ojf entortalnment and a brlof work put by tho aquad nt Xlroadwny park thin afternoon. Tho parly loft nt five o'clock for the went, t Coach Wllco reportn thnt nil IiIh wnrrlorn nre In tine' condition. "DIMoynlMs" it ICtiMnln ItoKlMtlnn of n. Ji. ilrcitorM. kkw vmiK- nor- an rim in. nuhRvnt Tictlim in tlm American loaguo In mild to ho preparing n statemunt rcmirdtiiK I'rexldent Johnnoi move In keopliiK lln iiioiri- born ort llm limit u or illreutom. Coin- Jacob ltuiipcrt nnd T. r. Huntoii of thn YutikecM. Harry Kraieo of tho lted H"X "nil Charlen A. Co- mlHKey of llm wiiito Hox will Mlun tho Rtittl'inent Jointly when It In com pleted, according to ropoiln. Tho Illue l'trfixt DUmnmU t Ilaiwill'i Artvt. STATE BANKER AT AD CLUB d Kiiscnp tJum nnd (icorRc Itnilmvkrr, J Oorntipoudent, on rnKmiu. f A "double-barreled" program 1 in atoro for members of the AdvertlM- ing club nt IIh weekly meeting In thn prlvnto dining room of Hoe I Tuln.i Tuesday noon. Gooro Ilrubackcr, pren.i enrren pondent, who In now in Tiilna on npeclnl work, will talk nn tho nub Ject "My ObHurvatlnna of Advorl?- Inir." Kugcno Oum, nccri'tarj' of tho Oklahoma Statu ll.inkem aiwi)' elation, will toll ot financial condb tlnnn In the ntnte. ContddorlnK tho present economic linrout, Cluiii'n talk Ih expected to contain a number of pertinent points. I. O. .J-ong, president of tho club, who has been attending; a family reunion In Texas, Is expected home Tuesday morning, no ho may pro 1,1 do nt tho mcotlnK. BRANNON FUNERAL SUNDAY lt . ..-.( m tiHnH f I " - -' - - 1 rak vnT3 uwnm wrrms.! ES'F V CAUU5 S3 TalK' to SHt M6 2 JggT VNB GOT OM tAOtlT, f i .- . i r . . . . j V0VIM1AT? AN AtU-AdOOND K m Misers t VI tv K rJk -yv stroll QoOfeH OH HE OHVi HAt A couueee. EbucAtiOrt AHb CAMT V COUNT Western Association Asks Class C Rating Next Year Clami Q rating will bo nuked for tho Western nmnclatlon next yoar. according to President J, C. Letcher or Tulsa, who has Just completed a survey of thn leaguo which shows thi' estimated population within thu Jurisdiction of the circuit to bo well above tho required 276,000. Thin nnnlloatlon will bo based'ou tho recent action of the National ns Hoclntlon extending the Jurisdiction of each club to include all territory within a tnn-mllo radius. Conserva tive estimates of the population of tun western association under this plan In 220,000 nnd tho survey made by thn president shows that where niacin are Kood nnd automobiles plentiful, several ot tho cities draw regular patronage from as high us a lb -mile radius. Tho entire association I on nulld financial fontlnc President Letcher reports. Any doubt that bad arisen ovor tho popniblo transfer of any franrlilsn wan dispelled tonight when word wan received from Chtcknt'ha that a closu-lu park had linen assured and that Itay Winder, former secretary of tho Llttlo Hock Southern Leaguo club, had been the guged to tako charge of tho club. At least ii scoro of players already nro under contract to ench of tho other cliibn and ovory club Is sup plied with funds ample to carry it inrougn mo season. UKmuiguo itns completely reor ganized with K. II. lllack heading inu nuw organization. ' Crimean ItcfugMX to Mexico. Mb'XICO CITY. Dec. Slxtv thousand Itutudan refugees from tho Crimea are expected In Mexico, with in the next row months, according to a report rocently made to the department of ngrlculturo by one ot us agents wun nas just returned from tho near east. The agent de clared that many of tho liusslnns will embark for Mexico within a ..'finlm Tlin iflVftpnlnnl tian signified a willingness to receive them. I'luinio of Uiiclpannean. IHJDAIM'VST, Nov. : I.--IIungar lans arc suffering from nfi epidemic ui carouncirs anil nospiinis nero aircnay are ovorcrowded with pa tlents, Prnfesnor Arthur Verebely, director of tho 1'nlvorslty hosnltal. said the dlneaso was due to tho lack of -soap and "mien, nnd might bo. canon -inn puiguo of misery and uiri. Two Leagues Formed instead of Enfarging of W. Texas Circuit KOHT WOltTIf, Texas, Dec. 20. Instead of enlarging tho West Texas leagun to eight clubs, the meeting held at Sweetwater of franchlso owners will probably re sult in two separate circuits with six clubs each, Amarlllo declined to enter the present league, but an nounced It would Join with pan handle nnd .New Msxlco In a sec ond West Texan league Ho thn old circuit will remain tho Mimn with thn exception that the linstlntnt franchise will bo transferred to Jlreckenrldgn nd that Jin Angelo likely will rcplaco Mineral Wells. The ploying sea son will open April 20 and close Labor day, September n. Another meeting will bn held February 17 to adopt tho schedule. BASEBALL MAGNATE KILLED Owner of lleniimont Texan XmaTlc Club Victim or Jluntlnjr. 11KAUMONT, Texas, Dec. 20. Fu- nornl arrangements were being made today for O. (I. Orcovrs, n. local cap italist ana owner or mo rexas icaguo hnscbull franchlso here. Hl.i life long friend, Hubert It. Oxford, acci dentally shot and kllldd Oreovcn whllo tho two wcro returning from a hunting tVlp, according rto Oxford's testimony tit tho Inquest. Tho two had completed a day of sport and were walking toward homo lain Sunday when Oxford stumbled Into a'mudhnle. It Ih automatic shot gun was exploded and tho full oad struck Orcevcs, Instantly killing him. Grooves lssuylvcd by ii widow. BANKER GETS A PUMPKIN C. II. Howard Advised That Vege table- Will Make 10 Jincjr riot. Qlftn nro arriving! Thar -come in all shapes nnd colors! 'And' they como unexpectedly! 8o thinks C. It. Howard of the Exchange Trust company, who Sat urday received material for nt least 10 pics In the form ot an enormous doep yellow pumpkin sent -him by Oeorge Wallace of Grove, Okla. There Is much dispute In tho office of Howard an to thn comparative greatness of thc holiday gift, tho consensus of oplnldn being that it runks next to tho largest pumpkin, in the state. The'largoat haa not yot been sent In. HE TURF " AT MRW ORLEANS, natalta Tetterdar. Pint Rc, t rirlontt Tom Up, JCel lull), firm i Hficrtttry, (Wida). iaen!: rimlleo, rtodrlque(), third. Time, 1.11 !!. Contrlot, Plate. Obatlnat. Joe Whlppl. Mated Joaapnlnt, alio ran. ' Kacond nc, ( rurlonaa Lontlr, (Me Tafarl). -Jlritl I.ancalot. (Jarfla) : and; Oaklawn Ballo, (Krlckaon), third. Tlmo. 1IT I'k Pueblo, Opportunity. Ap proval, Valvrla Weat, Malrollo, alio ran. Third . 1 mll Harvay Hmarr. (Mconoy), first : Old JMcKtnna. (Oratory), aacondl Oalway, (nodroqu), third. Tlmo, 1.41. Madras Olnsham. Dr. Camp-b-ll, American Hone, Walter Turnbor, I.arahftlo, alio ran. Fourth If, i Kurloni Vlca Chair man. (tlutton), flratl Hailraln. (Wrlsht), rcondl nasnmora, (Itlrhcreek), third. Time, 1.1 4-S. Cryatal Ford, Smart Otiy, aln ran. Kltlh Itaca, 1 mil Fantoeha, (f.Tkr), first; nnnaa Uurk, (Kink), aecondi White Htar, (Wlda), third. Time, Day Lilly, Petrarch, alto ran. Plith Itace. Mile and flliteanth Cheer Leader, Marvla), flratl (lain Da Cauaa, (lllchrreek), aecond: Touna; Adam, (Mor rla), third. Time, 1.80. nomeo, alao ran. Hevejith.ltace, Mile and Quarter It. C. tlaach. (Jarvla), flret) Capital Clly, (Uelnlerh), aecnndl Paddy Dear. (Col lotll), third. Time, U.habUh, Hilly Stuart, Adelants, Jack Raeyta, alio ran. First nace. f rartonga Old Roi. Ill; Rpartan Hoy, 110; Waneda, lit; Carllno S.. 107s Iloreb. HI: lUaawaa. I0T: Pun.y TUoennm, )or;landalay, til: Tllddte, 107: noydon. Ill: Pawaukta, 110; Ilopover, 110,4 Adrlanna K., 107. Second Ilace, t Kurlontt lirown mil, 101; Mnntlllo. 101; Counteaa, 5: Dannell, 101; Omer K.. 107: Peppery Polly, 10: Turn Roach, 101; Crimson Kambler, lot; Boa Court. 107; Silver Springs, 101; Re luctant. 107; Mary, Fonao. 101; Klnnatk, se; iKiulna Wynne.Vl Allca Atkln ! Tutt, 101; Superb, 00. Third Itace, Fnnpnta Sammy Kelly, ltf; Cracow, 111; lira noad, 101; An ticipate, 116 Oranso, 109; Thuraday NlKhter, 107: Murray, 115: neslet. 110; liond, 101; Rasaua. 101; Mlaa Nail,, II; Double Van. 100; Annta Kdfar, 107; Iron llftr. 109; Jaio, 111 Rod Wins, 10Si Mar. mite, 101. Fourth Race, Mil and 70 Tarda Johnny Overton. TOO: Tho Archer, 1V0; Drummond. 107; St. Germain. 101: Trooper, 110: Lada Loto. 114: Raider, 107; Chief. 197; Comma CI. 107; Till. 10T; Dancing SpraA 14. , Fifth Race, Jirlonfa Pfckwlck. 114; FllhMrty OlbblC 101; St Quanten. Ill; Anfon,--120. V Sixth Rare. Mil and Sixteenth Ma drono. 114; Golden Dawn, 105; Keep. 101; Colonel Lit, 101; Idenwall, 111; Eleve. 103; Daily Delia, 110. Seventh Race, Mil and One-elxhth Rundurla, 107; Altec, 110; Den Uampaon, lot; ChKTft Darkley, 101: Ouy Fortune. 101) Saaln, 110; Ojcourrtraan. ICS: ldy Ward. 101; cerydon. 10tr UarvayBmarr. 101: Tuaa. 101; Kabo, 111: Neenah, 104j I.uclaa. 110: 110; Loftna Moaa. 112; Xing Neptune. 110. JOHNSON SCORED BY YANK OWNER New Yorker Says Landia .vyiii uurD ' John son. 4 NEW YOU.K. Dee. 20. Failure ot tho American leaguo to elect new York, Boston nnd Chicago represent atives to its board of directors at the annual meeting last Trlilay "n. dicatod clearly" that President Hun Jo"hnaon and tho clubs which sup. ported him In the league war "are dlssotitcrs from tho now Lanills re gimes In baseball," Colonel T. U Una. ton, part owner ot tho Yankees, an nounced hero' tonight. "Durini the past year Jnbnann t,.. fouslitJlhe appolntmen ot Judco comi CHklSTMAS GIFT tlpdcnrcar for Men v 33 1-3 OFF HOLMES CLOTHES SHOP, 323 SOOTH MAIN Stores TOereCigai LreJBd Bat aagJ -aBBBBBBBBaaaaBaa 1 IMlMgTWIliro I0v Daughter of PnMor of Onutt M. 1 C'litirvh DUil of Dliilithcriu. I'ineral services for MIhh l.utha Valentino Ilrnnnou, daiighter of Itev. and Mrs. I.. I,. Hrnnnon, were hold at Orcutt Memorial church at 3 o'clock Sunday uftornnon with Itov. J. W. Abel of the Vim .Methodist church officiating. Burial was In Hotfo Hill cemetery. .Miss Uranium died at her homo Vrlday afternoon, following an III iicus with diphtheria and a relapse. Hlie wiiM born In Deopwater, Mo., February n, 1j07. Ilesldes friends whom her bweot, lovable disposition nnd kindly acts won, her death lis mourned by her father and mother, two ftlsters, Sarah and ltelna, and two brothers, David and Hubert. Hcvcrond Ilraunou In paslur of or e.utt Memorial church. 1 i "Thorn nre many things which make our conditions much butter than lu former times of Ovprt's nlon," ho said. "Wo know more und tho fedeml renervo banking Bystem In our Kreatcvt bulwark In the tlmn of storm." MOTHERS E For. Expectant Mothers VSEI lY TNIEE IE1K1UTI0IR ana raa aooaicr ea aorsianoot aas saaT, rm atnnii e rreuutoa Co, am, ap, aiuata. ava. It will show him you were thinking of his needs A gift that he will enjoy day after day . F course, he mny have n safety razor now, but-ihe chances aro ho is not thoroughly satisfied with it. Ordinary safety rnzor blades grow dull quickly. Thnt means discomfort. It also means constant blade expense. What more welcome Christmas present could you find for him than this razor that sharpens itself? Probably he has wanted an AutoStrop Razor for some time, but! has neglected to buy it. Get him thir Christmas what he hasn't found time to purchase for himself. Give him the razor he has wanted 4uta5trop Razor a ratar nnd stropping device combined saves constant bhdo expemo On rarori, strops, blades, etc., hereafter manufactured by us wc hnll apply the trade mark "Valet" In addition to the trade "AutoStrop" o an additional indication thut they re the genuine products of the AutoStrop Safety Roxor Co., New York. the one razor that will add to his comfort and pleasure every morning of the year. The AutoStrop Razor i3 a razor nnd stropping machine in one. Without removing the blade or taking the razor apart, it can be shorpened, used for shaving and cleaned. Every time he shaves he will appreciate the care and thought you gave to choosing the right present. Aik your denier to show you the many ityles of AutoStrop Razor sets from the folding pocket kit to fitted and complete traveling sets from the standard set at five dollars to the attractive sterling tilvet act nt twenty-five. BBnnnVW KaHif aaaV V dlsTia chairman 0f tho national mtoslon." Colonel Huston m "and aucccsstuiiy resisted tho Judge's advent into baseball until compelled to consent at tho recent Chicago meeting. His show of 'so qulcscenco Is tho veriest hypocrisy. I fa had ta.eurrondcr Ht tho recent Chicago meetlnjr becauso his wlllfui flvo deserted him In tho fear that the proponed 12-ndub leaguo would In juro their0 proporty Investments." Charging that tho' -recent move Is aimed "to disgust and discourage Judgo Landia at tho start," Colonel Huston expressed the opinion "th.v Judgo Landia will quickly flnS means to curb Johnson and his pud petn." v v Aged Cltlien Dim. . James M. iford, aged 83. died Sunday night at the horns ot lili son, M. M. Bird, 1610 Kant Blxth street. Funeral services will be held at 2:10 p m. Monday from the Church of Ood, Fifth slreot and Peoria avenue, attor which tho body will bo sent to Ozark, Arlc, for In-tormont. Guarantee Buy two La Azora cigars of your favorite ihape. If you do not find them the best cigar you ever smoked for thi price, mall the bands of the Washington, or the bands and Soils of the Imperial and Perfrcto Grande to the Con nolldnted Cigar Corporation, De. di vtmcr.t L. Slat Street fit East End Ave., New York City, within 3 daya. We will promptly rsfund you purcnase price. ,v VER 100.000 hustling stores where cigars re sold- have spread the fame of La Azora far and' wide. Cigar dealers tell us that the demand for La Azora is growing greater every day of the year, and that La Azora .flavor has not yet -found its equal. ' We paid a fortune to perfect the mellow blend of La Azora tobacco, and each year we see new millions added to the multitude of La Azora smokers. , One trial smoke will prove to you that the mild Havana La Azora is the very cigar you have been looking for. We guarantee that La Ajrora will give you every satisfaction. How you will enjoy them I ROTHENBERG & SCHLOSS CIGAR CO. DISTIUIlUTOriS Kansas City, Missouri LxicM zora 1