Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 ,1 i 1 1. t it. , n t ! it MJ ; l 'f i. M)?LZ) MARKET PAGE 1 i LIGHT TONNAGE CLOUDS STOCKS Market Enters Upon Last Fortnight of Year; No Prospect of Change. NKW youk. !). -i:nt'iin ttMtti the flniil foitnlght of tio year, tlm nlmk market today presented no nmtctlil chniige nf loin- from Hi'1 very unsettled Mid loiirtloiiiu v 1 r mt (if tlm past few liiitiitliH. Diiliicutlc, liidtintilal mill riiiimer- riul Clllldlllllll IlinllllUi'll III III' clouded liy it furthci railing off l tmiiiiiKii in loading railway termi nals. Hilill'.lnnal illvlili'Mil nunpeti slims nml morn 'culling f wage whcdulin In llin li'Xllln liiiilo. I'rlcrn were Inwer In 11 majority of Inmnnt'i'H at tlio uctlo opi-ylni; of On1 stock market, rrcPHnlmii making Irregular progress before noun. Vari able railing iliirlhK Hi'' Intermediate session failed to liulil, speitllallvn Jsnuen stiecumblni: tn Increased tiros auro at llin heavy clone. Not losses of I In I polnln woro made, liy ciilipeis, ciiiiIiuiiciiIh, hIiIii ping nml nni'ti pr rl.-il I ln iim Inter mitinniil I '.i per unit I' unmix I'I'ivim I roiintrin Oil wiih the. llliml on 11 N 1 c-II -uiim, breaking II 1-1 ptlnt- Riles amounted to S 7 T., ODD hIi.1 ri-H. Hlilllm; bills rnlllt'il only sllghllv. Cull numey ruled nt 7 pur i-rnt a day, Inlt Minn money shou'cd Increasing nollvlty Heavy selling of I.lln ily Issues, cm pi'Cinlly tlm second, tlilrd and fourth four and onc-riuurtiirs. featured Hi" bond market, tlio pffcilugs lift mk nttrllilitt'd to enforced lliiililntlon, Total sales, par value, $2l,fi(l!i,0U(l. rUnndnril (Ml Hlnrka. Th rtnaliiK hhl and inked brlcea nf Stamlird oil alorka nn tha New York rurh Monday, aa reported by Ktrandbftjt, Me Orrery Co,, wcrai 111. I Aakel, Anrln-Amerlcan IIS I Ml All, Itnrr , HO moo Home flcrvm ., 400 12.) Tliirkrye pipe . ,, i li rhrnahrough i,.., 110 I'jl (Vint, nit 10 JI0 Croc. P. U II 1.1 Cumberland I'lpn 13s 111 Kurrka Pip Una (S I6 Oaten 81,, mm mm 44 11, Oalena Hle. pfd. , flu V IIS lll!noU Plpn Ko 4 Indiana l'lpa ,, 14 J , Kali Tranat ".114 :U N, T. Tranat Ill JM Nor, P U , no is 1 Ohio Oil 310 31.I Pralrla (ill A (la (So on Pralrla l'lpa t.lno ,,, no 310 Rolar rtftc 3fia aid P011. Pip n s 103 8. IVnna. Oil ,,,, 3J5 110 b. w. rmiii, p r.7 111 Htamlarrt of1 California. .... 301 313 Rtamlaril nf Kanaaa 670 mo Hlanitaril of Kanlurkr .... 400 430 KUnilaril of Ntrka 400 130 Otanrtanl nf Ntw Jray ... 100 10J Htanrtarrt of Nw York ... 110 334 fttanitard of Ohla 100 41s Swan finch 55 n TT. T, I.ln 100 Q Vacuum oil ,, 310 :no Waahlniton Oil 19 3S Chirm' Produce. CHICAno. Oat. 30, Iluttrr hlliri craamary lltrtlc. Kfis lowarl rtrolpla 1,411 rain; flrala "iq ai mam, raaaa moiuilpil, tjuilo, rafrlcaralor flrala Sic . Poultry allva unaattlr,)) fowla llJHpj aprlnta 3lc turfcaya 400. Inilriiiliitrnt (III Mlrka, till .akiil, l'lriilnm 1 J' rii Vriilnm -1 n A. I'y., iiiinmfin S r . I 1 . Ilaaln 7, P.-iUral S Ini I'oir Il'i l M.nlll llll II ll'i Mhln.-al llffliilnil 110 II.' Mniiiil llll I I't VmI r, l Oil, lfll I 1 'l i'i aaa . ... ft x't l . ! ' Hav I 9. II. ,lun. Vy li-U ' ll. 11 llnrk ? Inlanil 1(1 S I'fimoeta. ivmi Mat 31 it li illahnimi O. U II. I. '4 ... I.iwiaaliin 1 ' l'i .M .k.,.,IU nil t 3 I'i.i'IIii Palm 37 U I'nai. A Itif Cnrp IS ' 'i Kkrlly (ill 7 1 lllllllaliil, tmi!H.ln ,,, 17 10 (llllllaiiil pfil 7 18 III. J.11,1 KtNIa Oil 11 Nnr Yiitk Hlnrk lll, (Mitulh. I Hf III I6a ItUh, liw. Alt'. Ilrl Hliaar . 13 3;i ii Am. ('.Ill 37 31 13 Am rr !t 1'ilrr. . 77 lU'i 117 Am. II A I,. I'M. (I 3. II. Am. Ini. Cri . 7 i; .U'. Am. Im . . (ii ! 77 S Am. 1 ,infol 'J no1, n't Am Km. t llof. . W 3 ll'i Am Kuaar ... 11 II !(, Am. Bum. Tiilnnco If. I V Am. r. 'I'., al-il. 3t 90 9IS 'Aim WouIimi .... HO II l'i ,l.H S Aiiiiromia ('iippnr . is 3i J Ai. hl".'n 1 .... el 7J'i 7S All. ('.,! t.lna .. I I., i:. All II A W. 1 .. Ii lOlS t", t.1,11. . 101 t' tS'.i II II M 11 i 31 I l-t til. Nlrrl "II" . 01 61', MS 1'nlia'lliin I'ar'fle.. 3'J It?1.! 111 Onlrnl Lrathrr . 41 3JU 31 I'ln.lltr .M.1I01. ci ill S "IS I'hta. K Ohio . . 41 IS UN I', II. I A t'ac, ..37 Si 31 I'lllim Cnlipor 10 US H'i I'll.' I'ula 70S 10 I'l.lnr.Mln T. A I. . 4 35S 15 ('urn rrmlllMa ,.. cr lit CIS rrucllitp I'lrrnl ... 100 13 7'S I'm a I'min Mnxar . 11 ll't IDS Krla 43 12". 13 t) r.I-olrlo .. 17 I IIS 1HS (llrnrl Mntiira . Ill MS UH nr. Niirilioni. pr.i . 11 7;s lis lllllf Hhllr, Hlri'l . 13 3S 'M i nn. i a oiiirn .. it mil ii Itinplrulloii I'lippar, t9 19S " int. ji. Jiir, pdi,. n'i ws Ini. NMul 31 I3S I3S Ini I'.il'T . ... t IRS 43 KfiinariiH rnppr. CI 1, lS Ih.iiUV A NaallV. 3 97 V7 Mm Iron IVIr. . . 310 llii 165S Vluiiil ('iippxr II ICS Id Mhlillo matin (HI. HI IIS HS Mlilviil HI it I . . III 10S 3'iS MlHMinrl I'jclflfl .71 17 , ir. Nmv York ivnlral. 1 H'l'l 7'.. N Y N II ft II. UK H v'nrfnlk A Wittrrii 31 nt Niirlhcni PjiIIIo . 79 7.ii 71V nlila. P. A It ... '37 JS 3 run Am. iir . . t' if l'..iir,.vlvji,ln .... II ms lis Pllall, tt W. Va. ,. M S !7S I'ur- llll 21 12 S 33 llny.l'on. Cupper. 31 IIS It llcnlInK , 131 13 I0S llClllllKln Uli-fl ... Ill 8'lS fl iirp. I fl. . ., ill li s r'.t lluvnl liulrh. N. Y. 9 US H Bt I- A H I'r. . 3 I9' 1S Suntiounl Air l.lno 3 S S rlalmiril A. t, pf. 9 ms 9 ftill T. A T II 37 S 3H Hlnclalr O A II. . Ill) JSS 33S iira-nitar. a i a Hmilhirn Pni'ltln , 14 9li 5S SnylliiTii Hallway. 77 20i', I9S Miuiiiirrn ny. lr, . 9 1.7', & Mt. ii. nt is, i. ;!(,. :9 ilia's imi Ulu.lcl.nkiT Corp. , f. 401, 39 Tinn. Cnpprr 31 7S 7 Ta Co. , 119 41S US Ta ft Parlflo . tl in'.i Tiiliarro Pioil, ... 79 M &0 Trimap. 1)11 3 S Union Parlfln ... 9 llin 113S 1'iillcil I'rult av. il. 19 1I9S 119 II. M. Knnil Proil. ,31 17 IIS It, rt. tml. Alcohol 41 11 (I0S II, H. llalatl Htorrn 39 t,:S (IS lil Jl 117. 10 i:S 7t. 41 'A 'S II Kt mi S 31 7IS r. 101 MS II MIS IHS 31 US SI 31! I Sl'i IJ 3i '.'IS r.4 in J IHS UH 71 31 S 111 47 V. 13V I 41S lS 97 1S7 IIS 30 l' 1.1 IB',, 9'. 7IS IS 7ltk 31S 37 S 33 ll'i los 0'iS 57 S l US s 9 30 1 33 47 SS I9 ii lOlli 11 . 7 41S HIS tos nt. 1I1S H'S us CI 'J fAILURE OF BANK DEPRESSES WHEAT Lull in Export Buying Is a Handicap on Hulls; Finish Is Firm. OIlU.'AtlO. Dec ().--.Minoiinn- incnt of a li.iuk failure In lniilon liml a ili'jiri'HMlnU (iffniit tniJiiy on tlio ivlii'iit market, lint H'IIimm i,wr. ri'iinlii'il tlii'inarlvi'n and a nilty took plni'r In tlm liiHt half hour. I'rlci.'n iliiKfl firm, H t.i 2'j ci iiIk iii't IiIkIiit, wltli Mir ill it. Qi li to H.'M'-j mil .May Jl.iil to il.iil 1. 1. Cunt k.iHhiI 3 to I 1-1 renin mill iiata l- to 7-s rent I'rnv'lHloiiH va iled from ir ceritn iliclnr to l!fi rent advuure. A romnaiallvi' lull In rxnmt Iiiiv I in; wiim of nouiii wrtitlil iim n linuifl imp on llin liullw. Diivi'lniimeiitii at nnliliiKinii In Hk'.'inl to r.irincr re. Ilef leula'atlon nml a d"i rriiKu In tlio' vlnllilr wnpP'V t'ltal wein helpful towaul nrilnir iirliei nl the rinlMi, when nUniiH hud to hid tin nrlcr.i Hlii'tply In older to rover. Corn dliUilnveil lli'leiiendeilt itienislll nn a renull of perHlHtent Iiii.vImi; of nn elevator InlereM. and -xiiort I tit ll f r at llin NMihoaril. OatH followed cm n. I'rovlHloiiN aveiiiKed lower with llORH. LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER We can furnish you all your lum ber and 'mill work for a com plete houstt from our plant, in cluding everything. Frames Lumber, Sash and Doors, Lath and all Intenpr Finish. OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST INTULA T We sand your stock finish and make it ready for installation. A big saving. Bring us your lumber bills and save money. TULSA MILL and LUMBER CO. Owasso St. and Frisco Tracks Phone Osage 1915 Tlilmau I'tiliirr. nprn. Illirli. !.. Cln. u ii ii i ii i", iuos ii 4; Mav 1 51 .1 I 51S I ern "av 7MJ .74S 7'S ,71T Itllv . .. .73 .75 S .71 .74 S nil. MV . . 49 .IK', .(!'( UH Inly . , 41 .US .M'l .US f'nri'i'" rilv I'nali (Iroln, l.'WSAH CITY, tn-r ?0 Cnali whM ilirhanerj, I linril II7'II7. N'i. , UrTiiMl, No. 1 mt II osjrl.Ui No. ; -11.91'M 9t. Com 1 In 3e lnwr No 3 lnlM f.Ml l; No. 3 Sir No 1 ihUa t.f.c. No !l r. Nn. 3 vrUow; f.7c Nn 3 5c. Oala llnrliamrr-it : No. 2 whlto 49c No. i ml(..l 4S4(4(e. Knnaa 4'ltv Pnuli'rr, KANHAK CITY. !!- 71' Hca lin- rlian(ait nl 3n Invr, fpal r,71fftic: aic- t'.M ii'imri iiuiifr tiiioriAngi'ii, rrpamary earktn- Ui Poiillrv- liana nnrlianefil IS In Jlr: inrlnpa utirlwiinir il. ?lo, llnnatri nn- liinrril. Ildllr: lllrkrva In lilrhv, Jlft I'nlaliira uncliaiiKi'il, II (Off;. 09, f nmloM MalnJa. 'LONDON, life. 30. t.ail. lnt 33 8a. fntura 31 10. YAnc. apnl 21; rutiirra 37 7a (.it. ('Iiraii PiilnlnM, -CIIICAOO. I)ip 20, -I'otainra ci nt I : re. rrltita 111 enraj tjorlhrrn wlill ll in'll in rwi : mini y I. iti f i.&i rwi,: Mlnnaola anil North Oiikota ttr.l Itlvar Ohhia aarkml It. CO. New York Hpnl. SV.W YOUK. imc. 30. Spot cotton llllnti IMl.l.ll Illk- 1S.S0. SELLING PRESSURE! IS PUT ON COTTON London Bank Failure and ' Larger Ginning News Encourages Bears. NHW Oltl.KAN.H. Dec 20. H'-lllllK tircfwure wan put upon tlio cuttoti tuarltet on the openliiK today and wax more iiT leni III evidence throiiKhoiit the neiedon, altlioilKh after thu flrat lire.ik iiurtlal recoverleii cfimi; almill liruiiiMe -of lather libel al teall.llu; liy nIuii'Ih. In the late trading older I lie I'm hc it i i k ri 1 1 1 and tlm clone wan al net ili ('lL.HH of 2K to 33 pollltr. The hank failure In Lull. Inn and tint hiittcr Klunlis; ruturiiH than ex pected wein thu fealuriH from which lin.irlnli tradi'in 1I1 rived their main elicoiliaKeiiient The i enHUH hlireiiil report of in.n72.20ri IiaIch Rlnncd to Die I. tth of lleeemlicr was conild- eiahly ahove xpiiotatloiiH. Ilxpee talloiiH were that i;ln ilnir would Im Iecn linn lliai OI lliu periou mn Jt'JI" "K'. Iliilly Collim Table, Cnrl Mnvamrrit. Mlit'll line. Ha'an Nw flrlron .11 II.JJl 711 iHlvi'ltnt. . IS H 10,197 1.597 Mnl. lie . . . . II "1 901 .... Havannah ., 15. TJ 3.317 Clliirlratotl Ufl . . Wllinlnrlen .1 1.00 5U .... Tana a City .... Viirf.ilk . 11.35 l.JM 5SI lutllmnrn .... Il.iainn ... . 15.17 1'hlniilalptilA, .15 75 105 .... Naiv York . .13 50 399 Minor porta Tolill ln,ty .. 39.I.M I'd ill fur well 51,174 Total for araann 3,110,917 Hlnctl. 4(5,757 .141.15.7 33.174 157.117 3(7.311 41.170 3 ',7". 75 .117 3,3 r, 9 17.H00 0.3.VI S(.7 3.290 .... i, Inlfrlnr I loiifttnn . . Mrmplila ., AiJKHwtii .., Ml l.mila . Atlanta ... t.ltlln flock O.ilUa .. .Mnnlcnmiry movemi'nt . -. ..II. no 13. . . 16.00 4. .. .till t, ....1500 . .. 14.00 I. 1 00 13.16 II. 00 417 S2 1,907 103 I.OIS 2.521 r.oo u 3.03I 3.111 317. 371. 166. It. Tntal tmtay :r,s C3.II2 1)42,233 NViv York f'otlnn. Ni:Y YOltlv, Doc, 20 aaay. Ill.h. lanuary 15.75 March 15.01 14.10 14.1(1 May U IS !( 3 1 .Inly 15 15 15 03 15.02 October 15.30 16.10 IS. 10 -Cotton rloaul Iw. Clna-. l(l0 14.M NeAf 41rlriliia ('niton. NIIIV OIII.KAN'fi. lie. jo Cotton rloa,i at net Uocllnca cf 2C In 22 potnla. Pceambcr tatnnry . March May . July . ItlKll. 14 OI '.49 14 II 14 73 I.flV', 13.90 13.9H II 20 14.15 11.31 Clea 13.90 I. 1.97 14. 3 II. 41 14.55 ' New Orlrana .Innf. NfAV Ottl.l'.ANS. Ore. 20, Spot cotton unlet; 50 polnta lower: Mlf nn the apnl !U bala, in arrln 500. Iiw mt lilllna IS; koihI mblilllni: U.7S, llcrelpta 211,. 312, aluck 4 1 r., 7 SO. Vli Mimey. NKW YOUK, 'lire. 20,--Call mnnay I, nffrcil at 7, laat loan 7; baak ac leptanica as par ani, Portland I SEATTLE' 721COMA I A QUICK TRIP and a pleasant one. The comforts you enjoy, your sense of security, the interesting things you see and restful sleep, speed the hours. Pacific Coast Limited Time Shortened 6XA Hours Leaves Kansas City, every day 6:15 P.M. Arrives Denver (next day) 12:50-P. M. Arrives Portland (third day) y 8:30 A. M. Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Kansas City to Portland. Observation Sleeper and Chair Car Kansas City to Denver and Denver to Portland. Dining Car service all theway. Connecting trains for Tacoma and Seattle v leave Union Station, Portland, at 10:00 A. M. with parlor car, and 11:00 P. M. with sleeper. Four other trains at convenient hours. Mufomof k Eltelrie Saftty Signals Prottct You All th Way ' For Information, ask J. O, Ooadiall. Alii Otn't Paia. Agaal U. P, Irilim, aos Walnut St. Kamaa City Union Pacific llania nf Price. Th rant of prlfc In oil atorlia on tha Vcw York curb Monday, a irporlnil by llnuaton. Klhla At Co Hlh Ir. Ctoaa. Purn Oil US 12 31 'kin p. A It IS 3 1 HiiitUIr .. , 21S 23'a 23S Taiaa Co 42S 4lS 41 S t' H, Flrtl 71 JUS 7IS Aa'na 10 VS 10 Allen 1 S 1 lloa. Wyo. S ' llunna IS l'i IS Carlli IS 7S 7'.. Trilrral Oil 31, 1 2 IIS IIS IIS N. A. Oil 2 IS 2 Papulpa IS I', 4S Minima CI, IS S Woo'lt.urn IS IS IS All Pair IS 3S 3S Cntileri 6 I.S 5 I'.lk llaaln II 7 v. 7 14 (lieu llock IS 2 3 Mallaml ... ,,,,,, 3S 3i 3S M'rrltl in, 11 US Mbtw llrfir MIS . 110 III tut IVtr U US I3S (llllllaint 13 13 1.1 I'ralrln Oil 410 IIS 455 Pralrla l'lpa ...... 190 190 190 P It Ill IS IS X O. I ml (II IHS US lllffey 3't 26 1IU Malt Creek (new; . 10S !a U' Mkelly 7S 7 7H Mln Prod US U. 10 l.lberly Itenila. NT.IV YOIIK, Dae. 20,-Ulirty bnnli 1 l'iail 3S" M1.90! (1ml 4 III. 90) aecnml l 114.30 bbl. rirrt 4S llSOOi acnn't 4S UI 10 ; third 4'i UJ.iOi fourth 4'a U3I0; Victory lr I94.0i Victory IS 191.90, c Id the Oil Fields CONTINL'IMi rttOlt PltfX'KDINO PAOK mimed and u i4ry will hu lined In drlllitu; to a deeper Kind. Jack Kllgorc und utioclatcs of Chlckanha have let a contract fur U i.bQO foot tent on the J. W. Talley farm ttino mllm Houth went of Doyle, Oldalioma In nccllon 1 1 -1 li ft w. A l.irxe iiei'eaKL' haK hern leafed In the vicinity of tlio ten which han n wry uncouruglut: (,'wilogleul report. The I'ortMchey well Is to ho drilled S00 feet deeper accoidliiR to a re port by thono who are lntercnted, and have Junt reuched an agreement to that effect. The piodiiotlnn of t ll 0 Kant .HtephfiiM county field will lm creatly Inoreanod atoordlnB to rellahlo re portn on the nucce.tstul nhontlui; of Homo of the welb tlint had been producing fur Homo lime. An ex periment wan tried nn noma of the well bv nhootliiK thetn, and It mora than doubled the production. Hhoot- Inn of the wells Is expected to bo come general In the shallow pool. Af Hojnton. li. n, Orubles linn a ,10-lmrrel well natural In No. 3 Franklin, nt the eenler of the eanl line, nf the north went of the northwest of 6-1 4-lfl. Nei'lev and others have a dry hole at 1,1130 feet In No. 2 Moore, In the southwcHt corner of tho northwest of section 21-1 l-lfl. of tlio southeast of the a.mii. of 2n.25.16, is KOOJ Zr & natural. ' artol.. Anionic Hinlnir Cn-lnc Troulilc. . Tho Aubyme Oil company drilling on the Itrady farm In 8-24-6W, han had two nhowlncs, neither of which wan much more than a rainbow, and are now nw edging a parted cas ing at 2,260 feet. Nowata District K. Couch him 11 S-barrel well In No. 2 Cox farm located at tho south went corner of the northeast of the northwest of tho I'jutheast of 6-25-17. . Hoop ft: Kctz have a duster In No. S llobertnon farm In tho southwest of the southwest nf 22-26-17. Itobcrts fi Colwrll's test on the Tlm Stewart farm In the wact half Houston. Fible & Company Of Kansas City, Mr,. STOCK liXCHANOK and ? m CAOO DOAItl) OI' T .A P Stocks, Bonds, drain and CoV ton. Standard oil n sldlary Mock. Nw. y0 k "h,i Hortnn Curb. Mberiy ,nnT BouRht and Sold. Private viri! ctiAS i. citoTriurrT. MBr 'Jclephonc Omutc 02oii. jf ,. 1jH Fourtli St.. Tuln, o'hiV rlltiMtn l.he-tnib. I'lltCAOO, lr 20, -C,,ltaacelpt U 000; veryllltlle ili,lof parlyt aho itnek to nuriililera. alrnnK In 25o higher . l-nckcra btilillntr alcaily, buta wak nthar . lUraca nmatly rtnaily, blilillriK around 1 M.f.0 nn Rimil vcalera nbout 50c lowur beat ilaera In llbetnl iroprirllon, I llnat- tlerelila6,000, mnrket at'aitv.Uc ' lower than K'lilriTay'a nbr.iKe, lop 19.15 i"ia, inn-ill l top I J. .10 bulk 13 no tfi.15 plica atearly. 10c lowir, bulk 19, 130 pouml plci I), 351(9.(0. Wieep llcceltita 24 ooo, fjit claeeaa aieiily, lamb lop 110.57. roml ewca II 1 prlmn veartlnna II; 1111 feeder lamba so'il i-iily; look aleaily, Knmna City r.firatnrk. KANSAH r.'ri'Y. lleo 20 (.'.it tie-11,-I lolpta II. COO 'heaili market fairly active. , vrry uneven, ml klllliiK r.nltle ami 'alvea arniiml atiaily; mcillum prb'otl aell. 1 111 beat! bulk (it aleera 17.26)1 8 25; bulk enwa ILOOOSSO, eooit an.l choice veala U.75H9.60, atocUera ami feedera atrnna. Ilr.icn llecelpla S.8no. cloaltic active, 10 In lit hlaheri bulk I1.l0(kl.l(. .Iilnn.i lop 11,95; food and cholc. pica tlt.JOU 1 75. Sheep Iteeelpla 100 henit, fat lambt arniiml Thurnlay'a averaice; Colorado pea fnl lamba 110. aheep moatly 25o lower, bulk owta 13.601(3,71. I COAL Citizens Coal Co, We Sell Exclusively COAL MAGIC CITY COAL That Good Coal 2001 pounds lump in your bin $10.50 2001 pounds nut in your bin $10.00 We tftiarantii' thin nml to lie Ih'M prepared Coal ullli IiIkIi heat, xalue mul low ash, nml weight lo Im- accurate within 1-10 of ifo wi; do I'uniiio wkk-hing Citizens Coal Company CQALl V. M. WOODKN, .Mkt. Hi; Hunt Admiral Onauu 7 IT.l COAL Oklnhnmn l.ltealnck. OKLAHOMA. Dec. 20 Cattle Itrcetpta I 050, market generally ateady: etaera l.25i 10.00, euwa and helfera I3.004I7.00, calvea IS.OOlf to.OOl alockera and fecleri 12 75 li 7,26. ' 1 1 nra ilecelpta 900 heaitj market atrnnir, with top at IMO and bulk at M.40BS.J0, Teiaa MteaTiirli. I OUT WOllTII, Trill, l)c. 20,Caltl Iterelpta 3.600 beaii market 15 tn 26c hlaher; bcevea IS.OOffi.on; alocliera 11.00 nt',. iowa and heifer ll.00U7.75; bull! 13 00113.74: cnlvea 1.50st S.00. Iloea -flecelpta 1.200, mnrket ateadyl Unlit Il80tfl.75; heavy 11.2511. 50; pltl II on f 7,60. ' FOR SALE 7 Miles 3-inch Line Pipe 4 Miles 2-inch Line Pipe 4 25 H.-P. Boilers " 3 100-barrel Maloney Tanks 2 500-barrel Maloney Tanks E. L. MERRY 603 Mayo Bldg. N Osage 8021 "Sen lec You'll Like Oklahoma City I.Y. Ttil.m, lOMSnin,, Itnonni Ar. Okla. City, 4:53 )iil 7:20 am Pullman to Oklahoma (II r nn 1:10 urn I rain my be otcuplcd In Tula at 0130 pm. Muskogee Tlirer dal'y trains leave Tnln nt o:oo am., 1:40 pin mul H:f, pm. Dallas IcnYe Ttilw, 8:1. pm Arrlie Dallas, 8:05 am Pullman ta Iallai...and yon ran hrrakfaat In l Katy diner brlore rraclilna Ditlaa. ('nnnectlnna at Mu.koie for It. Worth. Wlrhlla Kulla, llounton. Man Anionic M. Ixmla, Kanaaa City and Intrrmiillate polnta. See the Agents at Katy Sta Ion J or T. Vf. DCXX Dlrlalon raaarnier Asrni 124 Kennedy Hide. Tulut, Olta, 1 $10,000,000 Kansas City Power and Light Company First and Refunding Mortgage Twenty-Year & Gold Bonds, Series A Dated December 1, 1920 ' Due December 1, 1940 Principal and Interest pnyablo In New York or Chicago. Interest payalble semi annually Juno 1 and December 1. Coupon bonds In IntorchanBcable denominations of .1,000, $500 nnd $100, regiaterablo an to principal and fully registered bonds In denoml- ' , nntlonn of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 .and $25,000. Coupon and registered bonds aro Inter changeable. Redeemable In wholo or In part on any Interest date on 60 days' notice on or before December 1, 1925, at 107 M nnd accrued Interest; thereafter and on on before . v December 1..1930, at 105 and accrued Interest; thereafter and on or before Decotn.ticr 1, 19:15, at 102 Vi ami accrued Interest, and thereafter until maturity at 101 and ac crued Interest. Interest payable without deduction of Normal Federal Income Tax deductible at tho source, not In eicens of 2 CONTINENTAIj AND COMMKRCIAD TltUST AND SAVINGS J1ANK, CHICAGO, CORPORATE TRUSTEE THE ISSUANCE OF THESE BONDS HAS HEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COSLM1SSION OF MISSOURI AND THE KANSAS COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS For detailed information regarding these Bonds, attention is directed to a letter of Mr. Joseph F. Porter, President of the Company, copies of which fvill be supplied upon request and from which the following is summarized: The Kansas City Power and Light Company serves with electric light and power the City of Kansas City, Missouri and a portion of Kansas City, Kansas, the total population served being approximately 450,000. These Bonds will be secured by a direct first mort gage lien on the recently completed Northeast Power Plant, certain substations and transmission and dis tribution lines, and other property; the aggregate value of the.ic properties being approximately $10, 500,000. On the remaining property of the Com pany these Bonds willybe ecured by a direct mort gage lien, subject only to underlying First and Sec ond Mortgage Bonds now outstanding and will share to the extent of 60 in the first lien on such prop erty through pledge of $.4,617,000 par value of Kansas City Light & Power Company First Mortgage Bonds. The total value of the Company's properties, as recognized by the Public Service Commission of Missouri for rate making purposes, is. in excess of $22,400,000. There will be $14,755,500 bonds (in cluding underlying issues) presently outstanding jn the hands of the public. The Company's new Northeast Power Plant is one of the most modern and efficient steam generating stations in the country and is so designed that its present installed capacity of 60,000 kw. may be in creased to an ultimate capacity of 240,000 kv The Trust Deed will provide for an annual Main- tenance and Depreciation Fund amounting to 12i of gross earnings, as outlined in the president's letter. For the 12 months ended October 31, 1920, gross earnings were $5,762,844.48 and net earnings before depreciation $1,975,885.68. The annual interest requirements on the total mortgage indebtedness outstanding in the hands of the public, including this issue and bonds held alive in sinking fund, amount to $1,068,038, of which interest $600,000 is attribut able to construction expenditures from which the Company has not yet receved full benefits. Based upon results for the first ten months, net t earnings, before depreciation for the 12 months end ing December 31, 1920, are estimated at $2,150,000, or over twice the annual interest requirements shown above. During this period the Company will have produced, at its new Northeast Power Plant, only about 60 of its power requirements. Had the Company secured its entire output during the year from this new plant, the above estimate of net earn ings for the year 1920 would be increased to ap proximately $2,750,000. It is expected that in 1921 practically all current will be generated at the new ! power plant. The franchise situation is eminently satisfactory. The company's electric light and power franchises both in Missouri and Kansas are, with minor excep tions perpetual.' Steam heating franchiso runs until 1935. Kansas City, Missouri, has had a remarkable growth during the past forty years and is still rapidly increasing in size and importance. It is sec ond among the country's live stock markets and packing centers and the third largest grain market. Price 100 and interest yielding 8. When, aa and If laanrd and received by m nml anbjrrt to approval of rnunarl, It h rtnnrtrtl that bonda In trinpnrary form will be ruly for delivery on or uboill Jan. 3, IZ?1 (lelalla pnrtalnln to thla luar will hi na..eit upon by Mrwra. Itualimarr, llltr Mid Stern, if ,Nw York, and by Jicaara. Mayer, Meyer, Auatrlaa and MiUt, of Chlcafo, Continental and Commercial Trust and Sayings Bank Chicago Guaranty Company Halsey, Stuart & Co. of New York Chicago St. Louis All latrinrnta herein am official or nrrTl.aic) on Information which we rrcard aa reliable, unit while wa do not guarantee (hem, tliey are Ilia data uon which we. - we have acted In the purebaea of thla security. II 11 i" 11 iLiLiliLkv