Newspaper Page Text
2 TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 AIRMAN'S WEALTH STRANGELY GONE Lieut. O'Brien's Brother to Look Into Mystery of Missing 150,000. WAR WRECKED MIND Hero of Many Air Kxploits Helicvud to Hnvo Killed Self in Kit of Insanity. Wire Flashes 1.08 ANnnt.IX Irr. 20. -Wllllo coniplMiMK uninc'tiu'tit Uirl tor llllliolM with tlio limly of l.loilti'limit I'nt O'llrlen, u liKilhcr loiliiy iiinilu mi InvrwtlK.itiiiM Into tlm affair tif tlm l.itn nnr lirro AfcnnllliK lo llm brother Till O'llrlfti oNinetl motu lh.ui IlfiO,- 000 111 ciixh. Him hn Hill! IWiiTly t'Of nl n ytr nRO, liofotc lm wrnt to ('ul)ii on h trip. W'livn tin nlmt lit rnnutr Ollrl'-n hum mild to liuvi bfi'ii iiiiirtlr.illy prtinlloin, Mm. Ririih OttlM, niinpiiriliiii of Mr.H, Ci'lli It'll, u'.ta. quoted torliiy iii iraylmt Hint boforo hi drutli O llrlen hiid piiwni'd III" wlfo'd rltlBi mill fur. Tile tirothrr iippf iirinl to lie on toundi'd whim lio lenrncil no cMutfi Wim left by tbr iivlutor. "lb-fur I h-ivo I expect lo Unow nil the dutallM mid rlrriiiiixl'inruft tbut prompted my brothrv to tukti IiIh life." Ifml Nil Model Life. lie v,n quoted no deeliirliu: "The' truth will colon out about bow IiIh money got nwuy from blin. I ran not bellovn be ppriit It In wild llvltii;., tor up until the tltiin be went to Cuba bo whm lendlnK n model life." Authorities InvrntlRatlni; tlm t rutjlr death of l.leuteniint O'llrlen, today, were confblcnt be bad taken IiIh own llfo In a fit of liiH.inlty prompted by ltln battle pxpnrlriiren. O'llrlen ru ccntly wixm under Kreat Hlraln an a re 11 It of apposition bo encountered whllo xtnrrliiK In an antl-JapaneM) photoplay called "Hlmdows of I lie Wtt." It waa dialed no further Iirobo would bo made. The nvlatnr'a widow seconded tho police conelunlon, Hhn derlarril nhi had fmrcil to meet her hu.ibaud tho innrnliiK of IiIh death hreaiiHi) or a prnmonltlon that u triiKcdy vun tin ponding. Wife Defends Mr. OtlK . . Mrs. O'llrlen, lyln on a cot Ifi bur room at a lintel, and oifferliiR from the dhock, emphatically denied the ntntemrnt mntlrt by her liimhiirul In a ulcldo nolo that Mr. Birnli Ottln won responnibln for their trouble. "t wan In mortal fear of I'nt and wa afraid to live with him for fear no would tako my life. That In why 1 dreaded to to to hU room when be telephoned that bn wanted to talk with mo," nnld Mm. O'llrlen, "Mrs. Ottln wum Jimt fl friend to u. more like a mother than any thing else, and I do not Unow what I would nave dono If Mia had not comforted ma In my torrlblo !! trtinn, Bho wu not to,btamo und I feel I muni contradict- thin awful tatoment Inlt by my husband, 11ml a Terrible, Temper. "Mr. O'llrlen and I .were married a year ago. Wo camn to Lou An ffclea In June, and ho nmi r i.nii. worked In motion picture. An tlmo on no uccanio auujnot to ter ri lo flta of temper. Ho often atruck me. "Mr. Ottla. who hnd known both ?', ovornl yearn, came from Chicago two months Afo to vlalt ua." Mrs. Ottta aald: "I hava known Wcutonant O'ltricn for threo yeora. I met him In Chicago whllo working with aenorol TcrahlnR'a alater-ln-law. Mra. JchkIu l'erahlnsr. nt u. war npoth. t becamo very friendly with nlm and never had a quarrel with him. i m accompanied Mra. O llrlen to n hotel nt her rcqueat. I alwayn ndvlseil Mm. n'Hri.',. n ... turn to her husband If alio wanted VI !W YOMK, lire id. Hr Charlaa lumnai Ihirrh hlahnp ef thf (It Turk .. ... .... '..... .1 ..(... itt.ll Hit. I. .IKI'-iai. ill (lie riivv". I v, ii,, vii, ilMily hT ImUy lUitr iMtttui ! tlinutlit KuNHMi CITV. Dr JO -An 'lvnr iif lid Inn In ili cunifi'i MU r niwirlnt rpr II m, w miiMHinoil ular litlh r Kulim rily HHI. Ilfln nlnr Jn, I. thi iipw'it will ty IU" n tun rr ll wlill' i r . riiRkltm an ililril tint uf IMi.on ninnlh. llm n nniinirni'nt iiM Tli lnlcn fnf lli Mm flu ITVinllm of 1911. WASIIINOTO.V, le Authority w rrniile'l tmlay l.y It" I -', I tor perina i o r il lil t I'iri of Hi lrnMirli'l'in liiMlnfN al"l lirnlirrlla "I ttm AiUlna, Amarlran Walla i'arm A l'n . ami Houth rrn (ill'O fiMll'i(lilca I.I Ilia Alll-rliali Hallway Kii'ifan niiiuiany. Tlie iuiiimi Ion lil thai II vraa tlirlr Ifll'f lli.l (Km ntilitlr wnlitil lm atrvrtt bjf Hint cnnaolMalail nimiany atrvlntf hII 1 1 ri ' wim fiiuai Miff II.M.I.AH, Trial, tin ID, Hvti linn trA ami firt v rniarla vt whlaky Hra flril h fritarat mil I,.. I HUa al n (iral lirra Imlay. Tlia liquor hurt htm alilpparl hura lal,llil "air i!an Irtatrrlal." No ar-r-ala hava ban rnadn. I'l.VK IH.lfKI. Ark, lice SO Ona Imn. ilri"l iiroinlnitnt planlrra of Ihla smnly, ri'iirrarnlrlriK infttn than 0,10O rrn of nilnn, inarilna hrtu Imlay lo form hrancli of lh Ainfflran ('vllnn aa"!)";! linn wjI'i! iinanlinnualy lo cut collnn arran, nil farm waifa ami aaUkllah lint acale lor farm wnrk'ra' ray. C'ONHTANTINOiq.K, Dor. :,-Tha American .V'f Kaat llnllrl In Annnnl.i halia avarualril uniln Ilia irannal auii'C vlalnn of Mlialaeha Kamal I'aaha, tha Turklah nallnnallat leailar. ami liaa ar. rlliml aalaly In Kara, Trana c'aiiraala, ac- orilliin to aiUlcaa frnm Kara tmlay, NBH TOIIK, H'P. 11. -Tin ftral MHMInic In lirnnklyn nt noon waa ,ul umler h'avy Kiurt aflr rclt ol a tnliil hunt llhln two uraka that Ih alrue- lira wnulil ia hmnhril. Till latrat thlaal, aant on poatraM to tlnllail Hlxlra Al wrriay llnaa, aadl tha hullillnc wmilit ha Mown up hatween 12 arnl I n'elock to. niorrow. LAWItKNCK, Maia., I)e. $0 tflliaf ami nniimvua of Iha I'arlflo Mllla Print Worka, whn Willi Ilia machlna prlntara truck Kihlay analml tha 3JH par cant Bandit ShootH Down McBride Club Keeper Bpaclat to Tha Worfil. NVAOONUIt. Okla., Dec. So. W. M. Adam, keeper of tho Orand Itlvoi clubhouao at Morirldo, 12 mllra coal of .hero In Chorokeo county, waB nhot 1n tho back and ncrlouiily Injured aurlnn an attempted holdup of IiIh placo by two inon tluuday niornlnit a ahort tlmo after ntldnlRht. Adama ttrappled with one of tho men whan tbev rnmtiirintlad lilm ..A . nia money. As ho knocked tho mun'a jjiihui uowii mo inner rotiber ahot him In tho back. Tho bullet, accord Intr to phytdclnn.i, barely mlHHed the bladder. AJams waa broilRht to a lipapltal hero. SANTA TO DISAPPOINT HEfl 3lrl Who Applied for ii Coin let n "JirLstiiiiui (.in Won't ;t t llliu. TOI'EtCA. Kan., Dec. 20, Santa ClatiH will dlHappoliit Mlwt Kilon White of Clllcairo. who ii..iltliin...l Oovernor Henry' J. Allen to parole ft, state penitentiary prisoner Into her ketiplng an a 'Chrlotinna filtt." JuiIkv C. W. Smith, parqlo clerk, today do. olarod that MIhh Whltu'a "convict hero," an hIio termed him, wu not illuible for parole. MIhs Whlto. ii a letter to Governor Allen, linked (but the prisoner, "whom Hho had never Keen," bo pa roled booiiiiM) (the "Jiint know he would maku kooiI " Investlkntlon iIIh. clond the primmer to bn Hubert Monti of Chlnqiiopln, H, C, aervlnir a 10-year term for hlKhwiiy robbery, faloun sent Ills photoKraph to the clrl, .1ohn a'U I.enilln;. -BATTI4H, WiiBh.. Dee. 20 He Fplto Ktiitenienta liiKiied by Interna tional headqunrterH at Indianapolis that unofficial returns Indicate tho re-election nf John I.. Ia'wIm k prosl dent of the United .Mine Workers of America over Itnbort It. Tarlln of Bcnttlo, tlm Benttlo candldato nnsert ed ho is wlnnlne, fiaKlne IiIh oulnlnn on unofficial returns which ho says he has hecclved from all sections, of tho country. I'arlla nnnonnceii that ho was Investlcatlnir leoortH of oloe. tlon cnrruntlon In rennavlvanla dls- trlct No. n, of which I'lttaburch Is nendquarters. Quaemlrc nt Hrlilco Approooli. D I.I 1 -Pfc.. 1lln.M cili-iai I" .,i" iiiiiiui ii'lltr 1'AlIlir linn, in Rn ilcen and ptlc'.ty Is the mud In tho bot toms between the foot of tho moun tain end the Illinois river near tho 1 . . 1 - . . I . thai I a l.rin. .In.ll.i Intnaialkla Inr n lit nmnhllnft 1,1 teach tha 'recently completed steel' rinrv fc-Biivr uMfittiivo uuuiD vug for All Borsalino $15,$18,$20Hatsat 10 IITAUIAI MARCA DEP0SITAT4 Borsalino Beavers IF it wuan't that they're a bit expensive everybody would have one of these Italian Iioranlino Hats, they're wonderful hats. It's just because he may not want to buyne for himself that they make such fine Xmas Rifts; a great many think it's a great (gl A idea. They're tjJJLU Fur Cn, $7.r0, 18.60, $11.5(1, up Curtis 3roun Tulsa's Livcst Leading Men's Store railucifiin In wa-a, raturnul to work to itay alfr fillnic a formal tirnlcat t(alnat Iha cut with tha mill manainnt. I.OS'DO:, ll.r 0 Tha iluch'aa of Marlhnronsii, who waa racrr.tty (ranlail a rllvorra from her huahanil, tha iluha c,f Marlbnrmiith, haa ilariil,) to taava l!iitr (anil perinanantly. anil will prihattly rnaka I'arla liar futura hoinr, anontlna: to th Dally Mall, IIO.ITOW Dac J,- Mra. Murlal Mac Swlnay a,ilrNaail tha MaaaarhJatla aan .ila Ihla afltrnniin, Hha thankail Iha laxla. mora for tha honor ami anraail Iha Imp that Arnarlca will al'l Iialanil In hrr fllil for fraailom. WASIIIS'IITO.V, Den" JO HMiatnr .tohn I., ilamncrat, of l.'lah waa loilay 'until mail hi a inatnhar of Iha fiilaral Iraila rmninlaalnn t,v Iha anata In opan aiarutlva acxlnn. Tha ronflrmallnn waa inniln on rnollnit of Hanalrjr llorah. 7lu K'hl's republican collaaxua, MAN KIIANCIHOfi. Ilae. JO.-Whathar or mil Iha Irinporary a 1 1 In H off of Iha alrlka of 1.100 farryhoat tiinpluyaa will ra-a-'K In a ttlainrit of thar itann illapula will l ctettrmlnail lata tmlay at a Joint onfararica ,f tinlnna, rallioatl anil f-rry .ffirlala anil Maynr llolph. Tho atrlka varlail Saturday iilht at I hi! tint momnt hrouali iha Ifitvrvanilnn of Myor ttolth will ha rut In afirt In caaa tha confaranta la unnrmlur lln of a haala of arraamcnt, Iha union laadera aald, ItntlHTON, TaTaa. Ine. il.Kufni I'alklnnlnn. nlna. itlut IS1 a. local hnapltal from fracturnl akull. Ila racalva-t th fa I iil Injury when ha ilartad Into tha atraat In front of an utotnMI, acrordlnir to .f. c Davla. ilrlvrr of tha aulo. Bavlj rl"Hnia tha hoy ran from lialilnd parked far directly In front of Ma machine hd them waa no time to atop, HA.V ANTONIO. Teiaa. IJeo. JO. Salva dor AlVAradn, former inlnlater of com. rnarce under Da la lluarta, haa been nrantt'l th rUht to conetruct n oil pltio Una from the c.'Hy of Mexico to Tuxpam, hy the new Kovernmrnt, aceordlns to Ilia l,a I'renaa, Mexican newapaper hart. Work on Iha Una la to betln at one. HAM ANTONIO, Texaa, Deo. .0. The Mexican internment haa eancelled ordera r.,e a ana rraiahi rare nlafeil with United I Slatea inanufaeturera liy Halvailor Alea radii, durinr Ihn IX U lluarta retime. Mexican clrclea announcej here today. Tha Obarwrnleta loveriiment decided thla alep !vm nereaaary at Iha preaent lime, ba- jcauaa of a lack of At'HTIN. Texaa, Dee. JO. An official r. ,iiiu( twN mailai liiita- hv Mil Annie , Wehh llianton, alata kuperlnlendant tt public Inairucilnn, to tha attorney (eneral to Inalllula ault airamat elx textbook pub- ihera ror non mini, men. or contract in upplylni text thooKa, on account ol nlleitd ehorlane of paper. KOIIT WOIITII. fexaa. D.e. SO A ynunir woman who haa not yet boen iden- linen waa union anil eix injurtii when a l'rlco freliht train . lowed Into a t.a aenir train nt Creaaon, 1! mllea from here, Amnni the Injured w Danlll If Campbell of rhleaio. The expreai ineai.inier, I.nuU Arthur of Fort Worth, Ii nut axpected to aurvlve, WASHINGTON, Dee, JO. Tin United fltalea aupreme enurt today recev-d over tha Chrlilmaa holiday until January 1, I'AniS, Dei, JO-KIni Victor Rmanuel of Italy haa alined a decree rallfylni the flapullo treaty, ncrnrdlm to ailvlrea frnm llnmn today llalda are reported from Plum and tklrmlihea tha ti.n. troopa blockadlm the city .nj iIV.W D'Annunxlo'a Itilohuairea. "Hrt WASHINGTON, Dec. JO.Th. mi... polla, at. Paul A flaull Hie. Harla i?..V way rnmpany today lout Its appeal in iL. United Hiatea aupreme court to rUal tho difference tietweeu the North juTK! atalutory rat on coal hlpmeM, and S alleied 'eaannable'' rati). The auiJ.i? curt of .North Dakota ir.M V22 By Attaching to Every Letter and Package Christmas Tuberculosis Seal HEALTHY NEW YEAR You are assisting to maintain the dispensary of the Tulsa Tuberculosis association at 15 West Eleventh Street. Many hundreds receive here, free of charge, expert medical treatment. Help Fight the Great White PLAGUE Mail your remittances to the Association or buy addi tional seals at cigar stores, drug stores, or the post-office. ' , -t& V v.- , ;Sf V PIERCE ARROW The first Pierce An ow built had a single cylinder but it waa a Pierce' Arrow car. The latest Pierce Arrow built haa a duaWalve six cylinder engine and it is a Pierce' Arrow car. The name "Pierce-Arrow" does not so much identify a design cither of engine or body or anything else, as it identi' fies a wayttf making cars. 4 - F" TULSA MOTOR CAR COMPANY Tulsa -1 l th mrmmt or. awI 319-321 South Main Open Ktonlnga VnUl ChrlMniM Gift Certificate Itcderiimblc In Mrrt'inuKlluc for Vtu.-) Value nt Any T I in c. A t'HACTICAL Gift SucUT-tlon. Vpoa Bequest Any Article Pur cliasod Here Will Be Packed In an AUractlvc Chrlnt ritaa Doi. t The Gift for a Man As a man would choose it himself, is easily selected here Below are listed an assortment of fine gifts for men that $5 will buy A Fine Umbrella Belt with Sterling Silver Buckle House" Slippers of Fine Soft Kid a , A Traveling Set The Very Finest of Neckwear ' Jersey Pullover Sweater Box of Five Pairs of Silk Hose A Fine Shirt Fine Pajamas j A Box of Five Linen Initial Handkerchiefs A Velour Hat A Fine Pair of Gloves Silver Mounted Cane Silk and Wool Muffler 1st -M, V i ' . Leaders in Reducing the High Cost of Dentistry Plates $15 and up Gold Crowns $ S " " Porcelain " $ B " " Bridge Work $ S " " Silver Filling. $ 1 " " Broken Plates Repaired One Dollar. Drs. Wolfe & Povner 801 nOBINKON BLDG. TULSA, OKLA. OPK.V EVKMNGS. "Something Different" Your Mind Will Rest at Ease if You Give NAVAJO RUGS . INDIAN DOLLS INDIAN CURIOS Boston Novelty Co. 18 S. Boston 3 Doors South of Frisco Depot 0