Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 4 8 ' t , ! i r it Li 'I ft If Hi QAMARITAMQAAMT.Vmpo.v cw, GENUINE POVERTY Kag Clothed Urchins Are Sought By Tulsans in Charity Missions. SPECIFY THEIR FAMILY Humane Society Workers Tell of StraiiKO Requests of Tulsa Benefactors. "All, rlinrlty, what tlintmh im do mamls are until') in tliy tmiinV Such mi (ixt'liiiiinUnn In mm moved to utter watchfully waiting In Dm tilltrr offices of 1 1 10 TiiIhii Humane society ii ml hearkening tii iIim jillril rmiupittn nf gftod-Iiitriitlonnl Individuals for the tinnies unil nil ilreiiHM of certain, npfrlflpd kimli of poor families to whom to curry Christmas tiiiskels, Though Dm uplrlt of linliifiilncnti lmk of the re iinnlH I itdmlroHe, tlm wiuillilK of tho iimiim'hIh I often thoughtless mill m specific thiit to furnish thu va riety of unfortunates desired the No Fear of Epidemic, City Pltyaician Sujjh With thi t'xen ! of proper pre ventive pP'iatlllnhi, there should l) no further apprehension re tarding th" ree' nt ouiliri nk of smallpox, i( hum n.i !! nt the offleo of Jjr. I. t 1'reie.nii, clly siipvr llltertilent of health, .Mnlirlny 'J'heie re only thren iKlUe curi-i In the city of TiiIni, It wih stated, anil t hi'Mi ruse arc will tiniler control so Ihey ore not likely to furl ti'M nny spieid of tho disuse. Appnri'litly the oilthreFik In almost eiillrulv ronflm il In the louns l I wren TllNl mill HprlligH, Ily llitnidiirliig ntitll'ixln diirliiw tho early stages ofthe outlirenk, Its effect wiim creiifly linnoiioit and no fiitillltleH urn feared. "It limy lui Kit Id Hint the out break In well iiiulnr control," Doc tor TroHHOll Nlllll. general pulillo, proverly conies hut j'lini a year mill then .it Christmas. This lit the only season when the public tnniilfefftH u direct In Ifii'Kl In relief a llvltltrs llllt, despite the Kiirtiuii thought lessnets of Ilia lequuittM tnailn for families to whom to iiiny Onlst mas baskets, the real moving bplrlt Is warm heaileil generosity, uuikiTM of the hiimanu society my, nml to them the apparent thotlKhlloiMlii'ss In n m nothlmr when welKhtnl In the Humane. so, lety would linot have I ,""', " ' k liiil iic'bh of Ml to have a futility tnailn I., oriter nr ' 1 " "L". u M" "IMUnetlH Of uplrlt I shown hy I till I V til !): Il lit I'lulHtliMM- tine. to have a family uiurin to ortlcr or order onn hy catalogue. Iti'iiffnftom "tinier" I'll in II v. ICach year, nhoiit thren weeks lip fore Christmas, people begin tele phoning ami coming to the humatin society with the statement they wish to earn for a poor family at ChrUtiiias. Ami then tlm Individual rtcr.ctlbes thfi kind of poor family which he, she or the family wishes U lilp S'noiii Individual wIhIi poor fmnlllen where all the children nru under a certain hko. Otherit make reiiuent for fmnlllen where the mother In a widow and the children Hmall anil refuse, to carry I'hrlntmaH Joy lo any family where, there In n nan on Inn place, tie ho tho ymiiiK Mm, father, hrother or uncle. Indi vidual who lire fund of little itlrlrt ItiHlHt upon n fiuillly where all the children urn Klrln, preferahly (Lf If ndor yearn, Htlll othern wlnTi J fumlk.i wlieiu lioyH nro In thn ma- l Jorltv. (iften tho exact age limit for thu little ouen Im HpeulfU'd. AkiiIii It Ih requested that tho famlUca live In certain illnti Irte, the (lelri on thn part of tho Individual lielncr to help the family renlillnK In thu poorcnt pelKhliorhooil, l're fluently tho exact district, even to tlm Mtrcct and hlnclc, In nameil. Yuunir people who wlnh to piny the Hood .Samaritan wlnh, though they do not I'xpreM It downrlKlitly, for famllleit In tho dnepent tlepthn of poverty, their conception of pov orty belnu rncn, Inttorn und dirt. Older people, however, tindcrntiind iiiit better what poverty In, know that dim ilUtrcnn can no hand In hand with a neat, tidy cottae and whole KunnontH. Kuveral tlmen lifter Clirlftmun Indlvlilual.i liuvo reported to tho humane noclcty that they were illNiippnlntetl In thn filmlllen whomi numon wero allotted them nml that they did not connltler the famlUcx o lindly off bccuimo of tholr tldlncnn nml neat MiirroundlngH. lU fiino u Jlrlp NrffTOOri. HreiiiieHln ivro really no npeclflo that the family denlrrd Is nltuont dcHcrlbod nn to hair and oycu. In deed, tho humane nocloty once had a rciuet for a poor red-headed lamlly. Kverybody ulwayH rofunen to take u ChrlstnmH banket to a nesrn family, nml nowaduya the nuiuuno nocloty workor.i do not even uBct Much a movo. Thn only negro family nvur allnttfd.wan prlvon out during tho pant wcok to n local wonuu who wiw moved by a recital of their mUffortuiip. A history of tho family to bo cared for mid Informutlim mm to whether tho poverty Is due to death. Blcknenn, lack of work or what mlnforlum' nru nlnu nlwityn demanded. Thin In formation In kept In tho records of the humane nocloty, U moot Keem to thn hiimano eo clety, loo, that In the oplnlnn of the CLOTHES DRIVE BRINGS RESULTS New Year's Eve Celebration HOTEL TULSA Tickets on Sale Cashier Window Reserve Now First Street Market Grocery Lions Club Gathers Over 8,000 Bundles to Keep Needy Folks Warm. Approximately 3,000 huiidlen of old clotheH which contained nulln, hntw, capn, nlilrtn, underwear and nhoett, were collected Hiindty after norm by th Monn club durlim. llu half-ilay "old clotheit' t hiiiia1uii' TheiKi luinilleH hav- all Iiomi turned over to the Halvatiun Army for dlx trlhul.on iimoiiK the needy over the city. Twenty.ono n 1 1 1 ) m f , 1 1 1 -m driven by member of tho I.lunn club partici pated In thu drive. From onn to three hoy scoul.i ncrompanled each car anil arled il collectorn, Kithet Ini; tin' bundle from front porchen and jilnrini; them in thu automo bllt'H. Although It wa't tin old clolhei dilvc. A. V. Davenport, formt r preitldenl of tlm I.lnni vrluli, tin Id Monday thn rlnthlnn and Hhoe.t nol leetetl With In milill better coiidl llmi tluiii had been anticipated, Mont of thu nrllclen may be worn wlthnul itolmr lliiiii:li a pioci'et ot mvndtiiK and putt hlnir. he raid j "Wo wele will pleaded with the result of thht cuinpalKti " toild Hav eniioit. "Wo had hoped to collect about 1.000 huudlc.i, mid wo nut 0. C. BOOSTERS COM I NG ' ivy mu-vIuk HUffcrlnK from i the cold weather thin winter." Contrary to expectation, mimt of liislniil of llnvliii; Annual Atiloiuu. mm I ii.illliin. lift lltihlni-hH .Men Will 'IViur Suite. A" ineaiiH of ntlmulatliiK hunlticKH in mi ilium, inn reprexeutatlvo btinl nenn men of Oklahoma City expect lo motor throiii;h tlm noriho.uit part of the Ktatn Hhoittv after thu flint of thn year, leavltiK Oklahoma City on Incumber iS, necotdliiK to a lelteit received Monday by .Mayor T. I). HvariM fiom thn aulo dealeM' nnnncU tit Itiii, In tlie.crowtl from tint capital will hn automobile mid nuto nccen.iory men, b.tukern mid other bunluen.1 men. The prcfenl ruiitlnif, nccurdlni; to inn miter, inrmiifH a ntop in tiiImi ArruiifcmcntH Made for Football Feed for Kendall Eleven Ai raiitf'tinmln are wiltiatly completed for Urn enlei taliilnenl of tho M i ord-brealtltiK football t'li-von atid the leiifiird fii' lllty of tho t'nlvelnltv of Tillna at n Htimp tiioun bmi'iuit to b" rlvi'ti at Ho tel Tulin Weitliemluy evenlnK The baiiiiiet la In rhiirne of T. .1. Ilait mini. 11. I', Ma! well ami I'l l"! Shaw, dlri'i'torn of iho ch.imbor of conimerie. Thin lijri'juot Ii ttt honor xrep tlonnl iiccompllnhuibtitn "t the Kendall eleven, which bnKc the wnrld'n record for numoir of point madn In nn m-anon. Tho fact that the KntVerMty of TiiIhii wiin Henry Kendall onllcKo whin thin honor wan achieved docn not In the leant dim the brilliancy of the achievement. Tlm event will be attended laiucly by direct orn of tho cham ber of t otnnn n e. U'tiiiiH Stale Ciiartl C'tnupiiny. KIMirlMlllill, Dec .:o. Tin Keith I weri I'ont held IH aiiliiia b.iti'i'iet in t i o Kimir.-hir li i'i I a.' I'ml.i) k1i. A coiii'intiei w in ap polneil tn s'Tii e tiuliilmirt fur ton puny of n',it j:Unrd n tlm tlt the buiullen rnme from the front potchen tif pernoiiH in tho "middle ' t-lat Itisteiid ot from the hitmen of the wealthy. WILL FIXAN0THER HIGHWAY' County 'iiniml'.onem I'rnnilm to j (Jrailo lliiil.i ti Arrow Itnml I. Ink, , Anntiranre that the ntrelch of road ( from the ennt end of Fifteenth ntre t to the beKlunlni; of Iho llroken Ar row liard-Hiirfnced hhthway will be graded and placed In patinahlii con ' illtloti wan lilveti by the board of county coinmlH.Mionerrt Monday to a npeclrJ cominltteo from tlm i-hatu-ber 05 commerce componnd of V. A vnndever, C. K, Avery, v. I, l.ewm on VuemiHy, January 11, aiuj an all- John T. Kramer,, 12, lieu Cluthrey nntiit way nero Tuenday nleht, tirul Clarence 11, DoimMan. Thin trip In to be Hindu In place of I Thin plern of road In n part of the hol'llnu the annual automubllft nhow ' ni.ilu outlet from thn city to tin at Oklahoma City, Thn letter, nlKiird by KdKar T. Hell, nerretnry of the motor car deal urn' nn.ioclntlon, Htate that "the ob ject of thin trip In to try to ntlmtilato bunlnenii, and with your full co-operation mid that of thn hunluenn men of your city, wo believe we can nc compllnh a treat deal on thlt tour." The local nutomohllo dealeiV an- noclatlnn, which In to hold Itn trreat ent nnnital automohlle nhow In Feb- ruury, will probably take an nctlvo part Injnntertahiljii? thn j'HItorn. llroken Arrow road. It In to here i iiier no Kiven more ntieniiou, ac cordliiK to the rommltiHloneiH. NiirM-M ,1110111 I'rom Mrc. Hurt. OMAHA. Nub., Dec. 20 HU iiurnen wero Injured when they Jumped from i thn second ntory of the tinmen' home of the t'nlvernity of Nebriiitka hoo pllal to eeeapn ftrr which caused J5r.,O00 iliiiniico to thn home early today, 1'orty-flvo other nurnen es caped without Injury Thu of the blaze In not known. 25c 35c 30c 35c 10c Ilivulifimrtt'is for ClirlMuiU4 J'rlccw All Week J Candles Now Crop Wulnutn , New crop Almonds . New Crop Jluzal Nuts . .. l'op. com Fancy Jonathan fl0 HA Applcc, box tpW(7l 70c to 35c StHX'laU mi (inncrliTt Whlto Karo, Qt, Ballon OUC Dark Karo, rr Kullou UC No. 1 Turk, and k Ileuim, can )C No, 1! I'ork und i llcann, can XUC tlallon tn-t a f 50c Chorrlea Uallon ApplCtl Gallon Apricots ....... Uallon '.PInenpple 1 Kalian Jloney nucklo Syrup . . 20o Uuijo Corn Flakes, packaco SO ozh. I'ancake Flour 10c, pnukaso Macaroni, Khcttl und QA Vermicelli OL Tlio Meat Department Is 4 Comptvto 21 Went rirnt Kt. . OsaRo 702(1 ...95c ... 95c $2.25 ... 17c 15c Hpu Vassar union suits REG AUDI JOSS of tho price, a Kift should bo the bust of its kind. When you give underwear for Christmas, give Vassar union suits, then you know you're giving the best. Very fine djj ar ones tyHkiJO Other Vastar Union Suits, $2 to $8.95 eurltScBroMtiC. The Live Store Gens Cash Stores Co. Nine Stores in Tulsa STORE NO. 4 Purity Grocery 114 E. Second Osage 1702 One in Your "We Sell the Best for Less" Our stores are chucked full of Christmas Specials. Take advantage of our liberal offerings while our stocks are complete. STORE NO. 1 7(10 WeM I'ark 1'liono O-7N0 STORE NO. 2 Tenth nml Klulu I'lionn V'Hi STORE NO. 3 1104 i:aNt llndu'o l'hono O.fl'Jl.l I'uilty STORE NO. 5 l'alr low .V.- Iloiildcr l'liouo Osao HUH STORE NO. 6 7 West I.atliiicp l'hono O.ic Hllta STORE NO. 7 I'urlty .Market O-1702, C-H3 STORE NO. 8 Hi. Grocery No. 1 Seventh nml McCoy Kendall l'hono Cvdar 1R3 STORE NO. 9 418 West Ninth' l'hono Osnuo I IH STORE NO. 4 Grocery 111 i:at Scconil Street 'hono 0nKii 1702, Cedar S3 Fresh Fish In the Morning Catfish Halibut Black Bass Lake Trout Red Snapper Oysters Shipped Direct From Baltimore Osage Market 107 East First St. Ph one Osage 2080 CAR HEARING PUT OFF CcltoN, f'nrxiratlon (,'oiumbMoiicr, I'lfsllKiiicN street Car nml Teh- phone Halt; ArKiiincnlM. An liideflultu postponement of hn hearlriftn of the Tula Hlreot Hallway lompany and the Houlhwittftern Hell Telephonu company, which wero to havo been held hero befor" Corpora tion Cnmmtncloncr It. II. 1,'choln Tuenday announced In a tele KlUtll lecelved llondny eveilltlK by City Attorney Krnnk 12, Jjuncan from 1,'rholn. The ditto on whb h thu hearing will be held wan not nnnolltired. but It will dotlbtlcM fol low thn holiday. Duncan betlevcs. Whether tho wtroot railway com pany nh.ilt bo Kranted the right to Immediately Increane Its faro from flv in seven centH cash nnd to nix and one-fourth cents for tickets will be decided at this hearing. -While, the hearing of the pjet rallwnv comn.iny and tho telejmono (.!,. i. nnv linen been tentatively et for the wunn day. City Attorney Duncan wild Monday tho street, rail way company ha precedence nml that, iih Its hearltiB will not llkoly cotiHiimn ax much Jlme an that of the telephone cutupauy, It will dbuht leu bo held flrnt. Open cvcninjin, nil this week until' i) p. in. SPECIALS I'or TiifMliiy, Weilnc.Mtlay, ami Thiii-Mlny I JACOBS Mercantile Co. 218 lo 226 Kant First St. 'Ilui lilt; Store tin i;.u.t l'lnt Street Grocery Department Chrbtmas Mixed Candy Molasses Kisses, 1 Qn per lb JLOC Ribbon Taffy, 00 per lb.. fuAKs Mixed flavors OO Taffy, lb &U Peanut Brittle, per lb Li UK; Kudge, per 22 C Good grade Choc- OQ olatcs, per lb... mOC 1 lb. White Granu- Q latcd Sugar Ot 10 pounds 80C 1 peck 15 lbs. QC, Potatoes at Otll 100 lbl Ho- d9 g)f tatoes ipLd&Xj Hominy, 21Mb. caiiH, 1 do. I Uv Hand Picked Navy Beans, 10 lbsUtJL Old Manse Maple Syrup, Hi-lb. cans Of al Ot)t ...T 63c 5-lb cans (j- Hand 'Packed To- Q niatoca, ldoz. cans7UC Chase & Sanborn QK Coffee, 1-lb. plrg.OtJC Three pack- axes at J)JL UU Pcabcrry Coffee rjQ ) lbs I Ot Sturgeon Rod Pitted Cherries, 2-lb. OQ cans Meat Department Best Creamery AH ' butter, per lb.. , tc! t Compound, per . Swifts Premium Bacon, whole or half, per A -j lb 4:1 C Crisco, H-lb. QO rans . OO C Thrje-lb. (n cans UjC Six-pound QQ cans J)A40 Pork Chops, t n 1 per lb j.! 2t Round Loin, per lB.';..'.'!'v.'.'.'.'.20c Fresh P 0 r k Skinned iir:. r:. 20c A. L. FRANKS, Mgr. BULLETIN NO. 11 , We sell for less and the goods must be GOOD GOODS or the sale is no good. Sanitary Cash Grocery 112 North Main Street Phone Osaye 67.7-0 A7 Phoncn Onaye 613-9443 FliUE DELIVERY on all orders over $5. Small orders delivered anywhere for 10c Guaranteed Fresh Country Eggs 75c Dozen llusset llurbank fH Potatoes, peck... TcUt fled Star Flour, gJ gQ Polar Bear and Queen Quality Flour, 24 lbs Shady Brook But- PA ter, per lb OlL $1.50 CHRISTMAS TREES HOLLY WREATHS HOME-MADE FRUIT CAKES Order Your Christmas Poultry Now Turkeys, Hens, Ducjts, Geese Fresh Dressed to Your Order The Imitation is Never as Good as the Genuine For more than four years we have featured Good Goods at Low Prces. We knew we were right in our principle from the first and have never wavered from it a minute and it goes without saying that wc never shall. We now defy any novice or imitator jn this art to even approximate our values. From a bird's eye view, as it were, we have seen them grab at one straw, and then another. Our business principles cannot be' imitated. They must be GENUINE. Here We Go Fruit and Vegetable Department 3c Best Cabbage, per pound .... Best Potatoes, extra good, peck . . 35c Jonathan Apples, OA per dozen dUC Jonathan Ap ples, per box Oranges, sue 200, each Delicious Apples, each $2.65 5c 5c Meats, Special Prices on Good Meats Boiling Beef ., Chuck Stea k. Pot Roast . Short Ilibs .. Round Steak . 10c 20c 15 c 15c 30c Sirloin Steak Pork Roast Pure hard Excellent Light Bacon, per lb. . Dry Salt Squares 100 lbs. Pure White Gran ulated Cane Sugar .... Pure White Granulated Cane Sugar, per lb. . . . Lipton's Best Yellow Label Coffee .. Grocery Department Mite Gran- $8.75 nulaled 9c Yellow 45c Fancy Christmas Trees 25c t 75c 25c 29c 3Sc 25c Cider in bulk per gallon Cider in one-half gallon glasses . . . Best Bulk Peanut Butter . . Rosedale's Sliced No. 2'i! Pineapple Christrnas Goods xsew York Cream Mixed Candy . . . Chocolate Drops Elephant Stick Candy, 2 for Filberts from Evergreen Wreaths Holly Wreaths English Walnuts, fresh stock Christmas Mixed Candy TRADERS NUMBER 4 10S East First Street Phones Osage 4935-8692-6970 The Good Goods Store P. S. The above prices are subject to the supply on hand Almonds Washed Brazil Nuts 30c 22c 22c 38c 18c 90c 65c 25c 39c 35c 30c 5 c 38c 38c 45c a I IMSMHHMHBHI ' snop is mi: MOUSING nouns Halliburton-Abbott Co. I'honc (All nrpnrtmcntn) 0000 Sfembn r of (icn HJiop (Squaro ct) AssoctaUnn Member llctler limine liurenu A'Strand of Coro Pearls? necniue of tholr unusual beauty, Coro Indcstructtblt 1'tarln aro Ideal nlftn for women and Klrln. Guaranteed not to peel or dlHcnlor. In various 1 en nth Htrnniln, )n graduated sizes, with 14-k. wliito gold plain or (llltrrecd clasps, 10.00 to 75,00 Jewelry Rretloa Main Floor All Leather Novelties 1 In the Main Door Shop Reduced 25 Leather traveling cases, fitted sewing boxes, collar boxes, Tiling cases, novelty bags, purses, canteens ' and other leather goods; al) tine gift articles. I L 66 Felt Slipper Specials Strlc I'or Men, Women and Children 99 Excellent Men's and Women's Felts Muny, muny pairs of our best quality, most desirable warm, wool felt sllpponi for men and women In various models and wldo cholco ot colors, l'alr, O Q? uppclal OU Splendid Men's and Women's Felts Almost any rolor ono could want In theao high grade, wool felt' slippers, In various styles, including pink. Ilslil blue, lavender, old rose, navy, purple, S QfT red, and others. I'alr, special iOtj Children's and Women's Felts Dpllghtfully attractive- felt slipper in styles for glrto, boys and their mothers. Name tho color you'd like: probably it Is obtainable) In these foltn at, -t A the pair, special JL) Footwmr Mln Floor Four Silk Specials Satin Charmeuse 40-ln. flno firmly woven charmeuso In correct weight for drosses' and blouses; black und many Colors. Yard, Q KA epeclal dt)U Fine Silk Shirtings Extra quality crcpn do chine and broadcloth in all-whlto or colored strlpings In combina tions, 35 ins. - Qf? wide, special. , . UO Fine Wash Satin Cholco quality nnd tex ture for blouses and flnn undergurmcnts; 36 ins, wide; white, pink, lavrn. dcr, roso, flcsl). - r.e Special LtUU Fancy Tie Silks Good wovqii pattern ullks, loomed especially for making men's ties; desirable colors and de signs; not reduced. Tie length. 1.50 - ok value J.0 Riyond Floor, All Blouses Reduced 25 Lovely Ones for Gifts Nothing could bo moro acceptable to a xvoman than u carefully se lected blouse. All our blouses are reduced 25 per cent. Just hosts of thorn excellent for 'gifts, some for business and suit wear, others for dressy occasions. All Sbits Half Price All Furs Half Price Third Floor Baby Shop Specials Cloth Dresses 4 to 0 Tears Little. Jack Tar dresses of flno sorgo in regula tion stylo trimmed wlUi white silk braid and em blems. Special at 8.95 Girls' Coats A Mmlted Number lAmbs' wool eiderdown, broadcloth and wool crops coats for children In whlto and light col ors. I-S Leas. Fourth Floor Ajl Real Linen Table Linens Reduced 20 AU Miulelm l'lccca 211 Ix All Cluny rircca 73-ln. Japanese lunch cloth fust colors; special 'A m i.oy lSx54-ln. lace trimmed rcarfa; special, 89c Vanvy Linen Tnmki at) Less All Flirt Vlccm u 20 re lAty-i q Colored bath towels In goob ' rjuality; special J)(; Center pieces, lace trimmed; aT.'l'.rA 1.75 Seasonable Staple Goods 33-in. 8orpontlno kimono crepo In pretty pat- QQ terns; yard OcC 27-In. fleeced flannelette for kimonos in many pretty pat- T.V. .'"f....... 39c 32-ln. sophyr rlnghams, In pretty plaid patterns; 4Qn tho yard xVv 32-ln. Imported shirting madras, beautiful 1 (?A patterns; yard X.uU Hrrond lloor AH "Universal" Electrical Appliances Reduced 20 In tho lUtemeot Store. sWvf -