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TULSA DAILY WORLD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1920 FuMUhtd llvofr Mnrtitn, InehMtn RiihiUr BY THE WORM) PUHLISJIING CO. Kntrd In Ih Tul I'natnfflt i Hroti.l rt Mlt Mr.MIIKIt OKAUi)IT lltlllBAH OK rtliri'bATtoN liHMlllCllH or Till! ASNOCIATKO lilKSH Th Atkccltlfd l-rms l nclmlvi-ly nUIIil In " for republication of nil iiw iiup.tcln cr.llld lo r not nthrln cinlllnl In lulu ipr nd lo jcml hwi puhllnhvri litrem. UJISCItU'TION llATKH. "lit MAIL I.N AtlVANUKI IIAII.V AND HtlNIMt. IN OKLAHOMA OUTHIDK OK OKLAHOMA On Tr II. oo on r J" Ml Month 1.00 Mil innlilh ...... ... Thr Mnnlht .:t -t Mouth UD.',Ji2i'!!,!JL!i n , , TTailt'onlt On Yr 11.09 On Tor ' Kit monihi 1.00 Nil tmint-i Thr Montbi ....... I. to I-r Munlh Oh Month 0 nDNDAV ONI-T On Trr , It.U On Tf ! Ml month I. tO Hl imiilth 'JitJ22J'!!i, " ''" l0llh 'Utysssda 117 CAHHIICIt IN OlITHIOr! 'XOWMH. IMII.T ANU Ht.'NIIAT . Tar Track ' It Month In A'Ivmio .'I! I'r ltr In Ailmio j y cAiutiiiii in tuThaThani si-iuno.i ank lt;il KOItK, DAIl.r ANI SUNDAY rr Wrrk l'r Monlli. In Advanc I'r Jjt. In A il v i in r i jj.&.l!. '-5; : rilONi: 1000 KOH ALL IlKI'AllTMIiM'IH llll'll'IAI, 0 I T V I'AI'K K ,. stnncn nttondnrit upon thu old customs, not only Impresses lint earns respectful confidence. It Is trim thtit tlin "Christ Candle" rustom Is being wliliOy tovlK'il, In Mime localities of re cent years scarcely a linrtm on Christmas uvo Imt hums tln criinlln In tlii! window. Wouldn't It Ik1 a film Irlliiitii to our Christian pretensions If Tnlmi, the ))rtri! of luxury iirul wealth, yet (i Chilstlnn Tulsa wltluil, should show In ltd very window Cliilstiuas cvn ii rnmlli tin) "Clnlnl I'lindlc," iu mi outward token of rrnpi'ct and love for tlin creut cnuno? Why not 7 Wo i.'ii'lnnd the front window wltli WM'iitliH mill Im IIii; why not hIno llnht Him C'liilxL Cundlo?" lt'H a lii-alillful trudllluu. Daily Biblical Quotation mrr.Miir.ii m, I will imiir my Hplrlt iipnn thy m'l'd, mid my l)Ioilnt; upon tlilno offnprlnK. mid tlny nhiill HprliiK up n nmniiR thu i;nm, u willow h by Ihu wiitcr-couiBt'K. Ihu, 44.3, 4. Tin- lloly Spirit miiHt rrvcul Thn Rivlor'H wnrlt mid worth; Then tliu hard hu.ut hi'Klnn to fori A niiw mid heuvenly Idrth. Ono iihiill my, I nm tho I.ord'M nnd miutlirr "hall cull hlinnHf by tho tiiunn of .lucob; mid anothnr hIiiiII HUbm:rlbc with hln Imnd unto tho Lord, anil Hurnatno lilniHcIf by tho natnn of luraid. lna. 44:S. TIIK I.MI'i:itIA!.IST Ol' Till'. WOlll.O A ogood nmny poopln flrKt mid hint huvo written Tho World to 'sprc:l their terct nt Iti untl-HnBllHh policy. Tho chiirKO that Tho World !s niitUUnnllMh hun novor been well founded. Nor In It. Tho World Iuih been, Ih. and will continue to be, Intcimfly pro-United HtUtCB. That oxprenncH ovcrythliiR. Hrrnuno of tlutt, and Iipciiuno of lln profound conviction Hint tho lOngllsh covornmcnt, an nlwayii, linn never criiHiid to prow ltn world-linpcrltillnin whorover ponnl ble, wo havo been In opponltlon to UiiBlnnd, There we ittand and tlmro wo alinll contiiitio to tand. Justified In our position, too, by tho current e.vcntn ot our Onto. Thcro la no gulnHaylns the fact tlutt Downing trevt litis to a very litinilllaltiiK extent wrapped Washington about I la for the past sev eral ycura. Wo have not only pulled Downing atrcct'a clicstnuta out of tho fire, but wo liavo walked Into baited Imps nnd been tho victims ot tho cheapest nnd tnottt tiuostlonablo prac tices at thn hand of tho KtiKllsh Imperialists. Thcso fuels oro coming to light with great rapidity thcso days. At least u. part ot our gov ernment already realises that England, in thu natno of a fine altruism, has steadily been tak ing advantage of the material Interests of America; and In tho cable hearings now bolng conducted at Washington Amorlcan nationalists are not hesitating to speak their sentiments nnd prefer their charges. If Germany committed crimes against our nationhood in tho things nho practlcod, nnd sho unquestionably did, what" In to bo said of Drltaln controlling the cableti nnd opening tho com munications of our nutlonnlH for tho purpose of taking advantage of them In buslncs transac tions with other nations? And what ot tho arbitrary tiso she Is mnlUni; of tho mandutory system under which despotic control was glvon her of vast stretches of tho earth's most productive stirfuce, largely, tut it again be said In shame, by tho supremo repre sentative of our own nation. H Is not surprising, thorofote, that an open 1 break lias at last occurred between American oil men and tho oil imperialists of thn llrltlsli aaplre. Tho wonder Is that tho opei. breaK liaa been so long delayed; a fact that U attrib utable only to tho lamentablo additional fact that our own foreign offlco has been the Im perialist's greatest ndvocato and aid. N mailer how pleasing It was to view thn cordiality existing between thu two countries for a time, It could never havo been oxpocted to continue, because it was constructed on tho menacing foundation of English hypocrisy and. Imperialistic intentions, which, in their realiza tion meant the subjugation of tho Unlled mates. From tho first England has viewed tho rapid rise of tho United States in commerco and fl nanco and world-lnflu'enco with the greatest Jealousy, and it has been tho novcr-lost-slght-of aim of her stutcsmcn to at nil costs regain her old-time hegemony of tho world. It Is Inuvllublo that Amcrlcnn-Bngllsh rela tions will boconm critical n It ii Intivltablo that o as ft people will ulwayn resent an insult and tofuso to bo dictated to by any nation. Thero no hostility to England in our attitude. Thuro !s nothing but In Interna-, burning prldo and confidence in our own nationhood mid our abil ity to defend It against Imperialistic aggression-) whether they como from the east or tho west. Tho utter, absolulo. Indefensible, hypocrisy of English Imperialism and her secret machina tions with tho imporlullbt of tho far east, con atltutea tho gravest menace to continued peace thcro Is In the world today. LIGHT THE "CHUIST CAM)I,K" Ono of tho most delightful traditions is that which holds that a lighted cundlo set In the window on Christmas evo will guide tho babo of Iicthlehem to your home. Superstition? Sentiment? 1'oeslbly. Hut most of our forms nnd religious conventions urn bullded on superstition nnd sentiment, Thero are worse things in tho world, too. Mera form and stage setting lias wonderful effect on all ot us. Tho august court which opens with thn Jus. Ucv-a In robca nnd all tho pomp und clrcum- mi: ntiMi: or I'ltori.icACY I'littftwtry In thn expenditure of the moniy exit' Imt f i inn tho peopln for thu conduct of gov ernment Is thu greatest I'ltniu of tho day. Ami In Olilulinma at least thn namo of edurntlou has Ik en until to perpetuate this crime to ii de gree positively mnar.lng. Tlii' World hopes In u short lime (o net beforu the people of thn state thu official figures ill Just what has been done, mid what Is contem plated In this lespect. Pur Instance, think or this stute expending 1S7.00H to gindiiiilo 10 pupils! That Is but ono ease. Thn cause of education tins been al most discredited by pork-barrel Icglslatum, poil-l,nrrel politicians and pork-barrel towns. A splendid Idea has been seized on to cloak tho giafter mid tho corrupllonlst. Thu peoplo havo not been benefited In their latld.lldfl de. slio lo placo education within tho easy reach ot their children. (Julio the contrary. Their sub stantial Inleiests aro now threatened by a sys tem of ntatc-luHtltutlon-i.ontrollcd legislators who almost dominate tho legislature. If a halt Is ever to be culled It must lie called now, Tho statu hospital matter Is another caso directly In point, A splendid theory and senti ment lm been seized on to do scrvlco for thu cm ruptlonlsts and pork-barrel statesmen. Wo do not think It will succeed. Wo know that It should not. I 'or tho plan fulls utterly lo do what It Is being offered for thn speedy umel lorntlon of tho sick and disabled ex-sorvlcn men. Already physicians with experience in thn Into war, and leaders who understand tho con ditions to lie met, are cnijdmnnlng It unspar ingly, and thcro Is a substantial movement on among tho ex-servlcn men themselves to havo tho efforts of their organization wisely directed to where relief can bn expected .to como from. T'ho theory of state constructed hospitals, to bo leased and opnrntcd by tho federal govern ment, has been completely exploded. It Man Uttorly failed. As an ex-offlccr of tho medical corps In I ho Into war wrote The World, congress Is thu place to get Immcdluto relief for the sick and suffering ex-servlco men. Tho legislature which convenes in Junuury could not do better than create a hoard com posed of ablo men free from all partisan taint for thn purpose ot making mi Impartial survey of the so-called stuto Institutions with recom mendation to tho next session regarding con-i-oll-Jallor.s,'entri and general improve ments. Such a board would need to bo abovo reproach In personnel commanding tho pub lic confldonco that It would bo guided only, by tho Just Interests of thu public and In no In Btunco Influenced by locul sentlmonl. In tho meantime, 'thn legislature should re frain from making a single building appropria tion, contenting itsolt with appropriating only funds sufficient for mulutetianco needs. And In other Instances It should abolish with a ruth less hand. Oklahoma has Just us much use 'for ft flro marshal as It has for another housn In tho legislature. It has Just as much use for nn Insuranco board. And various other and useless dcpnrfWntn and Institutions. Thero Is not a successful business man in the state that, given tho tusk of putting the statn on a sound business basis, would not flrBt of all ruthlessly abolish and consolidate stato In stitutions, boards, commissions nnd depart ments. And vastly Improve thn efficiency of government thereby. Sooner or later this will bo done. If needs bo It will como through thu Initiative powers ot Hi--peopln, mid when latinchd In that manner. If It finally Is, will sweep the stato from end to end. Hut it would bn much more fitting for this legislature, fresh from tho peoplo and chastened, regardless of imrtlsanlsm, to seek diligently to crystollzn Into legislation those things which every member knows tho peoplo want anil deserve. Tho stato Is full of peoplo perfectly willing lo Incur thn danger of being classed ns enemies of education and tho ex. soldiers In older to protect tho fair mid Just Interests of the entire slate. THE PEST. (Copyright, lOSO. by Edpir A. Ouest.) Think not that I would play thu Judge Nor dictatorial be; I would not for some ancient grdugn Demand a cruel fen. I'll let my neighbor go his way And plnd along on mine, And let him have his little soy And live to his dcsUu; Hut I would set that man apart And strew his way with stones Who, shaking hands, believes It smart Almost to crush my bones. I know It takrs all sorts of men This world to populate, And as I meet them, now nnd then, Hut very few I hale. 1 understand wo cannot be Alike t tastes and Wows, Nor can wn nil of us agree On politics or booze; Hut I would banish froiu the land, Out of the tcmperato zoneH, The Idiot who takes my hand And tries to crush the bones, There's some excuso for freakish dress, For boastful men and proud; Though they dlctiirh nie, moro or less, I can ahldn thu loud. Nor would I hero condemn the man Who stoops to foolish things, l or folly, under nature's plan, Has oven ruined kings; Hut I detest the man who stands n.iAml m,u'Kl;,, t my groans. Thinking It's eutn while shaking hands Almost to crush my bones. Oklahoma OulburntR II? otla lirlnn. Mtiskngen finally bent us to It, Hhu hui hail her gas ruin hiked 10 cents. Tim 'ilieriiloiis old Dallas News wants lo know when Is thn closed season for open-work styles. .terry Hand says mi Okmulgee mother has or dered her son from thu housn hurmisu ho wanted to bandoline his hair. I roin a reading of tho Headlight, wn Judgn that Carmen, Oklahoma, Is fairly successful in Its efforts lo live up to its nume, fill. Spurrier is going to locale a buffalo n." . 1 ., tM" ""'"kins of Plan-morn to aid anH uliet nullum water as a moving power. ,i ,w.ny cul t,,(' r,ml "r Christmas, suggests the ( hlckitsha Expiemi, Is tu pasa on tho present you received last year provided, of course, It In perfectly Useless. The girl on Sonlh Main says there Is nothing t that mistletoe dope. Hho has had a hunch nom lt,'1' " W,'''k "ot,ll,"f itllhl.'Sh "'I '"7i"' Neptune devoted ha b m. "i th." '""imlilH. but It Heon.s it I "ii rH.'.' ",0'1,1V"'K with tin, postal funds at H.irllesvlllu m.d lost bis Job s postmaster. Hr!aiiwBl,ll,ilri''"1. ,M !lrlH thn nristi.w Itecord, Is dun to the efforts of a lot res,sls;:,.i,,r:,:n11rr'i(, r'snnn ,ho Uni1-" h this another o' V those ' &r,,HI,,,y' scoops! 'iiosn united Press What wo have all known as n fact has now been Judicially decree,! ,y t. Unite Htates V'lr ha;; .i,n o from Japanese gunboa'is is" now ' Among the funny things which encumber this irr .2!"ll'lnfir,'in''n ,W" l'""k lho' "ru "''""lutely d ! ' ,'r, ,C,'l?lm ' "'"'K'rJ Personal ,1?,' "'versatli,nal iiccompllshmentH or lit erary attainments, and they ill ride o u f" "?"'V'r.. ;, ,."U'r', Tll "'" who rellei on 1 Is "looks" finds himself laughed at; the t a kln man Is culled a and literary gent li ih It slipped o him that hn can't oven "write , n"i pmtmel,;. ""v""t for tho Jlusslfied",'.": Barometer of Public Opinion KVKHYHnnv me tifv tv. . listen t MC,IUr,lU0" trnv' "" train nn.I nee" wh , n,en!n'."C.",H fr0,n ,',"l"(;0 "c.,ualnt. ,.,.,. ? t ",cot '"'tween stations. Wo heard Snoro,!rrt;e,kc'KH!;;mYuo,:,u r "uy tho railroads' ?oy v"u 0 cal!,UnraHV'0",,i ,of re" law," remnrl e.l ,vL, 1 "S.? to ',a'", ""Ol about tips collected by some of th wn "tor "hi e-,,",t,!'HMH? H;,,,, ,a K ,l" h other morn lug; '1 paid 05 cents for oatmeal cakes and cof- dollar" '" W",Cr ,00k wl,ut w '"ft of a logr'w I?n I"''''V'V PHOCICSSES. ...,i "lustraiioii of two ay of ;5 V'Vf . ,nck norl'"11 '"ondltlons. Speaking sii, l,fl ?,'V p,,,no:! 0,It hu '""idkercl le a a 1 owl o 1 i'T 1 ',"P ,hls handkerchief In ft bow I ot water and hang It on a lino to dry How long would It tako for nnti.r", through atmospheric action, to atworb all tho molwturo from It7" Hn unsweied his own iiuestlnu by es timating frum four to eight bourn. "Hut sup pose." hn continued, "after dipping this hand kerchief In u bowl of water, 1 put It through u wringer and then hang It on a lino lo dry. How long will It take to get all thu water oul?" And again ho answered his own query by estimat ing ono or two hours ns thu necessary tlnm. I hen ,n Inquired ns to which was hettcr to apply tl... wringer ns ho had to Kt the water out of business within a year or mi and then start on thn road to recovery, or let the nrjiiin process go on over lour to six or seven years with business depression moro or less e. tioim throughout that time. Thero Is u good deal of discussion In these days nnd much udvlce us to thu wisdom of charging Off losses und meeting deflation as promptly us it occurs. .Souin of this udIcn Is timely and wise, and et it is easy to sen how too rapid a process of deflation might result In hurm. The wringer may bn a useful Implement In sotno particular cases, It might not bu so lionet Iclal In others. It Is of course u regrettable, but nevertheless Inevitable fiuU that values are falling below those icprrsented by war-time tirlces and busi ness must recognize the necessity of readjust ment of prices tu coincide with deflated values. Thero Is, however, no occasion In this for de ptessloti or discouragement or alarm. Condi tions in tho country ns a whole aro exceedingly favorablu for meeting this price readjustment Wo have In our possession one of tho largest crops of ull food products In our history. Its movement to market by tho railroads has been relieved of tho congestion which embarrassed ull trntflo a year ago; our financial system Is sound, wo have, or ought to have, accumulated earnings und prufttH of years of gio.U business activity; tho uncertainties of the election have passed and there Is promlso of the adaption of wise business policies; Industrial difficulties are comparatively few nnd altogether the situation Is favorable for meeting thn necessary deflation which must bo accomplished before iv now and permanent advance, can bo expected. It Is only a question of whether wo shall per mit this process to drag over u longer period than necessary or whether wo shall, by too tight mi adjustment of tho wringer, pieclpituto dif ficulties which moro moderate prices might avoid, This is thn problem to which business must uddrcss Itself with ru.Mge. and resolution within the coming months. Minneapolis Ttib- THE CHANGING WORLD (CoprrUhlt 1924 : T Clfc Trllmn.! Cilristmat s onttf about n TUech aw a tif lioormjltooimfHoormj CHRISTMAS IS ONLY j; ASSIIT A WUK AWAY ! I I NiMRYf MUMwHUIRY! j When H. Wa m y. Attn Hm Cru Up. The Promoter's Wife By JANE PHELPS -L. Told at Oklahoma City CHAl'TElt 1.XX1V. A Confidential Coincrxullnii. Whon I asked Mr. Frederick what hu thought of Hlancho Orton my heart seemed to almost stop beating so anxiously did I await his reply. Would ho think that she und Nell? "Mrs. Orton Is hard up. Sho Is tho kind of women wo sen occasion ally In tho west," hu Interrupted my thoughts. "Sho U hard ns nails, too clover to be wicked, knowing sho is not, caring nothing what people say at leust I Judgu sho docs not." "No, sho never did Even when Mr. Orton was-ullve. Hut then peo plo simply smiled at her actions; imw they talk." "I see; VI know very little ot so ciety folks. I know a good woman when I sco her, nnd nn honest man. I know, too, a clover woman llko this Mrs. )rton. How long have your husbnnd and his friends been going thero?" "A long time nearly six or eight months. Ever since 1 refused to en tertain those men hero. I did wrong, didn't 1?" "That's n question I can't answer. You certainly could not entertain that bunch at Mrs. Orion's bust night. Whether you could havo pre vented Forbes from getting mixed ui with some of them If you had allowed a few llko Scott to como here, 1 don't know. 1 doubt It how ever. And It Is too late lo think of that. 1 would rather losn every dol lar I have In the world than see you making free with those peoplo 1 was with last night." "You urn so good to me, X don't seo why?" 1 murmured, ull tho time knowing why that ho cared for me. Then before ho could answer my tactics question I usked another: "How can Blanche Orton endure them? Sho is educated, accom plished, dainty. As I spoke I re membered what she hud said about resting so she would bo nt her best when sho was going to bo bored. "if shu wusu't ull those, .things she wouldn't bo tho kind of u woman who could help In promoting. Add to what you havo said, cleverness, need of money, lovo of luxury, and you hnve tho typical women nld to any promoter." "Taen you think that" "That you havo causo to fear her?" reading my thoughts uncan nily. "I do not think so not In tho way you mean. She Is fascinating and very beautiful: Hut a man with a w'.fo like you would hardly allow himself to bu duped by a woman of her typo. Thon too when men and women aro In any sort of business deals, cither honest or dishonest, they seldom huvu love affairs also. They don't go together. 1 would not Abe Martin Coop BY 1 ti -flltnK "What gets mo is how a clerk that bus never seen you kin alius manage t' nil your wlfo a night shirt ex actly four sizes too big for you," said Uifu Hud t' day. It's Jest about got so It's a natural dt-at'i t' get killed on Sunday. worry about that phase of tho mat tor If I wcro you." I was so relieved I sighed nudlbly. This man's pluln common sense view of tho matter had taken away tho Jealousy I felt at least for tho pres ent. "Then you think what Mr. Powers, nnd others said Is truu? That Nell. Mr. Forbes Is not quite honest?" My face burned as I put thu question, yet I must know. "I tint afraid that all his schemes won't stand daylight as I said. He can't bo entirely Ignornnt of the fact, as he is tho brains of alt the things ho goc Into. Thero nro usu unity three or four types In all pro moting outfits. Tho society man. or the man with education and appear ance, the bluff common man whoso very bluffness causos confidence, the politician often, and either some woman llko this Mrs. Orton, or an other man who Is equally clever at entertaining. Winn nnd women sometimes play 'a big part If tho deal la crooked." "Do they blamo Nell for being so I was going to say generous, but Instead I changed to 'extravagant'? For this?" I gestured to Include house everything. "Yes. They say ho uses other peo ple's money to live as you do, In stead of trying to mako them the profits ho promises. I am sorry. Hut 1 must tell you tho truth." "No wonder Lorralno und you also dlscourugcd my social pluns." "You are young, Just put them off a while, I must go now. 1 shall bo In town a few duys. I am going to talk with your husband llko u Dutch uncle, ns wo say. Then I will tell you of a plan I have." "You aro tho only real friend I havo in tho world!" I said impul sively, giving him both my hands. Ho drew mo to him, kissed mo once on my forehnd, ns hu might have kissed n child, then left without un qthor word. Tomorrow Sad. Dlsturblns ThouglitH Follow. The Horoscope "Th tar Incline, but do not compl." TucMlay, DisvinU-r SI. iOiO. (Cpyt. IS!0 by McCiuro Nwpopr 8yn.) This should bo a fortunate day, according to astrology. Tho Sun and Prnnus rule strongly for good. Under this planetary government tho spirit of Christmas should bo tvidont In business as well as in social life. Tho Sun gives evidence of tin usuat generosity on tho part of em ployers, for tho rule imparts sym pathy and understanding. For thoso who desire to solicit promotions or now positions for tho now year, tho sway ot tho stars is most auspicious. "With tho great luminary friendly nnd Uranus in bciiefic uspect, peace and good will should bo prevalent. Prunus Is in u placn supposed to assuro tho mental vision that aids all human endeavors. Lovo affairs should prosper under the kindly influenco of this day, which seems to foreshadow happi ness and long life. Itom'aiici- under this direction of thn stars belongs moro to tho In tellectual or spiritual realm than to any other, und for this reason, It is held will bo enduring. There is n sign read as promising for Ireland, but Its hopo carries with it somo unexpected troublo for tho king of England. Mexico is subject to a sway mak ing for speculation, excitement and many difficulties In which Amer icans will be involved, Tho seera behold afar serious troublo for this country and they even forecast military and naval movements, for they declaro that tho nation did not learn Its real war lesson. Aviation is splendidly aspectcd today and all the signs point to ex traordinary development in 1021. Persons whoso blrthdato It is havo the augury of a removal or a long Journy. They should be care ful of both health and money. Children born on this day may bo ambitious and unsettled, but they will succeed best as employes and should bo taught tho best busi ness methods. Arrival of Senator Joo Fleming, democrat, of Poteau, and tho an nounced nntl-Kohcrtson democratic candidate for president pro-temporo or the senate, was ono or tho fea tures. "1 nm a cnndldato for presi dent pro-tomporo ot tho senate," said Fleming, "and it goes without saying that I am for retrenchment in stnto expenditures, und for good government. It is unnecessary to add that aiy candidacy docs not meet with (lovernor Robertson s ap proval, for ho can not understand such. Ideas of government. "I nm aware of tho fact that If I enter tho democratic senatorial caucus the governor will control It and have me hound and gagged, but there Is no law to force mo Into that caucus nnd nt this time it ap pears to bo Biy duty to absent my self. If convinced to the contrary, I shall chnngo my course. I left all hopo of being nn acceptable can didate to tho International socialist forces when 1 supported Harding nnd llarrcld last fall, but I am a democrat and will ask democratic support, (lovernor Ilobcrtson has two candidates ror president pro temporo Dob Wallace nnd Tom Simpson, both nlco gentlemen nnd cither of them will suit tho gov ernor. I nm rather proud of tho fact that tho governor does not llko my idcuH of government. In my country the governor s ornciai rating Is poor Indeed, und, If possible, It will crow even poorer."' Senator Fleming's attitude Is tho talk of Hjo capital city political gos... sipers. it is Known mai seven oiuer democratic members of tho senate aro arrayed with him against the governor's legislative policies, but It Is not believed that all of them will havo tho cournge to remain out of tho democratic caucus. Five demo cratlo senators supporting Fleming would land tho place, ns tho seven teen republicans, recognizing they con not organize thn senate, would prefer to follow ji leader who had defied tho opposition party caucus, Then, too, Fleming led tho revolt in southeastern Oklahoma against For rls nnd Cox. and his independent at tltudo prior to that time has won him statewide recognition. Different In Men nl i i.i. "This talk of democrats getting toiiothor." said Senator Tom Anglln of Holdenvllle nnd n democratic stato administration leader, "Is ovi dently meant to have them dwell to irether In ncace nnil amity and I eoV talnly hopo that such a happy condi tion will soon overtake Oklahoma democrats. However, they got to gether August a Inst, and those who nought to untangln them met with The Young Lady Across the Way About Town and in Hotel Lobbies Everett P. M.n,l fn...i.. torncy of tho Scnrrlt, June 2mA1: and North firm of Kansas nty ! ,nw nnnlntt.,t tulth ,1... .-. J- on'l Morns ronitmnv nr t,,i, . u- o.n h-iiv p h, V""."0K' of Tulsa within the T, .ait few ....... ..w. -....,. ,., . ,nK enough In know- many of thu details of th. trouble here. Hut we ,avu 1 V,', somo such trouble In Kansas city Thn lawyers there are making . (m1u nf Mm nmnnu .. . these sporadic outbursts from th! standpoint of thn court, Satunii. Jtlilcn llarrv rilonn ..t i. r"1' pal court of Chicago spoku befari . .'rouii.MiQP, 01 1 1.,: u" l"o respond, lillltv nf tlin nmifla l .. . ,s' that tho courts urn ablo to help in". I,, i.iv.r iuru oi mental and physical defectives." 4 TV If. Vrultini. -.i. . - - i urn sa m. man of tho southwestern territory Is qulto optimistic as to general tan. Hon of tho nation. "Wo have founl a great dcul of ( depris.Mon In th! --i.iiiii .inn nrpi, in, H,im m IL, inirntirii nnini Mntni , iii.,.i ... find llttlo cause, for It' here. Tulij avniMn lu nil lip UUI n-gOtlg Wh plenty of money for everything in Waco, Texas, thn cltlonj, cnrciur. aged by the city officials mid th. Southern Traveling .Men's asocl. tlon, hnvo started a campaign. nt - " mure optimistic turn of mind on the n.irt nt nil i it.. -.. Stickers nnd placards with ln, words "Ho Optimistic" nrn muck on all public buildings, hotels anl schools. It has changed the atti tude of tho entire population. Thlnti f. nn uuuiir,, aiiu me rcaHon In fiHvrholni?lrii I nnn afraid of everybody else. Sow the got together and smile." ' Bennie'8 Notebook Mr. Parkins earno to sen mv irit Oladdls ycstldday, coming so erly hu hub iiuur lor suppir, DClnf stuffed veel, and I was out ln tin kltchln smelling tho dlffrcnt smMI; and (Iladdis came In, saying, vj Nora la everything nil rite? I Wy ahouldent it? sed Nora, ana Oladdis sed to me, Now llonny try to behavu yoursolf at mipplr so Mr Parkins will think you'ru a sivlllztj human being and for goodness sake remember to say filling and not stuffing, and sauce, not gravey. ony cannlbllls say stuffing and gravey. Will you give me a nickel if I do? I sed. 0 I sippose so, sed Gladdls, and I sod, Will you glvn mo a dlmo? 1 will not, sed Oladdis, und I zed, Well III say filling for a nickel biri 1 wont tay sauce, I charge, a nick) a wcrd. I never saw sutch a profiteer In my life, sed Oladdis. Mooning me, and prltty soon suit plr was reddy und everybody went In and sat down lscloodlng Mr. Par kins, and ma started to put thing on tho dlffrcnt plates und I id. Wen you get to my tern ma give me plenty of filling an sauce. Do you meen stuffing und gravey' sed Mr, P.arklns, things must be In iv prltty bad way wen boys start to say filling and sauco for stufflns nnd gravey, I consider atufflr.g and gravey 2 of tho noblest wcrds In tho lnngwldgc. So do I, Mr. Parkins, nod Oladdis, I lovo old fashion homely words, me saying. Well then O. Oladdis. gosh, wat tho heck, nnd Oladdis quick sed, That will do ffum you, dont inter rupt, speck wen you're spoken to. Mo thinking. Well holey smoakn III bo darned wats you know about that. Proving tho more you try to please pceplo tho more you dont. part of those who did tho gcttlnj together." Moro. Uko Old Times. "Republlcun meetings nowadays rnrnind me of tho old times," said Halley Springs, republican commit teeman from Choctaw county and who always officiated as thu Kiaml tla county representative In the Indlnn Territory days. "For several years It required a warrant to S'J enough republicans together to. at tend to the official duty of keeflns tho party together. Since the b vembcr election republicans hae been attending everything, and I n sorry to say thero are thoso already anxious to havo two or threo repub lican parties. Wo have hard enoufn time keeping ono to thn front and havo to get a lot of help from dem ocrats now to win." . Springs Is a Choctaw nnd his mind very evidently hnrks back to the eld days when tho Washington depart mental rulo was thn only r.iy ol light to political dwellers ln tn Indian country. Tho young lady ucross tho way says tho sum ot tho squares of the two sides of a right-angle' triangle Is equal to tho square of tho hypothesis. Mullen Is Itcturnod. "Theso republicans." said Van Mal lei!, former mayor of Ardmore, mil lionaire oil man nnd democrat, re mind mo of an old negro who useo to live on father's place. Ho?" n.. - i. .11,1 imt liave unuuiiy nu iuui nu -- enough to eat, and when properuj showered down on mm, no .p...."--over how tho food was to bo prr .... . ....,. .... i.. item pnrcil. TI10 repuoiicana ii"'" - , starved for official pie, and now W prospects are gnort tor a im"; hud to stuge u little setto with theni solves over who Is to servo tho n" and eggs." Cafi JLb uCs, Cedar 1223, xCtnto fit