Newspaper Page Text
if m4 I "A il V8 3 TULSA DAILY WORLD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 192J WRECK VICTIMS DASHEDTO DEATH Passengers of Ill-Fatod Ship Tossed on Rocks by Breakers GRAPHIC STORY TOLD One Survivor TuIIm of Flghta Anions Drowning for Vnnt jiko Points on Kocka COItt'NNA. Hpntri, Jan. 6.--Mont nf the (10 (iilcl persons removed from the urri'k of thit Hpulilsh stunner Kanta Isibrl. which went iiifround iniir Vlllu tlnrcla n.uly Hund.iy with tlm loss nf 214 llvn, wrn Hllll In kiicIi u vitnllt Idji of oxhaUMIon t hut thrv wein iimuIiIm today to supply detail of (tin shlpwronk or their t perlrni es iifli-ruuril. Tlm most :ripi'' imrratUn n kIvimi liy I'lirimniloz lliirtrnm of A r rlul i, who, tillhuuith ho win uriatiln to thrnw juiv new llKlit on tho clriumstanrr lendlnfr to tlm disaster, ilrn n ntrll - mk iilctlirn of t )ii dcsperrita HtriiK :lc for life hy thu pnonKers anil rew thrown Into the him bv th waves after tlm vcsel rrimhcii. In ri vntN unlil hit found himself In tin- water hclriB toiwMl about hy terrlflo breakers In pilch darkness. .Many of thnnu who winl overboard wen, klllml, Ihi wihl, hy IicIhk liuiled iiKalnst (he rooky shorn whlln vainly trying (n iihtnin u foothold nM ti,,, i Mlppery seterovcreil stones, other were iil,1., in iffMNn ..c.i. .!,. i Ji'ihl on, n.hitUsli'd urn half covered with Icy water, In Nomij cases several peraonn tried to selr.ii thi' ".nun projection, a striiRa j-'lc for llfn rimulliK 111 which the weaker swlmmcm succumbed, slip, ped away unit drowned, Tho cries of the women ami children roiihl h lirnrd on nil sides for noiim time. It.iirerii said, hut oiiu liy onit I Jin MrUKKllnjr victims Were, silenced by the waves. Many of those who were, rescued arn In such u wcuk stain nml suf fcrlnfr no severely from exposure that the physicians fear ileiitli from pneumonia will bu numerous umoiii. them. Wire Flashes j OMAHA, Nab . .111 I -Kvary rnnitiie I tnr an.l innlnrr ,in on lha (,,.al,. ' Hurt oarrylna a kuii .lu r. l'r. ii. .ri In arm hinlrn vi mvnn Hip iirrl i n,i.ii M.,r k.i, in, in mi i ftfiirl lo i wit. l, roonl fi.lilmilo of ialretl iur mi l,rl', V .MHIINiiTONi'litn,' I ILfutilpB ntit ImrrntpiiiPni n.rtlnn mnauritlinc lo i..ny iMiillniia (,f ..a iillinrl(. ! lo.tjy hy Hi). Inlriaidte rniniiiprei. run j IrUdlnti Ilin Ilallliniirp nml Cihlu h. I N Voih Cuiirnl fMllfnail iiil llinir 1 aUl.alillarlPH. '! .'Wy Al'liiwo Willi Oiimiln. WAHIIINdTO.V. Jan. 5. -Thn united HI Men turn no plan for imviil Hlllniu'e with Ciiniiihi on the J'aelfle, Mrcrelnry of the Nuvy Dan lelH atnlml loilMy. HrportN tlirrent In J.omluti Jiavn Ntnteil that a newly crouled Canuillnn navy In to co operate with thn United Hlntm rmvy In the J'anlflo. ualnu Ameilcun nnvnl dmck Thrso uro entirely unfound ed, flveretary Danlela nam touay. Plh Cun-rt In u H lui lJriiKirteta refund money If J'AZO OtNTMUNT follH to euro Ilchlnn, Jillnd, tiioedliifr or I'rolrudlnu I'llea. InHtontly rnllovun Itchlnu I'llon, nml you can net reful oloop flrRt uppllcatlon. 60c. Advt. UN ANT'lNIII. t.iaa. Jan. t Tlio . K''ininanl Ina Juki plaiM k n ' on1r fnr m.nnti inarhliia auna- ianlil if tlllhii 0H ahnla par inlnulx ilalKH". I lr an llalMii Invaiitnr. mciif.lliir in l.u i .Tii.fl. ifinai Aipii. an liaavipa liap liar. loilajr Tha flral i.ntr for looon tuna wlilrli vara illairilmU.) nmuiiK llm IMicpa aiul i'invt.1 aallrfai lnr'. IV(HT WOIITII Talaa, .latl I Th llua nf liallnlia ill'ln'l lialrv In aalila tlila raaa .tatni-a llHlre. a niai.iaMt. I.nrn In Kian.a. a.lmlllr.l in Ihp .luifl. I C'lillrt hara tn.Uv llial lia alma a ma nf ama frnm a. i.awro arnl aniil iham In a Clilnaaa raiaiiratii ktipfr Ha wm nlvan (wo ypara M!W VOIIK, Jan I. A lima anniii, Mla Anna ItanrlfH lltaat aallar In a anhway IMilli at I Iftll avantla ali.1 f'lflv rilnlli alraat. thla mninliiif fniatrntii.t an alll'innla.l rnl.laiw li n lihartllt.l mull ami fnutlit with him until tint i .rrlva.l ami ia waa ariat.t rotiT wnittif friii. .tan. . Tn l.aianna wpra t.tirna.l In rlatlh In a flrr which (taatfoail Ilia l.nna HI a, r liolrl at tiar.taniiina. an nil tnwn In llaatlan.t pinitity tlila iMijrnlnK 'Ilia vlrtltna ara lra, llulrli ami liar iHnrli Ur. Tliay warn tnaitit,ra nf u vamlrirHIa rnintaiiy Tnlr lxliaa war racnvara'l. Tlia lo... la (15,001. HT I H'lH, Jan It - Tha llav lf.iar C Itatiiiayplnna. it nraru. In an alli'"'t wrlltan pr.nfaaalnn i Iinllra n,av at inllla.t tia an.t Ina wifa Itait iotannit ait.t hrairri n rtaalh Wanlal llataa, lila wfa' fnrinar limtaml, at Vlnlla, Okla , laat AliKlat, f.w aiMlaint anl Hiraa f,ubllraii ai.ler turn I 'lfHONVII,t.n,T"iaa Jan S Tha rarmaia (luaranly Alain bank nf Jata ,nllln a fluaa.1 yaaUritay l.y ul.lar it Ilia alala tianklna- onrninHalonr. Thn riaa.m w i,ni mailt imhlln hara 1h InaiitiiHnn, a in-lnhar nf tha alala guar r fuml, waa ca,llllr .1 at ln 0'i ami , nan uaiaiia in api.rmlinataiy 1119, 090. I l,AV((liN( i:. Via. a . jail I -lltlalalira in any aim ml that may ha mailt hy ina .iiriancaii woman rnini.any waa rnra taat linlay In a I el I r aant to William 11 Wnnil, t.raalitaiit nf tha rntniiany. hy lha t.awranra Onltal rnum il nf tlm AiualnamaUil T a lila Wnrkaia nf A mat lit. v I.IINIiiiN Jan t ilarmany la afaln ' irir,tiiana,i wiwi ananaiva tauway an.l in lualiial alnkti, airunlinn In an arhahJ0 iiiiiranii niapaun irnin liarlln inlay A inajurlty of tha (larinan railway man hava vula.l III favor of itllkr, laya Ilia inaaiaga. NKW TdllK, Jn. t The lilal ll'i nor ralil In thla liy alma Ilia Vol'l'ail ait want Inio afftet waa I'.iUy wntn izb'i.oun worm ur il mr waa aaiia.i l.y ft.laral agrnla at lha wholaaala aatah. Iiahmnni nf Mnr llfOlliv on Inwar Thlnl at'liua WIIHKVICI'dltT, l.u. Jan. IWI,M railtail hy lhf aiplnrlnri nf a toy itlatnl whirli Imrnail lilm In lha mtnjth it'iriiir a ("hrlUn rata ijr al Inn h raii. tha laalli of 1'atrUk Maianyar. -r"r.ulit ann or Mr, II, ll Maanyar, at ( ulnpll, nAVUNI'OIlT lil'a, Jan I Or. (' 1. Ilarwalil, maynr of IwvanroM, alarlart mi Ilia analilfat llattat a yaar hid, la mi loimar a anrlnllal Ha haa nnni.iinra.l hla raalanallon frnm llm party I'maly litrtl laauaa rnmiai Hi" maynr tn lva ha party, with him In lha cnuncll art I'uti'iilM (Iraiitnl. Htaff f'nrrcapomlf WAHIIINOTON. jnti. t Thfl fill lowing inifntn lmv lieon afrnnied to (Jkliilinnuna, thn tninmlnalotii'r ot li.'lll lilt, lllltllllllli'i'ii- f'.irl II lulu. k"ii, IturU'HIII", motor eliiinliiK do vice; l.iir li, Ivhi, Tiilm, wrenili, WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thoun.imlH of women hiivn lildney nml hlndder triiuhlo and tmvrr um pect It, U'oini'iiV ((iinpliilntH often provi t lie nothliiK elan lint klilnny trnuliln, or thn rwult of lldnoy or Ijluddur illeiiHe If the klllllKVa urn nnl I., r. I,,,,, 1. 1,.. onilltlun, they may raiiNo thu otiiai oriruilH to liecnmu dlneannd. I'mIii In the back, headache, hmn of aintilltori, tiervoimni'iM, uro orien ilmi'H Kymptoma of kidney tntibln. Don't delay ntartlnif treatment, I'r. Kllmur'n Kwamp-ltoot, a jihynl cIiwi'm prcHcrlpflon, ohtnlned nl nn drUK atom, m.iy hn Jtmt tho rumd tiei'diid to overcome, uttch cotnll tlonri. (let a medium or lare Mile bottle Immndliitely from anv drtlir Htnro. However, If you wlh to teiil thin Krcut iirepuratlon Bend ten cunt lo Dr. Kilmer A: Co., llliiuliuinpton, N V,, for u Namplu bottle. Wliep wrllliiB bo niiro and mention thin paper. Advt. AT ITS BEST The strongest com I pliment ever paid to LTr i I is the vain attempts at imitation. Thm - who take cod-liver Its oil at its best, take V ocott's EmuUion aWwaa, BlotWUU. R J. I The Inspiration for a Great Novel In the January number which you can buy to i Jay: Meredith Nichol son, Edgar A. Guest, Peter B. Kyne, Ben Ames Williams, Frank R. Adams. Elinor Glyn, E. Phillips OftPenhrim, Thomas Burke, Ida M Evans, William Mac Hart, Dr. Woods Hut chinson, Arthur Somers Roche, Edwin Balmtr and P. G. Wodehouse. TOWAnD sunset of n California eveninR, Peter H. Kyne and Ino man ever had a better com-' panion than Peter 1). Kyne drove up to one of i e P'ctwrcsque old mUilon In louthem Callfor-n001-" nnd sandaled padre welcomed un. Wo strolled into the. churchyard just as the even. inK hells were tolling. We vcro studylnB the old Spanish names on the gravestones and tnmlnj; on the California that was when wc came upon one stone that startled us to attention. Sacred to the Memory of j Patrick O 'Rtilly of County Cork ' The dates on the headstone went back two en. rations. I turned to Peter. jWhat under the sun do you suppose led Patrick cht."V' nty Cork' ,nto t,"s sPnth settle- Wlth that wonderful Irish smile of his, he answered: ' ' W!?Ri 'fa9 nn IrJhman anywhere? 'Twas a pair of llashinK black eyes, tt) be sure." 1 le and I have tnlkcd about the Bravestone'a num ber ot times since; it fascinated both of us. rinally. early this spring while we were after trout in the northern part ot California, it ave Pcler Kyne the inspiration for the best novel he has written. It's a novel which has to do with the days of the old ranchos, the days of guitars in the moonliijht, he days of beautiful Spanish women, and men ual' ?nV?niir ivc i.A,"? " ha? U do very vitally with the Ca iforn la of today, and with a California ques tion which is so Inr.reachinK that it affects cverv man, woman and child In the United States. The novel begins in the January issue of Comuo rolitan. I want every reader of CsmoPolitan to Ih-v! n at the benmninvj, because, in the cour.cofonc ot tho most retnarUably fine lovc-storlcs I ever read, l .tave learned more about one part of my country than I could have from any other source. KAY LONG, EJit,r , Cin..,,M "America's Greatest Magazine smopolit wtt a 0n Sr, at A!l Nw Stands TULSA NEWS COMPANY tan mini i ii ALUMNAE OFFICIAL COMING, Mr. .. . I'arrMi. .Vatlmml Aiela.! Hllll lu-IVif.. Ilin- for Mi'ctliiK, I Mra. .1 t I'nrrNh of Vandall.i.i Mo vlee-ihaltmnn of tho miuth weip,n filnirdt of the National A roelullon of f'ollrKn Alumnae, will arranuc, If po-nllilr, to intend thn reiiilar meeiir)K of tht TuIm branch January 21, a., , onlliiK to word re tieivud hy Mrn. fleorKr .M ItunHom, ! ex-priil(letit. Mm. I'arrlnh ntated 1 that film wlMhi'il to confer with the Tulaa eolli'trlatii iilninnut In irnnrdi lo eMabll.hment of additional chap. teia(ln (ikluhoma and of a atutowldu 1 oinaiil.ation. , The Tulaa thnpter la In IIh third' ve-ir nml wax the flrat In tho alute. Thtotuth Itif offorta, n chapter w'na iiryiinizcii in .Mi nn un In Uerptntier, Should A Husband forgive his wife for denying hi m the child his heart craves? Announcing New Location We Are Now Located 'in Our New Home at w' 14 East Sixth St. YOU tO a. a, Where we are now pre VMt Uh pared to serve your floral In Our ttn decoration needs most advantageously. New Location , Mrs. DeHaven's Flower Shop 14 East Sixth Street Phone Osage 5155 Safe fflUk for INFANTS INVALIDS ASK FOR Horlick!s The Orif iaal AyoU Imitation u4 Sub.tirotaa. lnfanta,lritll(JlindOfowtnChlldrfn I HlchMllk.MalladOralnKrtraftlnPowiltr Tka Original Food-Drink For All Ages No CooUog-Nourishlnf-Dli tiUbla Quaker Minister Is Grateful to Tanlac ' ' Rev. Parker Moon, Carthage, Missouri. Nearly everybody in Southwest MUsoiirl ellhiT knoWN or has heard of the nv. Parker Moon, who (or ill full half century him duvotud his life, and talentg to Sunday achuol and or-I Itanlzatlon work for the Society of iTicmn or miAkcrM. lie rcnldua at 028 Howard avenue. Carthacn. 5Io. "UlH'le I'arkor." aa lie 1h morn fa. muiariy known, came from fine old rugyeil Qunker atock, unit thero 1h not a better known or more IiUhly reapccted'cltUon In that part nf tho Htate, In leferrltift to hl.i remark able retiionitlon to health by Tanlac, he Willi' "About five years nco 1 aliffi-rcd a breakdown. My principal trouble waa nervous indlReatlon. My appetite waa very poor nnd my food Kuldom ukp'OiI with me, nml 1 had to llvo on. a ery reetrlctod diet. i 'v "Nearly tverybndy worth while reads Cosmopolitan 107 MHTII IIOl'lilUIIV os.t;u a7a t suffered u Kie.U deal from head arhes and dliry apells, I had auvero pallia across tho small of my back and was badly constipated most of Win time. In fact, I was ko weak anil itiiidown 1 waa not able to nt tend to my duties'. "This condition mado me very nervous and I could not hleep at nlKht, Kreipiently I would n awako moat all nlKht and was In that con dUInn more or leas for flvo years. MV nllVfJplAll Hlll.t lin,l ,1. - ...... .... .... 1 anythlnf for mo unil auitseatcd a' eh.niRe of climate. ,1 then moved to loxas and went back and forth three times but did not Bet tho re i nan uoii.(t ror. Finally, I got so bad off I wus not able to get iiroiinu wun nny iterreo of comfort I was also told I had heart trouble. "I had read about Tanlac and as it had been very hlRhly rocooi' mended to mn. T 1 nnl.ln.f n mti ll I not n bottle nnd had taken only a! mint-a iinui i could notlro i marked imnrovenmni In mi. Hon. I noticed especially that I wna not troubled nny more with aour stomach after eatlns, which wna a hiviu rent'!, "I kept on tnklnir Tanlac until 1 fllllv. .,l,.,.ln.1 ..... .... ' ui) iiraiin, .iy appe- tltu Is splendid; I enjoy my meals and I do not find It necessary now to take any laxative medicines of lint' k'll.,1 T n ..1 . oiti'i" muni ocixcr and mn not nearly so nervous. i inito Brent pleasure ln recom.l mendlntr Tan la q to nnyone whof - - ...w,.,,, .luiimi, ur tvnil suffers with idnmacli trouble. J hnvo recommended Tnnlno to a Kreat many of my friends and am lltaifl a.ai1 1, ...... ..1. ..ll... . a . . tlMM H .Itnmnnl 1 ,v .. ' w l"lulltIIU(lt Tnnlno Is sold In Tulsa exclusively hy the Quaker and I'urltnn DruK Companies. Ad JJ j niO-aat KOtTH MAIN Boys' Shop Boys' 50c Hoie 3 Pair for $1.25 Boys' $2 Straight Knee Pants 95c Final Cut on Boys' Clothing-furnishings We've completed our inventory and remarked every garment at less than Replacement Prices. And while every sale means a loss to us, we believe it's going to make manyjjiew friends for our Boys' Store. Here are, beyond any question or doubt, the lowest prices that boys' good clothes have sold at in the Jast five years. Every garment is guaranteed to give satis factory wear or a new one free., 75c 95c $075 $inoo IU Boys' Shirts and Blouses, choice of any $1.50 Blouse or Shirt at ... . Choice of any Boys' $2.00 Cap at Boys' Fine all Wool Suits, regular $20.00 values at Bovs' Warm all Wool Overcoats, $20.00 and $22.50 values at ... . Boys' $4.50 and $5.00 Knee Pants at Boys' Corduroy Suits made of Cromp ton Rain Proof Corduroy at-. . r Juvenile Overcoats $15 values at . . $095 L $045 U SO IS u 11