Newspaper Page Text
TULSA DAILY WOULD, WEDNESDAY, MAY -1, 1921 CHRISTMAN JURY COMPLETE TODAY Evidence Against Alleged Sperry Bandit Begins Wednesday Noon i ii T NO CHANGE OF VENUE Court Holds Conviction of Defendants Pals Will Not Prejudice Jury I i i l.rlntman, tho third ino.nir.rr pf ! HlloKfd aporry Imnk robbery went to trial Into Tuesday afi. innon boforo Judfto lledmond b. rnii- offer a motion for a chanuo of - bv till counsel liad been over , ii A lr aily two iiietnherM of the mw n.bbery. band, including tlio aIIck.mI kador. Vtank Htnnlcy have l,rn b, nt to thn penitentiary for 15 yi ir m. h. Tho other waa Kddlo jjhr iquette. , rciniH for Chrlstmnn anked for a chiingf f venuo on tho ftroundu tlmt " the other two trials and thn rrt t at moat of tho testimony hud hten nuhlUhed In tho newspapers Hi puMie of Tulsa county had be owc prejudiced ueafnst Chrlstmnn. T-i . er overruling tho motion Judrjo rnl explained that prior to tho oihrr two trials thcro had been a nav ef publicity nnd It seemlnKly had hid no effoct on prospective Jurors, lie said that ho did not bo llcvo any effect would bo noticed at thn imel of Jurors Bummoned . at thl tr'al. Immediately following tho ovor n'lw; ct the motion for u chnngo of vnuo tho Jury box was filled and attorney for the stato becan ex mtnlr for cause. By 4:30 o'clock the trtato had passed for causo nnd Hprmgor began his examination. Court adjourned nhortly after r:00 o'clock with tho defense about liuif way through Its examination. It Is bollovcd that a Jury will bo lm paneled by noon today. So far in tho trial nn ono from the attorney KcncrorB ifflco haH taken any part tn tho prosecution. H. J. Kreellnir, attorney conornl who took the laid In tho prosecution of tho other two caeca waa uuublo to come here for tho Chrlwtman enso duo to the Ited rlvor boundry enso which li holdlnK him in Washington. None of his assistant liavo nn yet taken any part In tho trial, althnuKh Mrs. Kathryn van Lcuven who Is In Tulsa concluding tho Investigation of al leged ciime conditions hero an nounced that sho might "fit" in. However, nho ha yet failed to tako her pl.irc at tho counsel table. If alio docs, it will bo tho first tlmo in the history of Tulsa county that a woman lawyer hau figured In tho courtroom. Tho prosocutlon is lo 1ns conducted now by John Qolds- borry, assistant county attorney and I;. J. windy as counsel lor tho bank cr. , While nothing has been dlwclosod as yet that would throw any light on tho tactics to bo pursued by clthor tho stato or tho defenso it is bo Ilcvcd that tho stato will endeavor to prove that it waa Chrlstman who acted as riiaurrour for tho bandits, Ills Identification will bo posltlvo it Is believed. J. M. SaunderB, detec tive for the Oklahoma Bankers awo clstlon who Joined forces with tho ran? and participated In tho Sporry robbory will bo tho stato's star wit ness at the Christman trial. 11a filled a tilmllar rolo at tho other trials. Practically tho eamo list of wit nesses for tho state havo been sum moned that testified at tho other two trials. .rrsnciJ continxjks HEAIUXG FOlt ACCICSSOItlllS The preliminary trials of Sandy Mciinian, aliened roajJ houso pro prlttor. charged with complicity In tho Bpcrry bank robbery and G. W. Shipley, charged with perjury on tho witness stand ut tho trial of lid dlo Bhouquetto, ono of tho alleged Sperry robbors, who has boon con victed, havo onco moro been con tinued. Both trials havo been set over by JusUco II. G. Gray until Thursday, May 6. Emma McKcnzic, charged Jointly with McMillan who waB nlso scho dulcd to appear for her preliminary trial Tuesday beforo Justice II. J. Oray has waived and will go to trial in district court nometlmo in tho next month. Tho McKonzio woman nd McMillan aro allcced tn hnvn conspired and assisted by various 'nrans in mo robbery of tho Sperry bank last December for which orlmo two men havo already been sen tenced to 15 years each in tho stato Penitentiary and tho third alleged member is now on trial. Shipley was charged with perjury no headed tho prosocutlon of wwqueiiej and Frank Stanley nl- w.Jefr. ot th0 band- deling wi!tl!a,t,sh,P,0y'B testimony waa tho eicsest Uo ho over heard told from the witness Eland. nrtliATllKAKS HA VI 3 HANQUirr Enjoyable, Social Hour Completed an Lvculns of KntertniniiiiMit VI?" br8f f th0 PhUathoa nnd tho iBMtnn b nday tJcnol cIluC3 of tho vT.,Jn.1 Avenuo Methodist church u h , r'B11Iar tnnnthly banquet T th church at 0:15 Tuesday night. buinnJllllatIu,a 0,31,8 " tho young Mta Z?,0yi' claw ot tho church, "d lV Vr 18 U' President Tns lil:. L Dawcs the twichor. BiJKi1" a iuombr8hlp ot 00. Weslev r?,,"w is president of tho S S1"' I31mor Vlck ls '" Wp ot 60 3 has a ,ncmbcr- Sees Twelve Pupils do Through From Primary School lo Diplomas SpcrUI to Th World. l'O.VCA CITV. Slav 3.-Mim Tsnna Meade, chief of tho prima ry departments in 1'onea city sehools, has tho unlqUn experlen. o ot seeing 12 high school students graduato this spring who started in school In her primary depart ment a number ot years ago. She has been an Instructor in the loinl schools for a Inng term of years and has been reelected for ths ensuing year in addition to ' teaching, sho Is prominent also tn m omen's club woik. FUND HArSACHED" $50,000 Oil Hun l'rte-itfl mid Donation iif 'IUin to Trinity .ninmiiccil. Tho Trinity church campaign rolled through its second day of sui oes.i yesterday when, as the day of foljcltntlon closed, a total of over J5O,00 In contributions was an nounced. In addition to fixed donations, an oil mon, mombor of tho Trinity con gregatlon, agreed to contribute, it was announced, ono batf of tho pro reeds of hhi run of oil for two mouths, and a group of I'cnnsyt vanla oil men In Tulsii agreed to turnlsh tho chimed for tho projected new imIIOcc. Willn it was impoMdhlo to fix the total contrilmtlou involved in theso Rlftu, tlio ohlinoH, It wart cstimatrtl. will run in vuluo from 7,500 to 10.000. Today, tho third day of tho drive will bo mark 3d by tho presence In Tulsa of Kt. Itov. Theodore 1'aync Thurston, IJidscopal bishop of Okla homn. nishop Thuruton wir. ad dress today's noon mooting of work em and will later tako nctlvo part in tho day's cimpalgnlng. News of Sapulpa WILL TRY OILTON MAN FOR MURDER Case Against Janaway to Come Before Superior Court This Month Hriul to lh Wenit. HAITM'A. Mbj- . - S. Jana way, nn Ollton tiatMfer man, Is to be tried hero in suporlor court next month fur tho shooting of J. W. Culcarlcr at Ollton Apill I J. It Is UiidvrMnnd that h will plesd the iiiiu rutin law and will endeavor to prow that tlio dead man hud been Intlmnlu with hi wife. It Is also understood that his wife to pro- nanil tn tfflfu in tinlxilf ra.ler Irxiird a statement Ik for,- In dl'd thai )w hml not ben liitlmntc , with i(m woman nnd that It whs a i fraiiK ni) lo get Jl ioo from him. 1 Nfgni Will ;-t New Trial. j "Clunk" UnUooxi', a ii gro, who! hat Iwrii senteni'i d to vens In lv p,-h l ' ' n'uli ft Sfl'.iK 'if' ' hout', tun bei 'i giaiited a iu w iii.t by the state supicnii' "ut. II' li.f heen in Ilia penltc titlai wvi a JIMl Want Hiijn In Siiuiliiy Sliool. i A drive lo get erv bov In Kn P'llpa to nllend Siindny school Is In bo started by the ltnljiy club with svery niembur enlltiled a com mittee. The cluh cxitcoi to help much In gelling the boja to ntlenil a school ea h Hunday niornlmr. Ilotti Women (Aitltl. I A suit that Is nltnii'llng much nt Itenllon Is ono In which Iwn women. 1 Mia Tiiiinltii Mil,' llarnrr and .Mrs. I'ntnk Mrfert. aro eeekln n smiIoii of llttlo Oeorgln Mae ller ner. Mrs. Oorner Is eeeklng to et her thrdugh a writ ot lmbem corpus nnd suites that she look Hie I'hlld when sho wns only three weeko old. nnd when she wont on a visit left the child with the other woman, and when she returned Mrs. t:rfert hud nineil. The child ws given lo Mrs. (ierner lo keep tint il the caso coul I bo llet lileil In JtlNenlte court " Coiiiiik'IhviiicuI I'liiginnt. Si boot is to close Mnv 2. and plan- are near oniplet 'on for the KMduii'lnn of llie 43 'iembmn of tho rinior ilass. ll.ii ralutire.i'e eeri lues nre to be held hundii niiit-m i, i; Mav 'ii and It I' ( ran nfrpV,n?ire0!:. ?" H. Main . ri?- - Pon Is the Quality -iiGr, lityj MiiirrinTniiiwii7 BTTiTirrB No One Need Buy fetFree Samples Save $12.50 rliono Osage or Cedar 572 J'or DclalN. Tlilx Offer Closes Saturday. F. B. DKSHON & CO. "Things Elcctricnl" .-or. soirru main Oklahoma Laundry, & Linen Supply Co. DRY CLEANING Phone Cedar 1!U37 Tt USA, oMiA. riionc Cedar "J0.17 LOOK! FINISH DEPARTMENT Pro-uur prlcos on laundry uiwl dry droning. Head thLi list inor carefully Shirts with cuffs attached. 15 Cents Soft and Work Shirts .'.......,. .12 Cento AH Collars .. 4 Cents AH Socks and Hose 5 Cts. Pr. This lt an np-lo-diiK; laundry ami under niiiuiigeuii'iil of a imi' llcal laundry man of jtiim t'lpcrlrntv. Wo Kiuirantisi iM-rfcx-t HiirU or no charges. ROUGHDRY DEPARTMENT Wo do roughdry nt 7 kmiIh iht iwniud. SILK DEPARTMENT WV linntl uuili all t-WUh. Silk hlilrlH nt coiIh cncli. LINEN DEPARTMENT Sheets .,...5 Cents Pillow Slips .. .2 Cents DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT Two-Piece Suits Cleaned and Pressed. ..$1.00 Three-Piece Suit Cleaned and Pressed. ..$1.25 Ladies' Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 I'hono I'm A'our Call noil Wo U'lll Khow You That Our Ncrloo Is O. K. om; day si;uici: iv you sav so Wc furnish loliitirtinl and hold linens, (ii t our prlree, It Will JKIV. OKLAHOMA LAUNDRY & LINEN SUPPLY CO. I'UOXi: CKDAIt 20:7 IMIOM-: Ci-niAll 'J0.17 I i ,i i of I1" ! M' Hi .li-i i i" h win pr. , ti tn. ,eiiui'ii mm. I m .'i. appi optiHtr to the i mlon wi be given Mnfulrtt IilKht a mils l it prngrHin undi r lhP dtrei-tlnii of Mfs Kola Smith will be given. Tui U imirnltiK. hi the aesemblv hour, members of the soiilor clAsn will have churn of the program I.tler I" the ily k plinlc will he held, Tuesday e.-nlne Iho tlgimt Ueltu and lclphln sodtles will hold thejr eonlest. Thn Jinilor-senlnr bamiuel will bn held Wndnesilny metilng and Urn Imei nlntireHln sermon will be preached ThurMtny rvenlutf. The "enlotn will wear caps and gown in did Iho dues of lnl ear. To ('(lulent at Slalo .Moot. Kapulpa liinh school la to Ie well represent l t the statu meet to be held at Norman Thursday, Krldiiy nnd suturdnv. over SO sludcnls will attend soil enter Into the contest. Aiiiiinn ilirai. an Mlm Cruneee Hull and Porothy Onxley In Voice. A preliminary mutest will lie held hen- tn ircide whether Misses Mi.m n. m.iici liorothy tlreen or i..nili iiitt.M- will nn in thr ilinii an ii ulmg i otiieM )''.!... Iieiiiilv Ivi'Si'iienhrigft' and ini .l.iiin- "i CiarVs Mub ' lit"' V i ' onsin ii I Hi.hert S.iit'r In . in i ! i.iv "i.i 1 i i ' I' j , II i! I. .. n. . ,ieirv , Mil I in, ' Tn v N"iir-e ,iid Jiii' 'i 1 1 v liohlr. i'1'inpnMtl'in. Juamla lie iiold.i, am lent, tiliti.rv, .1 H ut. modern hlsliuy. Hell WllkunsoTi , mechanical drawing. Itoec IUo, and Llaiuee AVIniWt The c 1 1 rt itUe ring uiimberlnic 20 membern, will n I mi bi entered under the direction of tlin muMc wiprrvltoi, MIm KiiIh Smhh. R0FF MAN SHOT TO DEATH M.ijrr "eld In Ada tall t lnlms Ho Slew In Self Defence. eprrt.l l, Th VV'nrlil AHA, OkiH, May S. f(core Mar tin ot Huff who ivliot nnd niortall) wounded laet nlht at Koff by I'rmiK Mi.C'llntiirk, nleo of Itoft. Mnrlln wait rushed tn an Aif.i ho-, pit nl nfler being ehiil four tlmca :v .McCllutoi'k but only lived about flu lloui'H. M.l'tlntoik Wile nineled ami in llclll III Id III 111'' I Ml it l Jul I 1" I" N ran i'' 'h'' xll" iti'ic cini'd 1 t l.'litni d I ut M ' 'in,. Ii i-tiili'd I tn.lns thl h It. I i' " hi if defi n.' (arlildgi l,i li'D Ml.i-t ImIN I. 1. M.i l.l.nN , M iv 3 I'll" w.i kill, d and futii Inluri.l I" exiil"Hion in n r.-t inr'rldg.- fn You Sing: America, r Wlty Not SEE IT? I ! I 'I l I'lri ti nl, ". n :i 1 1 llliil , ,y , t , li h .iMi" i mriw Al tills, tlttrv mt In tanioniin il jvttKf loth huoiric rvi KftlK Tvln ; i Aiiicricj'i NalmfuJ Parts md MimtrrmU, Mauiv ffnu tn of towtrmr VimxI, nuwainwl iwjmitAin ,mW. Go,-nvnVf p.U with mink; uto r xA- IwMlitnl ruiwim. KUfur. cUcn, rIck muwii, wife! Ikiwrn, fMnt ttet, tr.'ut lrrmv lit,lii laVn, rrywiv pfeli'"i' wnrult. run" o Cliff DllT nd Atiro. A ilrKiitlmi wuukl kiiituvr IlK DitUkh Unriiit' TS htinwn ry only 'n irprwljfe llifm tlify mum be u-cxx lo l tiirmeil A Mltunil l'i ka id Mmuiiwfiti iht Urwtnl Sutri n pirvrvtnK ttxir ruturftJ rW m h IrcfiUnt fcr All generation I) wrt mj iw lo itiI, mreition, v4Iki nd plfwwir R xkv McMintMn, ihe mm! ftui r Nitmrwt ImW. Jml MeM Vrnlr. C lifT DwrOtr luintcl An inl Amrticg, mc in ( oluraJc tViiwf h '3 liolU, or tOO nouuum ieotU nd nvmy dhoft I til, iulound Irolley trip. TO 12 NATIONAL. PARftU AND .t'. NATIONAL MONHr.NTJ Has n Now 3250,000 FREE AutoCnmp For MotorUU S&fe TtlUfc for INFANTS & INVALIDS V AC IT vntt Horlick's The Original Avoid Imitation ail Sulitlllutei. for rnftn,tn1liln10rowlnChlllio I RIhMIU.MIUi10ilnEttftlnl'ewlr TbeOilf;lnll'ood.UrlnWlfor AllAgeo No U)oUiitj-rouriihtii DIliblo DENVER TOURIST BUREAU AiU r ttlrrntfi R DHNVBR, COIXIRADO fiitnih fluraMur Ctiic0. KintM City SI. 1-CIHl, CotcraiJo Fpitnct. PUn lo Rocky Mountain Ntlmnal PaikJ 'cnvrr't McnnMin lvnlm, Mcu Vrd. tint uVt llm I ll Rrtrr Cud nip; two djiym. J16 milrt, crouinf Corlinenul Piviil lout l he Pfik trip. Long .. t' jW to I'lkr 1'iaW iy) milfi on Hm ol Colorado Knckirt. WRITE FOR BOOKLET that lRi wlittt 10 gn, whit lo w ami how to enjoy, ImIi ing motormc gnllanilxeiiK tnnt in Sunny C oliviil.i L a FAY E T T E The LaFayelte Chassis Is on Display in the Lobby of the K E TC HUM HOT E L The Finest and Lightest High Grade Chassis Ever Built You Are Invited lo Call and Inspect It LaFayette-Gaston Co, 211-215 South Detroit Phone Osage 3130 Lafayette motors company , at Mart Jltll, InJunufoUi , i You Always Knew There Would He Such a Car ' Clothes , Alt' Does your suit fit when you sit down? YOU notice the good fit of a Society Brand Suit even in a lounging position Designing skill and hand-tailoring of quality fabrics are the combination that .makes the collar fit snugly and the trousers hang light and gives these clothes a graceful fold no matter what posture you assume The spring styles express a new note in style designing, and the new patterns are most attractive AirRF-D DECKER ft. COIIW, M.V.n, Cfcieaio. H To. I la Canada i JOCILTY ISRAND CLOTHES, UmK.d.MonrmJ a. fJN,lJlfnJ.-l On Mjoin at Fourth 11 Tjcm I --""" "t- x. itMii;,,;