Newspaper Page Text
1 H' TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY, MAY -I, 1021 V flN THE OIL FIELDS Office: 6241 W. H. PECK Residence 2442 in. under the legal authnritv of the at to corporation t-nmmiHsln m slutting down prodmtlnn for ti .! bung, Htiuuld be adopted. thti Smith of Depew Oil. MAUKKT QtOTATIONM. fMlMlni C0d Cofti'if Ct 1 . Kjrili lim j.ath in..' i Dull Ihjou Homer .... l.JJ Illinois Kn. A OWa. 1.(0 IraMloa 1.0 Corlcn llcht l.JJ CoMlmna lu'vy .15 I'lpctrn 1.J5 Motn l.M llurkbutnttt I.H 1.78 Ituvrllt 1 -52 :.SS Ilancr JO 1.16 llenryatta l.l .11. SO . Ill . 3.1! . Ml . .2l . MS . 3 l , J.J! slon n look In, were It to do over again." And ng.iln looking bnuk to the tlmo when tin? corporation commis sion nut the price for crmlo nt f6 cents ti barrel after Hum rilBpalrlck of the Prnlrln had sent them word thnt his cotnpnny would pny Unit price. It wan n big Joke then and It would bo ti bigger Jokn If tho ror porntlon commission were to net tho prleo agnln, bocntiso the chances ar) ou.,niintt lircnmc Inicrcntina 100 10 1 t,lit would be net nt Situation uccoml mm j a flBuro whlcj wouM g U U o h n A m-eling caneu u i tno snort grnss country who have to tnA e( of his ulovo associates wa held yesterday morning hi mo r0om of the Mld-Contlnent Oil & qm ngo.jntlon tuM most intcr .lm - stou it wan. Tin i enoiiBh oil men pres. ,nt i Kim It "10 nppenrnnco of a ;,:ri.,i Ulvo crowd but nftcr nil, ;.,,rV was something decidedly nrtlfl rl aW ut tho ontlto procedure that Ml in.' disinterested observer won riVr.i.K v. hat it wag all nhout and tho hy ..n I wheroforo of the entire it iimv !. that Komo tlmo oil pro sper will If urn bow to really to operate and the chances nro that the no,c in.i-ungs tho hotter, hut in tho mfant. i". It l.i a Rood deal Ilk.) tho won;.tr - ihibs who always bCKln by ,-krti ,- n parljmentarlan and do rend u ..or to put tho thine over. Jutli . , .isonnble semblanco of be ing ih. thing. , K,i in -unco It n happened that MterJ"V when tho meeting had fonven.d and Charles 1'arron had j,Pfn .Iimh-ii chairman that Mr. Far mi calli'l on mo of tho best oil urodtt'Pix amonK those present, with the r.sult that tho groat majority, ami Hi' were real oil men, wcro much opposed to the Idea of asking the lorporation commissions to tnko any hand in tho came, whatever, laving hud oxperionco with .Mr. Valkfrs bunch, In days Bono by. uhl' h will !;' fr nt lrasl tno "fo time of any man who went through and who suffered by reason of tho control of (lrllllnK well, by this B.imc rorporntlon commission. 11 was also evident at yesterday meeting that everybody present was In favor of a tariff on Mexican crmlo and the best and spontaneous np plause came when tho chairman read a telegram from W. H. Gray In Washington which stated plainly that the Ways and .Means commit tee o fthe houso wero In favor of a tariff holng republican, and that several of them had expressed them selves to that offect. It was cheer Irx? news to those nssembled who had been called for thu purpose of asklnc tho corporation commission to ahut down drlllinB, when It wob a well known fact that tho repre sentatives of tho oil men had plainly stated that a Brent shut down was now in effect and that thouands of men wero out of employment. ; Hut even so tho meotliiB may liavo no real effect one way or tho other because every oil man who was there or who han been Interviewed ilncc tho mectltiB adjourned l.i frank to expresi tho opinion thnt nhottld he feel llko drilling in order to pro tect a lease, or to savo himself from hankruptcy ho Is irolnB to do as ho pleases, or according to tho terms of his lease, which In fact U given him hy tho land owner who wants his land tested and who' In tho last ro- tort Is tho man that must bo reck oned with. This paper has been tho first to urge a shut down of drilling. It would not be trim to Its convlctloni were It to advocate tho turning over of the entire oil Industry to a cor poration commission, which to say the least has been discredited tlmo after tlmo or as often as opportun ity occurred to glvo oomo of tho puhllc service corporation a raise and this to tho detriment of the people of Oklahoma. Tho commls loa has not ns yet gained tho con fidence of anybody In tho stato and wtalnly not of the oil fraternity which knows more about it nnd its activities than perhaps any other class of peoplo In tho state. ; However at yesterday meeting it was decided to ask tho corporation commission to designate Its author ity to a committee of oil men who in f.rn look after the drilling of new 1'lls, and to Inavo wells now started iiolutcly alone. It brings to mind tne time a commltteo called on Oov trnor Williams asking him to call out the militia to shut down drilling operation In the CiiBhlng field. The rovcrnor refused nnd the drilling hlch wan then a hundred times more aggresslvo than now was kopt tolng as long as the big wells lasted and the flood of cheap oil wag a thing of tho past. It also brings to mind that nt that tlmo when the dishing field was finally outlined that Murray Doan remarked, and ho was then' as now n tip nutcher in the business nnd a I'Mtr among oil men "would It not nave been hotter had tho dishing field been carofully drilled and a wter pn-e realized? And if you aon t thtnu po ask McKnrlln of tho McMan Oil company and ho will U Sou that this Is true." Hut i vJ. ir"" hnl this to say "no ' Wllci - p was better as It was, and tMtiir.iy better than stato control Mtauso of tho Ignorance and the arrogance of a lot of employes of ine corporation commission. They us many thousinds of dollars " It was and now that It Is all back Z. . T'1 Ulp I'rlco Is going up I urn Pmc-tiy willing to say that It was Bn. .a" 11 I'ftPPcnoil nnd I would l v thu corporation commls- pay for gasoline to keen tho "l.lz itles" going nnd who halo no crildo oil to sell nnd nro hence only In toroHted In getting, cheap gasoline for .their cars. The No. 1 well of the Cosdin Oil & (las Co., located In the northeast i tuner of tho northwest of Jl-ll-S, Is reported to bo good for SO bar rels nftcr a 10-ipmrt shot. Tlx l'cru sand wan found In tli new well frill 2,601 to 2,5314 foot. In tho northeast corner of tho southeast of ll-H-8 the No. I Wil liams of the Texas company, In mak ing about 15 barrels per cTay In sand from t, ICO to 2.S00 fool. This test was drilled to a total depth of 2.5J0 feet, but was plugged bauk. ns water was encountered. Tho Pulaski Oil company has a rig for .No. i Hear, hunted In the southeast corner of the northeast of the northeast of 3-1 1-8. OIL AND GAS "' Rnpplle. Production, Etn. tirtur.d r"f? 18.14 on uaress caro of World. Adv. Heornmn,rL"n8 contract!""! Standard Wia Adi?0 1 140'c' care ot K, Rl?out 30" barrels In oktohnd .ab0.ut 100 barrcls 0 6 4 r ,n5?""tlon. phono ukla Advt " mut... luisa, Nr.asnelf0',Jle,,.n fB' by owner. !hfd Siai VUV nbBtrnct fur- 'outhean S? f?S !oul.hwe of llln 01 12-15-10: ton acre. t-'iaj, e gj.j, Allvt However, tho committee lwix tivnn appointed nnd Is headed by Prank Hrccn and this committee will con fer with Art Walker, Campbell Hits sell nnd Mr. Hughes as to delegating authority to a bunch of oil men and so history Is going to repeat itself. And In tho meantime If ever times wcro hard and tho oil men blue nnd tho drillers out of work and the leaso grafters hungry It in now. A. whllo Oklahoma might shut down until tho present generation wn In Its dotage It would not ahut down tho drilling operations In Mexico whoro bigger wells aro being brought In thnn any time In tho history of that groat oil country. It would seem that tho man who can keep his oil In tho ground In Oklahoma would certainly do no until n tariff on Mex ican crudo has been established. And this tariff l certainly com ing. It Is a republican administra tion nnd thLi administration believes In building up homo Industry nnd that does not mean tho shutlng down of production either of oil or nny other commodity. And best of all tho Mldrontlncnt Oil nnd Clan association which bus been credited with being as "hnrd boiled" ns n hammorlcsH shotgun aro now on record tin being In favor of n tariff. Secretary 8mlth sent thn following to President IJavl and to Hurt Col lins, who are in Washington urging n tariff nnd which whllo not exactly bubbling over with enthusiasm plainly show that tho rank and fllo of tho said "hard boiled" nro never theless with tho committee, which In In Washington ("thrco rousing cheers") nnd haya: "Tho general ex ecutive commltteo canvassed votes on tariff today. 187 votes received of which u majority of 48 nro In fnvor of tho tariff. lCxccutlvo com mltteo ratified actions of Informal meeting In sending delegates to Washington nnd considered tho vote of membership as confirming nil actions taken. I'leaso advlso what progress your , commltteo in mak ing." And so tho Mldcontlnent OH and Oa.i association, .which allows plpo lien with Mexican connections, 20 votes apleco is on record. It ought to stimulate thn commltteo In Wash ington to greater achievement and to show them that right prevails even agaitst nil odds. YcHterdny'H meeting will do much good and wJU result In tho greatest benefit If for no other reason than it brings plainly to the front tho great good that can bo dono by tho assembling of oil men to comparo iioU-u tintl to exchango Idea?. It Is n "feast of reason nnd a flow of soul," ns Is plainly proven by Mr. Wrights man's address which, follows: "Tho BUdden cut of 25 cents per barrel In oil In spito of two recent raises in tho prleo of eastorn crudo Is deplorable. It Justification is doubtful. Tho remedy proposed In behalf of tho producers to petition tho corporation commission to shut down drilling, may not airorn iun relief, l'oflt experience!! with tho corporation commission have not been fairly gratifying. "Obviously the country Is disgust ed with governmental control of In dustry: hut something must bo dono If possiblo for tho protection of tho producers against continued price cutting of crudo oil, because now Indeed tho prleo quoica is dciow uio cost of nroductlon of tho vast ma jority of producing wells. "li tno corporation cumiumi""" would make an order shutting down wairto and put tho reponslblllty upon a reputable committee of prac tical oil producers to carry out this ordor, then Indeed much good might result from tho proposod notion. In tho mutter of protecting the produc ers or rather to conservo tho oil In dustry in tho United States, nnd to prevent it from falling Into tho hands, of a very few now endan gered through their control of cheap Mexican oil from tremendous gush ing wells, n loglcnl observation might ho made, namely: That tho Mexican government should bo rightfully Induced to put a tariff on her own export oil, and thus re habllltato horselt financially, lift herself out of pauperism, pay her fi nancial obligations now world-wide, and incidentally afford tho Inde pendent producers of our own coun try n protection. "ThlH would he vastly better than for tho United States to levy a tariff beraUHo a tariff levied by Mexico horself would compol nil foreign nutlonn using her oil to pay rcla- j tlvely a like price which our own Importer would pay! Also such Mexican tariff would aid the expoitj foreign market foe our own pe troleum products. "This Is ii very delicate subject and should bo approachod propl tlnnalv throuch our Btate depart ment and individually In a lagal i munner through unofficial and ac-1 coptable discussions by our produc- ! ers who might meet ubroad with ; representative;! of the Mexican gov ernment. "Meanwhile n a temporary mca- sure I would favor a Mexican Import tariff, though consrlotiM Indeed that Ittf adoption would merely aid to tho early accomplishment of a Mexican1 export tariff, tho ultimate condition j which the Mexican government sanely and patriotically concerned must provide ror ner own nauonai wolfaru, and for tho welfare of tho world. "It is not to bn expected that tho J independent proauccru aiono iiiut entcd in thu nil products of the United States can n-curo comfort from tho financial manipulations of tho great American oil companies which have a larger control rela tively on Mexican production so cheaply obtained an ngnlnst tho cost of our own production. "To suplnoly abandon our rights to tho dictation of theno big, inter ested companies, would not bo busi ness prudence. Therefore, somo definite action today should bo taken nnd tho expedient of a rcpre bcntutlvo committee of oil men act- Around ltiiMim. Tho No. 1 Miller of tho Klro Oil cotnpnny, located In thn noutheast l oriior of tho southwest of 30-1 ?, Is drilling at .1.200 feet. In tho southeast corner of the northeast of tlie northeast of 16-17-8, the No. 1 Johnson of the Pralrlo Oil A this company Is drill ing at 3.3S0 feet. Tho Wilcox oil & Ons company's No. j2 Tiger, located In tho south cast 'cornor of tho northeast of the northoast of 13-1 A-D, Is making 1.1, 000, 000 feet of gas In sand found from 2,507' to 2.63S feet. Tho Whlto Oil company has abandoned Its No. 1 Harry, located In tho southwest corner of 36-lfi-S. This well had a holo full of water at 3,200 feet. iti.d the supreme court declined to nvlow th onse. Texas Pa, if!.' Coal nnd Oil com pany is dulling for Itielt and has a well on tho N. 1'. Newell tract, thro, I and ono-half miles northwest of Ivan. Stephens county, Texas, which. Is being drilled In and Is making ni tho hi to of 72 4 barrels a day. The Standard Oil of Indian a storkholdors nro to voto Juiio 3 on an Increase in authorization of capi tal from $100,000,000 to $140,000, 000. It may exohango additional stock for Mid-West llcflnlng In the ratio or two to one. Tho f H Hcrvlrd comtiany has declared ll monthly dividend of 36 1-2 rents n share on bankers nny- ablo June 1 stock record May IS. i ne Ha n it i Da ltetining or ok n- hnma year ended Dceombor 81 IHSIO with a surplus after tax. de preciation and depletion $426, 19S against a surplus beforo deprecia tion of 852.2 Jf, In 1019. I'lcsldent lllnckmer of the Mid west Itrflu in ir ronipnny In his state ment to tho stockholders says that Near Ingntls. Tho test of tho Skelly Oil com pany In 1-18-4, is being drilled In today. At last reports It was mak ing about 2.000,000 feet of gas In sand from 3,449 t 3,453 foot, hut had encountered a slato break In tho sand, wh(ch was very hard drilling. Thin tost Is being Watched very closely by the oil men, as It will mean tho opening of a new pool If It comes In a good producer. Tho No. 2 Mack of tho Magnolia Petroleum company, located In tho northwest corner of the southeast of 27-19-1, found sand from 2,012 to 2,028 feot nnd In making -1,000,-000 feet of gns. It was shut down ut last reports. Tho Magnolia Petroleum company lias n rig up located In tho north east corner of tho northwest of 31-19-4. South of Mannforil. Holmes and others are spudding In on their No. 1 Coonrod, located In tho southeast corner of 1-19-9. Tho Texas company and H. U. Ilartlett hay a rig up for their No, 1 well, located In tho southeast cor ner of tho northeast of tho south east of 18-18-9. Ticker Dope From New York Announcement of a now JOO.000 barrel well In the Cerro Aznl district Is believed to be tho first of a series of now wells to bo brought In by Mexican Peto in the next few weeks. A major advance Is Imminent In Houston oil, based partly on tho set tlement of tho company's differences with tho Klrby Lumber company, whorehy Houston received $3,000,- 000 in 7 per cent notes nnd partly on tho exploitation ot new oil tor rltory bv Houston oil. Tho Associated OH company In tho supremo court today lost Its legal attempt to forco W. Ij. .Miller & Co and others to allow It to drill for oil on property In Kastland county, Texas. Tho company claimed oil rights of tho land, whllo Miller claimed surface rights. Tho lower courts decided ngnlnst tho company the southfait torner .,f th- north' east of 9-2C-0, pi rigging up. HlRs now bring built or already constructed waiting for tools Imlude (iypsy OH company, In the north west of thn northrnot of 31-27-flo. Producers and Iteflners. second lo cation north ut the southwest of the northwest of 3t-3?-o. Mariand ltoinna's second Juration north of tho southeast uf the northeast of 86-27-58. Same rinpniiles' rlK in the southwest ot tho snmo uuartnr. Same companies' second locution west ot tho northeast of the south oast of 3C-37-50. Hnmo companies' rig In tho northwost of the snmn nuarter Sinclair's, In the northeast of tho southwest of 36-t7-fie. llnrd-ner-Mnrtnnil-Kranroms's two tins on tho east llun of tho sniitlieusl of l-28-5o. Most of theso tigs offset production. tlilffoy-Olllesple's search for gai III the deep solid resulted 111 an oil well which has boen flowing 1.10 barrels dully since tho lop of th sand was eurounteroii at 2.S77 foul In their No. I, In the renter of the an Inventory of thn stocks of other northwest 40 arres of thn northwest cmirerns owriPd by this computiy snows a market value on April I. lm of $13,402,980 against 17.709.- 523 figure at which tho Hem ap pears on balnnrn sheet as of Do- i ember 31." 1920. Negotiations for ncnlllrlng a lnrce bloiR of Cosdeu & Co.'s stock by n lendliin producing company have been terminated. Theso negotia tions bai'o been pending for sovoral weeks. It Is understood tho option on the Mock expired In tho last few days, but wns not oiurclsed. According to nilvlces rece veil by the Middle States Oil company, a decision of tho supreme court of Louisiana Monday In the Utile-Taylor case, released to tho Dominion Oil company, a subsidiary of tho Middle Htatei coliiPuny and to tho Caddo Central Oil company und others about $4,000,000 and an oil producing leaso in liulslaua. All grades of Wyoming crudo oil havo been reduced 25 cents a barrel effective Immediately. fit the Carter-Hickman PooIh KAW C1TV-, May 3. With soven new locations now being made nnd with nlno othor locations either al ready made or progressed to tho ox tent of a ilg, development In tho Hickman nnd Carter fields Is taking on n bigger aspect. New locutions either announced or now being mndo lncludo; Skelly-PhllllpH, southeast of tho southeast of 25-27-Ge. Kay County (Ins company and (luffey-OIIIosphi In tho southeast of tho southwest of 30-27-5c. Carter, In tho southwest of tho southwest of 31-27-flo. Clyp-sy-Kanupp Jn tho southeast of the northwest of G-20-Go. Oklavanlan, In tho southwest of tho northeast of 5-20-6e. Devonian, In tho northeast ot tho southwest of !i-2f!-(io. Kay County flas company-Oiiffoy-Ollles-plo, In tho southnast of tho south east of 4-2fl-fJo. Nono of theso new locations offset production, although they aro all less than n halt mllo from production. Also tho No. 4 well of tho Sinclair OH corporation, located In tho north east corner of 1-2G-5, In a location. Tho Carter Oil company has n rig np for 'No. 4, located In tho south west corner of .11-27-0. The No. 2 well of tho Sinclair Oil corporation, located In tho northeast corner of tho southwest of 30-27-5, Is a rig. Tho Carter Oil company has a rig up ror No. i, located in tho north west corner of tho southwest of tho southeast of 5-26-0, while they nro moving In tools on their No. 3. lo enrtid In tho northeast corner of tho southeast of 5-20-6: tho namo com pany's No. 4 well, located In tho center of tho west lino of tho north west of 9-26-6, is moving in tools, whllo their No. 8 well, located In I CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENTS 7 to 8 Why not invest regularly a portion of your income and build your financial future? You owe it to yourself in so far as possible to protect your funds against unwise invest ments. If conservative investment counsel is your need, we offer the advice of our organiza tion. In placing thousands of mortgages with hundreds of investors during the past twenty-five years no investor has ever Buf fered the loss of a dollar on one of our mort gage loans, or waited a day for interest or principal. There is no more absolutely perfect security than a well-selected farm mortgage. We offer you the benefit of our experience acquired during a quarter of a century de voted exclusively to Oklahoma real estate mortgage investments. 7 to 8 Write the Investment Department. Gum Brothers Company Third Floor, Grain Exchange BIdg. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. FH1JD 8. (5USI. Prr. I.Kf 711211 n. GUM, V. Pre. JOHN I HIM TrmsurcT PAID UP CAPITAL 8100,000.00 FAKM AND CITY LOANS EXCLUSIVELY A Quarter of a Century Without Lo to Any Investor of 6-3fl-6e Mnrloiid-Itnxunu, own llig the (dl lease, havo taken over tho well. Total depth Is 2.0115 feel Sinclair's No. 1, In tits renter of the south lino of tho northeast uf l-26-5e, offsetting Oardiior-.Marland- Prancoma's 350-burrol prodiuer, has roiu-hiid n depth of 2.700 feet anil the big plpo Is being pulled. This well hhouM encounter tho pny nt about 2.825 feet. Twin States onliy this week wilt shoot Its well In the southi'nst ot tho northwest of 36- 27-fie. Producers and Iteflners Is experiencing somo trouble, with pipe In Us' No. 4, second location east of tho southwest corner of Its nuarter In tho northwest of 31-80-Oe, and Is picpnrlng to shoot, I uteres t in; Opera tio ns round Cmhlnu Tho Josey Oil Company No. 1 llusbeo located In tho southeast cor ner of tho northeast of tho south west of 30-I0-5 In making I.OdO.000 feet of gas In sand from 2.777 to 2, S01 feet. It Is still drilling In wind. Thn Shaffer Oil & Refilling Co. has n rig up for No. 2 Ilunklo lomted In tho nortlienst comer of tho south eaHt of tho southwest of 30-18 5, Tho No, 3 Drlggs of the Texas Company located In tlo southwest corner of the northwest of tho south west of 20-ls-r, Is drilling at 3, si'" feet after passing through n good show of oil and gas In sand from 2.930 feel to 2,080 feet. Thn Home (las Company 1m aban doning Its No. 1 Harris located in tho southeast corner of 0-1R-6. This well had a holo full or water ni n total depth of 3.8R2 feet. Another Lincoln County Test Minis Show Tho No. 1 Wogner or mo aiugnonn Petroleum Company located In 20-10-4, near Chimdlnr In Lincoln county, Is reported to have topped n sand at 2,840 feet, nnd to bo drill ing in today. It had a small show ing of gas In thn top of this sand, nnd Is being watched with Interest, ns it is a rank wildcat. Now Tiwta Nonr Ada, ADA, Okla., May 3. Mnterlnl Is report that workwlll bo started I within n few weeks They cxpii I., g.i lit a di'i'th uf nt least Soon fn t This I n new company and 1 b is hern org. mined only a short lime. A drilling contract has been signed by K I. Tucker nnd asoelsles from Ardmors lo drill nt least 1,100 feet In S-l-fl on IIih '. II. No. I farm This well will be located only 1 mile from tho Cnrtor-I.owrry-luHallo symllonto welt No. 1 In 3!-f-5. Important Operations in the Osnfjv The No. 11 well of tho Plymouth Petroleum company, lornted III the southeast cornr of the southwest of the northesst of the northeast of K IH-11. found the Hartlesvllle sand from 1,5 to 1.(1'.' I feet, nnd started out making 130 bariels. It was shot with loo (j units Alxundr Hhnkloy and others have a f.O-biirrel well after u 300 nuart ihot In their No. 1 1 well, loca ted In thn northeast corner of the northwest of the southwest of 13-t5-ll. Hand was found from 1,081 to 1,711 feet. Tho No. 1 well of Teuton and others, locntsil In the southeast cor ner of tho northwest of 3-2&-X, Is good for ti barrels after a lO-ipiart shot. Tho llm In this well was lopped nt I. SCO feet, nnd pay was fullliil to 2,380 feet. The hole was drilled to n total depth of 2,133 feet Tho Advance (111 oomphny has u failure in Its No. 0 well, located In tho northwest corner of the south west ot 20-29-9. This test was iibon tinned nt n totul depth of 1.865 feet. The No. 10 well of the Wnh-Hha-Khe OH company, located In the northeast rorner of tho northwest ot the southeast of tho southwest of IS-20-0, has been shot with 180 uunrts. nnd mudo 10 hurrels tho first 21 hours after thn shot. Hand was found from 1.R01 to 1.R44 feet. The No. 1 well of the Livingston Oil rorporntlon, located In the northwest comer of 30-27-0, Is shut down at 3,100 feet I n HUOOKS CONTllACniU lliirrnl oil firlil rfin.lmrllon wnrk. .perliMlr. flnftnUh iiImmIn l'lumra HHKf 1071 ().( IIJ77. Blue Printing Reduction Wo n hi i to iinnoiiiirii thn ro iliiclliin of ll m', whlto ami org ntlir printing on cloth nod paper, Oil I'lrld .Maps reduced accordingly. Tulsn Engineering & Supply Co. SIH K. Moulder, Tulsa, Okla. Gas Goes Down 50 Ask Electric Contracting Co. Phones Osage 4005 IRONSIDES A Sturdy, Hardy Rubber Belt for Oil Well Drilling that Asks no favor. Delivers the power. Gives Uniform Shows economy. service. Complete Storks Carried by OKLAHOMA TOOL & SUPPLY CO. Starts on the job. Stays right with it. KM WITH THE LIVE ONES IN THE REFINING BUSINESS BARNSDALL REFINING COMPANY Manufacturing all Petroleum Products, Illghgiadu Lubricating Oils, Cylinder Htocks and Iteflncd ux nxorutlvo Office Tenth Floor Petroleum Illdg, Hcflncry lllgluurt. Okla. Tulsa, Osngn 90C0 GUSTAFSON & SPENCER INC. (Successors to Amli'lsoii & Clustafson, Inc. HKKlNlUia AND MAllKUTKUB. Hoflnrrlcs General Office, Chicago Cushlng and Columbus Tulsa, Office Phono O. 7460 COLEMAN-NELSON CORPORATION MANUKACTL ItMItH Or 8TKAK1HT Itl'N OAHOLINK Uenural Offices 403 Houth Cheyenne Hlreot Phone Osagi) 760'J CHAS. F. NOBLE OIL & GAS CO. OAHOLINK WITH THU PLP Producers and Iloflners of Crude Oil JUid Manufacturers Caslnghoad (Sssiillne. Main Off TuUu, Okla. OIL STATE REFINING COMPANY KNIIJ. OKLAHOMA High Cido Petroleum Products from Oarbur Crude W. H. BARBER COMPANY Always In market for petroleum products. MtNNKAPOLIS AND CH1CAQO COSDEN & COMPANY man oitAni: pktiiolkwm phoducts Tulsa, Oklahoma CHESTNUT & SMITH CORPORATION Manufacturers Caslrighead, Absorption and lilendod Oa.wlln. Phone Osugo 220 Tulifci. Okla. Wcngor Armstrong Petroleum Co. Danlol nidg. Tulsa, Okla. MAllKRTHHH Transportation Illdg. Chh ago, III. Union Auntie Illdg. Pittsburgh, Pa. Andrews nidg. Dallas, Turns, UNION PETROLEUM COMPANY ItKFlNHItH, UNTOUTnitll and maiikfthhs Tulsn Office, Cosden Illdg. Phone 440S OLD DOMINION OIL & GASOLINE CO. OOOD OA80LINM 10-1 MAYO 111.1)0. PHONH OHAOn 0431 ACM Fi PKTROLEUM CO. tPli lrA mm. tt0t. A I n U....H - KinHlN Plfv Mffh'ft rtn.i... 401 flernrlty Illdg. J03 Ateo llht'ir. KOO Itiiue'r tllilr 0 I."ITlfT I t w, ........... . - - a . ww u.AH MiUUHH.NH, NAPHTHA, OAHOLINI3 WHITE OIL CORPORATION pnoiHTciciifl and unriNnita HOMU OPTICI? No. U llrond Ht.. Now Tork 320 Kennedy Ihlg., Tulsa. Okla. 1NDIAHOMA REFINING COMPANY Iteflncrles nt OkmuU-ee, Okla., Hast Ht. Louis, III. HT, LOUIH OITICN. KUDlHtAL IlKSISUVn HANK HLDO. PRODUCERS & REFINERS CORP. puonucKim and itr.FtNnnn or "pahco" phtkolhum PItODUCTH New 1'lrst National Pnnk llillldlng. TULHA, OKLA. SAPULPA REFINING COMPANY PHONPIH ORAOP! 8700.01 Manufacturers Petroleum Products Bales Dept. 712 New Klrsl Nntlonnl Hank Illdg. EMPIRE REFINERIES INCORPORATED Iteflnerles Loonled nt Okmnlgeo, Oklahoma City, Cushlng, Poncn City. Okla., Onlnrnvltle, Toxna. Bales Of flco Phono 7000 1 410 Unity Illdg.. Tulsa. Okie Livingston Refiners Corporation pnoDUcnitH nuriNistin MAiiiCKTHnn All l'roduofs of Petroleum. All Phones Ohngo 0130 fJeiicrnl Offices, Tulsn, OUIn. GENERAL AMERICAN TANK CAR CORPORATION n. J. HHAHPK nnd 11, T. MUHSEIl, llcsldent Agenti. Phono tie ROXANA PETOLEUM CORPORATION pnoDucnna and nw.inxm-nn Ht. Louis, Mo.. Arcade Illdg. Tu..n. nlf, M Chicago, III.. Continental Commercial Hank llldff. SHAFFER OIL & REFINING COMPANY nnjriNnmr.H at cubhino Bales Office, 208 Houth LnBallo Street. Clilwuro. THE PURE OIL CO. Iteflnerles nt Cushlng and Ardmoro. NORTH AMERICAN CAR COMPANY TXMir Clllll T.lfllllJn nt,VIITllT..r .m ....... ........ ...... .,w..r, iv.,1 iuni'.Lr Jlf.J IIUIJU11.1' Oeo. V. Ilrlgham, Houthwest Itcpresentnliv, 1004 Danlol Hid.., 8 vor! uoiioj vino, Jin. Telephono 1180 CHICAGO CLEVELAND GENERAL REFINING COMPANY AKDMORE TULSA EXPORT OIL CORPORATION, (INC.) " Tlrst National IJank Illdg., Tulsn, Okla, Local Telephone Osago No. 2710 Long Distance, L. n, No, 1G8 Purchasers of all petroleum products for exnort fJAi.Mu rii.'i.'irMi-u New York No. 1 Ilroadwuy ' Paris Continental irm.i export Terminals at Avondsle, New Orleans. La. OKLAHOMA PRODUCING & REFINING CORP. ui irncrica PHTItOLHUM AND 1TH PItODUCTH Sales and Ooncral Offlceu, O. p. St It. lllllldlnc Tulsu, Okluhoma SINCLAIR CRUDE OIL PURCHASING COMPANY BINCLAIIt ItUILDINO TUIJA. OKLAHOMA, CONSTANTIN REFINING CO. Oeneral Offioos, Tenth floor. Klrst National Hunk Illdg Itoflnerles, Tulsa, Devol Phone Osago C020 IMPERIAL REFINING COMPANY PUTHOLKUM AND ITS PHODUCTS General Offices; Ft. Worth, Toxas Iteflnery; Ardi-oro, okla THE MARLAND REFINING COMPANY HHFINKItH OP HIOIl (I RADII CRUUH PONCA CITY, OKLAHOMA J. F. CAMPION OILS PROMPT SliRVICB 107-808-809 COHDISN I3LDO. Phones im HIGHWAY OIIj REFINING CORPORATION HIGHWAY PRODUCTS Raw Caslnghoud and Casltighend Hlunds. We sill only guaranteed Baaollne ot our own manufacture from our nlno Oklahoma plants. 0-9313 L. D. 12H 207-11 Lynch Illdg., Tulsa. PHILLIPS HIGRADE REFINING CO. PKTKOLKL'M PItODUCTH Refineries Hales Offices, Tulea, Okla. Okmulgee, Oklahoma First Nut'l Bank Illdg, Mldco Bldg,, Tulsa Conway Hldg., Chicago MIDCO OIL SALES COMPANY Havo left for delivery over April, a few cars of bright stock also our Mldco II Cylinder Htock. PUODUCBRH HKIINHRB MARKETERS J