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FULSA DAILY WOULD, WLDNLbDAY, MAY I, 1921 NURSE UPHOLDS STOKES CHARGES Hoard Mrs. Stokes Call Hal Hillip a Dear, She Says on Stand t COLORADO ESCAPADES IMiHH HiiaIi Aver Man UminW !y Spent Sunday in Apart ment of MrH. Stoke NEW VOIIK. Atnjr irjininal for w. K ii. mokM. inllllonalrs hotm in uprlinr, uprmig a aurhrlan on th" i'iHnn 111 MtoHwa' illvuri'i aim lowiv in Intrntlurlnt Mla lanothy Nuah, i pratty tralncl tiurar. n a nr vi'n?m aalnat Mrs Mnkva Mlmt f I ij vti eoi ruRorntitrt tiatltnotiy if nthar ta-Itttftiai-a for Air. Htokea "m crfilii HhI lll'lli. mm of tin iniiiinriMtn on-rvupondPMla namoil by Hi" plaintiff. A4n. ftiokra had irr loualy it'hlvd Ihl teatlninn.v 'iuiii the xltfira Ufiil. Oillrtl lllm it llcnr T)ir tiurabj, who nitftfitlril Mr, from January 2N. 1 1 i ; . to Inly 13. Ifl, tuallflail nIm- hw llll Ill; klaa .Mr. Hlokaa arvpral Urn 'a in tin home of Mm. Mtt-ka' iimtllT in Drnvr hiiiI that Mr MtnH" iilliil HUH "h iImiu. mwl UiIiik" Alloa HiimH iIi i hirr-d llllll nml ttv liill.litmlri'a wlfr want (lilt "twice a Mrrlt" nloiif tngethnr III Di-nver nml t tin I Mra. Htokd vlallml Mr llll lllt'a ImnKiilow nt Trotltiluli, Colo, on- nlKlit III July, 1 it 1 7 . nml re iii.ilni'il until afltir tnlilnlghl. Tin uiho I old or llllllit vlMlllittf Mr stoke in Uip latter'a llrnom whllf thr latter wiu In tiPKllHt'' M rt In l.lltlslnn, rutin: for Mm Ktok-ti, mnn H ilPtttl inlnail effort to lmr Mlaa Iluah'a rvIiIciuc, hut falloil. "Whrra did Mr HIlllK uaiiiill.v uprnil Hilmliiy?" alio wiia 1'iN.ti'il "III tlm Ih'iIiooiii of Mia Hlolu'H. Mlaa Until t'fldhd, glandm; ut .Mm Ntokra. I'once mlnK thr trip to Trmililiiir Colo, prpvlousC)' illarnaapil hv nthi'i'A In the ninploy of Mra. it tlml tunc, MMi I iiihIi mid Mra. Htok h mid IIIIIIk ocrilplt'd aipnriin liiuiKir.ovva i Ml off !' n pori-li. Mia. Htokoa nnd H'lIlK Hi'nt to ( lie hnlrl to itnni"' unit rotornntl nlinia 11 o'clock In the cnlriK. Mlaa Iluah ndilnl. "I could not idfr'p wvll on mroiint of tho high iittKutlr," tin wltui lontlnliPd. "Duo ovcnliiK ttmy in turned iiroiind tl liilnrk nnd Mra. Htokoa wont into lillllK'a hutiRiilow Hlic ri'iniilnil thorn nlioiil mi hour i ml n half nml came out lifter inlil lllKht. "Could you hour their rnnvcrwi lion?" Mr. Wi'.liinin wilted. "Voa, most of the tlino," the wll nraji rrplled "And w 1 1 ut did Mra. Htokia lull Itlllln?" Iii(illrr Mr. Wcllimin. "A dear, Hwrnt thlnit," Minn Hush icplh-il Cilu Briefs M Ian llilah aald h rrrnlleil one ( i nbloii when Mm. Htnkr nnd llll I g I'ctinncd In tlm I.'nvor IioUhk ut o'clock In tin' ninriiliiK nnil.rr ported tint tlmy hud hud nn n Mto -moMlo (iii'ldi'iit. "They did romp Imcli In nnntli .1 mil." nio anld. In 1-viiriiuiy. 191.1. the nuran iikII flrd. Illlllu: ntllod on licr mid niknl Iht fur n lottor atiitlnK Ihut aim hud inViT n'on nnythliiK "ti hurt tho i hHriiotii" of either Mra. Htokca or lllltlK whllu aha wn.i oiuplo)vd liy At flrrt aim told IIIIIIk Hint aim did not llko Mra. (Mkea, hut 111111k IxiCKed for tin hour, alio tOHtlfled, alntlnir thnt he oonteuip'.iited Ridtlnn nmrrled, nml the letter would onnlile hltii to nvotd tmiiiK culltxl In the di vorce case. Mlfrt Ilimli flnnlly ennaented. The lettKr wiia I r 1 1 it k I L Into tho record diirliic th cnmaoxiunliiiitlon of tho wlliiem hy Murtln l.tttluton. u fol Iowa: "Jununry 30, 1910. To whom it limy concern "Willi. I wna In the ciuplov of Mra. KtokoM, I never amy miy:hliiM in hurt the nhnrniiter of ellhcr Mia .Htokca or llul IIIIIIk. I wmh on two oi tlireo trlpa to Trolltdnle with her nnd IH.IIk mid her ohariu'tcr mui n, k nt till llinia. (alRifil) "UOItOTIIV lU'flll " Ok lul i miii orflci'c Itinlmn. WAKIIINC.TO.V. Mny 3. The wnr di'pnrttiient ncceplcd tho reahtnntlnn of Kliat I.leuteimnt Itertruni Wright Itnndloa. ciivnliy. of IiIh couilaalon In the uriiiy. I.lelltennnt lliiudlca home la ut Okcinuli. Okln. T)I)llCi; I'KTITIHSM filed In! illotrl.t court Tiic.lii) I'lliel Voriii- liiKton HKHlnat It.iliili WorinliiKtnii , l.lovd II. HlKRa aKuliixl MHi'ti IIIkkn, UIU M'"k nanliiM l( 11. Menka, 1., 1 .1. h Inlaw un. iinalC in KlnliiW. i MAItlllA'lM 1.IC;NS;H laauad Tui'ulny Jcaae Wlllliillia, 23, nnd ' I.oiiIkc llnrikliia, 19. Mnnd Hprlnna; I A. I,. Itolna, L'T, hvI Mary I'lirtrldKc, fleorre Thompaon. I Wlnnl Pollard. It. 1'nrtl W orth, Texan. I - I UWOUrVM OllANI I'll Tuawliiy In ! dlalilcl court hy .hlrflt lleduiuilil H. Cole: .laoi'tlc Hot aRulnat l.oulal It 'm.': Alllrlreii Itlchnrdaon aipilnat Albert ltd hurdaon; C. II. Uoliartaou HaaJiiat Atltmlo lloliarlaon, NnrHh Andiewa MlfHlnat Hen Afnlruwa .- IN A HI 'IT 1'II.IOIJ in dlatrlct cone Tueailwy, .limnlln UUini iimHh 134.uiii i1.inimea from thn cliy for Injur lea ahe rlalioa alic auatiilnnd on Aprtl 11 when ah- foil Inlo a hole in lift piivement at Tlilrrt mid Mnln atreet Mar liuatmnil, M. N. Dlaun. ha Ut" an ma animim, clHlmln that tha lojitilia hla wife anffercd have placeit lllm al h ureiit fltnttn lnl and nllier lona. - I i P. A IIAHHAM. fir Id aecretatv or' tlm aeneral hoard of duration of' inn rreanyiarian cnurrii. woo waa In Tulau to curry foiwurd the te- icot andowmaiit eampiilmi "r thr I'nlvnraltv of TiiInn, left Momln) nlK 111 lot (Ik rim luce nml MiiMkoKec Irj the Inleieala of the iMiopiiIgn SENATE READY TO SEAT NEWBERRY Ford'.s Efforts to Oust Victor at End, Sen ators Predict IIiih) Victory lor I'lilton. IMIII.ADIJI.I'IIIA, Mhv Ktrd I'lilton of Mlnnenpolia imiilc ahoii work of .lack Hell of lloiialon Tcxna, hero tonlulil, the limit lieln atoppeil after two mlriiilea nml .'0 tMionda of flKhtliiK, to fine ll"li from furlhar punlnhmeni lloiner Mlllllll of KlllllllllllEDO Ml. IllKilll. knocked out Hilly Mltlei of l!o rhi'Mlcr, N. V., In one minute and U aeeojida. HKIilAIlLK AUTO SAIvVACJK CO. l.ocnteil nt 121 I'lrat hna piulH for the follou IriR iivia llulrk, IIimIkc, Clnilniera U. i rlim.l Hiixiiii Hl, iiUn put In for Itipuhll' two lon nml .N'iihIi Quail licnted nt 1 1 : Clint WAMIIINT(.N, May .1 llepuh- Mean laadara of the mnatn today ahiti'd tlmt they rexurd tha effnrta of Henry Koid to iinnnHi Kamitor Trumyn II. Mowherry, repuhllcuii of Mlelilfan, an "vlrtunlly at an end." They f'onatrued the ilanMon of the auprefiiB court In liohllnc the cor rupt praeilrm act iiiieoiinlltiitlonat when applied to prlirmry elactlnna and Banalor Newherry therefore n'ronKfully eonvltled of eonaplracy lo viola lis m hnvlriK "anttlad the mailer. flhaip exception win taken by Renaior of MaaaBclinaetln, re. pulilliHll inaJorHy leader arid olhnr leuillni; ropuldluui aanatnra to the atatenient maile hy Henator Hpencer of Mlaaourl, n ineinher of the aenate eleetlona nnd prlvlleua committee, Hint declnloii would no' prevent the coilimlttee from koIiik .tll'ad with Ita InviallKnlion of the N'whciry .iae Henalor Bperner .l il"'1 lo have taken an ' iliiHiithorijcd vi n' of the .HiUlilloll Cieatcd l.y Hi" d' . I alon and to hnw apoki n foi h aelf alul Pol foi thr i i.miMIti r III mix in )nw- i,ei i. iidiii' iniilii it hv M.'ii.i'or I oilpe fn , p at it' iiii'M li wna ! p" "lid . it h I'ipiih in fi inadrra that Henator Hpencer la no longer chairman of n rtiProrr)rnlt- teo ilmlifn.itcd to proho tho New- herry t n. a e. The puh-coinrnltta tiiftaed tM exlat iwtli tho prevloun 'onKrra nrul when the new ati,ite i otmnltteea worn orK'inlzed It wna irild tho iUnatlon of the nenate vlertiona nnd privilege com mliteii putaulOK l' Impilry Into the Nrwherty fa would real with Ita ehalrtnnn. Henntnr DIIIIiiKhnm, re putdlran of Vormnnt nnd tho full committee, not with tho Kroup eon jxl II iitlnar tlio former committee of whlnh Tlenator Hpenecr wna rhulr man. The full eommltlae will meet to eonalder the aupreinn coiirl'a deel nlnn and It la anticipated hy rrputj. Hen li landera It will decide lo clono th Xewherry Innulry irjieedlly. K. C. Ainu to I'm to Klin. WAHHINC.TO.V, .May J. Kle tlon of K. Mont Hlley of Kiumna City to ho governor of I'orlo ftleo hat vir tually been decided upon hy I'real denl HiirdlriK, H waa learned ni ihe white houae. Itlley Iiuk hml aeveral Minfereniia itli tho proaldrtit re eently at wlmh the mutter I" tin deralood to have h'eo iloacd up ltle. waa one of ip' "ilitltial Hnrd Inif men in the pir-i orut'tiiion am pnli;n DR. GORDON TO ASSEMBLY 1 t'liUi-ndl.r of Tulau Ill-nil i Attr od l"naliyterliin Coiiwtitlon .May 111. Dr. ,f. M (lordon, prealdenl of the , Cnlvoralty of Tulan. who la apondlng ; the week, end nt I'au.'a Valley nnd Ardmore, whera ho will kIvb d dreaa In tho tntereat of the unlveralty, will follow hln aohwlula of ongitso tno'nta In rapid auccnawlon until May 19, when ho will lenve for Winona, Intl.. to attend the eneral aaeembly of thn I'reahylerlan rhun h l'rom there he will K" to Wa.hliiilnn, where ho will aee Mind A'lea Hohert aon, who la to tncelvo on l.l. U. de Kreo nt th unlveralty. Doctor (! don plana to itu hy nppolMtment from WaahlnKton in New York, where h will confer with the llockefeller board In regard to the endowment program of the ltnlvei alty now belna: ctirrled on In Okla homa. It A Ilaaham who Iw at the unl Mrillv for alx-nmntliH May, aaalat I riff in (he expansion wruk of the iioivetaiiN hna In en at Nowata, liiplow nml ClHi'Oi'.ic wnrklna; In thi of the ai lion! Thla wek he will he .it .MuekoKCe inla t)k- .v ,liti no I Hipulp.i on tin 'atewidi pl.m "f mill i KtliiK I'ri Ij.t'ilio of tiki iiir.pi i in the -lipporf i.f tl,,' I'll' 'il 9 AMERICAN LEGION Joe Cnrson Pot I'rMfiil I ruin hriilrl Inllnlot I ilirur I'lHiUtnn llrirllnnr ArlrntUti I.IUiiIhIh riatilil In Thii llrdtnl hrli.w.l Aililltnrluiii. I'lmt Citiurrtt Wnlnrmlitt Miir II, hvronil CimmtH Tlmriulu) Alnv 13 ftilA it, tn. TlrttPln on niilf ni ,mrr Iriin l.riflitn lirMtlquurtrrM utvi nt tltmr. Save $12.50 I'liono Oiaue or (Vilnr 572 I or I'rtnIK 'I hla Offer Clnun Siilurilny. F. B. DKSIION & CO. "Thinjja Electrical" .VIS SOI'TII M IV jyjEN are making a more conscientious .selection of their wearing apparel this Spring than ever before. Careful buyers not only de mand Style, Quality and good looks they also expect to find these at far more reason able prices than they have been paying in the past. We are happy to announce that all of these features will be found in the suits we are showing at $28.65 and $36.65 SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS Holmes Clothes Shop 223 South Main Street 5 V 111 3i fil ll t I'M i.i la . if w Oral Hygiene m the science oi mouth dranlt ncu. Clulilreu in tlie public ldioots know the ulue of clean month and that many painful tluc.ucs find llifir source in the oral cavily. lror a clean mouth vuit ysur drntut twice a year and me I'to-Ora twice a day. Iti effect it truly remarkable tn the treat ment of Pyorrhea Canker times Spongy and Bleed ing Gum i Storaalltli Tonillitii, etc. Ask your dtugiit for V. & K. Electric Pumps Electric Power Plrints and Dynamos Automatic llcntos Electric Vacuum Cleaners Steam and Mot Water HcatinR Plnnts And All Plumbing Supplies Come In Today! Have you seen the modern way to supply your homo with instant hot water? This is indeed an opportunity we ore offering your chance to get the most efficient, tho most satisfactory hot-water service that you could want. This week only we are demonstrating the Ruud Auto matic Gas Water Heater to the comfort-loving home owners of this city. Our whole efforts are devoted to letting you know about Ruud service. Ruud experts are here to show you how to end your hot-water troubles for all time. See the Ruud Heater in Action Come in and learn how you can have otiuat hotwoter service it little expense. See for yourtcti how the Huud Heater lifthts and goes out automatically, how every time you turn on a hot .water faucet in your home you f(et freih, tominj! hot water without trouble or delay. Think of the benefit to your home o( having hot-water faucets in kitchen, bath, and laundry respond Instantly to your touch nitfht and day without the ejpenic or trouble of keeping a fire goinC all the time. l-tt us tell you the truth about an economical hot-water supply. The Ruud is made in sizes to fit every home, w hclher of tw o or twenty rooms. Now Is the time to -five your self this great convenience- 3i 37is Is Hot Water Week 7 JtttmJ f in Iht Ni mt or wWfmf xm tlm. A rwrv I A turn 0 rf hc witr ftnttit tm tk aVoM Watt Plumbing, Heating & Supply Co. 320 East Third St. Phones Osage or Cedar 982 I 1 lAy Broihex:s I STRAW HAT TIME And we're reiuly ns never before. Here now is 11 very elaborate display of the now Htruw hats for summer 1921. The biggest, most comprehensive straw hat exhibit you'll sec in this section. Not a correct new style, new shape, new shade or new braid but what is here. We doubt whether any one store ever displayed so many straws at one time. And every one of them is as new as the season. Kirst in importance when straw hats arc mentioned, is Knox straws. No others so fine, so stylish, so easy fitting. Hero exclusively in an unlimited variety of splits, sennits, bangkoks, and fancy braids in natural, tan, and green, and bleached stravs. Nothing like them anywhere except in other Knox stores. Priced very low at $8. Almost as fine straws as Knox, here in yacht and soft straws with out end. New braids from every corner of the world. Sennits, splits, balilukcs, leghorns, and fancy braids. Soft or stiff brims and many new effects in bands and trimmings. Fine panamas, too, from Ecuador, where the best are made. You ought to sec the display here and get yours today. Prices as attractive as the hats. $3.50, $4, $5, $6, $7.50 to $18 1 Formerly Madansky To Serve You Better The First National Bank has two men who devote all of their time lo the im portant task of seeing that you get what you want when you come to this bank. One man is stationed in the main lobby throughout the day, to answer questions, direct customers to the proper window or department, and assist in other ways. He is an experienced bank man and is placed in the lobby to help you. The other man is in the safe deposit de partment, and in addition to acting as vault euard, assists patrons with their safe deposit boxes. 'Both of these men are nt your service, and you are urged to make use of them. This is just another proof of the First National's desire to serve you fully. THE First NationsBank 4 J)F TULSA TULSA'S OLDEST BANK