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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Tn.F'V DAILY WOULD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1921 STEEL WORKERS' WAGES REDUCED LABOR IS AFTER GOMPERS' SCALP Head of Mine Workers Is Slated to Succeed 71-Ycar-Old Veteran OF Picture in Newspaper Leads to a Romance TcnncHHceun In Now 'tabu' of CoiifresH PRAGERS' Corner Fifth and Main Streets Exclusive AgcnlH for Iickson's Apparel Exclusive Agents for Hickson's Apparel 4 MIf 120 Per Cont Cut Ordered, Against Day Workers of U. S. Stool Corp. , ANNOUNCED BY GARY, Snya 8-1 four Dny Would Not Ho as Satisfactory a Twolvo-llour Day njcw vonK. m i i ' rill CUt Ifl Wfl(N Of Mil llu" Worker employed by ih i mini tfui otporfttlon, ffi iii Mhv i'i wii-i HIIDOUmnl loll' loilnv lv I lot rl II ttnty, chairman ..f Ho- imi i.r d icotora of that orgitii,nioi' Th KtfBl corporation in i, h..i ni mora than Bfi it em r imoUy today, to a ID r rant wak" t it would not ranch rh mini of ureal panlon In the ti I trade, w lilrh for month", Man n on t tic incline. TJi elll Will bp mule eff.'lie nl h II h orpnratlnii a miiufu liu lux Plant, Judge duly annitunrml. (Kh i'i Nltrlia nnil ratea will he niult- Ably t1JUlr(. I alMtod. Jiidae Hary announced mi effort M Ixrlim inMila In Hbanilon Ihn lit hour day but Intimntod tuatallntlnu f the a hour day wnn nut prae icabl. B It WOII III mil rut If fv Mil ploya. Tlii atatcuient of ,JudR (Tnry followa. Tim wiibii rate of day labor i'i iiinnufnatiirliiK IiIhiiIh of atcol coi porntlona Imvo been drtercuaed ittioiil .10 per oelit to become nffcctlvn May I'I. Olluir i ii I cm, Including milurlea, Will lit' elllltlilily JllllUHted. "A ft nr it Ionic luilimtak lnw effort, we Imvo not been ublo to find a ini(!llciililo baila for Urn entire aban donment of l ho 12 hour iluv or turd In tho Immediate fulure. lltiunvnr, wo nlreiuly Imvo -l I n 1 1 n a t ! tlio 12 hour iluy In curtnlti dupnrtmenta und Klmll oontlnuo our offorta In thin ill rrotlou with tlio lioio anil eitcu tlon of iiiiiktiiK tlio ollmlimtloii of lliii 12 hour dny complete. ilurliiK tho noxt year. "Wo do not believe wrt mil nullify our uniitoyi' with any ahortur limit." Count u Will Pay the Expenses of Appeal (IcorKO KUtliiKnr. convicted aover al wc.cka hko of tho iiuirilor of Hhcr man Wnnl, Dawaon grocer In 1!UG mid aontiinccd to life linprlaoninont In tho penitentiary will appeal hla tain nt tho expenao of tho county uccotdlnu li a dcolalon handed down by JudKu Hedmnnd H. Colo In dis trict court TitPNdny. ICIIIIiiKcr filed an nffldnvlt that ho did not licllovi thnt hu had mri'lvi'd a fair trl.l hut duo to IiIh IkiIiik a puuppr ho wan unnlilo to iippoal Ida ciihp. Tho roc ord of appeal will bo inndo at tho I'ounty'a oxpotmo, nccordlni; to JihIro I'olo'n dpclnlou. U'rllor Ofrcml Dlploumtlo .Toll. W'ASUINOTO.V, May 3. Uloharcl Winhhurii Child, wrltor and publl clat,' who wiih rloaoly iiKHorlutuil with Urn JliinlliiK campalKii, linn hnon offoriyi a dlploiuallo pout, It wan learned atithorltatlvoly today. Tho pout which linn bnon offered wim not dlxulofiod, It I io I rut und'THtooil that rcvciiil aro under coiwldnra lion. Cloxalp In official rlrclcx today i-onneqled tin- nanin of Dr. David .luynii lllll with tho iuihU at Ilcrlln and TokliK .Miiirim Duly lloiirmaii noil liU i hrlilo, ilin hum Ml li'Klnlii .Mitiiluau, aro mtii h-ntlni; tin rhiiii'li nfler Ihc ii ri'iniiii). SKW VOHK, May t.-MarciiH Plv lioarmuti of ltopnilup, Muni , and .Ml wi Vlrnltilu MhiIIkoii nf Ihla elly, whole pletuio hi frll lti low with wrrka beforo lie nift Ihn orlKlual, were inarrlod roeently a' Ht. I'ntrlck'R rnihtidral. lloarinan la a lnuthur of Mrn. Norni.ui du It, WJlllllllDIIKO. lloarinan, Inning rrad all the nowH, tiirnxd to tho rotoKruviiio acotlon of u nnwHpup r a vear iiko and anw Mlaa MadlKiiira plitur aa alio appeared In tho (IM rnlo of Jeanne d'Aro In l'orillmiii wnlver Hlty'H ptuiuint hint May. Throuah a friend in IhU rlty. Iloariunti niado Mlaa Mnillgana m iiualnlaiieo tlirniiKli the null H"V eral weeha later ho rauie here fiiiui Montana to mch IiIh ideal In life. Hoon aftnr Mra. IMirb it Kiuiicli MadlKan auiioiiueed her diUll;h(er'H eiiKaKuinont lu lloaruiun .Ml.n MadlK'in'a Into fullier wna known n h a blblloplillu iuil piiblUlit. Hhu wax educated In tho I'l'minno ni'iiilemy and Mount Ht. Vincent coiivunl. lloarinan la a lawyer at Hound up and non of Mr anil Mra. John It. lloarinan. Ilo waa Kiniliiuteil front (lottEDKa and (leorKetown n ill veraltlea. Iloanunn and hl lirlde will make a Itlp In the I'lirKk coast beforo Rolni; to their fulliUM homo at llouudup. WASHINGTON, Mnv S. Bwmiif. r im furxa n flKht lj) rntiiln , i hip of tli" Amarlrtin labor 1,1 fifier ') ymra In offb"' ni ii of tin" Amerlcnn J'edtMa ,,.i but vlKonmi '"ampftllfM ' v wNKi'd to nuM tha 7 1 -ynar-nl'1 , .ind ait III hla place Jolm I I,i a ' li'-ud of the l.'iiltftfl Mini' , i . of America, and onn of the H ' lul'or Ivadrrn In th conn 1 i 1.' rt - hna aTlvan no Indlcntlon that r nin for Hit' offh-p, hut l- in Mttaehnl tn th alate- , f IiIn frlnnda today that "he i I help hlinwlf If thara la a I n n i I fm him." ' ii i,i' i mailt lo elect T.ewla or I 'd with Inaiirnerit idemonta In ' li I' r.Llmri, where tho aim la the I I ,iy .lilntlon of tha xwutlvfl I t;h'ii ih ranlnil adtnlntatrntlvp bud' "f Hie fedaiatlnn nud tlui (dim-t i n nf (lomprr'a pollclaa. "nliiiic lo raporta. nlher' . i j i . whli h hltliarto have nliKtiad nw'kM with Oompara, liava , " i i.ifi. d their I m t or it In it to atippoTt LiVllH i C'liiplpd with thca raporta nru ru-. mora thai hnforo tha noxt otartlon will lak plc Itpfora thf eon- ventloti oponlntt lu ,liin In Denver Compeia will announco hla retire-loenl. Ohe'lM lo .lull I'rlMiners Wiirl.lnx. OKMI'I.UIli:, Okln.. May i. At a raault of a protnat niado hy th uk miiUee Central Ijilior couuoll iiKiilnrt tho uae of county prlminera In mini work. Claude I'. Connally. auto la bor i oinmlaaloner, hna ailvlaed coun ty uffieliilH to 1'infer with orKanlKMl htlnir in an effort to adjunt inulli'ii Will e holdliiK that line nf county prlaoneiw In road work la not a Uulntlon of I iw. the Htnle labor comnilHaloner holda that It doea an ItiJUMtlie to the men who noik to Kiiiporl their fiiinlllrH. Itep, It. Cm roll Hi ', l:epri"iiil,i'iv, II Citriill Ileec" 'of T iiiii'khi ", in tin. nutlKPat iik iiiIh r of ilie Sixly-Bi veoth con iKieaa Hn am i eeda, a baby mem ber of tho national leKlalature. Itop icantatlvi Mrl'od of Michigan, who waa 2!l when hn entered the j prevloua consreaa laat year. Annual Duen Social i Afc.v W. C. T. U. Event 1 The NotthMde W. C. T 1'. will I hold their annual ducx aoelal at 2 30 ! W'edti' Mdny afternoon at the homo of , Mr, II. i;i ii.iIii.iki r, fi3S North Main ' atre. I M i a. I.. A Hurst will be In i chart?" of tho pruKram, whh h will , conaiat of inualc ami talka. Mra. , Mlah D l.lndniy will talk ou "The Htato Work of tho V'. C. T. U." 1 MuhIc will be furnl"h"d by Mra. 13. I). Clulow, Mra. T II Hasty, Mra. .lamea 1'erKiiaon ami Mra. 8, H. Cox. W'ouhl Itcali'lct 'I'nulo lloaril.t. WAHIIINOTON. Muy 3 Drimtlc reatrlctloiiH of boarda of trade audi tit'Odiicn iixebiiiicfi'M ni'.i iiriiviilti.i l.ili a hilt Introduced lu tho houau today by Ilnproacnlatlvo Tlncher of Kan H.ia. VThu bill Iiiih tho Hiipport of n maJoVlty of uicinbera of I ho houau UKrlculturnl committee. It provldea i a tax of 20 renin a bimbol on Ktiiln,! to bo paid by thu Holler. In contra la, 1 of aalea on boards of trade, auth j contractH of aalen IncludliiB iiKreo-! ineiilH of aalu und to aoll, optlonx, 1 prlvllPBOM, blda, otforn. puta, calls, lmlemnlthi, upa and downa und on ' future iliilhei lex. I' kWll Powder JjBfci As the 'Soft Lustre of Pearls I Inrmonioim wllli (lie evening toilette la tho ekln that Clinnllllu Face Pow der has bcnutl(Il like the soft luatre of pcnrla tho touch of snlln. Tito appealing clinmi qf ltd Indlvld uallly and dlnllncllYe fragrnnco la allogelher faaclnntlug. Send 10c to St. Lotila Odice for trial Ijox of Clionlllly face powder. Myr DrolKm-a Drug Company SI. 6U N.v York DtHrlUttan for Unlit J Sltlrt 1M Fir Powder CU0 2S Cftirn , S0 Cletnilnff Criu JO Rougt Compact . .50 ToiUl Wter 1.30 I'iifum . . 2.UO 1 1X1U N kj vv Ant" X ULll Ice Cream Is Frozen In 100 Pure Atmosphere Frozen in an absolutely sterile atmosphere, ONK HUNI)KI'1) times purer than the purest air, Watson & Avon "Carhonated-l'rocess" lee Cream is far more dolcclable in flavor, richer in food value and SUPER PURE! Ours is the only ice cream made in this territory by this wonderful new method. Better FLAVOR and Utmost In PURITY at No GREATER Cost! Watson & Avcn Phones Osage 7511-7512 (101) Gros de Londres and Taffeta Dresses Specially Priced for Wednesday The shop beautiful offers you Wednesday an assortment of ex quisite taffeta and gros de londres dresses. The last word in up-to-the-minute styling is represented in each and every one. To see is to admire, and one glimpse will make you wish to be the proud possessor of one of these distinctive frocks. The supply is limited; why not shop early On Display in Our Main Street Windows $50 A Sale of Banded Sailors Our Millinery section presents a stunning col lection of Banded Sailors of Lisere and Milan hemp, in solid colors of black, white, brown and navy or two-tone effects, such as white with black facing, or black, brown and navy with white facings. Splendid values al $8.75, specially priced at $5.00 Visit Our Toilet Goods and Social Stationery Departments You will find them replete with large stocks of the finest imported perfumes, toilet waters, face powders, rouge, complexion creams, and, in fact, every adjunct to milady's boudoir. If you have an invitation to send or regrets to extend the wonderful stationery you will find in the shop beautiful will add that necessary touch of distinction. Complete assortment of back lace and front-lace styles. Individual fitting service. You will be thoroughly satis fied with your Red fern Corset fitted here. Priced from $5 to $25 fill 11 nffmm'miiiiiiiiii J hi