Newspaper Page Text
tEUABlUTY CHARACTER ENTERPRISE UhKAClK SWOIIN NKT I'AIO Pally , Sunday OL. XV. NO. n i i or? 1 1 O'l.ltX 35.21)2 yjj WHITES ADVANCING INTO LITTLE AFRICA;' NEGRO , DEATH LIST IS ABOUT 15 There was an unconfirmed report at 6 o'clock that Jirce more white men had been killed in the latest clash with the blacks, but it could not be verified. 1 With the coming of dawn this morning, following a night of race rioting and death, hundreds of armed white men in motor cars formed a circle of steel about "Little Africa," and a continuous raltlle of rifle and re volver fire could be heard. a Sixty or seventy automobiles filled with armed men I 'were in the line drawn about the black belt and there) were many reports to the effect that they planned to, i range through the negro settlement and "clean it out." I At 5:30 the death list was estimated as high as fif- 1 teen. Though no whiles were known to be killed save two unidentified men listed in The World, reports to I police headquarters from members of the white bands I who had been at "the front" between the line of armed ! whites and "Little Africa" said they had counted the I bodies of more than a dozen streets. While the bands of armed white men in motor cars were surrounding the negro district six airplanes were circling over the section. Scattered along the Frisco tracks and in streets immediately south were between 500 and 1,000 more armed white men. Talk of driving into "Little Africa" could be heard on all sides. At 5:45 the white forces were pushing into "Little Africa" from the south, bands of white riflemen being reported atElgin and Archer. They were reported to be shooting iritoMiouies "and at all negroes in sight. There was no report of the extent of casualties. Thtf negroes were not returning the fire very spiritedly, ilj was reported, but negro snipers were shooting from' housetops and windows. Shortly after 2 o'clock this morning, the row of frame buildings on the east side of Boston avenue north of ttd Frisco tracks was fired, but because there was no wind, the flames burned themselves out and did not spread to the Cin cinnati avenue block which sheltered several hundred negroes. At 3 o'clock the fire had gained sufficient headway to de stroy all the buildings except, the residence on the north end of the block. When this building was burned, six negroes who had been firing from the house at the whites were driven from cover and five of the six who ran from the house were killed. White men who took up their station at Arctr and Boston before 3 o'clock, succeeded in pushing their line almost to Cincinnati avenue in the face of fire from the negroes. The negroes, however, made no dashes from their places of hiding and 'except for the firing of a few shots at intervals, did not attempt to dtslodgu whites in the negn section of the city. Members of the crowd of 500 whites around the Frisco depot about 5 o'clock this morning engaged in a spirited bat tic with several negroes perched on housetops. However, the aim of the blacks was bad and no whites were injured, but three negroes were killed within a short space of time. One of the blacks was perched on a two-story brick build ing on Archer. He raised up to fire but one of the whites with an army rifle beat him to it and the black toppled, ap parently dead. The other two blacks were hiding on Archer and were dropped by the white.sharpshooters. Three other black bodies were lying near the depot at day light this morning. Two bodies had been removed. T.i'c Brady, proprietor of the Brady hotel, who was a mem t'fr f white men on guard duty along North Main street all Mgrt, said he counted the bodies of fiVe negroes. 1 i'p negro was dragged behind an automobile, with a rope ft " it his neck, through the business district. l; P"rts that three Frisco switchmen and a fireman, mem ''f t "f a switching crew, had been shot to death by negroes i"' i m they refused to haul the blacks out of town, could ' ! I-- verified. r.p,,rt from the Oklahoma hospital at o:-'i0 said three " win nded white men had been brought there, but that ' ' were seriously injured. The names were not secured. V "kIo a negro house at ElKgin and Archer was reported ' ' ng. FRUSTRATE ATTEMPT OF PAIR TO ESCAPE FROM IAIL -B through the tcp r lieti e I' luvli and Ila '1 M' ' i.pted to fa. ape fi.m the ' i about 2 ouloik i dnenlay ' The were tlita-nt ered by -" ' j.ilnr K. L. Crawford and i.ffl I' M'ichem Jurtt aa thev wer J ' "ir thi-ouith tho outkido bars of 'H pruion "t and Davis were ejeh berv t. F'nH te canyme coixcealed -n- od hiuru: visranw. Th-" Tlfi negroes stretched in tho were arrehted U.n weeK n i:i.."idi dine and wire mninj The tni n Mere dls'.'.verrd aft. r the awed the two ham firm tne lop of itH'lr tell and i linitinl on: on lop. Thev then uu the lo.-k in the Mti'hen door and were t.ainy through thn last of the b.ira between them and freedom when Crawford -a uw..hj tatnc an. The Dead At tin' Mimliru) I ndc rtnklut; l'lilllutll won nil linllli'lillflfil . tit.' man, hIiiw ih:i- might l-phii-cil iMtmt'ii UN mill 111! )i',irj, anil wIiiim' ilralli wound was it Imllrt which cntiri-d 1 1 ir- lui'l. of the Ill-nil Mi' dlitl ill a liMltiil. 'llirn- Miirp mi fl lit . nT IdenllfliM llnii which iiiulil lx fnllimcil I .in I nlitlit mill In' m ii- iiiililrnlirlrtl up lit :i o'clock tlih mnrnliiK. l stntili'j-Mi'Ciitin t iiili'i-tjiklni; cimipan) Is mi iiiililchtlfliil ulilli' nail iilsnit :!." )t'.irh ul imc. Ilralli was ul-o tint- In n Imllrt wound fil tering I lie licitl, 'llirif were tin ilrntl it t 1 1 if other morgues, Oklahoma Hospital fatally liijinril. A. It. STICK, city cli-rk. Sapulpa, death i .iiii. tvil momcnlarll) . Injured. (i T J'lU'NKAUD, conductor on Krln... Sapulpa. tinut In Iff t shoul di r. i-hlti, tni i In .ul. I.KH lTSHKU. .triiiVj U.n.t l-'lrnt street, h!"1 In left leg. I.. T BUNKAHD, Went Tuli,a, k(. fractured. ItMIKIlT I'AI.M Bit, West T11I1..1 shot in lift shoulder. hi) ACST1N, 1 1 S South Detroit, shut In left font. i:. ' HKIlSHMHJt, H3T II.iM HodRc, shut In li'tt li.iml and hit Ier Frisscll Hospital C'larenro Illil lay at thn Krh-sell Memorial hcnipltul, .111 Kant llrnflj, near ilrath, ncorillnR In mimes, ilue tn heltiK Khot through tho lime Thn fear that hn might not live un til mornlllf; saa expn-rseil liy ut tendantB. Other than hl.s name, 11c Information w.m KUen out. Tulsa Hospital Three wounded men were taken to the Tiihu liowpltnl, hut none wan serlotmly hurt, nrordlnc tn meaor reports. HOHpltal atlendantu refused to Rive un Information. II. I 'tirr. .lames (VIIiiih and one other were at thin hospital. . & S. Hospital One fat alls wounded man w,iu taken to the P V K. hiwttlt.) I. He died rthorlly after reachlnn thrro and .is rumoved tn a morgue. Other Hospitals N'o wounded were taken t.. the Sand SprlnRH or the MornliiKHlde hoMpltalu, tiiey reported. Neither wan there any Injured ut tho neero hohpltal. 'ADVENTURESS,' IS CHARGEJF JOYCE PHICAf.n, May 31 "PeiTcy" I'plon Archibald lloiiklntt Joyro was stripped of the clamor of Jew el, millions and romanrn and held up an a horrtld adventureci by her multimillionaire huhand Jatmn Stanley Joyee, In an answer filed todny to "I'efssy'H" petition for Jin.non a month temporary alimony, fitaitllnu exposure ff "I'tBBy's" 1 lecrd pist wern made by Jeyi.e. In the i. mst voluminous answer ever prepared In a divorce i.v.e. The mom HtartllnE rhaice made by Joyro waM the revelation of n hitherto realed ehapter In "Pecnv's" life the taltlrs nPlils vwn llfn by an enamoured army offl-er In New Vork after an affalru tie itnier with "I'eKK.v." A ihapter wherein "PefKv" Ih net forth nH a manliurlvt In n hotel In Iilehmond. Va . H reelteil. Jovre iiliittiis "PfSKy'i" el.ilniH tn hls tr.tnle merit l.v derinrlne thit thn $700 a week salary Bhe ree.-lved a"i an aetreR- was paid. not for J'eKBVfc talent anil si rvleen. but for her personal favor bv the the atrleal maun.ite who was Instru mental In I't.tamlnu her employment. This magnate, Joyee deelares. also pruented her lth the Jin nno t,.ihln "tor of hi r Hueeess In a.'iuirinK 'he treasure tty llstlni; In eold flirnrrs tlm faltulous sums In mone. lenels i nil Blft" bent nw nil li him up m her for trlf.lntr affei tlon. I'ourieen hun dred thousand dollar l the tnt il Joce K,iys he showered on I'ei'jrv" within the few months that Irmr vened between their marring and the nhatterlng of thdr brief ro- man' e. I Jm , ( s ii onoelaeti atla'k upon the life and i haraiter of hln u fe l . onlalnel tn a d..eunn nt made up of 54 ilostlv printed paKii li is his I answer to I'i'KK' th.nrsi .if dnink 'enn.'Ss and iruelty flb-d by I'eiciry'ii atlorney.1 two weeks mo i ni-Hb lininoriil ( liarur. Joyee went In'o details lecardjni? his atleKatlnns 5f immorality n 'hn ttrtv of I'eRtry He . ha reed tho (VriVUktl OV i'AU" lUVMtm THE MORNING TL'LSA, OKLAHOMA, WKONKSDAY, JUNK 1, NOW IN PROGRESS Arrest of Young Negro on Statutory Charge Caused Battle Between the Races Tin- rail' rmtliitr that br.'ko out lair Tin id.iv niKiit stew "lit of the arrest T11c-d.11 aft' r iinoii of Dick HnwUnil. a Hum k. nil li lliiHiti nf iiw.nill I11K c whltr cliiiitnr Ctrl In till lJirxol bullillnu on Momlay. Tlit-re at a iniivi-inrnt jfnnt, It ttim rninirti'd. untnnK hlti ifn plr tn tn thi- inunl rnlirllL.tiBi' 'I'uihrlm nlKht mill lyneli I1u.1t lilai k Thin ripnrt Hiri'.ul m-n ' l.lttli- Atrn-ii" ami rarlv In thn t'vi'nliiif crowdH uf nrgrocH liCKtl futinlni!. It..wlnnil .im lak'-n from th" . I' t.. thr . unty J.ill Tiiim.Ii .iftrrn urn ami hlM pri, tr ai ,nt for J 11 tin 7 In turn t. ti-i'laml wan arrnntril on Smith GOVERNOR ACTS TO STOP RIOTING Sold iers Disperse Whites at Armory When They Go for Equipment j OTHERS HELD READY! Companies at Capital, Wagon re and Muskogee to Move on Moment's Notice CHEERS GREET THE TROOPS Crowds Applaud as Khaki Clad Boys Appear on Scene in Motor Trucks OKIiAIIOMA CITV, ,runo I. 'I'lio fpci-.lal truop train cnrrylni; .lljlltiiil (ii'iirral ( hnrll-n I". ( mill it mni'liliK' kiiii ininuiiiy nf Oklahoma national guard lefl Item shortly after ,' nVlnoli this liinniliu,- for TtilMi. hIwit thoj Mill mrtli-luilo In Uki i-n-linl of hi riot situation, lux-onllnc to I ho aitjiitiiut Ki-nernl. tly r."latv.l l'res lil Wirt. "Kuikima rrry, .May ai Three units of fiklahorna national tiard wen- willed out by Adjutant 'lenetal t'harlea 1''. narrett l.ito to nlKht, to ssstat pollee officers of TuNa In handllni; the situation arls iiik out of armed (onfllrt lietviee.n whli en and neffroea, which la bo lleed to have arlnen out of tho ar rest of a neitro. iharsed with an at 'aek on a white filrl (iovernor J. H A Itobertson eaul tonlsht that following a call from the Tulsa, chief of pollee, he hail (tlven Adjutant Darrett full authority to .roi eed at his own discretion f'ompanv 11, nno service company, and a sanitary detn.-hment of the national gun I'd at Tulsa were called out. rpon reaching the armory, the Kuardsmen reported they first had to ilKpfrrc a mob of white perilous, who. tiny mid. ere attempting to break Into the storeroom for arms and (initnunltlnn. Ni, tonal Kuard officers at flkla hom.i rlty, Muskoiiee anil Waconer. hnVM been askeil to hold thel: units In re.iillnem In t ate they ehould lie reiiulrid. Adjutant tieneral Itarretl hald. Colonel I, ,1. I". Itooney, oin mundtrs the fbsl battalion, third Infantry n itlmi in was pliued In l ommnnd by the adjutant ijeneral by teleihoi, from Oklshoma City and it uii. e ordered out the service lorn paiiy "lid otnpany K. .Meniebers ol thcs unit", under their respective unit commander were pla. id In the down-town por tion section o fthe rlty, and with bayonets fixed, patroled the hanks and other bulldlnKs throuhout the nlKh' When the khakl-clald boys ap peared on the stient they wen met with ch'ers from crowds that lined the walkti and su'fi'd Into the -tree's. Jasper County Peons' Slayer Is Given Life I'OVl.MJTfiN rja May JI - -yrte Mi Mr if, ni'Rro farm ttoss on the J. h'. H. Will, .mis plantation rn Jafer county, wuh found nnlHy of murder ty n jury late today in "in ni.tinn with the death of 1'ite-si.n. one of the II nut'"''" al ien. I in have licnn held in peonage and then k l"d on the farni a few nv.n'l.s alt" The , jrj . J5 mingiei .Manning tt aenHnctd to 11m mjacJjuiim&Jii Hrri'tiw mill atrrnir r.irlv TufMlav moitiiin by Offn rm Henry Car mil li.ii-1 II (" l. h Ho litrniiflr.l t. th. Rlrl aflrr hln I rnitiirr. Tim li."- ilnl lint ilrny thr alt 1. k .hi. I m.iiiJ hr Nlrppr.t on ln'i hut illil not writtih hor 111 mis uav Tin- (;lrl that thr ni-ri inti'i..) llir t . 1 1 1 1- iiml Willi. .lit an n i. 1.1 atl.ui altarki'tl h. r Stir Krrraniril fin hrlp unit 11 i ;" n tlm 1 1 fti tier r- store ran to h r ac Klstaute rpon hU Mtpritarh tlm nrgt.i fieri .nut Int. I lici'ti In IiIiIiiik until a it mi it In the 11 tiler of-fl.-ei.- fiinrnliii; Thr Hirl is an nrtlmn lint! 11 altri.ilins a '."tat husnmH'. eiillri:e ami 1 intuit an 1111 otf hiuri. RAIL UNIONS LOSE IN WAGE BATTLE '100 Millions Ordered Cut1 From Payrolls of the I Nation s Lines AVERAGE 12 PER CENT Apprentice Hoys Cut $10 Per Month. Skilled Workers Up to $20 Per Month ORDER EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 104 Different Railroad Sys tems Affected by Ruling of Railway Labor Board Uy the Anclitrt Prfis. (.'MICAliO, May 31. Kotir hun dred million dollars u year will be Mashed from the nation's railway bill when nn order tn be handed down tomorrow by the t'nlti.l Stales railroad labor board taken full ef. frt. The dnirfi Is effectlie July 1, on 1 04 lines. Acrairn Cut t'i I'rr Cent, (irantlni; the prlltlons of the com panies, the board will direct an averaite cut of 15 per tent, whl'h eventually will apply to all the rail road employe of the muntr. Mein- h'-rs of 31 unions are affeitni I in mediately. The cuts ranRe from .'. to 13 rent a hour, or from 1 10.20 ft month foi npprentld, hoys to 3fl 62 for the better paid skilled labor, flcurlnK on an elt;ht-hour day basis. One Kniw WIM-1 Out, The decision nrantr.1 reduction! varying from 5 to 18 per cent, and In tho ease of section laborers, com pletely wiped out the Increase Bisnt "d that class of employea l.y the ICOO, 000.00ft waite awanl of July 20 l'.'iQ Hei tlon men who hud been reeelvlnc 13 70 for nn elKht-liour day vsere cut to the same flKUre In effect under federal control. The reduction was approximately 19 per cent. Switchmen and shop crafts wer. Klven a 9 per cut reduction, whlli thi train servlie men were rut ap proximately 1 per icril. Car repair- em wire Mil admit to per cent. Mil) Include .Mure Honda. While the- dei rease Is specifically applied for the present nnly to the ItH roads whose rants have been hi aril by the hoard, the decision sas It may later be applied to any other road iisl.lnc a hearlns in ac cordance with the provisions of thi Usi-h-Cummlns transportation ,ut. Tho decision I based on the pres ent rales of pay an etabllsheil by thi Jf.00,000,000 waite award of July 2ft, l'J20 Common laborer pay, over which the railroad made their hardest flKht, Is to be reduced I In 1-2 cents an hour, iiit'lnK frelBht truckers average monthly waB'-s to 197 10 anil lain. rets to 77 11. This new schedule still Klves section men an average dally waBO of 13 02 for sn elKht-hour das, althoiiBh considerable testi mony offered b the roads, paitli ulsrly In the south, showed mnwnnn labor wages 0vv aH jj t,l) fur a 10-hour day orrift- ivojk oft mbIii. hh'-p crafts rmployrs and train . ..vnsi i.n ii. f ri i . 'i w . IlotariaiiH Will alk on Gas After Lunch ias in all its nstural and un natural statts will be rllsi useil a, the weekly meetlnir of the Itolar club at Hull I Tulsa Wednesda . noon. "Inflatid bus" Is the s, it. Jen uss.K'.rd to 'Hill" H.iKlc. and It.- k ' Jont-i Is to talk abou' "I'resheii Gaa'p C 8- Avery to be ' HoUrVan, Aurf waaat."v ivj 1021 RACE WAR RAGES FOR HOURS AFTER OUTBREAK AT COURTHOUSE; TROOPS AND ARMED MEN PATROLING STREETS Ncffrocs Finally Driven Into "Little Africa" Where 1,000 Armed Blacks Are Reported at Bay With More Than 500 Armed Whites Facing Them Opposite Frisco Tracks; Move to Lynch Bootblack Starts Trouble. BULLETIN : There are two dead negroes al the Frisco depot. After six hours of race rioting. oxtcndliiK over (he entire city, two white men nre known to lie dead and about a score are known to be injured. There are no known neKro fatalities, lhourh reports are that several were killed. One injured neKro is at the police station and is expected momentarily to die. Thousands of shots were fired duriiiK the rioting, crowds swarmed up anil down the streels brandishing weapons and the greatest excitement prevailed. Roth of the white men known to have been killed were shot through the head. The city, patroled by 4T automobiles filled with armed men, while r00 armed men with their center on the Frisco railway station within a stone's 1,000 negroes, form the nucleus of the gathering white forces. There was a furious outburst of firing in the vicinity of the Frisco tracks and Cincinnati about 2:150 this morning, but whether there were any casuultics could not bo ascer tained. Some negro shacks on the. at Boston were fired by white was spectacular and it was Africa's" business district was sponded to the alarm were at tinguished the blu.e Firing which for two hours was general over tho city and centered in the north part of the business district follow ing the first outbreak at the courthouse about J 0 : 1 5 o'clock last night declined at 1 o'clock after a crowd of !I0 negroes were driven from Second street and Cincinnati avenue. In response to a call from Muskogee, indicating several hundred negroes were on their way to tho city to assist Tulsa negroes should the fighting continue, a machine gun squad loaded on a truck, went cast of the city with orders to stop at ail hazards these armed men. For three hours city officials, under direction of J. F. Adkison, police commissioner, and Charles Daley, inspector of police, with the assistance of part of the home guard com pany, formed armed white men into companies and these companies were inarched to advantageous positions. Hun dreds of t ars were volunteered for line by the armed patrol of tin; city, and these were speedily detailed to prevent armed negroes from taking action except in the negro dis trict of the city. About 12:.'J0 a. m., when an armed party of whites, scouring the vinicity of the Frisco station after an attack by blacks, at the corner of second and Cincinnati, mistook a lone while man for a negro, and fired a round of at least 25 shots at the white pedestrian. Death was instantaneous and he was hit so many times his body was mangled almost past identification. The last car containing whito men through the negro district, which made the trip shortly after midnight, re ported that at least 1,000 armed negroes were gathered north of the Frisco depot. One white mail was badly beaten by negroes when he attempted to i wo companies ol regular troops irom l't. hill were ordered out by Governor Itobertson, and home guard com panies from surrounding towns ordered to mobilize and take immediate transportation to I Thousands of persons, several hundred women, and able weapon in the city taken from every hardware and sporting goods store, swarmed on Second street from Boulder to Boston avenue watching the gathering volunteer army or offering their services to the peace officers. Intermittantly throughout the two hours following mid night, shots were fired into the air by the whito forces, but except for a few stray shots firod by whites at the Frisco depot and returned by the negroes, the city remained in quiet. The aimed cars containing negroes were driven from the streets before 1 o'clock, and the patrols continued scour ing the city, arresting negroes and placing them In the city 'jail. Twelve were captured o clock. No attempt was macs however to disperse the negro mob north of the Frisco depot. Armed with weapons ranging from shotguns to .22 cali ber target rifles, men filtered into the police station singly or in auto loads. Ammunition was scarce and the entire supply of virtually every store in town carrying such goods was confiscated before midnight. 'I lnusaiil IjJiu- sint-lo, , ... i. . .... .-a- i.n,, i u... t w"h ammunition, attired In clothinjr ( rowdi of thousands lined Second riln(.,. , vl.rilB , ,,,, ,..., street east of Main, tho Kuard Hue suits, anthered lor three hours. Ml established hy rtie homecuards, "'id U'' converratlnn was indulged In. hut LrnvoH nr,..l,,nl flr trtn Mil Wore fen OX prt-SSloft Of detlTml- volvirs and tlflts In th binds f orirroc wniehlnir the formation ,,f th wiluiitrtii companies At least fi00 persons, smonif them 100 wom en wall bed lllo battle in wlild a . row d of ii eif rm s n.i mi' I iik 'It- '- i"i 'nine district of the iit, w 11 driven from t-e.onil and in Ii.iij'i i.-im. About the n'.Oci stat'-.p nuedrf-d ''1 mi o .arivioR eve.y des' riplton of. weapon, with poiUet bulelnK OKLAHOMA'S P EXTRA in 20 PAGES throw of an armed mob of north side of the Frisco tracks men at 2 o'clock. The blaxc at first reported that "Little burning. Firemen who rc first kept away, but later ex pass through the district, ulsa. both the inquisitive including men, armed with every avail by the auto patrols before J jrmtlnn to put down the uprising- of the neroos Old men. i-arrylriK k'uns walked 01 marrhed side by ulilu with youths In whlj. flaninls. .arry Inc larcit rifle or umall bore thot Kunit Wi ll In Hand k,i)s Sheriff. We t.eiuvt we hae tin eituutlon wen In hand 'th"ur further help from the n.i lona guards or rUte militu, Sheriff McCullough tola a GREATEST NEWSPAPER PRICE 5 CENTS Wtrll reporter about four hours 11 fie i- the rltit had broken out, t whhli limn ho slKtied u telegram, aakintr Uovornor Robertson for nut sblo help tn ropn with the situation. lite telrKrant was already slKtird by Chief nf police tluitnfMin rind Mayor i. ii i'..iiih. "wniin I do not feel the situation warrants help from the otilslilo yet It Is always best to play safely Mist," Mifiillouch said. I lio slierllf wan we II entrenched In I lie Jail and tho elevator wan put out of i oinmlsslnn cm ly In tho ove nhiK Thn only etittanco to thn lull hum up u wlndlitK stairway which terminated In treat steel liars, II was behind thcuo that tho comitt sheriff and morn than eluht deputlei wern firmly entrenched. (Ireat diffi culty wnn ejperlenrcd In Rnttlne Ihs telecraiii In tho sheriff for hln sIr. .1 1 t urn and thn hearer was a slranB- rr It h-.-ih ut this limn that a World reporter who was well iisijuulnted nun Mi.'1-iiiioucii Ktiri-noded In Kct- Inn tho telegram to him for his sis- nature. Hoon uftcr thn first few shots wero Ired around the cotirtlmusn In which nno neitro was wounded nnd otm wlilln killed tho ureal crowd which colli'i'led in front of tho county iitiinniiK nisperseii. Tho iiecrnos runnlnrc Inward "Mltlo Africa" nnd llio whites scatterlntr In nil direc tions, A few knots nf armed whiten formed on nil sldcH of tho courthouso soon nftnrwitnl nnd jilnnned a re tirlsul on tho ni-Kroen. Thesn formed tho most thrratenltiK crowd that i tillei'teil itl the county bulldlnc. lliirilvfiim htoi-ca lOmpllcil. At 10 30 o'clock ii report watt re- celvnd ut tho pollen station that tho hundreds of armed ttlnck wero K.itherlni; nt Klrat mid Cincinnati for another Invasion nf tho bunltues Uls rlct. Tho demand for arms became tlarorotis. Whllo thn pollen wero fit Oeavorlm; in sociirn tho opening of Iiho hardware store by leiral means crowds ht'Kan to butter In tho doora or inn jviaKor sporunRT kooiis tuoro, almost across tho street from the sta tion, Thn first irons hi-can to at rlvo from llin llardoti storo nn h'outh Main. Armed men scorned tn sprlnc from everywhere, Within half an hour an army of about GOO men wan heltiB drilled for duly and coached for emercency. Practically all hardware stores wero emptied nf Kilns nnd ammunition. Home opened their ilnors voluntarily. Tho arrival or .Major Hootmy anil a hunch of national Kuard men on an army truck wan u slcnal for i heers. Now let the rilRBcm eomo If thy dare," the crowds shouted. Armed cuards wero pl.ic4 hi rars and sent out on patrol duty. ompanles or iihout so men oach were nrcanlzed and marched through tho business streels. Much promis cuous HtioottnB reuuilcd with a very ,'ortunato result that no one wan hurt. I''s I.lfn In Sincd. While thn tireroes were conwrfirat n nt Hecond und Cincinnati about 10 o'clock, J. Ii, Wilson, a day patrolman, came Into town In a lltnoy not knowing what tho trou ble was about, Thn ncitroen saw him and In an Instant he found himself In tho nands nf tho mob. "That's onu of them. Let's lynch iiiii," they ahnuted. Hut a netjro preacher who has ficen shlnlnK shoes In a stand near ho pollen station threw his arms Mound Wilson and pleaded so earn estly for his llfo that the blacks let him ko. Wilson kept ndmoi'l.ihlnc tho en wd durlnsT the evenltiB to "let their i-onscleiico hn their guide." llraUi-iiian Shot Twice. A lirnlieman on an ast bound trelHht train was shot twlrn by a ni-Kro at Madison and l'rlsco tracks accordion to reports. The brake man was shot twice, once In tho fain ami hi" e in thn cti. m. It Is leported that a nettrn sharp shooter who was stationed on Madi son street alined nt a boy nbotit 1H years old who was bumminB his way on llio train when tho btukeman 'i as shot, lie was taken to a hos pital. The riotlnc followed a movement -,ir!y In the night of a crowd of 15D white men to take I'lck Itnwlaml. ni-urn bootblack charccd with as. sail It upon a white girl Monday aft ernoon, from the lounty jail. Sheriff William McI'uIIoukIi stationed armed ciurils In tho Jail and sue. ceeiUd In (.owlnB tho mob tempor arily. More than 300 neitroes, most of them armed with rifles, rovolver.i and sholKuns Ksthered at the court house at ') o'clock with the avowed Intention of prev cntliijj thn threat enil lymhliiK lloih whltt and neuro off leer armuod with tho two mobs which Intermingled ut thn south ami west entranced to th-i county i ourth'iuse. Tho nesroe weie finally dipi i".'l but uutiuut-ii to rid" abnut tho city In automo biles. Tho crowd at the courthouse numbertni; about 200 whites, at 10 ..'clock ri fused to ifUfperro on de mand of Sheriff MuftlllQUKh. and for half an hour waited at the nnuth Untratico nf the courlhoiiiic heckllns 1 CtNTlNlBD l'AtSa BIQTII. A ' -If .i , II .iMfi 1 i-3 1 1 '