Newspaper Page Text
RELIABILITY CHARACTER ENTERPRISE OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER THE MORNING Tit iVKKA'lB 8W0HN NKT PAID 1 AV ' TlON. MAY FINAL EDITION I1m.1v 34,137 Sui'lay 30,1 XV, NO. 244. TULSA, OKLAHOMA, THUKSHAY, JUNE 2. 1021 11 rA(?liS PRICE 5 CENTS Y IS QUIET oL. DEAD ESTIMATED i I iSI $2,000 TO START , The Known Dead NEGROES GLADLY I in the Wake of Tulsa's Race War FUND FOR RELIEF The V, (U-ld to Accept Con- tr uions to ueneve TO Negro Sufferers vVIPE OUT STAIN The following n. i e t re '"'(1 of ih known i. i.l f ' ' n li ! l"Mnc Tucmlav i uln We lues. ' M. I Tho Mnhmi Mon.iu. MJTHl It JAMKS. i ,i ..f 'hkp nin.i. Okl.i This ua-, one of tile bodies which had hci n un irfrntlf ft up nlllll l.ltc Wi il nc-ila' afternoon 1 1 Im brother .1 a in e -J.lnmrH of Wynnnn Ii.ih beci notified 'of the death mill will arrive some (linn this morning t" lulni the I lod . Remove Black Riot Blood and Fire Que tr'. ' to Be Taken Up at Mri'inp Probably Today World's Itellof I'unil. World $1,000 '. 1003 North Ucnvcr fiOO I. St.mdeyen r0u 1 I . I l'!,i;o SIH'MATIS. 24 vrrtr of ago i shot c.irl Tuesday evening dud ul. Qi Generosity can luisai "Mont niesiiny night m tne j,inv jof Mr William lngcrsoll of Neo I dosha. Kan. caul n. m.)Stim:icm nr.. - ''all. k'ans , shot through the hieHst.i ..I'M(,'I Wednesday morning at thej BUS'NESS MEN TO MEET okui.nm.i hospital. u 'I V. M ISA K Kit. 10. H.ivUand. Kiln. Idled lit the Oklahoma hospital Wed- m of Rebuilding Dis- '' f. HO.MKIt (LINK. Id. 11" South Norfolk avenue, single, son of A. It Cllno. lie wnt, shot twice through iIip stomach In the fighting Tuesday night., runeral iirvirrn win b, IipIiI i ihe Worlds Itrller i unil. from thP Hostnn Avenue Methodist . World $ 1,000 '"'lurch at 4 ,0 o'clmk Thursday niu i iinifii. i.e.. it, ... million ii have clintcr of the sen lees. Hiirlal will he iniiilr in Ho.ip Mill iPtniiVrv S. .1. WITH UOW. 10. Jlcgul liolel, IS 000 I MO" Wllhrow. Bhnt th'oiiKh ,,, , ' V V ' "' the neck and Jugular vpIii sewred '1 Mack blot of fhune w.m a8 j ,jori , , f ,., ,)V hlK KrHmi. i blood and fire on the father who owiih thp KcriiI IioIpI. ion nf Tuhu yesterday. AN I 1HKNTI I'T KJi WII1TK f ncgroeii wore hump-1 ' " ' ' r''' iukIu and hundr.d m 1 will w clKh iirotind 1 6S iioiiikIb Hp t hungry rtopltp thnwa hot nlnp tlniPR in ihi-IlKhiini; I nntlrlnc cffortH of tho i " North Denver. Uiatb was ln- I itantani'OiiB. ACCEPT GUARDS Homeless Taken to Hall Park Offer No Objec tions to Plan A SCENE OF PATHOS ItcfiiKCCK Luffed Their BclonKinKs With Them ThroiiRh Broilinp He-it ALL FED BY RELIEF GROUPS Great Boxes of Food Carried to McNulty Park by Bed Cross and Others ll Ir.nni'il l.'l nlslil that Iciilln.. buslni'Fvs anil )ruroloiial nun i lln' city ure lilaniilnc to li'.lil a inrrtliis at which pl.illi Mill I" lll-OII'vM'd an to tllo I1s of fund with whli'li to robiillil "l.ltilp frlfn." which was inic llralh racil by flro ilurlns 11 ml atliT 'ho I'lotlns 'I'lioday nl;;ht ami WcdncMhiy. I .Simile -Mct'iiiio (lrsn(. U'Al.TKIt DAOnS-. iiRPd 3:. 7.14 South 1'onvpr hvpiiup. bIii1p. local managpr of the Pleri oil lorpor jation. DaRRH with two iiinipaiiloiH I left rooms about 10 oYIopk Tuff day nlpht. Thoy wern on I Itolllder mil Six'h Mrppt when barnlnc of the riot. Companion" I ay Dukeh rpniarkpd. "lt'B ro ' bp".i", when nil turned and ran In lt IWITII liniaoNYMl H " Imrkv plea.ip. Ret b.i' k ' And thp order wn ( tnpli.iBlpd with drawn pIMnla and haviirets rXho hpp.ikcrn were iinlforinpil Kii.ii d'- nn'li oiiihIiIp of .MpNllll park r. dny noon when .swarinBof thp rminun prPBK'il up imalnrt the Knlm and tiKiile tt HlinoBt liiipoBBlble for the tH'Kioi-H beliiR conBtaiUK tuliiliil out In tin' RtrcPl to R"t Dimmit ThoiiBiuidH nf ncRrneB fioni all over the eil were belne i airt-d in '.'ir and triH'liH. pioli-elei! In in n d ii.pii to the park and I" Coiucitiun hall for Kifeiy. To n croup of white men Mnudii'R to one Bide .1 Rii.led iiprio. Iieni with eaRpr Mipplleation. came riin nliiK. lie held out bin hands bmad! miilllnR. lloiiclinbl Coods (iocs AIoiir. "Well. If hpah alnl Mr llohlnsnn' If heah aint Mr. HobinRMi '' he kej t Faylnc otei and mrr. TIip man ad diPBB'd took the neRro with him in th g '!' . 1 'J fii"r -.'; on thu par of the ulwayw i"'.'i prople of Tulsu. can this l. U' mi ho wiped out. I ho World will Klvo $ 1,000 toward I'-l'M'S i he MiffeiltlB and (llftrcss I faithful eniploie of the ban ' ' unatp and In mint cane I more than 10 ear it' ' iiMorent victims of tho mob. ! .iiff..-.,... ji.Miim. it,....u n, wilt tnc paru wurrr no one wan .11 ... .. I j' ii.,H. i i!'.',..,it, n7. 'lowed exi-ppt blacks, huldler-i and ul ui hitmen ion.-.. tini -- ........ ..... ... , i I- .". . .....i.t was Btruck in Urn back of the head had in the world was con- L ,t nm) , mlmll( ,.,,, he blaze that dcvasHatoi al the Tulwi hospital. A brother .' a" in the rclRn of death, wind from I.eroy. New York, Wed- ' nesday afternoon that be would ar- ; rlvi I'rlrl.iy afternoon to take iharR. rpniains. je.itPrday. ..n unprecedented burnt of jof h,s ,,rmh;r.. .KilIN WHI. KI. Kit, neRro. pnrtpr Klrst National bink. Killpii while on his wuv-tow-ard work Wednesday mornlnR. He was not one of the resurrectionists and had been a for I' UK. A C. .JACKSON. neRro killed m hlln .i.nnln mil ..f llu Ho.tu U lp. 1003 North Denver r-I .. ki..h i- in,.,nc n ..... ti. . oral foremost colored BtirReon in the "outhwist and was kHVd at a t inn when his servlees were needed the nioft lie was killed Insitantante ouily. - - J i noon phoned thu i.'iild Rive $."00. II t. Stflndrven was the li. Ited subscriber to The i.l. phoning In a contrlhu-. I ll i:.-,. lriiS' The World calls upon you nop of humanity to loosen st I'inRM and help stiicor ...( a time for the work of he left to orRanlzatlons, RHlne to b letl to the Thrro must be rpsponno and Pity-wide, from ALL rich and poor alike, to world Tulsa can nnd will ' sufferers. (, tho rpsponse by oppn-inlee-lovlnR Tulsans will I .in.l so R(nerous that The i lief fund can bo made -'"i.ition fund. The World In. pi s so. And It believes i.i i he ense. i w.iir check, your money wuir i ash to "The Tulsa lief IMitor." A careful rec I" k"pt of all contrlbtitlonB. ill. i ipiimi will be acknow- White Injured I- i dollar and every cent w 111 " i!.e leltef of the needy. Tho wer'd t- iaruntees thu money will bo t" I" i li iltsiiensed. Is your answer T what NOW! "I IllUNt,. CIOTHKS. SCIMM.IIIS VM I l! 'CHAKITIKS. v' ' i 1 1 1 In the Kenerr.sity of The wounded now In the hos pitals does not represent nil the wounded, aceoldlng to hospital attendants at Tulsa and Okla homa hospitals where most nf tho wounded whlto men were taken. Hi'tween 3D and 4u people had wounds dressed at the Tulsa hos pital and then left the superin tendent said, and tit th" Oklahoma hospital the niiinber was fixed at about l,",. I'atjents weie also dismissed after a short lime in the establishments. At the MornliiR sldc hospital It was staled that mx white people and SI ncRmes had been taken enre of nnd that 22 motor operations had been per formed. l'rom rtruK stored and reports, it is Indicated that a num ber suffering minor inJurUs tn the rioting prepared their own "home remedies, ' Svent to tholr family doctor or pun hased an tiseptics and other preparations from drug Mores. TIlP followliiR Is ibe latest list of Injured white people taken to hos pitals, and I heir condition t .111V 'Iff to 1 lhtklliih Mini Knr 111. Ilo.nlllll. kind to aftord tern- ,,' ,. iiANKSON. .lenks. shot in M the destitute ncRi-o re issued by Humane Welch Wednesday eve- "'f the negroes nro very dresied and very few haic r Iothes In the world than their hacks. Mr. Web h 'I'iintf that clothes are needed for tho babies i-cn. Thero U Rreat need ' for tho destitute ones at o.mds. as even tho with- f many paroled by their - will leavo hundreds to ' f"r. And then, for the ' rehabilitation of homes 'here in a Rre.t need of i turmahtnes, Mr. WelciH 1 I' h him born nppolnted to ' f'lod for tho refURees nt cumnds, fig representative '"aril of county rommln II" dispatched cooked food "inds Wi'dneildiiy evenlnff ii "d out cooklnR equipment A military roraininary -'ahhshed at tho camp, but ' will purchao all sup. 'il by the county commis- '.ane society and other pi. organizations of tho ' w.irklnR orRanlzatlon In " with surprlslnR rapidity x H 1 1 I'Adt; SKVUN. " 5J MUccntlDtnt rnk. stomaih and throuRh wrists Mry jerlniiH rnndltlun, may not live. MltS. C. A. SKLItV. 1243 South Hoston, in nervous panic ran Into car at Klshth and Main Wednesday mornliiK, with Injuries about the head; still unconscious, and In n serious nnil It Ion MoriilnRsldc tlospltnl. MRS. 8. A (iIL.MOIIK, 225 Hast j Kink. Hhot throuRh arm and five times: may not live A. I'KItKV. 923 North Klwood, bullet bhot throuRli lift wrist, doing well. A. K. MASKL. 2T.3t Hast Kotirtli. Rlanclng bullet wound in light thtKh; eondiilon sailRfaetorv H. D. (lILLAHli. 31S South Nor folk, bullet wound In arm; released from hospital Wednesday ufternonn. M' DONALD, 1706 Katt riftccntll. bullet shots in hip and arm, recov crlns. i TiiUa llospltnl. JIJHS COLLINS, r.22 North Hos ton. buckthot In ba k. skull and arm; condition rather serious. It. N. Hl'LTZKH, '.2H South l lha. hullet in leR removed h operation Wednesday nlternooii' condition out neccsbarily claiiKCious, but mi-slit develop disastrously II. L. CL'ltltV. Illinois hotel, shot through miiselo and skin of back of neck; condition not dangerous K. O. LOfJSnnN. 30S South I .n CU.NTINtVUXJ OS TAOtJ TWO mercy workers, outside tnc wnue sun bent blankly down upon thi unloailliiR refiiRcps, liiRRlns their meaijer poBsesslons with them Into , the park, upon trin ks fi.l' .1 with He hiiRe boxes of food. I.ibnfiil pt cof fee, upon rickety wacon:i filled wi'h huse bundles bursting open with their i ontcnts of clotbi'iR and wi'h household Bonds, from trurks phnnoRraphs that the refiiR-is had plckPd up in HiPlr flight iiod tlia' ' wprp drawn, some of l hem In skinny, mules that brined loud j.i ie it as they Hood parked In lb. I . i sue One nf these wagons wn- il.awi. ue In the. shade; lieieheil on i. p i f Ibe I trunk It held was a neRro M i It as (he ai e of spades. lb n .n. hanil chewed a sliaw. "HI. .Mm nlggilb " hailed n fell sufferer fioni the top of tin grand stand. The straw ehewer looked op lo behold a bl,n k ynitlh in the ,o t - transferting a swaili of i'H eliee'se lo ills recipient mouth II) you nlggah. that trunk younh s""" "It inns' suhtnlnly nni n-ibodV else's whatevah!" the tra(ei re turned with dignity and iranhferrcd his attention again to his straw. Aicopl Their rate. ' Inside the park) was color and hent stifling, odorous heat the crying of babies, tho sound of inanyi vobes and the mooing of women and npgrops- thousands of npgiops. ! huddled together as fur as the i e could see from one end of th. giand- i stand lo the other. The maturity of them ariepted the Inevitable In good part, crowded mini b"t nnd "ii 1 as it was, thorn w'as good heer eseiy place. Seated on the floor, an old woman i with a gray handken lib f .loselyi knotted about re wilnkled fn o that might have been iared from dark oak, rocked gently hack and forth ' moaning softly. In her hand she held the quart measure of hot veg etable l-oup that was being doled out I by the hundreds by Ited Cross workers. Someone bent ocr ,.md touched her on the shoulder "Sister," she asked "W in doni you e.ii your soup' ' Tears stole out fori under th' hnlf (iOH-d lids. "Oil, I1W(1," she moaned "ti an ole woman wint nan umli'il so hard all huh life, an' now ev. 'hm, Rone! Mull house burnrd in. chalhs burned. m.ih che k burned. Nuthln' hve l got but the clothes on null back' o. l,ii that I should live to see sui'h iroubl come to me!" and site r... ked luitk and forth in her misery. llliick but Human. A comely young negro woman standing near her wept. She, too she said, bad lost everything mat Ehn had. She and her liulbund ' .ul owned Iheir own and ne . the home, whbli thev u nted. ,t I hi Mi with everything thiv uunid ' . 'world but the i lollies thai th'v . when tln made lin n s. ape a' dawn this morning, had t.'e . burned. Just then her husband ,nnn up to her with a half loaf of .r. ,nj Cn.STIM Kii UN r'iK 8KM:v THE WEATHER Mut , i . Thurktlay a'.'l Tliur- y I -M til IWcih i TUI.SA Jim" muifi 1 -tuth (iKI.AIIf)MA rerc-i-niiv fir AH KANSAS generally fulr !.ir.riN lull "I 1 TulVB t 2 0 ' Junior t Uhtnti Tu!fc. S3 o'rlmk frTAM.K X M C I Sr.. F"unr rtlrf-tor "0 W nan dff rn-,n O, Ii::-H00 Afntuunco trvUt.-AJU tvi t-.J 0 ilu'bcht ncgrn if lilcni c (Il-liiii mi drn'miiHul ateii in after the I In I'ooil being iiiclccl out to (In hoiinies., at Mi Mill) pari, by relief wiiil.i rH J'iiiLXiiolil Ls.ioni,in,-i of u in cm lanul). duiujicU lulu tbi jlitvi. 5,000 NEGRO REFUGEES GUARDED IN CAMP AT COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS Troops Patrolling Streets nnd General Barrett Declares Situation Is Well Under Control; Every Precaution Taken to Prevent Recur rence of Trouble; Many Negroes Ask to Be Taken to Places of Safety; "Little Africa" Smoking Ruins. ith martial law in force, forbidding the indiscriminate use of the streets lo vehicles and pedestrians until 8 o'clock Thurstley morniiiK; with fi.OOO negro refugees confined in tlm building! at the county fair grounds east of the city; with "Little Africa" In ashes, and with Adjt. Gen. Charles F. Barrett here in command of seven companies of national guardhtnen, Tulsa is comparatively c-uioL after a night antl part of a day of race rioting. Official figures on the niimbeP of dead arc not obtainable because of the chaos antl disorder that have accompanied the riots antl the lack of time by relief workers lo keep an accurate count of casualties. They are unofficially placed at 100 -00 negroes and 10 whites. "We have the situation well under control," Adjutant Gen eral I tarred statetl at 8:.'?0 o'clock. "Wo do not anticipate any further rioting, although nothing has been overlooked as a precaution against its recurrence. With Tulsa under martial law, which is now in force, we expect to sec rapid readjustment ol conditions. i lin PHMTDAQT viviu uuim I inui IN TWO NIGHTS i City Quiet as a Tomb as Soldiers Control Un der Martial Law Tulsa with u race riot In progiesfl and Tule. i under martial law prisenls two almost Inconceivably different cities. Tho Tulsa of 'I'ues- ilav night wan 11 veritable kaleldl si op( with constantly shlftliii? crowds, and swift -moving vehicles filled the sidewalks and streets l erflow Iiik ; wllh the count. wit shrieking of ntltnuiohlln Horns nnd On r.ii a tnt-tat of opened milff li r anil the fieiiient discharge of fir, uriii' at limes niacin one think of the i e-'i nt war. In mid contract Is the Tulsa wllh a fa- r i ,-t to the Tulsa under mar tial law which prevailed for tin first lime In this V, eincMhty night Difficult lo Chech Nprtopsi. M'he difficulty of determining the number of dcd negroes la ca.ut.rd by Uie fact that tho bndlctt wero up parenlly not handled In a systeniallo manner. Hymn Klrkpatrlck, aide to Adlutant (trneral lbirrett, ruld last i IK I it that noun nf tho bodies had been hanillnd by guardsmen, but thai it was reported a number of liodleH were ifminved In motor trucks, opurated by rltlzens. Klrkp.itrlck said ho dorjt pot know wherti they were taken --whether they I were placed at initin specific point for later attrnllon. If they wero dumped Into a large hole, or thrown Into thn Arkansaii river. fifteen bodies nf blacks ore In a. loral iindertakinir establishment. Re ports heard over tho city Indlcuten that five tn eight tlmrs that num ber nf negroes wero killed during the rlnls. A careful check of tho ileail la to bo Inki'ii by tho adjutant general Thursday, according to Klrkpntrlrk, to dntormltm tho exact number of lives lost. It Is poredbln that some negroeswho weio mortally wounded wero taken from the city bv tlioso who fled to other towna enrlv Wednesday morning. There were jr Injured whlto pen- city's history i p still in hospitals last night. Of No maddened this number slit nro believed by hos pital uttendantH to bo In a critical condition. Tho number of Injured negroes will probably reach Into the hun dreds. Hlxty-elght were treated at one hospital. Klrst Kid treatment was given at tho national guard armory and nt virtually all churched, which wero quickly converted Into first old stations. In their search to determine the number of lives lost, guardsmen to day will Inspert closely thn debris In Llttlo Africa to find how many ne groes wero burned to death. Major rowds occupied the sidewalks, tin nnley automobiles raced up and down Main street; not the sound of a gun was heard. No cross-roads village, whern citizens, retire ut H o'clock c ould tin morn quiet. 1 Oc casionally u car passed along n thoroughfare, but It went nt a mod erate speed and mado as lllln noise, as possible. At every street corner In the htlsl ne,i district wits an nrineil guards iflan. challenging pedestrians and ie fi w motorists who ventured out for an evening spin. Unless they .ould produce passes properly slgneir Klrkp.itrlck paid last night. l. the adjutant general Hiey were I IVnr Another Uprising, told in definite and unmltakiiblci i 'lim most disturbing element, e language lo get off the streets with- eept the gennrnl regret over tho de mit undue delay, and If they showed i plnrablc conditions that havn pre signs of stiibbornnesii they were I vailed. Is tho frequent roports and placed under arrest and removed to rumors that tiegroen aro preparing Me police station. for revengn and that thoy have Kxeept for drug stores nnd nn or-gathered ut Ited Ulrd, a negro set raHlonal cafe, ail business housed , tleinent, and ntliPr towns, prepara dohed at 7 "o'clock, conforming to tory to m iking a concerted nttack (Ik orders of the adjutant general. upon the city of Tulsa to destroy Hi ci mr service and InlerurbsiiH the business section and the public imj.i rpemUnx for the night ni 9 utilities, i . k Kverv precaution has been taken ' ,ei in Us history tins bustling lo guard .mil nut any possibility of n T . .i been so qulii as li whs new ontlnoHk on liehnlf of those ca.'IiimIhv lileht. nor will n bn i. ported lo bo rongretatlng at va- inlesM martial li n lontlniies i m.iim points on tho outskirts of r..r e lituens nn a whole i linlt Tulsa. i.i the Invoking of innrtl.,1 l,n i'w iibout a serious stale of af ',iii In fint It iippinis (list most 'lulu ie. did not reilh'.' I hi nieanln t.'otcrnor Tiikcs tho l,eacl. law was proclaimed j ;ov. .1 It A. Ilobertson about 11:30 o doc k Wednesday morning, nntlce .... ,.-,n i, ..... ln.,.L..I o cioi H WPUUt'suay inuruiiiK, noiic-n i.uttal law until It was Invoked rnculvcid In the form I11'' of a, tebKram from tho governor at . .,-" , ' ,,rornorr, I Mint time by Adjutant General flar- LAND SUIT IS REVERSED 'ret. who, upon his arrival with three . . j i onipanles of guardsmsn front Okla-. v.... thij ( .unie.1 In Null of !nv. 1 h'ema City at 3 o'clock Whdnesdiiy n . ic iit WKli i. Iiiiliiin ' 1 '""rning. e,uibllhe.l headquarters In ' "" inclmmn, 1 "'",' of ,ollco Commissioner v. u .o Th- ic.rij M Adk.son. WASIIIN'.TON. June 1. The mi- ' Kc fno.., as well as n few of thn . . .. .. . .. nnr-.n,.u n rn HnllnvnI rum' .i nn tons' reversed snu i '- 1 ' iu' - ...... ...... .. i , ii. dd ih esse of (ho I npeii oy ',ii. nit If r In 'rror. a'iinsi i t i , 1 1 i; ItiiwliM. Krsnie Me and the Miami Investment ofllcl' to hnve been Instru CliM ISt'tSri ON I'Alll! TWO Kvtn-yhnrly Hmnn to lh flT rirs to l.lSht I J Ailvl . . 'i pit n '. The in vernment originally sued ibe de'endsnia In the ssstern dlMrlet i of for recovery of pos (ss . n i.r I 93 acres of land allotad i w th cm Wee, a dei'SiKietl Peorl In ej j. .,.) the Quapw reitorvBtlon. T 11 i 1 land. New Iti i nnl fur Mile Set. si. oHK. June I - An Anifr -,ii ir, ) urn re. of d t o. , 'ii li ,le IFi!, seronds was set ' i h .ii.'i. .ous. in winning the M j. .1., l.indiiaii at tin Iliiunmt r.c traek The previous record, a fifih of a c-t.oiul s.iwir, was tn Ul b Man 'I' War and was made oyer VACATIONISTS , Don't bo without the news from home while on your vacation. The World will be mailed to you every day t ii -0e per week. Call O.t.igc 6000, Circulation Dept. . .