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RELIABILITY CHARACTER ENTERPRISE THE MORNING OKLAHOMA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER FINAL EDITION"! TULSA, OKLAHOMA, SATURDAY, .JUNK IS PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS VOL. XV, INU. Z-lu. WAR WARNING ABAINSTif Kco IGOVERNOR CUTS FURTHER TROUBLE oKeZL AUDITOR'S FUND , Mi-, or Tells Civic Club! T'.i.a Still Lacks the j Proper Protection ! BLAME PUT ON NEGRO ! M t Admits Officials Knew! of Agitation AtnptiK Blacks "i- Uprising Here WANTS HELP, NOT CRITICISM Peine Head Placing Men Over City as Guards and Streets , Will Re Patrolcd Nog iH not over by any .f vi ilon t protect Tulsa, watch and seo what li.ip ! tared ltev. Harold f! I lie weekly meeting of dl f H e chumber of commerce 1 Tulsa Friday noon N'e- t In the detention camps 'i turned loose indlsorlml- T'n le Is a general feeling In thit Tulsa 1m m safer u. in It wan Tuesday night. Iirnper police protection, . ncgrooM resentful over the 'heir property, there Is an ugl apprehensive feeling .thing else Is going to hap. ixplalned that he wa.i noi a , -i but that facts must be f ' lb said J. n. Stratford. A. 1 S' 1 ' -nan and others who are -r 1 have been leaders In tin were arrested and Inter n -If H 'wever. It later develop-d dunns "e meeting that ftra.iord ' ' 1h ' n ariested, but Is soril -Kansas City and that S "i''inm Is confined in the coun i' without bond, awaiting the ac tt f the grand Jury. hvrrv white man knows we are rf . li.amc for (his thing," Cooto tared "The press should come u hout reserv.illon and jtate r ,' rr white people are not ejual- i Mime with the netf-i's. Ite-.e-' me been spread that the i" p-ilatlon Is ti . but - r. (, .it are without fuunda- .1 Martin, chairman if the ci.mmr.'ie of in,, board ' ask',! i'l per-mm In ic- in cltlc xr .if n"l 'la!' or ' .itl the -rrn 1 Jury has di -' 1 oeere the b'tiM s'lO'iltl bf ' If it di'vrH is that any if Ml shcubl b rt'.-.ived. " ' t.vk his ni'ivnitn: 'o the asserted (.illltv Shntilil lie PuiiMloit. ' ' officers knew that there was - 'i In the negro section, hut r I no' call unon tin to heln The negroes and the! i hmihl be punished, but 5 . 'H the right thing by the i : .-r ues The blame for this i equall on both races." Mi' i paid annrtlnn will not be t the conducting of relief, . .-'in in other iltles. but that If ' '.sires to give assistance he r I hi , heck to the Red Cros i " the executive committee 1 " biislne-iH men to come to k i'1'i'i.irters In the municipal 1 - a.i.l Hlgn statements to the ' ' '' " thev "will back the com " ' 1 .isslst it." 1 r. i-,cd hlrt belief that as a 1" ' his riot. Tulsa will he one ' g.ivirned cities in Ihc ' 1 - 1 1 es i 'ai In a variance of opln ' g menibers of the execu-1 - ntee as to whit measures " ' ffi.-ient, Martin explained, 'I '"I that If such differences 'i m tubers of the mm-' broad enough lo "give and . ttle all rtif Htlony amonj bii. u of rgro Agllnllon. " i "ruin extent, everyone In ' 1 of the agltatlim among 1 people, Maor T. II ' i ed He said he has made ' pee( hes to negro eitlzeni ' he has always admonished i resirve law and order. J l . prejudice Ut an old subject, " i S " " It may smoulder r ' - but when Jt ilnn break. 1 ' " - in all Its fury. We are in I ' ' r -it- no more rHponsible for " ".'aK than we would be ir a r' hid visited the city I pro- : '"' ' I' fin the Job Just a- 1 1 i' is neceiwary and help with I jrse and my personal et- -i an. anarrhlsbs were thii for the uprising. ' ' "i tell you something." Mva J Nlles, president of t.i r of commerce, "not more l ' li UN I'.XviK KI.KVKN Ac . A BUSINESS PROPOSITION hl"'M business men arc pick e splendid bargains every ' watching the oil and gas ' ' ' Is in the classified eec- ' he Thn World Make it c to uro World want f'hone Osage 6000 Ask J"' Ad Taker x ads VETS Work or go ti Jail, That U the suhMance of an oriHr issued Friday liy Mas or T t). V.vAnzt It came after reports had reehed hltn that a number of men, both negroes and whiles but mtmllv m-grots, are showing no disposition to work In the ' leaning tip of the devastated una even though retuunerailuii is offeied. Jobs arc to be furnished on ap plication to C F. Hopkins, who has been stationed at the Honker T Wellington school on Frank fort avenue. Police have been given strlck orders to arrest anil dilaln Ihofe who do not hffd th tirder. The order slates' "Notice Is heriiliy given that all men aro ordered to dther get a Job and so to work, or. If you have no Job work will be fur nished you by applvlng to Major 0. F. Hopkins at the bonrd of wel fare, office at the Hooker T. Wash ington public school on Frankfort avenue All men who have no Jobs and who refine to work will be arrested as vagrants Compen sation will be paid for work. ' oil iecannot force shutdown Open Agreement Would Be Violation of Sherman Anti-Trust Laws MUST NOT ENTER PACT Federal Trade Commission Warns Operators About Making Agreement SYerljl to The World. WASHINGTON. June J. Noipen agreement among oil operators of Oklahoma to curtail production can be made without violating the Hhrr man Anti-Trust laws, the federal trade commission has told operators who have laid facts before the com mission as to oil. The move came about when cer tain npcritors asked to ccise drill ing on government lands until the condition of over production wfl adjusted. Then the operators who were told that aa long as the Sher man ait stood there could be no gov ernmental recognition of an agruo mcnt. These operator!" In emphasizing the necessity of something being done, pointed out that In April pre llmlnary stocks of gasoline on hand was 755. (ini, "3t. gallons as against 713,0(3. ISO In March, an increase of 4X,274,t$4 gallons for the month lu Texas and Louisiana the in crease was IS.K5.S10 for April and for Oklahoma anil Kansas 5 S02.Tt3. The operators told the commission they were conscious of the argument that would be made against nny agreement to curtail production and that the people would protest any curtailment until the price of popu lar products of crude oil are greatly needed. World's Fund At the request of the citlretvH' board of public welfare, which Is In charge of relief work. The World herewith i loses Its fund started lot the relief of negro suffering, and reiiieHts its read, rs to send in sub v: Iptlfitn. to tne committees relb I and restitution fund, addressed to C "J rus S Averj". treasurer, p. o box li.W. or dellvi red in hi., n.ri. es. .1.1.1 and 3:4 Ma.'o building. Tulsa The World fund at Its ilnsr. alter Just two days of subscriptions, had reached the substantial total at 5 o'rln-k last evening of f, 612 50. Among tht contributions iva Mie of ;'50 from the Kant-. is City WaTllc houses, anompanlcd by the tuan .igennnt's explanation that "we would have given more, bul vie are raring for our ruin colored rmpli've, about 3n In number, whose nerjf ivi are familiar with. ' Tutk Brothers Shoe store will give J 100 In shoes upon order from the Ited Cruw. The, fund: V. rreifiilr nejiorlerl, , 417.00 c. II Overton lioit oi .toe Minefl, sror rrnrkfit, ivnjfhinn V rrriwffird Nll'iml l.lft A Arrlflfnl lr Co. A Miller Uummett Kmlly Ackrtnc.ri Florence Aekerllisnn O. Kilt.JtKky ('. VV. Xteiip 11rv H.leitn.nn tl VV Mntlltt r. vv Mrtlillre W'telirn fnlen Tlf. CO. J K flonlnter .... r ' Tnfiniey W J. Htert C. II. Ontrhelt Further Contribution frrm I,erl Pepl , SIneUIr nil ,!i (in Co .VUll.le l Iteliert" Klorenee I -re Nlrholl K ' V-'Hltle llolieei H. Vj.iner fleorae r ltrlithm ... . Irt Keent Aieney rrarret Itnherlion Kh.i'U Allen t'dh dunatlon in no :m of ion ro ;( on t 0 1 oil 10 oo 4 HO 1 rn ico oo H IHJ 40.00 t OH t 00 :i oo : oo 13 CO in On oo M vfi i ro 100 00 It oo I 00 1 no ion no i m , ll. ti: lit Kne.l rhirken epnner l m P H Cuno Oit(ltn. Midconiinent ptk, -Advt. I Departmental Appropria I tion Bill Passed at Spe ' cial Session Signed FRANK CARTER ANGRY Says Lopping Off ?'2,!,000 to Virtually Kuin Efficiency of Auditing Department TACKS NOTE TO MEASURE Robertson Writes He Knows Provisions Arc Largely Unsatisfactory (1 AeftortAted Preen Stele Wire. OKLAHOMA C1TV, June J. Tim departmental appropriation bill, passed by the special Kissmn of the legislature, was s-nTd late today b j Governor rtobertsnn. The governor cut J2.1 uoo from the I measure as it pin-red the it e 120. C25 of this slash hi lug out "f tne appropriation for the state audit'.i s department I-rank t arter, state audit..! Mid when he heard of the cut In his de parlment, ' ho has ruined tin dcpait men!,'' The governor and the state auditor have-, been at political mils since Governor Itoberlson took offlie. The trouble Is alleged to have ocurred over the refusal of the state auditor to honor certain vouchcis for ex penses of statu offhlals on varmus trips over the slate and to points outside of the stale. , The latest clash of Important c, however, was over the levying of a state advalorem tax, which grew to be quite an Issue over the entiro state. Pinned to the bottom of the lull was notation by the governor, read ing "I have signed thli bill, knowing that it Is unsatisfactory In nearly all its provisions. Many departments will be seriously handicapped be cause of Insufficient funds, while a (few are given more than they de serve, but because of the final dis tribution. I am unable to veto latge sums which the ilepartmenls do not need. I disapprove of several Hems because they are not needed and be cause the legislature failed to follow the recommendation!) of the budget. Ilnu the Hill SUiuds. A briaf nulllm of the depart mental appropriation bill as It be came a law Is as follows: The governor's (."lee gels $2!), 000 for Ihc first year and J34.00A for the second. The secretary of state gels J17.000 for both jeais The stale auditor's office loses a stenog rapher. The slate auditor's office loses a stenographer, drawing f l.5nn, and assistant i hief ncinuntanl drawing iJI.ROfi a properly accountant draw ing $1,200, a clerk to audit claims getting Jl Snn, a warrant clerk drawing J 1.500. a bond clerk draw trie $l.2nn a revolving fund clerk getting J1.S0O. nn outlay for the ac counting department of J.1.25U, an assistant lo the chief production lax clerk drawing $1,500. an assistant Inrome tax clerk drawing $ 1,500 and an assistant railway ami public serv ice corpyoratlon clerk drawing $l.5nn Carters offlie will get ap proximately $4:i,i35 for each year Insirad of the $70,450 originally provided In the bill The state bmking department gels the $57,500 for eat h ear, pro vidid In, the bill The supreme i.'iirt gets Jkf finn for 'n first vear mil $81,500 for the s.cnnd. ns pro vided by th" bill The criminal (ourl of appeals gets $24 300 for (ai h vear us provided In the bill. The . lerk of the supreme i tmrl gets $ 1 4 775 for eai h vear The stale reporter gets $7.SS0 for cirh year. The state library receives 111, 145 for the first yMr and $11. SSO 10 foe the second. District judges get $255,500 for each vear. The state nrt of affairs gets $I34.O?0 for the first vear and $120 50 foi the second. The corporation com mission, untoui lied, gels $107. 50 for each year The state health de parlment gets $ir, 35n for the first vear and $35,350 for Hie second. The Insurance board gets $S,700 for em h vear The Insurance cornitilsslon gets $20,450 for each year. The state election board gets $27,000 for the I first year and $20,000 for the second. The strife department of public in struction gets JZ'i.biO tor eaen year The slate board of eduextlon gei $5,300 for each year The dcprtrl ment of vocational education gets 110.500 for each year What I)eWirtmcnt.s lift. Other department follow t leer iml T'f till 010 110' nvr) r. oo inn IHV3IV IV" i '. 4J un isiji 13 JJl) 19 VI" 110 JV0 11S3V0 1 in ifio i in on I v.nfli) 1 1 i t III v H . 0 , dvn :: n'.u '. ioo v ion ItV If. 31 1M 'T I li ". Ji lt n mi oxv 1 'i i ii i , n't i I unfi nn" II .in li S .'I ' I - 1 1 n 7 . on! irk - Atl'U VI'llU-T Prcilm-m rritel Ttiecrfun FUt- IviM r-.lli- llr.neLmeill of Iflhet IiHi.irul meimlMicn lllrreir n-OVtmetl! rnirvtvlttn-f l-fl of.'lre rhi-f mlee tn.e-etv kttlc tnirUPK bot'tl Uln-nr? (enerll .Ule Uie rtlkedefi IHftMfil ri'r I INrvr efxepilielee, liIt .li-iie knj ee-ertiora loef.1e.ile I (iml Ce -tiri n .e I ime . e. 'or iilt I -ill a tie ir. rtiioha, Gimt ind fuh vtril-o Mte b.f mmmi n fjf'K 40. a. t n if hi VI IEVE SOLDIERS AS GUARDS Nearo Wears Wife's Clothes J And Escapes From WhiteMob Minnies With Negro Women nt Church After Rescue nnd Is Not Found by Wife nnd Friends Until Three Sonrcliet Arc Mnde of the Temporary Relief Quarters. Tb i . Morn s is another one of the "llltb from real life" that hav been Invoked b the events of the last few da). Wednesday morning W M Maker if e-presldi nt of the I'lrat National i bank, and his wife located their eat Hhe sal theie rocking gentlv ook, an old negro woman who and forth with her Ilea I in . n with them for vviirn, al one of bowed steadfastly refusing all food the i hurch relief stations, That , and tefnlng likewise to lalk l'p lo nlKht they found hri hllil found he i It 1 1 tl but -.'Hill failed to find Ihc husbuud Thurhddv, about noon, someone telephonrd the finusc the worn. ins husband was In the hnse mint of the I'lrst I' church llaker went directly there. hut the man wiih not to be found. I'oslhlv an hour later, another tele phoni tall came, saying again I hat the lost man was nt the church llaker. feeling sure that all of the' men had been taken to the i intriil cump, was certain there was some mistake, but again Journcvrd to the hutch and went all through the rooms, looking evervwhere No tins band. I-vler In the afternon a third all came linker, for the last time PUEBLO IS UNDER WATER-BIG LOSS A Lives Lost, -1 Millions Property Damage, Esti mated From Flood GUARDS CALLED OUT Soldiers on Duty Alont? Hanks of Swollen Streams; Tor rential Rains the Cause s HHNVIJIt. June l.-l'urblo Is under water today ai cording to a special dlspatih to the lloc-ky Mountain News. The damage, ac cording to tne ttispati n, win reacn $4,000,000. Hon tH were tiaed to rescue marooned persons from the federal building. li:.'Vi:n. Juno 3. Knur person dead, two missing anil thousands of dollais damage to farm property tnd crops were tlr known result tonight of cloudbursts last night ajrl tnd'v In Colorado and Wyoming A flood warning was Issued at Pueblo tonight. rt'Kni.o, Col., June 3 National guardsmen have been called for duty along the banks of the Arkan sas nnd Fountain rivers here, ns a result of floods. The electric light plant went nut of commleslon at x-35 p. m , ami the city was In dark ness Torrential rains, draining Inln the Fountain river, whb h runs through the fit) toward the east, wrrc de sccndlng. Riot lo He Subject of Sermons in Churches The racial dial ur banc r which cast Its shadow over Tulsa life this week will be dlkfusricd in two Tulsa pylpll Sunday, ltcv. 1.. fl llartnn of the Huston Avenue M. K church, hfiulh. will speak fin "The Cause of Tulsa's Hint.' at the morning service, while Hlslmp K. I) Mniiztin will preach on "I'ulsa'n Terror and the Teaching ol Jcmix, ' at t'entennarv MfthodlM . hiir h Sunday morning and at Huston Avrnm M K church Suntl.i) evening Tulsa Must Restore All fillzens of Tulsa lire earnestly urged by the Hoard ni I'ubln Welfare to make Immedi ate and generous i nntrlbtitlrina lo the Iteln I ami Itrslltullnn Fund unil th it those monies or rhf'kk be Kent to Cyrus B. AverV. Treas urer. ! fi Mm 1851. or delivered to his offlirs. Itonms 323 and 32 4 Mnvo Illdg . Tulsa. iioAiin of im'hi.ic wr;i,F.iiK I, J MAItTIN I'halimin. (ill A NT II MCI I.I.Ol'C.H S ' i KKNNIMiy CVIII'S K V II I. STAN)F.Vi;.S' II C TVrtrJI.I. " MAJ r. F. HOI'KINU , Kxei utlve Commltlee. For the lonvenlenie of our rmders. we ask that this coupon be filled out and attar hel tn check, money order or money so sen! Cyrus 8 Avery, Treasurer, I' O. Hnx H51. or, 321-4 Mayo Illdg., Tulsa. Okla. Pleas" find enclosed $ to applv to the Tulna Itellef and trstttuiinn Fund. Name Addrers 1 and al the miukiI plei of Hie frs'i II. lotik. drove again I., the i bur, ti taking her with him In order to sat isfy her. Huddled up in one eoi m r of the basement rooms wsn an old woman who for two davs had n fused to this lime woikers In chaige hal been so overwhelmed with work that Ihry had had n lime to in vrMlgute. now lliey found Unit the supposed did woman' was the long lost husband. l'rlglileni'd lo death and laklnK no time to dress Tuesdaj nlijeii. he had grabbed up the first thing at hand, which happenid to In his wlfes Minima, a skirt ami her hat. and fled. At the i hurch he saw llaker passing at i'ii. Ii visit, and pulled his hat low and bf lit his hi-ud to prevent reiognlllon b.-iause he was afraid he'd be taken out to .amp, something thai In his ig 'noiame struck tjjtor to his heirt 'after the fright orthe last feiv diivs JURY TRYING BOY FAILS TO AGREE Youth, 11 Years Old, Fac ing Murder Charge to He Tried Again DEBATE DURING STORM Indiana Family Hates lo Go Home Following Dismis sal of Jurymen KNOX, Ind.. June 3 The Jury which heard Ihc evidence In the case of (.'ei Hurkett, . rvharged with the murder of Ilennle Slavln. his plavrnntc. fulled to agree upon a verdict today and was dismissed by Judge I'entrost. The Jur) had been out 20 hour without coming In an agreement on the faie of the youthful defendant Cecil, the nccusi'd slayer, sit con tentedly within his mother's nrms He watched the Jury file Itl without changing xpr.-t-xliin. rroieeiitor A Oiltr.. Inlet announced thai Die boy would he re tried automatically at the next linn of criminal coutt in ti.iober. Argno During SUirin. Throughout the night the jury re mained In the Jury room ami fitful bursts of argument were plalnlv tlfutd by wntfhers al the iiiuit house. The scene had the highly dramatic accompaniment of it wind storm which whittled through the straggling branched of the trees In the courthouse grounds. Lightning flashed outside and thunder shool the building. Thosfi lu Ihn courtroom could plalnlv hear the argument and II seemed that most of the lime all ths Jurors were talking at onie "W have not all agrenj yet. that this II year-old boy Is guilty," sunuon" hollowed. Shortly after the angr1 tones of one man arose In a speffl will, h other Jurois applauded While the Jury argued the light' rif the town went out and througl. plti h darkness, there still latne the. rumble of the arguing Jurors 10 porta said the Jury had cast atlib anv vi nib t except manslaugh ler and was limiting Its debate to the imiii or inniMinen of the Htjrk en lad of that charge. I'atnll) llutes to lio Home, The Hurkett family remained at the lourthoiise until marly mid night whfii they boarded their bat tered automobile and returned lo (heir home al Ora. They were to appear again In court Ihls morning "I wish we didn't have to go Irn k to dra.'' Mrs Hurkett said, as sh' herded her small brood Into the mat bine. ' I'm Just at the end of mv siring They rail us -" her vol( e suddenl. broke, but Kdna. he 1 3-yi ar-old daughter, took up the elory. "I'hey tall us murderers In Ora." sobbed Kdna. "and every time we show our faces out of doors someone (alia us murderers. Were Just hooted and all fnr nothing dell never killed Hennla, but people be llev.. he did and It's nwful for us " "Aw corpe on. let s go home, broke In I'ei II "frn sleepv " I, like Mflitil.f la llffld CINCINNATI. June 1- James S Hasllngs, (l.uke Mi leiikei, widely known mi a newspaper mall and hu.Tiorlsi. died at midnight at a Cin cinnati hospital. He u.'ih 53 c,irs old Mr 1 laatlngs was nperali f upon last Saturday for appendicitis lie hud h'cn mi the staff of tho Cm ilnn.iH i:tuUlrer for 20 years. lit Is survived by a widow and foui children. P.iIiiht Will Dver Voiiiib I'll. Kl. PASO. T. xas, June 3 Kid Pal mer of T'l. ' ' Ar p i .niglii w..o i rpfnifj tic ,-ino ..v. Yoii'.K ' Mtiummons of fiklatu tna cm at 'hi end of a 15 round bom tonight i Thev me' at IfiS pounds I'a'irer i Ar"" 'be fighi o hm man n y every round. !RFf)RfiflNI7F FflR V M W I 1 Va I IIII mm mm Wll WORK OF RELIEF; Uleneral Headquarters Is Moved to Hooker Wash ington School WILLOW TAKES CHARGE Red Cms Divisional Mana Kcr Out rulizcs Depart ments; Simplifies Work SANITATION IS IMPROVED Refut'ces' Fair Grounds Camp Will Properly Care for All Now Without Homes Kill CriH,s llellcf llullftln. Oftiernt honibUiirtetri of Ihn Ited Crni'i all depaitmenls, mov ed to Hooker Washington school. All teller supplies will be Issued f i om geneial he,iibiiarlcrs. Itelntlxis of Tulsa negroe, oilier negroes from out of town, miiMt rtay away until after emerg en, ) Volunteer workers and cars re. port lo general headquarters Itecelvlng depot for bedding at the First H.tpllst church Itecelvlng depot for clothing at the V M I" .A. With the arrival of Mmrls Wil low from southwcKt head quarters of Ihe Ited Crow lu HI I.onla Friday moinlng. final organ liatlon of Ihe local Ited Crotei for re lief work wan completed, depart ments centralized ami by last night everything was In running -irder MIsh Kos.illnd McKay, supervisor of public health nursing In the ntnln and head of the emergency nursing department, arrived In Tulsa Friday evening from Oklahoma City and six or eight nuises are on their way to aid and relieve Tulsa mercy workers in their tank here. Mis McKay goes on duty Saturday morning and her Mtaff of uurscH will be iisiilgncd to hete. duty Immedlalrly upon Ihelr arrival lieneral headquarters has been movfd from Fourth and Cincinnati In the Hooker Washington school, which can he. reached by driving north on Clncinn.i4i and then east on Kswon for two blocks The iden tification bureau, maintained yesler day at the V. ,M C. A., ban been mov ed lo Ihe new geniral headquarters, the onlv iwo departrneiilH left down town arc the receiving station! for bedding and clothing, these will be maintained at First ilaptlsl chun li and Ihn Y. M. C. A. as before The Y M C. A and not the Y. W. will he the clothing depnl, but the ills l running renters for lheo articles' will ho I ho Hooker Wiinhliigton school, Tulsa people are requested not in aend clothing or second-hand furniture that they may huvn lo give, hut lo make written lists of I her n things and bring or mall them to lied Cross gem rai headquarters AtraiigemonlH will ho mudn with thn telephone company that Is making vc,ry effort lo Install telephone serv ice In thf new headquarters Imrnedl- ,'ilely, so that request for "Ited Cross Itelli f lle.iilflliarlers will IllHlltn eon necilon with llotiki r W.mhlnglnn of flccit Will Vaciinalfi Sntiiiilnv. In order lo prixent ills' ase and contagion of any kind In the . entral Ited Cross Camp nl the old fair rounds the heallh authorltliei of Ihe illy, working in i uiijum turn with tlmj niedl'.il fraternity, uf inhl!ngj nil serurna and toxins In the i Ity, have wired to Oklahoma 'li for more and will vaccinate Inmates Of the camp Saturday morning. Sanitary eonditlona al the (amp are In InK Improved Just as fast lis workoien make lb. i iieiarv provliilomi Hy last night there was a tremendous Improvement over londltlons exlHtlng tb' day bifon one of the things that has been .lone la Ihe installation of a shower bath Among the oulotandlng aifoin pIlMhinenm of Friday wan Hie "P'li lug and iiiilpplng of Ihe honpllal on Noiih Main. Ihe opening of the idni llfliaib.n bureau a' 'hi V M c A Here si ortH of nenroea wrre put in loufh with lost relatives, telegrams from all ov r the touniry were re .elved .i ml handled, and other ne Bt oes seek inn foi lost Ir, ends or r la tivis reginter'd The ernploymi nl agent y w III i onllnii' " maintain ed at Ihe Y M ' A ai heretofore Htm: I'nrt liaslng lrrtiwiit. Another HcrninpllHhment ytkter day was the establishment of pur- fh.ietlng department of the Ited Cross wlih ( i. V Hordsn In charge. All Invoh.tii of materials previously oiirchascd for the ltd OrosH and rhnrged to that organisation tnust be prisented to this ii-paruni in llordf U silted yeiriruiiv. ill-lore mn o bills are paid No oruers are 10 u honored without his slgnalurc. All hoy s oiitii are requeued I ,,i l.o on' lo .nl.tuai" fs it ' u i .,i K .-.aitmla u.orniiig f' i It' d i n dti'v ' oil 'n;i'" 1,'iol'ey ac noun. ei yet rd.n af rno.m 1 1. Ke. V i itli'l a-nni imxuriiu -Atlvt. i , Luxury inspect T.iirorl nkiilnoo Naymes Away n Ale ii. I Prene Mlr vv I IMlMl A II F Inn. I, ,i i , bv pn.llllsfH of lives of Iiixum ,l( A ase lo a "new stale' in AM. a tho negroes qiiol. d in ihe slat, tneiil !mui d yslinliv in S. w 1 ol k In lh National Assm 1st loll for Ihe Ativan if the Colon. I I'ei.pi,, efi ()kmulc aa "colon Ists" mi their way loMhc laml of their ant and unl beinuse tliny were liuml lo flue an Ihe ic suit "f nolfits posted on the doors of Huh homes ami published in neivsp.ipeis by whiles warning Ihem In leave Oklahoma "in the grealetil mob In history was on Us wkv." .u'i oi tllnir lo a statement made today by a negro ileputv sheriff who ileclaii'd he knevv the negroes The promises which Induced Ihe ncgrom to leave Ihelr hoinrn here Hid start for New York on their way lu Afilca was mnde lo Ihem by an alleged native of xfrlca. who leprcsented himself as an A fi ll an "polenlale" In disguise, but who lu riallty came lo Ok mulgee fioln Seminole i utility, having never seen Aftlca, aicnrd lug lo Ihe deputy sheriff. Tint house, occupied by Fulelle Harris until she left Okmulgee foi Afilca wllh the other "colon ists ' never was burned by whiles and Is slill alandlng, the officer said' ORDERS FEDERAL QUIZ INTO RIOT Attorney (lencral Dangh crty to Find Out If U. S. Laws Violated STATE ALSO WILL ACT Governor Sends Letter to FrcelfiiK Dircctint,' an Investigation ftrii4l to The H'oriil. WASHINGTON, .lime ,t. II was wild nl III" while Iioiim- ifsln thai no liitoslltailoii of Iho 'Fii I -ji rnif rioln (lad laer Ik-iui ronslilenul. It vas salit that iho niiflf-rslnndlng mis that iho siliinllon linil entirely elm rod 1 1. lei iindcrMfMsl Ihn mailer was caltnl illnitly to tho nlii-nllon of ihc prfT-lilool and dial this wiih Ills view. I WAHHINOTdN. Juno 3 A gen eral Inquiry into the. rnre rinta al Tulsa. Okla . haa been ordered bv Attorney (ieneral Daiiglieity. It was atinouiifed tod.iv at the department of JllHliCO. Tho purptwo of Ihn Invrsllgatlnn, thn officials said, Is lo determine whelher Ihe dlaordera vvero In viola tion of federal laws. Preliminary rnports, It wa uddnd. show that the situation Is purely local. The Infinity ordered is Informal and will bn made, by thn depart ment's ageplH In Ihe field. 11 Aaaoilate.l Prerie SKI' Wire. MI'HIMUUIC, Juno 3. - lYank lee. district Fulled Ktates atlorney for eastern Oklahoma and other federal officials here, say they havi nnl been ndvlscd of anv rontem nlaled federal Invrnllgatlon Into the Tulsa ra( e t lots Mr I,ee slated that no violations of federal laws had been reported to him lie states thai If tin move ment of the mails had been Inter fered wllh or If pf raons had been deprived of Ihelr i Ivil rights In viola tion of th" federal conslliuilnn, Ihc government could prefer i hargei fly AimrKlerl PreM flute Wire DKI.Allo.MA CITY. June 3 A thorough nmj complete Investiga tion of the recent Tulsa rate con flict by H. P. Freellng. attorney gen eral was ordered bv Oovernor J II A Itoberlson In a formal letter dl ret l.-d lo the aliormy giuieiaJ today. j WILL BE NO FUEL SHORTAGE I However, .Maskncliuell iliiilnliirn ' KirSajH Hist In Hn) Coal Now. I HllKTiiN. June .1 Thsn appears lo b no in mediate i ause for con I ern oer the supply "f domestic (fuel next wlntei, Fugene c Unit I man, state foil administrator nii nouiif ed today I In a publp Idler be snul it had been suKftcHtci! that be wotild advise i the pubhi to lui truir hard foal 'now ills advlie w'as that houri' I holders should obtain during the warm tv'ather at leuet a part of their Jwlnlur'i requirements to prevent tho seasonal tightening of the market in the fall He added I nless stnne , thing unforseen oi urs. ttn-re prob ably will be no material reduction I ,n )rl, ftH before tin late winter or I .,.,,. .. . run what her ciKt,AII"MA perl il'ili.1 AtlKASKAK el' ralii were Hu K A V -e I ' le - - J4 i ' r-etijrtl-y end Huretar nt eoerea ... Iv ihuri ..tin . Ttwlsi N.fal l.eenle .g mn njn llmci fuii t. . I 0 Uotk, MIIITIA'C DriPM ITIILI I IH 0 lUIUI! BROUGHT TO END Hut Ex-Soldiers Will Be on Duty Probably for UO Days Longer NEED MORE VETERANS Chier Gustafson Calls for f0 Volunteers for Special Duly lo Report. Today BURNED AREA IS GUARDED No One Allowed to Visit 'Lit tle Africa' Hxcopt With a Pass From Chief Chief of Poller. (.'usinfMin Inst night ixfiucstiil Tin.. World In print a mil for nt leg it fifty mom American la'gloii iiiciiilicr lo vol uiiliwr nt isillcf licailquiincrN this niiiriilng for ss(-lal giiaril dut). Marllal Inw In Tulsa was lifted about 5 o'clock Friday afternoon on nrders from Oovernor J. H. A. Itob erlson, executed by Adjutant lieneral Charles F. llarrelt l.ncal units of Ihn Oklahoma national guard will remain (u Tulsa until 9 o'clock Sat urday morning, when they ire to prm red In Hill, Okla., to attend the annual encampment. Other units from Wagoner. inlla. Muskii gee and Hartlinvlltn h.iv returned to their respecllvi! cities, but .tie ready for call to Tulsa If the occa sion arises to demand their present u here. SKilnl Offlcfrs Ordered Or Although Ihe reins of clly unf county government have beep re llirned to civil nulhnrllles, Ihe rIM Is o remain In a seml-mllllary state until nil probabilities of a rreiirr icncj' of Iho rnce riot are eliminated arcordlng in an nrder limued l.ile Friday iiftertinnn by .Mayor T. I) Kvans. Approximately 100 extra nf flrcrii, picked from the Amerlcar leglnn and thn Veleran of ForelBf wars, are already on duty and wli' remain nn the force until their serv lies are no lunger needed. It is said by city officials that this will prob ably be 30 day. P J. Hurley wan named by the executive committee of thn board o control Friday to assist Sheriff Wm McCiillnugh in Ihc selection nt a. least CO deputy sheriffs, and to an slst Ihe sheriff In the elimination '' several deputies who It la alleged aro not competent to hold the posltlnpn I hey occupy. Hurley Was III confer eritn wllh thn sheilff shortly aflci tho request was Issued. "lattle Africa" Ouurdcil. Tho entire clly Is unusually niilet Until 5 o'clock Filday icfternoop military officers were kept busy Is suing pase lo persons to go through thn military linen tn the burned ills trlct. After fi o'clock this duty fel' upon Police Commissioner J. M. Ad kison, No peison is allowed to vlsll tho devastated district without au thorlty from proper officials. Tin guards around Little Africa are tc he kept Intact by Commlmloner Ait kison. Street Commissioner O A. filelnei had a large forco of workmen and learns working on the streets of Hit burned district Friday afternoon Thry were also Inutrin ted to clca th" debris left by Ihe fire and ! wreck tho walls of brick building., along Oreenwooil avenue Tni Jones, of the Hraden-Jones rontra. ' I rise firm, haa donated the use of ai Irurks nnd six drivers wlthou' charge to be used In the work of t lrning away debris. Work or .(.ill. Herause of the unusual amount rt work connected wllh this a'tivitv and to prevent Idleness and lu a.- nrnpanvlng posrilblllty of crime, Mavor Fvans yesterday Issued .e. "work or go lo Jail" order, requir ing all men lo either find Jobs oi submit In at rest, Th" nalster of deeds of Tuls.t was notified by Adjutant tienera' Harretl yesterday to refuse to reg ister soy Instrument bearing upon the devastated section It ban era. bed Dm lam of those In con trol of aff.ilra that veral whii men have made offers to negro prop itiv owners, believing thev will ac t ept almost any price for their prop erly In l.lltle Africa, not only be cause thev are hind pressed foi cuNTINt Kt r.s PA'.K TKM. r.rlll.l',1 A M't'llNR, run-rsl dlrertore. ill H. boulder. PhonM II. 1134-140. AMbijunc eervlc AdL VACATIONISTS Don't be without the news from home while on your vacation. The World "will be mailed to you every day for 20c per week. Call Osage 6000, Circulation Dept.