Newspaper Page Text
'IT!,. A DA J Lit WOULD, M N D V , .11 NK o, 1021 BUDGET BILL TO MAKE MORE JOBS Dempsey -Carpentier Arena Nears Completion Treasury Comptroller Boss -lob Until Suc cessor Is Nnmod to br'-tO IB Thf Wnrld WAfllllNOToN tune T'r M ttcnt Harding hna four mnre hit JoUt to fill as a nrnll "f ih. hud" hill. Two nf the John dirt 'lor of 'In budget it ml i imit"ll r iieneiul ny ftnlarlri "f fl'M ixi n your .1' li With an (mit mi duct tor and hkMiI nnt rmnplmlli i jjmmtM nt 17,5" onrh. I'nllileal preaaure. nlraady to helnir brought n the prealdcnt to lnrin"r Ilia aflpnlntmenta. .) X) Mcf'Hrl ec relarv if the n publican fm-T" flnnnl enmpalmi lomrnltlee rd Ne braaka, bar- frlenda who want In hi e him named comptroller Ifencral. Wimr Mnltii'M Men hi Manv t cpiihlh ins are humour to llBVa the phi e filled li Unit are not Identified .1" p Mil. Inns ami who will hiMllolii bimlticM dentin In Kovertmienl. Th hudKct atetn will het nme op- 1 nratlve Immediately and the hope In that II will iiifin in " f nix lion-I Inn completely not lull 1 thim .lnlv 1 The nffltc if 1 mtiptridlcr Kcneral Will ho et Up at filllP, bci'.IIIKe the it. i iit ooniptt oiler .if the f tirrent v h abolished In ihr new avaieni fnmptmllnr of the Treaaorv War wlrk, tinleaw n comptroller R-encrnl In named nt nnro, will hold I till po altlon until n wnriwr Ih chosen. t'nder the new svatem n limine! will be. submitted tn 1 onKrca nn Hi.' flml day of each regular session The law provides that It Mhall bo picpared under the Immediate llr Hon of the president, ami h" v 1 1 1 he responsible for ret nmmcniliitlftriH I'liiii lit Ili'm-K.-inli" lliircitu. President llnnlltiR and the tiihliict drew up tmlnv 11 Kenernl plan 'f what In desired from ihr commls aloti charged with 1 r commc ndlng I" rnnltreaa inrniiliitlmi incasut 1 fur federal department The white house will liirnlNli Ilio polli'V to he rnrrled out in llu proi eeilhiRW. tln liteslilents itpnkMUiuui ln ln(t Walter 7. Ilrown, ihahiniin of Him fiunmlt tie. Mr. lliil'llriK will address an official cnminunh nllort to htm noon Mrnilx'tB nf the i.ihlnol tod iv " flin 11 ! I lili'ni on llic ri'ilKMiilwillon ttchi'iim. anil MKri'fd in aNatui in uppi'dlnK llin work !r Ilrown will hrKlM work iM'fnrf tin' full 1 ominlH Hlon RolM dovn lo IhihIikhh SEVEN WOUNDED REMAIN I'nur While llloi Ii-Himm lirparl I 'mm lM'al IlinpliiiU Siliirday. Spvpii cunilmt h.nli'tiiM roinnin nt local hoRlplalx, 1I10 four dlntnlimod fnlurilay liolnt; W. 1) llriulrrxon of Oiimnnrp, (llmiiliwril from Mornlnif hit) liimpllnl, nnd K". (I. IxiKHilnti, fji'iirito HwltzRnml nnd II. I Curry from llin Tillmi liospllal "DolnR oil" In the tormi rxpron ulnn of OKilttil iitlciiilanln In nunrd to thn white riot i,iIIi'hIh rcmalulnK. who nn: At thn Oklalmtnn. 'I'. It Hllolt of Snpulpn; J K. .lolur-r. .1 H WIhkIivkit nnd (lurl.ilul Croiirh. nnd lit MnhilnKn'.dn Mrn. H. A. Hilmnic. A. I'. Stiwck and Nnrninn (llll.ud. .1 jnunR hoy from whono arm 11 Imllnt w.u reniovo.l fJaturday mornliiK. I'cilll It. It. Appllon for Ihmw. W A S 1 1 1 N( 1TO N. Juno t . Th" I'rniiMylvanl.i rallrnid rump 11 11 y today applied to t tit liUorM.iti- coni nu'reo rnminlii."lon for a 111 hm It v In rnii thn railroad nnd propril.v of the PlttHburKti, Cliii'lnintl. C'lii.nKii nnd St. I.oiiIh rnllrond cnnip.i.iy for 3D years, from January 1. 1921. An aluminum cylinder one half of which tcliYicnpcfl lino the. iiilnr Ii.ih been Invented to npla.e tin .asiiv worn rubber bullm on itix 11:1 and itlouilzerx r L cIS 117 ft'' ' mm tin hil.' Ill H . toirf.i' nn ii.1 nl ,1' wy tity iin II liM.kiil n fe dn) ac. i 1 1 . " 'I I" tl Mill,, t l ' . ,i. .i I . Wl'l I'l-I lb.' i I I IA I v 'I r 'i' i 1 1 it lii .11 ..In i I li I. i ll In II.. - ! , . .. .f the II'! t I fill t Illl II. I II, 'I lie d ;i' .r, i i I ISroUcn Arrow Uriel's An nnnniineptiirnt of Interefl In bunlnriiH t In le wan made thl by W. M Irf'WlH. a former linden Arrow bunlnewt when hf mnd linbllc hi4 Inlenlfi.nn of retiirnlliK here from KiinHitH C ' 1 1 v , where be ban been I... aled lite fi.lnt f. v monlhii. for the puipom of re rwrnglnB In the undert.ik UtK biml neirn He will be heated hi lb Ilulli htilldlntf on Main mnei and lm plariK ill for a eonMib r tide pendlliirn of money in ritllnK up eliiborile iiiarterB, Im ludlnK 'om plelilv eillpp"it funeral parlorK Delailetl nriiillBeineotx liave bet n rompleitd for the union Hundu nelioid plenle Prldav, June (i in which (he varlouH llroken Aii"w Sunday nt hooln will purib ip.iii 'l b. nut cenn which nltendul Ho I venr'n picnic remitted in v. m belnn ilwliirml an nnniial affair and to iQHlirn nil even Krealer hip . t Htt Hue Venr nil btinlnenn bntin. will I" cloned for thn day anil Hie town bv proelnnmilon nf thn rn.iw.r will nerve n hnlltlav. Tlie pi' el' v t held on the nnmn kioiiiuI' n-i .1 I n year I II II 111 I nlepK were Ilk. II V lot dn nlBlii oanl lb- otc i ' of a Itelieknh Iodise In lb.A m r low. Th" ineelllKt waM In M nt 'I' i.,l Kellnwn hall under Hi. tin. 'e.e of oraKnlern from Hie Tnl-i mil MiKkorree otlen find applb ! weie inatle for plnolnt: r1 n.m f "i Hie llHt of eliailer lliernli. it Mil Wlllm Mil cm will In id Ibe I'" ' fllHt offleelM t'f the H" oif:nni Hon The la Hltittv mt.'inr f in. Pel nli ut n i haptet foi He - ' heltl In Hie i. tt lorM ..r i l. I n I'lcnbvierliin ' hui.h S.iiiidiv ft noon with "Hoi In! I .Iff hi I .!' an the tnpli Mm Ann i !' n wnn the id inn lead' r M tb .Ion of lb" afti rtioon'M pn irr nn pi. tm were mnde for a . lub pi- nie I" b. held later III June A Inl unit lll Id 111" tltlb will .1I--0 be held nt the heme of Mr and Im I! Wallet fWld on Mond.iv evcnliiB June IS Al the iccenl i"nn of . h..l nf Innlrucllon held nt Kind t:pniiK-i Mm. Joe L'ontello nf Itrokin Atrow wan eleeletl pfcHldniit of tin n O yenr'n hcIiooI of Innlrti' Hon wbl-h will be held In thin II v The H1111d.1v Mihool teqrrii bill frame TueHilav evening b.iwrii tb. rhrlKllan nnd I'renbilnrlan ".nut renulti tl In n ncore of II to In r.M or of Hie Chrlntliinn. Hiliulav H'rvlcen al the lbol en i row chiirchen will he bid. tin firm icrvlciH at the lt-. -.In I. rl 1 11 bur -ii by llev W li Kerr the new prior who will 01 upv ih pulpit both morning m.l irnuir t the M 13 1 Imr b tb. p.n.tor Itcv fj W flrli er arte n.. 't it Hborl ntblrt aed eut .inion it! tilt inorcttiK h'tHir nnd a of lil -tut dri ii'ii tiny program an the evenlne jforni of woi d.ii' I 1; M V. n 1 er. (Mintr! iiti.iiri'.t 111" ni ! 'nervpen rb. I'tptut .1 mb with "the Wl 11 tl II. w II" Uh. of 1 rorglVee. .0. Hi tuoriiito' Hub Jet t and T n.rl. f....i 1 . 'b. . rilnf r 1' )" ' A I ill 1 'lire 'i 1 'i ' thin 1 I. I ' . !' II A ih' rn. r ..i tor t 1 r t o 1 n . . h "TiiriHinloti ,-ind 1 bl dn 11 1 d 1 , pi' hi mi at III' tifrti Intr hour and lb" remiliir nervltm In 111. I M 'tl'iU llev I II fornlllK pallor will 'uri'l'i't the neivi.. . ,,f tb nit" u ill' 11 of ibe I'iikI M I: ih'it b 11 i'o .n.lltorl'i'ii "f Hi. Kl-l'l. tlo, I .:r lillnK both III' MIIIIC ,1 II I v ti ' 1 V I ' I ' " I'll T t ! I ' I . ifti ' til 1 rn I lo ,0 i 1 ! m 1 ' II f to V ml I ' f I b. I It 110 I 1 1 111' 11,1 ' I' ' . I I'll,! I 1 1 in I 1 1 1 11 1 1 ton li '' 1 ' 11 l' tol 1 , '. .1 ' I,. . i'.t , tb' M 1 I r.. ,,,d Ti.l 1 , hut h. dm In Ih temporary vacancy of the j.i.l...' I I,. 1 i: .nn , 1 f fi k -tn Jamen H. r" w'i" " I it ft In action In lii.. pt. ml., r .' 191S. ar rn .1 iii I'uli ti Arrow Tu"day ee 1 110' .'t Inn nt from the ' in 1 nie bur' It Thurp'l tv ToornlnB 0 t h 1 1 ' 1 1 it.' li tor ltd . i me 1 f hi II fi'.t't' .It I'ltl- l.rove '.Iriel'rV. t t In ' 1 i" t 1 1 v t. . t h p.i.for f Ih" v.iiImiii llroken Arrow rlmrilnn n.ild 11 Unite 10 v Kerm v. and 1 fin 1 In r rt 1 11k . r ri npc t tn bin it.enioi . all I'ti-niii "i lo o. ' w.t' , I, ' d .1 it nn.' t In lioni of t li" f imr r ,, I I'tn-tt. I. r. 'llin is Hie fii't .ttli. f 1 lb n In from Hin v lei n I' to I.. rt ''trtn ,1 lot I, in 11 1 . , f 1 1 f ir. .t ! ;' him v. d I 1 , if. h 1 M" 1 1 id i 'I t. 1 ' ' lo , . 1. . I 1. I "I. lo r holm v ,t '1 . 1 ,,. ., 1 1 I ' 1' 11 11 . ..ill, '-l'.irl.i ln Sri'V Co Medical Society ! to Aid Neuro Doctors I The Ttil- i oiin'y Me.l!. il n.noel.i -I Hon at a tall".! met unit Kiblay ' hicht voted an avuehHni' nt of tl.t'ni I to ati toward the re int.ibhnhinent of Hie neero doctnrn puri bane of I'inlrumentn, book, etc, Thene sup 1 piiee will bo cnr tn the Noblork VS'ood labor itoiv for nnnorlment and dl-'iibu'l. 11 md Dr lr Hawl'V nt! I Jit VS'oo'l were named .in .l lll"M -emeril 1 iillllllll'r'. 'Phe Til"' ' leu 1 111 n'uh' w 1- .itunilf'l by fo'ir of tb" neurn dnrtotn. Volix'l.l" !. 'I . 'i brr' ' l.ihni ,'. wbl' i vein m " ''inv "Ve'orHv'i wlnt a ft 1 low I' ' . -o c ' 1 bef w Hb PLANS FOR BOYS' CAMP COMPLETED ( W. Watkins to Super visp Y.M.C.A. Kncainp rnonts at Tahlequah I " 1 natlonn for the V M (' A 1 tnpn to be 1 ondiifleil nt f 'amp 1 ' 1 lib from June I'S to Jul) -M ' in inpldlv matured. The pro 1 1 1 'hm ytar for each camp will t 1 ! notne fi' r Iv 1 1 Ion heretofore 1 ' lU.n Hpe.iil atientinn will lie i tt track and field artlvltlen nt impn. There will lie a camp ' i l day conducted for each ramp winch thn bnjH will bo Riven an .'"rtiiitity tn compete In various e nt m nin h aa rtinnini; brnad Jump. 'I'tiinK hlh Jump ttntl Mi-v-ird nh r'nln rare. I li 1 vltl tin 1 nnd team ft ward will be made to the wlnnein of th'te varlou evenlir Anothrr f' ituri of the athletic proKr.ini .it t ! V itoyn' tamp will be the play ground ball Iramie Tsui ball di.i ntotnln am to he cotiMrU' ted n' tin tamp and thete will be a pl.i Kioiind ball leiiKtle romlm led for t.nh Rroup of campn Another new feature at the 'imp thin ytar will bo thr fk..inn pn toon to be located in the liim .i-. nvtr where the hoys K'i In swim mlritt. The 1 onittrtii tlon of this pim loon will provide a pla. e from win. h the Iviyn can dive into the water without walking out ner the nton be.l of the river nn linn been d ui' heretofore. Another interenllnic feature to thr pari mi nf the boys who attend the V at pa thin ytar l.i the fat t frit C S Watkinn. principal nf non milord, has been t ured n ninp ni.'ui.iRer. IIu will also be re nponwtblc for tho Kilpervlflon. As Hociated with .Mr, Watkinn will be a 1 orpn of nldor boys ntnl younc im it wh't havn been Inntructfd In i amp cr-ift ami who will ahnrn in the (teneral leadernhlp nnd nuper vjnlnn nf the camp. A folder Rlvlni; detailed Informa tion about the "V" bnyn' camp will be available at the Y. M C. A. by I Wednesday of thla week. A fall over the telephone OeriKP Ifilft I will nrnire one of them f'tldern. I firndiinlo' I'lctiirr.i 1'iiblMnsl. A pletur of the ncven girl crad-l UateH who constitute the cl.tsi of I 19:i from the Holy Pamlly Cithnllc hlKh nrhnol will be published In tho next Irwuc of the weekly, The Cath olic Advance, published In Wichita, Kan. A pace of news from Cath die chilli hef of thin city s furnished 1 each week bv It fierard Kill in, Tti 1 -.i ' on espondept SECTrn Tulsa Girls Take Part in Graduation Pribram SI Ins Helen Markham .t,.,.i,. of .Mr and Mr.,, hi. vc.m Tx rJ hatn. 21 North Victor who i member of thin -, , s Kr , " clartn at the frnullne a, .V ', Kan., will deliver the nanit'', v' J' her clans at the Krrtilimt i,.n i,r,,r,, in the a.i'demy Ttl. dav . f. "! which ncvern! of the other Tul'- bi Httidrnta will appear on the nr.,.,,,1 Min .Markham and her pi,.,., 1 llsther, arn to plav In tw, k number and one violin inmh.'r 1 which MlJin Lucille I,o,., r T ," will also "havo a violin " Tulsa frlrln who will hu. k Ins parts In a flse-nft dran, -t-hJ t'nminK nf Oernldlne, t,, dtired Wednesday ev.nlni: wn t',1 Mlw Tulsa Drew, Mia K , ' llrennan, Minn Katherlne r,-..,. ,.1v while the MlKies Markhm 1 w L In tho ballet. ' h MM, fllDAIl 113. 6 im v "V .J 1 1 Wk 'Y-!- 5- & r; Wi 1 HISS 'BBaTiiJii"t una ubr sr.. .1 V uv JSP JT1 ,' ? f fa w We've Started Something YMAT you've rciI in yout pockflboolc 7 now buys mote buildinv; 1n.1trr1.1U of ell kinds and roofings- a whole lot more. You're glad. So nrc we. Residence, gni.ige, Kirn, bungalow 01 shed roofs that leak or look shabby should be re roofed right now All wc nsk is n chance to prove tint tho right Bud's Roof is the cheatx-st in the long run. Fan and square? Whether you need Bird's Paioid. Bird'i Art-Craft (tile or shingle design), Bird's Plain Slate Suifaced, Bird's American, Bird's Gran tized, or Bird's NeponselTwm Shingles, we'll be glad to tell you how little it will cost. All Bird's Roofs ate durable, attractive and will not catch fire from falling sparks and will save money for you. BIRD & SON, int. (tiubULcJ 1793) Clil WIiuU. Mua. V. Willi npprc uiic an oppnitiiniti to show fu in. it 3 )iani1otiie Vil ( mil t.xifs we b.iie nppllcil liero In '1 til-.i. .Miitcrliil and scribe tn.iraiii. e, (or in,. Call I 8 or lle.eiiiable Koollui; Sen Ire i:tlmatc l uiinslicil liii 3 Southern Hardware Compaii) A store, to be successful, ipust give prompt and courteous service. And that's what wo arc constantly striving to do to give tho best sen ice possi ble to every eiislomer. This biisini'Nrt was established on a policy of good goods and good scmee ami tho policy has been maintained throughout the years of its existence, eonsequentjv, we continued to grow, and by persistent attention to the needs of our custo mers, we shall endeavor to merit the good will and patronage of the hardware buyers of this community. THERE'S COOL COMFORT ON HOT DAYS WITH ONE OF THESE Electric Fans Kniov coolinrr breezes in the home or office. warmest summer ilavs even on lit if. nithls it fan in MQi' rl' the sleeping room will enable you to enjoy sound, re- freshing sleep. These Fans are not expensive. At tractive in appearance, and are well made Polar ( ill) h ectric pans. d-nl. blades, at lust- tl A ' able to any angle. Southern Sale price. . . Star Kleetric 1 Nickel Plated. Sain Price . . ans, 8-in. blades. The Southern The Fan is full ..$8.50 Come down nnt! make your own selection the mm jtiSmF ACME ICE CREAM FREEZERS Freezes ice cream in l." min utes Tin can and tub complete Freezer can be put in ice iiox alter ireeziiig. S011the.n1 Sale Price , t t , $1.39 BIG WONDER Oil Mop and Polishing Out fit contains large size mop with bottle of polish. For use on hardwood floors antl all kinds of furni- (J 1 FA turo. Price, the setP 0J RATH ROOM MIRROR SPECIALLY PRICED 1 Ox I t Plate Glass, white enameled frame makes an ideal shaving mir ror. Southern Sale Price .... $2.00 GALVANIZED WASH TUBS REPRICED No. 1 Sle. 1'rloiil ... ... "tc No 2 sire. I'rlccil 1Me .. a Mc. I'rlciil ... .... Jl nn WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS Mimll sic. I' SI. nil Medium Si, I'rlii'd SI 7." J-iruc Slw, I'rbi'd flAM err i,uss saui novii I .Sl S-lneh Comblnallon Cut nnd 1'iesaed tilaaa Orrry or Hnl id Howl. Uxeellent qualitv, satin cut flowem. crimped etlce An unusual o'fcniiit Soiitlu in S il. j'n,... $1 .89 (lood HoUKfl Hroorns. rrf", prl.ed DC s.iu.f- r.. ..i iji ir ," t , ' h.x U) J J O Ivor' Klnken, prlcetf, pkg. 10c Ire Ten fllaases. priced, each . . . T II 1-, s GOOD KITCHEN EQUIPMENT INSURES GOOD COOKING. Ouf aaaorttnent of kitehcnwit insure ' i-'- t e.t i .. t - w 11 ,is the --oie- ' JUat BtftrtlnK hoUfeke, I'lOU Sim y iMlIf I ' e It t ' ir. I"l . I ' MV I'll' .1.1 1 I'HJ. Il to ibe i o-k- ing eanvenlen.e of tin kiu lv t, affniiri um Will w as .1 It 1 de be . Notice to Crosbie Heights Property Owners ail pc n wh' ri I rri resent and nirar t wh .m t id" rentlrrt l in the !-: t t rt in tl,. i ise i.f Mar-, I ari' t ; t'rnst.e antl ntberH wb. h v e not done f- pirn- Ti "1 Street tn M' il i 11 TlfrdaV and amn ti. a l.oid tti rrdtr tl appeal ti the supreme c . o n ,. te. JOHN R. Woodard T I 1 SMART STYLE COMFORT TOO There's a rare combination of stylo and comfort in these new Summer Suits. It's partly because of their fine tailoring and partly because of their cool, airy fabrics. They're made by houses which produce nothing but. light weight- clothes. Designed, cut and fin ished by tailors who have spent years in learning the best way to tailor such garments. , Palm Beaches, mohairs, cravenottes, tropical worsteds, Acr nores, Kool Kloths and a score of others. Natural Palm Beach, light grays, tans, greens, browns, blues and striped effects of real beauty. Single and double breasted models for men and young men. Some with half or full belt. In tho windows today. Prices, $18, $20, $22.50 and up WSMAbUMIRSBKBM I The Name Madansky Changed to May GUARANTY ROOFINCI (X). Itw. C. 1. n v.n'.n . rhone Omiro r.o:i I list I bird strt(. J! van